MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media

Page created by Elaine Shaw
MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media

                             BROCHURE 2015

INFORMATION             RATES                EVENTS & SERVICES
→ Editorial formula     → Print              → Sponsoring          → Webinars
→ Reader profile        → Online bannering   → Media partnership   → Jobboard
→ Circulation           → Newsletters        → Branded content     → Press release service
→ Contact details       → Livestreams        → Video               → Customer magazines
MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
 GENERAL INFORMATION                                 EDITORIAL FORMULA
Title                                                Automotive is the leading content platform for management in the Dutch automotive indus-
Automotive                                          try. Our editors are experienced professionals in automotive journalism and their daily objec-
Published by                                         tive is to bring you the latest news, developments and background information about the
 obility Media B.V.
M                                                    sector. Always keeping in mind the relevance for our very selective audience.
Postbus 59082
1040 KB Amsterdam                                    Automotive offers concrete information
T: +31(0)25800966 I:            about marketing, sales, business economics,
Total distributed circulation                        tax and financial matters. The title, besides
6.500 copies                                         our leading website, consists of a magazine
Publisher                                            that appears 6 times a year, a daily e-mail
Jelle Heidstra (             newsletter, a weekly livestream, a video
Editors in Chief                                     channel, the largest specific job site for the
L uberto van Buiten (Chief editor)                  automotive industry Jobmotive and various
 Bart Kuijpers (Deputy editor)                       high-quality (online) events. This makes
Editors                                              Automotive the ideal cross media platform
Jeroen Vos & Ivonne Vermeulen                        aimed at decision makers in the automotive
(                          industry.
6 x/year                                             With a separate subdomain on the website and a special section in the magazine, Automotive pays
Day of publication                                   extra attention to what is happening in the automotive workshop. From trends in maintenance and
Friday                                               repair to innovations in technology. The content is written from a managerial perspective and often
Dates of publication                                 aimed to inform small business owners, helping them to improve workshop efficiency.
See page 8 of this brochure
Subscription price
€ 199,- per year for premium online content
plus magazines excl. VAT) +                          TARGET AUDIENCE
€ 4.95 administration fee.
Corporate subscriptions                              The subscriber base includes the following groups:     upper management of the companies mentioned.
From € 309,- per year (excl. VAT). For a custo-      Dealers of passenger cars and light commercial         Automotive Workshop is written primarily for com-
mized proposal please call 31(0)20 5800 966          vehicles (lcv) • Universal car repair and main-        panies with a workshop, targeting the group ran-
Subscription service                                 tenance companies • Dealers of used cars and lcv •     ging from middle management to the workshop                          Wholesalers of passenger cars and lcv • Body           manager. The readership goes beyond dealers and
Advertising contacts                                 repair shops and suppliers • Leasing companies •       garages. Other stakeholders read it as well: parts
Frank van Montfort & Leonore Wijsmuller              Importers of new passenger cars and light com-         wholesalers, suppliers of equipment/tools/parts
(                             mercial vehicles • Wholesalers of car parts, com-      and other service providers. The two magazines
Advertising material deadline                        ponents and accessories • Suppliers of workshop        service two core target groups. Management for
Submit at least nine days prior to publication to    equipment and tools • Automation and internet          white collar (how to manage), Workshop for blue                             companies • Windscreen repair companies • Car          collar (how to do). Together they reach all movers
Material specifications (print)                      hire companies • Tyre distributors and specialists •   and shakers in the automotive industry.
See page 8 of this brochure                          Fast-fitters • Carwashes.
Cancellation                                         Automotive Management targets the middle and
No later than three weeks prior to publication
Production coordinator
Romy Wielinga & William Widjaja
(                           CIRCULATION
Terms and conditions
In accordance with the Rules for the                 Circulation 6.500 copies. Additional circulation at trade shows and events at home and abroad
Advertising                                          and on request.
Industry 1990, subject to supplemental general       Readers per copy 2,8. This means that each copy of Automotive is read by an average of 2.8
provisions set by the publisher.                     persons.
                                                     Reader profile Movers and shakers in the Dutch automotive industry.

MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
  Website and newsletters circulation                           The figures below are an average of the                490.919 pageviews per month
  The website is by far the most       period September 2019 – September 2020.                25.481 newsletter subscribers (Management)
  visited site devoted to the Dutch automotive industry.        129.300        unique visitors per month               19.629 newsletter subscribers (Werkplaats)

RATES 2021 Website - Management
1. Leaderboard                                             3. Rectangle                         FOR MOBILE COVERAGE!
                                                                                                                                                          A1        3
   Dimensions: 728x90 pixels,                                 Dimensions:  300x250 pixels (of 300x100px)
               Max file size 120Kb                                          Max file size 110Kb
   Type:       JPG, GIF, **HTML5                              Type:         JPG, GIF, **HTML5
   Rate:       € 30,- /cpm                                    Rate:         € 30,- /cpm
2. Fullbanner                                              4. Halfpage banner
   Dimensions: 468x60 pixels,                                 Dimensions: 300x600 pixels,                                                       1
               Max file size 90Kb                          		               Max file size 200Kb
   Type:       JPG, GIF                                       Type:         JPG, GIF, **HTML5
   Rate:       € 15,- /cpm                                    Rate:         € 55,- /cpm

A1 . Advertorial / partnercontent
  A corporate presentation gives you the opportu-            Rates: 1 working day in prominent position:                                                   1
  nity to showcase your product or service extensi-          € 795,-(excl. copywriting, incl. 1x inclusion in
  vely and with a high degree of polish. You supply          newsletter). 2 working days in prominent
  the text, we provide professional editing and for-         position: € 1400,- (excl. copywriting, incl. 2x                                    2
  matting. Headline up to 45 characters, intro text          inclusion in newsletter)
  up to 125 characters, body copy up to 500 words,
  image at least 72 dpi, at least 730 x 604 pixels,
  jpg only.

RATES 2021 Website - Werkplaats
1. Leaderboard
   Dimensions: 728x90 pixels,                                                                                          Newsletter
                   Max file size 120Kb                                                                                 Fullbanner
   Type:           JPG, GIF, **HTML5                                                    4           3                    Dimensions: 468x60 pixels, max file size 90Kb
   Rate:           € 30,- /cpm                                                                                           File Type: JPG (static banner)
2. Fullbanner                                                                                                            Management rates: 1x € 250,- | 12x € 210,- |
   Dimensions: 468x60 pixels,                                                                                            24x € 185,- | 52x € 150,- (*price per placement)
                   Max file size 90Kb                                                                                    Werkplaats rates: 1x € 150,- | 12x € 135,- |
   Type:           JPG, GIF                                                  1                                           24x € 120,- | 52x € 100,-
   Rates:          € 15,- /cpm
3. Rectangle
   Dimensions: 300x250 pixels (of 300x100px)
		                 Max file size 110Kb
   Type:           JPG, GIF, **HTML5
   Rates:          € 30,- /cpm
4. Advertorial / partnercontent
   Headline up to 45 characters, intro text up to
   125 characters, body copy up to 500 words,                                2
   image at least 72 dpi, 730 x 604 pixels, jpg
   Rates: 1 working day in prominent position:               * If you decide to add a pixel, tag or code for remarketing purposes, we will charge €1.000 extra.
   € 795,- (excl. copywriting, incl. 1x inclusion in         ** HTML5: ‘HTML5 creative bundle’ as a ZIP-file is not useable for Mobility Media, because we can’t host the material. See
   newsletter).                                              specifications: or ask for specifications:

MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
RATES 2021
S1. Homepage takeover                                                   S1.2
   Dimension S1.1: 475 X 1240 pixels,
   Attention, S1.1: 170 pixels from inside out
                    falls behind the newsblock
                    Max file size 200Kb
   Dimension S1.2: 970 X 250 pixels,
                    Max file size 120Kb
   Dimension S1.3: 476 X 1240 pixels,
   Attention, S1.3: 170 pixels from inside out                                        S1.3
                    falls behind the newsblock
                    Max file size 200Kb
   Dimension S1.4: 300 X 600 pixels,
		                  Max file size 200Kb.
   Dimension S1.5: 728 X 90 pixels,
                    Max file size 120Kb.
   Type:             JPG, **HTML5
   Rate:            € 100,- /cpm

This banner will be displayed as five different
banners, displayed at the same time.

S3. Billboard Pushdown
  Dimension s3.1: 970 X 250 pixels,
                   Max file size 200Kb                                S3.1
  Type:            JPG, **HTML5.
  Rate:            € 75,- /cpm



MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media

In the Automotive Livestream our editors discuss the news with one or more guests.

Advantages of Livestream
•            Accessible to viewers
•            Content is retained and reusable
•            Your message is directly visible to your customers on a leading platform

€ 950,-

Can also be arranged on location at an additional cost.

    Via the Automotive Online Talkshow you can bring your company or brand to the attention of
    your target group in several ways. In this format, just like a Talkshow on TV, there is a presen-
    ter who asks the guests questions at a table and inviting discussion and debate. The editorial
    team compiles the program and provides an up-to-date perspective and pace to the program
    so that the talk show is interesting for participants to follow. As a partner of the Talkshow you
    get increased visibility and you can make a substantive contribution to the discussion.

    1x        		                    € 2.950,-
    3x spread over the year         € 2.500,- per session.

Make a difference with your own video footage. Mobility Media produces corporate videos in
HD quality. Publication on the Automotive channels will assure you a wide range of coverage
within your target group.

We produce and post your video-material (max 4 min.) on the Youtube platform and publish it
on a premium position on the homepage of (for 1 day) or Fleet&Mobility
(for 1 week). After this period the video remains published permanently in the partner content
The headline of the video will also be distributed through the email newsletters of
Fleet&Mobility (14.600 subscribers) or Automotive-online (21.129 ubscribers). The video
material can be used free of rights for distribution through your own mediachannels.

€ 1.250,-

MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
As a marketeer or entrepreneur you build on brand awareness or the value of your brand. You do not want to be visible once, but all year
round, via various media channels. A good media partner is an important added value. Automotive has been the leading trade media for pro-
fessionals in the automotive or mobility industry for almost 25 years. Every day, the editors create relevant and interesting content for our
and your target group. We distribute it through all our online and offline channels. Through a tailor-made media partnership you can put your
company or brand on the map among decision-makers in the industry.

The most effective way to reach your target audience is to offer them relevant content. Mobility Media has
a lot of experience in producing content for professionals in the Dutch automotive industry. We use this
expertise to distribute your message in the most effective ways. We take care of production, design and
publication, both online and offline, to ensure that your campaign has the most optimal impact. You can
also distribute the content using your own media channels. Below is an example of a partnership pac-

-         Production of an article, including text, photography and layout
-         Publication of the article on the Automotive homepage (24hrs)
-         The article will be published permanently in the partner content section of the website
-         Headline of the article will be distributed via the newsletter (25,481 subscribers)
-         Publication of a full page spread of the article on 1/1 page in Automotive Magazine
-         Production of a video interview of max 4 minutes, hosted on the YouTube platform
-         Publication of the video on the homepage of Automotive-online (24h)
-         1/1 page advertisement in Automotive Magazine
-         Twice as a press release on (permanent publication)
-         The press release (headline) will be distributed via the Automotive newsletter
-         The press release (headline) will be distributed via the Autobranchesignalen newsletter (3,200 recipients)
-         12x full banner in the Automotive Management newsletter
-         Business subscription to Automotive (printed magazine)

Gross value						                                                                		             € 10.564,-
Special Automotive Business partnership rate 2021				                                           € 6.699,-

We would be happy to make a tailor-made proposal for you. This is possible from €1,000. Contact us for the
possibilities: or 0031(0)20-5800975.

MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
   Automotive is a cross media platform for automotive professionals. With our events, we bring together decision makers in the industry for sharing
   knowhow and networking purposes. Please find below a list of our informative and inspirational events.

For many businesses in the Dutch automotive          Every year the top of the body repair industry     In 2021, the Nationaal Automotive Congres
sector, occasion retail is one of the most           comes together: workshop owners, insurance         will take place. This is the largest independent
important factors. Because of the internatio-        companies, leasing companies, workshop             congress in the Dutch Automotive Industry,
nalization and digitization of the market,           suppliers. The Automotive Repair Seminar is        connecting different sectors in the industry.
knowledge and information is becoming ever           the ideal platform for discussion and inspira-     Top keynote speakers from the Netherlands
more important. The Automotive remarketing           tion on this specific topic.                        and abroad share their vision on the future of
network brings together all stakeholders in the                                                         the automotive industry
discipline.                                                                                             The day is led by RTL4 anchor-man Peter van
                                                                                                        Zadelhoff. It offers sponsorpartners a unique
                                                                                                        opportunity to present themselves to deci-
                                                                                                        sion makers in the Dutch market. The number
                                                                                                        of partnerships is limited.

                                    4 MAR                                             25 MAY


After the 2020 event unfortunately could not         Automotive organizes annually the event for
take place due to Covid, Fleet & Mobility will       the Dutch leasing & fleet sector. The place to
organize this live event again in 2021 to con-       meet all the leaders of the leasing industry.
nect all stakeholders in mobility. The congress
will provide an overview of all trends an deve-
lopments in the field of business mobility.

                                                                                                          If you have any questions please contact
                                                                                                          Nel Jonk via or
                                                                                                          0031 (0)20 5800 979.

                                    9 NOV                                               9 NOV


At the end of each year, Automotive organizes        The Automotive Cycling Tour is a relatively        The annual Automotive Golf Event allows
a Dealer Holding seminar for the top dealers         new sports event in the automotive industry.       sponsor partners to invite their clients and
in the Dutch automotive industry. The semi-          Around 100 professionals will expose their         prospects for a high end networking event (9
nar is by invitation only. This is an excellent      cycling talent on this relaxed day of sports       or 18 holes) that is meeting place for the
opportunity for a very limited number of             and networking.                                    management of all sectors in the Dutch
sponsorship partners to get into direct and                                                             Automotive industry.
personal contact with the management of the
top 60 dealers in the country.

                                 25 NOV                                                   T.B.A.                                              T.B.A.       7
MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
  RATES 2021
  MANAGEMENT                                                                      WERKPLAATS
   Placements             1x      3x              6x        9x                    Placements              1x         3x          6x
   1/1 page          € 2.995 € 2.575         € 2.275       € -                    1/1 page           € 2.325    € 1.995     € 1.825
   1/2 page          € 1.735 € 1.495         € 1.325       € -                    1/2 page           € 1.440    € 1.225     € 1.125
   1/4 page          € 995 € 865             € 750         € -                    1/4 page           € 815      € 695       € 615

  Additional fees                                                                 Additional fees
  Cover 2 en 3			                                        + 15%                    Cover 2 en 3:			                                         + 15%
  Cover 4			                                             + 25%                    Cover 4:			                                              + 25%
  Special placement			                                   + 15%                    Special placement			                                     + 15%

  Advertorial (IM)                                                                Advertorial (IM)
  1/16 page FC landscape		                             €   485                    1/16 page FC landscape		                            €      365
  1/8 page FC landscape page wide                      €   975                    1/8 page FC landscape page wide                     €      715
  1/4 page FC portrait		                               € 1.235                    1/4 page FC portrait		                              €    1.075
  1/1 page FC corporate presentation*                  € 2.995                    1/1 page FC corporate presentation*                 €    2.410
  Other formats available on request                                              Other formats available on request

  Inserts                       From                   € 2.195                    Inserts                       From                  €    2.195

  Print material                                         Publication Schedule Automotive 2021
  Certified PDF (Dutch Magazines). For more infor-
  mation, please visit:

                                                          Month       Date of     Ad
  Delivery adress:                                                    publication deadline Theme                                                                 Management                                     Werkplaats
                                                          JAN-FEB-MAR 19-feb      05-feb Remarketing                                      Equipment & aircoservice
                                                          APR-MAY     23-apr      09-apr Schadeherstel                                    Garageformules
  Formats and dimensions                                  JUN-JUL     18-jun      04-jun Autobedrijf van de toekomst                      Connected car
  Type area (width x height)                              AUG-SEP     27-aug      13-aug Marketing & retail                               Banden & wielen
  1/1 page 		               190 mm      x   265 mm        OCT-NOV     22-oct      08-oct Leasing, finance & ICT                           Smeermiddelen
  1/2 page landscape        190 mm      x   130 mm        DEC         10-dec      26-nov Dealerspecial / Annual review                    Diagnose & revisie
  1/2 page portrait          92 mm      x   265 mm
  1/4 page landscape        190 mm      x    62 mm
  1/4 page portrait          92 mm      x   130 mm
  1/4 page portrait IM       45 mm      x   265 mm
  1/8 page landscape IM 190 mm          x    30 mm
  1/16 page landscape IM 92 mm          x    30 mm        Contact details for advertise-                         Contact details sales
                                                          ment information
  Trim area (bleed size**)                                Romy Wielinga & William Widjaja                        Frank van Montfort & Leonore Wijsmuller
  2/1 page 		                420 mm x 285 mm   **         T 0031 (0)20 5800 967                                  T 0031 (0)20 5800 975
  1/1 page 		                210 mm x 285 mm**            E                             E
  ** In case of bleed advertising, please add 5mm         W                             W
  on all sides.

* A corporate presentation gives you the opportunity to showcase your product or service extensively and with a high degree of polish (about 400 words).
  We will provide a professional copywriter and graphic designer. We can also arrange photography if required.

MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
        Press release service
        Automotive offers companies the opportunity to publish all their news on the internet and in
        key trade media. Companies can easily publish their press releases on the Autobranchesigna- website, including a photo and a link to their own website. The press release headline is
        automatically placed on the websites of Automotive. Links to the press release also assure a
        better online presence.

        Rates per amount of placements per year
        1x     € 150,-
        3x     € 399,-
        5x     € 500,-

        JOBBOARD Jobmotive
        With hundreds of vacancies and around 15,000 visitors per month, Jobmotive has been the premier jobs bank for professionals in the automo-
        tive industry for years. The offers a broad range of opportunities for employers and job seekers, and for advertisers and other interested parties.

        A basic job post costs only €199. On top there is broad range of options to increase the impact of you campaign. Please check
        campagne-opties for all options.

        If your business has job vacancies on a regular basis, a one year subscription can be a more cost-efficient option.

        -          up to 50 employees: €499,- per year
        -          51 tot 150 employees €699,- per year
        -          151 tot 500 employees €899,- per year
        -          More than 500 empoyees? Please contact us for a tailormade proposal

        Interested? Contact us at 0031 020 580 0967 or send us an email: and we will contact you asap.

Automotive is een productie van Mobility Media,

Naritaweg 14, 1043 BZ Amsterdam
T: +31 (0) 20 5800 966 | E:
MEDIA BROCHURE 2021 - Mobility Media
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