Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service

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Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service
phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie   Media Kit 2020

                                                         Trade Magazine   4
                                                                Website 21
                                                             Newsletter 27
                                                                  Extras 29
                                                        Lead Generation 31

                                                       Konradin Industrie 39
Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service
Media Brand


                                                                                                   Lead Generation
                 Video                                                                                 You will receive
                                                                                                    qualified contacts with
       Professional video production                                                                specific interest in your
        on site or during trade fairs,                                                               subject (adhering to
          always with the expert                                                                           EU-GDPR).               Webinar
               support of our                                                                               Page 31
               editorial staff.
                   Page 29                                        Trade Magazine

                                                     The user and solution-oriented, independent
                                                      magazine for the pharmaceutical industry.
                                                          Readers are investment decision-
                                                           makers within companies in the
                                                               pharmaceutical industry.
                            Newsletter                                  Page 4
                        Topical news and reports
                          for the entire process                                                    The online magazine for decision-
                            technology sector,
                       distributed every fortnight
                                                                  Social Media                        makers in the pharmaceutical
                                                                                                    manufacturing industry, as well as
                         to over 17,400 named,                                                       the associated mechanical and
                           opt-in subscribers.                                                         plant engineering sectors.
                                 Page 27                                                                         Page 21

Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service
“With phpro, you can
                  The job portal
                 of the Konradin                                                                                  reach your target audience
                  Media Group.                                                                                    through the media channels
                     Page 34                                                                                      print, online, newsletter
                                                                                                                  or event. Investment
                                                                                                                  decision-makers within the
                                             High-quality special editions                                        pharmaceutical industry
                                                 In co-operation with the media brands                            as well as their suppliers
                                             cav – Prozesstechnik für die Chemieindustrie,                        in plant and systems
                                           dei – Prozesstechnik für die Lebensmittelindustrie                     engineering are always kept
                                              and phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharma-                          up-to-date on the very latest
                                                industrie, influential Special Editions are                       industry developments.“
                                                     produced, focusing on relevant
                                                          topics and trade fairs.
                                                                 Page 19                                          Günter Eckhardt

 Thematically focused event held in the
Chemiepark Knapsack with highest user
    value for visitors and extensive                                                            E-Paper
   services for all partners/sponsors.
                                                                                                All issues also
                                                                                                made available
                                              Campaigns                                            digitally.
                                             We present your topics
                                          to your specific target group
                                               using an intelligent          Native
                                           combination of advertising
                                             formats – tailor-made,          Advertising
                                                   budget and
                                                  goal-oriented.             Page 23
                               Page 21
Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service
Editorial Concept

Expert content for practice                                                           Special editions of phpro - Prozesstechnik für die
phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie is the trade magazine for the entire
pharmaceutical industry. Practical approaches and industry-specific expertise
support technical management and help to optimise the decision-making processes                  INTERPACK TRADE FAIR GUIDE
within the company.
phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie features application-oriented and                 … all information for the trade event highlight of the Packaging
practice-oriented articles, reports, interviews and product information on…                      Industry.

• Production
  e.g. systems, apparatus and components in hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning,
  processes, measurement and analytical technology, automation technology,
  digital production, clean-room technology                                                      POWTECH TRADE FAIR GUIDE

• Packaging                                                                                      … is the optimum companion for a successful trade-fair visit
  e.g. packaging machines, packaging elements, marking equipment, tamper-                        to the POWTECH 2020.
  evident technology, logistics, weighing and metering equipment, serialisation,
  Track & Trace

• Management
  e.g. software solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, validation, quality                   TOP PRODUCTS 2020
  management, GMP, operating and cleaning equipment, maintenance and repair,
  remote servicing, asset management, pharma news, pharma law                                    … reports on the best products of the year in the field of process
                                                                                                 engineering, presents the winners of the monthly award
• Services                                                                                       “Top Product of the Month” and introduces the candidates
  e.g. contract manufacturing, system planning and commissioning, contracting,                   for the award “Product of the Year 2020“.
  analysis, synthesis, consultancy and certification

In every single issue, phpro covers the entire process chain for the production of
pharmaceutical products. Up-to-date company and business reports
as well as research reports round off the information portfolio.

Media Kit 2020 phpro - Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie - Konradin Service
Editorial Team

Expert editors who know the market report
about everything that is going on in the pharma   Günter Eckhardt                  Lukas Lehmann
industry and ensure optimal reader acceptance.    Editor-in-Chief                  Assistant Editor-in-Chief

You have a product or process you wish us to      Phone +49 711 7594-291           Phone +49 711 7594-290
cover? Talk to us.                      

                 Ursula Fisely-Bustorff            Angelika Stoll                   Daniela Held
                 Editor                           Editor                           Editor

                 Phone +49 711 7594-373           Phone +49 711 7594-300           Phone +49 711 7594-284

                 Dr. Bernd Rademacher             Barbara Diviggiano
                 Editor                           Assistant Editor

                 Phone +49 711 7594-263           Phone +49 711 7594-415

Trade Magazine
            1 Portrait

01 Title:                 phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie
                                                                                       10 Publishing house: Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH
02 In brief:
   phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie is published five times a year       11 Publisher:        Katja Kohlhammer
   and offers application-oriented and practical articles and reports, interviews and
   product information in the fields of production, packaging, management and          12 Advertising:      Andreas Hugel, Sales Director
   support in pharmaceutical operations. Topical economic and company reports
   from the pharmaceutical industry and the manufacturers of the systems and           13 Editors:          Günter Eckhardt, Editor-in-Chief
   apparatus it uses, complemented by reports from research and science, add to                             Lukas Lehmann, Assist. Editor-in-Chief
   the range of information.

   The special edition TOP PRODUCTS publishes the best products of the year from
   phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie, cav – Prozesstechnik für die        14 Circulation analysis 2018 = 5 issues
   Chemieindustrie, dei – Prozesstechnik für die Lebensmittelindustrie and prozess-       Circulation:                                               330 pages    = 100.0%
                                                                                          Editorial:                                                 262 pages    =   79.4%
   Comprehensive TRADE FAIR GUIDES for the INTERPACK and POWTECH rounds off                Advertising:                                                68 pages    =   20.6%
   the portfolio.                                                                         comprising
                                                                                          Loose inserts:                                              11 pieces
03 Target group:          Technical management in the pharmaceutical industry
                          and especially those occupying senior positions who
                          make decisions about the procurement of systems and          15 Content analysis of editorial content 2018                 262 pages    = 100.0%
                          components for GMP-compliant production.
                                                                                          Production                                                 112 pages    =   43.0%
04 Frequency:             5 issues per year                                               Packaging                                                   92 pages    =   36.0%
                                                                                          Management                                                  28 pages    =   11.0%
05 Format:                DIN A4                                                          Services                                                    22 pages    =    9.0%
                                                                                          Other                                                        8 pages    =    1.0%
06 Year:                  11th year 2020

07 Subscription price:    Annual subscription:
                          Germany 26.50 €
                          Abroad      26.50 €
                          Free circulation exclusively to qualified recipients

08 Organ:                 —

09 Memberships:           bvik Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V.

Trade Magazine
         2 Circulation and Distribution Analysis

01 Audited by:                                                                             3.1 Circulation by postcode regions:
                                                                                               Share of actual circulation
02 Circulation analysis:    Average copies
                            (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019)

   Print run:                     11,100                                                                                                       PLZ 2

   Actual circulation:            11,027               of them abroad:            1,069    Postcode 2                                                                  Schwerin        PLZ 1     Postcode 1
   Copies sold:                    1,472               of them abroad:                1    8.7% =                                                                                                    4.5% =
   • Subscriptions:                   32               of them members:               –    866 copies                                                                              Berlin        448 copies
   • Retail sale:                      –                                                                                   PLZ 4
                                                                                                                                                                 Magdeburg           Potsdam
   • Other sales:                  1,440                                                   Postcode 4                                                                                            Postcode 3
                                                                                                                        Osnabrück               Hannover
                                                                                           11.9% =                                                                                                 10.6% =
                                                                                                                                                      PLZ 3
   Free copies:                    9,555                                                   1,185 copies                    Dortmund
                                                                                                                                                                                               1,056 copies
   Residual/archive copies:           74                                                                   Düsseldorf                                                                Dresden
                                                                                           Postcode 5                                                         Erfurt                             Postcode 0
                                                                                                                                                                             PLZ 0
                                                                                           11.3% =                      Köln                                                                         7.0% =
                                                                                           1,125 copies            PLZ 5            Frankfurt                                                    697 copies
03 Geographical analysis:                              Share of total distributed copies                                                                      PLZ 9

   Economic area                                                         %       Copies    Postcode 6                          Mainz                                                             Postcode 9
                                                                                           10.5% =               Saarbrücken         PLZ 6                                                           8.2% =
   Germany                                                           90.3         9,958    1,046 copies                                                                                          817 copies
   Abroad                                                             9.7         1,069                                                 Stuttgart
   comprising                                                                              Postcode 7                                                                                            Postcode 8
                                                                                                                                    PLZ 7
      Switzerland                                                    63.1           705    16.7% =                                                       PLZ 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                   10.6% =
      Austria                                                        35.1           392    1,663 copies                                                           München                      1,056 copies
      Netherlands                                                     0.9            10
      Others                                                          0.9            11

   Actual circulation                                              100.0        11,027     Summary of the survey method:
                                                                                           1. Method: File-based recipient-structure analysis – total circulation
                                                                                           2. Population: Actual circulation
                                                                                           3. Sample: Total circulation
                                                                                           4. Target persons of the study: Recipients of the magazine
                                                                                           5. Study period: June/July 2019
                                                                                           6. Survey completed by: Konradin Media Group

Trade Magazine
         3 Readership Analysis

1.1 Industries/industrial sectors: recipient groups          Share of actual circulation   1.2 Company size:                            Share of actual circulation
    Industry code acc. to classif. of industrial sectors 2008           %        Copies                                                            %        Copies

Pharmaceutical and chemical industry                                 56.9         6,274                1 – 49 employees                         15.4         1,698
     C.20.14   Manufacturing of other organic basic chemicals         1.1           121              50 – 99 employees                          14.0         1,544
                                                                                                   100 – 199 employees                          16.7         1,842
     C.20.4    Manufacturing of soap, detergents, cleaning and                                     200 – 499 employees                          18.3         2,018
               care products as well as perfumes                      4.6          507         500 and more employees                           35.6         3,926
     C.21      Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products              51.2         5,646
                                                                                              Actual circulation                               100.0       11,027
Plant engineering for the pharmaceutical industry                    43.1         4,753
     C.25.29   Manufacturing of collecting vessels, tanks and
               similar containers made of metal                       1.6          176     1.3 Position in company                      Share of actual circulation
                                                                                                                                                   %        Copies
     C.25.30   Manufacturing of steam boilers
               (not including central heating boilers)                0.2            22       Corporate management                              23.9         2,635
     C.26.51   Manufacturing of instruments and appliances for                                1st management level                              14.1         1,555
               measuring, testing and navigation                      8.7          959        2nd management level                              22.4         2,470
     C.27.12   Manufacturing of electricity distribution and                                  Employees, skilled workers, specialists           39.6         4,367
               control equipment                                      5.4          595
                                                                                              Actual circulation                              100.0        11,027
     C.27.9    Manufacturing of other electrical equipment and
               devices not mentioned elsewhere                        6.1          673
     C.28.13   Manufacturing of pumps and compressors                 4.1           452    1.4 Job function                             Share of actual circulation
     C.28.14   Manufacturing of fittings                              4.8          529                                                             %        Copies
     C.28.25   Manufacturing of cooling and ventilation equipment 4.0               441       Management/techn. lead                            32.1         3,540
     C.28.29   Manufacturing of other general-purpose machinery                               Research & development                            14.8         1,632
               not mentioned elsewhere                          7.0                772        Construction, Engineering                         14.0         1,544
     E.36, 37,                                                                                Production, manufacturing, assembly               36.5         4,025
     38        Environmental engineering and disposal                 1.2           132       Maintenance, Servicing                             2.6           287

     Actual circulation                                            100.0        11,027        Actual circulation                              100.0        11,027

Trade Magazine
        Subject Overview

The topics for the pharmaceutical industry

 Management                                                                       Production

 Software solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, validation,                  Systems, apparatus and components in hygienic design, CIP and
 quality management, GMP, operating and cleaning equipment,                       SIP cleaning, mechanical, thermal and chemical processes,
 company organisation, maintenance and repair, maintenance 4.0,                   biotechnology, measurement and analytical equipment,
 predictive maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,                      automation equipment, water preparation, Industry 4.0, digital
 pharma news, pharma law                                                          pharma production, digital twin, cloud solutions, connectivity,
                                                                                  NOA, AI in the Process industry, autonomous systems, 5G,
 In issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                                               Services   maintenance, mobile solutions, clean-room equipment,
                                                                     Production   containment, technical gases, tablet presses, energy-efficient
                                                                                  In issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, INTERPACK GUIDE, POWTECH GUIDE,
                                                                                  TOP PRODUCTS

 Contract manufacturing, system planning and commissioning,
 contracting, analysis, synthesis, product design, consultancy and
 certification, training, seminars, conferences, events                           Packaging machines, packaging elements, marking equipment,
                                                                                  serialisation, aggregation, track & trace, tamper-evident
 In issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                                                          technology, logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,
                                                                                  storage systems

                                                                                  In issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, INTERPACK GUIDE, POWTECH GUIDE,
                                                                                  TOP PRODUCTS

Road to
         POWTECH 2020

Use our highlights around POWTECH 2020 for your trade fair communication
For POWTECH 2020 the media brands cav, dei and phpro offer cross-media opportunities for your successful trade fair communication.
Benefit from the attention surrounding POWTECH by using this cross-media offer for your perfect trade fair communication.

                                                                            The POWTECH Trade Fair Special                              POWTECH FAIR GUIDE
                                  cpp 03/2020                     phpro 04/2020     cav 09/2020       dei 09/2020                         PD: 11.09.2020,
                         The POWTECH Trade Fair Special           PD: 18.09.2020, PD: 22.09.2020, PD: 18.09.2020,                         AD: 19.08.2020
                         PD: 17.09.2020, AD: 26.08.2020           AD: 26.08.2020 AD: 28.08.2020 AD: 27.08.2020

                                                                                                                                FAIR GUIDE
                                                                                                                               45,000 copies
   Circulation for
   Powtech: Over
   100,000 copies

                                               The POWTECH                                               Invitation                            POWTECH
                                             Trade Fair Specials                                       to POWTECH                              Fair Guide

                                       August                                                                               September

                                                 POWTECH News                                                   Additional advertising options
                                                 Reporting directly from the Fair
                                                                                                                • (see page 22)
                                                 Date: Tuesday, 29.09.2020
                                                                                                                • Video statement during the Fair for diverse presence
                                                                                                                  afterwards (see page 30)
                                                                                                                • Lead generation for even more intensive conversations
                                                                                                                  during the Fair and afterwards (see page 32)

                                                 We would be delighted to advise you and provide an individual quotation.

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                           Trade fairs/events

1/2020                  Trade-fair special for analytica                     Management: Software solutions for the pharma-
                                                                             ceutical industry, validation, quality management,
                        Production: Systems, apparatus and components in     GMP, operating and cleaning equipment, company
Publication date:       hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning, mechanical,   organisation, maintenance and repair, predictive
04.03.2020              thermal and chemical processes, biotechnology, lab   maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,
Advertising deadline:   and analytical equipment, measurement and auto-      pharma news, pharma law
10.02.2020              mation technology, pharmaceutical production 4.0,
Editorial deadline:     digital production, water preparation, clean-room    Services: Contract manufacturing, system planning
13.01.2020              equipment, containment, technical gases, tablet      and commissioning, contracting, analysis, synthesis,
                        presses, energy-efficient solutions                    product design, consultancy and certification,
                                                                             training, seminars, meetings, events

                        Packaging: Packaging machines, packaging elements,
                        marking equipment, tamper-evident technology,
                        logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,
                        storage systems, track & trace, serialisation

2/2020                  Trade-fair special for interpack                     Management: Software solutions for the pharma-
                                                                             ceutical industry, validation, quality management,
                        Production: Systems, apparatus and components in     GMP, operating and cleaning equipment, company
Publication date:       hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning, mechanical,   organisation, maintenance and repair, predictive
13.05.2020              thermal and chemical processes, biotechnology, lab   maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,
Advertising deadline:   and analytical equipment, measurement and auto-      pharma news, pharma law
17.04.2020              mation technology, pharmaceutical production 4.0,
Editorial deadline:     digital production, water preparation, clean-room    Services: Contract manufacturing, system planning
08.04.2020              equipment, containment, technical gases, tablet      and commissioning, contracting, analysis, synthesis,
                        presses, energy-efficient solutions                    product design, consultancy and certification, training,
                                                                             seminars, meetings, events
                        Packaging: Packaging machines, packaging elements,
                        marking equipment, tamper-evident technology,
                        logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,
                        storage systems, track & trace, serialisation

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                          Trade fairs/events

Special edition         Special publication – packaging technology

Publication date:       Distribution as a supplement in the May issues of cav, dei and phpro
12.05.2020              Total circulation: 45,000 copies.
Advertising deadline:
07.04.2020              Topics:
Editorial deadline:     • Packaging machines and devices
18.02.2020              • Packaging materials, types of packaging, packaging aids and
                          the production of packaging
                        • Machinery for the production of confectionary
                        • Machinery for the production of bakery products
                        • Machinery for the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

3/2020                  In focus: Pharmaceutical
                        production 4.0
                                                                                Management: Software solutions for the pharma-
                                                                                ceutical industry, validation, quality management,
                                                                                                                                       Nuremberg, 23.06.-25.06.
                                                                                GMP, operating and cleaning equipment, company
Publication date:                                                               organisation, maintenance and repair, predictive
12.06.2020              Production: Systems, apparatus and components in        maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,
Advertising deadline:   hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning, mechanical,      pharma news, pharma law
14.05.2020              thermal and chemical processes, biotechnology, lab
Editorial deadline:     and analytical equipment, measurement and auto-         Services: Contract manufacturing, system planning
15.04.2020              mation technology, pharmaceutical production 4.0,       and commissioning, contracting, analysis, synthesis,
                        digital production, water preparation, clean-room       product design, consultancy and certification,
                        equipment, containment, technical gases, tablet         training, seminars, meetings, events
                        presses, energy-efficient solutions

                        Packaging: Packaging machines, packaging elements,
                        marking equipment, tamper-evident technology,
                        logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,
                        storage systems, track & trace, serialisation

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                           Trade fairs/events

4/2020                  Trade-fair special for POWTECH                       Management: Software solutions for the pharmaceu-
                                                                             tical industry, validation, quality management, GMP,
                                                                                                                                        Frankfurt, 18.11.-19.11.
                        Production: Systems, apparatus and components in     operating and cleaning equipment, company
Publication date:       hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning, mechanical,   organisation, maintenance and repair, predictive
18.09.2020              thermal and chemical processes, biotechnology, lab   maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,
Advertising deadline:   and analytical equipment, measurement and auto-      pharma news, pharma law
26.08.2020              mation technology, pharmaceutical production 4.0,
Editorial deadline:     digital production, water preparation, clean-room    Services: Contract manufacturing, system planning
29.07.2020              equipment, containment, technical gases, tablet      and commissioning, contracting, analysis, synthesis,
                        presses, energy-efficient solutions                  product design, consultancy and certification, training,
                                                                             seminars, meetings, events
                        Packaging: Packaging machines, packaging elements,
                        marking equipment, tamper-evident technology,        Show preview:
                        logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,    POWTECH
                        storage systems, track & trace, serialisation

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                             Trade fairs/events

5/2020                  In focus: Containment                                  Management: Software solutions for the pharma-
                                                                               ceutical industry, validation, quality management,
                                                                                                                                          Stuttgart, 10.11.-12.11.
                        Production: Systems, apparatus and components in       GMP, operating and cleaning equipment, company             Packaging Innovations
Publication date:       hygienic design, CIP and SIP cleaning, mechanical,     organisation, maintenance and repair, predictive           Amsterdam, 11.11.-12.11.
13.11.2020              thermal and chemical processes, biotechnology, lab     maintenance, remote servicing, asset management,
Advertising deadline:                                                          pharma news, pharma law                                    SPS
                        and analytical equipment, measurement and auto-                                                                   Nuremberg, 24.11.-26.11.
21.10.2020              mation technology, pharmaceutical production 4.0,
Editorial deadline:     digital production, water preparation, clean-room      Services: Contract manufacturing, system planning and      Valve World
23.09.2020              equipment, containment, technical gases, tablet        commissioning, contracting, analysis, synthesis,           Düsseldorf, 01.12.-03.12.
                        presses, energy-efficient solutions                      product design, consultancy and certification, training,   Lounges 2021
                                                                               seminars, meetings, events                                 Karlsruhe
                        Packaging: Packaging machines, packaging elements,                                                                cav InnovationsFORUM 2020
                        marking equipment, tamper-evident technology,          Show previews:
                                                                               SPS, Valve World, Lounges                                  Chemiepark Knapsack, 29.10.2020
                        logistics, RFID, weighing and metering equipment,
                        storage systems, track & trace, serialisation          Show report:                                               automatica
                                                                               POWTECH                                                    Munich, 08.12.-11.12.

Special edition         TOP PRODUCTS 2020
Publication date:       The best products of phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie,                   Including
09.12.2020              cav – Prozesstechnik für die Chemieindustrie and dei – Prozesstechnik                “Top Product
Advertising deadline:   für die Lebensmittelindustrie and prozesstechnik-online.                              of the Year
17.11.2020                                                                                                       2020”                                   Circulation
Editorial deadline:     Circulation: 40,000 copies!                                                                                                        40,000
                        Including Top Product of the Year 2020

                        Classified in the following subject areas:
                        • Systems, apparatus, machinery, components
                        • Valves, pipes, hoses, fittings, seals
                        • Process engineering
                        • Measuring and control engineering,
                          process automation
                        • Packaging and storage technology

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 10 Page 1 of 5 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                         Magazine format: DIN A4, 210 mm wide x 297 mm high               Your contact:
                         Untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high                                               Advice, booking:
                                                                                                            see contacts on page 43
                         Type area:                                                                         Your quick link to us Phone +49 711 7594-552
                         188 mm wide x 270 mm high, 4 columns, each 44 mm wide
                                                                                                            Order confirmation, invoices, vouchers, data delivery and technical
                         Printing and binding: Web offset, perfect binding                                   details:
                                                                                                            Order management
                         Charges: No discount on colour and bleed surcharges                                Andrea Haab, Phone +49 711 7594-320

                    Position: Price for guaranteed position (from 1/4 page)
10% surcharge on respective b/w price
                                                                                          Data delivery: Use our advertisement portal for data
Colour: Print colours (CMYK) in accordance with ISO 2846-1, see rate card for colour      submission.
                                                                                          Conditions: Prior to digital transfer of advertising artwork, the publisher must
Formats: See page 17 et seq.                                                              receive the corresponding advertisement booking. The order and copy deadlines are
                                                                                          specified in the editorial schedule. A full-size print-out is required for checking the
Series discount: For orders within any 12 months (insertion year)                         supplied advertisement, or a contract proof or press proof in the case of a colour
                 3 ads                  6 ads                 9 ads              12 ads   Advertising must be seen as distinct from the editorial section and, as such, a
                                                                                          booked advertising format (ad, bound insert, loose insert, etc.) may contain only
                   5%                   10%                   15%                  20%
                                                                                          the offer of one advertiser.
                                                                                          In the case of advertising specials or special formats, specific positioning and/or
                                                                                          technical specifications may also apply. For further information visit:
Classified ads                                  Basic rate                      
Recommendation ads                              1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w    5.40
                                                                                          Payment conditions: 2% discount for direct debit, advance payment and payment
Classified ads                                  1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w    3.10    within 10 days of invoice date, otherwise payment in full no later than 30 days from
                                                                                          invoice date. VAT no.: DE 811 236 132
Job market                                      see page 35
Premium company profile (online)                per year                       2,950.00   Bank account: Baden-Württembergische Bank, BIC: SOLADEST600,
                                                                                          IBAN: DE28 6005 0101 0002 6238 87
Business card (print) more on page 27           per year                       1,320.00
Combi company profile + business card           per year                       3,610.00   Our general terms and conditions are available online at
                                                                                          We would be happy to send you a copy on request.

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 10 Page 2 of 5 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Standard formats
 Formats                       Basic                        2-colour                          4-colour              Bleed            Formats: width x height in mm
                               rate                                                                                 surcharge        Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                               b/w              Colour           Total rate       Colour           Total rate
                                                surcharge        2c               surcharge        4c                                                       Type area    Trimmed

 1/1 page                           4,040.00           440.00          4,480.00        1,070.00          5,110.00          398.00                            188 x 270   210 x 297

 Juniorpage                         2,570.00           300.00          2,870.00          860.00          3,430.00          252.00                    3col    140 x 190   151 x 205

 1/2 page                           2,140.00           300.00          2,440.00          860.00          3,000.00          210.00             land. 4col     188 x 133   210 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 2col      92 x 270   103 x 297

 1/3 page                           1,490.00           300.00          1,790.00          860.00          2,350.00          146.00             land. 4col     188 x 88    210 x 105
                                                                                                                                              port.           60 x 270    71 x 297

 1/4 page                           1,080.00           250.00          1,330.00          710.00          1,790.00          106.00             land. 4col     188 x 65    210 x 82
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 133   103 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 270    55 x 297

 1/8 page                              580.00          250.00           830.00           710.00          1,290.00           57.00             land. 4col     188 x 32             not
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 65         possible
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 133

No discounting is applied to surcharges. For special formats and ad specials, please see overleaf. For more information and technical details, visit

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 10 Page 3 of 5 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Special formats and positions
 Formats                     Basic rate                             4-colour                          Bleed surcharge         Format: width x height in mm
                             b/w                                                                                              Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                                               Colour surcharge                    Total rate 4c
                                                                                                                                                     Type area      Trimmed

 2nd and 4th                        4,790.00                          1,070.00             5,860.00                 470.00                              188 x 270    210 x 297
 cover page
 1/3 page                           1,840.00                            860.00             2,700.00                 180.00                               60 x 270     71 x 297
 next to editorial

 1/2 page                           2,550.00                            860.00             3,410.00                 250.00                               92 x 270    103 x 297
 next to table of contents

 2 pages                                                                                   9,900.00   Double-page spread
 incl, gutter
 Panoramic spread                                                                                                            Spread over 2 pages, including
 2 x 1/2 pages                                                                             5,750.00                          gutter. Positioned at the foot          420 x 150
 2 x 1/3 pages                                                                             4,450.00                          of the page.                            420 x 105

 Text Box Advertorial                                                  1 circuit           1,180.00   Comprising Text, Image, Logo,                                   188 x 88
 1/3 page land., 4c                                                   3 circuits           3,180.00   Company address
                                                                      6 circuits           5,680.00   inc. printing material creation
 Ad in editorial section             per mm               plus colour surcharge                                              Maximum height 50 mm,
 44 mm wide                            23.00                             350.00                                              minimum height 20 mm,                   44 x spec.
 60 mm wide                            32.00                             350.00                                              surrounded by editorial on              60 x spec.
                                                                                                                             at least 3 sides, positioned in
                                                                                                                             magazine section.
 Business cards              Only Print                               per year             1,320.00                                                      60 x 82
                             Print + premium company profile (Online) per year             3,610.00

Trade Magazine
           Rate Card No. 10 Page 4 of 5 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ad Specials
                              Specifications                             Prices                 Further options/                    Quantities/formats:
                                                                                                technical notes                     width x height in mm

 Belly band                                                                                                                                                         465 x 105
 105 mm high                 Single-sided printing incl. production,
                              handling not included
                                                                           125.00 per thsd.*
                                                                                                Paper: 200 g matt art paper,
                                                                                                2 x fold grooves with adhesive
                                                                                                                                    Quantity:                      18,100 cop.
                                                                                                dot                                 plus 3 mm bleed

 Cover flap
                             105 mm wide, attached on left-hand
                              side with title logo featured on front
                                                                                   7,200.00     Front partially, back fully prin-
                                                                                                table, advertising space approx.
                                                                                                                                    plus 3 mm bleed
                                                                                                                                                                     105 x 297

                                                                                                0.8 pages.

 Bound insert                 1 leaf = 2 pages 135 – 180 gsm                       4,500.00     Front page marked.                  Insert format:                   210 x 297
                              2 leaf = 4 pages 80 – 180 gsm                        7,850.00     Other formats and weights on        Delivery: untrimmed              216 x 305
                                                                                                request, with sample.
                                                                                                                                    Quantity:                      11,800 cop.
 Loose insert                 With insert note in magazine.                250.00 per thsd.     Other formats and weights on        Max. format of insert:          200 x 290
 up to 25 g                   Partial allocation by first digit of       Min. run 3,000 cop.    request, with sample.               Quantity:                      11,300 cop.
                              postcode is possible.
                                                                                                                                    Quantity: Partial Supplement on request
 Tip-on                                                                                                                             Quantity:                      11,800 cop.
 Postcard                    Postcard
                              Automatic gluing
                                                                             61.00 per thsd.
                                                                            37.00 per thsd.*    Manual gluing (pin-point            Must accompany all copies
                              Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/1 page            plus carrier ad   accuracy) 74.00 per thsd.*          Circulation:                   11,200 cop.
 Tip-on                                                                                         Booklets and other tip-ons          Quantity:
 Post-it                     Post-it
                              Manual gluing
                                                                             61.00 per thsd.
                                                                            74.00 per thsd.*    as well as product samples          Must accompany all copies
                                                                                                                                                                   11,800 cop.

                              Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/2 page            plus carrier ad   upon request.                       Circulation:                   11,200 cop.

Technical information regarding Ad Specials can be found in the sales document (PDF) at:                                               *no agency commission on technical costs

                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                      More on
                                                                                                                                    ad specials:

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 10 Page 5 of 5 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)


Ads: Standard formats                                                                      Ads: Special formats and positions

 Formats                      Total rate   Format: width x height in mm                     Formats                     Total rate   Format: width x height in mm
                              4c           Trim: add 3 mm to each side                                                  4c           Trim: add 3 mm to each side

                                                                  Type area    Trimmed                                                      Type area     Trimmed

 1/1 page                      8,210.00                            188 x 270   210 x 297    2nd, 3rd and 4th             8,750.00            188 x 270    210 x 297
                                                                                            cover page
                                                                                            Inside cover**               2,150.00

 Junior page                   5,610.00                   3col     140 x 190   151 x 205

                                                                                            1/2 page                     5,000.00              92 x 270   103 x 297
                                                                                            next to table of contents
 1/2 page                      4,730.00            land. 4col      188 x 133   210 x 150
                                                   port. 2col       92 x 270   103 x 297
                                                                                            1/3 page                     4,100.00              60 x 270    71 x 297
                                                                                            next to editorial
 1/3 page                      3,750.00            land. 4col      188 x 88    210 x 105
                                                   port.            60 x 270    71 x 297

 1/4 page                      2,820.00            land. 4col      188 x 65    210 x 82
                                                         2col       92 x 133   103 x 150
                                                   port. 1col       44 x 270    55 x 297

Total rates 4c. Further ad formats and prices on request.                                    Circulation           Circulation          Circulation
More information in the Editorial Schedule starting on page 13.                             45,000 copies         45,000 copies        40,000 copies
*Compared to the sum of individual prices
**Only with Top Products: details and guidelines on request
Ihr Partner für Touchpoint-Marketing

Für alle Phasen der Customer Journey hat Konradin Industrie ein ideales crossmediales Angebot

Das Customer Journey-Modell folgt den sich im Kaufprozess ständig ändernden Bedürfnissen der Zielgruppe. Das Marketingziel dabei ist:
optimale Touchpoints schaffen.

 Latenz                                                                                                      Abwägung
Noch ohne Kaufabsicht, Kaufimpulse   Anzeigen Fachevent Advertorial Print Banner                             Eingrenzen der Alternativen, Auswahl
müssen gesetzt werden
                                     Lead-Generierung Website Produktkatalog Newsletter                      möglicher Anbieter und Produkte
                                                                                                             (Relevant Set)
• Wer Aufmerksamkeit erregen
  will, muss „laut“ sein. Eine       Fachmagazin Fachevent Banner Webinar Social Media                       • Werbung stärkt das Anbieterimage

                                                                     Exp Roundtables
                                     Microsite Kundenzeitung Crossmedia
  Aufgabe klassischer Werbung.                                                                                 und nennt konkrete Produktvorteile

• Pull-Marketing-Maßnahmen                               e                                                   • Vertrauensbildung durch

                                                                      s to
                                     Firmenprofil Marktforschung
                                                      La                   lora Emailing
                                                                      Copytest                                 Referenzen, Anwenderberichte u.ä.

                                                                                 n
                                     Messe Termine Produkttest Corporate Publishing

 Exploration
                                     Fachanzeige Werbebanner Video Markenbekanntheits-                        Kauf

Aktive Recherche, Einarbeitung
                                     studie Roadshow
                                                   show Seminarwerbung
                                                         CUSTOMERBeilage Whitepaper
                                         Nach

ins Thema und Definition der                                                                                 Verhandlung von Leistungen und

Kaufkriterien                                                                                                Konditionen bis Kauf
                                     Applikations-Video Website Advertorial Interview

• Werbung sorgt für Bekanntheit
                                                                  JOURNEY                                    • Direkte Abverkaufswerbung mit

                                     Banner     Lead-Generierung Katalog Newsletter Fach-

  von Lösungen und USPs                                                                                        Preisangaben/Aktionen
• Pull-Marketing-Maßnahmen                                                                                   • Zusammenspiel Marketing/Vertrieb

                                     magazin Fachevent              Banner Webinar Social     Media




                                     Microsite Kundenzeitung
                                                         a                Crossmedia Roundtables
                                                        f                                                    Nachkauf
                                     Applikations-Video Website     Kau f  Advertorial  Interview           Gute Kundenbindung verkürzt die
                                     Website Print Marktforschung Copytest Email                             nächste Journey
                                                                                                             • Imagewerbung zur Bestätigung
Customer-Journey-Modell              Lead-Generierung Website Katalog Newsletter Anzeigen                      der Wahl (Big Player, Branchen-
Aufteilung in 5 Phasen.
Je nachdem, wie sie erlebt werden,   Firmenprofil Marktforschung Copytest Emailing                             bzw. Technologie-Spezialist)
                                                                                                             • Kundenkommunikation und
kann es auch zu Richtungsänderun-    Messe Termine Produkttest Fachanzeige Newsletter                          Anwenderaustausch
gen oder Abkürzungen kommen.

Website (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT) – the website of
cav, dei and phpro                                                                     Increase Reach through Retargeting
                                                                                       With this option, you can also reach your precise target audience on the Google
                                                                                       Display Network via high-reach news and consumer portals. You will have the
                                                                  responsive           opportunity to present your advertising message to your target group for a
                                                                  web design           substantially longer period of time.

                                                                                       Choose your topic-specific audience and adopt advance retargeting options to
                                                                                       extend your reach with display ad impressions!

                                                                                       The target group Marketing process

                                                                                                                      €                  AD

                                                                                                                                      AD    AD

Target group:                                                                                 Integrate       Marketing of the       Campaign           Present on
Owners, managing directors, technical managers and investment decision-                     pixels on the      target group            setup            websites of
makers in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals and food industries and in plant and                  website                                                 Google Display
systems engineering of these industries.                                                                                                                 Networks
                                                                                       Your advantages:
In brief:                                                                              • Low wastage, thanks to targeted reach for users with a specific interest in the offers topical information, innovations, solutions,          topic.
product reports, services and event news from and for the chemicals, pharmaceuti-
cals and food industries. The joint knowledge portal for cav, dei and phpro provides   • Control of your advertising investment through precise evaluation of audience
a rapid overview of the major developments, events and trends in the whole process       reach.
engineering sector.                                                                    • Increase your brand awareness and image through recurring presence on
                                                                                         high-reach portals.
Advertising formats and prices:
See next page for standard formats, other advertising formats available on request.    Price on request.
Please supply the correct advertising materials for the mobile options.                Any questions? We are happy to help!
For more information and technical details, see

Advertising format               Position on                           Size in pixels (w x h)   Description           Positioning   Size in pixels (w x h)              Price
 on all pages*                    Desktop and Tablet**                  Desktop and Tablet       Desktop and Tablet    Mobile        Mobile                          per week
 Leaderboard/                                                           728 x 90                 Placement above                     300 x 50                          650.00
 Large Leaderboard/                                                     970 x 90                 the Header
 Expandable Leaderboard                                                 728 x 90 and 728 x 300

 (Sticky) Skyscraper/                                                   120 x 600                Placement on the                    300 x 50                          620.00
 (Sticky) Wide Skyscraper                                               160 x 600                right side next to
                                                                                                 Content (Sticky:
                                                                                                Banner remains in
                                                                                                 the field of view
                                                                                                 when scrolling the
 Hockeystick/                                                           728 x 90 and 160 x 600   Leaderboard                         300 x 75                        1,360.00
 Wallpaper with additional                                              or                       adjacent to
 background colour                                                      970 x 90 and 120 x 600   Skyscraper on the
 HEX-Code                                                                                        right
 Frame Ad                                                               120 x 600 and            Leaderboard with                    300 x 75                        1,480.00
                                                                        1.125 x 90 and           Skyscrapers on left
                                                                        120 x 600                and right.
                                                                                                 Tablet display in
                                                                                                 Hockeystick format

 Billboard                                                              970 x 250                Banner directly                     300 x 75                          810.00
                                                                                                 below the
                                                                                                 Navigation Bar

 Medium Rectangle/                                                      300 x 250                Banner within                       300 x 250                         550.00
 Video Ad                                                                                        Content or in the
                                                                                                 outer column

*Does not apply to selected theme pages and company profiles.
**Size and position in pictures illustrative. Displayed in rotation.
Submission of data: 7 days before start of campaign by e-mail to
File formats: GIF, JPG, HTML5 (responsive), redirect. Max. file size 80KB. Please create HTTPS-compatible HTML5 (max. 2 MB)          Additional ad formats:
and redirect files. File format for video ad: MPEG4 (file size max. 30 MB). For the advertisement formats Frame Ad, Wallpaper,       Native advertising, see page 24
Sticky Skyscraper and Expandable Leaderboard, please request our technical specifications via e-mail to:                             Premium company profile, see page 26

                                                                   Media Kit 2020 | phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie – Website:      22
         Native Advertising (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Native advertising will raise your company’s profile and gain new sales prospects

Konradin Industrie’s native advertising options will convey your messages to your        Your benefits:
target audience - convincingly, effectively and packed with a high information           • With your content, you offer the reader/user real benefits and added value.
                                                                                         • Well-researched editorial articles on websites covering relevant topics.
In combination with traditional forms of advertising, native advertising will help you   • Benefit from the high credibility and professional competence of our media
to sustainably consolidate and enhance your competence for specific topics in your         brands.
relevant target groups.
                                                                                         • Your native advertising content cannot be blocked by ad blockers.

Sponsored article                                                                        Theme page

Theme:                                                                                        Partner pages are the ideal environment to present yourself to your target group
You provide the text, which is reviewed by our professional editorial staff and may           as a competent partner with a long-term perspective on a selected topic.
be edited, from case to case. In order to increase the credibility and the usefulness
of the submitted content, we recommend you refrain from using advertising copy                You determine the topic and to what extent we can support you, in terms of the
within the text.                                                                              content. Content - thus setting specific thematic focal points!
                                                                                              Your products or services will find the perfect editorial environment within the
Time frame:                                                                                   Konradin Industrie topic pages!
Sponsored articles will be published for four weeks, unless otherwise agreed.
A start is possible anytime. After expiry of the four weeks, the sponsored
article is still available in the archive.

One image (694 x 456 pixels) is mandatory, up to 3 additional images are possible
(images without watermark or similar).

Integration as article (teaser) within the editorial part of the start page.

 Sponsored article – Services and prices (minimum lead time 4 weeks)                           Theme page – Services and prices (minimum lead time 8 weeks)
 Sponsored article (will be marked as “advertisement”)
 • up to max. 6,000 characters (DOC) incl. spaces
                                                                                               Themes: Exclusively decided by yourself.
 • plus 1 teaser image and a maximum of 2-3 additional images (150 dpi, JPG)
                                                                                               Possible formats: contributions, articles, texts, PDF, video, pictures, etc.
 • plus links within the text
                                                                                               Positioning: Displayed in the navigation section                               6,400.00
                                                                                               Time frame: 3 months
 Package price per website                                                     3,700.00


                                                                                               The price will depend on the content to be presented, banners, placement and
                                                                                               integration within Konradin websites, in addition to the promotion and runtime.
                                                                                               The integration of partner downloads (e.g. Whitepaper, Webcast) upon
                                                                                               registration or the integration of a social media feed is optional.

                                                                                               All of these components can be individually changed in the PREMIUM Theme
                                                                                               Page and are defined upon request.

                                                                         Media Kit 2020 | phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie – Website: Native Advertising               24
        Premium Company Profile (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Premium company profile
                                                                               Your online presence at and 11 additional Konradin Industrie websites
                                                                               •   Data and contact
                                                                               •   Own header image
                                                                               •   Logo
                                                                               •   A description of your company
                                                                               •   Published print articles with Konradin Industrie
                                                                               •   Downloads: your videos, webinars, white papers with Konradin Industrie*
                                                                               •   Max. 3 additional download offers (optional with registration)*
                                                                               •   Link to your social media account
                                                                               •   Integration of your RSS feed on the page

                                                                                   Premium company profile                                              Price/year

                                                                                   Premium company profile at and
                                                                                   11 additional websites of Konradin Industrie
                                                                                   Start possible anytime

                                                                                   Basic price for 1 year                                                2,950.00

                                                                                   *Leads on demand, per lead                                                 70.00

          on all         Raise your company’s profile and promote your             Additional 3 download offers                                               300.00
    Konradin Industrie   services with a premium company profile in the
        websites         network of Konradin Industrie.                            Extension by additional 12 months                                     2,300.00

                                                                                   Book the Online Company Profile in combination with the Print Business Card
                                                                                   for a special price.                          For further details, please refer to our extensive sales documents:            
                                                                               Data submission: via e-mail to

Trade magazine
           Business Card (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Your print business card includes
                                                                       Business card print                                                           Price                                Price      Combination
• 1 year presence                                                                                      Category / issues                             Online                               Print      Print + Online
• in the trade magazine of your choice                                 in the trade magazine
• in the relevant category*                                                                            Partner for robotics and factory
                                                                       Automationspraxis                                                                                                  1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                                                       automation / 10 issues
                                                                       Beschaffung aktuell              Purchasing partner / 10 issues                                                     1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                       cav – Prozesstechnik für die    Partner for the chemical industry /
                                                                                                                                                                                          1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                       Chemieindustrie                 12 issues
                                                                       dei – Prozesstechnik für die
                                                                                                       Partner for the food industry / 10 issues                                          1,980.00       3,940.00

                                                                                                                                                       Premium company profile 2,950.00
                                                                                                       Partner for automation technology /
                                                                       elektro AUTOMATION                                                                                                 1,320.00       3,610.00
                                                                                                       7 issues
                                                                       EPP Elektronik Produktion &     Partner for electronics manufacturing /
                                                                                                                                                                                          1,320.00       3,610.00
                                                                       Prüftechnik                     7 issues
                                                                                                       Partner for the industry / monthly, issues:
                                                                       Industrieanzeiger                                                                                                  1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                                                       1, 3, 6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28
                                                                       KEM Konstruktion                Partner for engineering / 10 issues                                                1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                       mav Innovation in der           Partner for the production industry /
                                                                                                                                                                                          1,980.00       3,940.00
                                                                       spanenden Fertigung             10 issues
                                                                       medizin&technik                 Partner for medical technology / 6 issues                                          1,320.00       3,610.00
                                                                       phpro – Prozesstechnik für      Partner for the pharma industry /
                                                                                                                                                                                          1,320.00       3,610.00
                                                                       die Pharmaindustrie             5 issues
                                                                       QUALITY ENGINEERING             Partner for quality assurance / 5 issues                                           1,320.00       3,610.00
                                                                       Sicherheitsbeauftragter         Partner for occupational safety / 10 issues                                        1,980.00       3,940.00
*Categories print (examples):
Water & waste water techn.  Nozzles & spray systems  Valves,         Sicherheitsingenieur            Partner for occupational safety / 12 issues                                        1,980.00       3,940.00
pipes, hoses  Fittings + seals  Conveyor systems  Marking 
Storage  Services  Measuring & analysing  Mixing  Thermal          Start possible with any issue
processes  Pumps & compressors  Plants  Cleaning technology
 Explosion protection  Plant safety  Industrial safety  Research
& innovation  Knowledge  Lab technology & analytical                                                 Business card 60 mm wide x 82 mm high, logo, four-coloured
engineering  Mechanical processes  Pharmaceutical                    Format                          2 lines for company name and web address, 14 lines of text, approx.
engineering  Packaging technology  Control engineering &                                             50 characters incl. spaces. Positioning in your category of choice*
process control engineering  Materials engineering  Materials
                                                                       Book the Print Business Card in combination with the Online Company Profile for a special price.
Categories might be modified by Konradin
         prozesstechnik-online-Newsletter (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                       Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)            Prices
                                                                                       Leaderboard                               728 x 90**                    1,200.00
                                                                                       above header

                                                      web design
                                                                                       Text/image ad                             Image: 200 x 150,               840.00
                                                                                                                                 text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                 (incl. spaces)

                                                                                       Fullbanner                                468 x 60**                      840.00
                                                                                                                                 590 x 100**

                                                                                       Medium Rectangle                          300 x 250                       840.00

                                                                                      * Size and position in picture illustrative.
Title: prozesstechnik-online newsletter                                               **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels

In brief:
Bundled professional expertise and current news for the chemical, pharmaceutical      Data delivery:
and food industries. The Top-Product newsletter provides interesting information on   7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
the best products of the month.                                                       Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
                                                                                      tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
Frequency: weekly                                                                     With animated GIF files, the e-mail may only display
                                                                                      the first animation Frame.
Distribution: 17,400 personally named and qualified addresses.

Target group:                                                                         To view the current newsletter and subscribe, please go to:
Owners, managing directors, technical managers and investment decision-makers in or scan QR code
the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

         Editors’ Special Newsletter (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                        Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)            Price
                                                                                        1 x Leaderboard                           728 x 90**
                                                                                        above header

                                                        web design
                                                                                        3 x Text/image ad                         Image: 200 x 150,
                                                                                                                                  text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                  (incl. spaces)

                                                                                        3 x Fullbanner                            468 x 60**


                                                                                        3 x Medium Rectangle                      300 x 250
Your benefits:
• We present your topic to the market
• You benefit from a strong media brand
• Your advertising message receives the complete attention of the subscribers,
  all of the ad placements are exclusively at your disposal                             maximum of 4 positions                                                  4,700.00
• Attractive pricing
                                                                                       * Size and position in picture illustrative.
Content:                                                                               **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels
The Editors’ Special Newsletter is presented with the same look&feel of the regular
online newsletters. You will determine the subject focus and date of distribution.
Our editorial staff will carefully research the contents of the co-ordinated topic.    Data delivery:
If desired, your press releases can also be integrated into the newsletter. Finally,   7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
the editors compile the completed Editors’ Special Newsletter, incorporating your      Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
exclusive banner advertising content.                                                  tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
                                                                                       With animated GIF files, the e-mail may only display the first animation frame.
Recipients: 17,400 recipients of Prozesstechnik-online-Newsletter

Send dates: on request

         Video (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)
                                                                                                pictures say
At the trade fair                                         At the trade fair                                        Your company
Video statement                                           VideoWall sponsoring                                     Application video
Put your trade fair highlights in the spotlight! We’ll    Our editors conduct exclusive video interviews with      Combine your application report in print with a multi-
shoot an exclusive and professional video on your         reputable business partners from market-leading          media video. We will manage the production for you!
stand, as a combination of company statement and          companies in the “TV Studio” located on the Konradin     Possible contents: interview with manufacturers and
technology/product presentation.                          Stand.                                                   users, production overview, machinery in operation
                                                                                                                   including detailed shots.
Example videos:    Example videos:   Example videos:

 Benefits and prices                                        Benefits and prices                                     Benefits and prices
 (at least 4 weeks lead time)                               (at least 6 weeks lead time)                            (at least 6 weeks lead time)
Briefing before the fair, filming with you at the          Your sponsor logo visible on the VideoWall and           Briefing, treatment, filming on site (1 day),
booth (1 hour maximum), editing, cutting, incl. a          in every video opening credits                           editing, cutting, incl. a correction run,
correction run, video (HD quality, length < 5 min.)        One video interview in front of the VideoWall            video (HD quality, length
        Address Rental | Mailing (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Address rental
Take advantage of our professional addresses to attract new customers               Communicate successfully with professional print and e-mailings.
for your company.                                                                   Just get in touch.
Select addresses for your mailings from our qualified database
using criteria such as:
                                                                                      Tip: E-mailings are perfect for invitations to roadshows, open houses and events,
Region • Industry • Company size • Function • Position                                trade fairs, webinars, webcasts, product launches and much more.

                                                                                    Print mailing – Lettershop
We manage your e-mailings to interested
and potential customers, including                                                  We manage your complete
dispatch and reporting.                                                             designed print-mailing
Multiple shots lead to higher success                                               service via our Lettershop
rates.                                                                              – from print to dispatch.

 E-mailing − Benefits and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)                        Print mailing − services and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)
 Handling:                                                                           Handling:
 1 e-mailing, 1 draft (correction), 1 selection,                          750.00     1 selection by industry and function                                  effort-based
 use of the existing template,                                                       Creation, handling, postage, dispatch
 dispatch, reporting                                                                 Address rental
                                                                                                                                                 from 0.55 per address
 Address rental                                                                      Minimum order value € 1,100.00 = 2,000 addresses
                                                            from 0.75 per address
 Minimum order value € 750.00 = 1,000 addresses
                                                                                     No agency commission on price
 Multiple shots:
 1 reminder with same content, same template,
                                                                 Handling 110.00    Detailed information on request.
 same address selection
                                                            per address from 0.40
 No agency commission on price
Detailed information on request.

Lead Generation (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

A professional partner for qualified leads

Why lead generation?                                                              What is a ‘lead’?                             Factors for successful
                                                                                                                                lead generation:
Prospective customers initially look for   with the (desired) provider, he will   You will receive qualified contacts with
solutions to their problems and not for    remain unrecognised.                   a concrete interest in your specific          • Topicality of the subject
products!                                                                         topic. You can then use these valuable        • Relevance of the topic for the
                                           Conclusion:                            contact details for your marketing or           target group
Information is increasingly being          The prospective customer, thus the     sales communication in accordance             • Users and exclusivity of the
researched via the Web, at the             potential buyer, must be addressed     with EU-DSGVO (General Data                     information presented
individually appropriate time within       through different TouchPoints – in      Protection Regulation).                       • Size of the defined target group
the customer journey. Until the            terms of both time and content.
prospect comes into direct contact

How does lead generation work with Konradin Industrie?

                                                        Scope of services         MQL or SQL?
                                                     Konradin lead campaign
                                                                                  Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a lead with interest in your product or service.
                                                                                  You can reach MQLs with the online tools Webinar and Whitepaper (see the
   Awareness                                                                      following pages).
                                                                                  Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a contact that has developed into a genuine prospective
                              MQL                       From MQL to SQL           buyer through their own activities and with the support of marketing.
                                                        through lead nurturing
     Consid-                                            via marketing             You can reach SQLs with Konradin Industrie through tailor-made campaigns that we
     eration                   SQL                      automation                develop mutually with you. You will benefit from our professional campaign
                                                                                  management. Marketing automation and nurturing processes, as well as the entire
                                                                                  portfolio of Konradin media channels, will be adopted to fulfil the objectives of your
                          Opportunity                                             campaign. In addition, our team of experienced editors will assist you with content
                           Customer                                               Any questions? We are happy to help!

Lead Generation
         Webinar (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Webinar –
convey worldwide
expertise and                                                                           Webinar − Services and price (minimum lead time 6 weeks)
generate leads                                                                          Announcement of your webinar on the website with
                                                                                        image • text • registration page
                                                                                        Promotion in
                                                                                        newsletter • website • further appropriate media of Konradin Industrie
                                                                                        E-mailing of invitations • reminders • appointment reminders • follow-ups
                                                                                        Online webinar space and live transmission (approx. 60 minutes),
                                                                                        Poll during the live broadcast
The advantages of a webinar package                                                     Professional moderator, inclusion of up to two speakers on your side
                                                                                        (technical checks before broadcast)
• New contacts – get to know potential customers who are specifically
  interested in your product.                                                           Registration list including contact details

• Competent implementation – based on our webinar experience,                           Detailed reporting
  we organise your webinar, you appoint the speaker.
                                                                                        On-demand webcast after live transmission on the website with image and text
• Image enhancement – modern forms of media for modern people.                          Package price
• Cost and time savings – regardless of location, no travel expenses or                 (No agency commission on price)
  accommodation costs.
• Multimedia knowledge transfer – share audio and video content or files with
  the participants.
                                                                                       Options at extra charge:
• Direct contact – in the form of a Q&A chat session and additional polls for a
  further qualification of leads.                                                      Leads (after live webinar)                                            from € 70.00/lead
• Detailed reporting – You will receive the results of the polls, the attention rate
  and the average length of stay during a webinar.                                     For further details, please refer to our extensive sales documents:
• Webinar recording – We record your webinar and put it online as an
  on-demand webcast on our websites – additional lead generation.
                                                                                       Data delivery: via e-mail to

Lead Generation
         White paper (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

White paper −                                                                           Whitepaper − Pay-per-Lead
Fixed running time
                                                                                        Concept and benefits
Concept and benefits
                                                                                        • You have an interesting white paper
                                                                                          which will be released exclusively
• 3 months presence via our website.
                                                                                          via Konradin or may be available on other
  Teasers ensure traffic and you receive all
                                                                                          platforms subject to prior registration.
  the leads generated for your disposal.
                                                                                        • We match the number of leads in the
• Your proof of competence: Position yourself
                                                                                          desired target group.
  as proficient business partner with your white paper.                                                                                                           Lead
                                                                                        • Based on this white paper offer, we generate qualified leads         guarantee!
• Potential business contacts: Find the people who are really interested in your
                                                                                          within the specified target group and at the specified quantity.
  technologies or products (MQL = Marketing Qualified Leads).

 White paper − Fixed running time − Benefits and prices                                  White paper − Pay-per-lead − Benefits and prices
 Integration of your white paper on the website with image and text                      Integration of your white paper on the website with picture and text
 Promotion via                                                                           Target-group-compliant selection from our database
 Newsletter • Website • additional relevant media of Konradin Industrie                  (2 selection criteria: function and industry)
 Running time of 3 months, including leads                                               Audience targeting via e-mails and or via telephone, if required to achieve your
                                                                           1,950.00      guaranteed leads
 (No agency commission on price)
                                                                                         Promotion via
                                                                                         Newsletter • Website • additional relevant media of Konradin Industrie
Options at an extra charge:                                                              Project set-up                                                             1,500.00
Leads after expiry of the 3-month running time                        from 70.00/lead    Price per lead (minimum order volume 50 leads)                       from 70.00/lead

Drafting of white paper by specialist editor                                             (No agency commission on price)
and/or English language variant                                            on request
                                                                                        Further options: on request
For further details, please refer to our extensive sales documents:                                     For further details, please refer to our extensive sales documents:
Data delivery: via e-mail to
                                                                                        Data submission: via e-mail to
Das Stellenportal für Ihren Erfolg! is the job portal of the Konradin Publishing Group.                          28 print partners                              33 online-partners represents a unique media network built upon 62 print and online                  with 582,130 print                         with 8,902,174 PIs per month
brands with the highest level of professional competence.
With your job advertisement in one of our six industry channels, you will directly                editions per month                         5,145,299 visits per month
address the future specialists and executives within your precise target group.

The Industry channel comprises a total of 24 trade magazines and professional                                              Industry
online portals for the industry’s decision-makers, making it one of the most diverse                               514,856 PIs, 345,510 visits,
brands in German-speaking markets.                                                                                  215,900 print run copies

                                                                        PRINT JOURNAL inc. 4 weeks Basic Job Online*                  ONLINE ONLY
                                                             1/               1/             1/
 Industry                                                      4 page           2 page         1 page    Circulation/frequency p.a.      Basis Job      Premium Job Premium Job +

 Automationspraxis                                           1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     15,100 copies      10x          4 weeks          8 weeks          8 weeks

 Beschaffung aktuell                                          2,300.00         3,260.00       5,350.00     18,100 copies      10x       simple listing   simple listing   exclusive listing

 cav – Prozesstechnik für die Chemieindustrie                1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     21,700 copies      15x           199.00           249.00            299.00

 dei – Prozesstechnik für die Lebensmittelindustrie          1,000.00         1,500.00       2,200.00       9,100 copies     10x
 elektro AUTOMATION                                          1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     18,100 copies       9x
                                                                                                                                                           *With pri
 EPP Elektronik Produktion & Prüftechnik                     1,000.00         1,500.00       2,200.00      9,200 copies       7x                                     nt bo
                                                                                                                                                             the respec oking,
                                                                                                                                                            online ch tive
 Industrieanzeiger                                           1,750.00         2,750.00       4,300.00     40,100 copies      34x                                      annel is
 KEM Konstruktion                                            1,400.00         2,000.00      3,200.00      22,600 copies      18x                               4 weeks! for

 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung                   1,400.00         2,000.00      3,200.00      20,100 copies      10x
 medizin&technik                                             1,020.00         1,530.00      2,040.00      10,000 copies       6x
 phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie              1,000.00         1,500.00      2,200.00      11,100 copies       5x
 QUALITY ENGINEERING                                         1,440.00         2,040.00      3,260.00      20,700 copies       4x

 All print ads set to type area (specific formats are available upon request), prices in € plus VAT., all print rates
 indicated are valid for 4-colour print. Publication rates are provided by the publisher and are valid as of 2019.
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