Page created by Manuel Ortega
MAVIS DISCOUNT TIRE                                        Representative Photo


MEMORANDUM                           7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209
Confidentiality and Disclaimer
Marcus & Millichap hereby advises all prospective purchasers of         and lease guarantees, Buyer is responsible for conducting his/her       NON-ENDORSEMENT NOTICE
Net Leased property as follows:                                         own investigation of all matters affecting the intrinsic value of the
                                                                        property and the value of any long-term lease, including the            Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services, Inc. (“M&M”)
The information contained in this Marketing Brochure has been           likelihood of locating a replacement tenant if the current tenant       is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any
obtained from sources we believe to be reliable. However, Marcus        should default or abandon the property, and the lease terms that        commercial tenant or lessee identified in this marketing package.
& Millichap has not and will not verify any of this information, nor    Buyer may be able to negotiate with a potential replacement             The presence of any corporation’s logo or name is not intended to
has Marcus & Millichap conducted any investigation regarding            tenant considering the location of the property, and Buyer’s legal      indicate or imply affiliation with, or sponsorship or endorsement
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As the Buyer of a net leased property, it is the Buyer’s                your investigation and/or purchase of this net leased property.
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                                                                        contaminating substances, PCB’s or asbestos, the compliance with         buyers are admonished and advised to engage other
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and carefully review all legal and financial documents related to       prospects of any tenant, or any tenant’s plans or intentions to          physical condition or financial outlook. Projections and pro forma
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this or other locations is an important consideration, it is not a      contained in this Marketing Brochure has been obtained from              volatility created by COVID-19, all potential buyers should be
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acquired locations, may be set based on a tenant’s projected sales      contained herein, nor has Marcus & Millichap conducted any
with little or no record of actual performance, or comparable           investigation regarding these matters and makes no warranty or
rents for the area. Returns are not guaranteed; the tenant and any      representation whatsoever regarding the accuracy or
guarantors may fail to pay the lease rent or property taxes, or may     completeness of the information provided. All potential buyers
fali to comply with other material terms of the lease; cash flow        must take appropriate measures to verify all of the information
may be interrupted in part or in whole due to market, economic,         set forth herein.
environmental or other conditions. Regardless of tenant history
Table of Contents
 Investment Highlights       4
 Financial Analysis          5
 Key Investment Highlights   6
 Tenant Overview             7
 Company Overview            8
 Industry Overview           9-10
 Surrounding Area            11
 Location Overview           12
 Local & Regional Maps       13-14
 Demographics & Market       15-16

                                     Representative Photo
Investment Highlights
              PRICE: $2,700,000 | CAP: 5.00% | RENT: $135,000
 About the Investment
 ✓   Long Term 20-Year Sale-Leaseback
 ✓   Absolute Triple Net (NNN) Lease with Zero Landlord Responsibilities
 ✓   Attractive Rental Increases of Five Percent (5%) Every Five (5) Years
 ✓   Six (6) Tenant Renewal Periods of Five (5) Years Each
 About the Location
 ✓ Dense Retail Corridor | Walmart, Chick-fil-A, CVS, Bank of America, McDonald’s, Aldi, Lowe’s, Ford, Firestone,
   Wendy’s, Tractor Supply Company, Pizza Hutt, Burger King, GameStop, Popeyes, and Many More
 ✓ Compelling Real Estate Fundamentals | Seven Miles Southeast of University of South Carolina | Over 34,000
   Students Enrolled | Williams-Brice Stadium | Stadium Capacity Exceeds 80,000 Patrons
 ✓ Ease of Access and Visibility | Situated on a Hard Corner & Signalized Intersection
 ✓ Exceptional Traffic Counts | Interstate-77 & Garners Ferry Road | 36,600 & 64,800 Average Daily Vehicles,
 ✓ Proximity to Hospitality Accommodations | Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, Hampton Inn & Suites, Hilton
   Columbia Center, DoubleTree, Home2Suites, Rodeway Inn, Among Various Others
 ✓ Robust Demographics | Over 79,400 Individuals Within a Five-Mile Radius & 252,100 Individuals Within a Ten-Mile
 ✓ Affluent Suburban Market | Average Household Income Within a Five-Mile Radius Exceeds $81,400
 About the Tenant / Brand
 ✓ Mavis is the second largest independent automotive service business in the U.S. with over 1,050 service centers in
   29 states, $1.5 billion of revenue and industry-leading profit margins.
 ✓ Mavis has a best-in-class management team and operating culture and has generated the strongest and most
   consistent financial results in the industry with over 10 years of positive comparable sales growth.
 ✓ The company consists of three operating formats: Mavis Tire, Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers, and Brakes Plus
 ✓ Mavis was founded in 1972 and offers a diverse range of tire and mechanical services and exceptional customer
 ✓ Mavis has leading market share in its key regions (especially the Northeast), and a strong real estate profile with very
   well-maintained buildings and equipment.
 ✓ Mavis’ strong asset base leads to superior financial results; Mavis’ average unit volumes are approximately $1.5
   million per store which is ~25% higher than Monro, the only competitor that is a public company.
 ✓ David and Stephen Sorbaro have been co-CEOs of Mavis for over 30 years.
                                                                                                                              Representative Photo

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                                            4
Financial Analysis
             PRICE: $2,700,000 | CAP: 5.00% | RENT: $135,000
                           Property Description                                                              Rent Schedule
 Property                                              Mavis Discount Tire     Lease Year(s)       Annual Rent        Monthly Rent      Rent Escalation (%)
 Property Address                                    7801 Garners Ferry Rd         Year 1           $135,000            $11,250                  -
                                                                                   Year 2           $135,000            $11,250                  -
 City, State                                                 Columbia, SC
                                                                                   Year 3           $135,000            $11,250                  -
 Estimated Building Size (sf)                                       6,730          Year 4           $135,000            $11,250                  -
 Estimated Lot Size (acres)                                           1.15         Year 5           $135,000            $11,250                  -
 Type of Ownership                                             Fee Simple          Year 6           $141,750            $11,813               5.00%
                                 The Offering                                      Year 7           $141,750            $11,813                  -
 Purchase Price                                                 $2,700,000         Year 8           $141,750            $11,813                  -
 CAP Rate                                                            5.00%         Year 9           $141,750            $11,813                  -
                                                                                  Year 10           $141,750            $11,813                  -
 Annual Rent                                                     $135,000
                                                                                  Year 11           $148,838            $12,403               5.00%
                                Lease Summary                                     Year 12           $148,838            $12,403                  -
 Property Type                                       Net-Leased Auto Parts        Year 13           $148,838            $12,403                  -
 Tenant                                    Mavis Tire Express Services Corp       Year 14           $148,838            $12,403                  -
 Ownership Type                                                   Corporate       Year 15           $148,838            $12,403                  -
 Lease Term                                                         20 Years      Year 16           $156,279            $13,023               5.00%
 Lease Commencement                                   Upon Close of Escrow        Year 17           $156,279            $13,023                  -
                                                                                  Year 18           $156,279            $13,023                  -
 Lease Expiration                           20 Years from Close of Escrow
                                                                                  Year 19           $156,279            $13,023                  -
 Lease Term Remaining                                               20 Years
                                                                                  Year 20           $156,279            $13,023                  -
 Lease Type                                                Triple Net (NNN)
 Roof & Structure                                       Tenant Responsible
 Rental Increases                                          5% Every 5 Years
                                                                               INVESTMENT SUMMARY
                                                                               Marcus & Millichap is pleased to present the exclusive listing for a Mavis
 Options to Renew                             Six (6), Five (5) Year Options
                                                                               Discount Tire located at 7801 Garners Ferry Road, South Carolina. The site
                                                                               consists of roughly 6,730 rentable square feet of building space on estimated
                                                                               1.15-acre parcel of land.

                                                                               This Mavis Discount Tire is subject to a 20-year Absolute Triple-Net (NNN)
                                                                               lease, which commences upon close of escrow. The annual rent is $135,000
                                                                               and is scheduled to increase by five (5%) percent every five (5) years. There are
                                                                               six (6), five (5)-year tenant renewal options.
Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                                                        5
Key Investment Highlights
             Strong Asset                           Strong Tenant                        Significant Experience

➢ Strong real estate profile            ➢ Industry leader as the second largest   ➢ Mavis has approximately 50 years of
                                          independent auto service provider in      operating history
➢ Exceptionally well-maintained           the nation
  buildings and equipment                                                         ➢ Industry-leading management team
                                        ➢ Scale brand with wide geographic          with one of the best track records in
➢ Compelling unit-level fundamentals      reach generating $1.5+ billion            the industry
                                          revenues across 1,050+ service
➢ Corporately operated and guaranteed                                             ➢ Co-CEO’s David and Stephen Sorbaro
                                          centers in 29 states
  20-year sale-leaseback                                                            have been managing the Company
                                        ➢ Long history of revenue and service       since 1990 when there were only 3
➢ Triple Net (NNN) lease with zero
                                          center growth                             units
  landlord responsibilities
                                        ➢ Highly diversified business mix
➢ Attractive rent escalations and
  renewal options                       ➢ Participates in the attractive and
                                          growing auto service industry

                                        ➢ Recession resistant due to essential,
                                          non-discretionary nature of the

                                        ➢ Deemed an “essential service” by the
                                          government during COVID-19 period
                                          which enables all stores to remain
                                          open to serve the community

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                     6
Mavis Discount Tire Background
  History of Mavis Discount Tire
  Mavis Discount Tire has been saving people money on tires for more
  than 50 years! While the company was founded in 1972, its roots can
  be traced back to 1949.

  It all started with Vic's Cycle Shop, which repaired bicycles sold by its
  neighbor, a toy shop. In no time at all, the tiny shop developed a great
  reputation for performing seemingly impossible bicycle repairs. It
  quickly grew into a better equipped, better capitalized business. Its
  reputation of Value Oriented Service spread far and wide.

  By 1968, business was booming. It was time for the next step. With
  limited resources and no market analysis, the owners built a 7,000
  square foot tire center on the other side of town. In no time the new        Representative Photo
  state-of-the-art facility was a success. By 1971 they had three stores. In
  1972, striving for a more professional image, the operating name was         Mavis Offers One of the Largest Selections of
  changed to Mavis, one of the first multi-brand tire dealers in the New               Tire Brands in the Industry:
  York area. (Incidentally, Mavis is derived from the first two letters of
  Marion's and Victor's names, and the first letter of their last name.)

  Today, Mavis Discount Tire is one of the second largest independent
  multi-brand tire dealers in the United States and offers a menu of
  additional services including brakes, alignments, suspension, shocks,
  struts, oil changes, battery replacement and exhaust work.

  Mavis Discount Tire still operates that original 7,000 square foot store
  in Mt. Vernon. What's more, the tradition of Value Oriented Service
  originating with Vic's Cycle Shop will always be the backbone of the

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                            7
Industry Leader
           Mavis is the second largest independent auto service business in the
           industry with 1,050+ service centers

      (1) Service Center Counts estimated by Modern Tire Dealer; Adjusted for Mavis Express’ recent acquisition of 112 TBC service centers; Includes all Monro
      company-operated service centers.

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                                                              8
Attractive Industry
          Mavis participates in the attractive and growing auto service
                 Vehicles in Operation                           Average Age of Vehicles
                There are more vehicles on the road…   … with increasing age leading to more replacement and repair…

                Vehicles in Operation                                Shift Towards DIFM
                      … as more miles are traveled….    … and more people prefer Do It For Me (DIFM) instead of DIY.



Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                          9
Positioned For Growth In All Economic Cycles
            Auto service is counter-cyclical; in the last recession, comparable service
            center sales increased without exception
 Comparable Service Center Sales

                                                   7%                              9%


                                   2008           2009            2010            2011      2012


                                                   3%                              3%
                                   2%                                                        3%

                                   2008           2009            2010            2011      2012

                                                   7%              7%                        7%

                                   2008           2009            2010            2011      2012

                                   7%                              7%
                                                                                   4%        4%

       Instant Oil Change
                                   2008           2009            2010            2011      2012
                                                                                          Representative Photo

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                       10
Surrounding Area
                  Property Address: 7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209


Mavis Discount Tire                                                             11
Location Overview
                           Property Address: 7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209

The site is situated on the hard corner of Garners Ferry Road and Cliff Kinder Road.
Garners Ferry Road is an active four-lane roadway which has an average daily
traffic count of 36,600 vehicles. Garners Ferry Road intersects with Cliff Kinder
Road, which brings an additional 15,100 vehicles into the immediate area of the
subject property, daily. There are approximately 34,000 individuals residing within
a three-mile radius of the subject property and 79,400 individuals within a five-mile
radius. The subject Mavis Discount Tire benefits from being located in an affluent
suburban community. The average household income within a five-mile radius
exceeds $81,400.

This Mavis Discount Tire is well-positioned in the center of a highly dense retail
corridor with great visibility and accessibility located on a hard corner and
signalized intersection. Many national and local tenants surround the subject
property, as well as shopping centers and academic institutions. Major national
tenants in the area include Walmart, Chick-fil-A, CVS, Bank of America,
McDonald’s, Aldi, Lowe’s, Ford, Firestone, Wendy’s, Tractor Supply Company, Pizza
Hutt, Burger King, GameStop, Popeyes, as well as many more. The subject property
is located just seven-miles from the University of South Carolina, where the
community religiously gathers to watch the University’s collegiate football team,         ADTC: 36,600
the Gamecocks, for home games in the colossal Williams-Brice Stadium. The
stadium holds Just over 80,000 patrons and the school has invested nearly $30
million in improvements and renovations over the last decade. The University of
South Carolina has a student enrollment exceeding 34,000 students. The subject
property is in close proximity to various hospitality accommodations as well;
                                                                                                         ADTC: 15,100
among them: Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, Hampton Inn & Suites, Hilton
Columbia Center, DoubleTree, Home2Suites, Rodeway Inn & Suites and more.

Columbia is located in the center of South Carolina at the junctions of Interstates
20, 26 and 77. It is South Carolina's most populated city, the state capital, the
county seat of Richland County, the home of the University of South Carolina's main
campus, and the site of the South Carolina State Fair each October. A small part of
Columbia also extends into Lexington County. Columbia lies at the confluence of
the Saluda River and the Broad River. Columbia is home to the University of South
Carolina, the state's flagship university and the largest in the state, and is also the
site of Fort Jackson, the largest United States Army installation for Basic Combat

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                     12
Local Map
                 Property Address: 7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209

                                                                 Jim Hamilton – LB Owens Airport (CUB)

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                      13
Regional Map
                 Property Address: 7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209


Mavis Discount Tire                                                                       14
                 Property Address: 7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209

                                                                                                              3 Miles 5 Miles      10 Miles
                              10 Miles                                           2025 Projection             35,213     81,101       257,215
                                                                                 2020 Estimate               34,020     79,370       252,134
                                                                                 2010 Census                 31,794     75,908       241,091
                                                                                 2000 Census                 26,780     62,470       229,063
                              5 Miles
                                                                                  Average                    $79,664    $81,370      $66,887
                                                                                  Median                     $56,423    $53,997      $44,727
                                                                                  Per Capita                 $31,520    $30,811      $27,473
                              3 Miles
                                                                                 2025 Projection             13,928     29,368       102,581
                                                                                 2020 Estimate               13,316     28,401       99,614
                                                                                 2010 Census                 12,307     26,724       94,197
                                                                                 2000 Census                 10,059     23,575       89,331

                                                                                 2020                        $156,612   $173,837     $152,314

                                                                                 2020 Daytime Population     30,192     81,538       374,864
                                                                                 2020 Unemployment           2.51%      1.99%        3.27%
                                                                                 2020 Median Time Traveled   22 Mins    20 Mins      21 Mins

                                                                               RACE & ETHNICITY
                                                                                 White                       42.36%     52.16%       45.47%
                                                                                 Native American             0.11%      0.20%        0.12%
                                                                                 African American            51.38%     39.65%       45.68%
                                                                                 Asian/Pacific Islander      2.36%      2.52%        2.58%

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                                     15
Market Overview
             City: Columbia | County: Richland | State: South Carolina
                                                                         Columbia          is the capital and second largest city of South
                                                                         Carolina and lies at the confluence of the Saluda River and the

       Columbia, SC                                                      Broad River. Columbia is home to the University of South
                                                                         Carolina, the state's flagship university and the largest in the
                                                                         state, and is also the site of Fort Jackson, the largest United
                                                                         States Army installation for Basic Combat Training.

                                                                         Columbia enjoys a diversified economy, with the major employers
                                                                         in the area being South Carolina state government, the Palmetto
                                                                         Health hospital system, Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina,
                                                                         Palmetto GBA, and the University of South Carolina. The
                                                                         corporate headquarters of Fortune 1000 energy company,
                                                                         SCANA, are located in the Columbia suburb of Cayce. Other major
                                                                         employers include Computer Sciences Corporation, Fort Jackson,
                                                                         Richland School District One, Humana/TriCare, and the United
                                                                         Parcel Service.

                                                                         The city of Columbia has recently accomplished a number of
                                                                         urban redevelopment projects and has several more planned. The
                                                                         historic Congaree Vista, a 1,200-acre district running from the
                                                                         central business district toward the Congaree River, features a
                                                                         number of historic buildings that have been rehabilitated since its
                                                                         revitalization begun in the late 1980s.

Mavis Discount Tire                                                                                                                    16
Glen Kunofsky                      Matthew Anuszkiewicz                        Alexandre Marietto
                            212.430.5115 | NY: 10301203289         914.403.7574 | NY: 10401285141             212.430.5182| NY: 10401279846

                                 E XC LU S I V E N E T L EA S E O F F E R I N G

Ben Yelm
Marcus & Millichap
151 Meeting Street, Suite 450
Charleston, SC 29401
Tel: (843) 952-2222                                                                                         7801 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209
Fax: (843) 952-2310
License: 86628
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