Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...

Page created by Alan Payne
Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
Meridian Senior Center
   January - February 2021 Newsletter

The year 2020 will be remembered as a
hellacious year filled with highs and lows and
everything in between. We are all longing for
“normalcy”. We are ready to get out and go to
a movie or a concert. We want to book that
flight and take a trip, relax at a restaurant for
a meal where you can be waited on, or quite
simply just meet up at the senior center with
friends once again. More than any other year
I think many of us will find some peace at the
end of 2020. After all, a new year provides the
opportunity for new beginnings. A time to
take an honest assessment of oneself and our
life. It can be hard to know where to start, but
if done with good intention, we can start in
the right place. Collectively, let’s take a big
deep breath as we say goodbye (or good
riddance) to 2020 and say hello to a brand
new year, and a new beginning, because
together we’ve got this!

Tri-County Office on Aging Meals on Wheels program has several drive
up locations that those 60 and over can pick up 5 complete meals once a
week without leaving their car. Call 517-887-1393 for more information and
registration to pick up meals. Home delivery is available to those 60 and
over that are not able to pick up meals. To apply for home delivered Meals
on Wheels call 517-887-1460.

  Meridian Senior Center                         Visit our webpage and Facebook!

    4000 Okemos Rd                     

    Okemos, MI 48864                   


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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
Thursday, January 7th
2:00 pm
Join by Phone or Zoom                                   JOURNEY TOWARD
Call to register at (517) 706-5045
Presented by Mary London, Peak Performance
Join Peak Performance Physical Therapy for a            HOPE FOR THE
virtual meeting to discuss how to keep moving           GRIEVING
during the winter months. A trained movement            Wednesday, January 13th
specialist will guide you through tips to achieve       11:00 am
and maintain goals for staying active, and some         Join by Phone or Zoom
fitness apps that can provide additional                Call to register (517)706-5045
inspiration. Be sure to have a stable chair to sit on   Presented by Steve Gonzales, Grace
and get ready to get moving for a tutorial of an        Hospice
easy home workout!                                      Death is never convenient! It disrupts our
                                                        life, activities and our plans. Even when we
                                                        know our loved one will die sooner than
                                                        later, the pain we feel when death steals
 CONVERSATIONS                                          away is no less severe. If you’ve recently lost
                                                        a loved one, come to this 1- hour workshop
 Friday, January 8th
                                                        and learn how to:
 4:30 pm
                                                             Understand your grief and move forward
 Join by phone or via Zoom
                                                             Enjoy anniversaries and holidays (again)
 Call to register at (517) 706-5045
 Lets Talk; What 2020 Has Taught Us?
 Are you thankful 2020 is over? Everyone can             MIND BENDERS
 agree that 2020 has been a hectic year full of          Thursday, January 14th
 more downs than ups. With election fatigue              11:00 am
 combined with the pandemic, many of us were             Join by phone or via Zoom
 more than ready to wave goodbye to 2020! On             Lead by Eric Stanton, Okemos Public
 Friday, January 8th, let’s come together to             Library
 discuss what 2020 has taught us. Share and              Call to register (517) 706-5045
 celebrate our wins and accomplishments and              Join us by phone or online via Zoom for
 how we can keep our spirits and minds healthy
                                                         word games and puzzles to stimulate
 into 2021.
                                                         your brain and help you to remain
                                                         sharp and alert. Grab a cup of coffee,
                                                         find a cozy seat, and get ready for an
                                                         enjoyable “mental” workout.

                                                        TRAVEL SHORTS: THE
                                                        FLORIDA KEYS
                                                        Tuesday, January 19th
                                                        2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
                                                        Join by Phone or Zoom
                                                        Call to register (517)706-5045
                                                        Presented by Tom Moore, Head Librarian,
                                                        Haslett Library
                                                        Stretching 126 miles south toward Cuba, the
COFFEE AND CONVERSATION                                 Florida Keys are a perfect escape. Highlights
WITH CHIEF PLAGA                                        along the way include Key Largo, Islamorada,
Tuesday, January 12th                                   Marathon, Big Pine Key and the irrepressible
10:00 am                                                Key West. Travel along the Overseas Highway
Join by Phone or via Zoom                               with CADL’s Tom Moore to explore these
Call to register (517) 706-5045                         stunning keys.

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
REMINISCING THE 1940’S                                      BOOK CLUB
Thursday, January 21st                                      Monday, January 25th
2:00 pm                                                     11:00 am
Join by Phone or Zoom                                       Join by Phone or Zoom
Call to register                                            Call to register (517)706-5045
Presented by: Audrey Kingdon, Brookdale                     Presented by Nakhita Nalla, Librarian
Meridian & Christy Swope, The Willows at                    Haslett Library
East Lansing                                                The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie
Join us in Reminiscing the Fantastic 40’s!                  Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie
During this online interactive event that                   Barrows
celebrates all things 1940’s, there will be                 “I wonder how the book got to Guernsey?
trivia, music and personal sharing time.                    Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing
Enjoy this great way to reflect on the 40’s                 instinct in books that brings them to their
from the comfort of your home.                              perfect readers.” January 1946: London is
                                                            emerging from the shadow of the Second
                                                            World War, and writer Juliet Ashton is
TIPS AND TRICKS FOR A                                       looking for her next book subject. Who could
BETTER NIGHTS SLEEP                                         imagine that she would find it in a letter from
Friday, January 22                                          a man she’s never met, a native of the island
3:00 pm                                                     of Guernsey, who has come across her name
Join by Phone or Zoom                                       written inside a book by Charles Lamb. As
Call to register (517)706-5045                              Juliet and her new correspondent exchange
Presented by: Alexa at Cypress Home Care                    letters, Juliet is drawn into the world of this
Up to 48% of all older adults have Insomnia                 man and his friends—and what a
symptoms according to the Journal of clinical               wonderfully eccentric world it is. The
sleep medicine. Insomnia can be as simple as                Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
having trouble falling asleep, waking up                    —born as a spur-of-the-moment alibi when its
several times during the night, waking up too               members were discovered breaking curfew
early and not being able to fall back to sleep.             by the Germans occupying their island—
Chronic insomnia increases the risk of                      boasts a charming, funny, deeply human cast
accidents such as falls and other health                    of characters, from pig farmers to
conditions, like depression, diabetes, heart                phrenologists, literature lovers all.
disease, and cognitive impairment. Sleep is
important for overall health. If insomnia is
affecting you or your loved one, be sure to join            WHEN IS IT TIME TO
us and learn about some natural ways to
combat this common nemesis.                                 CONSIDER MOVING INTO
                                                            ASSISTED LIVING?
                                                            Tuesday, January 26th
                                                            3:00 pm
                                                            Join by Phone or Zoom
                                                            Call to register
                                                            Presented by Olivia from Grand Haven
                                                            Assisted Living Facility
                                                            Each person ages at a different rate and may
                                                            face varying health challenges as the years
                                                            march on. Because of this, navigating health
                                                            care decisions later in life isn’t always a
ASK A LAWYER                                                straightforward proposition. One of those
Monday, January 25th                                        decisions may be trying to decide when is the
Phone or Zoom                                               right time to move into an assisted living
Appointments available between                              community, and when to begin making plans
9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                          for such a transition. In this presentation we
Call to make your appointment by                            will be discussing the types of services
calling (517) 706-5045                                      provided by an Assisted Living, the signs that
Provided by JKY Legal Group                                 Assisted Living is the appropriate next step,
                                                            and tools to navigate the senior living

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
 FEBRUARY                                                 ESSENTIAL OILS
                                                          Thursday, February 11th
USSR: MYTHS                                               2 pm
MYSTERIES AND SPIES                                       Join by Phone or Zoom
Thursday, February 4th                                    Call to register
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm                                         Presented by Alexa, Cypress Home Care
Join by Phone or Zoom                                     Essential oils have been used for nearly 6,000
Call to register; Register by February 1st                years, with the aim of improving a person’s
Presented by Henry Quinlan                                health or mood. The National Association for
During this one hour presentation Mr. Quinlan             Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) defines
will share with you his experiences and                   aromatherapy as “the therapeutic application
involvement that spanned over 30 year with                or the medicinal use of aromatic substances
the former Soviet Union and Russia including              (essential oils) for holistic healing.” Don’t miss
living in Moscow for five years during the                this opportunity to learn more about what
demise of the USSR and the rise of the new                essential oils are and how they can be used to
Russia. The presentation will entertain and               treat a variety of ailments.
  Hermitage, Bolshoi Theater                              VALENTINES SPAGHETTI
  Kremlin Museum
  Palaces                                                 DINNER TO GO
  Moscow Subway                                           Friday, February 12th
   S. J. who survived 20 years in Soviet prison camp.     Drive through and pick up “curbside”
  Tour of Soviet Space facilities with Wally Schirra.     3:30 - 4:15 pm
  Discovered a long held secret of Soviet Space
                                                          Deadline to pre-order; Friday, February
  Memorable comment of Michelle Pfeiffer about            5th
  making a film with Sean Connery in Moscow.              Limited to 25
  Summit 1990 President Gorbachev and President           Sponsored by: GrandHaven Assisted
  G. H. Bush. Overthrow of Communism –                    Living
  Dismantling the USSR.
                                                          Enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner from Olive Garden.
  Tanks in the streets.
  Pushkin Museum                                          Each meal will come with breadsticks and
  The Three Great Mysteries of Russia                     salad. Plus a fun gift from your friends at
  The Amber Room                                          the Senior Center.
  The Czar’s Jewels
  The Art taken by Napoleon Soviet Union in WW2
  Unusual story of Father Walter Ceszak
  Spying for the F.B.I. Publishing the first
  telephone book in the USSR since 1934.
  Publishing “Make Way for Ducklings” in Russian
  in Russia.
  Installation of statues of “Make Way for
  Ducklings” in Moscow.
  Capitalism takes hold along with Russian Mafia.         MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP
  My encounters with the Russian Mafia.
  Interview with F.B.I. in 1917 regarding 201             HUMAN SERVICES
                                                          Tuesday, February 16th
                                                          1:00 pm
  Thursday, February 11th                                 Join by Phone or Zoom
  11:00 am                                                Call to register
  Join by phone or via Zoom                               Presented by: Darla Jackson, Human
  Lead by Eric Stanton, Okemos Public                     Services Specialist
  Library                                                 The Human Services Specialist at Meridian
  Call to register                                        Township works to determine eligibility for
  Join us by phone or online via Zoom for                 different human service programs and services
  word games and puzzles to stimulate                     in Ingham County. Would you like to learn
  your brain and help you to remain sharp                 more about what the Meridian Township
  and alert. Grab a cup of coffee, find a                 Human Services Specialist does to help those in
  cozy seat, and get ready for an enjoyable               the community and how she may be able to
  “mental” workout.                                       help you, a friend or a loved one?

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
TRAVEL SHORTS: THE                                      COCKTAILS AND
REPUBLIC OF MALTA                                       CONVERSATIONS
Tuesday, February 16th                                  Friday, February 19th
2:30 pm                                                 4:30 pm
Join by phone or Zoom                                   Join by phone or Zoom
Call to register (517)706-5045                          Call to register (517)706-5045
Lead by Tom Moore, Head Librarian,
Haslett Library
One of the smallest countries in the world, the
island nation of Malta is known for its historic
sites and beautiful beaches. Join CADL’s Tom
Moore to explore this incredible archipelago.

                                                        ASK A LAWYER
                                                        Monday, February 22nd
                                                        Phone or Zoom
                                                        Appointments available between
                                                        9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                        Call to make your appointment
 WINTER SING-A-LONG                                     Provided by JKY Legal Group
 Friday, February 19th
 1:00 pm                                                BOOK CLUB
 Join by Phone or Zoom
                                                        Monday, February 22nd
 Call to register (517)706-5045
                                                        11:00 am
 Lead by: Gordy and Judy Tuthill
                                                        Join by Phone or Zoom
 Find your inner rock star? Opera singer?
                                                        Call to register (517) 706-5045
 and tune in and sing-a-long to some
                                                        Presented by Nakhita Nalla, Librarian
 uplifting and lively songs to brighten
                                                        Haslett Library
 your day and chase the winter blues
                                                        Once Upon A River by Diane Setterfield
 away. We will be singing a variety of
                                                        On a dark midwinter’s night in an ancient
 seasonal & general songs. Don't worry
                                                        inn on the river Thames, an extraordinary
 about knowing the words - The lyrics will
                                                        event takes place. The regulars are telling
 be shared from our computer to your
                                                        stories while away the dark hours, when the
 computer screen. We will also be
                                                        door bursts open on a grievously wounded
 including some interesting facts about
                                                        stranger. In his arms is the lifeless body of a
 many of the songs, composers and the
                                                        small child. Hours later, the girl stirs, takes
 artists who made these songs famous. We
                                                        a breath and returns to life. Is it a miracle?
 look forward to seeing you and singing
                                                        Is it magic? Or can science provide an
                                                        explanation? These questions have many
                                                        answers, some of them quite dark
                                                        indeed.Once Upon a River is a glorious
                                                        tapestry of a book that combines folklore
                                                        and science, magic and myth. Suspenseful,
                                                        romantic, and richly atmospheric, the
                                                        beginning of this novel will sweep you away
                                                        on a powerful current of storytelling,
                                                        transporting you through worlds both real
                                                        and imagined, to the triumphant conclusion
                                                        whose depths will continue to give up their
                                                        treasures long after the last page is turned.

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
REMINISCING THE 1950’S                                   FIELD TRIP FRIDAY
Tuesday, February 23rd                                   Friday, January 8th & February 12th
2:00 pm                                                  Registration Deadline Thursday prior
Join by Phone or Zoom                                    Though our in person trips are on hold for
Call to register                                         now, we have found a way to visit interesting
Presented by: Audrey Kingdon, Brookdale                  and sometimes distant places from the
Meridian & Christy Swope, The Willows at                 comfort of our homes.
East Lansing                                             After you register, a link will be sent to
Join us for the second installment:                      you via email 12:00 pm the day of.
Reminiscing the Fabulous 50’s! You will be
participating in an online interactive event
that celebrates all things 1950’s. There will
                                                         CONCERTS ON DEMAND
                                                         Monday, January 18th & February 15th
be trivia, music and personal sharing time.
                                                         Registration deadline Friday prior
Enjoy this great way to reflect on the 50’s
                                                         Wharton Center concerts and or concerts
from the comfort of your home.
                                                         at the MET may be on hold for the
                                                         foreseeable future, but we have found a
                                                         way to bring you some incredible
                                                         performances that can be watch while
                                                         curled up on the couch with a warm cup of
                                                         coffee or tea. If you would like to
                                                         participate in our concerts on demand
                                                         please call or email the senior center to
                                                         register. After you register, a link will be
                                                         sent to you via email 12:00 pm the day

                                                         HEALTHY LIVING WITH
CARD MAKING CLASS                                        DR. AJ SHAH
WITH RONDA                                               Wednesday, January 27th & February
Via Facebook live on Ronda's Card Making                 24th
Facebook Page                                            Registration deadline Tuesday prior Dr.
Friday, January 22nd & February 26th                     Aajay Shah is a Board Certified
11:00 am                                                 Cardiologist, certified in Lifestyle
For more information contact Ronda at                    Medicine, Life Coach, and Motivational                                  Speaker. His passion and dedication is to
Show your loved ones how much you care by                help people live a healthier and happier
making these one-of-a-kind creations! Join               life. Dr Shah puts a major emphasis on the
Ronda as she walks you through making these              importance of prevention. And even
beautiful hand crafted cards.                            though it’s important to start prevention as
                                                         early as possible, he tells his patients that it
                                                         is never too late to focus on preventing
                                                         disease and even in some cases reversing
                                                         it. You too can hear Dr. Shah share his
                                                         passion and knowledge for health and
                                                         healthy living each month from the
                                                         comfort of your own home. After you
                                                         register, a link will be sent to you via
                                                         email 12:00 pm the day of.

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
Balance & Core-
                                                       ZOOM Yoga with Piril
Chair-based Class
Mondays                                                Level I- (beginners and all
January 4 - February 22
12:30 - 1:30                                           skill levels)
Cost $60                                               Tuesdays
No class on 1/18 and 2/15 Additional                   January 5th - February 23rd
cost for class equipment $25.00 - This is              10:30 am - 11:30 am
a one time fee.                                        $10 per class, or can be paid by 1 month or
In this virtual class, participants work on            2 months
strengthening and movement patterning                  Pay for the full session and receive 30% off
to support balance, coordination, and                  $12 drop-in fee
movement resilience. While most of the                 All levels welcome.
class is taken while seated, a small amount            Gentle and mindful introduction to
of standing work is also explored in each              traditional and modified yoga postures. We
class. Students will need a therapy band               will explore the benefits of seated (chair) and
and BrainSpeed ball, which can be                      standing postures.This class is best for
purchased through the Meridian Senior                  beginners, seniors with balance issues
Center. This class takes place via Zoom.               and/or mobility challenges. No prior
                                                       experience necessary.

Balance & Core-                                        Level II- (intermediate)
Mat-based Class                                        Thursdays
                                                       January 7th - February 25th
January 6th - February 24th 12:30 pm -
                                                       11:30 am - 12:30 pm
1:30 pm
                                                       $10 per class, or can be paid by 1 month or
Cost $80
                                                       2 months
via Zoom
                                                       Pay for the full session and receive 30% off
Additional cost for class equipment is
                                                       $12 drop-in fee
$25 - This is a one time fee
                                                       Participants must be able to stand and to
In this virtual class, participants work on
                                                       sit on the floor (for up to an hour).
strengthening and movement patterning to
                                                       Take advantage of the beginning of a new
support balance, coordination, and
                                                       year to ease back into your practice. This
movement resilience. While most of the
                                                       class is best for anyone who is looking to
class is taken while seated, a small amount
                                                       explore the depths of familiar postures.
of standing work is also explored in each
class. Students will need a therapy band
and BrainSpeed ball, which can be
purchased through the Meridian Senior
                                                       SENIOR CENTER OFFICE
Center. This class takes place via Zoom.               WILL BE CLOSED ON THE
                                                       FOLLOWING DATES IN 2021:
                                                        January 18th - Martin Luther King Day
                                                        February 15th - Presidents Day
                                                        April 5 - 9th - Spring Break
                                                        May 31 - Memorial Day
                                                        July 2nd - Independence Day Holiday
                                                        September 6th - Labor Day
                                                        November 25 - 26 - Thanksgiving
                                                        December 20 - 31 - WInter Break

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Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...

Julia F. & Richard F. the 2015 Summer BBQ      Christy C. from the Willows, Bonnie J., and
                                                Stan K. at the 2018 Father's Day Beer and

                                             Ralph F., James S., Linda H., and Linda R.,
   Katie L., Pat L., Julie S., & Arlene H.
                                                     at the 2018 Euchre Party
   during a mini photo shoot outside,
                winter 2016

   Paula B., at the August September         Nirmala S. at the 2017 Ice Cream Social
     Birthday Celebration in 2020
Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ... Meridian Senior Center - MERIDIAN SENIOR ...
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