2 Wolseley Grove
 St Leonard’s                                                                               Brighton Beach 3186

                                                                                              Tel. (03) 9592 9333
 April 2022
                                                                                             Minister: Kim Cain

                     MINISTER’S MEANDERINGS
War in Europe, again. Who would have believed           take a further step in this story: we see life in
it? Images from old World War II newsreels play         the resurrection of hope beyond death; of God’s
out again with pictures of traumatised refugees,        way present even in a broken world.
whole towns obliterated by bombing, and the
smoking machinery of war in tatters on the sides        This is a story with a long memory: it has
of roads, flickering across our screens.                survived war after war, human atrocity and
                                                        violence one after another. It is alive because
Obviously, we’re concerned about all of this.           we need hope that love can find a better way.
Hostile monstrous political leaders awaken              In faith we can invest in a deeper life than just
when we thought they had been chained inside            a material ‘turning away.’ By honestly facing
international peace agreements, and a modern            the reality of our human situation; we are still
mind set. Clearly, not.                                 inspired to act with compassion, in truth and for
At last count in the year 2022 there are 22 wars
taking place around the world. (A sad symmetry          We step out in this faith day by day in the way
of 22’s there!) In four of the wars more than           we live.
10,000 people have been killed: Afghanistan,
Ethiopia, Mexico, and Yemen.                            Easter is a time to re-engage with this hope.
                                                        Let’s take the step and begin again.
Nevertheless, whilst it is not on our radar, we
have somehow inoculated ourselves against               New life is like that. Wars and rumours of wars
the reality of war in the world, even though it is      are forever with us, but so is the rumour of God
extensive.                                              alive through it all. For Christians, it is in Christ
                                                        that we live this new life of God.
This all goes to say that there remains within
the human condition a falling towards violence          Easter greetings to
as a means to an end. Which is all rather sad.          one and all
Not what we had hoped for our modern world.
We feel powerless to change it. To
psychologically defend ourselves we turn away.
We have enough to think about, anyway.

Enter the Easter story. It, too, is violent. Jesus is
executed by the state at the behest of the crowd
and religious leaders. And yet, as Christians we
Hi everyone the start of 2022 is starting to shape   The new website is up and running - and looks
as a return to a more normal situation with many     GREAT!!! If you haven’t yet had the chance to
restrictions lifting. Church Council has met on      see it please visit and have a look. If any changes
the 8 February and 8 March 2022, with the            are required please let me know and we will
AGM on 3rd April. The following provides a brief     get them adjusted or updated as necessary. At
update on some of the CC activities underway.        present Kim’s daily Lent 2022 1.1.40 messages
                                                     are available each time you open the website.
Church Life Survey
                The periodic Church Life             Worship Services
                Survey was scheduled to              We plan to continue the 10am combined
                be completed at the end of           livestream services at least through to Easter,
                2021, but the timehas been           though we are looking to have some alternate
                extended to at least the end         worship options as well. Messy Church
                of March. St Leonards has            recommenced in February and we had a New
                chosen to participate, so If         Wave ‘gathering under the pine tree’ at the
you haven’t already completed one, see Rick          end of February. Ingrid is continuing to be the
Lang for survey forms or go to the website           mainstay of the music at our services with You will need to put     varied offerings from a supporting cast of our
in the Code UA2B3501 at the beginning of the         talented musicians from time to time. It was
survey. If you want to use your phone or iPad to     great to have the band providing worship music
complete the survey you can also use the QR          at the service on 20 March, and are looking to
code above to directly access the survey.            establish that at least on the third Sunday each
                                                     month. This is a strong focus on our journey
St Leonard’s website                                 back to normal and we will endeavour to keep
https://                       you informed of developments in the planning
                                                     of our worship services.

St Leonard’s Uniting Church		             The Message April 2022                  		             2
Intergenerational Ministry                         Tennis court works
We are continuing to seek an Intergenerational     The timing of the tennis court works has been
Ministry Agent to further enrich our ministry. A   affected by Covid related staff shortages, and
Joint Nominating Committee (JNC) has been          work is currently scheduled to occur over the
established and we are working through the         Easter School Holiday period, though that may
Synod Placements process. Please join us           also be affected by permit issues. In addition,
in praying for the JNC as they undertake this      we have applied for a $5,000 grant to commence
important task. We will provide updates when       the tennis court landscaping and expect to get
appropriate.                                       confirmation in coming weeks.

Redevelopment Planning                             Facilities hire
The work on our redevelopment plans has been       Most of our groups are now back in full operation
on hold for a few months now but a Project         in the hall and the church. We have simplified
Control Group has now been established with        this and are looking for someone to be the
Presbytery and UCA Property Services to            liaison person with the various groups. If you
manage the process so we can get through           are able to take on this role please call me to
planning and building permit processes and         discuss the position (0407 261 544).
hopefully get to tender later this year.           Peter Hunkin
                                                   Chair of Church Council

  Coffee Cup Challenge
  Pancake Celebration
         May 1st
Now that Covid restrictions have eased, we are
going to have a Pancake Feast on Sunday May
the 1st, as a celebration for all our generous
Coffee Cup Challenge participants.
Keep the date free and after church enjoy the
best pancakes you’ve had at church in the last
two years.
                            The final figure
                            for the CCC will
                            be announced at
                            the Pancake Day
                            celebration,   but
                            we have already
                            made a significant
                            difference      to
                            the care Uniting
                            can offer to the
                            We hope to see
                            you all on May 1st.
                            Barry Schofield

    3				                  The Message April 2022		            St Leonard’s Uniting Church
Messy Church meets every fourth Sunday at
5pm at St Leonards. On Sunday 27th March,
we heard the Easter story, completed Easter
crafts and made Easter windmills! You can see
Frank arranging the windmills for a photoshoot.
We also enjoyed the help of Duncan Turuva, a
candidate for ministry who will be at St Leonards
on Field Education Placement this year.

   Kids Spot at St Leonards
This year, we’ve done some thinking about how
to engage with our children during the Sunday
morning service. We don’t like sending the chil-
dren away from where the rest of the communi-
ty is worshipping, but sometimes the language
and activities are aimed at adults not kids.
So we have made a Kids’ Spot in the chapel at
the front of the church for children’s activities
during the service, which is a short skip and a
hop to Kim’s chair when he has a Kids’ Spot in
the service. When the activity calls for running
around and whooping, it’s also a short tumble to
the hall through the side door.
So, there are now two things called Kids Spot!
The Sunday activities in the chapel, and the talk
Kim gives on Sunday mornings (except Messy
Church Sundays).
You are welcome to both. Parents and children!
Ennis Macleod
St Leonard’s Uniting Church		            The Message April 2022   		   4
Caritas - 2nd & 4th
     Thursdays 10.30am
This year Caritas ladies have been able to
meet in homes and gardens of participants for
Bible study and fellowship. We began with a
discussion of two paintings by Fr. Sieger Koder
depicting The Last Supper. During Lent we have
been studying a booklet by Australian Anglican
Rev. David Mulraney, entitled “The Farewell
Messages of Jesus”, as found in John’s Gospel.
Meetings are usually held at 10.30 am on the
                                                          St Leonards’ Walkers -
second and fourth Thursday during school Term
times, and are planned for April 7th, April 28th,           1st Sundays 1.30pm
May 12th, May 26th, with a coffee morning in the         Our first meeting of the year took place on a cool
holidays. Each venue is given in St Leonard’s            Sunday afternoon in March, when the group
church notices the week beforehand. Women of             gathered opposite Black Rock’s 1959 iconic
all ages welcome.                                        clock tower for a walk around the surrounding
Lyn Greenall                                             area.
                                                         The cliff track through native vegetation had
        Happy Birthday                                   signs explaining the history of local artists and
                                                         other identities. After descending steps to the
        Valerie O’Byrne                                  sea front and walking along the promenade,
                                                         there was a view of Ricketts Point Marine Wild
On Sunday 27th March we celebrated Valerie’s             Life Sanctuary, a protected area. That day a
98th birthday at Morning Tea after church. Valerie       pelican was sunning itself on the rocks nearby.
is a very regular attendee at worship on a Sunday
morning and was delighted that she could spend           We went back up and crossed Beach Rd to Ebden
the morning with her St Leonard’s family.                Avenue to see the exterior of Black Rock House,
                                                         after which Black Rock village was named. It
St Leonard’s Church has been an important part           was built in 1856 by Charles Ebden, and named
of Valerie’s life since she moved to Melbourne with      in honour of his wife’s Irish birthplace. We then
her late husband, Gerry. Her book “The People of St      proceeded to Mantecado to finish the walk.
                             Leonard’s 1891-1991:
                             A Centenary History of
                             St Leonard’s Church
                             Brighton Beach” was
                             published in 1991 and
                             records the worship
                             and activities of the
                             congregation at the
                             time of each Minister,
                             together with important
                             records     from    the
                             church’s archives.        St Leonards Walkers’ walk around Black Rock finished with hot
 Valerie with Danielle Wood
                           Valerie’s      active       drinks at Mantecado coffee shop.
 who made the birthday cake.
                           involvement      has
                                                         St Leonards Walkers usually meet the first
spanned decades from the 1960’s and 1970’s on
                                                         Sunday of each month and our next walks are
the Parish Council, PWMU and Tennis Club to
                                                         planned for 3rd April, then 1st May.
more recent times when she convened the Friends
of Outreach and the Walkers group.                       All are welcome.
Our best wishes Valerie on your birthday.                David Greenall

     5				                     The Message April 2022		                  St Leonard’s Uniting Church
                        Were you one of those       General Waste Worries
                        in 2020 who, during         Some people are worried they will have too
                        lockdowns, made a           much general waste for a fortnightly
                        feature of putting out      collection. However, Council audits have shown
                        their bins? It was like     that many of us could reduce the amount we
                        the one ‘big night          are putting into general waste still further. They
                        out’ for the week,          found that up to 60% of what we’re putting in
                        and people posted           general waste actually belongs somewhere
                        pics and videos of          else:
                        themselves dressing            18% could go in the Recycling Bin,
                        up in all sorts of             36% is still food waste, and
                        costumes just for that         10% is soft plastics, which can be recycled
                        one weekly stroll out          via supermarkets, Beaumaris Library or
                        to the roadside.               Council’s offices.
                                                    If we can all make changes and reduce what
Well, it doesn’t need to involve funny costumes     goes in to our general waste, it helps with both
anymore, but if you live in Bayside, you need to    the financial and the environmental costs of our
be aware that our stroll out to the roadside will   waste.
be changing, lockdowns or not.
                                                    Costs of Waste
From July 2022 Bayside Council is swapping          Landfill is expensive. The Victorian
the frequency with which the green and red top      Government landfill levy increased by 60% this
bins are collected. The General Waste (Landfill)    year and this is passed on to ratepayers. Our
Bin will be collected fortnightly, and the Food     city is also running out of landfill sites, and
and Green Waste Bin will be collected weekly.       currently the waste from Bayside gets
                                                    transported to Melbourne Regional Landfill in
Why is it happening?                                Ravenhall, west of Melbourne. General waste
Since the Food and Green Waste service              has to be collected and transported further
started, Bayside council reports that our general   and further away, causing further cost to
waste has dropped to its lowest levels on record.   the consumer, and an increase in transport
Previously up to 50% of what was going into the     emissions.
general bin was food waste.
Now residents put their food waste in with the      In additon, when our waste ends up in landfill it
garden waste, and it is all getting made into       means a loss of the resources that were used
compost at a commercial composting facility.        in the manufacture of an item. Resources that
This keeps decomposing organic waste out of         may have originally have been underground,
landfill, where it gets buried and decomposes       or a non-renewable living source, buried in a
anaerobically, causing damaging greenhouse          hole, often never to break down. Sometimes
gases to be produced.                               we produce waste due to over-consumption,
                                                    or poor decision
Because there is a reduction in the material in     making at the time
our general waste bins, it can be collected less    of purchase. So
often, and there is an increase of organics in      remember, waste
the Food & Green Waste bin, so it needs to be       can be saved if
collected more often; not least of all because of   we reduce our
the likelihood of bad smells. It makes sense to     purchasing       of
swap the frequency of the collections.              unneeded items.

St Leonard’s Uniting Church		            The Message April 2022                 		             6
St Leonards Environmental                    Planet Ark has a list of special collection
                                                 places for ewaste and batteries
          Action in Faith              

     I’m Confused.                               And if you are confused about how to
                                                 dispose of any items, our council website
     Can I Recycle...?                           has a comprehensive A-Z checklist of
                                                 where different waste items need to go.
•    Disposable plates and cutlery 		  
     [General Waste                              services/waste-and-recycling/z-waste-
•    Teabags (often have a plastic lining)       and-recycling-directory
     [General Waste
•    Tetra Paks/UHT Cartons (made of
     mixed materials) [General Waste
•    Receipts (Thermal Paper [General                 Remind me, what is
     Waste                                            being collected when?
•    Take-away coffee cups cannot be
     recycled [General Waste
•    Things labelled “Biodegradable” are
     not recyclable, [General Waste.
•    Laminated paper (a laminated
     sign or picture becomes a ‘forever’
     product which cannot be recycled.
     [General Waste
•    E-waste and batteries cannot go into
     our bins. They need to be taken to
     special collection points. Batteries
     particularly are a serious risk in
     landfill. You should consider using
     re-chargeable batteries.
     [Collection Points

    7				                  The Message April 2022		        St Leonard’s Uniting Church
On Good Friday, after the 9.30 service, join us   Sunday services will continue to be at
 with people from the other Brighton Covenant      10.00am, and will be live-streamed on
 Churches for the Pilgrim Walk of Witness.         our Youtube channel. We look forward to
 Details are on page 7.                            worshipping together, whether face to face, or
                                                   virtually. Please make contact with us if you
                                                   have any needs that we can help you with.

2 Wolseley Grove Brighton Beach 3186
TEL. (03) 9592 9333
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St Leonard’s Uniting Church		            The Message April 2022              		            8
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