Missouri State High School
                    Activities Association


Official Publication of MSHSAA   Vol. 83, No. 1   September 2018
Departments                                                     Missouri State High School
Questions & Answers....................4-5
News........................................1,6-23                                        Activities Association
Board of Directors.....................24-27
Scholastic Achievement Awards...27-31
Awards of Excellence................32-35
                                                                                                               2018-19 Board of Directors
                      Executive Staff
              DR. KERWIN URHAHN
                  Executive Director
      Eligibility rulings, transfers, Constitution and By-
 Laws interpretations, budget and finance, insurance,
   litigation, legislative liaison, school classification,
                STACY SCHROEDER
           Assoc. Executive Director
             Swimming and diving, Scholar Bowl,
                                                                             Dr. Chris Wilson, Pres.        Corey Johnson, V.P.                Dan Clemens                    Travis Dittemore                 John Dunham
       Transfers (hardships & waivers), personnel,                              Southeast District           At-Large Region 1              Kansas City District              Northwest District              Northeast District
   MSHSAA Leadership School program, eligibility.                                Superintendent               Athletic Director                Superintendent                  Superintendent                  Superintendent
                      DAVINE DAVIS                                                   Kennett                  Hazelwood East               North Kansas City Schools               DeKalb                      Macon County
                                                                               Term Expires 2019             Term Expires 2019               Term Expires 2022               Term Expires 2020               Term Expires 2022
            Asst. Executive Director
    Music, volleyball, cheerleading, dance, performing
   groups, Transfers (foreign exchange/international
                students), sanctions, eligibility.
                     KEVIN GARNER
            Asst. Executive Director
       Basketball, soccer, transfers, athletic directors
                   liaison, waivers, eligibility.
                      DON MAURER
            Asst. Executive Director
    Cross county, track & field, speech and debate,
                       GREG STAHL                                               Mark Linneman              Dr. Jennifer Rukstad            Dr. Jennifer Schmidt                 Kevin Smith                     Brett Soden
            Asst. Executive Director                                            St. Louis District          At-Large Region 2              South Central District              Central District              Southwest District
               Football, golf, wrestling, eligibility.                          Athletic Director                Principal                       Principal                    Superintendent                      Principal
                     KENNY SEIFERT                                             Lutheran South HS              Rock Bridge HS                    Sullivan HS                       Lincoln                       Strafford HS
                                                                               Term Expires 2021            Term Expires 2021               Term Expires 2022                Term Expires 2021               Term Expires 2019
            Asst. Executive Director
  Officials coordinator, officials’ registration, officials’
   rules meetings, special reports, tennis, eligibility.
                    LOU MAZZOCCO
            Asst. Executive Director
         Baseball, softball, eligibility, sportsmanship
                                                                                    Mission Statement                                                                        Contact Info.
 programs & Summit, student services, Why We Play.                              “The MSHSAA promotes the value of participation,                                                         MSHSAA
                       CRAIG LONG                                              sportsmanship, team play, and personal excellence                                             1 N. Keene St., PO Box 1328
              Chief Financial Officer                                          to develop citizens who make positive contributions                                              Columbia, MO 65205
                                                                                       to their community and support the                                                           (573) 875-4880
      Budget and finance, vendor contracts and bids,                              democratic principles of our state and nation.”                                                 Fax (573) 875-1450
     advertising, corporate partners, awards, billing,                                                                                                                             www.mshsaa.org
                     buildings and grounds.                                                                                                                                       email@mshsaa.org
                       JASON WEST
           Communications Director                                                      Email Policy: Due to the high volume of email messages received by the Association, an expedited personal response may not
                                                                                     always be possible. The MSHSAA staff will respond first to more traditional means of communication such as telephone calls, written
   Publications, media and public relations, television                              correspondence and faxes. The MSHSAA office can be reached at (573) 875-4880 during regular office hours. As time permits, staff
   and radio rights, web site maintenance, records,                                  will reply to email messages that include the sender’s complete name, address and phone number. Questions regarding student eligibil-
                                                                                     ity or specific MSHSAA by-laws should first be directed to your local school administrator. By Board policy, our staff is not permitted
     statistics, Distinguished Service Awards, Keller                                to answer specific eligibility inquiries via email, and any follow-up questions to the MSHSAA should be done via telephone or written
 Awards, Scholastic Achievement Awards, Traditions.                                  correspondence.

             August 2018 (vol. 83, no. 1)
• The MSHSAA Journal is published four times per year by
  the Missouri State High School Activities Association.
• © 2017 MSHSAA, all rights reserved.
The Journal is available free on the Association website,
        1 N. Keene St.
                                        Phone:  (573) 875-4880
        P.O. Box 1328
                                        Fax:    (573) 875-1450
        Columbia, MO

                   Eligibility Rulings
  All official eligibility opinions shall be in writing and shall bear the                                                                                                             Proud Member
signature of the executive director. Verbal rulings are not official.                                                                                                         National Federation of State High
Principals are reminded that correspondence concerning eligibility                                                                                                                  School Associations
rulings, annual eligibility lists, applications for waiver of the transfer
rule, hardship transfers and sanction forms, must be signed by the
principal for consideration by the MSHSAA.
Outgoing Board President’s Message
By Brett Soden                                           It is exciting to hear recommendations        hard work and dedica-
     I have truly enjoyed this year serving as      from all of the advisory committee ideas each      tion does pay off. Not
the President of the MSHSAA Board of Direc-         year to improve each activity. It is unique        every student is going
tors. We have seen great competition at our         that every school who is a part of MSHSAA          to win a championship;
championships and heard many student suc-           has the opportunity to attend area meetings        therefore, it is important
cess stories. Dr. Urhahn and his staff work         and vote in the annual ballots. These com-         to teach them to perform
hard to ensure the best for our students who        ponents of member input are necessary to           the best they can. Lastly,
participate in activities. The staff acknowledg-    make the association successful. In addition,      I do hope we continue
es the students of Missouri as the top priority     good communication and collaboration are           to focus on making each
for every decision made. Each executive             important to ensure that the best decisions        student productive mem-
director takes pride in activities, identifying     are made to improve all activities.                bers of society and continue to emphasize
ways to guarantee each championship is                   MSHSAA will continue to work on               why we play.
successful. Professionalism and compassion          the “why we play” initiative throughout the
are shown by all to continuously improve this       state. We continue to teach students how to
association.                                        prepare for competition and show them how

Incoming Board President’s Message
By Dr. Chris Wilson                                 all activities.                                    are done with sports.
     Throughout my life, extracurricular                  As we move forward into the 2018-2019              In closing, I would
activities have played a tremendous role and        school year, I am eager to continue work-          like to challenge all
provided me numerous opportunities which            ing with Dr. Urhahn and his staff, my fellow       member schools to
have helped shape me both personally and            MSHSAA board members, the regional                 take an active participa-
professionally. With that said, it is with great    representatives and all our MSHSAA member          tory role in MSHSAA for
pride and honor that I have the opportunity         schools to provide the guidance and support        the 2018-2019 school
to serve as the President of the 2018-2019          necessary to promote the opportunity for all       year. Encourage your
Board of Directors for the Missouri State High      students to benefit from the value of partici-     staff to attend regional
School Activities Association.                      pation in extracurricular activities, develop a    meetings and work with
     We, in Missouri, are blessed to have the       value system centered around the spirit of         the regional advisory
leadership of Dr. Urhahn and his hard-work-         sportsmanship, teamwork, commitment, and           committee for each respective activity. Work-
ing staff at MSHSAA focused on doing what           hard work. It is through these extracurricular     ing together, we can ensure our students
is best for our students and schools. I have        experiences that our students will have the        are afforded invaluable experiences through
found that all MSHSAA staff members put             opportunity to develop a tremendous wealth         extracurricular activities.
students first, and strive to provide everyone      of life skills, moral values, and productive
the best possible opportunity associated with       habits they will take with them long after they

Welcome to another new year!
By Dr. Kerwin Urhahn, Executive                     schools within each sport or activity into equal   or activity, as explained
Director of the Missouri State High                 classes, first, using the current number of        above, 3) use a cham-
School Activities Association.                      classes. Then the enrollment of the larg-          pionship factor just for
                                                    est school and the smallest school in each         non-public and non- MO-
                                                    class (other than class 1 due to outliers) are     SIP (charter) schools
     The 2018-19 year has begun with a flurry
                                                    compared to determine if the largest school is     based on historical suc-
of games and transfers for the Missouri State
                                                    more than two times the size of the small-         cess, or 4) eliminate the
High School Activity Association. While this
                                                    est school in the class. Following a specific      current 1.35 multiplier
is normal for any year, this year seems to be
                                                    process, and under certain criteria, each class    and simply move all non-
even more busy than most. Part of that can
                                                    is reviewed to determine if an additional class    public and non- MOSIP
be attributed to the new process of MSHSAA
                                                    is need in the activity to insure that no class    (charter) schools up one
Member Schools uploading their enrollments
                                                    other than class 1 has an enrollment disparity     classification in each
last March, and building their Master Students
                                                    (largest to smallest) of more than 2.0. This       sport/activity.
Lists for the current year. More transfers are
                                                    factor is being described as a the enrollment           There is much more discussion to be had
being logged due to the uploading of new
                                                                                                                                                            MSHSAA Journal August 2018
                                                    “ratio.”                                           about classification and we will have to ne-
freshmen into the system and the need to file
                                                         Some examples, when looking at the            gotiate with our final sites for any sport that is
transfers for any student that did not appear
                                                    sports of Volleyball and Cross Country, when       adding a class due to the expense and need
on the enrollment upload. This is not a bad
                                                    we place the numbers of schools in classes         for additional days to hold the final site com-
thing; it ensures that the starting point for the
                                                    as we currently do, both sports show multiple      petitions. However, if possible, this proposal
2018-19 school year is accurate, and that
                                                    classes with a ratio greater than 2.0. There-      could be on the Annual Ballot in April of 2019.
schools have provided accurate data for the
                                                    fore, that would indicate that another class            I hope everyone has a safe and success-
enrollment upload.
                                                    should be added for that sport to ensure the       ful school year, depending upon your defini-
     The Classification Ad Hoc Committee,
                                                    ratio in each class above Class 1 is equal to      tion of success, and that your students are
which continues its work into a second year,
                                                    or less than 2.0.                                  being prepared for life.
to narrow the proposal that will be brought
                                                         The enrollment treatment for non-public
out to the area meetings. The committee
                                                    and non-MOSIP (charter) schools will need
has worked to create a classification system
                                                    further discussion at the area meetings in
that addresses enrollment disparity in each
                                                    January. Options that the committee has dis-
class as a means to determine the number
                                                    cussed are: 1) leave the current 1.35 standard
of classes that are appropriate for each
                                                    multiplier in place, 2) drop the current 1.35
sport and activity. This procedure uses raw
                                                    multiplier and use a multiplier which is based

enrollment numbers (without the enrollment
                                                    on the average ratio for the respective sport
multiplier for private/charter schools) to break
                             The following are questions and answers             Repeating a Class for Better Grade                    Academic Requirements –
                             pertaining to the MSHSAA Constitution and                     (By-Law 2.3)                              Confirming Prior Semester 80%
                             By-Laws and/or MSHSAA Board of Direc-                                                                            (By-Law 2.3)
                                                                                Question: We have a student at our school
                             tors policy. These are provided as an aid in
                                                                                that took Algebra 2 last year in the spring       Question: We have a student that is
                             interpreting the rules and regulations which
                                                                                and earned credit with a C letter grade. He       transferring in this fall and wants to play
                             MSHSAA member schools have adopted.
                                                                                would like to re-take the class this fall for a   volleyball. Besides the transfer form prereq-
                             If you have a specific area and/or question
                                                                                better grade. If we allow this, will this re-     uisite we must complete, we are trying to
                             which you would like explained, contact Ker-
                                                                                take class count toward academic eligibility      determine her academic eligibility for the fall
                             win Urhahn, MSHSAA executive director.
                                                                                for sports and activities?                        season. In the fall, she is going to be a: a)
                             Your attention is called to the fact questions
                             and answers regarding interpretations of the       Answer: No. He has already earned credit          full-time enrolled student, b) a Non-Tradi-
                             MSHSAA Constitution and By-Laws appear             in the class and earning a better grade will      tional Option 1 student, c) a Non-Traditional
                             following the Constitution Article or By-          not expand the total number of credits on         Option 2 student. How do we review and
                             Law they relate to in the MSHSAA Official          his transcript. Therefore, that class would       confirm her prior semester’s credits for
                             Handbook.                                          count as 0 credits in the calculation of the      academic eligibility this fall?
                                                                                80% requirement for the current semester.         Answer: All three academic enrollment
                                       Insurance Requirement
                                                                                If he retakes the class, he will need to be in    options require that the student is enrolled
                                           (By-Law 3.8.2)
                                                                                an extra class or two to insure he is enrolled    at your school and has a school transcript.
                             Question: The by-laws require that a stu-          in classes that can earn him the suffi-           Therefore, you must review her prior
                             dent has “basic athletic insurance coverage”       cient number of new credits that meet the         classes/credits and determine if you can
                             before participating in interscholastic sports.    school’s 80% in the current semester.             accept transfer credit. The review of prior
                             What constitutes “basic athletic insurance                                                           semester credits (By-Law 2.3.2.a) must
                             coverage”?                                              Academic Requirements –
                                                                                     Class and Program Options                    be able to confirm that the minimum of 3.0
                             Answer: A student who can provide proof                                                              units of credit, or 80% of what was attempt-
                                                                                            (By-Law 2.3)
                             of health insurance, accident insurance that                                                         ed, whichever is greater, has been achieved
                             covers competitive and/or contact sports, or       Question: Our school offers the Missouri          and that amount of credit must appear on
                             some sort of supplemental-type insurance           Option (formerly GED Option) Program. If a        the transcript. Only with scenario letter “c”
                             would be considered to be meeting the              student is participating in this program is he/   will the semester review of classes/credits
                             requirements of this by-law.                       she eligible to participate in interscholastic    change after she’s been your student for a
                                                                                activities under the jurisdiction of MSHSAA?      semester. If the student is accepted at your
                                 Softball Cooperative Sponsorship
                                       Options and Seasons                      Answer: Whether a student participating           school as a non-traditional option 2 student,
                                      (By-Law 1.4 and 5.1.12)                   in the Missouri Options Program is eligible       you may not be placing all credits that are
                                                                                under By-Law 2.3 depends on the way the           achieved during her first semester at your
                             Question: Our school wishes to form a co-                                                            school on her school transcript. However,
                                                                                individual school sets up their program. The
                             operative sponsorship with another school                                                            all classes/credits must still be approved
                                                                                student must be enrolled in a combination
                             for girls softball, and we plan to play fall                                                         and validated under local school policy to
                                                                                of school classes, outside classes, and/
                             softball and enter the championship series.                                                          confirm that she meets the 80% require-
                                                                                or MO Options credit-bearing course work
                             a) May we also play spring softball? b)                                                              ment each and every semester.
                                                                                and/or credit-bearing work study which
                             May we play spring softball as two separate
                                                                                meets the provisions and minimums listed            Transitioning from Non-Bona fide
                                                                                in By-Law 2.3.4. The student will most likely        student to Bona fide student =
                             Answer: a) Teams (individual teams or              be classified as a Non-Traditional Option 1                     Transfer
                             co-op teams) that play fall championship           or Option 2 student, depending upon local
                             softball can play spring softball but may                                                                 (By-Laws 2.1, 2.3 and 3.10)
                                                                                school decisions and policies. Please follow
                             NOT participate in the spring champion-            the guidance regarding those options and          Question: We have a student that is
                             ship series. b) No, the rationale for co-op        the requirements for each. All students (all      enrolled full-time this fall and is playing vol-
                             approval is that the two schools would not         three options) must meet the 80% require-         leyball. Her parents indicate that she will
                             be able to support a team without co-oping;        ment.                                             be exclusively homeschooled for the spring
                             therefore, if two schools co-op for softball in                                                      semester, and our school is not going to
                                                                                Question: We have students who work as
                             the fall, the co-op would be the only option                                                         approve credit as a Non-Traditional Option
                                                                                office assistants and teacher aides. a) Can
                             for spring competition. The two schools                                                              1 student for her during the spring. She
                                                                                these offerings count toward eligibility? b)
                             could not play spring softball as separate                                                           wants to re-enroll full time next fall and play
                                                                                Do students who do not receive credit for
                             teams.                                                                                               volleyball. Will she be eligible?
                                                                                working as office assistants and teacher
                             Question: Our school wishes to form a co-          aides have to count the class period in           Answer: Not initially. She will not be a
                             operative sponsorship with another school          determining their 80% of the maximum al-          bona fide student at your school during the
MSHSAA Journal August 2018

                             for girls softball, and we plan to play spring     lowable classes?                                  spring (By-Law 2.1 and 2.3.4); therefore,
                             softball and enter the championship series.                                                          she becomes a “transfer student” if she re-
                                                                                Answer: a) Yes under specific condi-
                             May either school play fall softball?                                                                enrolls in the fall. As a result, her transfer
                                                                                tions. In order to count toward eligibility,
                             Answer: No, as per By-Law 5.1.12,                                                                    eligibility will have to be addressed before
                                                                                the student must receive class credit for
                             schools registering for the spring champion-                                                         any eligibility can be determined. Further,
                                                                                the offering and the credit must be placed
                             ship series may NOT participate in the fall                                                          she may not be academically eligible unless
                                                                                on the transcript in order for the student to
                             regular season or fall championship series.                                                          the school can accept credit from the home-
                                                                                qualify as a “traditional” student under By-
                             Neither school, nor the co-op, could partici-                                                        schooling onto the transcript for the spring
                                                                                Law 2.3.4. If credit is not provided for these
                             pate in fall softball in this scenario. Further,                                                     semester.
                                                                                offerings, the student will need to be in
                             the rationale for co-op approval is that the       additional school classes or outside classes
                             two schools would not be able to support a         that can be confirmed as getting the student
                             team without co-oping; therefore, approval         to the minimum credit balance to meet the
                             would not be granted for schools that are          school’s 80% requirement and qualify as
                             co-oping in one season of softball to play         either a traditional student, or one of the
                             separately in the same sport during the op-        two non-traditional student options. In order
                             posite season.                                     to be eligible, the student must meet the

                                                                                school’s 80% requirement even if he/she
                                                                                is attempting less credit overall than other

                                                                                students at the school.
       Transfer Student under a                                  Use of Drones
        New Enrollment Option                                    (Board Policy)
      (By-Laws 2.1, 2.3 and 3.10)                  Question: Our school has an individual
Question: One of our students will be a            in our community who owns and operates
senior next year. She is planning to enroll        a drone that is capable of capturing aerial
full-time at a junior college in the area, and     video footage. This individual has met with
wants to represent a different high school         our head football coach and offered to vid-
as a “Non-Traditional Option 1 student” and        eotape our home football games using the
play sports. The other school has agreed           drone. Is it permissible to use a drone for
to place her junior college credits on their       videotaping athletic contests?
transcript so she can be a bona fide stu-          Answer: The use of drones is prohibited at
dent. Will she be eligible to play sports for      any MSHSAA postseason contest site and/
that school?                                       or venue. Drones may be permitted dur-
Answer: Not initially and possibly not at all.     ing the regular season, but only under the
Eligibility under all of the essential eligibil-   conditions described below and only if allow
ity standards will have to be confirmed            by NFHS rules for the sport. For the sport
first. The student is a transfer student, so a     of football, NFHS Football rules state that
Transfer of Eligibility request will have to be    there is a two yard restricted area surround-
submitted to MSHSAA for a ruling, and your         ing the entire playing field. This restricted
school will have a chance to reply to it. Fur-     area boundary is interpreted to extend
ther, academic eligibility must be confirmed       vertically; therefore, a drone could not be
(80% requirement for prior semester credits        used within the restricted area or over the
from your school and the same for the fall         playing field. It would be a local school level
semester). It is probable that the student         decision as to whether the drone could be
will either be ineligible or have an eligibility   used “outside” of this restricted area during
restriction after making this change.              a football game. It is recommended that the
                                                   local school develop a policy regarding the
                                                   use of drones (a.k.a. UAV’s or UAS’s) which
               Events                              takes the NFHS sport rules regarding the
            (By-Law 3.11)                          use of electronic devices and the permit-
Question: We have a student that wants to          ted location(s) into consideration. Please
participate in an instructional sports event       contact the MSHSAA executive responsible
that is being sponsored by a local University      for the particular sport for assistance.
and will be held on their campus. The event
takes place during our school season for the
same sport. Can the student attend without
jeopardizing her eligibility?
Answer: Under specific conditions outlined
in By-Law 3.11, and with the approval of
                                                   2018 Cross Country Reminders
your school and her coach, it may be pos-
                                                        The schools participating in boys and girls cross country are equally divided into four
sible for the student to participate in the
                                                   classes based on enrollment of the gender with the larger number of schools participating in
event. Factors affecting the allowance to
participate include the specific structure of      the cross country district and state series.
the event, whether or not the student will
miss instructional time to participate, and            There are required online rules reviews offered during the 2018-19 school year.
school permission, among other factors             Student eligibility and coaches’ rosters must be submitted online at www.mshsaa.org.
listed in the by-law. Please review By-Law
3.11 closely before advising the student.             The district, sectional and state entry process and deadlines are listed in the 2018-19
Junior High Students Practicing with               MSHSAA Cross Country Manual, which can be found on the MSHSAA website at www.
            High School                            mshsaa.org.
           (By-Law 3.16)
Question: Our school holds a Grades 7-12                Coaches should note that they must work to instruct their runners, managers and fans
                                                   to keep off the greens and out of the any roped off areas at Oak Hills Golf Center, Jefferson
                                                                                                                                                   MSHSAA Journal August 2018
Combined MSHSAA membership. We do
not register for junior high volleyball, but       City, site of the state meet. No bicycles are permitted on the Oak Hills property. Only
we have a few junior high players that are         service animals (with proper paperwork) will be allowed through the gates– All other
interested in volleyball. May these players        animals are NOT ALLOWED. Please make arrangements to keep your pets at home.
practice with our high school team during
the fall?                                               As a final reminder, coaches and runners may tour the state meet course after 3:30 p.m.
Answer: Under those circumstances, no,             (weather permitting) on Friday prior to the meet. There will be no one allowed on the course
the junior high students could not practice        prior to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, unless all course preparations have been completed prior to
with the high school team. However, if             that time (announcements will be made at the course).
you register for volleyball at the junior high
level, these enrolled students could practice
                                                        A computer chip method/process shall be used to determine places, team scores, and
with the high school team for a maximum
of twelve weeks (the limit for a junior high       individual times at the 2018 State Championships. Each runner shall wear two computer
season), and would be covered by the               chips, one securely attached to each shoe. All runners must run across the finish pad in
catastrophic insurance as well. It is not          order to receive a place and time.
required that you schedule a competitive
schedule for the junior high players.
                             MSHSAA Member School Status Changes
                             The MSHSAA welcomes the following school as a new member for the 2017-2018 school year:
                                Ewing Marion Kauffman High School (Kansas City)                             Faith Walk Academy High School (Paris)                         St. Francis Xavier Junior High School (St. Joseph)

                             It should be noted that the following school is no longer a member of MSHSAA as of the 2017-2018 school year:
                                                                                                                Eastgate Middle School (Kansas City)
                             In 2018-19 the following school’s name has been changed:
                             Alta Vista Charter High School is now Guadalupe Centers High School

                             It should be noted that the following schools have changed their membership status with MSHSAA for the 2017-18 school year:
                             Bloomfield High School                                       changed from a 7-12 full member school to a 9-12 full membership and an affiliate junior high
                             Doniphan Middle School                                       dropped their separate registration and became a 7-12 member with Doniphan High School
                             Fordland High School                                         changed from a 7-12 member to a 9-12 member and an affiliate junior high
                             Golden City High School                                      changed from a 7-12 member to a 9-12 member and an affiliate junior high
                             Greenville High School                                       changed from a 7-12 member to a 9-12 member and an affiliate junior high
                             Marquand-Zion High School                                    changed from a 7-12 member to a 9-12 member and an affiliate junior high
                             Meadow Heights High School                                   changed from a 7-12 member to a 9-12 member and an affiliate junior high
                             Norwood High School                                          dropped their junior high registration to become a 9-12 member school and affiliate junior high school

                             Participation Survey (Figures as of May 29, 2018)
                                                                            Number                        Number                    Number                     Number                        Number                  Number
                                                                       Jr. High Schools              Sr. High Schools            Total Schools          Jr. High Participants         Sr. High Participants     Total Participants

                             Baseball (Fall)                                  0                           103                       103                          0                          1671                     1671
                             Baseball (Spring)                               53                           503                       556                        940                         13243                    14183
                             Basketball (Boys)                              404                           560                       964                       8207                         14313                    22520
                             Basketball (Girls)                             402                           541                       943                       6939                          9971                    16910
                             Cross Country (Boys)                           240                           406                       646                       3319                          6055                     9374
                             Cross Country (Girls)                          233                           400                       633                       2642                          4374                     7016
                             Dance Team/Pom Pon                              12                           220                       232                        103                          3011                     3114
                             Football (11-Man)                              233                           331                       564                       9293                         20891                    30184
                             Football (8-Man)                                23                            25                        48                        403                           575                      978
                             Golf (Boys)                                      1                           325                       326                          5                          3848                     3853
                             Golf (Girls)                                     0                           194                       194                          0                          1918                     1918
                             Music (Schools)                                345                           525                       870                          --                            --                      --
                               Music (Instrumental)                          --                            --                         --                     13265                         29841                    43106
                               Music (Vocal)                                 --                            --                         --                      6095                         19672                    25767
                             Scholar Bowl                                   210                           429                       639                       2131                          5955                     8086
                             Sideline Cheerleading                          316                           530                       846                       3648                          9790                    13438
                             Soccer (Boys)                                   17                           235                       252                        296                          8950                     9246
                             Soccer (Girls)                                   8                           237                       245                        150                          8384                     8534
MSHSAA Journal August 2018

                             Softball (Girls - Fall)                        109                           359                       468                       1795                          7480                     9275
                             Softball (Girls - Spring)                        0                           144                       144                          0                          2364                     2364
                             Speech and Debate                               50                           252                       302                        989                          8221                     9210
                             Swimming (Boys)                                 11                           108                       119                         90                          1859                     1949
                             Swimming (Girls)                                11                           136                       147                        147                          3373                     3520
                             Tennis (Boys)                                    0                           177                       177                          0                          3658                     3658
                             Tennis (Girls)                                   0                           184                       184                          0                          4029                     4029
                             Track (Boys)                                   361                           494                       855                      10020                         15577                    25597
                             Track (Girls)                                  357                           495                       852                       9442                         12284                    21726
                             Volleyball (Girls)                             286                           431                       717                       6288                         10441                    16729
                             Wrestling                                      151                           244                       395                       3060                          6819                     9879
                             Member Schools                                *149                           590                       739                      90707                        239374                  330081

                             *These figures indicate the total number of junior high schools holding separate memberships. The junior high school participation figures include all junior high schools holding separate
                             memberships plus all junior high schools holding combined memberships with the senior high school from the district.
Show-Me Bowl set for                                              Check ACT & SAT Dates to
University of Missouri                                            Avoid Conflicts
    The Show-Me Bowl concept began in St. Louis in 1979.
The bringing of all championship games to one site has            		High school counselors, principals, coaches and
continued with only slight modifications since then.              directors are urged to remind all high school students of the
    In 1982, a fifth class was added, and the site was moved      dates on which the ACT and SAT tests will be administered,
to Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. In 1982 and 1983, five       as well as the dates of MSHSAA district and state events.
games were played in one day. In 1984, a two-day format was       MSHSAA event dates are contained in MSHSAA sport and
used. That format was followed until the Board of Directors       activity manuals, the MSHSAA wall calendar and inside the
voted to move the games to the University of Missouri-            back cover of the MSHSAA Handbook.
Columbia and Missouri State University in Springfield in 1988.
In 1996, the site of the 11-Man Championship was moved to              High school students participating in interscholastic
the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, and in 2002, a sixth class    activities often find conflicts between interscholastic events
was added with three games played on Friday and three on          and the ACT and SAT test dates. Students can avoid
Saturday at the Dome. In 2016 and 2017 the Show-Me Bowl           this problem by arranging for a test date that does not
for Classes 1-5 and 8man/Class 6 rotated between Missouri         conflict with an interscholastic event in which they will be
State University in Springfield and University of Missouri-       participating.
    In 1988 an 8-man championship was added and played at            STATEWIDE JUNIORS ACT TEST DATE - CHECK
Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville. In 1997, the    WITH DESE. PLEASE DO NOT SCHEDULE NIGHT
8-Man Championship was moved to Tarkio Academy due to the         EVENTS ON THE DAY BEFORE THE TEST DATE OR
NCAA Division II Playoffs. In 2008, the 8-Man Championship        EARLY AFTERNOON OF THE TEST DATE.
was moved to the Edward Jones Dome. The Show-Me Bowl
was held in the Edward Jones Dome for 20 years.                   Following are the test dates for 2017-2018:
                                                                    2018-19 ACT      2018-19 ACT      2018-19 SAT      2018-19 SAT
2018 Show-Me Bowl schedule is as follows:                            Test Dates      Registration      Test Dates      Registration
                                                                                        Dates          (Tentative)        Dates
Saturday, Nov. 24, @ University of Missouri - Columbia             September 8        August 3        August 25         July 27
Game 1: 8-Man Championship @ 2 pm                                   October 27      September 21      October 6       September 7
Game 2: Class 6 Championship @ 6pm                                 December 8        November 2      November 3        October 5
Note: Game time subject to change                                   February 9        January 4      December 1       November 2
                                                                     April 13          March 8         March 9         February 8
Friday, Nov. 24 @ University of Missouri - Columbia                   June 8            May 3           May 4            April 5
Game 1: Class 2 Championship @ 3 pm                                  July 13           June 14         June 1            May 3
Game 2: Class 4 Championship @ 7 pm
                                                                  The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship
Note: Game time subject to change
                                                                  Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) dates are October 10, October 13,
                                                                  and October 24 (alternate), 2018.
Saturday, Nov. 25 at University of Missouri - Columbia
Game 1: Class 3 Championship @ 11 am
Game 2: Class 1 Championship @ 3 pm
Game 3: Class 5 Championship @ 7 pm
Note: Game time subject to change

                                                    2018 Football Schedule
                                                    The MSHSAA Office receives questions each fall regarding the
                                                    postseason football schedule and the exact dates associated with the
                                                                                                                                        MSHSAA Journal August 2018
                                                    playoff format. Listed below are the important dates for your reference:

                                                    Regular Season Dates:
                                                    Monday, August 6:                      First day of allowable practice
                                                    Friday or Saturday, August 17-18:      Preseason Interschool Scrimmages
                                                    Friday, August 24:                     First allowable regular season game

                                                    Playoff Schedule:
                                                    All Classes          1st Rd Districts           Fri./Sat.    October 26-27
                                                    All Classes          2nd Rd Districts           Fri./Sat.    November 2-3
                                                    All Classes          District Championships     Fri./Sat.    November 9-10
                                                    Class 1-5            Quarterfinals              Fri./Sat.    November 16-17
                                                    Class 6 & 8-man      Semifinals                 Fri./Sat.    November 16-17
                                                    Class 1-5            Semifinals                 Fri./Sat.    November 23-24
                                                    Class 6 & 8-man      State Championships        Sat.         November 24

                                                    Class 1-5            State Championships        Fri./Sat.    Nov. 30 - Dec. 1

                             Football Advisory Committee Meeting
                             Held December 14, 2017
                             ***1. Recommend a change Bylaw 3.15.6a-3 to state Full-pad tackle football is only allowed after a period of five days of heat and equipment
                                   acclimatization, two days helmet only and three days helmet and shoulder pads only.

                                   Amended: Recommend Bylaw 3.15.6a-3 to go to Area Meetings to discuss Full-pad tackle football during the summertime
                                   being permitted after a period of five days of heat and equipment acclimatization, two days helmet only and three days helmet
                                   and shoulder pads only.

                             *2.   Recommend a change to Bylaw 3.16.6b to state the preseason inter-school scrimmage shall consist of at least 3 schools.

                             *3.   Recommend with passage of change to Bylaw 3.16.6b, change MSHSAA Board Policy 28 to:
                                   c. Three or Four-Team Format Only: When three schools participate, a maximum of two quarters per team with a maximum of eighteen
                                   (18) offensive plays per quarter shall be allowed. When four schools participate, a maximum of three quarters per team with a maximum
                                   of twelve (12) offensive plays per quarter shall be allowed. If more than 4 teams are participating, the teams must abide by the Four-
                                   Team Format for the entirety of their scrimmages.

                             4.    Committee went on record 9-0 to support the 2018 Area Meeting Topic for consideration to change Bylaw 3.23.1b for a football week to
                                   be defined as beginning on a Thursday and ending on a Wednesday.

                             *      Denied
                             **     Tabled for further study
                             *** Approved as amended
                             **** No Action
                             All others approved

                             Handling Contests During Hazardous Weather Disturbances
                                   The host school principal or designated representative and the head official have mutual authority to delay the start of a game any time
                             weather conditions are considered hazardous to life or limb. Likewise, the head official, once a game has started, has the authority, by rule,
                             to suspend a game any time weather conditions are considered to be hazardous to life or limb. If severe weather develops while a game is in
                             progress where the administration feels safety is questionable and the game officials have not acted, the host principal or his/her designated
                             representative will intervene by informing the head official who shall cause the contest to be suspended.
                                   The first step in the suspension is to remove the participants to a location providing shelter and safety until the weather conditions
                             improve to a point where it is safe to resume play. The spectators will be informed of the procedures to be followed and will be instructed to
                             move to protected areas. Fans should not be permitted to remain in the bleachers.
                                   The length of the delay shall be determined by the weather conditions, and the game may be resumed at any time the principals of
                             both schools or their designated representatives and the head official agree it is safe to do so. However, if after a delay of a maximum of
                             30 minutes the hazardous weather has not subsided, the decision to postpone shall be made by the principals of both schools or their
                             designated representatives after consultation with the head official. If there are extenuating circumstances such as extreme travel distances,
                             rescheduling problems, etc., which make it desirable to try to complete the game and the principals of both schools or their designated
                             representatives choose to ask for an additional 30 minutes of waiting time, the head official may grant that request. If the principals of both
                             schools or their designated representatives and the head official cannot mutually agree that the weather conditions are safe, the game shall
                             be postponed. The game may either be considered a completed game at that point or rescheduled at a later time according to game rules.
                             (All regular season senior high school football contests that are postponed shall be rescheduled on the earliest possible date but no later than
                             four calendar days following the original date, and in compliance with the football playoff scheduling regulations.)
                                   The purpose of this procedure is to first ensure the safety of the players and spectators, but also to relieve the pressure from the officials
                             before declaring a game suspended. The host principal should, when severe weather is pending, keep a constant check with nearby radio
                             stations which would have information concerning the path of the storm. This constant check, available to the administration, is not available
                             to the game officials.
MSHSAA Journal August 2018

                                   School district emergency plans should include procedures for evacuating players and spectators to protected areas when severe
                             weather occurs.

                             Policy for Delinquent Submission on the MSHSAA Website of ALL Athletic
                             and Activities Coaches/Directors/Sponsors by Schools
                             The MSHSAA Board of Directors adopted, at its June 15, 2007, meeting, the following policy regarding the delinquent submission on the
                             MSHSAA Website (www.mshsaa.org) of faculty, non-faculty, and non-certified athletic and activities coaches, directors, and sponsors (head
                             and assistant) by member schools. Besides sports, this policy is applicable to music, scholar bowl, spirit teams, and speech, debate, and
                             drama. The policy provides that the school administrator shall enter the required information on all staff members associated with the sport/
                             activity no later than the day prior to the first permissible contest for that sport/activity. Failure of a school to submit information on coaches/
                             directors/sponsors by the established deadline shall result in the school being sent a letter of reprimand. A school shall receive a warning for
                             a second occurrence during the same school year. If a third incidence should occur during the same school year, the school shall be placed

                             on probation for 365 days.

 Guidance Counselors Play Key Role in Communicating Eligibility Rules
       It is important that all counselors be fully knowledgeable of the essential eligibility requirements students must meet to represent the
 school and participate in interscholastic activities. Counselors are frequently asked by students to advise them on matters dealing with
 the preparation of, or changes in their class schedules. In doing so, counselors should be sure that they do not advise a course of action
 which will result in students forfeiting their eligibility to compete in interscholastic athletics or activities through violation of MSHSAA rules of
 eligibility, e.g. scheduling a course for which the student has already received credit, permitting a student to be scheduled with fewer than
 five full credit subjects, or the equivalent of work, or permitting a student to drop a course(s) and thereby placing him/her below eligibility
 requirements. Counselors should discuss eligibility requirements with all students.
       Member school principals should emphasize to all guidance counselors the importance of having copies of MSHSAA eligibility
 requirements on file at all times in the guidance offices. A “Checklist for School Counselors” can be found in the August packet provided to all
 MSHSAA member schools to assist with transfer students. Also, additional forms for helping counselors can be found on the MSHSAA web
       It is strongly recommended that counselors view, “How to Protect Student Eligibility” on the MSHSAA Website (www.mshsaa.org). This
 on-line review will provide an electronic cover view of important by-laws students, parents, counselors, coaches and administrators need to

Nonschool Competition
     By-Law 3.13 provides that a student           shall neither practice nor compete as a                  By-Law 3.13 (Nonschool Competition)
who is a member of a school sports squad           member of a nonschool team or as an                 provides exceptions for Individual Sports
that is in season may practice or compete in       individual participant in organized nonschool       while in season. Students should discuss
organized nonschool competition in a different     competition in that same sport or sport similar     participation and the exception with the school
sport during that school season and may do         in nature such as three-on-three basketball         coach and athletic administrator.
so on the same day the student practices or        during the school basketball season.                     It is suggested that each student athlete
plays for the school team provided this dual            By-Law 3.13 permits, during the summer         and his or her parents receive a copy of
participation on the same date is approved by      months only (refer to By-Law 3.15), that            the MSHSAA brochure “How to Maintain
the student’s school administrator in advance.     an individual employed by a school district         and Protect Your Eligibility” which contains
Nontraditional sports as defined in By-Law         in any sport may coach a nonschool team             information regarding the Nonschool
3.13 are restricted from participation during      which has players from the school team they         Competition Requirement and other eligibility
the respective school season.                      attend or will attend next year. This provision     standards students must meet in order to
     It is very important to understand the        specifically addresses nonschool competition        maintain the privilege to participate in the
provision continues the restriction contained      on a legitimate team designed to compete if         interscholastic program.
in By-Law 3.13 which stipulates a student          the team is not a part of the school program.

2018 Officials for Girls Soccer
Sectionals – (Class 2) Kyle Armstrong (Blue Springs), Ken Bartkoski (Lee’s Summit), Phil Beermann (St. Louis), Chris Benbow (St. Louis),
John Brayley (Independence), Joe Buffa (Florissant), Courtney Donohue (Clever), Mark Eul (Springfield), Kelly Gatts (Moberly), Kelly Hays
(Kansas City), Michael Heath (Cottleville), Rob Kyle (Butler), Lucas Lansing (Sedalia), Michael McCrary (Columbia), Tim Michel (St. Louis),
Roumen Mihov (St. Peters), Jonathan Mills (Lake St. Louis), Arnaud Ngomsi (Kansas City), Marty Rocco (St. Peters), Mark Rutherford (St.
Charles), Mike Stein (Bridgeton), Eric Urban (O’Fallon), Tim Wagner (Springfield), Tim Walsh (St. Louis); (Class 3) Tim Brown (Springfield),
Bryce Collier (Strafford), Shane Cowger (Battlefield), Nicholas Cox (Independence), Mike Deane (Eureka), Jacob Goosey (Pleasant Hill), David
Hagan (Overland Park), Tim Hantak (St. Louis), Doug Helfrich (St. Peters), Chris Kelly (Florissant), Kevin McGinnis (St. Charles), Clancy Moore
(Festus), Anthony Morris (Springfield), Arnaud Ngomsi (Kansas City), Eric Oberle (DeSoto), Jared Palmer (Springfield), Greg Schneider (St.
Louis), Karen Swanner (Glen Carbon), Marc Tiemann (Lenexa), Julio Tinoco (Marshall), Steve Valle (Valley Park), Stephen Walters (O’Fallon),
Dion Webb (Springfield), Chris Whitaker (O’Fallon); (Class 4) Craig Adams (O’Fallon), Jervis Atagana (St. Charles), Tim Boul (St. Peters), John
Brayley (Independence), Mike Cahill (St. Peters), Allen Castrellon (Marshall), Andy Ellsworth (Springfield), Ryan Frier (Lenexa), Matt Geringer
(St. Louis), Andrew Guilliams (Springfield), Michael Heath (Cottleville), Don Huber (Fenton), Aron Johannsson (St. Louis), Scott Lennon
(Edwardsville), Brian Martin (Lee’s Summit), Shaun McCurry (Lee’s Summit), Steven Meyerhoff (St. Louis), Naomi Omenski (Kansas City),
Richard Omenski (Kansas City), Ben Schneider (St. Louis), Dennis Sparrow (St. Louis), Greg Spilman (Springfield), Luke Swartz (Belton), Denis
                                                                                                                                                         MSHSAA Journal August 2018

Zijadic (Gladstone).
Quarterfinals – (Class 1) Phil Beermann (St. Louis), Chris Benbow (St. Louis), Derick Blankenship (Monett), Robert Bomar (Lake Lotawana),
Bobby Denton (West Plains), Ryan Frier (Lenexa), Vernon Gano (O’Fallon), Jacob Goosey (Pleasant Hill), Todd Panula (Fenton), Greg Spilman
(Springfield), Kevin Winkelman (St. Louis), Jason Young (St. Charles); (Class 2) Brad Dempsey (Jefferson City), Tom Dolan (Manchester),
Sean Hollrah (Columbia), Mikayla Hoyle (Blue Springs), Aron Johannsson (St. Louis), George Major (Herculaneum), Andy McKee (Fulton),
Jerry Michel (St. Louis), Mark Penfield (Chilhowee), John Rapisardo (St. Louis), Mark Rutherford (St. Charles), Luke Swartz (Belton), ; (Class
3) Courtney Donohue (Clever), Andy Ellsworth (Springfield), Matt Geringer (St. Louis), Jeff Hay (Cape Girardeau), Tyler Hester (Blue Springs),
Tomasz Kuczwara (Affton), Rob Kyle (Butler), Donald Richardson (St. Charles), Bill Scott (Poplar Bluff), Dennis Sparrow (St. Louis), Luke Swartz
(Belton), Andy Wilkinson (Mountain Grove); (Class 4) Ken Bartkoski (Lee’s Summit), Logan Echave (Kansas City), Jason Florez (Sedalia), Tim
Lammering (O’Fallon), Joseph Macht (Independence), George Major (Herculaneum), Brian Martin (Lee’s Summit), James Patton (Barnhart),
Aaron Rench (Platte City), Alex Robinson (Park Hills), Karen Swanner (Glen Carbon), Kent Voss (Florissant).
Championships – Tim Boul (St. Peters), John Brayley (Independence), Jason Florez (Sedalia), Kelly Gatts (Moberly), Andrew Guilliams
(Springfield), Tim Hantak (St. Louis), Jeff Hay (Cape Girardeau), Tyler Hester (Blue Springs), Sean Hollrah (Columbia), Aron Johannsson (St.
Louis), David Lammers (Lee’s Summit), Tim Michel (St. Louis), Clancy Moore (Festus), Arnaud Ngomsi (Kansas City), Naomi Omenski (Kansas

City), Dan Ortega (Springfield), Jared Palmer (Springfield), Donald Richardson (St. Charles), Alex Robinson (Park Hills), Ben Schneider (St.
Louis), Greg Spilman (Springfield), Scott Sprandel (Jackson), Luke Swartz (Belton), Tim Walsh (St. Louis).
                             Wrestling Advisory Committee Meeting Summary
                             Held on March 5, 2018                                 to 45 matches, excluding forfeits.                wrestlers make weight at their
                                                                                   Change to become effective                        postseason weight class a minimum
                             1.   Committee goes on record to                      for the 2019-20 season upon                       of half the number of weigh-ins
                                  support the Classification Ad-Hoc                passage of vote on the 2019                       for that wrestler occurring after
                                  continuing to look at classification             Annual Ballot.                                    the certification date (Saturday
                                  breaks in individual sports with                                                                   Week 28 MSHSAA Standardized
                                                                             ***4. Go on record for supporting the
                                  specific support to adding more                                                                    Calendar). This requirement must
                                                                                   penalizing of choreographed
                                  schools to Class 1 and Class 2                                                                     be met to maintain the “lowest”
                                                                                   celebrations after matches as
                                  Wrestling to provide improved                                                                      weight class for a wrestler to be
                                                                                   unsportsmanlike conduct after
                                  distribution of number of individual                                                               eligible for postseason.
                                                                                   the match resulting in team point
                                  entries to each district. Example:
                                                                                   deductions. Such celebrations also          7.    Recommend to set weight
                                  Class 1 – 68 schools, Class 2 – 68
                                                                                   includes back flips, cart wheels, etc.            certification deadline on Saturday
                                  schools, Class 3 – 56 schools,
                                                                                   Amended: Go on record for                         of Week 28 and the start of the
                                  Class 4 – 56 schools.
                                                                                   supporting the penalizing of                      2lb Growth Allowance for Sunday
                             2.   Recommend a change to By-                        choreographed celebrations after                  of Week 29 of the MSHSAA
                                  Law 3.29.6 to permit the sport of                matches as unsportsmanlike                        Standardized Calendar.
                                  Wrestling the following Contest                  conduct after the match, resulting
                                  Limits dependent upon the start of               in team point deduction(s). Other           8.    Committee goes on record to
                                  Girls Wrestling.                                 celebrations such as back flips,                  support a point of emphasis
                                  Boys Wrestling: 20 competition                   cart wheels, etc. may be deemed                   regarding wrestler conduct if
                                  dates, a maximum of 10 competition               as unsportsmanlike conduct by                     engaging in a handshake with the
                                  dates can be used for tournaments.               the official(s).                                  opposing coach after the conclusion
                                  Girls Wrestling: 20 competition                                                                    of a match. Handshakes between
                                                                             5.    Recommend a dress code for the
                                  dates, no tournament dates                                                                         wrestlers and opposing coaches
                                                                                   state wrestling championships that
                                  restrictions.                                                                                      is not required; therefore, coaches
                                                                                   eliminates the wearing of hats,
                                                                                                                                     engaging their wrestlers in post-
                             3.   Recommend changing By-Law                        headbands, shorts, sweat pants,
                                                                                                                                     match handshakes must ensure
                                  3.26.1 to reduce the maximum                     athletic/wind pants.
                                                                                                                                     proper sportsmanship from their
                                  number of matches during the                     Amended: Go on record to
                                                                                                                                     wrestlers. Officials shall also remain
                                  season, prior to the district                    note in the MSHSAA Wrestling
                                                                                                                                     observant in these situations and
                                  tournament, to 45 matches,                       Manual, Online Rules Review and
                                                                                                                                     penalize unsportsmanlike behavior
                                  excluding forfeits. Change to                    State Tournament Notices that
                                                                                                                                     accordingly if witnessed.
                                  become effective during the 2019-                coaches are expected to dress
                                  20 season.                                       professionally at all times with
                                  Amended: Recommend as a                          increased awareness at the state            *     Denied
                                  2019 Area Meeting Topic and                      wrestling championships. School             **    Tabled for further study
                                  2019 Annual Questionnaire topic                  attire should be the minimum                ***    Approved as amended
                                  a change to by-law 3.26.1 to                     expectation for all coaches at the          **** No Action
                                  reduce the maximum number                        championships.                              All others approved
                                  of matches during the season,
                                                                             **6. Recommend to mandate all
                                  prior to the district tournament,

                              Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
                              Held March 1, 2018
                              1.		 Recommend approving the Sports Medicine Page on the MSHSAA website, which serves as our Sports Medicine Manual.
                              2.		 Recommend to add a line to the Return-To-Play form under the Medical Office Information section that allows an additional line to
                                    indicate Evaluator’s Specialty.
MSHSAA Journal August 2018

                              ***3. Recommend the Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) as the recommended measurement device for measuring acceptable heat/
                                    humidity levels for practices and contests. The use of WBGT is recommended throughout the calendar year when ambient
                                    temperature is above 80 degrees.
                              4.		 The SMAC goes on record in opposition to the Football Advisory Committee’s recommendation for full pad contact during the
                                    summertime. SMAC actually suggests restricting full pad contact during the summer more than the current bylaws permit due to
                                    concerns of student safety and the concerns for the sport of football in general. The 2018 Annual Questionnaire even indicates that
                                    193 schools either support Thud contact only or no contact at all. This number is greater than those schools that support the Football
                                    Advisory Committee’s recommendation (159). Furthermore, there are 244 schools that support an allowance different from that of the
                                    Football Advisory Committee’s recommendation.
                              5.		 Recommend allowing Dr. Mark Halstead to formulate Return-To-Learn protocols and suggestions as a resource for MSHSAA member
                              ***6. SMAC goes on record having interest of inviting a Mental Health representative to the SMAC meetings as an additional resource on
                                    potential discussion topics. This representative will be a voting member of the committee.

                              *    Denied
                              ** Tabled for further study

                              All others approved
2018 Annual Ballot Results
Following are the results of the balloting on the amendments to the                                  - PROPOSAL 10 -
MSHSAA Constitution and By-Laws in the 2018 Annual MSHSAA                               (Definition of High School Football Week)
Election. Amendments to By-Laws require a simple majority of those                          (PASSED) - 296 FOR, 18 AGAINST
voting for passage, while amendments to the Constitution require a 2/3
majority for passage. Proposals which passed will become effective          Amends By-Law 3.23.1 by changing the definition of a HIGH
July 1, 2018, with the exception of Proposal Numbers 2 and 7 which          SCHOOL football week for the purpose of tracking the six allowable
will become effective IMMEDIATELY.                                          quarters from the current definition of “Friday to Thursday” to a new
                                                                            definition of “Thursday to Wednesday.”
                          - PROPOSAL 1 -
                (Cooperative Sponsorship Due Date)
                 (PASSED) - 436 FOR, 25 -AGAINST                                                      - PROPOSAL 11 -
 Amends By-Law 1.4 by changing the December 1 deadline for                               (Definition of Junior High Football Week)
 cooperative sponsorship agreements in football and basketball, to                          (PASSED) - 146 FOR, 65 AGAINST
 May 1 annually.                                                            Amends By-Law 3.23.1 by changing the definition of a JUNIOR
                                                                            HIGH SCHOOL football week for the purpose of tracking the six al-
                                                                            lowable quarters from the current definition of “Friday to Thursday” to
                       - PROPOSAL 2 -                                       a new definition of “Thursday to Wednesday.”
      (High School Summer School Online Course Deadline)
               (PASSED) - 429 FOR, 32 AGAINST
 Amends items e and f in By-Law 2.3.5 regarding summer school                                        - PROPOSAL 12 -
 online courses.                                                                            (Junior High Team Contest Limits)
                                                                                            (PASSED) - 273 FOR, 26 AGAINST
                                                                            Amends By-Law 3.30.3, Junior High Team Contest Limits, to allow
                        - PROPOSAL 3 -                                      an additional option of 12 games and 1 tournament to the current op-
  (Junior High Academic Standard for Non-Traditional Students)              tion of 10 games and 2 tournaments (does not include wrestling).
                (FAILED) - 147 FOR, 153 AGAINST
 Would have amended By-Law 2.3.7 for junior high academic
 requirements to allow participation in all activities by non-traditional                        - PROPOSAL 13 -
 students who are not full-time students at the school.                     (Directors/Coaches Requirements for Interscholastic Activities)
                                                                                          (PASSED) - 397 FOR, 108 AGAINST
                                                                            Amends By-Laws in Section 4, regarding MSHSAA activities, to set
                         - PROPOSAL 4 -
                                                                            minimum standards for activity Directors/Coaches.
         (Undue Influence - Definition of Immediate Family)
                 (PASSED) - 454 FOR, 54 AGAINST
 Amends By-Laws 2.6 to add definition of immediate family of a                                    - PROPOSAL 14 -
 student.                                                                        (Removal of Winter Guard from MSHSAA Jurisdiction)
                                                                                          (PASSED) - 396 FOR, 74 AGAINST

                         - PROPOSAL 5 -                                     Amends By-Law 4.2.1 by removing Winter Guard from MSHSAA
       (Athletic Coaching Requirements - Limits on Contact)
                  (PASSED) - 455 FOR, 53 AGAINST
 Amends By-Law 3.1 by clarifying the coaching contact allowances                                  - PROPOSAL 15 -
 and restrictions that are in place for contracted interscholastic sport     (Standardized Calendar Start Date for Speech/Debate/Theatre)
 coaches.                                                                                  (PASSED) - 202 FOR, 9 AGAINST
                         - PROPOSAL 6 -                                     Amends By-Law 4.3.2 by utilizing the standardized calendar date of
    (Transfer of Enrollment Exceptions - Transfer from a Non-               the Friday of Week Number 14 (which is consistent with the current
                         Member School)                                     start date of the second Friday in October) for the first date for high
                 (PASSED) - 435 FOR, 73 AGAINST                             school speech/debate/theatre events.
 Amends By-Law 3.10.4.c, regarding a Transfer from a Non-Member
 School.                                                                                          - PROPOSAL 16 -
                                                                              (Standardized Calendar Start Date for Scholar Bowl Events)
                         - PROPOSAL 7 -                                                   (PASSED) - 368 FOR, 20 AGAINST
                                                                                                                                                      MSHSAA Journal August 2018
               (Summer Football Heat Acclimatization)                       Amends By-Law 4.4.3 by utilizing the standardized calendar date of
                  (PASSED) - 331 FOR, 22 AGAINST                            the Friday of Week Number 14 (which is consistent with the cur-
                                                                            rent start date of the second Friday in October) for the first date for
 Amends By-law 3.15.6.a.3 regarding football summertime heat
                                                                            Scholar Bowl events (junior high and high school).
 acclimatization to further define that the first five days must include
 two days of helmets only and three days of helmets/shoulder pads
 prior to any full-pad tackle football activities.
                                                                                                     - PROPOSAL 17 -
                         - PROPOSAL 8 -                                                        (Scholar Bowl Contest Limits)
         (Pre-Season Interschool Scrimmages/Jamborees)                                       (PASSED) - 362 FOR, 26 AGAINST
                 (PASSED) - 429 FOR, 32 AGAINST
                                                                            Amends By-Law 4.4.2 by allowing three combination options of dual
 Amends By-Law 3.16.6 by re-naming “Preseason Interschool Scrim-            and tournament limits at the high school level and two combination
 mages” as “Preseason Jamborees,” and clarifying the requirements           options at the junior high school level.
 and allowances for “In-Season Jamborees” in By-Law 3.16.7.
                       - PROPOSAL 9 -
                                                                                                   - PROPOSAL 18 -
   (Removal of References to All-Star Contests from By-Laws)
                                                                                                    (Girls Wrestling)
               (PASSED) - 425 FOR, 83 AGAINST
                                                                                             (PASSED) - 202 FOR, 41 AGAINST
 Amends By-Law 3.16.8 and various others by removing the specific

 restrictions on “All-Star Contests.”                                       Amends By-Laws 5.1, 3.29.6, and 3.30.3.l to separate the currently
                                                                            co-educational sport of wrestling into sex-separated wrestling for

                                                                            both boys and girls.

                             Speech, Debate and Theatre                                            Basketball Advisory Committee
                             Advisory Committee			                                                 Summary
                             Held May 2, 2018                                                      Held April 20, 2018
                             1.   Recommend the following be included in Section 7.B.6-
                                  DI, 7-Duet, 8-HI, 9-Poetry,10-Prose, 11-Storytelling:            *1. Recommend shortening the basketball season by one week on the front end
                                  “Students should develop original interpretation of their        of the season and not changing the date of the first contest.
                                  selections.” Presently listed in “Ethics” section.                    Rationale: The basketball advisory feels the season is too long and
                             2.   Recommend amending By-Law 4.3.3 to increase the                  		shortening it on the front end is the best option. The reason to shorten the
                                  maximum number of allowable tournaments for Jr. High                  season is the conflict with student athletes also participating in football.
                                  Speech, Debate, and/or Theatre meets, festivals, and/or
                                  tournaments in a school year from 5 to 7.                        **2. Went on record to support the use of a shot clock if the NFHS approves the
                             *3. Recommend to revise Section 9.A.3, to read: When                  shot clock by state adoption.
                                 an original qualifier is unable to attend the State                    Rationale: The basketball advisory has consistently shifted to wanting the
                                 Tournament, an alternate (next finisher) can advance                   shot clock in high school basketball. They have been made fully aware that
                                 to the State tournament, provided they competed in an                  the MSHSAA will not implement the shot clock unless the NFHS adopts
                                 elimination round of the District Tournament.                          it as a rule or by state adoption. The basketball advisory is unanimous in its
                             4.   Recommend revising Section 12.B.1: will make the                      support of adopting the shot clock if it is adopted by the NFHS.
                                  deadline for changes to rosters and selections - the
                                  Friday following the close of the final district tournament.     * Denied
                             5.   Recommend adding to directives for One Act Play: The             ** Tabled for further study
                                  host school should be prepared to provide a qualified            		All others approved
                                  sound and light technician, to operate/assist with the
                                  board, if requested, at the district and state tournament.
                                                                                                   Scholar Bowl Advisory
                             *6. Voted to support the Barstow proposal of providing the
                                 option for schools to “opt out of By-Law 4.3.2.: 2 points
                                                                                                   Committee Summary
                                 - extend the season (months, not # of tournaments) -              Held May 14, 2018
                                 eliminate the mileage limitation.
                                                                                                   *1. Recommended that the Board place an item on the 2019 Annual Ballot to amend
                             7.   Recommend adding Duo Interpretation as an event in               the first allowable contest date for high school and junior high Scholar Bowl from the
                                  Speech, Debate and Theatre.                                      Monday of Week Number 14 to the Monday of Week Number 12.
                             8.   Recommend adding to the Unethical Conduct section
                                  of each Debate event. (Lincoln-Douglas, Policy, Public           2. Recommended the following rules changes for the Scholar Bowl rulebook:
                                  Forum)                                                           		 a. Emergencies: Add language to Section D to allow a game to continue in the
                                  “It is the responsibility of the speaker to orally deliver the   			 event a player has to leave the game room due to unforeseen or
                                  following when introducing evidence in a debate round:           			 unavoidable circumstances, such as illness or family emergency.
                                  primary author(s)’ name (last) and year of publication.           		 b. Score Checks: Pending action on Recommendation #3, correct notations
                                  Any other information such as source, author’s                   			 regarding score checks on page 21, under scorekeeper duties.
                                  qualifications, etc., may be given, but is not required.         		 c. Visual, Unofficial Score: Add language to require coaches to agree on
                                  Should two or more quotations be used from the same              			 keeping an unofficial visual score.
                                  source, the author and year must be given orally                 		 d. MSHSAA Protest Card at State Tournament: Remove school from the
                                  only for the first piece of evidence from that source.           			 protest card to allow the protesting school to be anonymous.
                                  Subsequently, only the author’s name is required. Oral           		 e. Recognition: Maintain the recognition rule, but remove the penalty for the
                                  citations do not substitute for the written source citation.     			 first responder (buzzer is lit) to answer the question before being
                                  The full written citation must be provided if requested by       			recognized.
                                  an opponent or judge.”
                                                                                                   3. Recommended that the Board approve a three-year trial utilizing the NAQT
                             9.    Recommend to delete the first sentence from Section             proposal questions/game format (26 Toss-ups/26 Bonuses) for the district and state
                                  7.B.5.k: Readers Theatre                                         series for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21, which will reduce the price of each round
                                  “Stage movement and business shall be limited;                   of questions from $230 to $100.
                                  the narrator may move about and the compositional
MSHSAA Journal August 2018

                                  grouping may change.”                                            *      Denied
                             ***10. Recommend that presentation of 2nd Place plaques be            **     Tabled
                                  eliminated and a 1st Place plaque be presented in every          ***    Approved as Amended
                                  event, at the district and state tournaments.                    ****   No Action
                                  Amend the recommendation by revising the awards as                      All Others Approved
                                  stated below:
                             -		Present 1st and 2nd place plaques in all team/multi-
                                  person events
                             -    Present only 1st and 2nd Place plaques in Reader’s
                                  Theatre and One Act Play
                             -    Eliminate presentation of plaques in Lincoln-Douglas
                             -    Develop point system to award team championships

                             *    Denied
                             **		Tabled for further study

                             ***		Approved as amended
                             ****		      No Action

                                    All others approved
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