Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper

Page created by Norman Ramirez
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
Monday April 5, 2021                           Volume 55, Issue 7


Mobile mine detection
Members of HMCS Shawinigan and Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) use the REMUS unmanned under-
water vehicle to locate practice mines on the approaches to Halifax Harbour. Both HMCS Shawinigan
and HMCS Goose Bay sailed on March 23 for a week of mine countermeasure exercises.
                                             MCPL ANTHONY LAVIOLETTE, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                            TRIDENT NEWS           APRIL 5, 2021

Canadianization of the Joint Support Ship –
from mature design to a unique Canadian solution

    The Joint Support Ship (JSS) is one of   require necessary survivability mea-          achieve these with new, low-sulfur fuel      doors, instead of the older style commu-
the three classes of ships procured for      sures and appropriate interoperability        formulas and exhaust gas scrubbers.          nal showers and urinals. Other design
the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) under          with the RCN future fleet and partner           The JSS must be capable of handling        changes integrate the most current
the National Shipbuilding Strategy.          navies. It must also be able to support       multiple CH-148 Cyclones, a large multi-     technology that will enable the RCN to
    An adapted version of the German                                                       role maritime helicopter with its own        operate the JSS well into the future.
Navy’s Berlin-class auxiliary ship,                                                                  unique operational and main-         Another uniquely Canadian event
the new JSS will replace Canada’s                                                                       tenance requirements. And,      was also used to modify the JSS to Ca-
now-decommissioned supply ships                                                                        while not all of the design      nadian requirements.
Protecteur and Preserver. Germa-                                                                         changes are large or com-        “We are also using the hard lessons
ny began construction of its fleet                                                                                  plex – the ship’s   learned from incidents like the origi-
of auxiliary ships in the early                                                                                     flag had to be      nal HMCS Protecteur engine room fire
2000s, with its third and last ship                                                                                  moved because      to modify the design for RCN damage
commissioned into service in 2013.                                                                                   the Cyclone        control needs -- be it a fire, flood or need
    “It’s actually been advantageous                                                                               sight lines were     for redundancy to ensure survivability
for Canada to buy into the Berlin                                                                                   blocked – all are   of our sailors,” says RAdm Donovan.
class at this stage, now that Germany                                                                               necessary.            The modifications being incorporated
has three in the water,” says Rear-Ad-       An artist rendering of the definition
                                                                                                                      Different         in JSS will give Canada a robust at-sea
miral (RAdm) Casper Donovan, Direc-          design for the Joint Support Ship.
                                                                                           military-specific personnel and oper-        replenishment and support capability,
tor General Future Ship Capability                                                   DND
                                                                                           ational policies also drove some of the      designed in a manner that meets the
for the RCN. “We are able to capitalize                                                    modifications. The JSS design uses           RCN’s specific military requirements,
on many of the lessons learned during        the rapid provision of humanitarian re-       a gender-neutral approach to crew            and will provide the agility to operate
previous iterations of the design, and       lief, represent Canada through defence        habitability and washrooms, part of the      in multiple ways to achieve mission
apply those lessons to our Canadian          diplomacy, and support a broad set of         RCN’s cultural drive towards greater         success and support the Canadian gov-
version – the JSS. In other words, even      Government priorities.                        inclusivity. This will include individual    ernment’s needs of today and well into
though we are purchasing a mature               To meet this global requirement,           shower stalls and toilets with lockable      the future.
design, there are necessary modifica-        whether JSS is operating in the heat of
tions required for JSS to meet Cana-         the Arabian Sea or the cold of Canada’s
da’s specific environment, needs and         Arctic waters, the ship itself and all of
standards.”                                  its systems must be able to handle all

    To support Government of Canada          extremes of climate and temperature.
defence policy, the RCN requires a ship         Other modifications include the re-

                                                                                                     THAT GOES
that can operate all around the world        quirement to meet today’s internation-
-- independently, in support of a Cana-      al regulations, such as those regarding

                                                                                                     WHERE YOU
dian Task Group, or integrated into an       limits on engine gas emissions, which
international coalition force -- and con-    have become more stringent since

tribute to the full spectrum of military     the Berlin class was designed in the
operations. The JSS must be capable          1990s. The JSS will have a more effi-
of supporting combat operations in the       cient engine design, which will satisfy
future threat environment, which will        the RCN’s range and speed needs, but

                                                                                                     Rely on coverage with no

STALKER memorial                                                                                     exclusions for war, extreme
                                                                                                     hobbies or sports.
                                                                                                     Whether you’re on the
patch now available                                                                                  frontlines or the home front,
                                                                                                     SISIP Financial’s Term Life
By 12 Wing Shearwater                                                                                Insurance is battle-tested
                                                                                                     for the rigours of military life.
  The memorial patches for STALK-
ER have arrived and are ready for                                                                    Give us a call to explore your
purchase at the Shearwater Aviation                                                                  options. 1-800-267-6681
  The patch is round to give the per-
spective of an observer looking through
a hangar door porthole. The thick black
edge at the bottom signifies the black
mourning band, donned by individuals
looking to honour the lives of those lost.
The sunset represents the actual weath-      STALKER memorial patch design.
er at the time of the accident, and how
full of colour the sky was at sunset. The    from Apr 1 to Apr 29 for all members
“Secure Flying Stations” vice “Stand         of 12 Wing and MARLANT. This short
Down Flying Stations” refers to the fact     period is to represent, like the poppy,
that the ship will not recover STALK-        the ephemeral aspect of life and to pre-
ER. This concept is compounded by            serve the honorific status of the patch.
the fact that the aircraft is in the hover     All the proceeds from the sale of the
with wheels up, and the bear trap is not     patches will go directly towards the
on the flight deck.                          STALKER monument and the families                                                                                  SISIP.COM
   The patch is authorised to be worn        of the fallen.
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         APRIL 5, 2021                                                                                                                                          3

MS Remi Ducharme was named and was presented the 2020 Exceptional Sailor &
Centennial Cup award virtually on March 1 in Halifax.
                                                                MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

S2 Aman Sharma is the latest to be named the Atlantic Fleet’s Sailor of the Quarter, receiving his award in a presentation on March 17.
                                                                                                                                                       MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

Sailor of the Quarter commended
for going above and beyond
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

  Even when he’s off duty, Sailor Second Class (S2)          “He often completes tasks on his downtime to bet-         as the crew readied the ship for deployment last
Aman Sharma strives to do his best. Whether it’s           ter the ship as a whole, from taking over the respon-       July.
fixing a problem in his work area, cleaning and            sibility of the Mechanics Works Shop to cleaning on           “Because I had never deployed before — it was my
organizing the ship’s gym or cooking and delivering        his Sunday routine so others could rest.”                   first time, I had never sailed on any other ship — I
meals to people in need, the 28-year-old Upper Deck          S2 Sharma completed his on-the-job qualifications         learned so much. It was a very good experience,” he
Engineer with HMCS Toronto likes to keep busy.             “well in advance of the deadline and well ahead of          said.
  “I found on board the ship I often had spare time,       his peers”, PO2 Earle added. “His thirst for knowl-           Always on the lookout for a chance to learn and
so I would try to find things to do. It is my way,” he     edge in his trade is second to none...resulting in him      be helpful, when S2 Sharma noticed a problem with
said.                                                      expanding his job knowledge and skills to that of a         a valve in a fuelling oil transfer line, he found an
  In recognition of his hard work during Toronto’s         senior technician, well ahead of his intended time.”        old valve in the mechanical shop and rebuilt it to
recent deployment with NATO as part of Op REAS-              For his part, S2 Sharma said he enjoys learning           replace the faulty one.
SURANCE, S2 Sharma was named the latest Sailor             and looks for opportunities to upgrade his skills.            “The valve he rebuilt is now in place and is
of the Quarter, receiving his award on March 17 at a       “I like to ask questions and to keep learning new           working flawlessly,” said PO2 Earle, who also noted
presentation with Cmdre Richard Feltham, Com-              things, always,” he said. “My father is a very hard         another organization project S2 Sharma undertook
mander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, and Fleet Chief            working man and he always told me to work hard              — fabricating drawer organizers to better sort and
CPO1 Darcy Burd attending.                                 and I would do well. He and my grandfather both, I          store hand tools in the shop.
  S2 Sharma first learned about the award back             learned hard work from them.”                                 Along with his initiative at work, S2 Sharma was
in the fall, while Toronto was on deployment. He             S2 Sharma grew up in Punjab in northwestern               also praised for his help in the ship’s gym — sorting
recalled watching his superior officers approach,          India, arriving in Canada with his parents, sister          and tidying up equipment and refilling spray bottles
having no idea that he had earned an award; his im-        and brother in December 2011. It was the next year,         after his daily work out — as well as his community
mediate thought was actually one of concern. “They         when his parents were buying their house in Cale-           volunteer work. A devout Hindu, S2 Sharma helps
walked in and I was thinking I was in trouble or that      don, Ont., that a chance conversation with the real         out at his local temple, cooking meals, delivering
something had gone wrong. It was such a surprising         estate broker about the benefits of a military career       packed food to people in need and providing trans-
moment for me. It is truly an honour,” he said.            first planted the idea about joining the Canadian           portation to seniors.
  In nominating S2 Sharma for the award, PO2               Armed Forces.                                                 When asked about his plans for the future, S2
Matthew Earle noted S2 Sharma’s hard work, high              S2 Sharma became a Canadian citizen in 2016, and          Sharma said he plans to keep learning and taking
standards and positive attitude. “He has gone above        joined the CAF in July 2018. His first posting was to       every opportunity for advancement. “I would like to
and beyond all that has been asked of him while            CFB Halifax in September, following basic training.         see how far I can go. I want to be a Fleet Chief some-
constantly displaying a knowledge and work ethic           Joining HMCS Toronto as a Junior Marine Techni-             day. I am hoping for that.”
far above his rank level,” he said.                        cian in August 2019, S2 Sharma said he felt excited
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS          APRIL 5, 2021


                                                             Hard work paying off - HMCS Harry
Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                             DeWolf excels through ice trials
                                                             By Ryan Melanson,
 (902) 427-4235
                                                             Trident Staff
Reporter: Joanie Veitch                                    Navigating the Arctic         off the coasts of Northern
 (902) 427-4238                                              and sailing through ice is       Labrador and Nunavut.
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                           nothing new for Cdr Co-          They were joined by Irving                                rey Gleason. As the first        Shipbuilding staff and other
 902-721-0560                                                Commanding Officer of            civilian contractors as the
Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah                         the Navy’s first Arctic and      ship moves through the                              Offshore Patrol Ship, he’s       final steps before commis-
 902-721-8341                                                spent years preparing and        sioning later this year.
                                                             training, going North with         Also on board were mem-
                                                             Canadian Coast Guard             bers of the future HMCS
Trident is an authorized military publication distributed
across Canada and throughout the world every second
                                                             ships and NATO allies to         Margaret Brooke, who have
Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear         gain experience, along with      the advantage of being able
Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task Force
Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense    plenty of academic study.        to familiarize themselves
or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the       None of this dulled the       with the new platform
aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim
Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11,            excitement, however, of          ahead of the second ship
2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10 a.m., 11       reaching sea ice in Labra-       in class being delivered to
business days prior to the publication date. Material must
be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and        dor for the first time with      the Navy. Cdr Gleason said
phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed            HMCS Harry DeWolf.               his team shared lessons
in Trident are those of the individual contributor or
advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or        “I felt a rush of years of    learned so far, and focused
endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.        mentorship and training,”        on creating professional         A layer of ice could be seen on the bow of HMCS Harry DeWolf as
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le    he said, noting the pride he     development opportuni-           it returned to Halifax Harbour on March 3 after cold weather and
contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force
opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est
                                                             felt in confirming his crew      ties for their colleagues,       ice trials.
distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis          was ready and prepared to        with practical exposure to                          CPL DAVID VELDMAN, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES
toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve
le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les
                                                             charge the ship through ice.     the ship’s propulsion and
articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires               “There is nothing like        control systems and other
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des         doing the work practically;      pieces of equipment on
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des       the noise of ice striking        board, and with practice in
annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée à 1000
le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes     the hull, the feeling of the     handling the ship through
peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent   ship riding off of an ice floe   sheets of ice thicker than 15
indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du
collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires    and falling into a new lead,     centimetres.
imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et   or the sounds of alarms            “It shouldn’t be lost on
agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la
rédaction, du MDN ou de l’éditeur.                           going off from different         anyone that this was a very
    Annual Subscription (25 issues):
                                                             sensors. For me personally,      big deal for any ship, and
    • NS: $37.38 ($32.50 + 15 % HST)                         it is always fun to see the      not just the RCN, to be this
    • ON, NB & NFLD: $36.73 ($32.50 + 13% HST)
    • BC: $36.40 ($32.50 + 12% HST)
                                                             expressions on the faces of      far north at this time of
    • Remainder of Canada:                                   sailors who encounter ice        year,” Cdr Gleason said,
    $34.13 ($32.50 + GST)
    • United States: $45 US
                                                             breaking for the first time,”    noting the ship’s winteriza-
    • Abroad: $65 US                                         Cdr Gleason added. Reac-         tion worked as intended in
    Courier address:                                         tions ranged from shock          -40C weather, and that the
    2740 Barrington Street,
    Halifax, N.S.                                            at the impact, as sailors        speed and power delivered
    B3K 5X5                                                  grabbed chairs or cabinets       above expectations in Harry
    Publication Mail Agreement No.                           for balance, to joy and high     DeWolf’s first runs through
                                                             fives at seeing the payoff       real ice.
    Return undelivered Canadian address to:
    Trident Newspaper Bldg. S-93                             after years of work.               “We will not be hampered
    PO Box 99000                                                Harry DeWolf left Halifax     in any way when operating        Cdr Corey Gleason, Commanding Officer of HMCS Harry DeWolf,
    Station Forces, Halifax, NS B3K 5X5
    Return Postage Guaranteed                                on February 9 and spent          during the routine navi-         keeps lookout during Cold Weather Trials near Frobisher Bay on
    ISN 0025-3413                                            nearly a month conducting        gable season from July to        February 23.
    Circulation: Minimum 8,500                               cold weather and ice trials      October.”                                           CPL DAVID VELDMAN, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES

                                                                                                            NBP training aboard
                                                                                                            HMCS Halifax
                                                                                                             HMCS Halifax conducts advanced Naval Boarding Party small arms
                                                                                                             training on the flight deck on March 26 while sailing with Standing
                                                                                                             NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) in the Baltic. The team trains with a
                                                                                                             focus on safely and effectively operating firearms in response to various
                                                                                                             tactical scenarios. Halifax is currently the flagship of SNMG1, and the
                                                                                                             task group recently participated in a three-day exercise with Standing
                                                                                                             NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1, which is currently under the
                                                                                                             command of The Netherlands.
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         APRIL 5, 2021                                                                                                                                       5

Message from the
Acting Chief of the Defence Staff
By LGen W.D Eyre,
Acting Chief of the Defence Staff

                                             1. External Actions. We will fully           Postings. We will soon enter the         course of the next three months, we
                                           support and welcome an external re-          Active Posting Season, and the high        are planning to receive 150,000 doses of
                                           view of our institution and its culture      stress usually associated with it is       vaccine, for which the administration
                                           with the full realization that we do not     exacerbated again this year with the       will be the primary focus of our Health
                                           have all the answers. We will embrace        pandemic. Housing prices across the        Services. I have issued vaccination
                                           external recommendations, including          country add to the burden of stress, as    priorities and more detail is in FRAGO
                                           an independent reporting chain.              will navigating different Provincial,      001 to CDS TASKORD 002 – Operation
                                             2. Internal Actions. While the first       Territorial, and international pan-        VECTOR – CAF COVID-19 Immuniza-
                                           stream takes shape, we are taking            demic-related travel restrictions. Once    tion Campaign. I strongly encourage
                                           some important immediate steps while         again, we will take a very flexible ap-    all to get vaccinated. Our operational
                                           retaining the ability to incorporate its     proach with move and report for duty       effectiveness depends on it. As our
                                           recommendations. This plan is still          dates. Guidance will be promulgated        Force is vaccinated we will modify our
                                           developing and is my personal focus.         via CANFORGEN in the coming days.          protective measures according to best
                                           Firstly we must listen – to our own                                                     practices and regional health mea-
                                           people at all levels, most important-          Personnel Initiatives. We will           sures.
                                           ly at the grassroots; and to external        continue with the vital work Military
                                           experts. From them we must learn and         Personnel Command is undertaking to          Expeditionary. Throughout this
                                           guide our actions accordingly. Several       improve the conditions of service for      period, we will continue to do our part
                                           actions are already clear:                   our members and their families. The        to ensure international peace and secu-
                                             · Operation HONOUR has culmi-              work on a revised Universality of Ser-     rity, with ongoing operations such as
                                           nated, and thus we will close it out,        vice (U of S) policy is progressing well   Operation CARIBBE in Latin America
LGen W.D Eyre, Acting Chief of the
                                           harvest what has worked, learn from          along with specific Adaptive Career        and the Caribbean, Operation PRES-
Defence Staff.
                                           what hasn’t, and develop a deliberate        Path (ACP) initiatives that will offer     ENCE supporting the United Nations
                                           plan to go forward. We will better           more options to CAF members and            in Africa, and with upcoming rotations
 To the members of the Canadian            align the organizations and processes        their families. A long overdue Reten-      in Operations UNIFIER and REAS-
Armed Forces:                              focused on culture change to achieve         tion Strategy is under development to      SURANCE Land Task Force and Air
                                           better effect.                               focus on retaining the excellent talent    Task Force-Romania. We will continue
  ACTING CHIEF OF THE DE-                    · We will identify and take the steps      that lives and leads across the CAF.       to be a leader abroad, notably with our
FENCE STAFF FOCUS AREAS                    necessary to create a workplace where        These initiatives must be delivered        ongoing commands of the Standing
  Having just passed the one year          individuals feel safe to come forward        while respecting the guiding principles    NATO Maritime Group One in Europe,
milestone of being in a pandemic,          when they experience sexual miscon-          of our Canadian military ethos, most       and the Combined Task Force 150 in
we continue to live in a dynamic and       duct.                                        notably service before self and through    the Middle-East. We will continue to
unpredictable environment and recent         · We will finalize and publish our         a Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+)        excel and maintain our efforts in the
events have added to the uncertainties     Code of Professional Military Con-           lens. To that end, the CAF personnel       Indo-Asia Pacific region, including the
we face. As your Acting Chief of the       duct, including a new focus on power         management system needs to be mod-         ongoing deployment of HMCS Calgary,
Defence Staff, I view my primary role      dynamics in our system, and hold             ernized and, in some areas, changed.       the upcoming deployment of HMCS
as continuing to provide our nation a      ourselves accountable to it.                 To achieve this, we will continue with     Winnipeg, and our CANSOFCOM
force that delivers operational excel-       · We will add new rigour and sci-          the development and implementation         efforts across the globe.
lence in a manner that is reflective       ence to leader selection, starting at the    of a new CAF HR Strategy.
of Canadian identity and values and        highest levels.                                                                           READINESS
which Canadians remain proud of.             · Along with other ongoing efforts,          OPERATIONS                                 Personnel Generation. In a time
Early in my tenure I believe it import-    we will implement the Restorative              Domestic. The perfect storm is po-       when we should be growing our num-
ant to orient you on my four overarch-     Engagement aspect of the Heyder-Be-          tentially upon us, with the confluence     bers, the pandemic has led the CAF
ing focus areas of people, operations,     attie Harmful Inappropriate Sexual           of Operations LASER and VECTOR,            to shrink in size in both our Regular
readiness, and future capability devel-    Behaviour (HISB) class action lawsuit        as the response to the pandemic must       and Reserve Force components. While
opment in order to guide our collective    final settlement agreement, and learn        continue, and LENTUS as spring             our attrition over the last year has
efforts.                                   from that to guide a wider reconcilia-       comes with the usual heightened risks      decreased by approximately 25%, our
                                           tion effort in an attempt to right past      of natural disasters such as flooding      intake has only been a third of normal.
   PEOPLE                                  wrongs.                                      and forest fires. We continue to pro-      As our recruiting system and CFLRS
   Culture. The Canadian Armed               · We need to improve mechanisms            vide excellent support to Canadians        return to full capacity, we will need
Forces is at an inflection point with      to listen and learn from the experienc-      across the country: in Indigenous and      to continue to conduct decentralized
regards to our culture. Recent sexual      es of those who have been harmed.            Northern communities as they deal          Basic Military Qualification courses,
misconduct revelations and allegations       In all of these efforts, we will support   with outbreaks; in leading national        and prioritize courses necessary to
are very disturbing, have shaken us,       victims as they come forward, while          planning efforts for vaccine distribu-     maximize the number of personnel
and made clear how much farther            at the same time respecting the funda-       tion; in support to land border cross-     reaching Operational Functional
we need to go to be the CAF that our       mental right of due process for ongoing      ings; and very soon in the vaccination     Point. A key aspect throughout will be
people deserve, and Canadians expect.      investigations.                              efforts for many Northern remote and       increasing the diversity in our ranks
Furthermore, the societal problems of                                                   Indigenous communities. Every day          to benefit from the talent inherent
racism and hateful conduct continue          Health and Wellness. Like the              our forces are prepared to assist na-      across Canada.
to manifest themselves in our ranks.       rest of society, life in the pandemic        tional authorities when requested, our
We need to view the current crisis as      has been hard on our members and             Search and Rescue enterprise stands          Individual Training. Likewise, our
an opportunity and come out of it as a     their families. We must continue to          ready to respond to those in need, as      individual training course throughout
better organization. We will re-estab-     support one another, seek and offer          does NORAD to defend Canada and the        has been significantly affected. In the
lish trust where it has been broken.       help when the need exists, and make          United States. Throughout this period,     mid-term, we will prioritize individual
We need all of our members to work         maximum use of the coping tools and          the bulk of our operational effort and     training over collective training in
in an environment characterized by a       resources available. As the conditions       focus will be on the home game.            order to develop the leadership and
sense of mutual respect, dignity, safety   of the pandemic ease, we must take full                                                 technical qualifications and skills we
and truly belonging. To that end, early    opportunity of reinforcing our social         CAF Vaccination. Vaccinating the          need.
work indicates we need to follow two       connectivity.                                CAF is an operational focus. Over the
Mobile mine detection - Trident Newspaper
6                                                                                                                                      TRIDENT NEWS          APRIL 5, 2021

  Collective Training. Collective            DEVELOPING FUTURE CAPA-                  as cyberspace are demanding that we         including capability conceptualization
training must continue, albeit in most     BILITIES                                   invest in the foundation of our mili-       and force design.
cases at a reduced scale, to maintain        SSE Investments. Our defence pol-        tary enterprise. To this end, we will
our proficiency in higher level activi-    icy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, lays out     continue our pursuit of four very high         Conclusion
ties. NORAD’s Ex AMALGAM DART,             an impressive capital investment plan      priority capability areas: digitizing the      Despite the challenges we face, the
the Army’s Ex MAPLE RESOLVE and            that we must continue to aggressively      force and adopting digital practices; a     business of defending Canada and
the Navy’s Ex DYNAMIC MONARCH              staff. Canadian Surface Combatant,         common C4I (Command, Control, Com-          Canadian interests must continue. Po-
to name just a few exercises, will         Future                                     munications, Computers, and Intelli-        tential adversaries are not resting, and
continue to be conducted in a modified       Fighter, and many other pro-             gence) ‘spine’; the joint sustainment       continue to expand their reach and test
manner, using risk mitigation strat-       grammes will be the foundation of our      enterprise; and leader professional         our resolve. At the same time, the scale
egies to protect health and safety. To     future military. We are already seeing     development.                                and scope of tasks we are being called
gain capacity for other activities, we     increased capabilities with such proj-                                                 upon to perform are expanding as we
will forgo such activities as the Cere-    ects as the Arctic and Offshore Patrol       Defence of Canada. Various trends         protect our population.
monial Guard, the CAF Small Arms           Ship and the LAV 6 family of vehicles,     such as climate change, increased              The CAF post-pandemic will not
Competition, and most community            including the first of the Armoured        interest in the Arctic, and challenges      be the same CAF as pre-pandemic…
engagements.                               Combat Support Vehicles just rolling       to our national resilience, made clear      too much has changed. Balancing our
                                           off the production line. These projects    during the pandemic, are driving            capacity across many activities will
   Allies and Partners. Our compet-        will continue to demand significant        change in how we conceptualize na-          be crucial as we evolve. In all, we are
itive advantage in today’s security        and necessary effort.                      tional defence. Recent announcements        committed to making the CAF better
environment is being part of a network                                                by the Government, such as the Can-         in all we do, most importantly for our
of like minded allies and partners. As       Integrating Capabilities. Fueled         ada-US national leader discussions,         people who underpin every single
conditions permit, we look to restore      in part by rapid technological devel-      indicated the imperative of improving       aspect of our service. In every day that
and re-engage with partners in various     opment, the increasingly integrated        our continental defence, including the      I serve, guided by these focus areas,
events, including exercises, training,     character of warfare and internation-      modernization of NORAD. In the short-       I will endeavour to make the CAF a
and engagements.                           al competition across all domains,         term, we will continue to provide mil-      better place. I ask you to do likewise.
                                           including in non-traditional ones such     itary support to policy development,

Message du Chef d’état-major
de la Défense par intérim
Par LGen W.D Eyre,
Le Chef d’état-major de la Défense
par intérim

                                           fournir à notre pays une force faisant     premiers travaux révèlent que nous             · Nous identifierons et prendrons
                                           preuve d’excellence opérationnelle         devons suivre deux grands axes :            les mesures nécessaires pour créer un
                                           qui reflète l’identité et les valeurs        1. Interventions de l’extérieur.          milieu de travail ou les personnes se
                                           du Canada et dont les canadiens et         Nous appuierons à fond et nous              sentent en sécurité pour se manifester
                                           canadiennes demeurent fiers. Au            accueillerons avec plaisir un examen        lorsqu’elles subissent une inconduite
                                           début de mon mandat, je crois qu’il est    extérieur de notre institution et de        sexuelle.
                                           important de vous faire part de mes        sa culture, tout en sachant que nous           · Nous finaliserons et publierons
                                           quatre grands points de mire, à savoir     ne possédons pas toutes les répons-         notre Code d’éthique militaire profes-
                                           notre personnel, les opérations, l’état    es. Nous épouserons les recomman-           sionnelle qui comprendra un nouvel
                                           de préparation et le développement de      dations provenant de l’extérieur, y         accent mis sur la dynamique des pou-
                                           nos capacités futures, lesquels orien-     compris en ce qui concerne une chaîne       voirs dans notre système, et nous nous
                                           teront nos efforts collectifs..            d’établissement de rapports indépen-        en tiendrons responsables.
                                                                                      dante.                                         · Nous ferons preuve de plus de ri-
                                             LE PERSONNEL                               2. Interventions à l’interne. Pen-        gueur et nous nous appuierons davan-
                                             Culture. Les Forces armées ca-           dant que le premier axe se dessine,         tage sur la science lors de la sélection
                                           nadiennes se trouvent à un point           nous prenons des mesures immédiates         de nos dirigeants, en commençant par
                                           d’inflexion en ce qui concerne notre       importantes, tout en conservant la          les niveaux supérieurs.
                                           culture. Les récentes révélations          capacité de donner suite aux recom-            · Parallèlement à d’autres efforts
                                           d’inconduite sexuelle et les alléga-       mandations qui en résulteront. Le           en cours, nous mettrons en œuvre
                                           tions à cet effet sont très troublantes;   plan à cet égard est encore en cours        l’aspect des démarches réparatrices
                                           ces cas nous ont ébranlés et ils ont       d’élaboration et il retient mon atten-      du règlement final du recours collectif
LGen W.D. Eyre, Le Chef d’état-major de    montré clairement tout le chemin que       tion personnelle. D’abord, nous devons      Heyder-Beattie comportement sexuel
la Défense par intérim.                    nous devons encore parcourir pour          écouter nos gens, à tous les niveaux,       dommageable et inapproprié (CDSI),
                                           être les FAC que nos gens méritent,        particulièrement à la base, et aussi les    et nous en tirerons des leçons afin
                                           et celles auxquelles les canadiens et      experts externes. D’eux, nous devons        d’orienter un vaste effort de réconcili-
  Aux membres des Forces armées            canadiennes s’attendent. En outre, les     apprendre et orienter nos actions en        ation dans l’espoir de réparer les actes
canadiennes :                              problèmes sociaux que sont le racisme      conséquence. Plusieurs mesures sont         répréhensibles passés.
                                           et les comportements haineux contin-       déjà claires :                                 · Nous devons améliorer les mé-
   POINTS DE MIRE DU CEMD(I)               uent de se manifester dans nos rangs.        · L’opération HONOUR a atteint            canismes pour écouter et apprendre
   Alors que nous venons de franchir       Nous devons saisir l’occasion que          son point culminant; nous y mettrons        des expériences de ceux qui ont été
la date du premier anniversaire d’une      présente l’actuelle crise pour devenir     donc un terme, nous en conserverons         blessés.
pandémie, nous continuons à vivre          une meilleure organisation. Nous           les mesures fructueuses, nous appren-          Dans tous ces efforts, nous soutien-
dans un environnement dynamique            devons rétablir la confiance là où elle    drons en prenant conscience de ce           drons les victimes qui se manifester-
et imprévisible, et les événements         a été trahie. Il faut que tous les mem-    qui n’a pas fonctionné, et nous éla-        ont tout en respectant le droit fonda-
récents ont ajouté aux incertitudes        bres des FAC puissent travailler dans      borerons un plan délibéré pour aller        mental à l’application régulière de la
auxquelles nous sommes confrontés. À       un environnement caractérisé par un        de l’avant. Nous harmoniserons mieux        loi pendant les enquêtes en cours.
titre de Chef d’état major de la Défense   sens du respect mutuel, de la dignité,     les organisations et les processus axés
par intérim, je considère que mon          de la sécurité, et de l’appartenance       sur le changement culturel afin de            Santé et mieux être. Comme dans
rôle principal consiste à continuer de     véritable. Dans cet ordre d’idées, nos     produire de meilleurs effets.               le reste de la société, la vie pendant la
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TRIDENT NEWS        APRIL 5, 2021                                                                                                                                         7

pandémie a été difficile pour nos mem-     tionaux pour planifier la distribution      recrutement et l’École de leadership        blindé d’appui tactique qui vient tout
bres et leurs familles. Nous devons        des vaccins; en appuyant les autorités      et de recrues des Forces canadiennes        juste de sortir de la chaîne de produc-
continuer à nous soutenir mutuelle-        aux postes frontaliers terrestres et,       (ELRFC) retrouveront leur pleine ca-        tion. Ces projets continueront d’exiger
ment, à demander ou à offrir de l’aide     très bientôt, en participant aux efforts    pacité, nous devrons continuer à don-       des efforts importants et essentiels.
lorsque le besoin existe, et à exploiter   de vaccination dans de nombreuses           ner les cours décentralisés de Qualifi-
au maximum les ressources et les           collectivités éloignées et autochtones.     cation militaire de base et à prioriser       Capacités intégrées. Alimentés
outils existants pour faire face aux       Tous les jours, nos forces sont prêtes      les cours nécessaires pour maximiser        en partie par les progrès technologies
difficultés. À mesure que les effets de    à prêter main forte aux autorités           le nombre de militaires qui atteignent      rapides, le caractère de plus en plus
la pandémie s’atténuent, nous devons       nationales quand on le leur demande;        le niveau opérationnel de compétence,       intégré de la conduite de la guerre et
profiter pleinement des possibilités       nos unités recherche et sauvetage           c’est à dire le niveau où ils peuvent       la concurrence internationale dans
pour renforcer notre connectivité          sont sur le qui vive pour se porter à       être affectés aux opérations. L’un des      tous les domaines, y compris dans les
sociale.                                   l’aide de personnes en détresse, tout       aspects clés tout au long de processus      domaines non traditionnels tels que le
                                           comme le NORAD l’est, pour défendre         consistera à accroître la diversité dans    cyberespace, nous obligent à faire des
  Affectations. Nous entamerons            le Canada et les États Unis. Tout au        nos rangs afin de tirer parti du talent     investissements dans les fondements
bientôt la période active des affecta-     long de cette période, l’essentiel de nos   inhérent à travers le Canada.               de notre entreprise militaire. À cette
tions, et la tension intense qui va nor-   efforts opérationnels et notre attention                                                fin, nous continuerons de déployer
malement de pair avec cette période        viseront le Canada.                           Instruction individuelle. Parallèle-      des efforts visant quatre domaines
sera une fois de plus accentuée cette                                                  ment, le débit de nos cours d’instruc-      de capacités hautement prioritaires :
année par la pandémie. Le prix des            Vaccination des FAC. La vacci-           tion individuelle a significativement       numérisation de la force et adoption
logements à travers le pays contribue      nation des membres des FAC est une          été affecté. À moyen terme, nous            de pratiques numériques; « système »
au stress, tout comme le font les dif-     priorité opérationnelle. Au cours des       prioriserons l’instruction individuelle     commun C3IR (commandement, con-
férentes restrictions de voyage provin-    trois prochains mois, nous prévoy-          à l’instruction collective dans le but      trôle, communications, informatique
ciales, territoriales et internationales   ons recevoir 150 000 doses du vaccin,       de développer le leadership ainsi que       et renseignement); entreprise de sou-
relatives à la pandémie avec lesquelles    dont l’administration constituera           les qualifications et les compétences       tien interarmées; perfectionnement
nous devons composer. Encore une           l’objectif principal de nos Services        techniques nécessaires.                     professionnel des dirigeants.
fois, nous adopterons une approche         de santé. J’ai publié des priorités en
très souple en ce qui concerne les         matière de vaccination, et de plus            Instruction collective. L’instruc-           Défense du Canada. Diverses
dates de déménagement et d’entrée en       amples renseignements se trouvent           tion collective doit se poursuivre,         tendances, entre autres, les change-
service. Les lignes directrices seront     dans l’O frag 001 de l’ordre de mission     mais à une échelle réduite dans la          ments climatiques, l’intérêt accru à
diffusées au moyen de messages             002 du CEMD – Opération VECTOR              plupart des cas, afin de conserver nos      l’égard de l’Arctique et les défis sur le
CANFORGEN au cours des prochains           – Campagne de vaccination des FAC           compétences dans le cadre d’activités       plan de la résilience nationale, ont été
jours.                                     contre la COVID-19. Je vous encourage       de plus haut niveau. L’Ex AMAL-             mises en évidence durant la pandémie,
                                           fortement à vous faire vacciner. Notre      GAM DART du NORAD, l’Ex MAPLE               ce qui a mené à un changement de
   Initiatives concernant le per-          efficacité opérationnelle en dépend.        RESOLVE de l’Armée de terre et l’Ex         la façon dont nous conceptualisons
sonnel. Nous poursuivrons le travail       Au fur et à mesure que notre Force est      DYNAMIC MONARCH de la Marine,               la défense de notre pays. Au cours
essentiel que le Commandement              vaccinée, nous modifierons nos me-          pour n’en citer que quelques uns, se        d’annonces présentées récemment par
du personnel militaire mène pour           sures de protection conformément aux        poursuivront de manière modifiée, des       le gouvernement, notamment suiv-
améliorer les conditions de service de     pratiques exemplaires et aux mesures        stratégies d’atténuation des risques        ant la tenue de discussions entre les
nos membres et la situation de leurs       sanitaires régionales.                      étant appliquées pour protéger la           dirigeants nationaux du Canada et des
familles. Le travail à l’égard d’une                                                   santé et la sécurité. Afin d’accroître la   États Unis, le gouvernement souligne
politique révisée sur l’universalité          Opérations expéditionnaires.             capacité pour d’autres activités, nous      la nécessité d’améliorer notre défense
du service (U de S) progresse bien et      Tout au long de cette période, nous         avons dû prendre la décision difficile      continentale, y compris la modernisa-
il en va de même pour des initiatives      continuerons à faire notre part pour        de laisser tomber certaines activités       tion du NORAD. À court terme, nous
précises axées sur le parcours de          assurer la paix et la sécurité interna-     comme la Garde de cérémonie, la Com-        continuerons d’apporter du soutien
carrière adaptatif, lesquelles offriront   tionales, avec des opérations en cours      pétition de tir aux armes légères des       militaire en vue de l’élaboration de
plus d’options aux membres des FAC         telles que l’opération CARIBBE en           Forces canadiennes, et la plupart des       politiques, en ce qui concerne notam-
et à leurs familles. Une stratégie de      Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes,       engagements communautaires.                 ment la conceptualisation des capac-
maintien en poste attendue depuis          l’opération PRESENCE soutenant les                                                      ités et la conception de la force.
longtemps est en cours d’élaboration       Nations Unies en Afrique, et avec les         Alliés et partenaires. Notre avan-
et visera le maintien en poste d’excel-    rotations à venir dans les opérations       tage concurrentiel dans l’environne-          Conclusion
lents talents qui œuvrent et dirigent      UNIFIER et REASSURANCE, au sein             ment de sécurité d’aujourd’hui est de         Malgré les défis auxquels nous som-
à l’échelle des FAC. Ces initiatives       de la Force opérationnelle terrestre        faire partie d’un réseau d’alliés et de     mes affrontés, les activités relatives
doivent être livrées dans le respect       et la Force opérationnelle aérienne –       partenaires aux vues similaires. À me-      à la défense du Canada et des intérêts
des principes directeurs de l’éthos        Roumanie. Nous continuerons d’être          sure que les conditions s’amélioreront,     canadiens doivent se poursuivre. Les
militaire canadien, notamment le           un chef de file à l’étranger, notam-        nous mettrons l’accent sur les efforts      adversaires possibles ne se reposent
service avant soi, et dans une optique     ment grâce à nos commandements du           visant à renouer et à rétablir les          pas, et ils continuent d’accroître leur
d’analyse comparative des sexes plus       1er Groupe maritime permanent de            relations avec nos partenaires grâce        portée et de mettre à l’épreuve notre
(ACS+). À cette fin, le système de         l’OTAN (SNMG1) en Europe et de la           à divers événements, notamment des          résolution. Parallèlement, l’ampleur et
gestion du personnel des FAC doit être     Force opérationnelle multinationale         exercices, des entraînements et des         la portée des tâches que nous sommes
modernisé et, dans certains domaines,      150 (FOM 150) au Moyen-Orient. Nous         mobilisations.                              appelés à accomplir s’élargissent alors
modifié. Pour y parvenir, nous pour-       continuerons d’exceller et de mainte-                                                   que nous protégeons notre population.
suivrons l’élaboration et la mise en       nir nos efforts dans la région indo-asi-      DÉVELOPPEMENT DES CAPAC-                    Les FAC, comme elles l’étaient avant
œuvre d’une nouvelle stratégie des         atique-pacifique, y compris le déploie-     ITÉS FUTURES                                la pandémie, ne seront plus pareilles
ressources humaines des FAC.               ment présent du NCSM CALGARY,                 Investissements prévus dans la            au terme de la pandémie… trop de cho-
   OPÉRATIONS                              le déploiement prochain du NCSM             politique PSE. Notre politique de           ses ont changé. Au fur et à mesure que
   Au Canada. La tempête parfaite          WINNIPEG et les efforts du COMFOS-          défense, Protection, Sécurité, Engage-      nous évoluons, il sera essentiel pour
nous menace, avec la confluence des        CAN à travers le monde.                     ment, dresse un impressionnant plan         nous d’équilibrer nos capacités alors
opérations LASER et VECTOR — car                                                       d’investissements en immobilisations        que nous exécutons bon nombre d’ac-
la lutte contre la pandémie doit se          ÉTAT DE PRÉPARATION                       que nous devons continuer de mettre         tivités. Tout bien pesé, nous sommes
poursuivre — et de l’opération LEN-          Génération du personnel. Au               en œuvre activement. Les navires de         résolus à améliorer les FAC dans tous
TUS avec l’arrivée du printemps            moment où nous devrions augment-            combat de surface canadiens, le projet      leurs domaines d’activités, surtout
risquant de s’accompagner des dan-         er nos effectifs, la pandémie a plutôt      de capacité future en matière d’avions      pour le bien de nos effectifs, ces derni-
gers habituels accrus de catastrophes      amené les FAC vers une réduction de         chasseur, et plusieurs autres pro-          ers constituant les fondements de ch-
naturelles telles que les inondations et   notre effectif, à la fois dans la Force     grammes constitueront les fondements        aque aspect de notre service. Chaque
les feux de forêt. Nous continuons de      régulière et dans la Réserve. Alors que     de nos futures forces militaires. Nous      jour que je sers, guidé par ces secteurs
fournir un excellent appui à la popu-      notre taux d’attrition a diminué d’en-      constatons déjà une augmentation des        d’intérêt, je m’efforcerai chaque jour
lation canadienne dans tout le pays :      viron 25 pourcent au cours de l’année       capacités découlant des projets comme       d’améliorer les FAC. Je vous incite à
dans les collectivités autochtones et      dernière, notre taux d’admission n’a        le navire de patrouille extracôtier et      faire pareillement.
du Nord, quand elles font face à des       été que d’un tiers de la normale. Au        de l’Arctique et la famille de véhicules
éclosions; en dirigeant les efforts na-    fur et à mesure que notre système de        VBL 6, y compris le premier véhicule
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8                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS        APRIL 5, 2021

Claims process underway for CAF-DND
sexual misconduct class action settlement

  The success of the defence team and the       validated, and to contribute to      Restorative Engagement program         or call 1-888-626-2611. If you need
missions of the CAF depend on the trust         changing the organizational cul-     is expected to launch in the fall of   legal advice concerning a possible
and teamwork of military and civilian alike     ture.                                2021.                                  claim in the settlement, you are
and that is directly linked to the defence        The Restorative Engagement           If you have questions about          entitled to receive it free of charge
workplace and culture. Sexual misconduct        team is consulting with external     whether the conduct that you           from class counsel as part of the
is inconsistent with CAF-DND values and         experts on the design of the pro-    experienced during your service or     settlement. Contact information for
ethics and is a problem that is being taken     gram. Consultations also include     employment is covered by the set-      class counsel across Canada is on
very seriously. This settlement is an im-       people affected by sexual miscon-    tlement, or to learn more about the    the class action website. If you are
portant part of this commitment.                duct, Defence Advisory Groups, and   settlement and submit a claim, visit   aware of others who may be eligi-
  The individual claims process component       other stakeholders both inside and   the class action website at caf-dnd-   ble, please share this information
of the CAF-DND sexual misconduct class          outside of the Defence Team. The         with them.
action settlement commenced on May 25,
2020, and is well underway. Current and
former CAF members, and current and
former employees of DND and the SNPF, CF
affected by sexual misconduct in the mili-
tary workplace may submit a confidential
claim for financial compensation and apply
to participate in a Restorative Engagement
program, until the period to file a claim
closes on November 24, 2021.
  The Final Settlement Agreement was
approved by the Federal Court of Canada
in November 2019. It applies to people who
experienced sexual assault, sexual harass-
ment, or discrimination based on gender,
sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation
while serving in the CAF, working for DND,
or for the Staff of the Non-Public Funds,
Canadian Forces.
  The protection of privacy is important,
and the claims process is confidential. The
fact that someone has made a claim, and all
of the information and documents provided
by claimants will not be disclosed to claim-
ants’ co-workers, supervisors, or DND/
CAF/SNPF leadership, except with the
consent of the class member or as required
by law.
  This settlement provides financial com-
pensation for those who have been harmed
by sexual misconduct and makes changes
to CAF and Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
policies. Compensation is available for inci-
dents of discrimination and harassment, as
well as more serious incidents of sexual as-
sault. The range of individual compensation
for most eligible class members is $5,000 to
$55,000. Compensation will depend on the
type of sexual misconduct, an assessment of
the harm suffered, and the number of class
members that submit claims. Class mem-
bers with PTSD or other diagnosed mental
or physical injuries directly arising from
sexual assault or sexual harassment may be
eligible for additional amounts. In the case
of a CAF class member, these additional
amounts are only available if they are ineli-
gible for VAC benefits and their application
for reconsideration is also denied. DND/
SNPF class members do not need to apply
for VAC benefits, unless they also have CAF
  In addition to the possibility of financial
compensation, class members can also
choose to participate in the Restorative En-
gagement program which aims to provide
class members safe and flexible options to
share their experience of sexual miscon-
duct, it’s causes and impacts with Defence
leadership- to be heard, acknowledged and
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TRIDENT NEWS       APRIL 5, 2021                                                                                                                                                        9

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10                                                                                                                                      TRIDENT NEWS        APRIL 5, 2021

Madison Walsh                                            Victoria Stead                                              Kathleen Bayliss-Byrne
                                            SUBMITTED                                                   SUBMITTED                                                SUBMITTED

Meet the Registered Dietitians at CFB Halifax
By PSP Health Promotion

  This year’s Nutrition Month        Madison is a Registered         these experiences combined          chronic pain self-management         Base dietitians provide
theme was “Good for you.           Dietitian originally from the     have shaped her career and          programs. Other individual         services for military mem-
Dietitians help you find your      Annapolis Valley in Nova          led her to the direction of pur-    services include blood pres-       bers only outside of certain
healthy.” This theme recogniz-     Scotia. Madison acquired her      suing a Master of Education in      sure, cholesterol and heart dis-   appointments or group
es that healthy eating can look    Bachelor of Science in Nutri-     Adult Education and Health at       ease management, coping with       programs. CAF members can
different for everyone, and        tion and Dietetics at Acadia      St. Francis Xavier University.      digestion, bowel disease or        access nutrition counselling
emphasizes the important role      University. Following this          Victoria is passionate about      other disorders, food intoler-     services through a referral
that registered dietitians play    degree, she went on to pursue     population health and preven-       ances or allergies, and healthy    process made by your nurse
in helping people figure out       her Master of Public Health       tative care, and supports the       weight management. Kathleen        practitioner, physician assis-
what healthy eating looks like     and dietetic internship at the    health and wellbeing of CFB         enjoys cooking, socializing        tant or doctor. Civilian staff
for them.                          University of Toronto. Upon       Halifax, enabling personnel         with family and friends (with-     can access local dietitians
  Dietitians are regulated         graduation, she was hired as a    to take control of their health     in the bubble), practicing yoga    using their health care plan or
health care professionals, com-    Health Promotion Specialist at    through education, initia-          and the Essentrics exercise        private pay. A list of private
mitted to using their special-     CFB Halifax, and has been in      tives, policy development and       program at home, weight            practice dietitians that can be
ized knowledge and skills to       this role for almost two years.   implementation, and program         training at a local gym when       found on www.dietitiansno-
support health and nutrition.        Madison is passionate about     development.                        opened, Nordic pole walking
They go to school to study         health and nutrition, and           In her spare time, Victo-         and a variety of other outdoor
nutrition for four years, and      enjoys serving the military       ria enjoys reading fiction or       activities.
complete a 1-year intensive        community in her current          true-crime novels, spending
internship. Many continue on       role. She supports the phys-      time on Nova Scotia’s beaches,
to complete Master’s degrees,      ical and mental health of         snowshoeing in the Cape Bret-
and for some, even PhD’s. We       military members through          on Highlands, and traveling
are well-educated, and are         health promotion courses and      and exploring new places.
the experts in healthy eating.     initiatives.
We understand the science of         In her spare time, Madi-          Kathleen Bayliss-Byrne,
nutrition, as well as the art of   son enjoys practicing yoga,       P.Dt, CF Health Services
personalizing our approach to      exploring local hiking trails,    Centre (Atlantic)
meet the unique needs of each      reading, and experimenting in       Kathleen Bayliss-Byrne
person. We know that healthy
eating is very complex, and
                                   the kitchen through cooking
                                   and baking.
                                                                     graduated from Mount Saint
                                                                     Vincent University with a                        We’re about to go

can be impacted by a person’s                                        Bachelor of Science in Home
health, food preferences,            Victoria Stead, P.Dt,           Economics majoring in Food
culture, food traditions, and      Health Promotion Specialist       and Nutrition, and she com-
more.                                Victoria is a Registered        pleted a Cooperative Integrat-
  Dietitians can work in a         Dietitian originally from         ed Internship Program from
wide variety of roles - from       St. John’s, Newfoundland.         a variety of locations across
hospitals and long-term care       Victoria earned her Bachelor      Nova Scotia and New Bruns-
facilities, to community           of Science in Applied Human       wick. Kathleen has been a
health, to private practice,       Nutrition from Mount Saint        Certified Diabetes Educator
to grocery stores! Read on to      Vincent University and com-       for 26 years and has provided
learn more about the roles of
our three registered dietitians
                                   pleted her dietetic internship    nutritional counselling for                    Stay tuned for details on
                                   in a variety of settings across   military members for more
at CFB Halifax!                    Nova Scotia. Since graduation,    than 22 years. Services for                    our next big adventure...
                                   she has worked in private         group education programs
  Madison Walsh, MPH,              practice, food safety regula-     include but are not limited to:
P.Dt., Health Promotion            tion and compliance, cancer       prediabetes, type 2 diabetes,
Specialist                         care and health promotion. All    addictions and recovery, and
You can also read