Modern Irregular Warfare & Counterinsurgency

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                                                                                       DISKUSSION &

Modern Irregular Warfare & Counterinsurgency
– today’s military challenge within Campaigns and Operations, by,
through and with people

By Michael Gustafson

P   eace and stability seems more and
    more difficult for conventional military
forces to win or even shape conditions for
                                                         formerly mostly unconventional aggressor.
                                                         Is it thus a matter of waiting the answer
                                                         out? Will the conventional traditional joint
in the modern operational environment.                   forces, after a period of time, again engage,
Afghanistan and Iraq shine bright as warn-               and at last win linearly?
ing signals or maybe even stop signals.                     This is, however, not the focus of this
The military solutions have not been sat-                discussion. The scope is, rather, to elabo-
isfactory and the military – civilian efforts            rate the more common situation, i.e. how
that have been deployed and are so-called                to educate, train and engage what forces
“comprehensive” have a long way to go.                   from the beginning of a crisis that for some
The question is how to turn this wheel and               political reason are to be engaged. The
why the problem is so hard to solve.                     nucleus of the discussion is some thoughts
   This paper will address some of the                   of a possible development for a military
problems of how to militarily adapt to the               coalition enterprise for crisis response
irregular operational environments today.                operations or stability and reconstruction
This comes with the paradox that the more                operations. The goal is to be able to deliver
mature the irregular fight gets, the more                a trustworthy utility of military force for Ir-
regular or conventional capabilities are                 regular Warfare1 and Counterinsurgency.2
usually required to engage and win over the                 This implies that the utility must be trust-

1 irregular warfare – A violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over
  the relevant population(s). Irregular Warfare favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may
  employ the full range of military and other capacities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence,
  and will. Also called IW. US DoD JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008
2 counterinsurgency – Those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civic actions
  taken by a government to defeat insurgency. Also called COIN. US DoD JP 1-02 As Amended Through
  17 October 2008

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worthy to the people that are to be supported         tions to think outside the way of conven-
as well as to one’s own people back home.             tional war have been very limited.
Regarding Irregular Warfare, however,                    When now facing “the other wars” also
there is, compared to conventional war and            within a multinational coalition the prob-
warfare, a very limited theoretical basis,            lem expands. Various national caveats, the
and, within the military systems in the               absence of a common doctrine and diffe­-
western world, a fundamentally negative               rent training levels and mindsets for COIN-
attitude. Real warriors do not want to deal           operations form a fragmentized military
with small wars. This attitude, elaborated            framework. Also, many CROs/PSOs have
on with great depth and analytical insight            started with conventional warfare and
by John Nagl,3 could be a core problem                the transition to the stabilization phase
for adapting to postmodern military opera-            with parallel warfighting and the mainly
tions. Also, the academic world has mostly            non-combat profile of Coin-operations
studied the big war, leaving the theory               with the same units is a challenging issue.
foundation for small wars more limited.               Frequent security operations from contrac-
This, in turn, makes the educational pos-             tor firms add to the difficulty of shaping
sibilities problematic, which could be a              the vital connection and trust from the
root problem.                                         people living there. All this comes within
                                                      an environment of a multitude of civilian
Background                                            non-governmental organizations, NGOs,
Today’s Crisis Response Operations, CRO,              and different private relief organizations
and Peace Support Operations, PSO, often              that reject cooperation with the military
take place in a challenging irregular warfare         force. The problem of reaching a compre-
context. To engage in counterinsurgency               hensive approach for the military and the
operations has been something as reluctant            employment of different civilian resources
as well as difficult for conventional military        is well known and forms the problem of
forces as long as the big war has been the            “multifunctional coordination”.
main reason for existing military forces at              Within the military dimension, the
all. Recollec­tions of the world wars, includ-        two different capabilities of warfighting
ing the Cold War, and the Clausewitzian               and counterinsurgency outline the main
theories understood and explained the Jo-             aspects of warfare and operational art
minian way, have formed a way of thinking             that are both necessary but seldom to be
and training for war. The willingness and             found within the same units. This is even
even possibilities for the military institu-          more problematic when both the troops,

3 Nagl, A. John: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife, Counterinsurgensy Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam.
  The University of Chicago Press, 2005 (first published in 2002).

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commanders and staff personnel rotate                      carried out with partners6. Probably most
every 6-12 months. Finally, the operational                engagements have to be executed under
planning and execution processes within                    the hat of a coalition and this will bring
the staff work are originally designed for                 forward questions for action and political
conventional battles between armed forces                  explanation as to when and what has been
and not for handling multiple insurgents,                  done covertly and by whom.
terrorists, criminal formations and pure                      This hybrid and dominantly irregular
mercenary forces supported by other na-                    war, as General Rupert Smith describes it
tions or structures.                                       in his highly acknowledged ”The Utility of
   The pendulum seems to have swung                        Force”,7 is waged among the people. It is not
rather far from yesterday’s Revolutions                    to be argued that irregular struggles against
in Military Affairs. We are moving from                    stronger rulers or states is about being with,
sensor to shooter to the opposite, i.e. hearts             of, by and thus, among the people.
and minds and comprehensive counter-                          When seeking new ways of succeeding
guerrilla boots on the ground. One can also                against irregular adversaries, the scope
notice a trace of the Cold War cloak-and-                  and reach for the military system becomes
dagger activities in the U.S. Department of                an issue. As irregular fights focus more
Defense’s Irregular Warfare Joint Opera-                   on ideas than on physical targets, secret
tions Concept (JOC)4. In this context, even                ways and means of influencing one’s
in theoretical conceptual ideas, mixing                    opponent become as interesting as just
overt and covert actions5 within the same                  the use of blunt military armed forces.
framework, has to be considered challeng-                  Even more ways and means than the con-
ing especially when it has been said that                  ventional military “unconventional and
the new irregular warfare effort has to be                 secret spearheads”, the Special Opera-

4 DoD IW JOC Version 1.0 11 sept 2007, section 4.a. The Key Elements of the Central Idea, p. 20, the 5th
  paragraph “Attack adversaries using a combination of conventional and nonconventional methods and
  means rather than relying only on conventional military forces. Nonconventional methods and means might
  include clandestine or covert actions, operations in combination with irregular forces,or the nonconventional
  uses of conventional capabilities.“
5 covert operations – An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit
  plausible denial by the sponsor. A covert operation differs from a clandestine operation in that emphasis
  is placed on concealment of the identity of the sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation. US
  DoD JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008.
6 IW JOC, p. 1 “IW will not be won by the United States alone, but rather through the combined efforts of
  our partners”.
7 Smith, Rupert: The Utility of Force, Alfred Knopf, New York 2007

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tions Forces,8 are under discussion and the                regarding mindsets on operational art and
outcome here will impact on a coalition’s                  tactics. In order to handle this situation,
military possibilities. As a reminder of the               both long-term educational efforts for
many different actors in today´s complex                   the next military and political generation,
operational areas Jeremy Scahill Blackwa-                  and short-term realistic transformation as
ter. The rise of the world’s most powerful                 regards training, capabilities, operational
mercenary army is recommended.9                            art and tactics, doctrinal and concept de-
   The challenges are both strategic and                   velopments have to be formulated in order
operational and they are indeed multidi-                   to reach more and better military utility in
mensional. The problems embrace person-                    today’s modern Irregular Warfare opera-
nel, mindsets, multifunctional realism and                 tions.
possibilities, operational art and tactics,                   The following parts of the article will
doctrines, training and education, military                discuss some of these areas linked to the
conventional warrior ethos versus a “peace-                main question of “What are the military
keeping ” mentality, leadership and, at the                forces to do in Irregular Warfare and how
end of the day, a thrust-potentiality for the              will this be possible without losing the
whole operational concept and thus the                     warfighting core capability?”.
utility of military force. Finally, in officer
training in western countries, War Studies                 The problem of understanding and
has until today almost totally focused on                  practising war
conventional warfighting, fostering a gen-                 Before we discuss the previous problem
eration of commanders and officers who                     areas for military forces in an irregular
are single-mindedly programmed for “the                    environment, we must say something about
big war”. This is perhaps the most severe                  the time-consuming preconditions for
problem for the need of the transforma-                    understanding and waging war or military
tion of a whole system and a generation                    operations. The theory basis, the definition

8 special operations – Operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve
  military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which
  there is no broad conventional force requirement. These operations often require covert, clandestine, or low
  visibility capabilities. Special operations are applicable across the range of military operations. They can
  be conducted independently or in conjunction with operations of conventional forces or other government
  agencies and may include operations through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces. Special operations
  differ from conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode
  of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence
  and indigenous assets. Also called SO. (JP 3-05)
9 Scahill, Jeremy: Blackwater. The rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army. Nation Books, New
  York, 2008

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language and the possibilities for reflection           explained from either a “regular” or an
on the work after real-life military experi-            “irregular” perspective could make us end
ences are but all essential parts.                      up with a rather complicated pattern of
   First, it is fundamentally hard to under-            oversimplifications that more brings in “ a
stand different aspects of war and power                fog of words” than clarification. Trying to
struggles in general when one tries to de-              do the explaining from different perspec-
fine them in distinct boxes with different              tives, for example the case of “irregular
“explaining labels”. Every effort to give               warfare”, soon develops into discussions
aspects a frame and a label soon becomes                of how to produce military capabilities,
the focus of different opinions and under-              instead of developing a deeper and more
standings. The original scope of trying to              fully comprehensive understanding of
make possible a fruitful discussion of the              the nature and aspects of war and power
actual subject sometimes vanishes in favor              struggles.
of the military mental obsession for defini-               Aspects of power struggles are con-
tions, traceability and distinct borders for            nected to each other regardless of the last
every activity. Also, the way of waging war             500 years’ experiments on tasking some
has nowadays, in its extreme form, been                 activities to people in uniform and other
process-oriented. So, in a way, what the                activities to people without uniforms. The
process guide does not explain in detail                civilian power structures, depending on
will be difficult to handle and sometimes,              what is at stake, will employ ways and
sadly to say, inflict more frictions than the           means of influencing the opponent, when
art of war .                                            suitable with uniformed actions and other-
   More emphasis on education and less                  wise without military involvement.10 They
focus on training is the answer, according              will even do so secretly and this is regard-
to the academic world. A problem here is,               less of belonging to “east” or “west” or
however, that the limited time for training             “south” in the world. Here we have forces
officers, and also for soldiers and sailors,            outside the military structure.
does not allow for both an academic basis                  The clash of possibilities to understand
and the expanding process training that                 “ways of warfare”, military or political,
the NATO GOP and CJTF model demands                     as different or as some sort of sequential
without more aviliable time.                            activities in a “peace-war” linearity, occurs
   Linking the conventional military men-               when the phase of “irregular warfare” is
tality with the perception that war can be              analyzed in the same one-dimensional

10 Aldrich J. Richard: The Hidden Hand. p. 637-645. Behind the scenes of history. John Murry, London 2001.
   The book gives a very good picture of the UK and US use of non-military power structures for secret
   influences on each other as well as on some other nations during the Cold War.

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way. This clash of theories is even more              forces and what are not to be? This ques-
obvious if one includes the secret ways of            tion is even more vital now when the needs
war that Irregular Warfare and Unconven-              for many forms of non-military tasks are
tional Warfare are linked with. When one              quite obvious and also when suggestions
brings forward the overt-covert dimension             might be put forward that military opera-
of power struggle, it is possible for more            tions are to handle covert activities. As for
fully understandable structures or models             covert activities, it should be clear that it
to emerge.                                            is for obvious reasons difficult to handle
   A conclusion of this is that it could be           them in a military force structure. Special
counterproductive to study, plan and ad-              organizations have to do what they are or-
dress war in boxes of what is regular and             ganized to do in order to provide facilities
irregular. Also, it could be counterproduc-           that cannot be linked to any actual govern-
tive to discuss the challenges as different           ment. This is the whole point. Difficulties
wars. The question is more how will the               in handling covert activities within an ir-
military forces of today develop in order             regular environment is described in Mark
to deliver utilities in all aspects of war and        Urban’s interesting book Big Boys’Rules11
power struggles. What different perspec-              about the British Army, Special Forces,
tives have to be handled when the opposite            Police and Intelligence operations, and,
number is not a state? Where is the limit             in particular, the covert actions of the SAS
or utility for conventional warfighting and           against the IRA during 1976-87.
what aspects could be stretched somewhat?                As for being able to “understand” war
The bottom line is that actors striving for           and actual ways of war, the possibilities of
power in any way will always do so. When              being educated in theory and being trained
not being able to bring in conventional               in execution are fundamental. Practical ex-
military forces, they will fight clandes-             periences linked back to ongoing research
tinely and covertly, also armed, as seems             and new theory-building then becomes the
suitable for different reasons. The context           quality control of the theories. The situa-
of war is all around us, but pure military            tion today for understanding the “military
wars occur rarely and very seldom in the              problem”, however, is problematic.
fully armed utility. Still, the power strug-             In a simplified way, one can say that yes-
gles and different kinds of wars are ever             terday the balance of theory available and
in existence.                                         the training possibilities were somewhat in
   Thus, regardless of how we label “war”,            balance. The 20th century’s focus on the
the question remains; what are to be the              Big War fostered a generation of military
tasks and the capabilities within the armed           people and politicians with a definite view

11 Urban, Mark: Big Boys’ Rules, The Secret Struggle against the IRA. BCA, London 1992

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on military utility of force, theoretically            forces must work both abroad, for a long
gone through and in practice experienced               period of time, and multinationally. The
many times in real-life war.                           expeditionary profile is also underlined as
   Today, the same generation as well as               necessary for relevant civilian agencies
a new one is facing irregular warfare and              and state functions that, it is said, have
counterinsurgency, not only as a small war,            to work fully side by side, with, by and
but as new small wars with a global reach              through the military function. The latter
and short of big war solutions. This is with           has become more and more addressed as
almost no theoretical background but with              the one of many but not only necessary
uncountable opportunities for practice.                tools for stability operations, particularly
   At the same time, with the warfight-                when counterinsurgency operations and
ing theories still at hand, the possibilities          strategies are employed.
for practising big war and upholding the                  In short, the dominant operation context
knowledge and experience are almost non-               is a new one, and at least very different
existent. This is the situation for Swedish            from what western military forces have
officers, which understandably forms a                 been designed for. Also, the multinational
new problem regarding the old war that                 coalition force for dealing with opera-
still had to be handled.                               tions in an irregular environment must
   Yesterday’s both educational and train-             be multifunctional in capabilities and in
ing possibilities have turned to today’s               command, although it is not exactly clear
situation with a limited educational basis             yet how this is to be achieved. The tools
and almost escalating needs for practical              in the box have to be much more mix-able
execution.                                             and versatile both from a military and a
                                                       civilian point of view, especially regarding
Some views of today on military                        COIN-capabilities.
forces for Irregular Warfare                              As for the “Forces” or “direct security
A question of today is about the U.S.                  structures”, which, in a simplified way, can
concept of Irregular Warfare and thus in               be described as military units including
what direction the defence transformation              Special Forces, Police and Intelligence
of NATO and the EU countries will take,                structures, a wider scope and somewhat
all with the goal of being able to handle              deeper toolbox is now narrowing the de-
today’s and tomorrow’s demands for their               sign table. The exact meaning of this and
armed forces. These forces now have to be              to what extent what is to be “deployed”
“expeditionary“ in deployment ability and              and “employed”, are but many questions
also be in a mindset especially for the not yet        to be discussed. In turn, this brings forward
so “expeditionary-oriented” nations. The               a deeper dimension. What tools shall or
stress is that there is an emphasis that the           will states and nations deal with at all,

  1-2009                                          88

by themselves and particular in coalition                   September 2007.14
operations – open, clandestine and even                        One thing is what it takes to handle an
covert?                                                     irregular warfare context, even more so
  The Pandora’s box for a traditional                       if Unconventional Warfare seems to be
military force or structures is the area of                 an old/new golden key. Another matter is
Unconventional Warfare,12 which, for ex-                    whether an operation should be carried out
ample, includes subversion and sabotage.                    in a civilian, military or mixed way. Before
  The border to police and law enforce-                     diving into discussions of possibilities,
ment work on the one hand and, on the                       it might be good to recapitulate the near
other hand, the border to other govern­                     history when the political struggle of West-
mental special activities or actions,13 as                  East brought forward some solutions for
covert actions seem to be called nowadays                   handling the three areas of forces: political/
in the U.S. DoD dictionary, is unclear.                     diplomatic, intelligence/special operations
  The debate for the creation of new Un-                    and, the most frequently discussed area
conventional Warfare capabilities in the                    regarding “utility”, the military forces.
USA is interesting. Even more interesting                   The classic internal wars between foreign
are the voices for a new Office of Strategic                affairs, intelligence and covert activities
Service outside the Department of Defense,                  and the uniformed military services are
obviously with many different meanings,                     here to be considered again.
as always with political speeches, but still                   With a deeper historical view on the
very straightforwardly addressed in John                    “utility of forces”, there may be different
McCains`s Speech in Foreign Policy, 27                      ways ahead, at least regarding in which

 12 unconventional warfare – A broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations, normally of long
    duration, predominantly conducted through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces who are organized,
    trained, equipped, supported, and directed in varying degrees by an external source. It includes, but is
    not limited to, guerrilla warfare, subversion, sabotage, intelligence activities, and unconventional assisted
    recovery. Also called UW. (JP 3-05)
 13 special actions – Those functions that due to particular sensitivities, compartmentation, or caveats cannot
    be conducted in normal staff channels and therefore require extraordinary processes and procedures and
    may involve the use of sensitive capabilities. (JP 3-05.1)
    special activities – Activities conducted in support of national foreign policy objectives that are planned
    and executed so that the role of the US Government is not apparent or intended to influence US political
    processes, public opinion, policies, or media and do not include diplomatic activities or the collection and
    production of intelligence or related support functions. (JP 3-05)
    US DoD JP 1-02 As Amended Through 17 October 2008
 14 John McCains speech on foreign policy at the Hudson Institute on September 27, 2007 “I would also set
    up a new civil-military agency patterned after the Office of Strategic Service in the World War II……”­­_mccains_speech_on_foreign_policy.html

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are­as the military forces should develop            bring forward some bonus regarding
and become more comprehensively as-                  military thinking. As small states usually
sessed.                                              experience war and other armies than their
                                                     own on their soil, from time to time COIN
Irregular Warfare, Special Operations                and unconventional warfare moves from
and Unconventional Warfare                           distant troubles in remote countries to
Irregular Warfare is an item that is so old          very intense questions of life or death for
yet it is quite new, also with some quite            freedom in one’s own backyard. At least in
new attributes that will challenge the train-        traditional western defence forces the inter-
ing for the boots on the ground as well as           est for “small wars” is usually somewhat
for the whole military business as it has            underdeveloped and with Cold War glasses
been shaped in modern times. Not only                regarded as “a distant problem”.
that, however, the context is also seen as              The equation could thus be laid out as
being more demanding than ever for the               “expeditionary coalition-comprehensive”
civilian part of the crisis management ap-           civilian and military formations for coun-
paratus. This is because the heart of COIN           terinsurgency within the bigger umbrella,
is in civilian resources and strategies, not         Irregular Warfare around the globe and
in military operational art and tactical             when needed, also within coalitions,
capabilities. The latter are merely support          and military warfighting capabilities – a
functions.                                           dagger in one boot and one hand on the
   Although there is a need for more COIN-           combined – joint direct approach military
trained troops and staff elements, the need          machinery (a blueprint from the global
for stringent heavy force-on-force war­              defence industry).
fighting has definitely been endorsed by                As Irregular Warfare is said to be a direct
most actors – both in a scenario of tomor-           link, even more than regular conventional
row in the spirit of General Rupert Smith            warfare, to the political sphere it could be
as supporting COIN, and as of course in              a start to glance at principal structures of
the next bloody centuries as outlined by             “Forces” in the state arsenal for influences.
Colin S. Gray.15 Both of them rest, in their         Being seen as “war short of open state-on-
own ways, on Clausewitz grammar and on               state clashes”, irregular war includes more
the views of Sun Tzi as regards clandestine          dimensions of influences than “military
and covert activities.                               war” traditionally deals with. There are
   Seen from the small state perspective,            more “force structures” in operation than
the new focus on Irregular Warfare will              on-top-acting military units.

15 Gray, S Collin: Another Bloody Century – Future Warfare. The Orion Publishing Group Ltd. London

  1-2009                                        90

   If diplomacy is the fuel for politics and          itself also has to be very firmly connected
the armed forces are the guard to armed               to the triangle and within the intelligence
aggressions, we have to see clandestine               sphere the most secret and clandestine, and
diplomacy and intelligence as the search-             also covert, functions are established. All
lights for correct political directions and           four tools have to be firmly led.
decisions. As part of the global power                   The most different forms that the mili-
struggle, or when being severely threat-              tary organizations are used to is the fact
ened or occupied, covert activities and               that the operations are led by the police
influencing actions have their place. These           and the intelligence services, as Irregular
four tools; diplomacy, military, intelligence         Warfare is waged among the people . The
and secret actions can be seen as the basic           military forces are a support. Thus it is of
arsenal for making politics.                          vital importance that police functions in
   These four tools have to be considered             quality, quantity and experience are very
when entering an Irregular Warfare envi-              quickly involved in the planning of the
ronment. Is there already work going on               operation. The military seizes the area and
in the area with some of the tools when               defends against more open attacks or raids
the multinational force arrives? If so, by            from irregulars; the police organize and
whom and where and how? We just have to               start almost immediately with the police
mention civil security contractors beyond             work, which also includes gendarmerie
the influence of the Force Commander                  operations. A challenge here is that police
and subsequently the secret formations of             organizations mostly work on a tactical
different intelligence organizations that are         level. Only some part of the police have
also beyond military control.                         an operational or strategic perspective.
   Between utility of military force and              Possibly there has to be established here a
utility of humanitarian aid, there is the             top-down (EU) police structure that brings
paramilitary constabulary dimension on                together all different police branches (fo-
the horizontal line. For internal security            rensics, narcotics, special branch, inves-
the police, with its many different forms,            tigations, etc) to a unified police “force”
constitutes a fifth tool that is essential for        including a gendarmerie that deploys into
a state’s survival.                                   the COIN-area of operations. Instead of
   Linking to the Malayan Emergency, the              having the gendarmerie in the military box,
basic triangle of the State (Administration)          it should strengthen the police structure.
at the top and below, the military and the               Then on the vertical side, between
police became a model for how to organize             open military armed force actions and
efforts against irregular warfare and for             day-to-day diplomacy are two different,
conducting counterinsurgency. Here one                sometimes overlapping, grey area struc-
may say that the intelligence dimension in            tures. The intelligence organizations and

1-2009                                           91

the covert or clandestine diplomacy ac-               a start for those who are unfamiliar with
tors with active action/special operations            views of vertical forces’ utilities. As for
capabilities are to be found here.                    covert activities in Sweden during World
   This development could be looked                   War II, the recent research of Pia Molan-
upon also from a historical perspective.              der17 is of great interest.
After World War II, the civilian special                 The linkage to Irregular Warfare and
operations services first closed down,                Special Operations Warfare in general
then opened up as a new organization for              illustrates in particular the area of Uncon-
a while and then closed again. Some parts             ventional Warfare. This is even more the
were transferred into the new CIA and                 case when it comes to today’s discussions
some to the armed forces with the birth               of who should best handle a development
of U.S. Army Special Forces.                          of capabilities for unconventional warfare
   A slightly similar approach in Britain             in the U.S., which is within the idea that
resulted in some capacity for covert ac-              unconventional warfare could be a new
tions transferred to the MI6 (the bitter rival        key for success in irregular warfare. At
of SOE) and some resources and tasks                  least it is a necessity compared to special
were directed to the rebirth of the Army’s            forces, air strikes and headhunting as the
Special Air Service.                                  prominent special operations warfare
   For obvious reasons it is hard to do               utility at hand. If this is the case, the chal-
research on how it is organized today, but            lenge has emerged as to who and where
it is possible enough to obtain its charac-           this old-new capacity is to be established,
teristics in history. As some parts of the            and within the coalition context, who is
archives of World War II British Special              to have the lead and command these re-
Operations Executive and their younger                sources? Already special forces command
U.S. cousin the Office of Strategic Serv-             in parallel with conventional forces is a
ice (OSS) were opened up in 2007 and                  complex matter.
research is ongoing, there is the possibility            The Naval Postgraduate School pro-
of getting a grip on the “vertical struc-             fessor and former career SF officer Hy
tures” of political force and how western             Rothstein argues for a new organization
states have thought of their utilities.               for unconventional warfare outside the
   Richard Aldrich’s enlightening The                 U.S. Department of Defense and thus may
Hidden Hand16 is highly recommended as                be narrowing down today’s mission area

16 Op. cit. footnote 10
17 Molander, Pia: Intelligence, Diplomacy and the Swedish Dilemma: The Special Operations Executive in
   Neutral Sweden, 1939-45. Intelligence & National Security, Vol 22, Routledge, 2007

  1-2009                                         92

for Special Forces in America.18 The U.S.               sensitive tasks at the strategic level, easily
Department of Defense’s lead for the Ir-                end up as a Potemkin village doing more
regular Warfare Joint Operations Concept,               harm to everybody, especially to them-
the US Special Operations Command,                      selves, than bringing forward sustainable
seems, not surprisingly, still to include the           new capabilities.
UW-field inside the department. As usual                   As for understanding more of the very
in the USA, the power struggles between                 circumstances that many of the more
the rather large organizations often lead               secret, but existing, force structures are
to long and hard internal battles and the               engaged in and live under, a small-state
outcome has yet some hills to climb.                    perspective can be found in the memoirs
   The point is to be aware of how covert               of the Swedish head of the T-office during
actions or clandestine diplomacy for quite              World War II, especially regarding how he
different reasons has been the hidden util-             was directed and tasked from the govern-
ity of state forces over time. If Irregular             ment.19 The key word is trust and here we
Warfare is now to become the main overt                 find the very essence also in Irregular War-
coalition answer to today’s evil, and pre-              fare activities, Unconventional Warfare,
viously hidden hands are dusted off and                 Special Operations and Intelligence, and
one tries to apply them not only side by                definitely regarding other covert activities
side with conventional forces, but also                 short of intelligence aims.
multifunctionally, what will then happen?                  From bottom to top and between soldier
Will this not risk collapsing the IW-balloon            or operator and the people they have not
before it has even begun to lift?                       only to be among but have to live among,
   There is, due to unorthodox techniques               trust is the only sustainable fuel for the
and little insight, a clear mistrust from the           machinery. Trust takes time and is not
conventional military branches and de­                  rotational every 6-12 months.
finitely also across the civilian humanita­                 In a way we are standing here with six
rian area of activities for Special Forces in           new trends for war among the people as
general, not to mention covert activities.              General Smith outlines it;20 condition-
   Rightly or wrongly, attempts to boost                shaping as the goal instead of destruction
and enlarge activities where the reasons are            of the opponent’s military forces, the battle
to provide small and discrete resources for             is among the people and not in a traditional

18 Rothstein, Hy: Afghanistan and the Troublesome Future of Unconventional Warfare. Annapolis, MD:
   Naval Institute Press, 2006
19 Palm, Thede: Några studier till T-kontorets historia, sid 96-97, Kungl Samfundet for utgivande av hand-
   skrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia, handlingar del 21, Stockholm 1999.
20 Op. cit. footnote 7, p. 269.

 1-2009                                            93

military battlefield. Conflicts that tend to             A challenge is, however, how to play this
be never-ending fighting in a striving to              piano and to be sure all keys are available:
preserve forces, implies not taking any                from the classic infantry formations to
risks at all. New uses for industrial war              extremely well-trained civil affairs units,
material and organizations are invented in             culturally (trustworthy) capable training
the new conflicts. We now find sides where             teams for the people’s own security forces
we have mostly non-state actors and a core             and to the “first tiers” of mature special
of multinational armed groupings on one                forces consisting of women and men who
side and non-state groupings or parties on             can both be provided with unconventional
the other.                                             warfare capabilities that never degenerate
   In a way the irregular method of warfare            to a low standard performance and who in
with the classic guerrilla modus operandi              the utmost degree can be heavily engaged
of only fighting on one’s own conditions               in direct action utility, when and where
and foremost at the tactical level, could,             most strategically/operationally needed.
ironically, be seen as being welcomed by
the industrial armed forces of today. Al-              The development for the armed forces
though they are unfamiliar with the people             to more utility in irregular warfare
who occupy the battle spaces, the almost               In one aspect, for “deploying”, there is a
complete lack of resupply of material and              need for the industrial war machine, but it
personnel would no longer permit indus-                should go from planning to execution, with
trial force-on-force engagements. This is in           the civilian resources forming the bulk
order to be able to deliver utility of force to        of the “comprehensive” approach. When
the politicians for today’s diplomacy with             “employing” we see a need for a military
arms around the world. Today’s western                 and civilian formation more adaptable to
politicians apparently need armed forces               irregular warfare. Also, something that is
on a nearly day-to-day basis, and for long             repeatedly addressed from the military
commitments. In a way the opponents have               side, it needs to be functioning directly
adapted to this very well so far.                      with the security forces, working within the
   The problem in the irregular arena is,              framework of a joint comprehensive com-
however, not static. One fact that is rather           mand under a supreme civilian “Director
commonly shared today is that industrial,              of Operations“ with, most importantly, a
tactical, and in some way operational,                 strong and resourceful structure of civilian
formations and capabilities still stand.               capabilities.
Thus, conventional capabilities definitely                If what has been stated above still for
have their place as the genuine framework              some time will not occur, the leadership
for delivering traditional armed utility of            of the world will have to accept the com-
force.                                                 prehensive frictions that both Iraq and

  1-2009                                          94

Afghanistan have shown very clearly and                coalition intelligence cooperation. A vital
the pressure on the military forces will               focus is the attitude of the people and the
continue. This both involves handling the              intelligence service has to look into this
hybrid irregular case with armed force and             area for threats and not only have an obses-
“waiting for civilian assistance”, trying              sion for “key actor” analysis.
to accomplish the civilian affairs side of                The blue services, the Air Force and
the coin.                                              Navy, including the Amphibious Forces,
  It will probably take considerable time to           probably have some work to analyze the
come forward with a common understand-                 respective consequences of operations in
ing, multinationally and multifunctionally,            an irregular environment. The effect of
of how to boost the civilian side. During              their own formations of special operations
this time, we shall see the military function,         forces, surveillance and security forma-
in itself quite different between nations              tions and overall approach to an irregular
with a degree of a mature mindset and                  context both on the tactical and operational
adequate capabilities for fighting irregular           levels have to be worked on thoroughly.
warfare, developing different utilities for               So far, the light blue and brown maritime
the irregular context.                                 areas are somewhat “untouched areas of
  Narrowing the scope to the armed                     interest” for modern irregular warfare.
branch, there are some questions to ad-                However, effects for world trade and for
dress here. First, all services probably               the western hemisphere if/when the world
have to analyze today’s attitudes, training            sea trade comes in focus will be uncompa-
and tactics. The Army will be tasked for               rable to the, in itself troublesome enough,
the light-heavy balances, where the scope              operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Irregu-
for the infantry may include special units             lar warfare does have an option to reach
for FID (Foreign Internal Defence) pro-                coastlines and coastal cities and the people
viding training of the supported/occupied              inhabiting them. In a historical perspective,
countries’ own/new forces with inherent or             the riverine contexts have forced forward
separated additional armed police forces               irregular warfare capabilities for some
(the gendarmerie not being a part of the               navies, for example the Portuguese Navy
armed forces). The intelligence branch has             during the Cold War era.21
to devote more attention to analyst training              Thus, there is not only a tactical problem
and generally to look into the capabilities            for the ground forces in handling irregular
of ISTAR-units in order to deliver action-             warfare – it has a potential to become a
able products – all under the challenges of            truly joint problem. So far we have had the

21 Cann, P. John: Brown Waters of Africa: Portuguese Riverine Warfare, 1961-1974. Hailer Publishing, St
   Petersburg, FL, 2007

 1-2009                                           95

luck of only dealing with a mainly opera-            competences are the answer, one needs to
tional and sequential case. Maritime and             have a professional army and preferably
Navy expeditionary and logistic efforts,             a Northern Ireland-situation, which the
and subsequently ground and air assets, are          British Army had for a long time. Practice
two-service operations with special forces           is the mother of understanding. However,
as key elements for the actual irregular             a “one solution” type of COIN-tactics will
antagonists.                                         not be sufficient. Every irregular war or
                                                     operational environment is unique and has
COIN challenges – time-consuming                     to be analyzed thoroughly in order to meet
and mindset-challenging training for                 with a suitable tactical approach. A bottom
non-conventional operations                          line is education and a mindset for both
As for organizing and training military              soldiers and officers beyond the narrow
forces for better utility in counterinsur-           conventional warfare approaches.
gency, there are problems. Not only in what             If, however, the possibilities for the ground
is to be trained or how to use the troops            forces’ production of both conventional
among the population. The problem also               combat and counterinsurgency are arranged,
lies in the very small defence forces that           it will be even more important to have an
most nations in Europe have left. How to             officer training that gives several opportuni-
conduct counterinsurgency is both to be              ties for serving in staffs on higher levels and
seen as a general capability and a special-          commanding forces in COIN-campaigns as
ity or main task, just as different units of         well as in conventional combat. The situation
infantry are specialized in mountain, arctic,        is not so for Swedish officers.
urban and military police main tasks. In or-            If the above is not possible, the armed
der to be able to train COIN-forces, every           forces’ ability to produce forces for util-
army has to consist of at least brigade-             ity in COIN will be limited. Thus, the
sized formations for warfighting and also            reverse occurs. The main “security-units”
an amount of COIN-marked battalions. If              for COIN have to be produced and em-
this is not the case, the conventional bri-          ployed by the police force establishment,
gades also have to be COIN-trained after             including an armed Gendarmerie as in
their first training period for conventional         France. This would also include the bulk
warfighting.                                         of security-intelligence resources that all
   The training period has then to be long           COIN-operations rely so heavily on.
enough for this double capability. Howev-               The contribution from the armed forces
er, an added problem will emerge in the last         will thus consist of all-round infantry units,
form of production – the amount of training          Special Forces and support units. The
that undoubtedly has to be done in order to          COIN-staff and headquarters have to be
also keep up both competences. If double             set up by the police with support from the

  1-2009                                        96

military. This in turn will put new demands              equipped for common health problems, the
on police command and control capabilities               common military organization is also the
well beyond the everyday working levels.                 same for conventional warfighting. COIN
  This version of COIN-focus, as be-                     and Irregular Warfare is for the military
ing mainly police operations with some                   branch something special and beside the
military support, is probably the very best              whole structure, mindset, core tradition
as COIN and Irregular Warfare and is                     and aim, just as what certain unknown
positioned right in the very midst of the                diseases are for a general hospital.
population. But it is also probably a long-                Specialist treatment is then needed. In
term vision. Only the military structures                the COIN-case, no such specialists have
have command and control capabilities                    been trained, units produced, or tactics
that can handle extended operations.                     developed within a designed operational
  Regardless of the main focus, where                    context in western armies since World
either the police or the military constitute             War II or since the Vietnam War, which
the security bulk, the sooner the people                 for many different reasons was lost. This
themselves can take responsibility for                   has often been compared with the British
their security the better. Here, the Mili-               success in Malaya in 1948-60, not bearing
tary/Police-assistance and training units                in mind the very different settings of the
will be required in large amounts and as                 scene with severe difficulties several years
we are talking coalition COIN, there have                before unified intelligence machinery could
to be some sort of EU/NATO standards                     turn the wheel.23
for such units.                                            If we consider the settings, tactical and
                                                         operational, military and even more com-
Negative attitudes on COIN and                           prehensive with or supporting the police
shallow theoretical foundations                          work, as Irregular Warfare and COIN
One problem with COIN and Irregular                      are quite a challenge within the military
Warfare is the common military mindset                   sphere, further aims at unconventional
and de facto the whole military organiza-                warfare will be even more problematic.
tion. This problem is elaborated on by John                As we have to bring forward coalition
Nagel in his very readable book Eating                   interoperable solutions, a common under-
Soup with a Knife.22 Just as the public                  standing and willingness to tread in the
health sevice is organized, trained and                  same direction has to be reached. One way,

22 Op. cit. footnote 3
23 Op. cit. footnote 10, p. 494-518, Victory in Malaya (from the intelligence view).
   Connor, Ken: Elitstyrka SAS, Historiska Media, Lund 1998. p. 32-59 Malaya 1950-58 (from a Special
   Forces view)

 1-2009                                             97

for example within the EU, is to deal with                 derstood to exist, if not fully opened up.
Irregular Warfare and COIN as if it were                   This clearly starts with a sound interaction
not necessary to be labelled and discussed                 between real-life experiences on COIN and
as a case at all. Again, the theoretical                   Irregular Warfare being documented and
foundation for military theory on COIN                     supported by an ongoing research effort
and Irregular Warfare is very shallow and                  in order to bring forward academically
diversified. The “Panta Rei”24 landscape                   solid theories. The education effort is by
of definitions within this area shows this                 far the most important strategic tool in
very clearly.                                              order to mature the conventionally focused
   The opposite is, nevertheless, to formu-                military system for the actual operational
late and adapt a multinational EU doctrine                 environment.
or concept for Irregular Warfare/COIN. In
any case, NATO has to choose to adapt the                  Development of unconventional ap­
U.S. way or to create a NATO-way, if not                   proach­es for irregular warfare oper­
a Nelsonian “I really don’t see that sig-                  ations/campaigns; Three ways ahead
nal” approach25 is chosen. The “no-case”                   with different potentiality of utility
alternative is of course an option also. But               With the above view of the future for irreg-
already in the transformation way to more                  ular combat we shall outline some uncon-
expeditionary capabilities for all members,                ventional approaches to military operations
the irregular context is wholly addressed                  for irregular warfare in comprehending the
even today. The next step should then be                   civilian dimensions and full joint military
“how” to do it, after the counter-guerrilla                scope. Also, we will include a view on the
boots on the ground have left the expedi-                  vertical force dimension, from overt via
tionary keels from the sea.                                clandestine, to the covert aspects of force
   Looking at the whole international sys-                 utility. The last aspect can be problematic
tem with states and other actors interacting               to think of as “coalition-coordinated”.
on each other, their toolboxes have to be                    If Unconventional Warfare capabilities
considered. As tools exist both for diffe­                 will be enlarged, due to a strategy built on
rent functions and for different situations,               such a base, what will be and can be the
both dimensions have, at least, to be un-                  content in a coalition perspective? Also,

24 Panta Rei latin for “Everthing is floating”
25 A classic remark from one of the many battles Lord Nelson took part in. During the battle, the British higher
   command signalled to retreat. Lord Nelson was sure that it was possible to win, so he put his binoculars
   to his blind eye and said “I really don’t see that signal” and then approached the enemy. He succeeded
   and the enemy was beaten in the end. If this approach is a wise one for the COIN-challenge can only be
   assessed by tomorrow’s history research.

  1-2009                                              98

what content is possible and suitable to               large U.S. construction on a civilian base,
work on in terms of being unconventional?              a new OSS, which may probably not be a
As for the original definition, the subject            way that other nations will try for some
of subversion and sabotage might not be                time at least, or, UW-capabilities within
proper within a “peace force”.                         SOF-structures, where embryonic re-
   One does not mix overt and covert activi-           sources are still to be found. These are the
ties. For obvious reasons, the whole point             two ways ahead, but the latter may be the
of a covert need is indeed that it is not to be        first we will meet in the coming irregular
addressed openly – not even as a definition            warfare-compatible forces.
regarding one’s own ambition. Rather, it                  Thus enlarged to the “full package coa-
falls under the actual “other governmental             lition force”, which as an expeditionary
department” resources that will be there               force can be deployed and employed in
if different nations have such needs, and              an irregular warfare context, at least three
some will obviously have these.                        different approaches can be drawn up.
   This leads us to the need to frame the                 The first one is the most conventional,
“unconventional warfare” content in rather             but yet more developed than today’s option;
a hard way compared to the original mean-              conventional in the meaning that the bulk
ing of the concept. We need a comprehen-               consists of a coalition Combined Joint Task
sive concept for covert, clandestine and               Force under a UN/NATO/EU-mandate. We
also, when suitable, overt (at the surface)            see a more COIN-capable approach among
political, paramilitary and military actions.          the soldiers and also more comprehensive
The whole dimension could be encom-                    staff work, more trained for 3-block warfare
passed in one organization (although short             than today; also definitely more trained
or conventional warfare capabilities being             for multifunctional coordination, as that is
the main force contributor).                           the key to the population. The SOF units
   UW “light” is probably the best that can            have adapted more core-capabilities in
be accomplished when we speak of coali-                unconventional warfare but are still a nar-
tions, just as Intelligence “light” in a coali-        row resource. The ongoing trend of mixing
tion National Intelligence Cell (NIC) -struc-          civilian intelligence units with SOF has de-
ture, which is well-known from the events in           veloped, but is still a challenge to coordinate
the Balkans and Afghanistan. More valuable             for the Force Commander. Covert actions
collections are always directed on a nation-           are not within the capabilities or mandates
to-nation basis, as they always have been.             for the Force Commander.
Trust is a rare and expensive condition that              The second is a developed Joint Force
cannot be risked too easily.                           that strategically, operationally and tacti-
   Here we see two different possible ap-              cally rests on a common COIN-doctrine.
proaches. Either UW-support from a new                 The military forces have developed a prob-

1-2009                                            99

ably British-oriented core of infantry units          wish of the population for the CMJU to
trained and with a mindset for operations             arrive. The core of the gendarmerie seizes
within the people. It also rests on an EU-            the order and is backed up with instant
version of the U.S. Army/Marine Corps                 armed assets from behind.
FM 3-2426 guidelines.                                    The shaping phase is carried out first
   The multifunctionality rests on a com-             from other governmental resources. Now,
mand structure with a civilian overall                it is not a U.S. but a coalition non-military
Direc­tor of Operations. However, we still            unconventional warfare organization, sup-
see a lack of civilian units in quantity that         ported by the coalition military special
rapidly fill in where the military creates            forces primarily dedicated to UW. Today’s
pockets of security. The gendarmerie-                 DA-engagement and direction for the air
production within the U.S. and the EU has             assets has been transferred to non-special
been enlarged, but the mindset still has              forces such as Air Force commandos or
some way to go. The Special Forces are                equally well-suited Army Rangers or Ma-
as mentioned above, but the FID-missions              rine commandos.
have been solved in a better way.                        Here we see a fully all-governmental
   Besides needing more SOF for this, we              multi­f unctional comprehensive unit
also see Army units now dedicated for it.             operat­ing exactly as addressed in 3-24,
The Force Commander, and above all the                with a British mindset – a lightened Army
Director of Operations, has a clear capac-            more “SOC”-capable unit for both DA
ity for traditional Unconventional Warfare            and fire direction and also for FID, the in-
within his/her command. This could include,           verted UW. The SOF, which mainly has a
or not include, depending on the coalition            direct approach focus as it does today, but
members’ opinion on political benefit or,             is more developed to work “combined”
more likely, on risks, capabilities inside or         with intelligence and law enforcement
supported by covert actions.                          units, is the force most UW-capable and
   The third way is the most revolutionary            the glue between the “shaping force”, the
in CRO-affairs. The Coalition Joint Multi-            fully civilian UW – force supporting the
functional Unit (CJMU), under a Director              Director of Operations. The Director of
of Operations, is employed only after the             Operations should have the authority to
Unconventional Warfare operations, in                 command also covert affairs, thus leaving
their full reach of an overt, clandestine and         this outside the overt military force and
covert shaping phase have clearly reached             command chain.
their end state, i.e. the full and credible              The described three ways forward should

26 The U.S. Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual – FM 3-24, MCWP 3-33,5, University of
   Chicago Press, Chicago 2007

  1-2009                                        100

be seen as possible examples more than                has to be launched in order to support the
actual alternatives. Neither one will prob-           needs for new doctrines. This probably has
ably see the daylight of tomorrow outlined            to be done in a multinational way and has
exactly as above. Nevertheless, in one way            to be broader than a “Special Operations
or another questions on how to enhance                University”.
capabilities for COIN are waiting for a                  Research, theories, doctrines and accept-
military answer as well for political and             ing experiences are vital cornerstones. The
strategic decisions that can be compromised           next step is by whom is this to be absorbed
among the western countries. Multifunc-               and used in its execution? Should it be
tional solutions that bring forward military,         the military still with a big-war mindset
the gendarmerie and different potent police           reluctantly hiding this, or a new generation
capabilities have probably to be found in             of officers and soldiers with an understand-
order to be able to deal at all with COIN-            ing also of the small-war challenges and
operations.                                           demands?
   The degree of military unconventional                 If one does not dare to take the second ap-
warfare capabilities will also meet with              proach, the roads to irregular compabilities
dicussions, not least within the military             will still be as problematic as they are today.
system itself.                                        The decision for military development lies
                                                      in the hands of the politicians.
Conclusions and remarks                                  In some ways the future of irregular
The military problem of Irregular Warfare             warfare capacities also lies in the hands
and modern counterinsurgency needs are                and minds of the military system and in the
multidimensional. The root problem lies               academic world connected to war studies. If
in the limited theory apparatus and the               neither of these groups recognize the needs
traditional conventional military approach,           or benefits of digging into the nonconven-
or non-approach, to this form of war and              tional world of war and warfare, more
thus the new need for military utility. This          people will die and more hearts and minds
is an approach that has constantly neglected          will be lost and turned to enemies. As has
repeated experiences related to military              been the case many times before, it seems
efforts in irregular environments all over            wise to combine the use of both the sword
the world.                                            and the pen in order to reach better military
   Secondly, there are the comprehensive              utility in actual warfare and operations.
challenges in order to either bring civilian
sectors closer to the military, or to create          The author is a Captain of the Royal
some new “comprehensive units” under                  Swedish Navy and serving at the Swedish
civilian command. Thirdly, a new effort in            National Defence College, Department of
research regarding irregular warfare theory           War Studies.

1-2009                                          101
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