Page created by Eugene King
ISSUE 27 - Autumn 2020

Building work                                The house on
                                             Buttercup Street stands
continues with lots                          proudly next to the
of families choosing                         new allotments and
to buy their new                             orchard, overlooking
home in Brunswick                            the prestigiously named
                                             Sylvia Pankhurst Way.
Divya, Sineesh and their family, moved
into their new home in August and said:      The name for the new boulevard running
”The house is beautiful and the area is      through the heart of Brunswick was chosen
perfect, full of history and right on the    in recognition of the daughter of the
doorstep of the city centre with lots of     famous suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst.
wonderful things to do.                      The new boulevard,
“It’s just perfect in every way especially   Sylvia Pankhurst Way will
bringing up a young family - we could        be completed by
not be happier”.                             summer 2021.
                                                                         4 IMPORTANT! OFFICE
                                                                           UPDATE ON PAGE FOUR.
Equality and                                                                                                                                                IMPORTANT!
 Diversity in S4B                                                                                         Since the impact of the COVid19 virus hit
 We have a range of ways to communicate and keep
                                                                                                          the community we have worked to ensure
 in touch with everyone. During the current pandemic,
                                                                                                          clear key messages reached all of our
 it’s more important then ever for us to connect with
 and reach out to all our customers.
 From interpreters aiding conversations over the telephone or in person,                                  The S4B website can be translated into 110
 website functionality translating text to speech option for the visually                                 different languages by clicking the button
 impaired, there is always a way we can connect with you.                                                 in the top right hand corner and selecting
                                                                                                          the language of your choice. S4B also
 Marta, originally from Latvia, lives at Elizabeth
 Yarwood Court and does not speak English.
                                                                                                          promoted Doctors of the World website         Resident property
 With the aid of the Big Word we met with
                                                                                                          uk/coronavirus-information/ to ensure
 Marta to find out a little more about her and                                                            everyone can understand key COVID-19          If you want to make any alterations
 the beautiful garden she has created at her                                                              related messages.                             to your property, you can only do so
 home during lockdown.                                                                                                                                  with prior permission of S4B.
                                                                                                          In Brunswick S4B are active members in
 Elizabeth Yarwood Court scheme manager,                                                                  local groups:                                 Please get in touch if you would like
 Donna Shaw said: “The Big Word service is                                                                                                              to make any alterations to your home,
                                                                                                            Age Friendly: Health & Well-being for
 invaluable to us when one of our customers                                                                                                             such as:
                                                                                                            Older Residents Focus Group
 does to speak English and we do not                                                                                                                       Laminate flooring
 speak theirs.                                                                                             	
                                                                                                            Ardwick and Longsight Covid Mutual
                                                     Marta and her ‘lockd
                                                                         own’ garden.                                                                      Wi-fi controlled heating such as
                                                                                                            Aid Group
 “And it is so easy to use, I just dial the number                                                                                                         Nest or Hive
 and select the language from a list of codes                                                              	
                                                                                                            Caribbean And African Health Network           External decorations or structures
 and you’re connected with an interpreter                                                                   - Community response to COVID-19               in garden
 who speaks to the customer in their mother            The S4B community is diverse and from a
                                                                                                          We are also part of House Proud               Email your request to:
 tongue.                                               range of backgrounds and cultures.
                                                                                                          Manchester. HouseProud is a network 
 “The interpreter then explains what they              The S4B housing team also has a diverse mix of     group for LGBT people working in              Any consent to will be provided in
 have said - they pretty much just act as a            officers and operatives, with six members of the   social housing who aim to raise               writing to residents.
 go-between in a three-way conversation.               team from BAME background, three from the          awareness of LGBT issues across the
                                                       LGBT community and 10 languages spoken.            industry and Influence policy and boards’
 “It must be very reassuring for the customer
 as they can just talk freely with confidence. I       S4B has championed gender equality and
                                                                                                          decision makers.
                                                                                                                                                        Know your Councillors
 found out so much about Marta in one short            highlighted the important role Manchester          Onward (part of S4B) are also very proud to
                                                                                                                                                              Tina Hewitson - Tel: 0161 237 1805.
 conversation that I did not know from all             played in securing women’s suffrage with the       support the mental health charity CALM
 the time she has lived here. It was wonderful         new main boulevard being named after the           (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
 to hear”.                                             Pankhurst movement.                                as our charity partner.                             Bernard Priest - Tel: 0161 740 8407.
 The Big Word is also used for customers               The S4B housing office is a registered hate        For more information on the diverse work  
 who telephone in to the contact team. The             crime reporting centre, tackling prejudice in      S4B is involved in please get in touch.
 system can be used in the same way for the            the community and showing S4B as an open           Telephone 0300 555 0128 or email                    Amna Abdullatif - Tel: 07971 384 539.
 interpreter to converse on behalf of the caller.      organisation.                            
02                                                                                                                                                                                                     03
S4B HOUSING                                                                       Rechargeable repairs
                           OFFICE UPDATE                                                                     S4B carry out repairs as standard on the structure of your
                                                                                                             home along with gas, electricity, plumbing, and heating
                                                                                                             installations etc. These repairs are free and fall under the
     The S4B housing office                                         BOOK A
                                                                           EN                                terms of your tenancy agreement.
                                                                    BEFORE T
     remains closed except for                                     YOU VISIT.
                                                                                                             Most people take a real pride       or where a resident appears
     pre-booked appointments.                                                                                in where they live, but there       to have broken a fixture or
     It’s still better to try to resolve things over the   The service has been amended to ensure the        are a few who deliberately          fittings.
     phone or online if possible.                          safety of all residents and S4B colleagues. We    cause damage to their home.         You don’t have to pay for
     If you need to make an appointment to visit           will continue to review the service every two
                                                           weeks in line with Government instruction         Any damage caused                   things such as fair wear and
     the office, the following guidelines apply:
                                                           and advice.                                       deliberately or by neglect will     tear, or for any damage caused
        	 a one-in-one-out system is in place -                                                             have to be paid for by the          by a crime that has been
           please wait outside until asked to enter        In an emergency, for more information,
                                                           or to book an appointment, telephone              resident.                           reported to the police.
        	 use the available sanitiser stations when
                                                           S4B on 0300 555 0128 or email                     These are known as                  For more information please
           entering and leaving the building
                                                                          rechargeable repairs e.g.           get in touch T: 0300 555 0128
        	 a one-way system is in operation with
           signs to guide you                                                                                damage to locks, broken doors       or email
        	 keep a two-metre distance from others at
                                                           Paying your rent                                  and frames, gates forced open
           all times                                       Remember, even in these difficult times,
                                                           your rent is your responsibility.
        	 wear a facemask or face covering (unless
                                                           There is a range of ways to pay your rent:
                                                                                                                                    Meter cheating is
           you have been told you are exempt)
        	 come to the office at your appointment             	Direct Debit or Standing Order

                                                                                                                                    dangerous and could
           time or call to let us know if you’re unable       	Recurring card payment
           to attend                                          	BAC’s transfer
     Please do not visit the office if you do not
                                                                                                                                    cost you your life!
                                                              	Allpay online using a debit or credit card
     have an appointment.
                                                              	Cash or card at any PayPoint outlet
     S4B continues to deliver services to the
                                                              	Pay over the telephone by calling
     Brunswick community, carrying out                                                                       Energy theft is when a person is not paying for their gas or electricity
                                                                0300 555 0128
     inspections, managing issues and making
                                                           Your nearest PayPoint outlet is Go Local,         or they are paying less than they should because their meter has been
     arranged visits.
                                                           4 Polygon Street, Manchester M13 9SG.             tampered with or bypassed.
     The estate services team continues to work
     to keep communal areas clean and safe and             If you are struggling to pay your rent or need
                                                           help, please advise S4B as soon as possible.      Tampering with energy meters          For more information on
     repairs continue to be completed.
                                                                                                             to save money is extremely            what to look out for, or
                                                           You can pay and view your account online at
                                                              dangerous.                            to report a meter cheat
                                                                                                             The first signs can be shocks         anonymously, visit the
                                                                                                             from switches and burns from          Stay Energy Safe website
     Getting in touch with S4B                                                                               appliances, but sudden fires and
     S4B is here to help. For more information, or if you need advice, support or just                       even explosions are possible too,     or call the helpline
     someone to talk to, please get in touch - please don’t suffer in silence.                                                                     0800 023 277.
                                                                                                             putting you and your family in
     Telephone: 0300 555 0128 or send us an email:                                 real danger.
04                                                                                                                                                                                      05

                                                                                             Providing a new hub with new shopping
                                                                                             and community facilities including a new
                                                                                             neighbourhood office.
                                                                                             Significantly increasing the number of car
                                                                                             parking spaces within individual properties
                                                                                             from 67% to 95%.
                                                                                             A new 60-apartment extra care scheme
                                                                                             for people aged 55 and over with day care
                                                                                             centre with community facilities which is
                                                                                             due to be completed in early 2021.

                                                                                             THE RESULTS ARE IN!
                                                                                             Earlier this year, we asked residents of the
                                                                                             Brunswick community including current
 Since 2014 S4B has been delivering regeneration and improvement to
                                                                                             residents of Elizabeth Yarwood Court (EYC)
 Brunswick. Managing the rehousing of 250 residents whose homes were
                                                                                             to suggest a name for the Extra Care Scheme.
 demolished as they were not in good condition, with over 85% choosing
 to stay in the neighbourhood.                                                               The names were shortlisted and put to a
                                                                                             public vote at the start of July - 136 responses
 The regeneration project has meant                                                          were received.
 major investment to transform                                                               The results show a clear preferred name of
 Brunswick, including:
      Improvements to more than 650 council
      homes - including new modern kitchens
                                                                                             Brunswick Village.
      and bathrooms, external works and                                                      With 44.12% of votes for the name to be - Brunswick.
      improved energy efficiency.
                                                                                             And 30% of votes for the suffix to be - Village.
      Creating 300 new high-quality family
      homes for sale and 200 for council rent
      with a variety of desirable designs and                                                  Here’s an update...
      property types.                            	
                                                  Improving green and recreational areas       The old shops on Brunswick Street were         We have been talking to residents of
      Improving the layout of the                 in the neighbourhood, with landscaping,      demolished in 2018 and work started on         EYC to understand their preferences for
      neighbourhood through removing              planting more trees and installing new       the new Extra Care development. Building       when they move in to the extra care scheme -
                                                                                               stalled in March when the country went in to   Brunswick Village.
      or gating existing alleyways, with new      play areas and sports pitches.
                                                                                               lockdown.                                      To register your interest in renting one of the
      and existing houses facing onto open       	
                                                  Introducing new city allotments and          Limited construction work was allowed          all-new apartments, you can do so via the
      streets with natural surveillance, and      an orchard. Regeneration has seen            to restart at the end of June and has been     S4B website or telephone 0300 555 0128 for
      introducing a new green boulevard           improvements to many green space areas       progressing well since.                        an application pack to be sent in the post.
      diagonally through the estate, well-kept    in Brunswick.
      streets and safe open spaces.
06                                                                                                                                                                                              07
     S4B has been working in partnership
     with Let’s Keep Growing and Comas
     by funding a growing at home project                                                              UNEMPLOYED, AT RISK OF
                                                                                                       REDUNDANCY OR LOOKING                          With hundreds of thousands of
     delivered to Brunswick residents during
                                                                                                       FOR A FRESH START?                             young people now returning to
     the summer. Almost 100 ‘Let’s Keep                                                                                                               the classroom, and many people
     Growing’ bags were distributed to                                                                 Refresh Restart is here to help.               returning to work as the summer
     customers to plant and grow at home.                                                              Courses are made to measure and free           holidays end, roads and public
                                                                                                       to Greater Manchester residents aged 19 and    transport are likely to be far
     The project helped people connect with each     It is hoped, depending on lockdown
                                                                                                       over. Learn at your own pace, in your own      busier than they have been for
     other during a difficult time of lockdown and   restrictions, a future event will be held for
                                                                                                       time, with expert tuition and support.
     helped reduce isolation while working to        residents to bring along what they’ve grown                                                      many months.
     social distance rules.                          to cook and share with each other.                For more information, or to book an
                                                                                                       assessment telephone the friendly              TFGM have been working with councils
     The project encouraged participants to          If you’re interested in getting involved in any   referral team on 0161 881 4826 or visit        and public transport operators to make
     grow their own vegetables to eat at home        future projects, contact Sharon Thomas on         the Standguide website -                       travelling in Greater Manchester as safe
     and developed a WhatsApp group for              0300 555 0128.                                                    and reliable as possible, and everyone
     participants to share photo’s, gardening                                                                                                         needs to ‘do their bit’ to help.
                                                     Visit for more          Course details are also listed on the
     tips and swap plants.                           information.                                      S4B website           If you must use public transport, then
                                                                                                                                                      please plan ahead and allow extra time
                                                                                                                                                      for your journey.

     Have you checked                                                                                                                                 Try to avoid the busiest times of the day,
                                                                                                                                                      as capacity on transport services will be
     your heating?                                                                                                                                    limited due to social distancing measures.
                                                                                                                                                      This will help reduce congestion on the
                                                                                                                                                      roads and transport networks.
                                                                                                                                                      Wear a face covering (unless you’re
                                                                                                                                                      exempt); keep your distance from other
                                                       Chorlton-on-Medlock Allotment
                                                       Society (COMAS) hold an open
                                                                                                       Fix your bike scheme                           people where possible; clean your hands
                                                                                                       The Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme aims          frequently and carry hand sanitiser; and
                                                       hour, every Saturday at 2:00pm                  to encourage more people in England to         try and avoid using cash to pay for tickets.
                                                       at Hartfield Close Allotments in                embrace cycling as an alternative to private   This guidance applies to everyone. If you
     With the colder months around                     Brunswick (weather permitting).                 cars, particularly while social distancing     are 11 years old or over, you must wear
                                                                                                       measures are in place.                         a face covering if you want to use public
     the corner, now would be a good                   Everyone welcome, just come along to
                                                       see the variety of plants growing in the        The scheme is for anyone who has an            transport, unless you have an exemption.
     time to turn on your heating
                                                       heart of the community. Visitors will also      unused cycle in need of a repair and will      You should also get a test, stay at home
     and check everything is working                                                                   help get it back on the road by providing
                                                       be able to collect any surplus produce                                                         and not use public transport if you’re
     properly, if you haven’t checked                                                                  £50 towards the cost of a service and repair
                                                       for FREE from a selection on display.                                                          displaying any symptoms of the virus.
     it already.                                                                                       for up to two cycles per household.
                                                       For more information email                                                                     For more information visit the the TFGM
     If you experience any problems,                                                                   To apply, visit -                              website
                                              or text          
     please let us know - 0300 555 0128.
                                                       07587 672 937.
08                                                                                                                                                                                                   09
     STAYING SAFE                                                                                   BLACK HISTORY
     COVID-19 update                                                                                MONTH
                                                                                                    This months theme is Windrush Generations,
     TEST AND TRACE                                New rules for the region mean:
                                                                                                    Manchester Voices.
                                                     People who do not live with you must           Brunswick Parish Church (Positive Steps), Archives (+), S4B and
     Have you got a socialising journal?             not visit you in your home or garden*          Arawak Walton have joined forces to bring you a Caribbean Jamboree.
     Can you retrace your steps?                    	
                                                     You must not visit someone else’s home         Due to COVid-19 restrictions all celebrations
     It takes seconds to keep a record               or garden, even if they live outside of        will currently be virtual.
     of who you’ve socialised with and               Manchester
     where you’ve been.                             	
                                                     You should only socialise and go out with       FOLLOW AND JOIN IN THE
                                                                                                     SERIES OF EVENTS ONLINE HERE:
     It could be crucial to the                      people you live with*
                                                                                                     W: or
     NHS test and trace service                     	
                                                     Two households (or six people from     
     and it could save lives.                        a number of households) can meet                             black-history-month/
                                                                                                                                                                             Are you from
     Not only do we need to take every               outdoors in areas like parks with social        F:                            the Windrush
                                                     distancing                                      T:                              Community (1st or
     precaution and follow the rules,                                                                                                                                      2nd Generation)
     we also need to play our part in               	
                                                     Places of worship with strict COVID                                                                                   and have a story
     NHS Test and Trace.                             secure arrangements remain open                                                                                       to share? If so we
                                                                                                                        For more information or to tell us your story,
                                                                                                                                                                          would love to hear
                                                     Try not to share a car with someone             Brunswick
                                                                                                                        please contact S4B Community Specialist                from you.
                                                                                                                        Sharon Thomas on 0300 555 0128.

     We can all help control the virus if we all     you don’t live with - unless it is part of a
     stay alert and adhere to the guidelines:        school or work bubble arrangement
       Stay at home as much as possible             *Support bubbles are exempt from this rule.
       Work from home if you can
                                                    Download the App to help protect
       Limit contact with other people              you and your loved ones.
       Keep your distance if you go out             A support bubble is when a single adult,
       (2 metres apart where possible)              with or without children, who lives alone
       Wash your hands regularly                    can join up with another household.

       Self-isolate if you or anyone in your        Please keep up to date on the very
       household has symptoms                       latest Government advice by visiting
       Wear a face covering when using public
       transport (unless exempt)
       Wear a face covering in shops and
       supermarkets (unless exempt)

10                                                                                                                                                                                              11
    English: To support your health and the health of your
    community please keep 2 metres apart from other people

    Arabic: ‫يُرجى الحفاظ على مسافة مترين بينك وبين‬.. ‫لسالمتك وسالمتك مجتمعك‬                              KEEP WASHING
                                                                                                         YOUR HANDS
    Chinese: 支持个人健康和社区的健康,请与他人保持2米的距离

    French: Pour votre santé et celle de votre communauté,                                          !    STAY ALERT
    merci de garder une distance de sécurité de 2 mètres entre
    vous et les autres personnes.
                                                                                                         KEEP A LOG
    Bengali: আপনিএবংআপিারকনিউনিটিরসুস্বাস্থ্যের
                                                                                                         STAY SAFE
    Farsi: ‫ لطفا دو متر فاصله از اشخاص ديگر‬،‫ای اطمنيان از سالمت خود و جامعه تان‬
    ‫را رعايت کنيد‬.

    Lithuanian: Dėl jūsų ir bendruomenės saugumo, prašome
    laikytis 2 metrų atstumo vienas nuo kito

    Italian: Per il rispetto della tua salute e di quella degli altri
    per favore mantieni la distanza di 2 metri dagli altri

                                                                                                For COVID-19 health and
                                                                                                  wellbeing information
                                                                                                translated to 61 different
                                                                                                  languages, including
                                                                                                how migrants can access
                                                                                                NHS Health Services visit:

                   0300 555 0128
                                                                                                0300 555 0128
                                                                                                     0300 555 0128
                                                                                                            0300 555 0128
                                                                                                            0300 555 0128
                                                                                    0300 555 0128
                               0300 555 0128

S4B Housing Office (by appointment only)                                                            FOLLOW US ON
15 Brunswick Street Manchester M13 9SU
T: 0300 555 0128 E:
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