Real-World Evidence: A Better Life Journey for Pharmas, Payers and Patients

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Real-World Evidence: A Better Life Journey for Pharmas, Payers and Patients
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights

Real-World Evidence: A Better Life Journey
for Pharmas, Payers and Patients
Using RWE, the entire healthcare ecosystem can use actual
health outcomes to better assess the value of drug treatments
and related services.

     Executive Summary                                     Defining RCTs
     Randomized control trials (RCTs), the established     RCTs as a mechanism for evaluating the efficacy
     way for measuring the safety and efficacy of          of the drug cannot be replaced (as controlled
     drugs, are increasingly being challenged by payers    environments are needed to separate the impact
     and healthcare providers. These players in the        of medical interventions). Two measures are
     wellness ecosystem are asking for real-life data to   important to define:
     validate whether new drugs provide similar safety
     and efficacy as indicated by RCT results.             •   Efficacy is the extent to which an intervention
                                                               does more good than harm under ideal circum-
     With RCTs, the results are obtained in a highly           stances.
     controlled environment, over a small set of
     patient population, over a short period of time,
                                                           •   Effectiveness is the extent to which an inter-
                                                               vention does more good than harm when
     across a handful of highly dispersed clinical
                                                               provided under the usual circumstances of
     trial centers. Questions are being asked by the
                                                               healthcare practice.
     Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regarding
     the sole dependence on RCTs and the lack of           However, to evaluate the cost-efficiency of a drug
     real-life supporting evidence by pharmaceuticals      in a real-world environment and gauge its impact
     companies on the efficacy and effectiveness of        on improving the quality of healthcare, RCTs
     new drug treatments. This is driving an increase      need to be supplemented or followed up with the
     in drug recalls, including those of blockbuster       comparatively new standard, called real-world
     drugs such as Xigris by Eli Lilly, Avandia in 2010    evidence (RWE).
     (in Europe, only) by GSK, etc.
                                                           When it comes to pharmaceuticals, all wellness
     This white paper details our point of view on ways    stakeholders today require “evidence.” Patients
     the pharma industry can apply real-life data to       are looking for a better end result with their
     more effectively gauge drug treatment effective-      treatment. Providers are looking for data-oriented
     ness and efficacy, enabling the entire ecosystem      proof that the prescribed drug helps to optimize
     of providers, payers and patients to deliver          patient treatment, and brings added cost-effi-
     “wellness” to all constituents.                       ciency and better profit margins. Payers (both

     cognizant 20-20 insights | april 2015
Real-World Evidence: A Better Life Journey for Pharmas, Payers and Patients

           Randomized Control Trial                                Real-World Evidence
     Patients are randomized to the                                               Therapy or medications to
     treatments; physicians’                                                     patients are determined by
     and patients’ choices are                                                   doctors’ choices as per the
     not considered for selection                                                         standard practice.
     of the treatment.
                                                                                       Non-adherent patients
     Non-adherent                                                                   can switch the treatment
     patients are taken                                                                 and in such a case are
     out of the analysis.                                                           likely to remain included.

     Experiment is based on                                                 Contains heterogeneous patient
     an artificially created                                                   population reflecting realistic
     homogeneous treatment group.                                             scenario. The study is likely to
     The purpose here is to establish                                       indicate the effectiveness of the
     the efficacy of the medication/therapy.                         drug/therapy under various conditions.

Figure 1

government and private) are asking providers            market access compared with the competition
and manufacturers to prove and promote the              through “comparative effectiveness research.”
benefits that they will reimburse for in their          However, it is not limited to this application. The
healthcare systems. Regulators, from the overall        following analytics applications typically depend
public health and well-being perspective, are also      on real-world data.
looking for evidence in a real-world environment.
With all these pressures, pharma manufacturers          •   Comparative effectiveness research/optimal
are forced to think “evidence” — and the time has           treatment algorithm: Compares alterna-
come to think beyond the controlled environment             tive treatment regimens, drugs and dosage
of clinical trials.                                         on multiple criteria — cure, adverse effects,
                                                            cost, etc. — to arrive at the best treatment
RWE vs. RCT                                                 option for particular diseases for particular
But what exactly is real-world evidence? It uses            patient profiles defined by demography, family
observational data to generate insight, foresight           disease profile and comorbid conditions.
and predictive findings on diseases, products and           While historical data mining is important here,
patient populations. Figure 1 depicts the differ-           proactive strategy on patient targeting and
ences between RCT and RWE.                                  pharmacovigilance via predictive analytics is
                                                            gaining popularity.
RWE Data
So what is real-world data? It is “observational
                                                        •   Patient adherence study: A related area of
                                                            importance is the patient adherence study.
data” — data that involves the information related          While for a manufacturer or provider non-
to a patient’s treatment. Typically, this consists of       adherence means a lower observed effective-
four revealing data types that have overlapping             ness compared with what is expected, for payer
and distinct characteristics — patient claims data          and regulator it means increased healthcare
(available typically with payer), patient registries        costs. Patient segmentation based on their
(available with provider and payer), electronic             chances of becoming non-adherent may help
health records (EHR)/electronic medical records             design a targeted educational program. If the
(EMR) and Web/social data. Figure 2 offers a                non-adherence reason, as suggested by data
deeper explanation.                                         analytics, is hidden in the drug or treatment
                                                            methods itself (i.e., twice-a-day vs. once-a-day
Application of RWE Data
                                                            treaments, pills vs. injectibles, invasive vs. lapa-
The straightforward and most imminent applica-
                                                            roscopic, etc.), it may also suggest product or
tion of real-world data is defending or improving
                                                            treatment innovations that may be needed.

                            cognizant 20-20 insights    2
Real-World Evidence: A Better Life Journey for Pharmas, Payers and Patients
The Four Categories of Real-World Data

   Patient Claims             Patient/Medical Registries                            EHR/EMR                      Social Data

  • Hospital claims:        • Patient registry refers to a collection • The electronic medical            • This relates to patient
    episode-level             of patient/diseases/therapy-related-       record is a patient-level          interaction on diseases,
    information.              information collected through the          electronic record of health        treatment experiences
                              observational study method of              information collected from         and side effects. Social
  • Provider claims:
                              patients, physicians and                   a single provider practice.        networking sites such
                              laboratory tests.                          An electronic health record        as Facebook and Twitter
                                                                         is a similar concept, but          have pages specific to
                            • Registries are focused on target
  • Prescription claims:                                                 it goes beyond a single            diseases and medications.
                              populations and are designed to
    prescription-level                                                   provider practice and data         Sites such as Medhelp,
                              fulfill specific purposes defined a
    information.                                                         are generally collected from       PatientsLikeMe,
                              priori. For example, they include:
                                                                         multiple healthcare practices      CureTogether, Diabetic
                              product registries (patients exposed
                                                                         and hence would follow             Connect, Disaboom also
                              to a particular drug or medical
                                                                         nationally recognized and          allow patients to form
                              device), health services registries
                                                                         standardized practice.             communities, groups and
                              (patients with common procedure/
                                                                                                            discuss experiences.
                              clinical intervention/hospitalization)   • EHRs are not focused on any
                              or disease registries (patients with       particular product, healthcare
                              similar diagnosis).                        services or disease-based
                                                                         target population.

                                                              Data Elements
  • Patient claim           • Patient reported data: demographic       • Patient demographic              • Unstructured texts,
    information.              information, patient reported              information.                       dialogues, sentiments as
                              outcomes (PROs).                                                              expressed by the patients
  • Patient                                                            • Patient and family disease
                                                                                                            or their kin (in cases where
    demographic             • Clinician reported data: diagnosis,        history.
                                                                                                            the patient is managed by
    information.              treatment/drug prescribed,
                                                                       • Patient physical report.           his or her kin).
                              laboratory/clinical test suggested,
  • Consultation details.
                              follow-up treatment physician rating     • Consultation details.
  • Hospitalization           of effectiveness.                        • Hospitalization and
    details along with
                            • Laboratory: diagnostic/clinical            discharge details.
    cost of treatment.
                              test results.                            • Patient operative report.
  • Diagnoses.
  • Procedures/drug
    names with doses
    and days supplied.

Figure 2

      •    Outcome-based pricing/contract: Payers in                      •   Clinical research feasibility: Real-world data
           both government and private sectors are chal-                      can evaluate the feasibility of the RCT protocol
           lenged by increasing healthcare costs. To coun-                    by judging whether there actually will be
           ter this challenge, they are overly cautious                       enough patients to be recruited to participate
           regarding how they spend constrained budgets                       in a clinical trial or, from a commercial perspec-
           and are seeking return on investment justifica-                    tive, whether a study can really reflect the
           tion in advance of making any outlays. Many are                    conditions of the target population if the pool
           establishing their own therapeutic guidelines                      is limited. RWE can also help to determine the
           over and above what is required by regulation.                     potential investigator and the potential site,
           To land in the right plan and price category,                      based on the patient composition.
           pharma companies need to provide payers with
           supporting evidence based on real-life data to                 RWE-Led Pharma/Payer Partnership
           document drug treatment efficiency and cost-                   As the need for RWE is mutual, manufacturers
           effectiveness.                                                 and payers are already strengthening their bonds.

                                  cognizant 20-20 insights                3
For example, Healthcore, Wellpoint’s analytics               is the validation of such predictive accuracy.
division, has been collaborating with AstraZen-              Partitioned data sets are used to accomplish
eca since 2011. The objective of the alliance is             this. Some of the examples are neural networks,
for each partner to help the other to more effec-            regression trees, cluster analyses, support
tively integrate data from disparate sources to              vector machines and random forests.
understand evidence-based outcomes. In 2011,
Humana entered into a five-year partnership              With the variety of data sources and structures, it
with Pfizer to improve their healthcare delivery         is clear that ML techniques are better suited for
systems by improving the quality, outcomes and           RWE analysis. These techniques can play a very
costs of treatment. Humana also entered, in              important role in RWE’s evolution and also in the
2013, into an agreement to sell its claims data to       production of robust RWE in what is known as
Eli Lilly, which will use it to estimate and predict     data settings with highly complex mechanisms.
patient outcomes, adherence and overall costs.           ML techniques are better suited where insights
                                                         are to be gained using unstructured or semi-
New Techniques to Suit New Requirements                  structured data.
While the origins of RWE are diverse, achiev-
                                                         In the case of structured data, however, tradi-
ing RWE is not trivial. That’s because the big
                                                         tional approaches are still thought to be more
data sources are scattered and are composed of
                                                         effective, but only in statistical inferences and
elements in various structures. For instance, they
                                                         also while testing hypotheses. On the other hand,
originate from social media platforms, claims
                                                         while it comes to finding critical growth drivers,
data, medical records (electrical) and even pub-
                                                         predicting a trend and then determining non-lin-
lished literature. Sometimes it is organized and
                                                         earities and interactions, ML techniques are again
structured and sometimes it includes minimal
                                                         more effective.
text and other elements (graphics, videos, etc.).
This data can be everything and anything describ-        Last, regarding mathematical/statistical tech-
ing in bits and bytes the journey of the patient.        niques: At times, it may not be just one technique
                                                         but rather a combination of statistical method-
As a result, RWE is vast and varied in its type
                                                         ologies, often called “ensemble techniques,” that
and also in its sources. The challenge: If it is so
                                                         will provide better accuracy than individual tech-
diverse, how can data be meaningfully analyzed
                                                         niques for a particular problem in hand.
for insights that can inform strategic decision-
making? Two ways to glean insight from disparate
                                                         Looking Forward
data sources are the classical/traditional
approach and the machine learning approach.              RWE provides the answer for understanding
                                                         whether any treatment/service/care delivery
•   Classical/traditional: It is taken as an axiom-      method would perform in the real world as it
    atic truth that data in a randomized control trial   would in controlled conditions. RWE, along with
    is generated by a given probability distribution     the data acquired from clinical trials, can provide
    curve. In essence, an RCT involves the testing       a true picture of what is actually happening among
    of different causes and effects. The model used      patients. This data can be used to build a better and
    is influenced by parameter significance. If a        more complete understanding of the diseases and
    parameter is not significant, then that particular   their patterns, thus providing better healthcare.
    factor is removed from the model. Bayes Rule is
    one such example as are duration models, prin-       With more public databases available, there is
    ciple components and many others.                    a need to use the best analytical approach to
                                                         address critical questions. The use of modern
•   Machine learning: This is very different from
                                                         techniques has already begun. Once we have
    the previous method. In this approach, algorith-
                                                         empirically-sound results, extra care must be
    mic models are used. The data mechanism is
                                                         given to project efficacy and effectiveness on the
    treated as unknown. Predictive accuracy is the
                                                         general population since there can be inherent
    focus. And even if the model is not interpretable,
                                                         limitations in those results.
    predictive accuracy is prioritized. The basis here

                         cognizant 20-20 insights        4
Modern analytical techniques such as machine                                      •   Embrace product-agnostic solutions and
learning algorithms can bring radical positive                                        overcome stakeholders’ reluctance to embrace
changes in healthcare, but high-end analytics will                                    advanced methodologies.
not work unless pharma companies:
                                                                                  Once all these hurdles are crossed, there is little
•   Make continuous investment in the underlying                                  that can hold back the true power of real-world
    tools and processes.                                                          data.
•   Reach a common objective on which all stake-
    holders agree.

•   “Patient registries: a key step to quality improvement,” ACP Observer, September 2005,
    American College of Physicians.

•   Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User’s Guide, 2nd edition, Gliklich RE, Dreyer NA,
    editors, Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S.), September 2010.

•   Understanding Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics, Geroge E Mackinnon III.

About the Authors
Yashajit Saha is a Director within Cognizant Analytics Practice specializing in life sciences and healthcare
analytics. He has 15-plus years of analytics experience working with global pharmaceuticals, healthcare,
and banking and financial services companies. He can be reached at
Dinesh Kumar Pateria is a Manager within Cognizant Analytics Practice. Focused on life sciences, Dinesh
has nine-plus years of experience in the analytics space with demonstrated expertise across a multi-
plicity of statistical techniques and models. Dinesh holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI). He can be reached at

About Cognizant Analytics
Within Cognizant, as part of the social-mobile-analytics-cloud (SMAC) stack of businesses under our
emerging business accelerator (EBA), the Cognizant Analytics unit is a distinguished, broad-based market
leader in analytics. It differentiates itself by focusing on topical, actionable, analytics-based solutions
coupled with our consulting approach, IP-based nonlinear platforms, solution accelerators and a deeply
entrenched customer-centric engagement model. The unit is dedicated to bringing insights and foresights
to a multitude of industry verticals/domains/functions across the entire business spectrum. We are a
consulting-led analytics organization that combines deep domain knowledge, rich analytical expertise
and cutting-edge technology to bring innovation to our multifunctional and multinational clients; deliver
virtualized, advanced integrated analytics across the value chain; and create value through innovative and
agile business delivery models.

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Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business
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