Under the - Sun Solutions

Page created by Samuel May
Under the - Sun Solutions
November 2019

Under the
               INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

                               PAGE 2
                  10 Business Success
                        Ideas for 2020

                               PAGE 3
                     Why Choose Print?

                               PAGE 4
                      Featured Solution
                SimpliColor Desk Caddy

                               PAGE 5
                     Launch with Print!

                             PAGE 6
                     Three Tips for a
                   Healthy December

                                PAGE 7
                            How to Get
                        Calls Returned

                              PAGE 8
                       Work with Your
Under the - Sun Solutions
Down to Business

As 2019 comes to a close, now is the time to reflect on the success or progress of your business over the
last year and evaluate and update your goals.

Here are 10 New Year’s resolution ideas to lead you toward       5. Begin a new tradition. Annual traditions give people
success in 2020:                                                 something enjoyable to look forward to.

1. Promote your business regularly. Create a marketing           6. Get involved with a new organization or group.
plan and stick to it. Time devoted to the growth of your         By networking with new people, you can gain new
company will pay off.                                            perspectives, new ideas, and also make additional contacts.

2. Learn how to delegate, and do more of it. By                  7. Give back to your community. Think about ways
delegating important tasks, you not only take stress off         you can make a difference in your community, such as
yourself, but you show others that you trust their judgment.     volunteering your time, giving a donation, becoming a
                                                                 mentor, or simply becoming more involved in local activities.
3. Get more organized. Set aside times to review,
coordinate, and plan for the future. It is much easier to stay   8. Learn to say no. Stop feeling guilty for saying no.
on track and reach your goals if you have a game plan to
follow.                                                          9. Set realistic goals. Unrealistic dreams can lead you
                                                                 toward frustration and distress in the new year.
4. Set aside time for yourself. It is important to set aside
time free from everyday hassles to recharge yourself. If you     10. Move on. Put the past behind you and look toward the
aren’t willing to invest time in yourself, who will?             future.

    Under The Sun Newsletter
                                                                                                                      Page 2
Under the - Sun Solutions
Print Advantage

WHY CHOOSE                                                                          Business
Because it works! When you need postcards or flyers, business
cards or statement stuffers, direct marketing offers you the
versatility and personal touch you need.                                    “It’s kind of fun to do the
                                                                            ­— Walt Disney

                                                                            “Our greatest battles are that with our
                                                                            own minds.”
                                                                            —Jameson Frank

                                                                            “If you did not look after today’s
                                                                            business then you might as well
                                                                            forget about tomorrow.”
                                                                            —Isaac Mophatlane

                                                                            “A man always has two reasons for
Here’s proof! Consider these nine   5. Brevity. Direct marketing offers     doing anything; a good reason and
reasons to use direct marketing:    samples of what your company can
                                                                            the real reason.”
                                    provide without overwhelming the
1. Cost. Brochures, for example,                                            —John Pierpont Morgan
                                    reader with information.
are an easy, inexpensive way to                                             “Good business leaders create
communicate with your customers     6. Trust-building. Customers            a vision, articulate the vision,
on a more personal level than       can become familiar with your           passionately own the vision, and
online advertising.                 company and read testimonials           relentlessly drive it to completion.”
                                    from other happy customers.             —John Welch
2. Marketing power. Direct
marketing not only helps generate                                           “It is common sense to take a method
                                    7. Visual impact. Direct mail is a
additional work from existing                                               and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly
                                    great way to offer a colorful, visual
clients, but it also attracts new                                           and try another. But above all, try
                                    kicker for new products or services.
clients.                                                                    something.”
                                    8. Versatility. Direct marketing        —Franklin D. Roosevelt
3. Friendliness. Direct marketing   provides convenient information for     “You can discover more about a
introduces your company to new      those who would like to learn more      person in an hour of play than in a
prospects and creates name          about your company.                     year of conversation.”
recognition.                                                                —Plato
                                    9. Information exchange.
4. Creativity. The creative         Sometimes a direct-mail piece will      “The eyes of other people are the
possibilities for your marketing    provide a prospective client with       eyes that ruin us. If all but myself
pieces are endless.                 their only information about your       were blind, I should not want neither
                                    company.                                fine clothes, fine house, nor fine
                                                                            —Benjamin Franklin

                                                                                                                 Page 3
Under the - Sun Solutions
Featured Solution

                                      SIMPLICOLOR DESK CADDY
                                      Your brand can be the talk of the office when you use this Desk

Did You Know?                         Caddy with Grip Write Pen & Paper to advertise your company!
                                      The set includes 100 blank 2.875” x 4.625” note sheets, a matching
» You cannot have a “fresh”
  glass of water. All water is very   Grip Write medium ballpoint pen and refillable caddy. All of these
  old and is continually being        items are shrink wrapped and the pen comes with blue or black
                                      ink. Add a SimpliColor one to four color process imprint of
» Birmingham, England, has            your company name and logo to both sides of the caddy to
  more canals than Venice, Italy.
                                      create an attractive and useful marketing tool that will really
» In South Africa, termites are
                                      reach potential clients and remain on their desks for daily
  roasted and eaten by the
  handful.                            reminders!
» Spam stands for Shoulder,           To order, contact your Sun Solutions sales rep. or
  Pork, and Ham.                      call 803-791-1786.
» Owls can rotate their heads
  270 degrees.

» It is a federal crime to possess
  the blank paper on which U.S.
  bills are to be printed.

» Albert Einstein’s brain was 15
  percent wider than average.

» Romans believed diamonds
  had the power to ward off evil.

» Emperor Caesar Augustus put
  up a statue praising lettuce
  because he thought it cured
  him of an illness.

» Eli Whitney made no money
  on his 1793 cotton gin invention                  BACK                                   FRONT
  because he had no patent on it.

» Greyhound dogs can run at
  speeds of up to 41 mph.

» Mosquitos have 47 teeth.                                    INCLUDES BRANDED PEN

» The man who commissioned
  the Mona Lisa refused it.                 Customize to your brand - full color on front and back!

Under The Sun Newsletter
                                                                                                    Page 4
Under the - Sun Solutions
Featured Product                                                                   Business
After you’ve spent months developing a new product,
you need to be ready to introduce your masterpiece
to the world. Here are some ideas for print-based
promotions for your new product:

Press Kits
Include a press release, product information, and cover letter on
your letterhead and package it all in a specially printed folder to
make it stand out.

                                                                         “It’s our new ‘smart alec’ phone.”
Combine all the features and benefits of your product with
stunning design to make an impact.

                                                                      Customer Care
Planning a launch party? Celebrate with custom invitations.
                                                                      Survey Tips
Create a buzz by putting together a series of postcards and           Questionnaires provide valuable
mailing them out as teasers.                                          information about customers.
                                                                      Here are six tips for creating
Business-Reply Mail
Follow up your launch with a business-reply mailing to entice
                                                                      successful customer surveys:
people to send for more information.
                                                                      1. Keep it short and simple. Concentrate
Labels                                                                on the 5-10 most important questions.
Make your new product stand out with an outstanding label or
                                                                      2.Avoid loaded questions, to avoid
other printed packaging.
                                                                      people giving answers they think you
                                                                      want to hear.

                                                                      3. Start with questions that have
                                                                      straightforward answers. If needed,
                                                                      end with an open-ended question.

                                                                      4. Target the right people. Don’t waste
                                                                      your time on people who are not

                                                                      5. Include enough people. More people
                                                                      equals better accuracy.

                                                                      6. Avoid compounded questions, such
                                                                      as: “How did you find out about our
                                                                      product? Did you understand what the
                                                                      product did? Why or why not?”

                                                                                                         Page 5
Under the - Sun Solutions
Health & Wellness
                                                                                     your health intuitively. In other words,
                                         Three Tips                                  eat when you’re hungry, sleep when

                                         for a Healthy                               you’re tired, and exercise when you’re
                                                                                     fidgety from sitting too long.

                                         December                                    Which Ball Are You Juggling
                                                                                     It can be tempting to believe you need
                                         Indulge, but in the Right Things            to be everywhere and be all things
                                         Instead of overdoing it on food or
                                                                                     to all people in December. Take the
                                         spending too much money on gifts,
                                                                                     advice of the former president of
                                         indulge in the intangible things, such
                                                                                     Coca-Cola industries, Bryan Dyson. He
                                         as spending time with those who are
                                                                                     says, “Imagine life as a game in which
                                         important to you. Most people can’t
                                                                                     you are juggling some five balls in
                                         remember the gifts they exchanged
                                                                                     the air. You name them—work, family,
                                         last year or the food that was eaten,
                                                                                     health, friends and spirit—and you’re
                                         but they do cherish the memories that
 As life and work get crazy this                                                     keeping all of these in the air. You will
                                         were created.
                                                                                     soon understand that work is a rubber
 December holiday season,
                                                                                     ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
 remember these essential                Focus on Intuitive Health
                                                                                     But the other four balls—family, health,
                                         Coming into a celebratory season with
 tips to stay healthy both                                                           friends, and spirit—are made of glass.
                                         an unwavering diet or exercise plan
 physically and mentally.                                                            If you drop one of these, they will be
                                         doesn’t put you on the “people I want
                                                                                     irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked,
                                         to hang out with” list at holiday events.
                                                                                     damaged, or even shattered.”
                                         Find a healthy balance by focusing on

                                                  Apps Scene

      Cozi Family Organizer                                                                     USPS Mobile
         Android, iOS & Web                                                                      Android & iOS

Cozi keeps everyone’s schedules and                                                  Access the popular USPS.com tools
all your lists in one place the whole
                                             Praditus Personality Test               right from your mobile device with the
                                                     Android & iOS
family can share. Check the family                                                   USPS Mobile app. Look up ZIP Codes,
calendar, set reminders, and see         If you’re looking to build your             schedule pickups, request mail
lists from any computer or mobile        leadership, self-awareness, and             holds, and more. You can even check
device. Cozi remembers everyone’s        soft skills within your company, the        the status of shipments, calculate
appointments, makes sure schedules       Praditus Personality Test app might         domestic or international pricing, find
are coordinated, and keeps track of      be the answer. Developed by a team          service centers near you, and scan
shopping and to-do lists—so you          of PhDs both in management and              the barcode on your shipping labels
have more time for the fun stuff. Cozi   psychometrics, Praditus asks the            with your phone’s camera to stay on
is rated 4.5 stars on Google Play and    right series of questions to help you       top of your delivery status. Mailing
iTunes and is the winner of multiple     discover your motivations, interests,       has never been easier.
awards and accolades.                    and emotional intelligence.

     Under The Sun Newsletter
                                                                                                                         Page 6
Under the - Sun Solutions
At the Office
                                                                                        Books in Review

While voicemail is an excellent tool for leaving messages, it can
be discouraging when your calls aren’t returned. Here are some
tips on how to leave messages that get returned:

» Be brief and to the point. Your        » Leave your return information.
message is probably one of many,         Not everyone has caller ID, so be                  Best Self:
so get to the point immediately by       sure to say the numbers slowly and             Be You, Only Better
identifying yourself and your reason     clearly.                                              by Mike Bayer
for calling.
                                         » Confirm they’re still there. If you’re   Although you’re told at a young
» Put the call into context. You may     not getting a response, try saying         age to “be yourself,” how do
need to remind the listener exactly      something like, “I’ve tried several        you learn who you are and who
who you are and why they should          times to reach you with no luck.           you want to be? Learning to be
know who you are.                        Are you still with the company?” It        yourself isn’t taught in any school
                                         can help motivate a more prompt            curriculum or even at home, and it
» Mix it up with other media. Pair                                                  leaves many struggling to identify
your voicemail message with                                                         the self they’re hoping to be.
follow-up emails or handwritten          » Create mystery. Leave a message
notes sent through the mail.             with only your name and number.            Mike Bayer, life coach and author
                                         For example: “Hi, this is Mike Smith,      of Best Self: Be You, Only Better,
» Give the listener a reason to reply.                                              helps you answer that question
                                         my number is 555-867-5309. Thank
Everyone wants to know “what’s in                                                   with some practical, actionable
                                         you.” Simply leaving some things to
it for me,” so provide the listener                                                 tips for embracing who you
                                         mystery can help generate curiosity
with an answer to that question.                                                    genuinely want to be.
                                         and get prospects calling back.
» Time stamp your message. Let                                                      1. Identify your two types of self.
                                         » Don’t sell. Although you may be
the person know the day and time                                                    Each of us has a positive best
                                         tempted, don’t sell anything in a
you called and, more importantly, a                                                 self, the person you want to be,
                                         message. People are sick of the
good time to call you back.                                                         and a negative or anti-self that
                                         strong sales/advertising approach,
                                                                                    sabotages your efforts in trying to
» Explain the consequences of not        which means you’ll do better
                                                                                    be that person.
calling back. For example, leave a       speaking to them in person and
                                         creating a relationship.                   2. Overcome fear with honesty.
message saying you assume your
                                                                                    Learn to work out your worries by
scheduled meeting is still on unless
                                                                                    playing them through statements
you receive a callback.
                                                                                    like “My fear is” and “It’s keeping
                                                                                    me from.”

                                                                                    3. Love yourself. If you want to
                                                                                    help others, you first need to make
                                                                                    sure you’re helping yourself.

                                                                                    4. Dispel relationship myths.
                                                                                    Banish unrealistic expectations to
                                                                                    overcoming a fear of conflict.

                                                                                                                    Page 7
Under the - Sun Solutions
Working Together

                                           WORK WITH YOUR
                                            What. Seek to understand what            it may be difficult to know why
                                            your customers are truly looking         customers choose one product over
                                            for. For example, customers don’t        another. Need help? Consider asking
                                            want “toothpaste.” They want things      why customers don’t buy something.
                                            such as healthy teeth, a whiter smile,
                                                                                     When. While many customers
                                            and fresh breath. Smart companies
                                                                                     purchase things when they have
                                            understand the reasons for their
                                                                                     the time or money, many major
                                            customers’ buying decisions.
                                                                                     buying decisions revolve around life
                                            Who. While smaller companies pride       changes, such as health, marriage,
                                            themselves on knowing customers          children, relocation, career changes,
                                            personally, this is nearly impossible    and retirement.
                                            for larger corporations. Although
The best way to work with your                                                       Where. Location is critical.
                                            companies may not know all of
customers is to understand                  their customers individually, they
                                                                                     Companies often draw their business
them. Here are a few tips to                                                         from local shoppers, but the internet
                                            can target products and services
                                                                                     has made Web prominence of
help you better understand                  toward specific groups including
                                                                                     equal importance. If companies
where your customers are                    age, gender, geographic location,
                                                                                     are not in a prime online and
                                            interests, and income.
coming from:                                                                         offline location, they must consider
                                            Why. Since each customer has a           customer concerns for issues such
                                            different opinion and preference,        as convenience and delivery.

                        November Birthdays                                               Under The Sun Newsletter
   James Bryant       11/4                    Alston Stokes         11/11                Sun Solutions
   Marie Jackson      11/7                    Chad Todd             11/15                345 Dreher Road
      (Happy 65th Marie!)                     Robert Reynolds       11/25                West Columbia, SC 29169
   Cheryl Scott       11/10                   Melody Summers        11/29                Phone
   Lindsay Jameson 11/10                      Juston Stiebing       11/29                803.791.1786 Local
   Tiffany Howell     11/10                   Chris Cooper          11/30                800.523.7058 Toll Free
                     November Anniversaries                                              Letters to the Editor
   Curtis Salters      30 years            Lindsay Jameson        5 years                Customer Service
*Please note that anniversaries are recognized beginning at 3 years, followed by 5       Fax
                    years and then onward in increments of 5.                            803.794.9487
                     SUN SOLUTIONS IS PROUD TO BE A                                      Web

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