Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College

Page created by Gabriel Burns
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
drouin secondary college news


                                                                    EDITION: 92
DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021                     PAGE 8

Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10
                        We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
Team Report                                     Matt Jobling       Diane Croft    Rob Monk          Michael Wilson Susan Gilmore

Once again, our term has been impacted by a circuit breaker         SEMESTER REPORTS
lockdown, and once again our students and staff have handled
                                                                    As we draw closer to the end of semester it is important that
the adjustment into and out of lockdown incredibly well. The
                                                                    students monitor what they need to submit or complete to ensure
strength of practice in using online resources for learning
                                                                    their performance is at their level of capability and not limited
enables our staff and students to make the move to remote
                                                                    by any disorganisation. Communicating with their teachers,
learning less overwhelming, and the communication between
                                                                    checking their progress on Sentral, and putting in the effort with
all parties has been key to keeping everyone connected and
                                                                    preparation for performance tasks are key to achieving their
feeling supported. As always, we hope we don’t need to enter
                                                                    best. Please note, with the recent lockdown pushing back the
a period of remote lockdown again but should we need to then
                                                                    timeline for a number of performance tasks and exams, End of
we have the confidence we can do so quickly and effectively.
                                                                    Semester 1 reports will now be published in Week 2 Term 3.
During the lead up to and during the lockdown staff have
been busy behind the scenes determining adjustments in              COVID-19 SAFE
relation to assessment and reporting to ensure students are not     We have received reports from the bus lines and also members
disadvantaged due to the disruption to face-to-face classes.        of the public on trains that some of our students haven’t been
During these uncertain times it is normal to feel some level        following the mask protocols when travelling to and from school
of anxiety and we remind students that should they feel they        and we remind everyone 12 years of age and older that we
would like support they can contact the LCC, their LG Leader        are all required to wear masks when on public transport,
or Year Level Assistant. They can also visit Student Wellbeing      INCLUDING SCHOOL BUSES, unless an exception applies.
at either recess, lunchtime, before or after school to make an
                                                                    At school the same safety measures we have had in place
appointment to have a chat.
                                                                    will continue:

WELCOME NEW STAFF                                                    • If any student or staff member is ill, they are to
This term we have welcomed a number of new staff to the                stay home.
college in a variety of education support and teaching roles.        • If any student or staff member becomes ill during the day
Sarah Savage and Linda Ketteringham joined our education               they will be sent home.
support team earlier this term in the areas of Wellbeing and         • All students and staff will wear masks indoors and
Inclusion respectively. Whilst our most recent addition, Harley        outdoors where physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be
Powell, started this week in English and Humanities replacing          maintained.
Payton Morley who is on family leave. Our Languages faculty
have been pleased to welcome Shusuke Sahashi to the team to          • If you reside in metropolitan Melbourne, the restrictions that
teach Japanese and we are glad to have Gin Liu return to DSC           apply to you follow you to regional Victoria.
after working with us last year in Maths and Science.                • Always wash hands before handling food or eating and
                                                                       after going to the toilet.
We wish all these new and returning staff all the very best
and look forward to their positive contribution to the learning      • Cough/sneeze into your elbow not your hand.
environment at DSC.                                                  • Sanitize hands at transition points e.g. entering and
                                                                       leaving classrooms and office areas.
ATHLETICS                                                            • Students and staff must have their own water bottle
This year the college athletics were held at the Geoff Watt
                                                                     • Keep your hands to yourself – including using only your
Memorial Athletic Track in Warragul due to works on sporting
                                                                       own equipment
fields at DSC. Although the day was a little chilly at times the
mood was upbeat and the participation was high whether               • No touching, high fives or hugging friends.
competing or cheering on other house members. A report of            • PE & sport activity will be required to be outdoors and non-
the day and the results are included later in the newsletter.          contact.
Congratulations to all the athletes and also for the staff and
students who helped organise and run the events for the day.         • Sport before school, recess or at lunchtime must also be
Sports Coordinator Kathryn Buckland led a team of committed            non-contact.
staff to set up and run the day and Kev Thorpe and his team of       • There will be no incursions or excursions at this time.
VCAL students and staff provided a much-appreciated canteen.         • Student numbers in communal areas (library, cafeteria) will
Well done to everyone for such a successful day that we will           be limited as much as possible.
consider this venue as an option for future athletics.
                                                                     • Cafeteria service will be takeaway and masks must be
                                                                       worn inside.

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
• Visitors, including parents, are not to be on              • Parents should not congregate when dropping off or
  site unless this is essential. E.g. if a student needs       picking up their children.
  to be signed out during the day, the parent should call
                                                            We will keep you up to date with any changes as we receive
  ahead and wait in the car. Office staff will note the
• All visitors onsite must check in with the Check In       Matt Jobling
  Now QR Code.                                              Acting Principal

What is the
High 6?
The High

                   1. Hand sanitise when you enter learning spaces

                   2. Clean all equipment after use

                   3. Keep your hands to yourself

                   4. Hand sanitise as you leave learning spaces

                   5. Follow good hygiene practices

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
From the
General MASKS
Camps, Sports and
                                                                    From Friday 4/6/21
                                                                      • Must be carried at all times and
                                                                        must be worn indoors, unless you
                                                                        have an exception.

                                                                      • Must be worn inside all buildings
Excursions Fund (CSEF):                                                 and classrooms.
CSEF helps eligible families to cover the costs of
school trips, camps and sporting activities.                          • Must be worn for the whole lesson.
If you are eligible and have still not applied for the
CSEF you have until the end of Term 2 to make an                      • Must be worn on the school bus
application. If you had previously applied at Drouin                    and other public transport.
Secondary College, your application will have been
                                                                      • Are required outdoors where
CSEF forms are available on the DSC website or at                       physical distancing of 1.5m cannot
the DSC general office. A copy of your concession
                                                                        be maintained.
card is also required. The final date for 2021
applications is 25th June. Please contact the office if
you have any queries regarding the CSEF.                              • If you reside in metropolitan
                                                                        Melbourne, the restrictions that
Family Accounts:                                                        apply to you follow you to regional
All fees are due unless you have a current payment
plan in place. If you need to arrange a payment plan,
or to upgrade your existing payment plan, please
contact Chloe Whelan or Josie O’Connor in the                          You must wear a mask
general office.
                                                                        at all times indoors
Credits on your account:                                             and on public transport including
                                                                         school buses and trains
Please note that any credits remaining on your
account will be allocated to outstanding charges
unless we are notified otherwise by 18th June.

                                             DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
House Gordon
             vs Lawson
On Tuesday 25th May, Year 7 and 8 house sports
took centre stage with Gordon and Lawson doing
battle in an AFL football match at lunch time.
Both teams were stacked with talent and with fine
weather, the stage was set for a titanic struggle.

Lawson flew out of the blocks and established
an early lead thanks to the dominance of Clancy
Pope and Jaxon Huston who dominated play.
Gordon were hanging for the half time whistle
and when it arrived they were 11 points down at
the main break.

The second half saw the game flip on its head
with Gordon dominating centre clearances and
piling on the goals. They quickly erased the 11
point deficit and went on a rampage kicking 4
goals to 1 in the second half to run out convincing
winners. Lucas Earl and Campbell Gibbons were
outstanding for Gordon.

Final score: Gordon 5 goals 1 point: 31 points to
Lawson 3 goals 4 points: 22 points

Best players:
Gordon: Lucas Earl, Campbell Gibbons, Cody
McInnes, Lachie McDonald, Sam Hughes

Lawson: Clancy Pope, Jaxon Huston, Tyler Van
Der Heyden

Gordon progress now to the final where they will
face the winner of Paterson and Dennis.

Mr. Dorian

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
House Athletics
Due to renovations of the back oval, this
year’s House Athletics was held at the
Geoff Watt Athletics Track in Warragul
on Tuesday 18th May. Congratulations
to Lawson on being the 2021 House
Athletics Champions and to the Age
Champions for your outstanding efforts!

House Results
LAWSON - 1123
GORDON - 1052
DENNIS - 944

Age Champions
13 Girls - Charlotte Cunningham
13 Boys - Lachlan Pickering
14 Girls - Talise Berryman
14 Boys - Tyler Van Der Heyden
15 Girls - Tarilyn Bottrell
15 Boys - Harry Brown
16 Girls - Ainsley Phillips
16 Boys - Riley Fowler
17 Girls - Mackenzie Fort
17 Boys - Toby Talbot
18 Girls - Ashley Snell
18 Boys - Ethan Moore

Congratulations to the following people
that were voted best dressed for their
house by the house captains:

Gordon - Miley Tabinor
Dennis - Sine Salt
Paterson - Amity Stephens
Lawson - Lucy Williams
Teacher - Ms Farmer-Birkenbeil

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
Careers News...
Tertiary Information Service (TIS)
Our Year 12s attended a TIS day hosted by Chairo Christian School. A collective of Universities, TAFE Institutes and
Independent Tertiary Colleges provided information about future courses and careers. Students had the opportunity to
meet representatives from a range of tertiary institutions. We were very pleased to see our students make the most of this

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College
Career Pathways in Paramedicine                                   Course Selection 2022
Jo Algie, Team Manager from Drouin Ambulance came                 Course Selection for 2022 dates have been finalised. Please
to the College last week for an informal discussion with          set aside Tuesday 3rd August (6.00pm -9.00pm) to attend
a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students about pathways             the information evening at the College.
into paramedicine. Jo provided insights into what the role
                                                                  This year, our Course Selection Information will be a hybrid
is really like, including some of the highs and lows of the
                                                                  face to face information sessions and online presentations
profession. We thank Jo for sharing her personal stories and
                                                                  launched from Wednesday 4th August. The face to face*
a passion for helping people.
                                                                  event on Tuesday 3rd August will take place in the Learning
                                                                  Centre, there will be the opportunity to talk with KLD
                                                                  leaders about available subject choices, meet with our
                                                                  special program team and speak with Careers & Pathways
                                                                  The information available online will include:
                                                                  1. General overview of the Course Selection process
                                                                  2. Recorded presentations for:
                                                                        •     Subject areas eg English, Maths, Technology etc
                                                                        •     Special programs
                                                                        •     Senior school pathways - VCAL, VET & VCE
                                                                        •     Higher Education information
                                                                  3. VET course information flyers
                                                                  4. Links to other relevant information
Year 10 Work Experience Program
                                                                  Course Selection Interviews with Careers & Pathways
As part of the Year 10 course, all students must participate      Advisors are welcome for all current Year 9 to 11 students
in one week of work experience placement from 21st to 26th        but are compulsory for:
June. This is approaching us very quickly and is a required
task in the LG Moodle Course that is now OVERDUE. If                •       all current Year 9 students who wish to undertake a
students do not organise a placement they will be at school                 VET course in 2022
for the week; this will not be a week at home.                      •       all current Year 9 students who plan to take an early-
                                                                            access VCE subject
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with a
prospective employer either by a phone call or visit to             •       all current Year 10 students
the workplace. We believe this is responsibility students           •       current Year 11 students who wish to change two or
should accept as it is a key part of the workplace learning                 more VCE subjects going into Year 12
                                                                    •       current Year 11 students wishing to change from VCE
We would appreciate the co-operation of parents in                          to VCAL in Year 12
assisting your son/daughter to find a placement for during
this week.                                                        Bookings for course selection interviews will be available
                                                                  through Sentral and will open early Term 3. They occur
Having Problems?                                                  during the two weeks after Course Selection Evening.
If a student does not know what sort of work placement to         Course selection interview dates are to be confirmed.
try or is having difficulties finding a suitable position, then
they should contact the Careers Office for assistance.            Further information will be emailed out to parents and
                                                                  students closer to the date.
                                                                  Please contact the Careers & Pathways staff with any queries.
Inspiring Young Women Event                                       *subject to COVIDSafe restrictions
On Wednesday 12th May, seven of our Year 10 and 11
students attended the Inspiring Young Women event at
the Warragul Country Club. At the event, they had the
opportunity to meet with students from other schools and
up to 50 women from various professions in the community.
During the evening the students learnt about the career
pathways of the professionals in the room and shared their
own hopes and dreams for the future. The students enjoyed
a two course meal and listened to guest speakers whom
shared their personal journeys. A fantastic night was had by
all and we would like to thank the Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN
for hosting the event.

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Mother's Day Classic PAGE 10 - DATE: WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2021 EDITION: 92 - Drouin Secondary College

  Our Year 12 VCAL students organised another great        After the 4km walk or 8km run, the VCAL students had
  community event for the Drouin Mother's Day Classic      plenty on offer to replenish energy levels, including

  on Sunday 9th May. After not running in 2020 due to
  COVID_19, the event returned to the Drouin Golf Club
  and Racing Club with a few changes such as the rolling
                                                           bacon and egg rolls, cupcakes and lollies. They also
                                                           organised a coffee van to be onsite and a raffle was
                                                           drawn on the day.
  start with a 30 minute gap between groups.
                                                           Proceeds raised from the Mother’s Day Classic are
1. Enter online using the following QR code:               donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation
                                                           (NBCF) to fund life-saving breast cancer research.

2. Fill out this form and pay with cash only.

           On the day ticket
           (does not include race pack or medallion)
                                             Total amount
         Child: 3 - 17 years old. Children under 3 are free.
         Concession: Seniors, students and health care card holder.

If registering with a group/family please complete deta
                                        DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
From the School Nurse...

It’s Time We Talked
On 28th April, Drouin Secondary hosted an evening
with Maree Crabbe who spoke to parents and
teachers about the impact of pornography on young
people’s sexual understandings and experiences.
The evening was informative, interesting and
empowering. Here are some thoughts from parents
who attended the evening:

“I have to admit that I was feeling quite nervous
about what content would be covered, with
relief and surprise, the evening was interesting,
engaging and relevant about the health and
wellbeing of our kids”.

“What I took away from the session is that it is
not the ‘talk about pornography’ that will help our
youth, but giving them the tools that they need
to live in the world where it exists and they WILL
be exposed to it. Tools to help them question what they are
exposed to and that doesn’t just go for pornography, it goes
for all media and communication”.

For more information and resources for parents and young
people go to:

                                             DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
This year Kaye Clarke was welcomed to Drouin Secondary                            Jacob, Year 11,
College as the new Head Start Coordinator. With Kaye’s                            is undertaking
support Head Start Apprentices and Trainees attend school                         Certificate III in
part time to achieve their VCAL or VCE, earn a fair wage                          Agriculture (Dairy
while working part time as an apprentice/trainee as well as                       Production) working
undertake accredited training in a trade qualification.                           with local farm SC &
                                                                                  AM Kent.
Kaye and the careers team would like to congratulate
Callum Redcliffe and Hailey Shanks who have recently
joined the Head Start Program.

                                                Callum is
                                                Year 11 and
                                                commenced his
                                                working with
                                                Asphalting &
                                                Construction.                         Matthew is
                                                As part of his                        also Year 11
                                                apprenticeship,                       and working
Callum has started his Certificate III in Civil Construction                          with local
qualification.                                                                        farm G & R
                                                                                      Atherton while
                                           Hailey is working                          undertaking
                                           with Haze Hair by                          Certificate III in
                                           Design as an                               Agriculture.
                                           commencing her
                                           Certificate III in
                                           Hairdressing while
                                           also continuing
                                           with Year 11 VCAL                      Lauren’s “head
                                           studies.                               start” to her career
                                                                                  is with Sparrow
                                                                                  Early Learning
                                                                                  Centre working
                                                                                  towards her
                                                                                  Certificate III in
                                                                                  Early Childhood
                                                                                  Education & Care
                                                                                  while undertaking
                                                                                  her Year 12 VCAL.
Kaye has been busy getting to know her Head Start
Apprentices and Trainees, including Jacob Kleeven and
Matthew Atherton who are six months into their traineeships
and Lauren Cardus who started her traineeship in January.

                                              DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
SSVWG Year 8 Boys AFL
The Year 8 Boys AFL team played      Round 3
in the interschool West Gippsland
Championships at Moe on 6th May      – DSC v LC
against Trafalgar High School (THS), DSC 5.7.37 d LC 0.1.1
Marist Sion College Warragul (MSCW) Goal Kickers: Regan Awty 2, Rylie Baker, Campbell
and Lowanna College Newborough (LC). Gibbons, Sam Hughes.
Here is a wrap up of the day.        Best Players: Lucas Earl, Regan Awty, Campbell
                                                            Gibbons, Lachie McDonald, Dean Bailey & Riley Baker

Round 1                                                     Report: Kicking against the breeze in the first half
                                                            the boys held up really well, the half time scores being
– DSC v THS                                                 DSC 0.2.2 v LC 0.1.1. Our boys took full advantage of
                                                            the breeze in the second half, getting back to the style
DSC 6.3.39 d THS 1.0.6                                      of football we were playing throughout the first match
Goal Kickers: Regan Awty 3, Brock Sawyer 2, Lucas           against THS. We booted five unanswered goals in the
Earl 1.                                                     second half, in tricky windy conditions. We were able to
                                                            find different avenues to goal which was very pleasing
Best Players: Brodie Atkins, Regan Awty, Brock
                                                            for DSC.
Sawyer, Lucas Earl & Cody McInnes.

Report: The boys’ ball movement from the midfield was       Overall -
outstanding and this group also impressed with their
defensive running abilities. DSC players showed they        DSC 11.12.78 v Opposition 4.2.26
were clearly well coached back at their home clubs with
                                                            Goal Kickers: Regan Awty 5, Brock Sawyer 2, Lucas
instilled good habits in their game play. The forward
                                                            Earl, Rylie Baker, Campbell Gibbons, Sam Hughes.
group held their structure, this allowed for many scoring
opportunities.                                              Best Players: Regan Awty (Mid), Lucas Earl (Fwd/
                                                            Mid), Campbell Gibbons (Ruck/Fwd), Cody McInnes
Round 2                                                     (CHB), Brodie Atkins (Mid) & Lachie McDonald (W/F).

– DSC v MSCW                                                Report: The boys finished with two wins and one loss
                                                            which was a really positive day for the group. They
MSCW 3.1.19 d DSC 0.2.2                                     represented the college to a high standard and should
                                                            be really proud of their achievements. Hopefully the
Best Players: Cody McInnes & Campbell Gibbons.              group are looking forward to representing the college in
Report: DSC held their own in the first half in trying      the future after their outstanding efforts today, well done
conditions. In fact, we were ahead at half time with        to all involved. A special mention to Joshua Downes for
the scores situated at DSC 0.2.2 v MSCW 0.1.1. We           doing the goal umpiring and Sport & Recreation Trainee
weren’t able to adapt to the conditions as well as the      Lauren McLean for being Team Manager, thank you for
MSCW boys, who booted three majors in the second            your work on the day.
half to stay undefeated and leave DSC with one win
                                                            Jack Barnes,
and one loss.
                                                            Physical Education Teacher

                                        DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
                                                          10AM TIL 2PM

                                                   LUNCH TIME DROP IN
                                                     *NO GUARANTEED TIMES

                                           DR. EFRANT                  NURSE
                                            HARNEAN                   LARAINE


           On Thursday 27th May, all Year 11s and 12s had the opportunity to
           participate in the Fit2Drive Program.
           The Fit2Drive program aims to instill in young adults with the belief and
           capacity to change and influence attitudes and behaviours in relation
           to risky road use, and supports them to take responsibility for keeping
           themselves and their mates safe. The program does not teach driving
           skills, but instead focuses on the responsibilities of all young people
           either as drivers or passengers.
           This valuable program allowed students to listen to guest speaker
           stories, participate in role plays as well as discuss strategies in the
           workshops to support them to make safer choices when driving or as
           A big thank you to all senior students who participated in the program
           and to the Fit2Drive presenters who were able to cater their program to
           support our school community.

VCE Theatre Studies
On Friday 14th and Saturday 15th May, students in
VCE Theatre Studies presented their interpretation
of the play, Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman.
The play showed different Greek myths focusing
on love and transformation due to love. Students
designed all set, costume, make-up, props, lighting
and sound. The set consisted of a swimming pool,
half with water, half with fog and lights.

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Live4Life Baw Baw 2021           We are excited to welcome       A Year 8 Celebration Live4Life event unfortunately had to be
                                 Year 8 students to the          postponed due to the recent lockdown. The event is a Crew
                                 Live4Life initiative in 2021.   led introduction to Live4Life for our Year 8 cohort, marking the
                                                                 beginning of the whole school initiative. The event will have
                                Live4Life Baw Baw was
                                                                 guest speakers, a short video and information pertaining to
                                created in response to a
                                                                 the TMHFA training being delivered at Drouin Secondary,
                                reported increase from
                                                                 and an introduction to the theme for 2021 ‘Start the talk to
                                schools and agencies, in
                                                                 end the Stigma’.
                                depression, anxiety, cyber
                                bullying and self-harm           Year 8 students will participate in 3 x 75-minute education
                                which has led to the need        sessions delivered by Mental Health First Aid accredited
                                for a coordinated response       trainers. Further information about the course can be found at
to address our young people’s mental health.            (scroll to Teen Years
                                                                 7-9 program information).
Live4Life Baw Baw is made up of the following components:
                                                                 If you have any questions or concerns about this initiative,
1. Delivery of Teen Mental Health First Aid (TMHFA) training
                                                                 please do not hesitate to contact DSC Live4Life school
   to Year 8 and 10 students.
                                                                 contact, Kaz Thurgood (Karen.Thurgood@education.vic.
2. Delivery of Youth Mental Health First Aid training to or Tanarly Hood on 0436 032 500 or via email at
   teachers and parents                                
3. Live4Life Crew - Year 9 and 10 students who volunteer to
   support the delivery of key mental health messages, run
   the launch and celebration events for the Year 8 students,
   and plan and promote a mental health awareness
   competition annually.
                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
HOCKEY                                                                                                                                                         SKILLS ACQUISITION

                                                                                      Photo: Warragul Gazette
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2021 Season
                                                                                                                  Gippsland FC is a Gippsland based Football Club formed through a necessity to develop a local pathway for
                                                                                                                  talented community club players (boys and girls) within the region to take that next step in their football careers.

                                                                                                                  The Club was created in line with Football Federation Australia’s (FFA) national standards and now hosts 3 x
                                                                                                                  Junior Boys teams (U17, U15, U14) currently playing in the Junior Boys National Premiership League (JBNPL) as
                                                                 ALL                                              well as offering an FFA designed Skills Acquisition Program (SAP) for boys and girls aged 9-12 and a Girls
                                                               WEATHER                                            Development Program (GDP) – partnering with the community clubs to further enhance the skills of any talented
                                                                PITCH                                             young girls aged 12-16.
                                                                                                                  Players for all squads and programs hail from right across the Gippsland catchment area – East, South, West and
                                                                                                                  Central Gippsland youth are all benefitting from these programs.
West Gippsland Hockey Association provides the opportunity for men,
women and children to enjoy the game of hockey in a fun & supportive
Join one of our 4 CLUBS to play in the winter competitions April -                                                Gippsland FC – Skill Acquisition Program (SAP)
September or our Metropolitan Competition.
Adults are very welcome to play in any of the senior competitions                                                 Gippsland FC will once again deliver the Football Federation Australia (FFA) SAP Program in 2021. The program
including Masters. No experience is necessary — you are never too old to
                                                                                                                  is suitable for dedicated players (boys & girls) aged from 9 to 12 and focuses on the skill acquisition phase of
learn this fabulous and spirited game.
                                                                                                                  development. The program allows likeminded players from across Gippsland to come together to develop their
       All REGIONAl GAmEs ARE plAyEd At BEllBIRd pARk,                                                            football under a qualified coaching group specialising in Junior/Youth Development. The SAP Program is in
       lAmpARds Rd, dROuIN.                                                                                       addition to a player’s community club commitments and will be held on non-standard training nights.
       All AGEs plAy ON sAtuRdAy wIth AN AltERNAtIvE                                                              Gippsland FC will aim to deliver programs based in the East, Central, West and South Gippsland areas of
       stIck2hOckEy pROGRAm AvAIlABlE sAtuRdAy                                                                    Gippsland.
       mORNINGs ANd mONdAy NIGhts FOR juNIORs.

       pAthwAys ARE AvAIlABlE tO thE vIctORIAN mEtRO                                                                  •   Age Group – Under 9, 10, 11 & 12 (Girls & Boys born 2009 – 2012)
       cOmpEtItIONs FOR All juNIOR ANd sENIOR plAyERs.
                                                                                                                      •   Venues
                                                                                                                             o Central Gippsland - Latrobe City Stadium and Trafalgar Victory

       West Gippsland Hockey Association Inc.                                                                                    Soccer Club
                                                                                                                             o South Gippsland – Wonthaggi Recreational Reserve

                                                                                                                             o East Gippsland - Godfrey Baldwin Reserve, Sale and
                                                                                                                                 Howitt Park, Bairnsdale
                                                                                                                             o West Gippsland - Bellbird Recreation Reserve, Drouin.

                                                                                                                      •   Program Features
                   StICk2HoCkey CoMpetItIoN                                                                                  o Weekly Training Sessions (up to 2)
                   either 9:15-10:15am Saturday                                                                              o Gippsland Regional Gala Days
                   oR 5:30-6:30pm Monday
                                                                                                                             o Football Victoria Gala Day Tournaments
                   Boys and girls train and play during the same timeslot.
                                                                                                    o Participation in suitable tournaments when available

                   AzteCS HoCkey CLUB                                                                                 •   Duration - Commencing April through to September
                   training Wednesday 4:00 - 6:00pm
                                                                                                                      To register your interest, please visit to complete a registration form or email
                   GULLS HoCkey CLUB
                                                                                                                       Registrations are now open for all Gippsland regions.
                   training tuesday U12 4:30 - 5:30pm
                                    U15 & U18 5:30 - 6:30pm

                   DRoUIDS HoCkey CLUB
                   training thursday 5:00 - 6:30pm junior age groups

                   WARRIoRS HoCkey GRoUp
                   training Monday 4.30 - 6:00pm All age groups

                   GIppSLAND BULLS HoCkey CLUB
                   training Wednesday 5:30 - 7:00pm juniors
                                      6:30 - 8:00pm seniors

   NeW MeMBeRS WeLCoMe
   please contact Steph 0429 356 775
      West Gippsland Hockey Association Inc.
                                                                     Version April 2021

                                                                                                                DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
WEEK 9 - Term 2
Monday      14/06    Queen's Birthday Holiday                        REMINDERS
Tuesday     15/06    School Photo Catch Up Day                       SCHOOL PHOTO CATCH UP DAY -
                     Unit 2 & 4 VCE Studies Commence                 Tuesday 15th June

Wednesday   16/06    College Council 6.30pm
                                                                     LAST DAY OF TERM -
Sunday      20/06    Central Australia Camp departs                  Friday 25th June - Finish 2.30pm
                                                                     (Buses depart one hour earlier from 2.30pm)
WEEK 10 - Term 2
Monday      21/06    Year 10 Work Experience Week commences          CSEF APPLICATIONS -
                                                                     Close last day of term
Tuesday     22/06    SRC Meeting - Lunchtime

Wednesday   23/06    Year 12 Mid Year English Exam                   COURSE SELECTION EVENING -
                                                                     Tuesday 3rd August @ 6pm (New Date)
Friday      25/06    Last Day of Term 2 - Finish 2.30pm

WEEK 1 - Term 3                                                      STUDENT FREE DAY -
Monday      12/07    First Day of Term 3                             Wednesday 25th August 2021 (New Date)

WEEK 2 - Term 3
Monday      19/07    Year 7-9 Challenge Week commences

WEEK 4 - Term 3
Tuesday     03/08    College Course Selection Evening (NEW
                     DATE) TBC
                     Live4Life Baw Baw Crew Meeting

WEEK 7 - Term 3
Tuesday     24/08    College Council 6.30pm

Wednesday   25/08    Student Free Day (NEW DATE)

WEEK 10 - Term 3
Thursday    16/09    Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings TBC

Friday      17/09    Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings TBC
                     Last Day of Term 3

RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE AT THAT TIME                               *Disclaimer - Please note some images in this newsletter were taken
                                                                 before mask wearing restrictions were in place.

    2021 TERM DATES                                    Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm

    Term 2: 19 April to 25 June 2021                   Ph: (03) 5625 1002
    Term 3: 12 July to 17 September 2021

    Term 4: 4 October to 17 December 2021              UNIFORM SHOP OPEN HOURS
                                                       Every Thursday 1pm - 6pm                                  COLLEGE
                                                       First Saturday of the month 9.30pm - 12.30pm
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