Motor Trades Association of Queensland

Page created by Bobby Romero
Motor Trades Association of Queensland

A n n u a l    R e p o r t    2 0 1 6

           02   Chairman’s Report

           07   Secretary’s Report

           08   Group Chief Executive’s Report

           10   Members Services and Support

           17   Australian Automotive Dealer Association (Qld)

           19   Automotive Engineers Division

           20   Automotive Parts Recyclers Division

           22   Engine Reconditioners Association of Queensland

           23   National Auto Collision Alliance

           25   Queensland Farm and Industrial Machinery Dealers Division

           27   Queensland Motorcycle Industry Division

           29   Rental Vehicle Industry Division

           30   Service Station and Convenience Store Association of Queensland

           32   Tyre and Undercar Division of Queensland

           34   Automotive Remarketing Division

           36   MTA Institute

           38   Financial Report

           68   Board Members 2015 - 2016

                                Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 01
Chairman’s Report

                                                     Your Board, over the past year, has been diligent
                                                     in attending to these multifaceted responsibilities
                                                     in the best interests of the membership.

                                                     I am proud to present the Annual           best interests of the membership.
                                                     Report of the Motor Trades                 The prime responsibilities have been
                                                     Association of Queensland (MTA             to install comprehensive governance
                                                     Queensland) reviewing its 87th             arrangements, implement the MTA
                                                     year as an industrial organisation         Queensland strategic plan, adapt
                                                     of employers in the motor trades.          to the digital advances in the
                                                                                                corporate office and the progressive
                                                     This is my seventh term as Chairman        technological changes in the motor
David Fraser
Chairman                                             of the MTA Queensland, which I             trades, roll out the Professional Circle,
MTA Queensland                                       serve with pride and commitment.           grow the membership and advance
                                                                                                consultations on collaborating with
                                                     We are governed by our Rules, pursuant
                                                                                                MTAs in other jurisdictions. A survey of
                                                     to the Queensland Industrial Relations
                                                                                                members, including past members, was
                                                     Act 1999 and Fair Work (Registered
                                                                                                undertaken to assist the Board with its
                                                     Organisations) Act 2009. It is my
                                                                                                strategic planning and service delivery.
                                                     charter to ensure they are complied
                                                     with and are as germane now as when        The Board has met on four occasions to
                                                     framed. These specify the purpose of       attend to MTA Queensland issues and
                                                     our being and are embedded in our          motor trades’ matters. The Executive
                                                     corporate culture:                         Committee meets when required. Board
                                                     • to promote, advance and protect the      members have been professional
                                                       interest of the motor vehicle industry   and conscientious in their duties and
                                                       and associated trades or businesses      deliberations. Corporate governance
                                                       in Queensland and to conserve the        - the mechanisms, processes and
                                                       interest of members;                     relations of the Board - has been, and
                                                                                                is, of a high standard. I thank each
                                                     • to advocate, advance and protect
                                                                                                Board member for their genuine and
                                                       the interests of employers connected
                                                                                                selfless service and commitment
                                                       with the motor vehicle industry and
                                                                                                to the Association and the values
                                                       associated trades or businesses in
                                                                                                that are central to our culture.
                                                     • to consider and deal with any            Attached to this report are the
                                                       question relevant to the motor vehicle   comprehensive statements from the
                                                       industry and associated trades or        chairs of the 11 industry divisions,
                                                       businesses;                              each being a Board member. I thank
                                                                                                them for their duty, commitment
                                                     • to participate in, promote and
                                                                                                and contributions to the Board’s
                                                       encourage all forms of education
                                                                                                deliberations and corporate governance.
                                                       and training supportive of the
                                                       development of the motor vehicle         They are:
                                                       industry and associated trades or
                                                                                                • David Fraser, MTA Queensland
                                                       businesses in Queensland; and
                                                                                                  Chairman and Chair of the
                                                     • to do any such other lawful things         Queensland Farm & Industrial
                                                       as may appear to be incidental or          Machinery Dealer Division (QFIMDD)
                                                       conducive to the above Objects in
                                                                                                • Mark Bryers, MTA Queensland
                                                       any of them.
                                                                                                  Vice Chairman and Chair of the
                                                                                                  Engine Reconditioners Association
                                                     MTA Queensland Board                         Queensland (ERAQ)
                                                     Your Board, over the past year, has        • Paul Peterson, MTA Queensland
                                                     been diligent in attending to these          Secretary and Chair of the Queensland
                                                     multifaceted responsibilities in the         Motorcycle Industry Division (QMID)

02 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
The Professional Circle was an initiative agreed at
                                           the 30th October 2015 annual Board meeting and
                                           announced at the President’s Ball the following
                                           evening. It has been rolled out over the past year.

• Garth Madill, Chair of the Australian    I look forward to their contributions             (MTAI) General Manager Paul Kulpa.
  Automotive Dealer Association Qld        and input into the Association’s                  I thank each for their service to the
  (AADA (Qld))                             governance and administration.                    Board, the membership, their belief in/
                                                                                             and accomplishing the Objects set out
• Lawrie Beecham, Chair of the             The Board’s deliberations are enhanced            in the MTA Queensland’s Rules and
  Automotive Parts Recyclers Division      by the contributions of our regional              for their integrity and professionalism
  (APRD)                                   representatives who bring to the                  in performing their duties.
• Tim Kane, Chair of the Service Station   table an umbrella perspective of the
  & Convenience Store Association          automotive value chain economic
  Queensland (SSCSAQ)                      circumstances and policy issues in                Professional Circle
                                           their areas. I thank them for their valued        The Professional Circle was an initiative
• John Ruddick, Chair of the Tyre &                                                          agreed at the 30th October 2015
                                           input. They are:
  Undercar Division of Queensland                                                            annual Board meeting and announced
  (TUDQ)                                   • Mark Dodge, Far North Queensland
                                                                                             at the President’s Ball the following
                                             Region Representative
• Mark Dodge, Chair of the                                                                   evening. It has been rolled out over the
  Automotive Engineers Division            • Rod Pether, North Queensland                    past year. It is based on the premise
                                             Region Representative                           of ‘trust and professionalism’ which
                                           • James Robertson, Central                        is at the heart of MTA Queensland’s
• Michael Kennedy, Chair of the
                                             Queensland Region Representative                philosophy and culture and is built on
  Automotive Remarketing Division                                                            the five ‘pillars’ of Advocacy, Services,
  (ARD)                                    Former Board member and past                      Training, Support and Innovation.
• Steve Eaton, Chair of the National       Chairman of AADA (Qld) Len Daddow
                                           was honoured with Life Membership at
  Auto Collision Alliance (NACA)
                                           the 30th October 2015 annual Board                Corporate Office
• Chris Ching, Chair of the Rental                                                           The corporate office is the kernel of
                                           lunch in recognition of his long service
  Vehicle Industry Division (RVID)         and support to the MTA Queensland                 our structure. It is professionally and
                                           and AADA (Qld). He became a Board                 competently led by CEO Dr Brett Dale
In the coming year there will be
                                           member in 1985 and served two                     and the Executive Team assisted by a
three new Board members. The                                                                 skilled and loyal staff. The important
                                           terms as AADA (Qld) Chairman.
Chair of AADA (Qld), Garth Madill;                                                           corporate tasks of administration,
the Chair of the TUDQ, John Ruddick;                                                         service delivery, advocacy, industrial
and the Chair of the NACA, Steve           Executive Team                                    relations advice, communications and
Eaton, are retiring. Garth Madill served   The Board appointed Dr Brett Dale as              skilling/training our future workforce
AADA Qld for four years, John Ruddick      Group Chief Executive (CEO) in May                have been sustained and delivered at
led the TUDQ for 13 years, and Steve       2016. Dr Dale served from 2006-12                 a high level. On behalf of the Board,
Eaton represented Far North Qld            as the Managing Director of the MTA               I thank Dr Dale and each officer for
members for 12 years and marshalled        Institute. The position of CEO had                their professionalism, dedication and
the NACA for two years. On behalf          been vacant for some six months and               commitment to the Association and
                                           on behalf of the Board I thank Steve              to the membership. Thank you.
of the Board I thank each for their
                                           Ghost, the former Managing Director
dedicated leadership, service and
                                           of Strategic Operations, for acting in
loyalty to their respective divisions
                                           the role for that period and for his
of the motor trades and to the             contributions to the Association. Steve           Secretary Paul Peterson and CFO
Association. Our best wishes are           moved to pursue other opportunities.              Kathy Winkcup have the responsibility
with them in the new phases of                                                               for MTA Queensland’s accounting
their lives.                               In between Board meetings, the                    policies and systems and maintaining
                                           governance and administration of the              the comprehensive statements of
On behalf of the Board I welcome:          Association rests with the Executive              income and expenditure. Best practice
                                           Team which includes CEO Dr Brett                  strategic business and financial
• James Sturges, Chair of AADA (Qld)
                                           Dale, General Manager Kellie Dewar,               management underpins all processes
• Brad Collett, Chair of TUDQ              Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO)                 and procedures. The processing
• Ben Chesterfield, Chair of NACA          Kathy Winkcup and MTA Institute                   of financial and information data is

                                                                Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 03
Chairman’s Report continued
                                                     A prime focus has been the MTA Queensland’s deregistration
                                                     as a state-registered organisation. With the advent of Work
                                                     Choices and then the Fair Work system, all members were
                                                     brought into the federal industrial relations system.

electronic and I place on record the                                                             Dr Paul Murray (Ph.D.), is providing
competency of the Association’s Chief
                                                     Membership services                         advice and support to members on
Information Officer, James Orr.                        MTA Queensland services provided            the full suite of workplace relations.
                                                     to the membership are valued. This
On behalf of the Board, I thank Kathy                was one of the results of the survey of     A prime focus has been the MTA
Winkcup and Paul Peterson for their                  members on a range of issues. Almost        Queensland’s deregistration as a
integrity, commitment and diligence                  77 per cent indicated ‘it was the value     state-registered organisation. With
to their respective duties and roles.                of the MTA Queensland services in           the advent of Work Choices and then
I commend to members Secretary                       support of (their businesses)’ that         the Fair Work system, all members
Paul Peterson’s Financial Report                     was important to their membership.          were brought into the federal industrial
for the year ended June 2016.                        These include advocacy, publications,       relations system. There is no longer a
                                                     communications, industrial relations,       necessity for the Association to retain
The Association’s finances are audited               technical advice and customer service       its state registration. The Board, at its
by BDO Audit Pty Ltd, Brisbane-                      relations. Much credit for members’         12th May 2016 meeting, agreed to
based accountants specialising in                    high nomination of the ‘services            the deregistration process. Under the
audit, tax and advisory services. On                 in support of their businesses’ is          State Industrial Relations Act 1999,
behalf of the Board, I thank BDO for                 with General Manager Kellie Dewar           the full bench of the State Industrial
their assiduity and professionalism.                 and her team for the friendly and           Relations Commission must be satisfied
I commend to members the                             professional delivery of these services.    a majority of members have agreed by
Independent Auditor’s Report.                                                                    ballot to do so. I’m pleased to report
                                                     In response to the survey question          that members endorsed deregistration
                                                     ‘which service members valued’,             with overwhelming support.
Advocacy                                             72 per cent of respondents nominated
Under our Rules, advocacy is a primary               industrial relations whilst 63 per          On behalf of the Board, I thank Ted
duty in the interests of employers                   cent designated industry updates.           Kowalski and Dr Paul Murray for their
connected with the motor trades.                     Other services such as technical            service and advice to members on
Throughout the past eight years,                     information, legal advice and               motor trades and employer matters.
General Manager Kellie Dewar has                     consumer complaints rated well.
                                                                                                 I commend to members
carried the advocacy responsibility,
                                                     The 11 divisions that are the               Industrial Relations Manager
resulting in our standing as the peak
                                                     cornerstones of the Association rely on     Ted Kowalski’s report.
body representing the motor trades
being recognised and respected                       the support services provided by Kellie
by all levels of government.                         Dewar and her staff. Each Divisional         Industry Awareness
Over the past year, the full suite of
                                                     Chair, in their respective report, has      - Public Relations
                                                     acknowledged the individual care
advocacy tools has been used to                                                                  Integral to industry awareness and
                                                     delivered by Kellie’s team in processing
                                                                                                 public relations is increasing the
articulate the Association’s policies                issues and the high standard of
                                                                                                 Association’s profile, knowledge of
and views. These include engagement                  professionalism in assisting them with
                                                                                                 policies and views across all media
with stakeholders, deputations, letters,             their committee work and policies.
                                                                                                 platforms. Over the past 12 months,
briefs, submissions, appearance before
                                                     On behalf of the Board, I thank             your Association has enhanced
parliamentary committees and fora
                                                     Kellie Dewar and her team for               its communication capability both
attendance. Priority issues addressed
                                                     their professionalism, service and          in print and electronic form.
included responding to the Queensland
Government’s Biofuels Mandate                        commitment to the membership.
                                                                                                 The Motor Trader magazine is in its
policies, the Queensland Parliamentary                                                           82nd year of publication as the voice
                                                     I commend to members General
Legal Affairs and Community Safety                                                                of the motor trades and is one of the
                                                     Manager Kellie Dewar’s report.
Committee’s Inquiry on Lemon                                                                     oldest trade magazines in the nation.
Laws, the Australian Consumer                                                                    There are 11 editions each year
Law Review, and the National                         Industrial Relations                        containing columns from senior officers,
Transport Commission’s Regulatory                    The priority for our Industrial Relations   promotional stories about members
options for automated vehicles.                      team led by Ted Kowalski, assisted by       and their businesses with emphasis on

04 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
The Professional Circle embodies training delivered
                                           by the MTAI with the philosophy of ‘the right training,
                                           in the right place and in the right way’.

skills and training. Produced in-house,    training organisation (RTO) entering               pathway for students to enter the
editor Jonathan Nash ensures it is a       into vocational training of automotive             automotive industry. To help deliver
source for motor trades’ information,      traineeships and apprenticeships.                  the program to regional areas, the
policy and advocacy news and               Since that time, the MTAI has grown to             MTA Queensland invested in a Mobile
entertainment. Jonathan too, is the        be the premier provider of automotive              Training Unit - a fully-equipped mobile
editor of the Australian Tyre Dealer       vocational training in Queensland.                 ‘workshop’ designed to enable
which is the authority on tyre industry                                                       automotive training in any location.
issues. It is distributed nationally to    The Professional Circle embodies
a wide readership six times a year.        training delivered by the MTAI with                Hands-on training has been enhanced
                                           the philosophy of ‘the right training,             by industry donors lending or
Further developing our digital marketing   in the right place and in the right way’.          providing equipment, training aids,
capacity, and the capability to                                                               tools and specialist vehicles. In
support members desiring to create         Highlighting this approach, for
                                                                                              particular, the generosity of Century
and benefit from this promotional          example, the MTAI developed a new
                                                                                              Yuasa, Tony Bonanno and Suncorp
technique, has been a priority. For        training course to help businesses
                                                                                              is acknowledged and appreciated.
this purpose, the MTA Queensland           familiarise themselves with hybrid
website has been refreshed and             vehicles. The Hybrid Electric Vehicle              On behalf of the MTA Queensland
expanded, and an increased social          Introductory Course was designed                   Board, I thank the MTAI Board
media presence across the online           specifically for automotive repairers              and General Manager Paul Kulpa
channels of Facebook, Twitter,             who want to understand hybrid                      for the successful delivery of a
LinkedIn and YouTube has enhanced          technology and associated safe work                central element of our Rules which
communication and the sharing of           practices. In addition, an Advanced                includes ‘promote and encourage
content with members, stakeholders         Hybrid Electric Vehicle Course has                 all forms of education and training
and the public. This has been              been introduced to the MTAI training               supportive of the development
strengthened with the appointment of a     portfolio. In an environment in which              of the motor vehicle industry’.
Digital Communications Coordinator.        hybrid and all-electric vehicles
                                           are becoming more common, the                      Appreciation is extended to the
Together, these media platforms            course offers industry professionals                current MTAI Board comprising of Chair
contribute to establishing the             comprehensive training in a sector of              Mr Ian Lawrence, Deputy Chair and
credentials of the Association to          industry that will continue to grow.               Director Mr David Fraser, Directors Mr
members, stakeholders, government
                                                                                              Alan Bonsall and Mark Brady, General
agencies and the public by                 The past year has seen the MTAI
                                                                                              Manager Training Paul Kulpa, MTAI
disseminating the views and news           commence new training programs
                                                                                              trainers and staff for their commitment
of our several industry sectors.           in conjunction with its full suite of
                                                                                              and passion to the training of students
                                           accredited courses. These included
On behalf of the Board I thank editor                                                         and for embedding within the MTAI
                                           training programs under the State
Jonathan Nash and his team for the                                                            a culture of respect and learning.
                                           Government’s Skilling Queenslanders
insightful and enjoyable automotive                                                           I acknowledge the service of former
                                           for Work Initiative designed to provide
stories in the publications and                                                               Director Steve Ghost and welcome
                                           skills development, training and
distributing timely relevant information                                                      MTA Queensland Secretary and QMID
                                           job opportunities to unemployed,
across our communication platforms.                                                           Chair Paul Peterson as a Director.
                                           disengaged and disadvantaged
                                           Queenslanders. A new pre-vocational                I commend General Manager
Training                                   course called Auto Initiation was                  Paul Kulpa’s comprehensive
The Association is now in its 41st         introduced under the Community                     report to members.
year of training people for the motor      Work Skills element of the Skilling
trades. Commencing in 1975, basic          Queenslanders for Work Initiative. It
business training courses were             has been delivered by MTAI trainers in             President’s Ball
provided for its members and staff.         regional areas and offers automotive                The precedent has been set
In 1997, with the deregulation of the      training in ‘life skills’ such as motivation,      for the annual President’s
vocational training market, the MTA        financial management, literacy and                 Ball to be a celebration of
Institute (MTAI) became a registered       work placement. It provides a solid                achievement and camaraderie.

                                                                 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 05
Chairman’s Report continued
                                                     The MTA Queensland Board is committed to the
                                                     Rules on which it was founded and has resolved
                                                     to continue to apply best practice governance to
                                                     all its endeavours.

In its third year, the event held on
31st October 2015 at the Hilton
                                                     In Memoriam
                                                     To all members who have
Brisbane, was no exception. It was
                                                     experienced bereavement, we
hosted by Brisbane radio personality
                                                     extend sincere sympathy.
Paul Campion with speakers including
Suncorp National Industry - Strategic
Operations Manager Rob Barlett,                      Congratulations
Capricorn Society Head of Sales                      On behalf of the Association,
Australia Dale Durden, MTAA Super                    I congratulate all members who have
CEO Leeanne Turner and myself.                       won prestigious awards and received
                                                     recognition for business excellence.
The function provided me with the
platform to launch the Professional
Circle. A video presentation explained
                                                     The Future
the Professional Circle concept.                     The MTA Queensland Board is
                                                     committed to the Rules on which it was
The highlight of the evening was the                 founded and has resolved to continue
announcement of the Apprentice                       to apply best practice governance to
of the Year and the Innovation and                   all its endeavors. For 87 years, at one
Community Awards. Selected from a                    time or another, these core principles
field of seven nominees, the winner                  have been the beacon for motor trades’
of the Apprentice of the Year Award                  employers to prevail through diversities
                                                     such as ‘the great depression’, a
and the MTAA Super prize of $2,000
                                                     world war, credit restrictions of the
was Luke Roxburgh from Absolute
                                                     20th century, a global financial crisis,
Car Care in Brisbane. Congratulations
                                                     several severe climatic catastrophes
to Luke and a sincere ‘thank you’ to
                                                     and great technological change. Central
MTAA Super for their generosity.                     to our belief is entrepreneurialism
The MTA Queensland Community                         and a culture of service to our
                                                     customers and the general public now
Award was presented to the Bruce
                                                     expressed in the Professional Circle.
Lynton Automotive Group for their
generous and ongoing support to a                    The Association’s challenge is to
wide range of charities and community                prepare for, and adapt to, on-going
initiatives. The MTA Queensland                      changes in the motor trades that
Innovation Award was presented                       inevitably will occur during this century,
to David Mohr of Chip Tyre for tyre                  provide high quality advocacy on behalf
recycling which meets all Environment                of members, consolidate our position
Protection Authority standards.                      as Queensland’s peak motor trades
                                                     organisation and provide the leadership
                                                     to fulfill the Object of our Rules.
Annual Golf Day
The 67th Annual Motor Trade Golf                     I commend this report to members.
Tournament was held on Thursday 20th
                                                     David Fraser
October at the Nudgee Golf Club.
                                                     Chairman, MTA Queensland
It is an 18-hole Stableford competition
with players competing for the Motor
Trade Cup. The winners received
a replica of the Cup and a special
trophy. On behalf of the Board, I thank
members who donated trophies.

06 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
Secretary’s Report

                     . . . during 2016/17, the focus will be on building
                     the membership and expanding the Association’s
                     commercial activities and offerings.

                     The financial accounts, as presented,              operating activities, but has invested
                     were audited by BDO Audit Pty Ltd.                 in property, plant and equipment and
                                                                        shares (under Investing Activities) that
                     Financial Results 30th June 2016                   together amount to a sum greater
                                                                        than the operating cash profit. These
                     Deficit attributable to members of                 investments were made to continue
                     the Organisation                                   improvements that will enable the
Paul Peterson        This year’s deficit attributable to                Association to deliver quality products
Secretary            members of the organisation was                    and services to members.
MTA Queensland       $621,913. This was due to the decrease
                                                                      General comments
                     in revenue of more than 8 per cent.
                     Significant operating income changes             Significant initiatives have been
                     during 2016 compared to 2015 were: -             developed during 2015-16 to establish
                                                                      wider engagement with the automotive
                     • Grant income of $632,428. The grant            community. A commitment to the
                       in the previous year represented the           concept of the Professional Circle
                       Apprenticeship Mentor program which            and the development of strong and
                       completed in June 2015                         growing communication with members,
                     • Training income decreased by more              industry and the public has seen the
                       than 2 per cent. This was a result of          investment in online engagement -
                       a reduction in apprenticeship student          including through the MTA Queensland
                       numbers nationally                             website and social media avenues
                     • MTAA House dividends decreased                 – begin to show solid returns.
                       significantly from $163,400 to $47,500         MTA Queensland has been faced
                     Balance Sheet                                    with challenges within the Vocational
                                                                      Education and Training industry with
                     The equity position of the Association
                                                                      increased competition over the past
                     remains strong at $15,181,950.
                                                                      few years from an increased number of
                     • MTA Queensland holds 19 units, of              private providers now delivering flexible
                       a total 115 units, in MTAA House               delivery models within the automotive
                       in Canberra that has a fair value of           industry, as well as a decline in school
                       $2,181,083. This investment currently          leavers entering apprenticeships.
                       has the consent from 83.5 per cent             Demand for vocational education
                       of Unit Holders to put the property up         from school leavers has declined due
                       for sale with the minimum acceptable           to government making available a
                       sale price to be set at not less than          greater number of places for university
                       the current valuation                          undergraduate students. Consequently,
                     • Investment portfolio with Dalton               during 2016/17, the focus will be
                       Nicol Reid comprising investments              on building the membership and
                       in ordinary shares listed on the               expanding the Association’s commercial
                       Australian Securities Exchange. Value          activities and offerings. Delivering
                       at the end of the reporting period was         quality services and representation to
                       $1,335,044, an increase of 3.7 per             members remains at the heart of the
                       cent. Since March 2013, the portfolio          MTA Queensland’s strategy and vision.
                       has returned approximately 11.22
                                                                      I would like to thank all the members for
                       per cent p.a. using the internal rate of
                                                                      their support and look forward to this
                       return, not including franking credits
                                                                      continuing for many years to come.
                     Cashflow                                         Paul Peterson
                     • The Association ran at a profit on its         Secretary, MTA Queensland

                                         Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 07
Group Chief Executive’s Report
                                                     My initial focus has been to establish the platform
                                                     from which to advance the benchmarks of advocacy,
                                                     services, support, training and innovation in the best
                                                     interests of our members.

                                                     The Motor Trades Association of                • The establishment of a business
                                                     Queensland Board appointed me to                 development team to promote and
                                                     the role of Group Chief Executive in             grow the MTA Queensland and the
                                                     May 2016. It has been an honour                  Professional Circle;
                                                     to return to the MTA Queensland to             • Cooperation with interstate Motor
                                                     implement the Board’s decisions and              Trades Associations to establish a
                                                     policies, provide the leadership to              national collaborative arrangement;
Brett Dale                                           the corporate office and to serve the              and
Chief Executive Officer                                membership of all our divisional groups.
                                                                                                    • Negotiations on training programs
MTA Queensland                                                                                        with federal and state training entities.
                                                     Although a short partnership and tenure
                                                     to date, the team and I have hit the
                                                                                                    To implement these across the Group,
                                                     ground running. My initial focus has been
                                                                                                    and to achieve positive outcomes, relies
                                                     to establish the platform from which to
                                                                                                    on the professionalism and goodwill
                                                     advance the benchmarks of advocacy,
                                                                                                    within the corporate office. I thank
                                                     services, support, training and innovation
                                                                                                    General Managers Kellie Dewar and
                                                     in the best interests of our members.
                                                                                                    Paul Kulpa, CFO Kathy Winkcup and
                                                     This has required a multifaceted
                                                                                                    all staff for their courtesies to me
                                                     approach built on collaboration,
                                                                                                    during a period of significant
                                                     inclusiveness, professionalism and trust
                                                                                                    management change, for their
                                                     with staff, members and the broad range
                                                                                                    willingness to respond to new goals
                                                     of stakeholders.
                                                                                                    and to enthusiastically advance the
                                                     Increasingly and consultatively I initiated:   MTA Queensland Group.

                                                     • Staff engagement mechanisms;
                                                     • Interactions with Divisional Chairs;
                                                                                                    The motor trades and the
                                                     • The procedures to implement the
                                                       Group’s 2016-18 Strategic Plan;              Those of you who have followed my
                                                     • The membership growth strategy;              column in Motor Trader magazine
                                                                                                    in recent months will have noted my
                                                     • The advocacy actions to raise the            interest in the economy and its impact
                                                       profile of the Association:                  on the motor trades. Indeed, in several
                                                       » within the retail, service and repair      reports from the MTA Queensland
                                                         sectors of the motor trades;               divisional chairs, they indicate differing
                                                       » with local and interstate                  business circumstances. Some express
                                                         stakeholders; and                          ‘a positive trading year’, including
                                                       » with political representatives at          significant membership growth, whilst
                                                         local, state and federal levels            others experienced ‘patchy/varied
                                                         through communications and direct          trading conditions’ with a limited
                                                         engagement;                                increase in new personnel and static
                                                                                                    renewals including business closures.
                                                     • The implementation of effective
                                                                                                    Although business volatility prevailed,
                                                       corporate governance arrangements
                                                                                                    there was optimism particularly with
                                                       for relationships, systems and
                                                                                                    ‘the Professional Circle championing
                                                       processes to ensure compliance with
                                                                                                    the MTA Queensland members’ high
                                                       the Association’s rules. This includes
                                                                                                    industry standards for workmanship.’
                                                       reviewing corporate risk, occupational
                                                       health and safety, and member                Consistent themes were identified
                                                       engagement strategies;                       by Chairs as impacting on their
                                                     • The activity schedule for the 2016-17        businesses in the past financial
                                                       financial year;                              year. These comprised challenging

08 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
Members have embraced the Professional Circle,
                                            recognising the marketing advantage of being
                                            ‘in the circle’ with the associated branding in
                                            their workplace and office.

government policies, the long lead-up       The economic outlook for the coming
to the federal election; the appreciating   financial year depends on whether
Australian dollar; fluctuating consumer     the ‘glass is half full or half empty’.
confidence; the transition to a services    Corporate Partners Dun and Bradstreet
and broader based economy after the         (D&B) produce and circulate the
resources boom with the consequential       Business Expectations Survey. In its
impacts on regional businesses and          final quarter for 2016 edition, it stated
communities, and regulatory obligations.    that 54.2 per cent of businesses are
The economic message from the               more optimistic about growth in the next
membership is that to progress and be       12 months compared to 2015, while
profitable, business needs an economic,     34.1 per cent are less optimistic and
industrial and financial environment that   11.8 per cent are undecided. In the year
                                            ahead, 15.4 per cent of businesses see
provides certainty, enabling confidence
                                            weak demand for their products and
to invest, expand, maintain and create
                                            services as the biggest barrier
the jobs of the future.
                                            to growth, while 13.2 per cent see
The MTA Queensland’s purpose is             utilities and operational costs as the
to deliver the services and policies        biggest barrier.
to members for their businesses
                                            For all members, I trust your economic
to prosper and meet ‘change’ with           outlook is more than ‘a glass half
knowledge and confidence. To                full’ and that 2016-17 is a year of
assist the membership with their            certainty, confidence and prosperity.
businesses, the MTA Queensland              I undertake to concentrate our efforts on
drew on its core principles of ‘trust       promoting the benefits of our members’
and professionalism’, which is at the       businesses to consumers through the
heart of its philosophy and culture,        Professional Circle campaign.
to establish the Professional Circle.
Underpinning it are the 10 commitments      I thank the Board for entrusting me
which act as vital credentials to the       with the role of Group Chief Executive
public on the professionalism and           which I undertake with enthusiasm and
trustworthiness of the motor trade          diligence in the best interests of the
with which they transact business.          MTA Queensland membership.
These are: Honesty; Professionalism;        Dr Brett Dale DBA
Transparency; Courtesy; Integrity; Care;    Chief Executive Officer,
Clarity; Proactivity; Accountability and    MTA Queensland

Members have embraced the
Professional Circle, recognising the
marketing advantage of being ‘in the
Circle’ with the associated branding
in their workplace and office. Your
business is not only part of the
Professional Circle but a key contributor
to the automotive value chain. To
put that into perspective, there are
some 13,000 automotive value chain
businesses, employing more than
90,000 people, generating in excess of
$14.5 billion annually.

                                                                Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 09
Member Services and Support
                                                     Advocacy requires substance and patience. In the
                                                     past year there have been policy achievements at
                                                     both Commonwealth and state levels in which we
                                                     can take pride and highlight.

                                                                                                  of automotive industries such as smash
                                                     Advocacy                                     repair, retailing and service parts to
                                                     Our approach to advocacy and policy          engage in competition on their own merits
                                                     work has always been about being             and provide enhanced consumer choice.
                                                     consistent with beliefs and positions and
                                                     engaging in the process with all levels of   At the state level, important to achieving
                                                     government. The MTA Queensland has           outcomes for the membership are the
                                                     been very successful with its advocacy       constructive working partnerships with
Kellie Dewar
                                                     and members can take pride in the            the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), the
General Manager
                                                     achievements that have been to the           Department of Transport and Main
MTA Queensland
                                                     advantage of their business operations.      Roads (TMR) and the Department
                                                                                                  of Energy and Water Supply (DEW).
                                                     The content of our submissions was
                                                                                                  Through collaboration with TMR Officers,
                                                     quoted in part in two separate reports.
                                                                                                  a resolution to motorcycle brake
                                                     The first was in the Queensland
                                                                                                  testing to the benefit of all parties was
                                                     Parliamentary Finance and Administration
                                                                                                  achieved. Equally, by working with the
                                                     Committee report relating to the Workers’
                                                                                                  OFT, positive outcomes were achieved
                                                     Compensation and Rehabilitation and
                                                                                                  for the Automotive Remarketing Division.
                                                     Other Legislation Amendment Bill
                                                                                                  Sharing data with the OFT from the
                                                     2015. The second was in the Senate
                                                                                                  Association’s ‘Dob in a backyarder’
                                                     Economics Legislation Committee report
                                                                                                  website enabled Fair Trading officers to
                                                     on the Treasury Legislation Amendment
                                                                                                  identify locations where it was suspected
                                                     (Small Business and Unfair Contract Bill
                                                                                                  that illegal activities were taking place.
                                                     2015) Provisions.
                                                                                                  Over the course of the operation, 32
                                                     Advocacy requires substance and              businesses were identified as trading
                                                     patience. In the past year, there have       illegally and compliance action was
                                                     been policy achievements at both             taken against them.
                                                     Commonwealth and state levels in
                                                                                                  Advocacy and policy work is about the
                                                     which we can take pride and highlight.
                                                     A long term strategic policy goal from       medium and longer term goals and
                                                     the commencement of the Australian           we have been contributing to some
                                                     Consumer Law process has been to             policy agendas over many years - some
                                                     extend unfair contract term protections      spanning over a decade and others in
                                                     to small business. After seven years of      shorter bursts. The latter has been the
                                                     advocacy, the standard form contracts        case with the Biofuels Mandate over
                                                     for unfair contract terms for contracts      the last 12 months. As detailed in the
                                                     entered into or renewed on or after          SSCSAQ Chairman’s Report, we have
                                                     12 November 2016 comes into effect.           made five submissions and participated
                                                                                                  in seven meetings and other
                                                     The second relates to reform of S46          stakeholder engagement activities since
                                                     (misuse of market power) of the              the last Annual Chairman’s Report.
                                                     Australian Competition and Consumer
                                                     Act. In several submissions, our policy      Extensive representation of member
                                                     position has been for an ‘effects test’       interests by the Association over the
                                                     as the determinant of the misuse of          last 12 months are detailed below:
                                                     market power. The Bill to implement this
                                                     measure is in the consultation process
                                                     and the trust is that it receives the        • Congratulations to Prime Minister
                                                     necessary support to pass both Houses          Hon Malcolm Turnbull Government
                                                     and become law. This policy, from our          Ministry with portfolios relevant to
                                                     perspective, will increase the capacity        the motor trades

10 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
Getting out and about to see our members is
                                            key on my calendar with visits completed in
                                            Townsville, Atherton and Cairns.

• Congratulations to Leader of the          • Jobs Queensland Bill 2015
  Opposition Hon Bill Shorten and
                                                                                             Regional Visits
                                            • Compulsory Third Party Scheme
  Shadow Ministers with portfolios                                                           Getting out and about to see our
  relevant to the motor trades                                                               members is key on my calendar
                                            • Small Business and Unfair Contract             with visits completed in Townsville,
• Congratulations to Queensland               Terms Bill 2015                                Atherton and Cairns. Our next
  Senators and House of
                                            • Australian Consumer Law Review                 schedule highlights Hervey Bay/
  Representative Members on their
                                            • Workers’ Compensation and                      Maryborough, Bundaberg, Toowoomba
                                              Rehabilitation and other Legislation           and the Sunshine Coast. Our corporate
• Congratulations to Hon Tim Nicholls                                                        partners generously gave up their
                                              Amendment Bill
  and Shadow Ministers with portfolios                                                       time to come along on our North
  relevant to the motor trades              • Treasury Legislation Amendment
                                                                                             Queensland road trip and will be
                                              (Small Business and Unfair Contract
• Congratulations to Hon Stirling                                                            joining us again for our next schedule
                                              Bill 2015) Provisions
  Hinchliffe on appointment as Minster                                                        – where available.
  for Transport                             • Discussion paper - Regulatory options
                                              for automated vehicles                         These meetings allow members to
• Letter to the Member for Forde Bert                                                        express their views on local industry
                                            • Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol and
  Van Manen supporting his advocacy                                                          issues, give us an opportunity to
                                              Other Biofuels Mandate) Amendment
  for small business tax policy                                                              promote MTA Queensland services,
                                              Bill 2015
• Pre-budget priorities letter to the                                                        activities and the advantages of being
                                            • Response to the Department of
  Queensland Treasurer Hon Curtis Pitt                                                       in the Professional Circle for members’
                                              State Development’s “Queensland
• Pre-budget priorities letter to the                                                        businesses, and allow our corporate
                                              Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap”
  Australian Treasury’s Budget Division                                                      partners to promote their services.
                                            • Response to the Queensland                     We will keep you posted through my
• MTA Queensland Federal Election             Government’s “Toward a clean                   Viewpoint column in Motor Trader on
  Policy Initiatives - Leaders of the         energy economy: achieving a biofuel            the development of our visit schedule
  major political parties                     mandate for Queensland”                        so be sure to check when we might be
• Letter to Minister for Energy, Biofuels   • Biofuels Mandate Implementation                in your area and come and say hello.
  and Water Supply concerning the             Paper 1 - Retail Threshold                     We’d love to see you there.
  petrol price summit
                                            • Biofuels Mandate Implementation
Submissions                                   - Biofuels Mandate Exemption                   Communication
• Vehicle Emissions Discussion Paper                                                         In addition to calling on our members
                                            • Biofuels Mandate Implementation -              face to face, we rely on many different
  February 2016
                                              Proposed Sustainability Criteria               forms of communication, including
• Advocating for small business and
                                                                                             my Viewpoint column. To ensure
  family enterprises                        Hearings
                                                                                             these are working effectively, please
• Australian Small Business and Family      • Lemon Laws - An Inquiry into                   ensure we have the correct contact
  Enterprise Ombudsman Bill 2015              consumer protections and remedies              details for your business - especially
• Options to strengthen the misuse of         for buyers of new motor vehicles               email addresses. The best contact
  market power                              • Ethanol and Biofuels Mandate                   point is someone who is across the
• Treasury Legislation Amendment                                                             operation and can distribute relevant
  (Spring Repeal Day) Bill 2015             Fora                                             information to the right person in
                                            State Government’s Inaugural Advance             the business.
• Motor Accident Insurance
  Commission - review of the limits         Queensland Innovation and Investment             Liaison with members in the field
  to apply to Compulsory Third Party        Summit                                           is the responsibility of divisional
  premiums for quarterly assessment                                                          executives Colin Fitzpatrick (Tweed to
  periods                                                                                    the Brisbane Rivers and the Western
• Lemon Laws - An Inquiry into              • Office of Fair Trading                           areas), Ian Cole (Brisbane River
  consumer protections and remedies         • Department of Transport and                    north side to Bundaberg) and Andy
  for buyers of new motor vehicles            Main Roads                                     O’Hearn (Gladstone to Cape York).

                                                                Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 11
Member Services and Support continued
                                                     Three significant initiatives implemented over the past
                                                     12 months have been the Professional Circle, the Customer
                                                     Service Management (CRM) system, and communications
                                                     expansion to include the full social media suite.

The divisional executives provide advice             half of Australian businesses missing       business with a vast audience is here to
from their field contacts into the several           out on the potential business that can      stay and the MTA Queensland can help
motor trades’ divisions.                             be generated through online avenues.        you to promote your business in this
                                                                                                 digital domain. For those of you who
                                                     The MTA Queensland has embraced
Significant initiatives                              these opportunities, transforming how
                                                                                                 have yet to do so, now it the time to get
                                                                                                 online and embrace this opportunity.
Three significant initiatives implemented            it communicates and engages with
over the past 12 months have been                    members, the industry and the public.
the Professional Circle, the Customer                Through channels including Facebook,        Industry guides
Service Management (CRM) system,                     Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, we can       Personal Property Securities
and communications expansion to                      now instantly let you know of industry      Register
include the full social media suite. The             updates, industrial relations news,
CRM involved a holistic change to our                new courses available through the           The Australian Financial Security
administrative and communications                    MTA Institute and of the successes          Authority has released an important,
tasks. The Professional Circle continues             and achievements of members and             helpful and useful guide to the
to evolve as we connect consumers                    apprentices.                                Personal Property and Securities
with the concept and benefits of dealing                                                         Register (PPSR). The guide points
with a member they can trust that is                 These channels also allow us to             out that ‘Personal Property’ translates
‘inside the Circle’. The Professional                promote members’ businesses and             to ‘Goods/Assets’ and ‘Securities
Circle represents the benchmark of                   the response to our presence in the         Register’ to ‘Debt’. It is intended to
industry standards and embraces                      social media arena has been very            help businesses not familiar with the
all things that make a difference to                  positive – the number of people ‘liking’    practical implications of the PPSR and
everyone dealing with a business in the              the MTA Queensland Facebook page            explains how businesses might benefit
motor trades. Ensure you prominently                 has increased more than 350 per cent
                                                                                                 from using the national online system.
display the Professional Circle material             in the past six months.
                                                                                                 The guide is on our website and also
to provide a clear distinction that you                                                          may be accessed at
                                                     The MTA Queensland is your
are an MTA Queensland member who is
                                                     Association, representing you, and there
‘inside the Circle’.                                                                             Guidance on the Uncollected
                                                     is nothing we want to do more than
                                                                                                 Goods Act
                                                     to share your stories with our online
Social Media                                         audience. An example of just how far        The Disposal of Uncollected Goods
We are in a period of great change                   the content we promote can reach is         Act 1967 (“the Act”) prescribes how
when it comes to how we communicate                  a Facebook post announcing one of           and when the disposal of uncollected
with each other.                                     MTAI’s apprentices being awarded the        goods can occur and what must be
                                                     Ulysess Club Australia Apprentice of        done if there is a dispute about the
According to the Australian Bureau                   the Year Award for the Qld/NT zone.         return of the goods. Any goods that
of Statistics (ABS), 86 per cent of                  Just one Facebook post showcasing           are accepted in the course of business
households in Australia have access                  this fantastic achievement reached more     for inspection, custody, storage, repair
to the internet and, on average, people              than 2,900 people across the state.         or other treatment, and intended to
spend 10 hours a week of their
personal time online. And yet, though                This is the type of news and content        be re-delivered may, if uncollected,
these statistics would seem to make                  that the Association strives to promote     be sold under the provisions of the
it obvious that every business would                 - news that is positive, keeps the future   Act. Of particular importance to motor
be more profitable if it were to have an             generation of our industry involved and     traders are the special provisions in
online presence, figures suggest this                engaged, and spreads the word to            the Act applicable to the disposal of
opportunity is being missed by many.                 the public that the automotive industry     uncollected motor vehicles.
                                                     offers credible, value-added and
The ABS reports that 98.4 per cent of                                                            Our Legal Partners, Bennet and Philp,
                                                     fantastic career opportunities for people
businesses had internet access but only                                                          developed a guide to the Act for
                                                     of all ages.
48.6 per cent had a web presence and                                                             motor traders, and it is available to our
a mere 34 per cent had a social media                Social media, websites and the              members for reference. Please contact
presence. That translates to more than               internet’s ability to connect your          us for a copy.

12 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
Our divisional committees go to the heart of our
                                           structure. Specifically, their role is established in the
                                           MTA Queensland constitution which is to ‘more effectively
                                           implement the Objects of MTA Queensland’.

SCAMS: What you need to know                 to national, state and territory                membership, industry divisions are
about scams targeting small                  consumer protection agencies                    vital for the substance and quality of
business                                                                                     the dialogue. Ideally, the membership
                                           Motor vehicle sales & repairs -                   should be diverse and effective in
Scams that target small business are       an Industry Guide to the Australian               providing the foras for the voicing of
becoming increasingly sophisticated        Consumer Law                                      views and issues for resolution or
and scammers will go to great lengths
to convince you that the documents         This guide provides information on the            advocacy. Over the longer term, the
they send, or the offers they make, are     ACL for the motorcar and motorcycle               industry divisions form the nucleus from
legitimate and genuine. However, it’s      sales and repair industries.                      which future industry leaders emerge.
easy to copy or modify letterheads,                                                          At present, some industry divisions have
                                           It covers issues where industry bodies
names and logos to make them look                                                            casual vacancies which need to be
                                           have requested more detailed guidance
real, and it’s simple to create phony
                                           and where consumers have frequently               filled in the best interest of the sector.
websites, use fake credit cards or
                                           reported to national, state and territory         I encourage members to consider
cheques and obtain business details
                                           consumer protection agencies.                     serving on industry committees and
such as your name and address
                                                                                             contribute to the strategic thinking and
through public listings or from your       This information will be relevant to:             leadership on industry policy positions.
website. You can protect yourself and
                                           • licensed motor vehicle traders                  The MTA Queensland’s advocacy is
your business by being aware
                                             (including of cars and motorcycles)             reliant on the diversity and competency
of the common scams targeting
                                                                                             of views emanating from its industry
small businesses.                          • mechanics and repair shops
Guidance on the Australian                 • motor vehicle manufacturers
                                           • motor vehicle industry associations             Teleconferencing infrastructure
Consumer Law (ACL)
                                                                                             continues to provide members with
Over time we have issued information       Guides for businesses and legal                   immediate access to meetings and
on many resources relating to the ACL      practitioners can be found on the                 discussions. This ensures that any
and I am providing the following as a      ACCC’s business page, specifically:               member, regardless of location in our
quick reference list.                                                                        decentralised state, can engage in
                                           • unfair contract terms
                                                                                             divisional meetings.
National guidance on aspects of            • consumer guarantees
the ACL has been developed and is
                                           • consumer product safety
updated by the Australian Competition                                                        Corporate Partners
and Consumer Commission (ACCC),            • sales practices
                                                                                             Our corporate partners are integral
the state and territory consumer           • avoiding unfair business practices              to the spread of additional benefits
protection agencies, and, in relation                                                        to members and I thank them for
to financial services, the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission
                                           Industry Divisions                                their ongoing support to the MTA
                                                                                             Queensland and acknowledge:
(ASIC).                                    Our Divisional Committees go to the
                                           heart of our structure. Specifically,             • MTAA Superannuation – our
Rental Vehicle Industry – an Industry      their role is established in the MTA                superannuation partner
Guide to the Australian Consumer           Queensland constitution which is to               • Capricorn Society Limited – offering
Law                                        ‘more effectively implement the Objects              services that include access to a
                                           of MTA Queensland’. In a nutshell, these            huge network of suppliers, instant
This guide provides information on the
                                           are to promote, advocate and protect                credit equipment finance and
ACL for car rental businesses.
                                           the interests of employers and the motor            much more
It covers key aspects of the law such as   trades and promote and encourage
                                                                                             • Commonwealth Bank – offering
contract terms, deposits and refunds,      all forms of education and training to
                                                                                               members some of the lowest EFTPOS
focusing on issues where:                  develop the sector.
                                                                                               charges and other benefits
• industry bodies have requested more      For the MTA Queensland to be                      • Dun and Bradstreet – the nation’s
  detailed guidance for business           an effective advocate to all levels                  foremost credit control and debt
• consumers frequently report problems     of government on behalf of the                      collection agency

                                                                Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 13
Member Services and Support continued

• Guard Insurance – specialists in
  insurance and risk management
• Our Auto Tech-Centre – access to
  the largest technical library in the
  southern hemisphere
• Our Auto Digital – for all your website
• Australian All Energy Solutions –
  specialists in installation of solar
• Bennet and Philp – for legal advice

Membership Team
I take the opportunity to highlight the
professional contribution of all staff
at MTA Queensland to support our
members. All staff underwent extensive
training for the new CRM system and I
thank them for mastering the required
skills. This system will improve, monitor
and measure our activity, service and
interactions with members to ensure it is
of a consistently high standard.

Sincere thanks to MTA Queensland
Chairman David Fraser, Committee
Chairmen, and Committee and Board
members for their leadership, valued
input and professional approach to
representing their respective divisions
and districts.

Kellie Dewar
General Manager, MTA Queensland

14 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
Unfortunately, the federal electoral turmoil that we
                               have experienced over the last 12 months has also
                               meant that much needed legislative changes to the
                               Fair Work Act have not been addressed.

                               Four-year review of                              Redundancies and Unfair
                               Modern Awards                                    Dismissal Claims
                               The Fair Work Commission continues               The last 12 months have seen a
                               its four-year review of Modern Awards.           significant number of members seeking
                               This process commenced in mid-2014.              advice on handling redundancies brought
                               The two primary awards that apply                about by a drop-off in work. Regional
Ted Kowalski                   to the motor industry – the Vehicle              centres have been affected by the
Manager Industrial Relations   Manufacturing Repair Services and                closure of mines while many metropolitan
MTA Queensland                 Retail Award and the Clerks Private              members have also seen reduced
                               Sector Award – have had some                     business necessitating keeping staff
                               changes made as a result of the review           numbers at minimum viable levels.
                               but their finalisation appears to be
                               unlikely until the first quarter of 2017         Unfair dismissal claims have been,
                                                                                thankfully, less prevalent this year and
                               The Fair Work system, which we were              every matter in which we have assisted
                               told at its introduction in 2010 would           members has been settled at the
                               be so simple that businesses would               informal conference stage.
                               no longer need to seek the advice of
                               lawyers to determine its requirements,
                               has proven to be rather more complex
                               and in need of modification than                 MTA Queensland runs regular courses
                               originally thought. Unfortunately, the           throughout the state on topics that cover:
                               federal electoral turmoil that we have           • Understanding The Fair Work Awards
                               experienced over the last 12 months                applicable to the motor industry and
                               has also meant that much needed                    the National Employment Standards
                               legislative changes to the Fair Work Act
                                                                                • Employment record keeping
                               have not been addressed. We can only
                               hope that the coming year will bring
                               some resolution of the outstanding               • Handling a dismissal – correct
                               matters so that businesses can expect              process for termination and how to
                               a period of stability and certainty.               handle a claim that has been lodged
                                                                                • What to do about workplace bullying,
                                                                                  harassment and discrimination
                               Setting of Annual National
                                                                                • Employer Workplace Health and
                               Award Wage rates                                   Safety obligations
                               The Fair Work Commission continues
                               to conduct its annual wage reviews               Material on all the above topics is
                               - a process that commences in late               available in the members-only portal on
                               September and runs to late May of the            the MTA Queensland website.
                               following year. This year saw a 2.4 per
                               cent across-the-board increase to all
                               adult award rates - which applied from
                                                                                Approved Governance and
                               the 1st July 2016. This was a marginal           Financial Management Training
                               drop from the 2.5 per cent increase              The Association has complied with
                               that been awarded in 2015. The annual            the Fair Work Registered Organisations
                               reviews have seen the tradesman’s rate           Act requirement that Board members
                               go from $17.46/hr from 1st July 2010             and officers undergo approved
                               to $20.61/hr from 1st July 2016. This            training in governance and financial
                               represents an 18 per cent increase in            management. Previously, the MTA
                               the award rate over that time.                   Queensland had to rely on external

                                                   Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers 15
Member Services and Support continued

service providers for this training.
A specific program has been instituted
that can be accessed by new Board
members and can be provided to other
Registered Organisations.

Deregistration of State
The MTA Queensland has been
representing its members, and the
motor industry, for more than seven
decades. For the greater part of that
time the majority of its members
were covered by state awards and,
consequently, most of its work was
conducted through the state industrial
relations system.

With the advent of the Work Choices and
then the Fair Work system, all members
are now in the federal industrial relations
system. Currently, the Association has
registration as an employer organisation
under both the Queensland and federal
industrial legislation. There is no longer
a necessity for the Association to retain
its state registration. In fact, having
registration in both the state and federal
systems is unnecessarily cumbersome
and time consuming – two sets of
rules need to be maintained as well
as ensuring that all activities meet the
often different requirements of state and
federal industrial laws.

The Queensland Industrial Relations
Act allows a state-registered employer
organisation to seek deregistration as
long as a certain process is followed.
We are now in the final stage of making
our application for deregistration.

We sincerely thank all members who
registered their vote. This forms a key
part of the application process as the
Full Bench needs to be satisfied that the
majority of members have agreed.

Ted Kowalski
Industrial Relations Manager,
MTA Queensland

16 Motor Trades Association of Queensland Industrial Organisation of Employers
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