Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.

Page created by Danny Warner
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Mozart Lantern

New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination
State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.

                       Patents Pending
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
    Mozart                 The Mozart Lantern is designed based on the concept that

                           what is pleasant to the ear can also create elegance to the
                           eye. Many of the mathematical sequences in classical music
                           were used in the proportions and aesthetic rhythm of the
                           components; here, such harmony creates a lantern of
                           exceptional beauty and grace. The Mozart Lantern will

                           complement both traditional and neoclassical architecture,
                           and can be further customized with a wide selection of arms,
                           poles and bases from the Sun Valley collection.

1   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                             
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Mozart            The Mozart Lantern includes cutoff optical systems for visual   In Scene

                  comfort and illuminates itself to maintain aesthetic
                                                                                  Walkway Left:
                  elegance at night. The arms, hub and lower portion of the       Mozart Mini
                  hood create a soft glow accented by shadows and                 10' Poles
                                                                                  80VLED, Type II
                  graduated shading. HID lamp modes use full cutoff reflectors
                  engineered for maximum pole spacing and superb                  Walkway Right:
                  uniformity. LED optical systems produce excellent pole          Mozart Mini
                                                                                  10' Poles
                  spacing and superior uniformity for both security and           80VLED, Type Vsq
                  substantial energy savings. Decorative enclosures that
                                                                                  Driveway Center:
                  enhance the visual rhythm of the Mozart Lantern are also        Mozart
                  available.                                                      Twin Mount on
                                                                                  14' Poles
                                                                                  120VLED, Type Vsq                                                                          SUN VALLEY LTG.   2
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Fixture Configurations

    1     Model: MOZ                                                 2    Model: MOZ-WA

    Clear Flat Glass Lens - This design features excellent           Opal White Diffuser - Maximum daytime and
    fixture brightness control for either        or HID optical      nighttime fixture presence is created with the opal white

    systems. It provides sharp cutoff optics for dark sky or light   diffuser. Use where a more traditional look is desired.
    trespass requirements.                                           Acrylic diffuser is standard.
    See page 17 for ordering information.                            See page 19 for ordering information.

    Available Optics                                                 Available Optics
            Sun Valley Lighting’s                                    LED Power Array Sun Valley’s

    exclusive LED area lighting                                      exclusive LED system for traditional
    system available in Types II, III, IV                            luminaires. Available in Type V light
    and VSq light distributions.                                     distribution.
    See page 13.                                                     See page 12.

    HID Low profile segmented                                        HID Low profile segmented
    reflector modules available in                                   reflector modules available in
    Types II, III, IV and VSq light                                  Type V light distribution.
    distributions.                                                   See page 11.
    See page 11.

3   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                      
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
3     Model: MOZ-CPA                                          Available Optics
                                                                            This cutoff optical module is
                                                                            concealed inside the fixture hood,
                                                                            causing the clear enclosure to
                                                                            glow only from its textured surface.
                                                                            Available in Type II, III, IV and VSq
                                                                            light distributions.

                                                                            LED Power Array     TM

                                                                            This vertical array sits inside the
                                                                            fixture housing, and is available in
                                                                            Type II, III, IV and VSq light
                                                                            distributions. The LED array and its
                                                                            driver are a self contained

                                                                            Glass Refractor (LED or HID)
                                                                            Prismatic refractor sits inside the
                                                                            fixture housing, and is available in
                                                                            Type III and V light distributions.
                                                                            Refractor accommodates both the
                                                                            LED Power Array, and HID lamps.

                                                                            Internal Louver (HID only)
                                                                            Aluminum louver stack sits inside
                                                                            the fixture housing, providing full
                                                                            shielding of the lamp above 90°.
                                                                            Louvers are set at a 45° angle and
Clear Patterned Enclosure - Provides increased                              finished in specular aluminum.
daytime and nighttime fixture presence, with precise                        Available in Type V light
optical control. This configuration is available with 6                     distribution.
distinct optical systems, featuring multiple light
distributions. Acrylic enclosure is standard.
See pages 11-22 for complete specifications, technical data                 Twin Reflector (HID only)
and ordering information.                                                   This two stage optical system
                                                                            produces broad illumination with
                                                                            very low fixture brightness.
                                                                            Reflectors set inside the fixture
                                                                            housing are finished in specular
                                                                            aluminum, and fully shield the
                                                                            lamp arc tube. Available in Type V
                                                                            light distribution.

                                                                            Glass Chimney (HID only)
                                                                            Traditional glass chimney mounts
                                                                            inside the fixture housing, and
                                                                            evokes a gas lantern look.
                                                                            Available in either clear or frosted
                                                                            finish. Type V light distribution.                                                                                       SUN VALLEY LTG.   4
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Architectural Compatibility

                      Mozart Lantern is traditional
                                                        As such, Mozart Lantern  TM

                      in design. Its classic shape is   becomes harmonious with its
                      the perfect complement to         architectural setting as a street
                      period architecture whether       lantern, or as a pedestrian
                      old or new construction.          scale area luminaire.

5   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                               
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
                 Traditional lantern designs are   the outdoor environment. With
                 widely used in neoclassical or    Sun Valley Lighting’s selection
                 “transitional” architectural      of poles, arms, and bases with
                 settings. This is because they    less detail, the Mozart Lantern

                 are strongly pedestrian           becomes the ideal
                 scaled, and add warmth to         neoclassical luminaire.                                                                        SUN VALLEY LTG.   6
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Suggested Combinations





                                                                                                           STREET SIGN
                                      FLAG HOLDER





                 MOZM-WA                        MOZ                              MOZM                           MOZ-CPA-GCC                MOZM

                 -                              -                                XAE-2-180                      XAZ-1                      XAZ-WM

                 1060                           1058C                            1050C                          1046T                      -
                 4" Dia. Fluted,                7" to 4" Dia. Fluted,            7.5" to 4" Dia. Fluted,        6" to 4" Dia. Smooth,
                 Straight, Extruded Alum.       Tapered, Cast Alum.              Tapered, Cast Alum.            Tapered, Spun Alum.

                 400                            4400                             2900                           3600                       -

                                                                        SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"

7   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                           
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Suggested Combinations





                                                                                                                       BANNER ARM
                                                                                                                       (with Decorative Tails)






                 MOZM                         MOZM-WA                          MOZM                       MOZ-CPA-IL

                 XAM-2-180                    XBA-2-180                        XBJ-1                      XAB-1

                 1030C                        1050C                            1040                       1070
                 5.25" to 3.5" Dia. Fluted,   7.5" to 4" Dia. Fluted,          4" Dia. Smooth,            5" Dia. Fluted,
                 Tapered, Cast Alum.          Tapered, Cast Alum.              Straight, Extruded Alum.   Straight, Extruded Alum.

                 1300                         2800                             700                        4400

                                                             SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"                                                                                                        SUN VALLEY LTG.            8
Mozart Lantern TM New Elegance in Area and Street Illumination State-Of-The-Art HID and LED Performance.
Engineering Features

    Robust Components
    The Mozart housing components are
    constructed of precise durable,
    corrosion resistant low copper
    aluminum castings with ¼" minimum
    wall thickness. Prior to finishing, all
    castings are sand blasted and
    pre-treated to create a uniform clean
    surface for paint adhesion. A White
    Acrylic Diffuser (WA) and Clear
    Patterned Acrylic Enclosure (CPA)
    enhance the Mozart aesthetic and
    optional performance capabilities.
    Each Enclosure is fully gasketed
    against the Crown and Base Fitter.

    Note:         Sealed

                                                                                                                  Air Flow

    HID Optics                                  LED Power Array Optics                                      Optics
                                                                            TM                          ®

    All HID reflectors are unitized             This vertical array is a fully self            Because thermal control is so critical
    assemblies. The entire fixture housing      contained module located inside                to LED life expectancy and lumen
    is sealed by the lens frame and             the sealed fixture enclosure.                  output,         Optical Modules are

    gasket, thus making the optical             Available in Type II, III, IV and V light      sealed units that “float” within the
    system impervious to moisture and           distributions. See page 12.                    housing. This allows natural air flow to
    airborne contaminants. The                                                                 enter the housing and flow around
    reflectors are available in Type II, III,                                                  the entire LED Module. See page 13
    IV and VSq light distributions and
    are rotatable in 90 deg. increments
    for field orientation. See page 11

    Unitized Electrical Module
    All electrical components are
    mounted on a plate, making initial
    installation and future servicing
    quick and simple. If desired, extra
    electrical modules can be kept on
    hand allowing immediate field
    replacement and eliminates down
    time, while the old modules are
    repaired in the service area for
    future use.

                                                                                 HID Ballast         LED Power ArrayTM and          Driver

9   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                
Electrical Compartment
Cover is cast aluminum
construction.           SUN VALLEY LTG.   10
HID Optics

                                                                                         Mozart                        Mogul Base
                                                                                                                                    E Lamp
                                                                                                                       250PSMH 250HPS
                                                                                                                       200PSMH 200HPS

                                                                                                                       See page 16 for
                                                                                                                       additional lamp sources

                                                                                         Mozart Mini                   Medium Base
     HID reflectors are fabricated from
     pre-finished 95% reflectance. Multiple                                                                                       E Lamp
     vertical staging reduces the overall reflector                                                                    150PSMH 150HPS
     height allowing it to fit within the low profile                                                                  100PSMH 100HPS
     fixture housing.                                                                                                   70PSMH 70HPS
                                                                                                                       See page 16 for
                                                                                                                       additional lamp sources

                                                  Reflector Half          Max CP Curve
                                                  Section with             for 250PSMH

     HID reflectors are                                                                  0% of Total Light Output at or
                                                                                         above 90° vertical.
     precisely contoured
     and staged to produce high                                                          Less than 3% of Total Light
     angled candlepower for maximum                                                      Output above 75°.
     pole spacing with sharp cutoff and
     excellent uniformity.

                                                                   Mozart HID cutoff Optical Systems satisfy
                                                                   dark sky requirements. As such, they
                                                                   eliminate wasted upward light (energy),
                                                                   enhance visibility for safety and security,
                                                                   and contribute to a growing movement
                                                                   to bring back the star filled night sky.

                                                                                         Type II                       Type III
                                                                   Standard IES
                                                                   light distributions
                                                                   are available to
                                                                   satisfy project
                                                                   requirements for
                                                                   coverage with
                                                                   the least number
                                                                   of poles.

                                                                                         Type IV                       Type V Sq.

11   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                               
LED Power Array Optics                         TM

Patent Pending        See LED Power ArrayTM Catalog for a complete presentation on the LED System.

                 Opal White Acrylic Diffuser                 Vertical Power Array With Opal Diffuser
                                                             The Vertical Power Array in this configuration replaces a
                                                             standard lamp source. The 360° radial output of the Vertical
                                                             Power Array provides even light across the opal diffuser.

                                                             Type V

                       Vertical Array

           Clear Patterned Acrylic Enclosure                 Angled Power Array With Clear
                                                             Patterned Enclosure
                                                             Optical control in this configuration is provided by the Angled
                                                             Power Array. The LED modules with precision performance
                                                             Micro-Reflectors are aligned to produce IES type distributions
                                                             (II, III, IV, and V-Sq). The Angled Power Array is designed to
                                                             work in conjunction with the patterned enclosure to increase
                                                             visual acuity.

                       Angled Array                          Type II         Type III         Type IV         Type V

           Clear Patterned Acrylic Enclosure                 Vertical Power Array Inside Prismatic Glass
                                                             Refractor With Clear Patterned Enclosure
                                                             The Vertical Power Array in this configuration replaces a
                                                             standard lamp source and provides a radially uniform light
                                                             pattern with the internal Prismatic Glass Refractor. Optical
                                                             control is provided by the internal refractor. The patterned
                                                             enclosure adds another layer of glare control to the
                                                             configuration and increases visual acuity.

                    Vertical Array inside
                 Prismatic Glass Refractor                   Type III        Type V                                                                                                  SUN VALLEY LTG.   12

     Patent Pending        See           Catalog for a complete presentation on the                      System.
                                     ®                                                               ®

                                                                        Mozart                             No. of         System           HID
                                                                                                           LEDs           Watts            Equivalent
                                                                                                           120            132              250PSMH
                                                                                                           80             88               150PSMH

     Sun Valley Lighting's        system is innovative and

     unique. It is a self contained module that is completely
     sealed from the elements to an IP67 rating. The module
     consists of a precision cast aluminum machined housing             Mozart Mini                        No. of         System           HID
     with integrated heat sinks that protect the internal                                                  LEDs           Watts            Equivalent
     components such as the LED's and the             Reflector

                                                                                                           80             88               150PSMH
     Prisms. A tempered glass lens allows light to pass while                                              64             71               100PSMH
     keeping contaminants from depreciating the optical
     components' performance.

                                                     LED Module                 Max CP Curve
                                                     Half Section               for 120


     The         system uses                                                                               0% of Total Light Output occurs at

                                                                                                           or above 90° vertical.
     a three stage optical train for
     precise control and distribution of the                                                               Less than 4% of Total Light Output occurs
     raw LED light: Capture 100% of the raw LED                                                            above 75°.
     light; Collimate all of the light downward; and
     Vector the light outward to the area to be illuminated.

                                                                         The         optical system satisfies dark

                                                                         sky requirements. Uniformity of illumination
                                                                         is superior with the       system due to its

                                                                         precise optics.

                                                                                                           Type II                   Type III
                                                                         Type II, III, IV and VSq.
                                                                         standard IES light
                                                                         distributions are
                                                                         available with the
                                                                         LED or HID optical

                                                                                                           Type IV                   Type VSq.

13   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                             

All Models                                                              HID
Fixture Housing - One piece unitized precise heavy                      Horizontal Lamp Optical System
wall cast aluminum construction comprised of low                          Lens - Clear 3/16" thick tempered flat glass lens. Lens is
copper (< 0.2% Cu) aluminum. Hood is fastened to the                      gasketed around the perimeter and retained by
Housing with a stainless steel hinge and secured with a                   stainless steel clips.
tool-less stainless steel latch 180° opposite the hinge.
                                                                          Reflector Module - One piece specular Alzak® optical
Housing and Hood is sealed with an extruded closed cell
                                                                          reflector segments rigidly mounts to an aluminum
silicone gasket.
                                                                          frame and attaches to the housing. Reflector module is
                                                                          field rotatable in 90° increments. Sockets are porcelain
Finish - Electrostatically applied TGIC Polyester Powder
                                                                          4KV pulse rated, mogul (MOZ) or medium base
Coat on substrate prepared with 20 PSI power wash at
                                                                          (MOZM). Reflector modules are factory prewired with
140°F. Four step sand blast and iron phosphate
                                                                          quick-disconnect plug.
pretreatment for protection and paint adhesion. 400°F
bake for maximum hardness and durability. Texture finish
                                                                        Vertical Lamp Optical Systems
is standard.
                                                                          Diffuser – Opal White Acrylic (WA) is standard. Diffuser
                                                                          is gasketed at the Crown and Base Fitter with closed
Dimensions                                                                cell silicone gasket.
                                                                          Enclosure – Clear Patterned Acrylic (CPA) is standard.
                                                    (660mm)               Enclosure is gasketed at the Crown and Base Fitter with
                                                                          closed cell silicone gasket.
Mozart                                                                    Reflector/Refractor Module (CPA only)
150-250W HID                                                                Refractor – Borosilicate glass refractor produces
80/120 VLED                                                                 either a symmetric (Type V) or asymmetric (Type II)
EPA: 2.30
Max. Wt: 61lbs                                                              distribution pattern. Sockets are porcelain 4KV pulse
                                                                            rated, mogul (MOZ) or medium base (MOZM).
                                                                            Internal Louver – Stacked specular (bright dipped
                           26"                                              anodized) louver reflector produces a symmetric
                                                                            (Type V) distribution pattern. Sockets are porcelain
                                                                            4KV pulse rated, mogul (MOZ) or medium base
                                                                            Twin Reflector – One-piece specular upper reflector
                                                                            combines with clear specular lower distributing
                                                              3" I.D.
                                                              (76mm)        reflector to produce a symmetric (Type V) light
                                                                            distribution. Sockets are porcelain 4KV pulse rated,
                                                                            mogul (MOZ) or medium base (MOZM).
                                                    (508mm)             Electrical Module - All electrical components are UL
MOZM                                                                    and cUL recognized are mounted on a single plate and
Mozart Mini                                                             factory prewired with quick-disconnect plugs. Standard
70-150W HID                                                             electronic MH ballasts have power factor of >.95 (70W –
64/80 VLED
                                                                        150W) -20°F starting, 120-277V or >.90 (250W), -20°F
EPA: 1.49
Max. Wt: 42lbs             26.5"                                        starting, 200-277V, 50Hz/60Hz and have lamp End-of-life
                                                                        protection. 347V option utilizes a step down transformer
                                    21"                                 to the electronic ballast. Electronic MH ballast has a
                                                                        power factor of >.90 (210W), -4°F starting, 200 - 277V,
                                                                        50Hz/60Hz and has lamp End-of-life protection. Magnetic
                                                                        MH ballasts are high power factor (70W – 150W) or CWA
                                                                        (250W), -20°F starting, multi-tap 120-277V, 60Hz. All HPS
                                                              3" I.D.
                                                              (76mm)    ballasts are core and coil, high-reactance, high power
                                                                        factor (70W – 150W) or CWA (200W – 250W), -40°F
                                             SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0"                                                                                                          SUN VALLEY LTG.   14
Specifications                                                                                        See       or LED Power ArrayTM Catalogs

                                            (Continued)                                                    for a complete presentation on Systems.

     LED Power Array TM

     General Power Array Specifications - LED Power                              Optical Module – Low copper A356 alloy

     Array consists of a three-dimensional array of individual          (.90 and a minimum operating
     aimed horizontally and vertically and combined to                  temperature of -40°F. Drivers accept an input of
     produce IES Distribution Types II, III, IV, and V. The retaining   120-277V, 50/60Hz. (Consult factory for dimming applications)
     plate is field rotatable and secured with a lock nut.
       Enclosure – Clear textured acrylic is standard. Enclosure is     Enclosure
       gasketed at the Crown and Fitter with closed cell silicone           Clear Patterned Acrylic Enclosure – Clear Patterned
       gasket.                                                              Acrylic is standard. Enclosure is gasketed at the
                                                                            Crown and Base Fitter with closed cell silicone gasket.
     Vertical Power Array                                                   Polycarbonate Enclosure is optional.
        Refractor – 6 or 8 LED Modules are mounted to a
        retaining plate in equal radial increments for an even
        light distribution. The raw output of the LED emitter is
        utilized to simulate a standard light source while              Notes for Lamp/Electrical Data: (page 16)
        refractor produces either a symmetric (Type V) or               1   Sun Valley Lighting’s Lamp and Electrical Guide is for reference only.
        asymmetric (Type II) distribution pattern.                          ALWAYS consult lamp and ballast manufacturer’s data for exact
                                                                            technical specifications.
        Enclosure – Clear Patterned Acrylic Enclosure is                2   All Initial Lumen values shown are approximate and may vary from one
        standard. Enclosure is gasketed at the Crown and Fitter             manufacturer to another.
        with closed cell silicone gasket.                               3   For HX-HPF circuits, Max Input Amps is the highest of starting, operating,
                                                                            or opening circuit currents. For CWA circuits, the figure is operating
        Opal Diffuser – 6 or 8 LED Modules are mounted to a
        retaining plate in equal radial increments for an even          4   Lumen values for LED Modules vary according to the distribution type
        light distribution. The raw output of the LED emitter is        5   Special Note for Philips Cosmopolis Lamps:
        utilized to simulate a standard light source and the                  - 60W, 9W, & 140W 4000K lamps are rated for universal burn position
                                                                              and tested H & V
        diffuser produces a symmetric (Type V) distribution                   - 60W & 140W 2800K lamps are rated for universal burn position but
        pattern.                                                              fully tested as horizontal only
                                                                              - 90W 2800K lamps are rated for horizontal burn position only
        Diffuser – Opal White Acrylic Enclosure is standard.
        Diffuser is gasketed at the Crown and Fitter with closed            WARNING: All fixtures must be installed in accordance with local codes
                                                                            or the National Electrical Code. Failure to do so may result in serious
        cell silicone gasket.                                               personal injury.

15   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                         
Lamp / Electrical Guide                                                                                          See page 15 for appropriate notes

LAMP    LAMP     BULB                     INITIAL   LIFE       ANSI     STARTING   CIRCUIT      SYSTEM                  MAX             MIN.
WATTS   TYPE     TYPE                     LUMENS    (HOURS)    CODE     TEMP.      TYPE         WATTS    VOLTS          INPUT AMPS      FUSE AMPS

 60     PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    7,020H/   16,000H/ C188/E     -20°F      Electronic   68       120            0.58           2
                 - 4000K                  6,420V    16,000V

 60     PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    16,800H/ 30,000H/                                     67       208            0.33           2
                 - 2800K                           20,000

70      PSMH     Clear, ED17, Med. Base   5,900     24,000     M98      -20°F      Electronic   82       120            0.68           2
                 T6,G12 Base              6,600     12,000     M139                             81       277            0.31           2
                                                               M143                HX-HPF       90       120            1.90           4
                                                                                                90       208            1.00           3
                                                                                                90       240            0.90           2
                                                                                                90       277            0.80           2
                                                                                                90       347            0.70           2
                                                                                                94       347            0.65           2
 90     PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    10,350H/ 15,000H/ C188/E      -20°F      Electronic   99       120            0.83           2
                 - 4000K                  9,450V   14,500V
 90     PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    10,450H/ 30,000H                                      99       208            0.49           2
                 - 2800K

100     PSMH     Clear, ED17, Med Base    9,000     24,000     M90      -20°F      Electronic   115      120            0.96           2
                                                                                                113      277            0.42           2
                                                               M140                HX-HPF       129      120            2.30           6
                                                                                                129      208            1.40           4
                                                                                                129      240            1.20           3
                                                                                                129      277            1.00           3
                                                                                                129      347            1.00           2

 140    PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    16,100H/ 15,000H/ C187/E      -20°F      Electronic   68       120            1.30           2
                 - 4000K                  15,120V 14,000V
 140    PSMH     Clear, T6, PGZ12 Base    16,500    30,000H/                                             208            0.75           2
                 - 2800K                            20,000V                                              277            0.57           2

150     PSMH     Clear, ED17, Med Base    13,000    24,000     M102     -20°F      Electronic   165      120            1.40           2
                 T6, G12 Base             12,700    12,000     M142                             161      277            0.60           2
                                                                                   HX-HPF       185      120            3.70           4
                                                                                                185      208            2.10           3
                                                                                                185      240            1.80           2
                                                                                                185      277            1.60           2
                                                                                                185      347            1.30           2
 210    PSMH     Clear, T9, PGZ18 Base    23,000    20,000     C183/E   -4°F       Electronic   229      200 (208V)     1.20           3
                                                                                                227      277            0.90           3
 250    PSMH     Clear, ED28, Mog. Base   22,000    15,000     M138     -20°F      Super CWA    291      120            2.50           8
                 Horiz. only                                   M153                             291      208            1.40           5
                                                                                                291      240            1.30           5
                                                                                                291      277            1.10           3
                                                                                                291      347            0.90           3
70      HPS      Clear, BD17, Med. Base   6,300     24,000     S62      -40°F      HX-HPF       91       120            1.40           5
                                                                                                91       208            0.90           3
                                                                                                91       240            0.80           2
                                                                                                91       277            0.70           2
                                                                                                93       347            0.60           2

100     HPS      Clear, BD17, Med. Base   9,500     24,000     S54      -40°F      HX-HPF       130      120            2.20           7
                                                                                                130      208            1.30           5
                                                                                                130      240            1.10           3
                                                                                                130      277            0.90           3
                                                                                                130      347            0.70           3
150     HPS      Clear, BD17, Med. Base   16,000    24,000     S55      -40°F      HX-HPF       188      120            2.80           10
                                                                                                188      208            1.60           5
                                                                                                188      240            1.40           5
                                                                                                188      277            1.30           4
                                                                                                188      347            0.90           3
200     HPS      Clear, ED18, Mog. Base   21,400    24,000     S66      -40°F      CWA          240      120            2.20           6
                                                                                                240      208            1.30           4
                                                                                                240      240            1.10           3
                                                                                                240      277            1.00           3

250     HPS      Clear, ED18, Mog. Base   27,000    24,000     S50      -40°F      CWA          295      120            2.50           7
                                                                                                295      208            1.50           4
                                                                                                295      240            1.30           4
                                                                                                295      277            1.10           3
                                                                                                295      347            0.90           2
67      LED      64 LED Optical Module    5,095 -   70,000 -            -40°F                   71       120            0.60
                                          5,234     140,000                                              277            0.27
84      LED      80 LED Optical Module    5,790 -   70,000 -            -40°F                   89       120            0.75
                                          5,949     140,000                                              277            0.33

126     LED      120 LED Optical Module   7,768 -   70,000 -            -40°F                   132      120            1.10
                                          8,128     140,000                                              277            0.48                                                                                                                       SUN VALLEY LTG.   16
MOZ               Ordering Information

     Configuration 1                                                                                                                  OPTIC
     Clear Flat Glass Lens
                                                                                                                                      HORIZONTAL LAMP

                                                                                                                                      SEGMENTED REFLECTOR


     Spec/Order Example: MOZM/HR-III/150PSMH120/1/RAL7004-T

            MODEL                   OPTICS             LAMP/BALLAST MODE                       MOUNTING                               FINISH                    OPTIONS

                             HORIZONTAL SEGMENTED      WATTS         TYPE          VOLTS        ARM MOUNT                            STANDARD
                                   REFLECTOR                                                                                      TEXTURED FINISH
                                                                                             1...............                        BLACK            INTERNAL
                              TYPE I I                           MOGUL BASE                                                          RAL-9005-T       HOUSE SIDE SHIELD . . . . HS
                              HR - II . . . . . . .
                                                         250          PSMH             120
                                                         200          HPS              208   2-180 . . . . . . . . .
                                                             1                                                                       WHITE            PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                              TYPE I I I                 175                           240                                           RAL-9003-T       (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                              HR - III. . . . . . .      150                           277
                                                                                       347   2-90 . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                       480                                           GREY             TWIST LOCK
             MOZ              TYPE I V                           MEDIUM BASE                                                         RAL-7004-T       PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                              HR - I V . . . . . . .                                         3-90 . . . . . . . . . .                                 (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V
                              (MOZM ONLY)                150           PSMH            120
                                                                                       208                                           DARK
                                                                                       240   3-120 . . . . . . . . .                 BRONZE           TWIST LOCK
                              TPYE I V WIDE                                            277                                           RAL-8019-T       RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR
                              HR - IV - W. . .                                         347
                              (MOZ ONLY)
                                                                  PGZ18 BASE                 4-90 . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                     (optional)                                                      GREEN            SINGLE FUSE
                                                                                                                                     RAL-6005-T       (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF
                              FORWARD THROW              210T          CDM             120
                              (HOUSE SIDE CUT-OFF)                                     208      WALL MOUNT
                              HR-FT-HSC. . .                                           240                                          FOR SMOOTH        DOUBLE FUSE
                                                                                       277   WM . . . . . . . . . . . . .          FINISH REMOVE      (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                                                                                                                      SUFFIX “T”
                              TYPE V                                                                                                   RAL-9005)
                              HR-V-SQ. . .                          MOZM
                                                                                                   POST TOP
                                                                 MEDIUM BASE
                                                                                                                                   CONSULT FACTORY
                                                         150           PSMH            120   PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS

                                                         100           HPS             208
                                                         70                            240
                                                                     G BASE
                                                         150T          CDM             120
                                                         70T                           208

                                                                 1 – 175W. PSMH ONLY
                                                                 2 – 150W. HPS ONLY

17   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                                                            
MOZ              Ordering Information

Configuration 1                                                                                                         OPTIC
Clear Flat Glass Lens
                                                                                                                        ENCLOSED MODULE



Spec/Order Example: MOZ/VL-V-SQ/120LED CW/3-90/RAL7004/HS

       MODEL                   OPTICS                          LED MODE                   MOUNTING                        FINISH                      OPTIONS

                                                 No. LEDs         OPTICS         COLOR    ARM MOUNT                      STANDARD

                                                                                                                      TEXTURED FINISH
                        TYPE I I                                                         1............                    BLACK              INTERNAL
                        VL - II . . . . . . .            ENCLOSED MODULE                                                  RAL-9005-T         HOUSE SIDE SHIELD . . . . HS
                                                  120LED                           NW

                                                  (132 Watts)
                                                                                         2-180 . . . . . .
                        TYPE I I I                                                                                        WHITE              PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                        VL - III . . . . . . .    80LED                            CW                                     RAL-9003-T         (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                                                  (88 Watts)
                                                                                         2-90 . . . . . . . . .

                        TYPE I V                                                                                          GREY               TWIST LOCK
        MOZ             VL - IV. . . . . . . .
                                                                                         3-90 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                          RAL-7004-T         PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                                                                                                             (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V

                        TYPE V                                                                                            DARK
                        VL-V-SQ . . . . . .                                              3-120 . . . . . .                BRONZE             TWIST LOCK
                                                                                                                          RAL-8019-T         RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR

                                                                MOZM                     4-90 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                          GREEN              SINGLE FUSE
                                                       ENCLOSED MODULE                                                    RAL-6005-T         (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF
                                                                                            WALL MOUNT
                                                  80LED                            NW

                                                  (88 Watts)
                                                                                                                        FOR SMOOTH           DOUBLE FUSE
                                                                                         WM . . . . . . . . . .        FINISH REMOVE         (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                                  64LED                            CW                                     SUFFIX “T”
                                                  (71 Watts)                                                              (EXAMPLE:

                                                                                               POST TOP
      MOZM                                                                                                             CONSULT FACTORY
                                                                                         PT . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS

                                                  *NW    - NEUTRAL WHITE (4100K)

                                                    CW - COOL WHITE (6500K)
                                                     OTHER LED COLORS AVAILABLE                                                                   CONSULT FACTORY FOR
                                                         CONSULT FACTORY                                                                           DIMMING OPTIONS                                                                                                                                                 SUN VALLEY LTG.   18
MOZ-WA                  Ordering Information

     Configuration 2                                                                                                              OPTIC
     Opal Smooth
     Acrylic Diffuser                                                                                                             HORIZONTAL LAMP

                                                                                                                                  SEGMENTED REFLECTOR

     HID                                                                                                                          HR

     Spec/Order Example: MOZ-WA/HR-V/250PSMH240/PT/RAL9003

            MODEL               OPTICS             LAMP/BALLAST MODE                       MOUNTING                               FINISH                    OPTIONS

                        HORIZONTAL SEGMENTED       WATTS        TYPE           VOLTS        ARM MOUNT                            STANDARD
                              REFLECTOR                                                                                       TEXTURED FINISH
                                                                                         1...............                        BLACK            PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                          TYPE V                             MOGUL BASE                                                          RAL-9005-T       (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                          HR - V . . . . . . . .
                                                     250          PSMH             120
                                                     200          HPS              208   2-180 . . . . . . . . .
                                                         1                                                                       WHITE            TWIST LOCK
                                                     175                           240                                           RAL-9003-T       PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                     150                           277                                                            (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V
                                                                                   347   2-90 . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                   480                                           GREY
          MOZ-WA                                             MEDIUM BASE
                                                                                         3-90 . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                 RAL-7004-T       TWIST LOCK
                                                                                                                                                  RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR
                                                     150          PSMH             120
                                                                                   208                                           DARK
                                                                                   240   3-120 . . . . . . . . .                 BRONZE           SINGLE FUSE
                                                                                   277                                           RAL-8019-T       (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF
                                                              PGZ18 BASE                 4-90 . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                (optional)                                                       GREEN            DOUBLE FUSE
                                                                                                                                 RAL-6005-T       (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                                     210T         CDM              120
                                                                                            WALL MOUNT
                                                                                   240                                          FOR SMOOTH
                                                                                                                               FINISH REMOVE
                                                                                   277   WM . . . . . . . . . . . . .             SUFFIX “T”
                                                                                               POST TOP
                                                             MEDIUM BASE                                                                          OPAL SMOOTH
                                                                                                                               CONSULT FACTORY
                                                     150          PSMH             120   PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS
                                                                                                                                                  DIFFUSER . . . . . . . . . . . . WP
                                                     100          HPS              208
                                                     70                            240
                                                                 G BASE
                                                     150T         CDM              120
                                                     70T                           208

                                                             1 – 175W. PSMH ONLY
                                                             2 – 150W. HPS ONLY

19   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                                                        
MOZ-WA                    Ordering Information

Configuration 2                                                                                                        OPTIC
Opal Smooth Acrylic
Diffuser                                                                                                               LED POWER ARRAYTM

                                                                                                                       VERTICAL POWER ARRAY
Spec/Order Example: MOZM-WA/VP-V/60LED NW/2-180/RAL8019/TPR

      MODEL                   OPTICS                           LED MODE                  MOUNTING                        FINISH                   OPTIONS

                      VERTICAL POWER ARRAY       No. LEDs        OPTICS       COLOR      ARM MOUNT                      STANDARD
                                                                                                                     TEXTURED FINISH
                        TYPE V                                                          1............                   BLACK            PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                        VP - V . . . . . . . .           LED POWER ARRAYTM                                              RAL-9005-T       (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                                                  64LED           VPA              NW
                                                  (71 Watts)
                                                                                        2-180 . . . . . .
                                                                                                                        WHITE            TWIST LOCK
                                                  48LED                            CW                                   RAL-9003-T       PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                  (53 Watts)
                                                                                                                                         (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V
                                                                                        2-90 . . . . . . . . .
                                                  (35 Watts)                                                            GREY
     MOZ-WA                                                                             3-90 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                        RAL-7004-T       TWIST LOCK
                                                                                                                                         RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR

                                                                                        3-120 . . . . . .               BRONZE           SINGLE FUSE
                                                           MOZM-WA                                                      RAL-8019-T       (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF

                                                         LED POWER ARRAYTM
                                                                                        4-90 . . . . . . .
                                                  48LED           VPA              NW                                   GREEN            DOUBLE FUSE
                                                  (53 Watts)                                                            RAL-6005-T       (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                                                                           WALL MOUNT
                                                  36LED                            CW
                                                  (40 Watts)
                                                                                                                       FOR SMOOTH
                                                                                                                      FINISH REMOVE
                                                  24LED                                 WM . . . . . . . . . .           SUFFIX “T”
                                                  (26 Watts)                                                             (EXAMPLE:
   MOZM-WA                                                                                                                RAL-9005)

                                                                                              POST TOP
                                                                                                                                         OPAL SMOOTH
                                                                                                                      CONSULT FACTORY
                                                                                        PT . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS
                                                                                                                                         DIFFUSER . . . . . . . . . . . WP

                                                  *NW    - NEUTRAL WHITE (4100K)

                                                    CW - COOL WHITE (6500K)
                                                     OTHER LED COLORS AVAILABLE                                                               CONSULT FACTORY FOR
                                                         CONSULT FACTORY                                                                       DIMMING OPTIONS                                                                                                                                             SUN VALLEY LTG.   20
MOZ-CPA                            Ordering Information
                                                                                                                                          HORIZONTAL LAMP

                                                                                                                                          SEGMENTED REFLECTOR

                                                                                                                                          VERTICAL LAMP

     Configuration 3
     Clear Patterned Acrylic                                                                                                              INTERNAL LOUVER              GLASS REFRACTOR
     Diffuser                                                                                                                             IL                           PG

     HID                                                                                                                                  TWIN REFLECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                       GLASS CHIMNEY
                                                                                                                                                                       CLEAR OR ¾ FROSTED
     Spec/Order Example: MOZM-CPA/PG-II/150PSMH120/WM/RAL6005-T/TPC+V                                                                     TR                           GCC/GCF

            MODEL                      OPTICS              LAMP/BALLAST MODE                       MOUNTING                               FINISH                      OPTIONS

                               HORIZONTAL SEGMENTED        WATTS        TYPE           VOLTS        ARM MOUNT                            STANDARD
                                     REFLECTOR                                                                                        TEXTURED FINISH
                                                                                                 1...............                        BLACK              INTERNAL
                                TYPE I I                             MOGUL BASE                                                          RAL-9005-T         HOUSE SIDE SHIELD
                                HR - II . . . . . . .                                                                                                       (HR, PG & IL ONLY) . . . . HS
                                                             250          PSMH             120
                                                             200          HPS              208   2-180 . . . . . . . . .
                                TYPE I I I                       1                                                                       WHITE
                                HR - III . . . . . .         175                           240                                           RAL-9003-T
                                                                 2                                                                                          PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                             150                           277                                                              (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                                TYPE I V                                                   347   2-90 . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                HR - I V . . . . . . .                                     480
                                (MOZM ONLY)                                                                                              GREY
          MOZ-CPA                                                  MEDIUM BASE
                                                                                                 3-90 . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                         RAL-7004-T         TWIST LOCK
                                TPYE I V WIDE                                                                                                               PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                HR - IV - W. . .             150          PSMH             120                                                              (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V
                                (MOZ ONLY)                                                 208                                           DARK
                                                                                           240   3-120 . . . . . . . . .                 BRONZE
                                FORWARD THROW                                              277                                           RAL-8019-T         TWIST LOCK
                                (HOUSE SIDE CUT-OFF)                                                                                                        RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR
                                HR-FT-HSC. . . .
                                                                     PGZ18 BASE                  4-90 . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                      (optional)                                                         GREEN
                                TYPE V-SQ
                                                                                                                                         RAL-6005-T         SINGLE FUSE
                                HR-V - S Q . . . . .         210T         CDM              120
                                                                                                    WALL MOUNT                                              (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF
                                 GLASS REFRACTOR                                           240                                          FOR SMOOTH
                                                                                           277   WM . . . . . . . . . . . . .          FINISH REMOVE
                                                                                                                                                            DOUBLE FUSE
                                                                                                                                          SUFFIX “T”
                                TYPE I I I                                                                                                (EXAMPLE:         (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                PG - III . . . . . . .
                                                                     MOZM-CPA                          POST TOP
                                TYPE V                               MEDIUM BASE
                                PG-V . . . . . . . .                                                                                   CONSULT FACTORY

                                                             150          PSMH             120   PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS

                                 INTERNAL LOUVER             100          HPS              208
                                                             70                            240
                                                                                           277                                                              CLEAR PATTERNED
                                TYPE V
                                                                                           347                                                              POLYCARBONATE
                                IL-V . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                       G BASE                                                                               DIFFUSER . . . . . . . . . . . . CPP
         MOZM-CPA                 TWIN REFLECTOR
                                                             150T         CDM              120
                                                             70T                           208
                                TYPE V
                                TR-V . . . . . . . . .                                     240
                                  GLASS CHIMNEY

                                TYPE V
                                GC-V . . . . . . . .
                                                                     1 – 175W. PSMH ONLY
                                                                     2 – 150W. HPS ONLY

21   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                                                                                                                                  
MOZ-CPA                          Ordering Information

                                                                                                                          LED POWER ARRAYTM

Configuration 3                                                                                                           ANGLED POWER ARRAY
Clear Patterned Acrylic                                                                                                   APA

                                                                                                                          GLASS REFRACTOR w/
                                                                                                                          VERTICAL POWER ARRAY

LED                                                                                                                       GRV

Spec/Order Example: MOZ-CPA/GRV-III/80LED CW/3-120/RAL8009/SF

       MODEL                     OPTICS                           LED MODE                  MOUNTING                        FINISH                   OPTIONS

                          ANGLED POWER ARRAY        No. LEDs        OPTICS       COLOR      ARM MOUNT                      STANDARD
                                                                                                                        TEXTURED FINISH
                           TYPE I I                                                        1............                   BLACK            INTERNAL
                           AP - II. . . . . . . .           LED POWER ARRAYTM                                              RAL-9005-T       HOUSE SIDE SHIELD . . . . HS
                                                     80LED           APA              NW
                           TYPE I I I                (88 Watts)
                                                                                           2-180 . . . . . .
                           AP - III . . . . . . .    60LED                            CW                                   WHITE            PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                     (66 Watts)                                                            RAL-9003-T       (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . PC+V
                           TYPE I V                  40LED                                 2-90 . . . . . . . . .
                                                     (44 Watts)
                           AP - IV. . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                           GREY             TWIST LOCK
     MOZ-CPA               TYPE V                    36LED           GRVPA                 3-90 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                           RAL-7004-T       PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE
                                                                                                                                            (EXAMPLE: PC120V) . . . . TPC+V
                                                     (40 Watts)
                           AP - V . . . . . . . .
                                                     (26 Watts)                                                            DARK
                           GLASS REFRACTOR                                                 3-120 . . . . . .               BRONZE           TWIST LOCK
                                                                                                                           RAL-8019-T       RECEPTACLE ONLY . . . . . TPR
                           TYPE I I I
                           GRV - III . . . . .              LED POWER ARRAYTM              4-90 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                           GREEN            SINGLE FUSE
                                                     48LED           APA              NW                                                    (120V, 277V) . . . . . . . . . SF
                                                     (53 Watts)                                                            RAL-6005-T
                           TYPE V                    32LED                            CW      WALL MOUNT
                           GRV - V . . . . . .       (35 Watts)
                                                                                                                          FOR SMOOTH        DOUBLE FUSE
                                                                                           WM . . . . . . . . . .        FINISH REMOVE      (208V, 240V) . . . . . . . . . DF
                                                                                                                            SUFFIX “T”
                                                     36LED           GRVPA                                                  (EXAMPLE:
                                                     (40 Watts)                                                              RAL-9005)
   MOZM-CPA                                          24LED                                       POST TOP
                                                     (26 Watts)

                                                                                                                         CONSULT FACTORY
                                                                                           PT . . . . . . . . . . . .   FOR CUSTOM COLORS

                                                                                                                                            CLEAR PATTERNED
                                                                                                                                            DIFFUSER . . . . . . . . . . . . CPP

                                                     *NW    - NEUTRAL WHITE (4100K)

                                                       CW - COOL WHITE (6500K)
                                                        OTHER LED COLORS AVAILABLE                                                                CONSULT FACTORY FOR
                                                            CONSULT FACTORY                                                                        DIMMING OPTIONS                                                                                                                                                SUN VALLEY LTG.      22
Mozart Lantern

     Product Designed by Wayne Compton

     660 West Avenue O
     Palmdale, California 93551
     Toll Free (800) 877-6537                           Patents Pending

23   SUN VALLEY LTG.                                  
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