Murine Leukemia: Depressed Response to Interferon Induction Correlated with a Serum Hyporeactive Factor - American Society ...

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INFnCTION AND IMMUNITY, Feb. 1976, p. 392-398                                                    Vol. 13, No. 2
Copyright © 1976 American Society for Microbiology                                            Printed in U.S.A.

      Murine Leukemia: Depressed Response to Interferon
    Induction Correlated with a Serum Hyporeactive Factor
                                         DALE A. STRINGFELLOW
         The Upjohn Company, Department of Experimental Biology, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001
                                    Received for publication 29 July 1975

             Mice injected by the intraperitoneal route with either L1210 or P388 leukemic

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          cells progressively developed a state of hyporeactivity to interferon induction
          that was dependent upon inducer and time of administration. A circulating
          factor was detected in the serum of both L1210 and P388 leukemic mice that
          could transfer hyporeactivity to normal murine cells in vitro. A direct relation-
          ship existed between the concentration of serum factor and development of
          hyporeactivity to interferon induction in vivo. Characterization of the serum
          hyporeactive factor from P388 or L1210 leukemic mice indicated that both were
          similar to a hyporeactive factor previously detected in serum from virus-infected
          mice. These results suggest a cause-effect relationship between the serum
          hyporeactive factor and development of hyporeactivity in vivo.
   Viral interference, interferon, and interferon       either 105 L1210 or 10" P388 leukemic cells, which
inducers can inhibit the replication of onco-           were generously furnished by G. L. Neil, Cancer
genic viruses, block in vitro transformation by         Research, The Upjohn Co. Survival time of mice
such viruses, and alter the course of leukemia          injected with L1210 or P388 cells was 8 to 11 days or 9
and tumors in animals (1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 21,     to 12 days, respectively.
22). These observations suggest that interferon            Cells. Murine interferon assays were carried out
                                                        in a cloned continuous line of mouse L-cell fibro-
and its inducers may have value in the treat-           blasts (L929) originally obtained from the American
ment of malignant diseases as well as virus             Type Culture Collection Cell Repository (Rockville,
infections that arise during malignancy. A              Md.).
well-documented immunosuppression due to                   Secondary mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) were
malignancy has, however, been observed in ex-           obtained from ICR strain mice (Upj:TUC-ICR; Up-
perimental animals and man (2, 7, 12, 14, 16),         john Rearing and Procurement) as previously de-
and mice infected with Friend leukemia virus            scribed (18).
(4) as well as other viruses (8, 13, 19) progres-          Media. Eagle minimum essential medium (Micro-
sively develop a depressed ability to respond to        biological Associates) containing 10% fetal calf se-
                                                        rum (Reheis Chemical Co., Phoenix, Ariz.), 100 U of
interferon induction. Therefore, agents de-            penicillin per ml, and 50 ,tg of streptomycin per ml
signed specifically to bolster naturally occur-         was used to propagate and maintain all tissue cul-
ring host defense mechanisms, such as inter-            tures.
feron inducers, may be limited by the develop-             Viruses. The Herts strain of Newcastle disease
ment of such a condition.                               virus (NDV) was originally obtained from S. Baron
   The studies in this report were initiated to        (National Institutes of Health). The stock NDV
determine whether an impaired ability to re-           preparation used in these experiments was propa-
spond to interferon induction developed in mice        gated in embryonated hen eggs which had been
bearing L1210 (9) or P388 (3) leukemia (both           injected by the allantoic route and had a titer of 2.0
                                                        x 109 plaque-forming units (PFU) per ml in primary
originally induced by methylcholanthrene),             chicken embryo cells.
and, after such a hypoactive condition was ob-            Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), Indiana strain,
served, to elucidate mechanisms responsible for        was obtained from the American Type Culture Col-
the hyporeactivity.                                    lection. Pools of VSV were propagated in primary
                                                       embryonic chicken kidney cell monolayers. The
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                        stock preparation of VSV used in these studies had a
                                                       titer of 6 x 10" PFU/ml when assayed in L929 mouse
  Mice. BDF1 male mice (16 to 18 g) were obtained      cells.
from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, Me.) and           Rochester mouse virus (RMV) is a strain of a
housed under conditions of constant temperature        large-plaque mutant of encephalomyocarditis
and a 12-h light cycle, with food and water provided   (EMC) virus which was isolated in MEF cell cul-
ad libitum. Mice were injected by the intraperito-     tures from paralyzed and dying 2-week-old suckling
neal (i.p.) route with a 100% lethal inoculum of       mice through which the virus had been blind pas-
VOL. 13, 1976                                                              MURINE LEUKEMIA            393
saged. This virus was identified as belonging to the     inducers were administered 24 h after L1210
EMC group of murine picornavirus (D. A. Baker,           cell injection (Fig. la). By 48 h, L1210 leukemic
Master's thesis, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester,          mice had a suppressed serum interferon re-
N.Y.) and was obtained from L. A. Glasgow (Uni-          sponse to RMV (250 U/ml compared to 640 U/ml
versity of Utah, Salt Lake City). Stock preparations
of RMV were obtained by injecting suckling mice          in controls, 39%), NDV (4,500 versus 6,300 U/
intracerebrally with virus. At the height of disease,    ml, 71%), tilorone (400 versus 1,600 U/ml, 25%),
brains were removed, homogenized as a 10% suspen-        and poly(I:C) (450 versus 1,000 U/ml, 45%), but
sion in minimal essential medium plus 10% fetal calf     appeared to regain responsiveness on days 3
serum, and stored at -70 C. The pool had a titer of      and 4 of disease. From that point on the re-
2.5 x 101 PFU/ml in secondary MEF cell cultures.         sponse to each inducer steadily declined, with
   Interferon assay. Confluent monolayers of L929        extremely low levels of serum interferon being
cells grown in 35-mm plastic petri dishes (Falcon        stimulated on day 8; RMV (
394              STRINGFELLOW                                                                                       INFECT. IMMUN.
            T 630                                                        b
                                                                  500 T
                                                                 340i 1330
     200                                                       21!00 r                                El Poly   1    C
                                                                                                      X NOV
     180                                                       180                                    * Tilorone
                                                                                                      O RMV

     160                                                       160
                                                          0    140

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                                                               120 _

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                                                                                                    I     J-
                          3       4      5      6                            1   2       3      4         5              6     8
                     DAYS POST L121o CELL INJECTION                                  DAYS POST P3g8     CELL INJECTION

   FIG. 1. Serum interferon levels induced by poly(I:C), NDV, tilorone hydrochloride, and RMV in L1210
(a) and P388 (b) leukemic mice. Interferon titers are expressed as a percentage of levels induced in matched
groups of normal uninfected control animals at each time period. L1210, P388, and uninfected control mice
received a single injection of inducers either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 days after leukemic cell injection. Blood
and subsequent serum samples were collected at the time of maximum serum interferon response [4 h after
poly(I:C), 6 h after NDV or RMV and 18 h after tilorone]. Each bar represents the mean of results from three
separate experiments, whereas the vertical lines designate range.

pendent state of hyporeactivity and that the tration of hyporeactive factor is expressed in
development of hyporesponsiveness could not units per milliliter, which represents the recip-
be explained solely on the basis of viral destruc- rocal of the highest dilution of serum inhibiting
tion of specific cell populations necessary for by 50% the interferon response induced by NDV
interferon production. Rather, a circulating in control plates treated with comparable dilu-
factor was detected in the serum of EMC virus- tions of serum from normal uninfected mice.
infected mice which could transfer hyporeactiv-      A circulating hyporeactive factor was de-
ity to normal murine cells in vitro. It was there- tected in serum from L1210 leukemic mice (Fig.
fore of interest to determine whether a similar 2a). The concentration of serum hyporeactive
hyporeactive factor could be detected in serum factor (SHF) reached peak levels of 57 U/ml 2
from leukemic mice.                                days after L1210 cell injection and then steadily
   Serum was collected from L1210, P388 leu- declined. During the early stages of disease an
kemic, or normal uninfected mice daily for the indirect relationship existed between the con-
first 8 days after cell injection and assayed for centration of circulating SHF and the ability to
hyporeactive factor as previously described respond to interferon induction. On day 2,
(18). Confluent secondary MEF cell monolayers when SHF concentrations were at a maximum,
grown in 35-mm petri dishes (Falcon Plastics)      the average interferon response of L1210 leu-
were rinsed with PBS and in triplicate received    kemic mice to the four inducers was depressed,
1 ml of a serum dilution per plate. After 18 to 24 and as the level of SHF decreased, the ability to
h of incubation at 37 C each plate received 4 x respond to interferon induction increased. SHF
107 PFU of NDV and was returned to 37 C for 24 was also detected in the serum of P388 leukemic
h. Growth medium was then harvested and mice (Fig. 2b). High circulating levels of SHF
frozen until assayed for interferon. The concen- (75 U/ml) were detected 48 h after leukemic cell
VOL. 13, 1976                                                                                             MURINE LEUKEMIA                                  395
injection and remained relatively high (45 to 70                                 ing the later stages of P388 and L1210 leukemia
U/ml) through day 8 of disease. A correspond-                                    may at least in part be attributed to major
ing initial and continuous suppression of the                                    changes in various cell populations. They do
interferon response was also observed. These                                     not, however, explain the hyporeactivity ob-
results suggest a direct relationship between                                    served during the early stages of disease and
the presence of SHF and a depressed interferon                                   further support the possible role of SHF in mod-
response in leukemic mice.                                                       ulating hyporeactivity in vivo.
   Daily total and differential peripheral leuko-                                   Properties of hyporeactive factor in the
cyte (WBC) counts and spleen weights were                                        sera of leukemic mice. The physicochemical
also determined for both L1210 and P388 leu-                                     properties of hyporeactive factor in serum col-
kemic mice (Table 1). Significant increases in                                   lected 72 h after P388 or 48 h after L1210 cell
total WBC numbers and spleen weights began                                       injection were determined by using a previously

                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
to appear 3 to 4 days after injection of P388                                    described procedure (18). Fundamental proper-
leukemic cells. In L1210 leukemic mice a tran-                                   ties of SHF from either L1210 or P388 leukemic
sient increase in WBC and lymphocyte counts                                      mice were similar to those of a previously char-
appeared on days 3 and 4 followed by a gradual                                   acterized hyporeactive factor detected in the
decline. Significant increases in total WBC                                      serum of EMC virus-infected mice (18, 20; Table
numbers again appeared 7 to 8 days after L1210                                   2). Each was protein in nature and was de-
cell injection. Low numbers of blast and juve-                                   stroyed by incubation at 37 C for 30 min with 50
nile cells appeared in the circulation of L1210                                  ,ug of trypsin per ml (3 x crystallized; Worthing-
and P388 leukemic mice as early as 48 h and                                      ton Biochemical Corp., Freehold, N.J.) but was
progressively increased in numbers, reaching                                     not affected by ribonuclease or deoxyribonucle-
levels of up to 30% by day 8. These results                                      ase (50 ,ug/ml; Worthington Biochemical Corp.).
suggest that the hyporeactivity observed dur-                                    No loss in biological activity was observed when
                 530                                         INDUCERS
                                                         o Pit 1: C
                                                         a   Tilarese                                                            INDUCERS
  200                                                    O NOV                          200                                     O Ply I            C
                                                         O RMV                                                                  A Tirerme
   130                                                                                  ISO                                     O Nov
                                                                                                                                O RMV

   160                                                                                  160

   120                                                                            !S120                               J#                                        I

     100~~~~~~~~~0                                                                     us100                               '                   -

    go                 I                                                                0~~~~~~~~~~0
          /          a3                                                           cc     40

  "I         I~~~

                                                                                         20    0

             1             2       3     4       5       6       7      3                  -   1   2      3      4      5      6           7           3
                               DAYS POST L1212 CELL INJECTION                                          DAYS POST P388 CELL INJECTION
   FIG. 2. Serum interferon and SHF levels in L1210 (a) or P388 (b) leukemic mice. Interferon titers are
expressed as a percentage of the levels induced in matched groups of normal uninfected control mice at each
time period. L1210, P388, and uninfected control animals received a single injection of poly(I:C), tilorone
hydrochloride, NDV, or RMV either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 days after leukemic cell injection. Blood and
subsequent serum samples were collected 4 h after poly(I:C), 6 h after NDV or RMV, or 18 h after tilorone.
Each point represents the mean of results from three separate experiments, whereas the solid line designates
the average response to all four inducers. The broken line designates the average level of SHF in serum from
leukemic mice estimated by the ability of dilutions of serum to inhibit the interferon response induced by NDV
in MEF cells. SHF levels are expressed in units per milliliter, which represents the reciprocal of the highest
serum dilution inhibiting by 50% the interferon response induced by NDV in control plates.
396         STRINGFELLOW                                                                                                INFECT. IMMUN.
         TABLE 1. Daily peripheral, WBC profile and spleen weights of L1210 and P388 leukemic mice
  Characteristics of                                            Days post L1210 or P388 cell injection
         mice                  1                  2             3             4             5             6             7              8

   Total   WBC/mm3         10,2000             9,200         12,500        11,000        9,900         9,700         12,200        29,900
      Lymphocytes/mm3      7,200                7,100        11,000        9,600         7,900         6,600          3,200         5, 100
      Monocytes/mm3        1,300                1,000          500           400           400            800         1,700         4,500
      Granulocytes/mm3     1,700                1,100         1,000         1,000         1,600         2,300         7,300        20,300
      Avg spleen wt (g)            0.1              0.08            0.08          0.1           0.08          0.1           0.1          0.11
   Total WBC/mm3           9,200               10,600        15,200        15,400        13,600        19,900        15,300        15,000
   Lymphocytes/mm3         6,500                8,300        12,300        11,000         8,400        12,700         6,900         4,500

                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
   Monocytes/mm3           1,700                 800           800          1,400         1,500         2,000         3,400         3,800
   Granulocytes/mm3        2,000                1,500         2,100         3,000         3,700         5,200         5,000         6,700
   Avg spleen wt (g)           0.07                   0.06          0.11          0.17          0.24          0.23          0.24        0.24
 Normal controls
   Total WBC/mm3            9,800               9,800         9,400        10,200        9,600          9,800        10,500         9,200
   Lymphocytes/mm3          6,900               7,800         7,600         8,400        7,900          7,500         8,400         7,400
   Monocytes/mm3            1,300                 900          940           900           800          1,100          900            860
   Granulocytes/mm3         1,600               1,100          860           900           900          1,200         1,200           940
   Avg spleen wt (g)               0.061            0.07         0.06             0.05       0.07             0.06          0.06        0.07
      Each value represents a mean of 18 animals, six animals per experiment in three separate experiments.
 TABLE 2. Physicochemical properties of SHF from                           tween 20,000 and 40,000, using G-200 Sephadex
 EMC virus-infected, L1210, or P388 leukemic mice                          (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden)
                                           SHF sourceb
                                                                           column chromatography (18). Using an identi-
         PropertiePa                                                       cal system, the molecular weight of SHF from
                L1210 P388
                            ___                               EMC          L1210 or P388 leukemic mice was estimated to
                                                                           be between 100,000 and 150,000. Also, the SHF
Trypsin sensitivity                 +                 +         +          from virus-infected or leukemic mice had no
RNase sensitivity                   -                 -         -
DNase sensitivity                   -                 -         -          effect on the sensitivity of L929 cells to the
Dialyzability                       -                 -         -          antiviral action of interferon (but effectively
Sedimentation at 100,000            -                 -         -          impaired their ability to produce interferon),
  x g
Species specific                    +                 +         +
                                                                           nor could any interferon be detected in serum
Heat stability:                                                            from L1210 or P388 leukemic mice.
  37C                        +        +       +                                              DISCUSSION
pH stability (2.0-11.0)      +        +       +                               Results presented in this report indicate that
Mol wt (Sephadex G-200 i100,000- 100,000- 20,000-
  chromatography)         150,000  150,000 40,000                          both L1210 and P388 leukemic mice progres-
                                           I                               sively develop a state of hyporeactivity to inter-
     RNase, ribonuclease; DNase, deoxyribonuclease.                        feron induction. If such a condition develops in
   b Serum was collected 96 h after EMC virus infection, 72                man it may limit the use of interferon inducers
h after P388 or 48 h after L1210 cell injection.                           as effective therapeutic agents in the treatment
                                                                           of neoplasia or secondary virus infections that
sera from leukemic or EMC virus-infected mice                              arise during malignancy. Reports that man de-
were dialyzed for 48 h at 4 C against PBS or                               velops an immunosuppressive state during ma-
when centrifuged at 100,000 x g for 2 h. The                               lignancy (7) suggest that such a depression of
biological activity of SHF from all three sources                          interferon responsiveness may occur. The hypo-
was species specific in that each depressed the                            reactivity created in mice by L1210 and P388
NDV-induced interferon response of murine                                  leukemia, however, was inducer dependent.
cells (L929, MEF, or peritoneal exudate cells)                             That is, the degree of hyporeactivity and rate of
but had no effect on human foreskin fibroblast,                            onset varied with each inducer. For example,
rabbit kidney, or embryonic chicken kidney                                 poly(I:C) and NDV generally induced higher
cells. At 56 C greater than 90% of the biological                          interferon levels later during L1210 leukemia
activity of each was lost within 10 min but each                           than did tilorone or RMV. These results sug-
was stable at 37 C for at least 4 h and over a pH                          gest that the ability of the diseased as well as
range of 2.0 to 11.0 for 48 h at 4 C. The molecu-                          the normal host to respond to a particular in-
lar weight of SHF from EMC virus-infected                                  ducer may be a vital point to consider in selec-
mice has previously been estimated to be be-                               tion and development of these agents for thera-
VOL. 13, 1976                                                                   MURINE LEUKEMIA                 397
peutic use.                                                              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
   Several explanations might account for the             The technical assistance of H. C. Vanderberg and F. T.
development of hyporeactivity. The data pre- Maida and statistical assistance of P. Good and T. Tesar are
sented in this report indicate that a circulatory appreciated.
factor was detected in the serum of L1210 and
P388 leukemic mice which could transfer hypo-                              LITERATURE CITED
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