Murrayfield Memorial Club 2017-18 AGM Pack - Contents AGM Minutes Presidents Report Notes Development Report Club Accounts

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Murrayfield Memorial Club 2017-18 AGM Pack - Contents AGM Minutes Presidents Report Notes Development Report Club Accounts
Murrayfield Memorial Club 2017-18 AGM Pack


 AGM Minutes

 Presidents Report Notes

 Development Report

 Club Accounts
Murrayfield Memorial Club 2017-18 AGM Pack - Contents AGM Minutes Presidents Report Notes Development Report Club Accounts
Murrayfield Memorial Table Tennis Club

 Minutes of Annual General Meeting - 21 August 2018

(1a) Attendees
Charlie Ellis, Colin Clark, Dan Najdrowski, Gordon Muir, Graham Muir, Ian Moran, Ian Robertson,
Jamie Mullineaux, John Hannah, Keith Dingwall, Krzysztof Borkowicz, Lindsay Muir, Lynn
Somerville, Mark Turnbull, Masoud Nowbaveh, Mike Letchford, Peter Nettleton, Simon Hughes,
Stella Hughes, Richard Tallaron, Robert Inder & Yubo Rasmussen

(1b) Apologies
Bob Sterling, John Yau & Stuart Wilson

(2) Minutes of AGM on 5 September 2017
Minutes of previous AGM were approved. Proposed by Lynn and seconded by Keith.

(3) Matters Arising
Main issue was how best to manage club communications. After some discussion the following
was agreed:
 • Email will remain the primary method for general club communications
 • Team captains will be given admin rights for the club facebook so that they can enter match
 reports there. Action: Gordon (set admin rights)

(4) President’s Address
Lindsay presented the president’s report (detailed report attached). Key points:
 • DCI funding received in January
 • Lots of new members – welcome!
 • New 3 year hall hire agreement negotiated
 • Lots of weekly training opportunities at various locations
 • Had first club championship for many years (competing for Roger Thomas Quaich) - this
 year’s club championship is on 6th Sep
 • It was noted that the ping pong tournament will now be run out of Dundee – Ronnie
 Turnbull Quaich has been handed over
 • Did well in National League, ELTTL & Junior League
 • Notable individual performances too

Additional discussion:
 • Note: There are 10 Murrayfield teams in the ELTTL this year
 • Charlie wanted to register a big “thank you” to all involved in playing and transporting folk to
 the National League matches
 • Lindsay to resend the original National League email to make sure folk can register interest
 in playing in 2018/19 season - Action: Lindsay
 • There was some discussion on how best to monitor for potential new premises – this is
 something we should look into during the year - Action: Committee

(5) DCI Report
Gordon presented the development report (detailed report attached). Key points:
 • Gordon is the new club development officer, started in January 2018 – many thanks to
 Martin Hayman for his help
 • Lots of things on-going and planned
 • If you want to get involved contact either Gordon or Lindsay

Additional discussion:
Murrayfield Memorial Club 2017-18 AGM Pack - Contents AGM Minutes Presidents Report Notes Development Report Club Accounts
• Options for senior coaching? There will be opportunities at the various weekly training
 sessions. In addition there will probably be an Edinburgh development day, although that is
 an ELTTL initiative (not Murrayfield)

(6) Treasurer’s Report
Gordon presented the club accounts (detailed accounts attached). Key points:
 • Pretty good year – club funds increased (again) year-on-year
 • However, prudent to increase fees a little (see later)
 • Gordon is stepping down given other commitments (see later)
 • It was noted that he has left the club in a good shape (reversed trend in club funds in
 positive direction)

(7) Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
 • President: Lindsay (proposed by Lynn and seconded by Ian M)
 • Vice-President: Keith (proposed by Richard and seconded by Masoud)
 • Treasurer: Jaime (proposed by Graham and seconded by Lynn) [Note: Gordon stepped
 • Secretary: Ian M (proposed by Masoud seconded by Gordon)
 • Committee: All existing committee members agreed to carry on for a further year. In
 addition the following folk joined the committee:
 o Mike (proposed by Colin and seconded by Gordon)
 o Stella (proposed by Masoud and seconded by Lynn)
 o Simon (proposed by Keith and seconded by Graham)

[The committee now consists of: Lindsay (President); Keith (Vice-President); Jaime (Treasurer);
Ian M (Secretary); Charlie; Colin; Gordon; Graham; Ian R; John; Lynn; Mike; Richard; Simon;

(8) Fees
The following fee structure was proposed by Gordon and was agreed without objection.
New Fees – 2018-19
 Murrayfield Edinburgh TTS Total
Senior 174 13 23 210
Unemployed 134 13 23 170
Student 136 13 11 160
Junior (Unlimited) 240 13 11 264
Junior (Once a week) 180 13 11 204

(9) Any Other Business
 • We need to think about teapot trust fund raiser, and general club fund raising, ideas –
 Action: Committee
 • Defibrillator – do we need to get one for the club? – Action: Committee
 • There was some discussion on how best to organize Tuesday training nights as they can
 get very busy and there was concern that folk can sometimes hog the tables. Agreed that
 there should be a 20 minute limit and then folk should vacate their table. Best to monitor
 this. Maybe need to create some signs that highlight the 20 minute rule? – Action:
 • ELTTL fixtures are still being finalised.
 • Note: that the online system is the primary source of information.
 • Formal announcement of teams will be made very soon.
 • Note: The ELTTL rules have changed (a lot). Hence there will be a new handbook
 produced this year to include the new rules and constitution. Action: Team captains to
 make sure they get copies and circulate

Presroents Kepon Murraynelo Memonal LluD 21" August lu16

Welcome to a new season for the club, one which I am hoping to see lots of changes due to the
success of receiving our DCI funding in January. Welcome especially to the new members, I do hope
we will live up to your expectations and can help up grow table tennis in Edinburgh.
Big thanks to Martin Hayman and Keith for overseeing. Appointemnt of Gordon in the post, who will
shortly let us know how it is going and the vision going forward for the next 3 years. And the
challenges ahead.
Hall hire, negotiated another 3 years, looking at other venues and using Schools. Sunday service was
a reasonable success but due to some busy weekend it fizzled out.
RHS still storage issues, Tynecastle potential, Broughton Mondays, El Fridays or club
Tuesdays an issue due to high numbers but hopefully will level off once season starts and other
venues are up and running.
First Champs in many years
Roger Thomas Quaich James Forrest beating
Charlie Ellis final 9 in 5th
Keith beat Richard Talleron in Vets
Jake won Junior with Jamie Sloan R-UP
Arron Barclay won Cadet with Charlie McGowan
Minors Charlie McGowan with Haydn Jackson R-up
Ping Pong - Ronnie Turnbull Quaich
Dates for diary 5th sept @RHS w# '
National League 5 teams
Murrayfield A R-Up once again, this time to NA (f 100) prize
Thanks to guest EU players Johannes Laute amd Jan Mayer and Graeme Barrella too. Home players
John Hannah and Calum Morrison completed the team.
Murrayfield B R-Up in Div 2, so firsttime have 2 team in Div 1, Charlie Gordon and Yuhuan
Murrayfield C won Div 3, well done, Keith, Alex, jake, james and Colin
Murrayfield D r-Up in Div 4, Luke, iamie, Richard L, Ben and Graham
Murrayfield E, Haydn, Charlie,Ben, Elena and Jonas
Plan 5 teams again
Team 1-AGAIN r-Up in Premier against a very strong EU team, even with us having Calum playing in
key matches, Gordon, Yuhuan and Charlie
Team 2- Mid takrle
Team 3- probably the tightest division ever with positions 2-4 allon same points, Colin and lan still
don't know howl Managed to save the day. Think its where all my grey hairs have come from.
Team 4- Did team 3 lots of favours in Div l and finished 5th
Team 5- Stayed up in Division 1 by a lot of hard work and angst, John Yau
f eam 6/7- Div 2 together
Team 8 - in Divison 3 came 3'd
Won Div 1

3'd div L and 2
Handicap cup winners- Elena,Alex, Graham and Arron
Notable performances
Charlie McGowan and Haydn Jackson shocked Aberdeen top seeds and placed lst anc! 2nd
respectively at the $cottish Primary Schools, and won a team bronze medal at the Frimary Schools
Junior National Ghampionships
Calum Morrison Under 18 Boys Champion
Faye Leggett Under 18 and Under 15 Girls Champion
Charlie, Keith and Bob selected for 6 nations tournament
Charlie Scottish vets National champion. Edin champ Mike Maclaren quaich,
Murrayfield TTC Development Report - Gordon Muir

After a successful Direct Club Investment (DCI) bid with a great amount of help from Martin Hayman, I
have been appointed as the new club development officer starting in the post in January 2018.

So far with the help of Lindsay we have had a good start, establishing 2 breakfast clubs at Clermiston and
Cramond Primary Schools, new satellite high school clubs at Broughton (Monday) and Tynecastle
(Wednesday), and 3 newly qualified UKCC Level 1 coaches. Lunchtime clubs are taking place in at least 6
high schools across the city - hopefully with more new tables this will increase.

The DCI has allowed for 300 extra hours of coaching and admin work this year which seems to be paying
off in terms of increasing junior (and senior) players playing and increase of subscriptions.

The coming season

Going forward, Alex is also going to be starting a class at Clifton High School near Kirkliston, providing an
after-school class and then open sessions afterwards. Can’t wait to see some little choppers New
members Kris and Alicja are both keen to get started coaching as well, so look out for them leading
sessions soon. We are also going to be helping Edinburgh International run the after-school clubs at
Gillespie’s on a Wednesday and helping promote the after-school sessions through the primary schools.

We still have work to do in increasing participation in the over 50s age category, and in areas of multiple
deprivation. I have recently had a meeting at the Eric Liddle Centre, and am putting together a proposal for
a Dementia TT session with an open Community club, and Lindsay has been working on putting together
some new activity at the Wester Hailes Education Centre.

So far, we have delivered 28 new tables to venues throughout Edinburgh this year, East Craigs (1), Granton
Baptist Church (1), Drummond HS (4), Holyrood HS (4), Engage at Napier (2), Eric Liddell Centre (3), South
Queensferry HS (4), Craiglockhart (2), Stenhouse (2), Balgreen (3) and Leith Academy (2). We are looking to
put in 10-20 tables into other schools and community venues before the end of the year, if you have a
venue in mind please let us know.

As ever, if you would like to get involved in any way, whether it be volunteering at sessions, looking at
venues, setting up a feeder club, or anything else, let Lindsay or I know.

 Murrayfield TTC Targets Baseline Year 1 Target Year 2 Target
 Active men 54 74 93
 Active women 11 26 39
 Active boys 35 48 84
 Active girls 4 12 22
 Male coaches 8 11 14
 Female coaches 1 2 2
 After school classes 3 4 5
 Tasters in primary schools 0 12 24
 New community clubs 0 2 3
 Dementia/care home sessions 1 6 8
 School Affiliations 2 10 16
Murrayfield Memorial Club ‐ Table Tennis
 Season 2017 / 2018 ‐ Year ending 31st July 2018

 Summary of Income & Expenditure 2017 / 2018 2016 / 2017

 £ £

 Subscriptions: Senior 5,165 4,651
 Subscriptions: Student 213 297
 Subscriptions: Junior 4,381 3,384
 League fees 851 864
 Prior year subs / league fees ‐ 340
 Interest received ‐ Scottish Widows Bond ‐ 1,385
 Interest received ‐ Ratesetter 1,770 875
 Grant (DCI Amount spent so far) 5,092 ‐
 Tournament income / Hall Hire 1,637 681
 Fund Raising ‐ 370
 Other income (SNL 2nd Place) 183 100
 Use of equipment, Demonstration income 350 100
 Sponsorship ‐ ‐
 Summer School Income 1,905 ‐
 Equipment Sales ‐ 3,784

 Total income 21,547 16,830

 Rent ‐ Church Hall Murrayfield Ave (includes extra use) 4,802 6,204
 Rent ‐ RHS + Broughton 2,555 2,008
 League fees ‐ Edin & Lothians TTL 1,089 975
 League fees ‐ Scottish National League 635 425
 New equipment ‐ (40mm Training Balls) 468 324
 New equipment from Jarvis ‐ (Match Balls) 132 3,984
 DCI Equipment Expenditure 400 ‐
 DCI Coaching Expenditure 4,692 ‐
 Junior Coaching 1,015 1,740
 Website / Advertising 118 ‐
 Other (Coach Reg + UKCC fees) 505 264
 Donation to charity ‐ ‐
 Demonstration costs ‐ 60
 Tournament Costs 1,051 376
 Summer School Expenses 1,885 ‐

 Total expenses 19,347 16,360

 Excess of income over expenditure 2,200 470

 Account balances: 2017 / 2018 2016 / 2017
 BOS Current Account 5,423 4,993
 Scottish Widows Bank ‐ Bond ‐ ‐
 Ratesetter 46,747 * 44,977
 Direct Club Investment Grant 7,381
 Total 59,552 49,970


 Current assets Current liabilities ‐
 Cash and cash equivalents 59,552 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 810
 Accounts receivable 1,724 Total current liabilities 810
 Total current assets 61,276

 Total liabilities ‐
 Fixed assets Total owners' equity 71,908
 Equipment at cost 17,144
 Less accumulated depreciation 5,702
 Total fixed assets 11,442

 Total assets 72,718

* Denotes restricted reserves of £46,747. These relate to the balance of funds remaining from the sale of our previous venue in the 1980s to
Kwikfit. It was agreed at that time that the funds should be ring‐fenced towards a new home for the Club. These have been kept in various
medium term accounts and remains committed to finding a permanent home for the Club.
Murrayfield Memorial Club Accounts ‐ Appendices 17‐18

The accounts are currently in good shape, but there are challenges ahead. As the DCI grant decreases we will need to increase revenue if
we wish to continue to grow the club and fufill our aim of finding a full time venue. I am going to step down from the Tresurer role after 7
years as I have pressing development work to do for the club. I wish my successor the best of luck in their new role.

Gordon Muir

Investment Information Rental Agreements

 Ratesetter Account Rent 2017‐18 2018‐19 Increase
 On Loan Church Hall 5400 5535 2.5%
 Amount Rate(1) RHS & Broughton (Core)* 2105 3018 43.3%
 Monthly Access £25,040 2.90% Tynecastle 0 0 0%
 1 Year Bond £0 Total 7505 8553 13.96%
 3 Year Income £0
 5 Year Income £21,707 5.10% *Increase is due to new senior training session at Broughton
 Holding Account £0 starting this season
 Total £46,747 4.00%

(1) Weighted average rate

Grants and Donations

 Direct Club Investment Grant 2018 2019 2020 2021
 Sport Scotland 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000
 City Of Edinburgh Council 2,473 ? ? ?
 Unrestricted donation 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500
 Total 22,473 16,500 13,000 9,500

 DCI Coaching Expenditure 4,692
 DCI Equipment Expenditure 400
 To spend by December 31st 7,381

 2017‐2018 Fees Murrayfield Edinburgh TTS Late Total
 Senior 166 13 23 8 210
 Unemployed 126 13 23 8 170
 Student 122 13 11 11 157
 Junior (Unlimited) 240 13 11 0 264
 Junior (Once a week) 180 13 11 0 204

 2018‐19 Fees Proposal Murrayfield Edinburgh TTS Late Total
 Senior 174 13 23 0 210
 Unemployed 134 13 23 0 170
 Student 136 13 11 0 160
 Junior (Unlimited) 240 13 11 0 264
 Junior (Once a week) 180 13 11 0 204
Club Funds 2004‐2018







 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

 Difference in club funds after inflation (RPI) 2004‐2018









 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
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