PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors

PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
             WELCOME PACK
Season 2020/21
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Welcome to Wrekin Juniors FC
Wrekin Juniors FC Committee Members
Our Commitment
Safeguarding and Child Welfare
FA Charter Standard
Respect Code of Conduct – Parents/Spectators
Respect Code of Conduct - Players
Protecting Your Data
Paying Subs
Training During Covid-19
League Matches
Wrekin Junior FC Match Kits
Get Involved!
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Welcome to Wrekin Juniors FC
Dear Supporters and Players,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as players and parents to Wrekin Juniors Football Club, either as a
new member or existing. We hope that during your time with us you will enjoy your football and make many new
friends in the process. Volunteer members are working hard for and with, each other to give children the best possible
start and experiences.
Who We Are
The Club was founded in July 1998 to provide opportunities for local boys and girls to access football coaching,
organised football matches and other occasional leisure activities in a safe and supportive environment, also to develop
their individual and team soccer skills and to help develop their self-awareness, confidence and general social skills. We
have achieved Charter Standard Status which means we have achieved required standards of provision as laid down by
the FA.
Wrekin Juniors Football Club is now a leading provider of qualified organised junior football teams with approximately
200 boys and girl’s junior members from the Telford and district area.
Our Role in the Community
As a leading junior football club, Wrekin Juniors has a role to play in the community in providing quality experiences for
healthy exercise and social skill building for local boys and girls as part of a community club for life.
I hope that you enjoy your time with our club and look forward to sharing the coming season with you.
Kind regards,
Andy Pace (Club Chairman)
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Wrekin Juniors FC Committee
Your Committee consists of willing volunteers who are prepared to attend meetings and help with
the general running of the Club, along with organising social events and fundraising.
We like to think that all our team coaches and committee members are approachable and
obtainable, so we welcome you to raise any, requests, ideas that you would like discussed in our
monthly manger meetings.
If you would like to be involved with the management of the club, please contact us as we are
always looking for new and refreshing ways to keep the club moving in an upward direction.

■   Chairman                Andy Pace
■   Vice Chairman           Darriel Terry
■   Secretary               Lisa Greatorex
■   Treasurer               Steve Haynes
■   Child Welfare Officer   Himant Sharda
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Our Commitment
Our Club Philosophy
■ To give the interests of each child equal value irrespective of their football skills.
■ To promote self-esteem, confidence and the development of social skills including loyalty,
  unselfishness and consideration for others.
■ To provide a safe, fun environment for all players.

Communicating With You
We will use the following ways to give you updates about our club:
■ Our website and our Wrekin Juniors FC Facebook page.
■ eNewsletters sent to the email address that you register with us.
■ Your manager may send information or links via a private team social media, or we may
  ask managers to ask you to contact us.
               We DO NOT ask you for any personal, payment or bank details.
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Safeguarding and Child Welfare
  “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, if you are worried about a child it is
      important that you report your concerns – no action is not an option”.

As part of our commitment to keeping young          Concerned that a child is in immediate danger?
people safe, we are proud to be an FA Charter           Call the Police on 999 or the NSPCC
Standard Club. You can find out what this
means for you and your child here.                           Helpline via 0808 800 5000
All football clubs must have a designated welfare
officer who is responsible for safeguarding         Other Sources of Support
within the club.
                                                    Further help and information is just a click away!
Our Club Designated Welfare Officer is Himant
Sharda.                                             ■   Childline 0800 1111
If you have any concerns about poor practice or     ■   NSPCC 0808 800 5000
behaviour, or concerns for a child, please          ■   The Child Protection in Sport Unit
contact her by email at or by filling in the    ■   Wrekin Juniors FC Safeguarding Policy
web contact form at        ■   Safeguarding at Shropshire FA
officer                                             ■   The FA Safeguarding Documentation
                                                    ■   Whistle-blowing
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
FA Charter Standard
The FA Charter Standard helps clubs develop policies and practices making them proud to provide football in a
safe environment where competitive football is fun and open to everyone. This is your reassurance, as a parent,
that we do everything we can to keep your child safe. Each year we complete an annual health check to ensure
we maintain this standard.
To achieve the FA Charter Standard the club must:
■   have a trained Welfare Officer;
■   run Criminal Record Checks, for all volunteers and ensure they are current;
■   ensure all volunteers are Safeguarding trained and this qualification is in date;
■   have emergency aid-trained volunteers attached to each team and this qualification is in date;
■   provide a minimum of one FA Level One coach for each youth team;
■   have appropriate club administration in place;
■   be signed-up to the FA Respect programme.
We are proud that we have achieved this standard consistently over many years. You can find out more about
the FA Charter Standard here.
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Respect Code of Conduct – PARENTS/ SPECTATORS
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. Parents have a great influence on
children’s enjoyment and success in football. Children play football because they first and foremost love the game
– it’s FUN. Remember children’s football is a time for them to develop and learn. We want them to win but not at
  all costs. Play your part by supporting your child, observing the Code of Conduct at all times and ensuring your
                                   child understands the Player Code of Conduct.
I will:
■     Remember that children play for FUN
■     Applaud effort and good play
■     Always respect the match officials’ decisions
■     Remain outside the field of play or within the Designated Spectators’ Areas
■     Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do
■     Encourage my child, and others, or be quiet. Praise effort and performance, not results
■     Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and officials
■     Avoid criticising a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning
■     Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour
■     Develop an appropriate supportive relationship with the coach based on mutual trust and respect
■     Support the coach’s decisions and discuss any concerns directly with the coach
■     Not argue with opposition parents or players
■     Be a good role model
PLAYER AND SUPPORTER WELCOME PACK - Season 2020/21 - Wrekin Juniors
Respect Code of Conduct – PLAYERS
As a player, you have a big part to play. Fair Play and respect for all others in the game is
essential. We are asking every player to follow a Code of Conduct to Honour Our Game.

When playing football / training, I will:
■   Always work hard to learn and improve and play to the best of my ability
■   Play fairly with sportsmanship and respect to Honour Our Game
■   Respect my team-mates, opposition, officials and myself
■   Play by the rules and always respect the referee/coach
■   Value the opposition by playing hard and fair
■   Thank the other team and referee at the end of the game
■   Lead by example both on and off the pitch
■   Listen and respond to what my coach tells me
■   Talk to someone I trust or the club child protection officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my
■   Not spit or chew gum
Protecting Your Data
We take your personal privacy very seriously. We have to collect some information about you
and/or your child for us to be able to administer your membership. Below is a summary of how
we store and use your data but you can view our full Privacy Notice here.
Membership Form
■ Submitting details on the website membership form is via a secure connection.
■ Membership forms are held securely on our database and deleted when the player leaves the club
  or on 1st June of that season. Access to the database is password protected and limited to the Club
  Secretary and Treasurer.
■ The details are used on the FA’s Whole Game System (WGS) to search for and register players.
  Each player will have a unique FAN (FA number) on WGS. A list of FANs is held securely by the Club
  Secretary and may be shared with team managers and the player’s parent.
■ The Club Secretary may share limited details with a league, the FA or a team manager.
■ Leagues may publish the names of registered players on the FA’s Full Time system.
Player Photos
■ Once uploaded onto WGS these are immediately deleted from the database.
■ Team managers will download a squad sheet containing these photos and player names which
  they must not share. This sheet must be shown to the referee and opposition manager at a match
  in accordance with FA rules.
Protecting Your Data
Player Identification
■ We ask for a form of identification, e.g. a birth certificate or passport, so that a player’s age
  can be verified when you register with us for the first time.
■ Once a date of birth has been verified and checked against WGS, the identification will be
  deleted from the database, however a league may request to see this.
Parent Contact
■ We will keep your contact details so that we can contact you. These are not shared outside
  the club except when liaising with NHS Test and Trace.
Whole Game System (WGS)
■ The Club Secretary has access to the full details held on WGS. You may view the Privacy
  Notice for WGS here.
Player Emails – Season 2021/22
■ The FA will be making it mandatory for an email address to be included on a player’s profile
  on WGS from the 2021/22 season. For a player under the age of 16 years, this will be via a
  Parent Link on WGS which means that parents must also have a FAN. The Club Secretary will
  contact parents via their managers with more information.
Paying Subs                                                      What Does Subs Pay For?
■   Each team has their own bank account with two                ■   Our coaches and managers are volunteers so we
    signatories.                                                     pay for everything they need to run their team:
■   We recommend that subs are paid by bank transfer                 ▪   All qualifications including DBS checks, Safeguarding
    into the team account.                                               training, Emergency First Aid and FA coaching
■   When registering a player, your manager will ask for a           ▪   Basic equipment.
    registration fee. Currently this is set at £20 per player.
                                                                     ▪   Safe facilities for all matches and one training session
■   We aim to be as inclusive as possible, so we split subs              per week.
    into 10 monthly payments during the season rather
    than a lump sum up front.                                    ■   The club pays fees for each team playing in a league,
■   Teams are in control of the amount charged per player
    per month. Typically teams charge £20 per month.                 ▪   Team FA affiliation
                                                                     ▪   Personal accident insurance
■   At the end of each month, the manager will transfer
    your subs into the club bank account.                            ▪   League and Cup entry
                                                                     ▪   Player registrations
■   Any additional funds raised by the team, e.g. money
    left over from subs, selling refreshments or                     ▪   Referees
    sponsorship, can be kept by the team for any                 ■   We also pay for one tournament entry for each
    additional extras such as Xmas parties, outings,                 team per season.
    additional equipment etc.
                                                                 ■   Each player receives an end of season trophy.
■ As we do not have our own pitch, we rely on hiring facilities, such as
  schools, colleges and sports centres.
■ Your manager will arrange one training session per week and will let
  you know the day, time and venue. We try to keep this the same for
  the season.
■ Winter training takes place from October to March. This will either be indoors or on all
  weather pitches. The exact date will depend on the venue.
■ Summer training will typically be on grass pitches.
■ Any additional training sessions are paid for directly by the team.
■ It is the manager’s decision when to have holiday breaks. Most of our managers run some
  sessions during the school holidays.
Training During
Covid-19                                             Does your child display any of the following
                                                                                                           No   Yes

                                                     A high temperature (above 37.8C)
■   Before travelling to a training session or
    other football activity, please carry out the    • Some teams may include on-site temperature
    following self-screen check list. This list      checking of players before a session.
    contains potential indicators of Covid-19
                                                     A new continuous cough
■   If you answer ‘yes’ to any one of these then
    please stay at home and follow all applicable    Shortness of breath
    Government Guidance (e.g. call NHS 111, self     A sore throat
■   Your team manager/coach will ask you to          Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell
    confirm if you have carried out the self-
                                                     Feeling generally unwell
    screen at the beginning of the session.
                                                     Been in close contact with/living with a suspected
■   If you have not carried out the self-screen,     or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the previous two
    you will be asked to do it before your child     weeks
    can participate. If the answer to any of the
    above is ‘yes’ then you will need to take your
    child home and follow the Government
League Matches
■ The season usually starts in the first weekend of the school term in September and finishes
  in May. All teams will play home and away matches set by the leagues and fixtures are
  published on the FA’s Full Time website.
■ Our boys/mixed teams play in the Telford Junior Football League.
   ▪   Matches are played on Sundays.
   ▪   The U7 and U8 teams will play Futsal indoors between January and March.
■ Our girls teams play in the Shropshire Girls and Women’s Football League.
   ▪   Matches are played on Saturdays.
   ▪   Futsal will be played indoors between January and March for U10 teams and below.
       One day FA Futsal finals are played for U10, U12, U14 and U16 teams. The winners of
       these go onto a regional final.
■ Managers may organise friendlies with other teams when there are no league matches.
Wrekin Junior FC Match Kits
■ We don’t expect our players to pay for match kits, however we do ask that kits are
  looked after and returned when a player leaves or if the team outgrow them.
■ Our managers are responsible for obtaining sponsors to pay for new kits. This can be a
  difficult job at times, so if you or you know someone willing to sponsor a kit then
  please let your manager know.
■ There are a limited number of kits that can be borrowed if a team does not have a

                Home Kit                                     Away Kit
Get Involved!
There’s more than one way to support your footballer:
■ Become a coach/manager - most of our coaches started out as parents or
  grandparents watching from the side-lines.
■ Become a parent helper or Respect Marshall for your team.
■ Fund raise for your team - sell refreshments or do sponsored events.
■ Sponsor a kit - your company logo will be printed on the shirts and displayed
  on our promotional materials.
■ Help us organise and put on events, such as our club tournament or end of
  season presentation.

Without our fantastic army of volunteers, we simply could not do what we do for our young people.
Helping is a great way to get to know people and contribute to the Club’s development.
Get involved—you’ll gain more than you give, we promise! If you can help in any way, do talk to
your manager or a member of the committee!
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