NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

Page created by Yvonne Greene
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS
Winter • 2019

                                                             A PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE FOUNDATION
                                                                                                Aussi disponible en français

Photo: Michael Slobodian

NAC Presents Sessions
An opportunity like no other for                                                 The concert was part of Sessions,
                                                                                 a new series from NAC Presents

Canadian artists and audiences                                                   where Canadian artists perform with
                                                                                 the NAC Orchestra in Southam
                                                                                 Hall. “Many artists are looking for
                                                                                 something different in their careers
Lynn Miles felt it the moment she   “I felt so supported and comfortable,”       such as the opportunity to perform with
                                    Lynn shares. “The rehearsal felt easy.       an orchestra,” says Heather Gibson,
walked on stage at Southam Hall                                                  Executive Producer of NAC Presents.
                                    This was a new experience for me and
for the first time in her career.   the Orchestra had my back all the way.”      “Sometimes they come with charts,
The JUNO award-winning singer/                                                   sometimes, as in Lynn’s case, we
songwriter was there to rehearse    The rehearsal was a success and so was       commission them. This adds another
                                    the concert that followed. “I got so         layer to an artist’s repertoire in that
her songs and new orchestral        much love from the audience,” Lynn           they now have those arrangements to
arrangements with the NAC           recalls. “To play in my hometown in          perform with other orchestras.”
Orchestra.                          what is essentially my Carnegie Hall
                                                                                                           continued on page 2
                                    with the NAC Orchestra backing me
                                    was a career highlight I’ll never forget.”
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

                                    continued from cover

                                    NAC Presents Sessions

                                    An opportunity like no other for
                                    Canadian artists and audiences

                                    “Playing with the
                                    NAC Orchestra was
                                    very special. The
                                    whole experience
                                    was one of the
                                    best in my musical
                                    Lynn Miles,
                                    Canadian Singer/Songwriter

                                                                                                                                                         Lynn Miles
                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Scott Doubt

                                    Lynn chose Peter Kiesewalter, a           Sessions also has benefits for the        to see an artist and the Orchestra in
                                    musical director in New York City, to     Orchestra, exposing them to potential     a different light, to experience high
                                    orchestrate her songs for Sessions. “I    new audiences and providing them          quality art in a unique environment.”
                                    gave Peter free range and he did some     with the chance to do something
                                    grand arrangements,” says Lynn.           a little different from their usual       Meanwhile, Lynn is thankful for the
                                    “There were horn parts in there I         repertoire. “We got such positive         experience. “I’ve been coming to the
                                    never would have imagined. To hear        feedback from the NAC Orchestra,”         NAC since I was 17 years old. With
                                    someone else’s vision of where your       Heather says. “They were really           Sessions I got to stand on the same
                                    song can go is really exciting.”          pleased with Lynn’s performance and       stage as Leonard Cohen which was
                                                                              the opportunity to get to know more       hugely inspiring,” she says. “I want to
                                    Heather says providing opportunities      of the Canadian fabric of this side of    thank everyone involved in giving me
                                    like this one for Canadian singer/        the music industry.”                      this opportunity, including generous
                                    songwriters is the epitome of what                                                  donors. You gave me one of my best
                                    she wants the series to be. “It gives     There will be more Sessions in the        times on stage.”
                                    artists a new look at their songs and     future—Heather plans to present
                                    a greater scope to their art form,” she   three or four concerts a year—and
                                    says. “Lynn has a massive repertoire of   she encourages fans of both the artists
                                    her own material but she’s never done     and the NAC Orchestra to attend.
                                    something like this before. I hope it     “It’s something special you won’t see
                                    will open new avenues for her.”           again,” she promises. “It’s a chance
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

                                                                           Message from the

                                                                                                                                                              CANADA IS OUR STAGE.
                                                                           National Arts Centre
                                                                           Foundation CEO
                                                                           Supporters like you have been a part of each one of these
                                                                           achievements. You’ve also played a starring role in helping
                                                                           to support Artistic Director Kevin Loring’s plans for the
                                                                           NAC’s historic first season of Indigenous Theatre.

                                                                           On behalf of the countless artists, youth and audience
Jayne Watson                                                               members across Canada who benefitted from your
Photo: Marnie Richardson                                                   generosity, thank you for caring so deeply about the
                                                                           performing arts. I’m delighted to enclose our annual
         As we welcome a brand new year, I can’t resist one last           Stewardship Report, looking back on the achievements you
         look back at the incredible accomplishments we celebrated         helped make possible in 2017–18.
         together last season in 2017–18.
                                                                           As you read the enclosed report, I hope you’ll be reminded
         With our generous supporters, we brought the best of the          of your profound impact on our national stage and
         arts to Canadians across the country with performances            behind-the-scenes. With your invaluable support for the
         of Tartuffe, Gabriel Dumont’s Wild West Show and the              NAC, I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for us all.
         NAC Orchestra’s Canada 150 Tour. We empowered
         more rural, Indigenous and underserved communities                With gratitude,
         through the arts by expanding our Music Alive Program
         into Atlantic Canada. And we launched the National
         Creation Fund, an initiative to help Canadian artists
         create ambitious new work.                                        Jayne Watson

                                                                                                 Young NAC-ers interact with LOVE SONG, an installation by
                                                                                                 ChampdAction of Belgium, which will be featured during BIG BANG.

         BIG BANG Festival
                                                                                                 Photo: Dries Segers

         Adventures in sound for the whole family
         The name says it all: The BIG BANG        for young audiences and their families,
         Festival will blow your socks off!        from a visual concert to an interactive
                                                   jazz show, singing hearts, and big
         From February 17-18, you and your         airbags that make music when you roll
         family can experience the fascinating     around on them,” promises Mélanie
         world of music, sound and the arts        Dumont, Associate Artistic Director,
         through all kinds of lighthearted and     Youth Programming for French
         innovative activities and concerts.       Theatre. “Discoveries and amazement
         BIG BANG, a one-of-a-kind festival        in both English and French await you
         presented in many European countries,     in this colourful musical experience.”
         will make its North American debut        In addition to the concert hall
         in Ottawa. The NAC team is busy           performances, the Festival program
         putting together a stunning array of 85   includes all kinds of free events you and
         outstanding Canadian and international    your family won’t want to miss.
                                                   To see what the Festival has to offer visit
         “For two days, the NAC will vibrate
         with the sounds of a host of activities
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

                                    Celebrating a Year of Giving:

                                    The 2017–2018 Stewardship Report
                                    We have a lot to be thankful for as we look back at the 2017–2018 season.
                                    Remarkable performances on all                                             NAC President and CEO, Peter                                                  be inspired by the generosity of our
                                    stages at the National Arts Centre,                                        Herrndorf and welcomed                                                        donor community. By demonstrating
                                    including the newly-renovated                                              Christopher Deacon to the helm.                                               your passion for the performing
                                    Southam Hall, delighted audiences.                                         With more than 35 years of                                                    arts through giving, you’ve helped
                                    Innovative new creation leaped                                             professional experience managing                                              bring world-renowned performers
                                    off the page and into countless                                            orchestras, including 22 years as                                             to our stage, invested in brilliant
                                    hearts. Emerging Canadian artists                                          Managing Director of the NAC                                                  new creation, educated promising
                                    were given the chance to develop                                           Orchestra, Christopher is the first                                           artists and ignited a passion for the
                                    their talent while thousands of                                            person in the NAC’s 49-year history                                           performing arts in the next generation
                                    young people were exposed to the                                           to be promoted from within the                                                of audience members.
                                    performing arts through a variety of                                       organization to become President
                                    learning opportunities.                                                    and CEO.                                                                      Dedicated supporters like you are
                                                                                                                                                                                             continuously there behind-the-scenes
                                    There was much to celebrate in                                             Looking back on the year, we have                                             as we work together to transform lives
                                    2017–2018 and our supporters were                                          many reasons to be thankful. And                                              through the magic of the performing
                                    front-and-centre for all of it. As                                         the greatest reason of all is your                                            arts. To date, your donations and
                                    always, your support made it possible                                      generous support. Every proud                                                 the contributions of our corporate
                                    for the NAC to serve as a catalyst for                                     moment we celebrate on Canada’s                                               sponsors and foundations have
                                    performance, creation and learning                                         stage, we do together with you.                                               totaled more than $150 million.
                                    across the country.                                                                                                                                      Your generosity plays a huge role in
                                                                                                                                                                                             keeping the performing arts thriving
                                    2017–2018 also brought big changes
                                    to the NAC here in Ottawa. Our
                                                                                                               Your Incredible                                                               on stages across the country as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                             in countless grateful hearts.
                                    new public spaces allowed us to                                            Record of Giving
                                    welcome the community in a whole
                                                                                                               It’s now been 18 years since we
                                    new way.
                                                                                                               launched the NAC Foundation and
                                    And, it was the year we bid a                                              welcomed our very first supporters.
                                    bittersweet farewell to long-time                                          In that time, we’ve never ceased to


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $12,069,822 $12,175,637
                                       Amount Raised by Donors, by Year
                                       Total $12,743,875


                                                                                                                                             $6,240,254                             $6,196,208





                                     2000– 2001– 2002– 2003– 2004– 2005– 2006– 2007– 2008– 2009– 2010–                                                                               2011–        2012–        2013– 2014–               2015–     2016–       2017–
                                      2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007       2008 2009    2010  2011                                                                               2012          2013         2014  2015                2016      2017       2018
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

The Impact of Your Giving

                                                                                                                                CANADA IS OUR STAGE.
As we look back on the 2017–2018 season, we are sincerely grateful to supporters like you for
championing the performing arts in Canada. Here are just some of the highlights we’re celebrating
thanks to your support for the National Arts Centre:

NAC FRENCH THEATRE’S                        ENGLISH THEATRE                           THE NATIONAL CREATION FUND
CANADIAN CITIES                             TARTUFFE TOUR                             The National Creation Fund, a
NAC French Theatre opened its season        The 2013 NAC production of                major initiative to help Canadian
with a bold, large-scale new work:          Molière’s play Tartuffe took to the       artists and arts organizations create
Gabriel Dumont’s Wild West Show. The        road in September and October 2017        ambitious new work, officially opened
flamboyant epic about the struggles         for a six-performance, five-city tour     on November 1. Supported by our
of the Métis in the Canadian West           of Newfoundland. This marked the          generous donors, the Fund aims
is a collective creation of 10 writers      first tour for NAC English Theatre        to change the game for creation in
representing various French, English,       since 1998 and was complemented by        Canada by investing up to $3 million
First Nations and Métis communities.        a full suite of education and outreach    a year in 15 to 20 compelling new
Gabriel Dumont’s Wild West Show, a          activities taking place in all five       works of music, theatre, dance
NAC French Theatre co-production,           communities. There were 20 distinct       and inter-disciplinary performing
premiered at the NAC before                 education and outreach events, and        arts such as Obeah Opera (Asah
heading to Montreal, Winnipeg and           54 individual workshops led by artists    Productions, Toronto), Prison Dancer
Saskatoon, the cities of the show’s three   in the company including comedian         (Citadel Theatre, Edmonton), and
partner-organizations.                      Andy Jones who adapted the play.          Unikkaaqtuat (The 7 Fingers, Artcirq
                                            Everyone who participated was             and Taqqut Productions; Montreal,
THE NAC ORCHESTRA WRAPS                     grateful to have this exposure to arts    Igloolik, Iqaluit).
UP ITS CANADA 150 TOUR IN                   education events. It was incredibly
THE WEST AND NORTH                          valuable to create bridges between the    INDIGENOUS THEATRE WARMLY
                                            artists, students and communities in      WELCOMES LORI MARCHAND
Under the direction of Music
                                            Newfoundland.                             AS MANAGING DIRECTOR
Director Alexander Shelley, the NAC
Orchestra concluded the second                                                        Under the leadership of Artistic
leg of its highly acclaimed Canada          MUSIC ALIVE PROGRAM                       Director Kevin Loring, the NAC’s
150 Tour with fall dates in Western         SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHES IN                  historic new Indigenous Theatre
and Northern Canada. Highlights             THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES                    department began to lay the
included performances in Calgary and        Since 2006, the NAC Music Alive           foundation for its first season in 2019
Vancouver of Life Reflected, a stunning     Program (MAP) has inspired and            with the recruitment of an extremely
original creation commissioned by           encouraged active participation by        talented team. Lori Marchand, a
the NAC; including I Lost My Talk,          youth in the arts to foster creativity    highly respected national leader
a new work by Alberta composer              and personal growth, particularly in      in professional theatre, joined the
John Estacio. In total, the Tour            rural and remote regions of Canada. In    team in April as Managing Director.
included more than 150 education            2017, Music Alive Atlantic was launched   Lori brings more than a decade of
and community engagement activities         through significant events with local     experience as the former Executive
comprising masterclasses, school            partners including a Young Artist         Director of Western Canada Theatre
performances, coaching sessions and         Summit for Indigenous musicians,          in Kamloops. She is Syilx and grew
much more.                                  an urban songwriting project and          up in Algonquin and Secwepemc
                                            interactive musician visits for rural     Territory.
                                            schools. Through MAP and with
                                            donor support, the NAC is proud to
                                            empower Canada’s rural, Indigenous
                                            children and under-served youth
                                            through music and the arts.
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

                                     Fundraising Total Gift Designations in 2017–2018

                                                                                                       Total              $1,626,259
                                                              National                                                                                 Highest
                                                              Youth and                                                                                Priority Needs
                                                              Education                                                                                $3,824,508
                                         Creation             Trust         Music                                                        Investment
                                         Campaign                                                                     NAC Presents       Income
                                                              $2,429,161                                              $283,000
                                         $2,674,655                                                                                      $214,370
                                                                                                      Dance      $122,794

                                                                                           Where Giving Makes
                                    By the numbers                                         the Difference
                                                                                           With your generous support, the           In 2017–2018:
                                                                                           National Arts Centre Foundation
                                    • The National Arts Centre staged 1,411                was proud to invest over $7.9 million      • Nineteen percent of your gifts
                                      performances, including Musical Adventures           in the NAC in 2017–2018. Your                to the NAC were designated to
                                      in my School;                                        generosity made a big impact,                the National Youth and Education
                                                                                           helping the Centre achieve its               Trust (NYET). The NYET
                                    • The NAC held 42 Student Matinees giving              mission to develop and promote the           funds performing arts education
                                      18,988 students the chance to enjoy live             performing arts by:                          initiatives, impacting the lives
                                      music, theatre and dance. Each matinee also                                                       of thousands of children across
                                      offered surrounding activities and workshops,         • Establishing the NAC as the               Canada;
                                      teacher resources and online study guides,              pre-eminent showcase for the            • Many donors asked for their
                                      pre-chats and post-performance talk backs;              performing arts;                          gifts to go where they’re most
                                                                                            • Acting as a catalyst for the              needed. Thirty-two percent of
                                    • NAC Music celebrated the 20th anniversary
                                                                                              performing arts nationally; and           gifts were designated to meet
                                      of the Young Artists Program. Since its
                                                                                                                                        “highest priority needs,” giving
                                      inception, more than 1,200 participants
                                                                                            • Nurturing and supporting                  the Foundation flexibility
                                      from across Canada and 40 countries
                                                                                              artists and arts organizations in         to support the NAC’s most
                                      have benefitted from world-class training
                                                                                              communities across the country            urgent and compelling needs,
                                      opportunities through this unique program;
                                                                                                                                        such as leading-edge artistic
                                                                                                                                        performances, new creation and
                                    • NAC Dance Education and Outreach had 606                                                          valuable education programs; and
                                      participants take part in dance masterclasses                                                   • Eighty-two donors—76% of
                                      as well as outreach programs such as Tea with                                                     whom were in the Ottawa-
                                      a Ballerina, Coffee with a Choreographer and                                                      Gatineau area—named 89
                                      school dance workshops.                                                                           seats in Southam Hall by
                                                                                                                                        making a special gift of $5,000,
                                                                                                                                        raising $445,000 in support
                                                                                                                                        of performance, creation and
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

Our Annual Donors: Together we’re championing

                                                                                                                                                               CANADA IS OUR STAGE.
the performing arts across Canada
The Donors’ Circle                                 • Your annual donations totaled                     exposed to the arts for the first time,
                                                     $1,531,513 representing 12% of all                we are grateful for your passion and
Thank you for playing a starring role
                                                     funds raised by the National Arts                 generous support.
in everything we accomplish at the
                                                     Centre Foundation in 2017–2018.
                                                   • Your gifts came in many sizes,                    Planning for the Future
Looking back on last season we                       ranging from $1 to $10,000 and                    Last year, a special group of supporters
have much to celebrate and it’s                      more.                                             showed their passion for the
the generosity of our Donors’                                                                          performing arts in an extraordinary
Circle supporters that helped                      • Gifts under $500 added up to
                                                     $717,825. Gifts of all sizes                      way. Esteemed members of our
make it all possible. With you by                                                                      Emeritus Circle have pledged future
our side, we brought electrifying                    make a difference in the areas of
                                                     performance, creation and learning.               gifts to the NAC valued at more
performance to our stage. We                                                                           than $6 million, through gifts in their
invested in brilliant new creation                                                                     Will, gifts of life insurance and other
and gave artists the chance to
                                                   The Corporate Circle
                                                                                                       planned giving arrangements. Thank
share their voices. We helped                      The National Arts Centre Foundation
                                                                                                       you for your generosity and vision, for
emerging artists develop their                     would like to thank our local
                                                                                                       the crucial role you play in ensuring a
talents and gave countless young                   businesses and professionals for
                                                                                                       bright future for the performing arts
people the chance to explore their                 your generosity. The 145 supporters
                                                                                                       in Canada.
own passion for the performing                     of our Corporate Circle had a big
arts. With your generosity, you’re                 impact, giving the performing arts the
part of every magical moment that                  chance to flourish from coast to coast-
happens on Canada’s stage and                      to-coast. On behalf of the artists,
behind-the-scenes.                                 audience members and young people

A Picture of Annual Giving
                                                                 Donors’ Circle
                                                                  Total 6,667

     Friend              Associate                Sustainer          Benefactor     Playwright          Maestro            Director         Producer
     1,785               2,787                    1,371              312            221                 116                34               41
     $10 to $99          $100 to $249             $250 to $499       $500 to $999   $1,000 to $1,999    $2,000 to $2,999   $3,000 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999

                                                                   Corporate Circle
                                                                     Total 145

      Playwright                     Maestro                                              Director                 Producer            Presenter
      61                             62                                                   13                       6                   3
      $1,000 to $1,999               $2,000 to $2,999                                     $3,000 to $4,999         $5,000 to $9,999    $10,000+
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

                                    Claude Guilmain lives his American dream

                                    at the NAC
                                    Having started out as a props man at the NAC, Franco-Ontarian playwright Claude Guilmain returns
                                    to the fold in a major way. In April 2019, NAC French Theatre will present the world premiere of the full
                                    version of his trilogy
                                    Part historical saga, part comedy     and 2 were staged at Zones Théâtrales    co-founded by Claude Guilmain and
                                    of manners,          in 2015.                                 Louise Naubert in 1994 to create and
                                    deconstructs the American dream                                                stage original French language works
                                    through the quest for happiness       “When we present the show in April,      in Toronto.
                                    and the personal dramas of the        it will be really relevant in terms of
                                    Cardinals, a French-Canadian family   what’s happening right now,” says        “The pinnacle is being at the National
                                    who lived through the America         Guilmain, who drew on current            Arts Centre as part of Brigitte
                                    of John F. Kennedy, the attacks of    events, his own experience, and his      [Haentjens]’s season,” says Guilmain,
                                    September 11, 2001, and the war in    own family (including a mysterious       who is keenly aware that the move to
                                    Afghanistan.                          grandfather who disappeared in           the prestigious NAC national stage
                                                                          New York in 1942) to weave this very     could help this Franco-Ontarian
                                    Claude Guilmain also designed the     personal story.                          production enjoy the success it
                                    ingenious set, and codirects (with                                             deserves. “We’re all delighted, and we
                                    Louise Naubert) this ambitious        The trilogy is the most ambitious        hope the show will have a future, be it
                                    multimedia show, which has been       project to date for Théâtre la           in Montreal, at festivals or elsewhere.”
                                    extensively reworked since Parts 1    Tangente, a small company

                                                                                                                          A scene from staged in the
                                                                                                                          NAC’s Azrieli Studio, as part of Zones Théâtrales.
                                                                                                                          Photo: Marianne Duval
NAC Presents Sessions - An opportunity like no other for Canadian artists and audiences - AWS

       Donor Profile:                                                              Making Giving
       Bulger Young

                                                                                                                             CANADA IS OUR STAGE.
                                                                                   Recognize your passion for the
       Discovering and championing the                                             arts in your estate plans and
       magic of the performing arts                                                inspire future generations
                                                                                   Many of us remember the person
       Kenneth Young, Valerie Nixon         “Giving to the NAC has made us         who brought us to our first concert,
                                            more aware of the integral part the    play or dance performance. We
       and John Rouatt of Ottawa                                                   hold a special place in our heart for
                                            performing arts plays in our city,”
       law firm Bulger Young have           says Valerie. “We have a daughter      the family member or teacher who
       practiced together for about         in first year engineering. She         shared their love of live performance
       30 years. In fact, Kenneth and       has studied piano since the age        with us.
                                            of four and her playlist includes
       Valerie are married to one                                                  As someone who cares deeply about
                                            piano, pop, country, and opera.
       another. Naturally, it was a                                                the performing arts in Canada,
                                            We believe that the business
                                                                                   perhaps you’re that special person for
       shared decision for the firm         community benefits from the
                                                                                   the young people in your life. And
       to join the NAC Foundation’s         diversity the arts provide, which is
                                                                                   now, you can also take it one step
                                            one of the reasons we support the
       Corporate Circle in 2013.                                                   further and inspire a love of the arts
                                            NAC—we are helping to inspire
                                                                                   in the hearts of future generations.
       John and his wife Sharon used        the next generation.”
       to be more regular attendees in a                                           From time to time it’s important
                                            Kenneth, Valerie, and John             to review your estate plans. And,
       sports arena than in a performance
                                            are proud of Bulger Young’s            while looking at your estate plan, it’s
       hall. “We were introduced to the
                                            contributions to the NAC, and          also a good idea to think about your
       Pops series many years ago when
                                            they regularly promote the             retirement funds (RRSPs or RRIFs).
       we were given tickets to a show
                                            Corporate Circle to business
       which involved ‘dueling pianos’ ”                                           When you pass away, the value
                                            colleagues. “The NAC gives us an
       John says. “We were surprised by                                            of your RRSPs or RRIFs must be
                                            elegant setting for special events,
       how much we enjoyed something                                               brought into your income unless
                                            and a magical place where we can
       that did not have three periods,                                            it’s rolled over to a surviving spouse
                                            relax and dream,” they share. “We
       nine innings or four quarters,                                              or dependent child. As you can
                                            receive so much more than we
       and we have been regular NAC                                                imagine, you will pay a lot of tax
                                            give. It would be a pretty empty
       Orchestra attendees ever since.”                                            because of this increase to your
                                            city without the NAC.”
                                                                                   estate’s income.
                                                                                   That’s why you may want to consider
(l-r) John Rouatt, Valerie Nixon and                                               making a charity like the NAC your
Kenneth Young of Bulger Young.
                                                                                   beneficiary. If your retirement funds
Photo: Andrea Thomson
                                                                                   remain outside your estate you won’t
                                                                                   pay probate fees. And you’ll receive a
                                                                                   tax receipt that can be used to offset
                                                                                   taxes which can be substantial in
                                                                                   your final year.
                                                                                   Your legacy gift for the NAC
                                                                                   Foundation is an ideal way to
                                                                                   celebrate the performing arts and
                                                                                   what they’ve brought into your life.
                                                                                   It can inspire future generations of
                                                                                   young people to develop a similar
                                                                                   passion for the arts you hold so dear.
                                                                                   For more information on how best to
                                                                                   remember the NAC Foundation in your
                                                                                   estate plans please contact Barry Bloom
                                                                                   at 613 947-7000 ext. 314.

                                    Obeah Opera benefits from the support

                                    of the National Creation Fund
                                    It’s been in development for the past 10 years—a musical sensation that’s already benefitted from
                                    multiple workshops, performances and a Dora Award nomination.
                                    Still, Nicole Brooks wants her              didn’t have to. Obeah Opera is one       workshops with the choreographer
                                    creation, Obeah Opera, to be the            of the five latest projects to receive   and cast; and a technical residency
                                    best piece of musical theatre it can        support from the Fund, which helps       and workshop time to incorporate
                                    possibly be. For that to happen,            Canadian artists create ambitious        the new material into the final
                                    she needs a large, diverse, all-female      new work.                                production.
                                    cast who dance and sing entirely
                                    a cappella.                                 “What we’re trying to do with the        Ultimately, Nicole’s vision will
                                                                                Fund is to let artists ask themselves:   be realized and audiences will be
                                    “When I first presented the idea, I         ‘What if that thing we really wanted     treated to a hand-clapping, foot-
                                    was told, ‘If it’s more than five people,   to do was actually possible?’ ” says     stomping, spirit-lifting retelling of
                                    we can’t do it,’ ” Nicole recalls, “I was   Heather Moore, the Fund’s Artistic       the legendary Salem witch trials
                                    asked to tone down the idea because         Producer.                                from the fascinating perspective of
                                    Canada doesn’t do large-scale musical                                                Caribbean slave women who also
                                    theatre productions. I wouldn’t.”           In Obeah Opera’s case, the Fund’s        lived in the town.
                                                                                investment will support the
                                    Thanks to supporters of the NAC’s           dramaturgy and a workshop to             Obeah Opera will be part of Toronto’s
                                    National Creation Fund, Nicole              refine the script and score; extensive   Luminato Festival in June.

                                    “I am so grateful I can finally breathe with this show.”
                                    Nicole Brooks
                                    creator of Obeah Opera

                                                                                                                                                    Obeah Opera
                                                                                                                                                    Photo: Racheal McCaig

                                                                                                                                   CANADA IS OUR STAGE.
                                                                                           Participants revel in the glow of an empowering
                                                                                           Alonzo King LINES Ballet masterclass.
                                                                                           Photo: Siôned Watkins

                             Dance Masterclass gives
“I’m very                    dancers the chance to
thankful to
have access to
                             develop their own voices
these amazing                The class began with a typical ballet barre exercise, and some of
workshops                    the 18 emerging dancers were nervous. It’s not every day they get
                             the chance to participate in a masterclass with Meredith Webster,
from visiting
                             Ballet Master for Alonzo King LINES Ballet.
companies at
the NAC. They                Then something unexpected                 seen on stage,” says Siôned. “They
                             happened. Meredith asked the              got a lot out of the opportunity.”
truly make a                 dancers to make her laugh.
difference in                                                          Masterclass participant, Kira Zanyk
                             In that single class Meredith helped      Davey, agrees, “It’s a privilege to take
my training and              these emerging dancers develop their      classes from visiting artists and see
the expansion                own voices,” recalls NAC Dance            their performances that same night.
of my artistic               Education and Teaching Artist             The classes offer Ottawa dancers
                             Siôned Watkins. “Meredith taught          exposure to a wide variety of training
viewpoint.”                  the students the importance of            experiences.”
Elizabeth Emond-Stevenson,   making personal choices and it was
participant, Contemporary    very empowering.”                         Learning opportunities like this one
Ballet Masterclass with                                                are possible thanks to donor support.
Alonzo King LINES Ballet     After the exercise, Meredith taught       Says Siôned, “I want to thank donors
                             the students repertoire from the          for exposing youth in the National
                             company’s show Sutra. “They were so       Capital Region to world-class
                             excited to learn repertoire they’d just   teaching artists.”

                                    Five Minutes with
                                    Yolanda Bruno:

                                    A Q&A with the past NAC Orchestra
                                    Bursary winner who was recently
                                    selected as the Kingston Symphony’s
                                    new Concertmaster
                                    Violinist Yolanda Bruno won a NAC Orchestra Bursary in 2006 and
                                    benefitted from attending the Young Artists Program (YAP) in 2008. We asked
                                    what the NAC Orchestra Bursary meant to her and why programs like YAP are so
                                    important for emerging artists.

                                    Q: How does it feel to be the                         music program in Italy. It was very
                                    new Concertmaster for the                             expensive. Without the scholarship I
                                    Kingston Symphony?                                    wouldn’t have been able to attend.
                                    A: It’s a huge honour and I feel very                 Q: Why are programs like YAP
                                    privileged. I am happy to be part of                  so important for aspiring
                                    this musical family.                                  musicians?
                                    Q: You won an NAC Orchestra                           A: YAP helps people work together
                                    Bursary when you were a                               and learn from each other at a very                                                                  Yolanda Bruno
                                    teenager. What did that mean to                       important stage in their development.                                                                Photo: Donna Santos
                                    your future career aspirations?                       Many of the colleagues I met at YAP
                                    A: The prize meant a lot to me.                       I later worked with professionally in
                                    That summer, I applied for a                          the UK and across Canada.

                                    Staff Listing                           Members of the                            James Ho (Richmond, BC)
                                                                                                                                                                Emeritus Directors
                                    Jayne Watson                            Board of Directors                        D’Arcy Levesque (Calgary, AB)
                                                                                                                                                                L. Grant Burton (Toronto, ON)
                                    CEO, National Arts Centre Foundation                                              M. Ann McCaig, C.M., A.O.E., LL.D.
                                                                            NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE                                                                Catherine A. (Kiki) Delaney, C.M.,
                                    Jane Moore                                                                        (Calgary, AB)
                                                                            FOUNDATION                                                                          LL.D. (Toronto, ON)
                                    Chief Advancement Officer                                                         Grant J. McDonald, FCPA, FCA
                                                                                                                                                                Dianne Kipnes (Edmonton, AB)
                                                                            Janice O’Born, Chair (Toronto, ON)        (Ottawa, ON)
                                    Annual Giving Staff                     Christine Armstrong (Calgary, AB)         Eme Onuoha (Ottawa, ON)
                                                                                                                                                                Gail O’Brien (Calgary, AB)
                                    Barry M. Bloom                          Matthew Azrieli (Montréal, QC)
                                    Associate Director, Annual Fund and
                                                                                                                      Gregory Pope (Oakville, ON)               Ex-officio Directors
                                                                            Reena Bhatt (New York, NY)                Karen Prentice, Q.C. (Calgary, AB)
                                    Planned Gifts                                                                                                               Adrian Burns (Ottawa, ON)
                                                                            Bonnie Buhler (Winnipeg, MB)              Alan P. Rossy (Montréal, QC)
                                    Bronwen Dearlove, CFRE                                                                                                      Christopher Deacon (Ottawa, ON)
                                                                            Susan Peterson d’Aquino (Ottawa,          J. Serge Sasseville (Montréal, QC)
                                    Senior Development Officer, Annual
                                    Fund and Database
                                                                            ON)                                       Barbara Seal, C.M. (Montréal, QC)         Emeritus Chair
                                                                            Amoryn Engel (Toronto, ON)                Gary Zed (Ottawa, ON)                     Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D
                                    Christina Hunter Cadieux
                                    Development Officer                     Margaret Fountain, C.M. (Halifax,                                                   (Winnipeg, MB)
                                    Alain Chauvin
                                    Development Coordinator                 Alex Graham (Toronto, ON)

                                                   A special thank you to our Open Rehearsal and Preview sponsor, Rob Marland, Royal LePage Performance Realty.
                                                                      Please see the enclosed Calendar of Events for our list of fall Open Rehearsals and Previews.
                                                                                  For further information or to register for any of the events, please contact:
                                                                                                      National Arts Centre Foundation
                                             1 Elgin St., P.O. Box 1534, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5W1 | • • 613 947-7000, ext. 315
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