NARA Phased Reopening Plan - National Archives

Page created by Ralph Jordan
NARA Phased Reopening Plan - National Archives
NARA Phased Reopening Plan
February 2, 2021 update
NARA will reopen in phases.

Phase One: Limited Operations                 Phase Two: Partial Operations                  Phase Three: Adjusted Operations
• Research rooms and museum                   • Research rooms and museum                    • Select research rooms & museum
  exhibits remain closed to the public; no      exhibits remain closed except for brief,       exhibits will open with limited hours
  in-person public programs.                    limited openings approved to test social       and strict social distancing procedures;
• Staff:                                        distancing procedures; library exterior        no food service or in-person public
  ― At A1, A2, and NPRC, 5%-10% of staff        grounds may reopen to the public; no in-       programs.
     may enter the building at one time; at     person public programs.                      • Staff:
     other facilities, 10%-20% of staff.      • Staff:                                         ― All facilities will continue to limit the
  ― Some non-telework staff may return          ― At A1, A2, and NPRC, up to 20% of               number of staff in the building at one
     on a regular basis, up to 40 hours per        staff may enter the building at one            time.
     pay period.                                   time; at other facilities, up to 25% of     ― Enhanced telework (5 days per week)
  ― Enhanced telework: Teleworkers can             staff may return.                              will be available where it doesn’t
     telework up to 5 days per week.            ― Some non-telework staff may return              interfere with agency operations.
  ― Employees in high-risk groups will             on a regular basis, but fewer than 80       ― High-risk employees may work on-
     remain on telework or weather &               hours per pay period.                          site, but not in public facing activities.
     safety leave.                              ― Enhanced telework: Teleworkers can         • Nonessential travel may resume with
• Nonessential travel is prohibited;               telework up to 5 days per week.             some restrictions.
  essential travel is limited.                  ― High-risk employees will remain on
                                                   telework or weather & safety leave.
                                              • Nonessential travel is prohibited.

Each NARA facility will move to Phase One when it meets 10 criteria.

1. State and local government Movement Control                            surfaces that custodial staff does not clean.
   Orders (MCO) permit NARA Phase One on-site work
   functions and travel for commuting.                                 6. Public Transit. Sufficient staff are available and can be
                                                                          recalled to perform Phase One on-site work functions, and are
                                                                          not limited by the availability of public transportation.
2. Local public health conditions meet NARA targets of: (a)
   new cases of 200 or fewer per 100,000 population over the
   last 14 days; and (b) positivity rate of 10% or lower over the      7. Dependent Care. Sufficient staff are available and can be
   last 14 days.                                                          recalled to perform Phase One on-site work functions, and are
                                                                          not limited by the availability of dependent care.
3. NARA Phase One on-site work functions are defined,
   sufficient staff are available to accomplish on-site work, and      8. Social Distancing. National and local procedures are in
   on-site work is scheduled.                                             place to enforce appropriate social distancing.

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available for                9. Entry Screening. National and local procedures are in place
   staff, including face coverings, disposable gloves, disinfectant,      to ensure employee self-certification of health status prior to
   and hand sanitizer.                                                    reporting for on-site work.

5. Cleaning. Custodial contractors are ready and able to               10. Contact Tracing. National and local procedures are in place
   perform routine disinfecting and deep cleaning, and local               to report a potential exposure to facility occupants while
   procedures are established for disinfecting equipment and               maintaining confidentiality of the sick person.

NARA has established 5 criteria for NARA facilities to move to Phase Two.

1. Local public health conditions permit the functions and          4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and cleaning.
   supporting travel, because:
                                                                       (a) Each facility has sufficient supplies of PPE available for
   (a) State and local MCOs permit Phase II on-site work                   staff, including face coverings, disposable gloves,
       functions and travel; and                                           disinfectant, and hand sanitizer.

   (b) The county where the facility is located has both: (i) new      (b) Custodial contractors are ready and able to perform
       cases of 200 or fewer per 100,000 population over the last          routine disinfecting and deep cleaning, and local
       14 days; and (ii) positivity rate of 10% or lower over the          procedures are established for disinfecting equipment and
       last 14 days.                                                       surfaces that custodial staff does not clean.

2. NARA Phase Two on-site work functions are defined,               5. COVID-19 procedures. National and local procedures are in
   procedures are in place to safely accomplish on-site work,          place to protect staff, report activities, and enforce rules for
   and on-site work is scheduled.                                      social distancing, entry health screening, and contact tracing.

3. Staff availability. Sufficient staff are available and can be
   recalled to perform priority on-site work functions, with
   consideration for limitations on the availability of public
   transportation and dependent care.

Phase One on-site work functions.

                                                                                           Some functions will continue,
                   Some functions normally            Some functions have modified
                                                                                           but some tasks will not be
                   require little personal contact.   procedures to reduce contact.
                                                                                           performed in Phase One.
Reference          Offsite archival reference         FRCP Operations (AFO) reference      NPRC reference (interfiles
Records moves                                         Research Services records moves      FRCP T&D (will be assigned in
                                                      (batches of 40 LGA boxes or fewer)   batches of 25 FRC boxes or fewer)
Exhibits           Exhibit maintenance                De-installation of exhibits;
                                                      Return of loaned records and
Digitization       Digitization projects (archival    Digitization labs                    Digitization partnerships (require
                   records)                                                                case-by-case review)
Declassification                                      National Declassification Center;
                                                      FOIA and Special Access review
Preservation                                                                               Preservation (excludes preservation
                                                                                           of records on exhibit)
Administrative                                        Laptop deployment;                   On-boarding new employees
                                                      PIV badging                          (telework-ready only)

Phase Two will continue Phase One work functions, with some additions.

                                                                                                  Additional Phase Two on-site
                   Phase One modified on-site work functions
                                                                                                  work functions
Reference          • Offsite archival reference            • NPRC reference (interfiles           • Requests for restricted records
                   • FRCP Operations (AFO) reference         suspended)                           • Reproduction orders
Records moves      • Research Services records moves       • FRCP T&D (25 FRC boxes or
                     (40 LGA boxes or fewer)                 fewer)
Exhibits           • Exhibit maintenance                   • De-installation of exhibits;         • Public access to library exterior
                                                           • Return of loaned records and           grounds
                                                             artifacts                            • Plan and design exhibits
Digitization       • Digitization projects (archival)      • Digitization partnerships (require   • FRCP document conversion
                   • Digitization labs                       case-by-case review)
Declassification   • National Declassification Center                                             • Limited return of agency
                   • FOIA and Special Access review                                                 declassification reviewers

Preservation       • Preservation (excludes                                                       • Preservation of records on exhibit
                     preservation of records on exhibit)
Administrative     • Laptop deployment                     • On-boarding new employees            • Fulfill online store orders
                   • PIV badging                             (telework-ready only)

Shared responsibilities to protect your health and the health of others.

Face coverings are                  6-foot social distancing is      Assess your health before       Sign in and sign out of the
required                            required                         reporting for duty              facility each day
• Everyone must wear               • Employees must remain           • Do not come to work if        • All staff must sign (or badge)
  appropriate face coverings         at least 6 feet apart and         you feel sick.                  in and out of the facility when
  (no valve/vent) over their         avoid gatherings except                                           working on-site, so we know
  nose and mouth at all              when absolutely necessary.      • You must take your              who’s on-site each day.
  times in NARA facilities,                                            temperature and assess your
  except when alone in a closed    • All meetings will be virtual,     health every morning before   • We will notify you if a person
  office, alone in stack space, or   including for on-site staff.      reporting for duty.             you worked with later reports
  when eating or drinking alone.                                                                       COVID-19 symptoms or
  Masks are required on            • Access and occupancy will be    • Do not come to work if:         diagnosis, or if they had close
  NARA grounds when                  restricted for conference         - You have COVID-19             contact with someone else who
  physical distancing is not         rooms, common areas,                symptoms;                     was diagnosed with COVID-
  possible.                          elevators, and restrooms.         - You have been diagnosed       19.
                                                                         with COVID-19; or
• In facilities with security
                                   • Government vehicles will be       - You have been in close      • If you had close contact
  service, you will be required to
                                     limited to one passenger per        contact with someone who      (within 6 feet for 15 min. or
  briefly lower your face covering
                                     row of seating.                     has been diagnosed with       longer) with a sick coworker,
  on entry to verify identity.
                                                                         COVID-19.                     you will be placed on 10-day
• Staff who refuse to wear a face   • Follow local procedures and                                      home isolation (telework or
  covering will be denied access      signage.                                                         weather & safety leave).
  to NARA facilities.

Operational changes to better protect the health of returning staff.

Work schedules will be              Increased disinfecting and          Facility operations changes        Amenities will be limited
different                           cleaning                            to improve safety
• Most non-supervisory staff        • Custodial contractors have        • NARA has changed settings         • Cafeterias and food services
  will work on-site fewer than        increased routine disinfecting      on Heating, Air Conditioning,       will remain closed.
  8 hours per day                     of hard surfaces and have           and Ventilation (HVAC)
                                      NARA procedures for deep            systems to increase the           • Vending machines will be
• Staff will have a flexible time     cleaning when needed.               circulation of air.                 routinely disinfected but may
  band in which to arrive.                                                                                    not be restocked.
                                    • Staff must wipe down              • NARA has installed high-
• Most staff who work on-site         door handles, copiers,              efficiency filters in air filters • Break rooms and lunch rooms
  will be there fewer than 80         ladders, streamliners,              servicing office or public          will be open with strict social
  hours per pay period.               and other common                    space.                              distancing.
                                      equipment before and
• Supervisors will rotate so that     after each use with               • All water systems were           • Water fountains will be
  there is always an on-site          disinfectant wipes. Please          flushed and chemistry              available to refill bottles but
  supervisor.                         follow local procedures.            checked before reopening           not for drinking.
                                                                          NARA facilities to ensure any
• Staff should raise concerns       • NARA will provide face              stagnant water was removed.      • Fitness centers and gyms will
  with their supervisor, the on-      coverings, gloves, disinfectant                                        be closed.
  site supervisor, or AFGE            wipes, and hand sanitizer for
  Council 260.                        all staff members.                                                   • The A1/A2 shuttle may not run.

Take action now to prepare to return to work.

1. Take “Returning to Work” training.

    •   Call 187SOSNARA1 to hear a recorded message providing basics on reopening safety.
    •   Go to the NARA Learning Center (at to take the 15-minute training module,
        “COVID 19: Returning to Work Safely.”

2. Review NARA procedures on the ICN COVID-19 Coronavirus Resources page here:
   • COVID-19 Fact Sheet #1, Workplace flexibilities
   • COVID-19 Fact Sheet #3, Sanitizing work surfaces
   • COVID-19 Fact Sheet #8, Contact Tracing
   • COVID-19 Fact Sheet #9, Health Screening
   • Social Distancing procedures for all NARA, FRCP transfers and dispositions, and Research
       Services records moves.

3. Review local procedures when they become available. Some local procedures may not be
   available until you return to the physical worksite.

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