Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum

Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
Belmont Citizens Forum
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed
Local Residents Challenge Tank Location, Planning
By Judith Ananian Sarno and Lisa Oteri               public hearing, an initial hearing was held in
                                                     August 2020. At that hearing, both the Select
At a cost of over $500,000, Belmont is launching
                                                     Board chair and the DPW director stated that
an initiative to replace two underground storage
                                                     underground tanks could no longer be installed
fuel tanks located at the Department of Public
                                                     and that all new tanks must be installed above
Works (DPW) yard adjacent to a residential
neighborhood—but local residents still have
                                                        The hearing, which lasted only 10 minutes,
many questions about the tanks’ effect on the
                                                     included no specifics about the project and
neighborhood, and whether the tanks should be
                                                     allowed for only three questions from the public,
in that location at all.
                                                     leaving concerned residents with unanswered
   The current tanks, which serve Belmont’s fleet
                                                     questions about schematic diagrams, cost-benefit
of vehicles, need to be replaced as they are single
                                                     analysis, lighting, security, traffic, and aesthetics.
walled and no longer comply with state regula-
                                                     Following the hearing, several residents
tions and are no longer insurable. Town officials
                                                     researched the matter and found that below-
have proposed replacing the underground tanks
                                                     ground tanks are in fact, allowed, so long as they
with two 6,000-gallon above-ground tanks, one
                                                     are double-walled. However, this option is not
for gasoline and one for diesel fuel.
                                                     being pursued by the town.
   The tanks will be placed in the DPW yard,
75 feet from the
nearest residential
property. The
current under-
ground fuel tanks
are not visible to
   In June 2020,
Town Meeting
approved the
Capital Budget
request to spend
more than half a
million dollars to
replace the existing
storage tanks.
Because changing
the town’s license
from below-ground
to above-ground         A photograph from the town’s website showing fuel tanks similar to those
tanks requires a        being proposed.
March/April 2021              Preserving Belmont’s Small-Town Atmosphere                    Vol. 22, No.2
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
A second and final public hearing was              erator site. That site is a
           Belmont Citizens Forum                         scheduled as a 20-minute agenda item at the           town property reserved
                                                          Select Board’s February 1, 2021, meeting. In          for municipal use, and it
    Officers                                              preparation for that hearing, on January 28,          does not abut a densely
    Grant Monahon, President                              the town and consultant engineers hosted an           populated area.
    John Dieckmann, Vice President                        informal neighborhood meeting to review some             At this time, our
                                                          recently obtained information about the above-        national leaders in
    Evanthia Malliris, Secretary
                                                          ground fuel tanks. At the meeting, it was clear       Washington, our state
    Radha Iyengar, Treasurer                              that many details remain elusive including            governor and legislature,
                                                          any cost-benefit analyses of above- vs. below-        town officials, and many
    Directors                                             ground tank options, evaluation of alternate          community leaders in
    Sumner Brown                                          locations (distance from residential properties),     Belmont have identified
    David Chase                                           and whether lighting could affect neighboring         climate change as one

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MEG MUCKENHOUPT/ GOOGLE MAPS
    Vincent Stanton, Jr.                                  homes. While no one questioned the need and           of the greatest threats
                                                          urgency of tank replacement, the scale of such        to our planet and have
                                                          a project and proximity to a densely populated        pledged to implement
    Newsletter                                            residential neighborhood heightens the need for       strategies to mitigate its
    Meg Muckenhoupt, Executive Editor                     a comprehensive and appropriate planning and          effects.
    Jeffrey North, Managing Editor                        approval process.                                        Among the local strat-
    Sue Bass, Newsletter Committee,                          Belmont is active in historic and environ-         egies to combat climate
       Director Emerita                                   mental preservation and engaged in community          change is to reduce the
    Virginia Jordan, Evanthia Malliris,                   path and smart-growth initiatives. Our town           use of fossil fuels by
    Vincent Stanton, Jr.
                                                          should be as thoughtful and forward thinking          converting the town’s       The location of the proposed above-ground tanks, outlined below the
                                                          with any infrastructure project that has the          fleet to electric vehicles. place marker
                                                          potential to raise safety, environmental, and         Given that objective,                                 The town should seek forward-thinking and
    Belmont Citizens Forum Inc. is a not-for-
                                                          property concerns.                                    why would our town officials elect to install two     low-impact solutions which reduce, not increase,
    profit organization that strives to maintain                                                                new 6,000-gallon tanks, at a cost of more than        blight and fit within a larger environment- and
    the small-town atmosphere of Belmont,                 Resident Safety and Quality of Life                   $500,000, for internal combustion vehicles if         resident-friendly plan.
    Massachusetts, by preserving its natural and             Installing two 6,000-gallon above-ground           they are likely to be replaced by electric vehicles
    historical resources, limiting traffic growth,        fuel tanks between two DPW garages, with              in coming years? Would it not be wiser to seek        Use of Scarce Financial Resources
    and enhancing pedestrian safety. We do this           bulldozers, heavy equipment, and trucks               less expensive alternatives such as smaller,             It is not clear that the proposed plan will be
    by keeping residents informed about planning          entering and exiting at all hours could pose an       dual-use (gasoline/diesel) underground tanks,         the most cost-effective option. Would the cost
    and zoning issues, by participating actively in       unnecessary risk for accidents. A truck backing       and invest in alternative fuel solutions in antici-   to replace the old tanks with new double-walled
    public hearings, and by organizing forums.            into the above-ground tanks could cause a             pation of fleet conversion?                           below-ground unit(s) be significantly greater?
                                                          catastrophic fire or explosion. The existing tanks                                                          Are there opportunities for shared resources with
                                                          are underground and the space is open and             Smart Growth and Development
    The BCF Newsletter is published six times a                                                                                                                       other towns or even private partnerships with
    year, in January, March, May, July, September,        allows for easy passage, so the current location         The proposed tanks will be located adjacent        service stations? Belmont’s citizens simply have
                                                          does not pose a hazard.                               to the South Pleasant Street corridor, an area        not been provided with enough information to
    and November. Published material represents
                                                             Any research on the pros and cons of above-        frequently pointed to as providing commercial         know what is best.
    the views of the authors and not necessarily
                                                          ground tanks vs. below-ground tanks points out        and possibly multi-unit residential development.
    those of the Belmont Citizens Forum.
                                                          that above-ground tanks should not be sited           The tanks would threaten the area’s development       Select Board Response
                                                          near high traffic areas. In fact, every town neigh-   potential and would be inconsistent with                Jay Marcotte, Belmont’s Director of Public
    Letters to the editor may be sent to                  boring Belmont has underground fuel tanks,            Belmont’s “Town of Homes” image.                      Works, provided some summary numbers
    P. O. Box 609, Belmont MA 02478 or to                 including Cambridge, Watertown, Waltham,                 Moreover, the DPW facilities will require          concerning the cost difference between above-                          Arlington, and Lexington. Above-ground tanks          replacement within 10 years. Several                  ground and below-ground tanks at a February
                                                          in Concord are located far from residential areas.    Massachusetts communities have redeveloped            1 Select Board meeting. He stated that below-                                 If Belmont officials are unwilling to install      their public works facilities with neighborhood-      ground tanks would cost about $90,000 more,
    © 2021 Belmont Citizens Forum. All rights reserved.   underground tanks, then an alternative solution       friendly designs for buildings, fencing, and          and that the required monthly inspections for
                                                          would be to install the above-ground tanks at         greenery. By contrast, Belmont seeks to install       Belmont’s current underground tanks costs
                                                          an alternative location, such as the town’s incin-    visible fuel tanks near residents’ homes without      $700. He did not offer detailed cost breakdowns
                                                                                                                a 10-year plan for the large DPW property.
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Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
for the two options and suggested
that such information could only                                                                                               Select Board Candidate Answers BCF Questions
become available after a project was
put out to bid. It is apparent that no                                                                                         Each year, the Belmont Citizens
research was conducted to under-                                                                                               Forum asks Select Board candidates
stand these costs more fully in the                                                                                            questions about issues facing our
five months since the August public                                                                                            town. This year, Mark Paolillo, who is
hearing was conducted.                                                                                                         running unopposed, provided answers.
   The Select Board, accompanied                                                                                               He was limited to 1,200 words.

                                                                                                               JEFFREY NORTH
by several town leaders and two
engineers from the town’s consultant                                                                                           Describe your vision for
on the project, Weston & Sampson,                                                                                              preserving and enhancing
responded to questions raised by                                                                                               Belmont’s quality of living,
                                           The proposed   tank location at sunrise.
neighbors and concerned citizens                                                                                               learning, working, and
over the past several months.                              Environmental Protection mandate. He also                           connecting.
   According to Epstein, locating tanks at the             indicated that the entire incinerator site is                          Preserving and enhancing
incinerator site, where there is no infrastructure         close to a wetland area, and therefore would                        Belmont’s quality of life must
or utilities, would subject police, fire, and              likely require permitting from the Belmont                          begin with making town finances
highway vehicles that need fuel to a four-and-             Conservation Commission.                                            stable and sustainable. This will
a-half mile round trip on busy traffic on Mill                                                                                 require a more in-depth approach
Street and possible delays. He also stated that            How Are We Planning for the Future?                                 to long-term structural reform.
electric vehicles will not replace police cruisers,           Currently, Belmont is facing a $6.4 million                      Belmont should consider the use
fire trucks, or snow plows anytime soon, so fossil         property tax override on the April ballot. The                      of performance management
fuel will be required for the foreseeable future.          town’s financial resources need to be spent                         budgeting which measures resource
                                                           carefully, fairly, and as part of a comprehensive                   input against the resulting output

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          COURTESY OF MARK PAOLILLO
   Marcotte presented diagrams showing that the
tanks should not be visible above the existing             plan. To spend $500,000 on an initiative that                       of services for each department.
roof lines of the DPW buildings on the site.               may not be the best solution makes no sense.                        That will help us measure the
However some nearby homes are are at a higher                 At the very least, residents with increasing                     rate of return Belmont gets on its
elevation than the DPW, a perspective that was             property tax burdens have the right to expect                       investments. Additionally, a serious
not taken into account. Concerns over lighting             that the town will consider low-impact devel-                       5- to 10-year financial plan must be
from the site leaking onto abutting properties,            opment solutions that shield residents from risk,                   developed.
positioned at a higher elevation than the DPW,             blight, noise, and pollution, and promote our                          These steps will allow us
                                                           town’s environmental values.                                        to maintain the level of town          Mark Paolillo
will be examined by DPW staff.
   Marcotte described the planned above-ground                Beyond merely the concerns about two fuel                        services on which our residents                        approved it. Belmont will soon submit a 25%
tanks’ safety features. The tanks carry a UL 2085          tanks, does Belmont have the capacity to fully                      depend, invest in our aging infrastructure             design plan to MassDOT. MassDOT final
rating with a two-hour fire rating—meaning                 realize a comprehensive and equitable future                        including roads and sidewalks, and increase our        approval will allow the 75% and 100% design
that it should take two hours of being engulfed            for the town? Do we scrutinize a development                        investment in our Level One School District.           phases to proceed.
in flames before the inner wall of the tank gets           in one part of town and rubber stamp another                        It should even be possible to develop a plan to          Proactive work with all stakeholders is needed
hot enough to be damaged. Expansion valves                 across town because we have lower standards                         build a new library and skating rink that will be      so Phases 1a and 1b of the community path
and fire suppression gear will be installed. They          or expectations? A solution that works outside                      utilized and enjoyed by Belmont residents for          project can be approved and funded with the
have been ballistics-tested with rifle fire. No data       of Belmont is not necessarily the best fit for                      generations.                                           hope that construction will begin within the
could be found on the potential blast radius of            Belmont. A rigorous and comprehensive                                                                                      next two to three years.
exploding tanks.                                           planning process that inspires public confidence                    What steps would you take to ensure
   Glenn Clancy, Belmont’s Director of                     is the best investment in Belmont’s future.                         that the design and construction of the                What are your top categories of concern
Community Development, stated at the February                                                                                  community path proceed efficiently?                    related to climate change, and what steps
1 public hearing that an above-ground tank                 Lisa Oteri and Judith Ananian Sarno are both                           After decades of work, the Community                should the town take to address those risks?
could be located only within two small areas               Precinct 3 Town Meeting members and resident                        Path Project Committee (CPPC) and Nitsch                 Climate change is an existential crisis facing
at the incinerator site because the rest of the            advocates.                                                          Engineering produced the Conceptual Design             the planet, country, state, and our town. A
site will be capped to contain landfill material,                                                                              Report for Phase 1a and Phase 1b of the                Belmont Energy Committee (BEC) 2018 report
in accordance with a state Department of                                                                                       community path; the Massachusetts Department           provided a roadmap for strategic decarbonization
                                                                                                                               of Transportation (MassDOT) reviewed and               for Belmont that includes an aggressive strategy

4                                                                                                                                                                                       March/April 2021   5
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
meeting future compliance          the significant backlog of capital repairs and     of traffic-calming methods throughout Belmont
                                                                                          set forth by state and federal     replacements.                                      that is also aligned with neighborhood concerns
                                                                                          regulatory agencies?                  I strongly support this override, even as I     and safe routes for our school children is needed.
                                                                                             Federal and state regulators    understand that its timing is not ideal. Some
                                                                                          have found that Belmont’s          Belmont residents are struggling financially due   Do you see any emerging benefits or “silver
                                                                                          discharges into receiving waters   to the pandemic, and many seniors are on fixed     linings” for Belmont resulting from the
                                                                                          do not improve their quality.      incomes. Additional measures are needed to         challenges of 2020?
                                                                                          Therefore, Belmont is required     support them. Nevertheless, funding is needed         2020 will long be remembered as a most
                                                                                          to correct the leaks in some       to prevent dramatic, long-lasting cuts to both     difficult and challenging year. The pandemic
                                                                                          77 miles of sewer pipe and         town and school services.                          resulted in the tragic loss of hundreds of
                                                                                          associated sewer laterals plus                                                        thousands of lives and untold suffering and
                                                                                          an unknown number of illicit                                                          pain for many more. We have seen civil unrest
                                                                                          connections that put home
                                                                                                                               Belmont is faced with significant                and political turmoil. We have witnessed the
                                                                                          sewer water into the town’s          structural deficits for fiscal year 2022         sacrifices of frontline health care workers, first
                                                                                          stormwater drains. The remedial      and beyond.                                      responders, teachers, educators, and many other

                                                                                          program already developed and                                                         citizens have made to provide service to those
                                                                                          put into place by Glenn Clancy,                                                       that were most impacted by the scourge of this
                                                                                          Community Cevelopment              What changes to transportation infrastructure      pandemic.
                                                                                          director, would benefit from       would help Belmont move better and more               I have seen this level of sacrifice and service in
                                                                                          more aggressive funding.           efficiently?                                       our town, in the work of the Health Department,
                                                                                             The remedial plan begins          A 2019 town-wide traffic study confirmed         the Council on Aging, other town departments,
                  “Mystery pipes” found under the intersection of Orchard and             with water-quality sampling        that:                                              schools, nonprofit organizations, and many
                  Common Streets.                                                         to identify sanitary sewers          • regional congestion contributes to             Belmont citizens. If there is a “silver lining”
                                                                                          lacking structural integrity              cut-through traffic in Belmont;             for Belmont, it is the knowledge that when the
                  to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by
                                                                     and  dye  testing   to identify problems with sewer       • adjacent towns cause a high percentage of      citizens of our town, state, and country are
                  2050, starting from 2007 levels. Work is needed
                                                                     laterals or illicit connections. Correction requires           cut-through traffic;                        desperate for help, there will be an outpouring of
                  to make sure Belmont can achieve Climate
                                                                     relining sewers and laterals with cure-in-place           • peak traffic flow is commuter based; and       service and commitment to help them. It gives
                  Action Plan goals. I intend to work with BEC to
                                                                     technology that has a 100-year lifetime.                  • many neighborhoods near congested main         me hope that better days are ahead!
                  provide residents with information about the
                                                                                                                                    roads experience high cut-through traffic
                  Climate Action Plan and to develop significant
                                                                     Do you think that a tax rate override, to                      volumes.
                  changes so this can happen.
                                                                     pay for the things Belmont needs, would be
                                                                     approved by voters considering the recent                  Increasing traffic
                  How would you support efforts for resto-
                                                                     increases in property tax bills? Why or why             volumes adversely
                  ration and maintenance of town open spaces
                                                                     not?                                                    impacts the quality of
                  and parks, especially given their increased
                                                                        Financial Task Force I, which I chaired, recom-      life for our residents,
                  popularity and use in 2020?
                                                                     mended a $4.5 million override in April 2015 to         but improvement is
                     Belmont has a population of around 26,000
                                                                     address a substantial operating budget structural       challenging and complex.
                  people inhabiting approximately 4.7 square
                                                                     deficit. The successful override lasted for six            The Transportation
                  miles. It has limited open space including parks
                                                                     years.                                                  Advisory Committee
                  and playgrounds. Creating a comprehensive
                                                                        Belmont is faced with significant structural         working with the
                  catalog of all Belmont’s open space should be
                                                                     deficits for fiscal year 2022 and beyond. As a          Office of Community
                  the first step in designing a long-term plan for
                                                                     member of Financial Task Force II, I worked             Development, established
                  its use. We must then ensure that open space is
                                                                     on financial modeling and budget delibera-              a Traffic Calming Policy
                  not developed and that the available open space
                                                                     tions which have led to the conclusion that a           adopted by the Select
                  is restored and maintained. Operating budget or
                                                                     $6.4 million-dollar override vote is needed to          Board in 2020. This policy
                  Community Preservation Act funds can be used
                                                                     address these structural deficits. The additional       provides the framework
                  for this.
                                                                     tax revenue from this override will dramati-            through which Belmont’s
                                                                     cally increase investment in our schools, provide       traffic problems can be
                  How would you guide the town toward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TIM TODREAS
                                                                     additional support for our seniors, and address         addressed. In addition, a
                  improvements in stormwater management,
                                                                                                                             long-term plan resulting
                  improvements for sewers and drains, and
                                                                                                                             in the implementation
                  6                                                                                                                                                                 March/April 2021    7
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
How to Help Belmont Survive Climate Change                                                                                                Top-Priority Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Actions

by Anne-Marie                                                                                                                         General Objective                   Specific Actions         Time Frame       Owner        Expense
Flooding caused                                                                                                                                                       Replace Trapelo Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DPW, CD,
the collapse of the                                                                                                                                                   culvert                     0-1 year                            $$$$
Trapelo Road culvert
over Beaver Brook in                                                                                                                                                  Roadway flooding
                                                                                                                            Culvert replacesments and upgrades
2010, and inundated                                                                                                                                                   vulnerability study         1-3 years       CD                  $$$
                                                                                                                            using climate projection design standards
the train tracks at
the Waverley MBTA
                                                                                                                                                                      Increase culvert sizes to                                    $$$$
commuter rail station.                                                                                                                                                remove key bottlenecks
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ongoing         CD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 per culvert
Belmont is expected
to see its share of
                                                                                                                            Sewer Infrastructure                      Sewer lining and repair     Ongoing         CD               $$$/yr
future big intense
storms, extreme heat,
and other disasters                                                                                                         Decrease potential leaching hazard from
                                                                                                                                                                      Install a cap               1-3 years       DPW, CD          $$$$$
                                                                                                                            former incinerator site
from climate change.
If it’s any comfort,                                                                                                                                                  Model the existing

                                                                                                             DAVID CHASE
our town now has a                                                                                                          Stormwater computer modelling             drainage system under       0-1 yr          CD                   $
preparedness plan,                                                                                                                                                    climate change scenarios
thanks to a state-
                                                                                                                                                                      Draft emergency
funded program.            The 2010 Beaver Brook flood, as seen from the Beaver Brook bridge.                                                                                                     1-3 years       Police, Fire         $$
                                                                                                                                                                      response plan
    The Town of                                                                                                             Develop a comprehensive emergency
Belmont Hazard                                        Belmont Department of Public Works (DPW)                              response plan and ongoing
                                                                                                                            communication program                     Increase reverse-911                                             $
Mitigation-Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness       and CD coordinating with the town of Waltham                                                                                                1-3 years       Police, Fire
Plan identifies local vulnerabilities to flooding,    to replace this culvert leaves it vulnerable. If you                                                            registrations
pollution, and traffic jams, and proposes             are a commuter driving over the metal plates
mitigating actions, short-term and long-term, to      by Mill Street (even with light traffic during the
                                                                                                                            Improve the resilience of municipal       Install backup power in                     DPW,              $$$
help vulnerable populations safely shelter from       pandemic), think about what alternative routes                                                                                              3-5 years
                                                                                                                            buildings                                 key locations                               Police, Fire   per facility
extreme heat, rain, or snow.                          you and other commuters would need to find
    The cost of not taking these actions is likely    to avoid this intersection. Making this repair in
much greater than the cost of funding them.           response to an emergency would be much more                          Legend:
                                                      expensive than making it beforehand. The same                        $       < $10,000
The town’s plan was developed by consul-
                                                                                                                           $$      $10,000-$100,000
tants Weston & Sampson under the state’s              goes for undersized culverts at Concord Avenue/                      $$$     $100,000-$250,000
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP)            Wellington Brook, the Clifton Street and Hickory                     $$$$ $250,000-$500,000
plan (see “Belmont Tackles Climate Vulnerability      Lane intersection, the Belmont and Lexington                         $$$$$ >$500,000
Planning,” BCF Newsletter, May/June 2020)             Streets intersection, and other locations.                           DPW: Department of Public Works CD: Office of Community Development
which awarded Belmont $31,000 toward creating            There is a potential quick win at the top of                      Source: Town of Belmont Hazard Mitigation—Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan, Section 7, Weston &
the plan’s first phase. The town’s Office of          the priority list: pay consultants to “model                         Sampson, May 2020 draft
Community Development (CD) has identified             our existing drainage system utilizing updated
alternative sources for funding the rest.             rainfall data to evaluate flooding conditions                        inaccurately modeled the Brighton Street culvert             vulnerable to leaching into Beaver Brook and
                                                      under projected climate change conditions.”                          from Clay Pit Pond as a catch basin instead of               then into the Charles River during heavy
Climate Adaptation Actions                            Belmont and Cambridge already have all the                           a pond flowing into a culvert. Both Cambridge                storms. In addition to a cap, the Department of
   At the top of the list of high-priority actions    necessary data in the same modeling software                         and Belmont are flying blind until the model is              Environmental Protection requires that wetland
in Belmont’s MVP plan is replacing the Trapelo        with the same consultant (Stantec) to create a                       expanded to be more regional.                                vegetation be utilized to improve water quality at
Road culvert. The Trapelo Road culvert is             regional look at flooding risks. Cambridge has                          Other important actions on the top-priority               the site. Moreover, the Select Board has approved
vulnerable to collapsing and flooding in a            based its climate change plan on a model that                        list are two pollution prevention projects: the              post-closure uses of Belmont Light Department
heavy storm. Every day that goes by without the       stops at its border with Belmont. Hence, they                        incinerator site and sewer system repairs. Until             sustainability projects, such as solar panels at
                                                                                                                           the former incinerator site is capped, it remains            the former incinerator site on Concord Avenue.
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Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
priority item. Installing backup power at the        when deciding the town’s 2021 annual budget
                                                                                                                Chenery School, police station, and data centers     priorities.
                                                                                                                were all classified as high priority.
     General Objective                        Specific Actions                       Owner            Expense                                                        Anne-Marie Lambert is a former director of the
                                                                                                                Next Steps                                           Belmont Citizens Forum.
                             Develop a recurring protocol for examining shelter                                    A tremendous amount of time, energy, and
                             capacity, functionality, and essential equipment                                   thought went into the Town of Belmont Hazard
                                                                                  Police, Fire           $
                             and goods. Develop a shelter-in-place guide or                                     Mitigation-Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness
                             toolkit for private, multi-unit facilities
                                                                                                                Plan. The consultants at Weston & Sampson
Develop a comprehensive      Improve emergency preparedness outreach and                                        followed a state-prescribed process to facilitate
emergency response plan      education for vulnerable and isolated populations                                  an all-day workshop that included many stake-
and ongoing communication    including the aged, youth, people whose first        Police, Fire           $      holders, from municipal staff to community
program                      language is not English, people experiencing                                       leaders. Even after the pandemic temporarily
                             economic hardship, and people who are disabled                                     halted in-person public meetings, more than 100
                                                                                                                people participated in an online feedback session
                             Document emergency flood preparation and             DPW, Police,                  and survey, possibly more than would have
                             emergency response capacity                          Fire
                                                                                                                participated if it had been done in person. I hope
Develop a fire prevention                                                                                       the Office of Community Development tries
                             FireWise Program to help educate residents on fire
program and purchase more                                                         Fire           $              again to apply for MVP Action Grant funding

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DAVID CHASE
                             prevention and hazardous materials
equipment                                                                                                       this year, and that department heads, members
Improve the resilience of                                                         DPW, Council                  of the Select Board, Warrant Committee, and
                             Install a generator at the senior center                          $$               Town Meeting use the MVP plan as a guide
municipal buildings                                                               on Aging
                                                                                                                                                                     Beaver Brook in 2010.
                             Increase tree maintenance efforts and funding for
                                                                                  DPW            $$$
                             tree maintenance contractor                                                                         The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
Tree management              Develop a comprehensive tree management
                             plan which could include planting appropriate
                             species by taking into consideration local air       DPW            $$               The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program provides grants for cities and towns
                             quality, proximity to dense housing and roadways,                                    in Massachusetts to begin the planning process for climate change resiliency and imple-
                             drought, extreme temperatures, and wind                                              menting priority projects. Communities that complete the MVP program become certified as
                                                                                                                  an MVP community and are eligible for MVP Action Grant funding and other opportunities.
These projects could help mitigate climate                   In addition to the top-priority items, the
change and help achieve the goal of a 100%                MVP plan identifies some medium-priority                Belmont has completed the MVP planning process, identifying several priorities to advance
emission-free electricity supply stated in the            items which could be done in the next one to            progress towards resilience, and will be eligible for MVP Action Grants and Federal Emergency
Belmont Climate Action Plan of 2009.                      three years. Thanks to state Representative Dave        Management Agency grants. Belmont’s Hazard Mitigation-Municipal Vulnerability Prepared-
   The second pollution prevention project is             Rogers and Town Administrator Patrice Garvin,           ness Plan currently proposes the following:
to line and repair breaks in our sewer system to          the town was recently able to take advantage of
prevent sewage from leaking into our waterways,           funding at the end of the last state budget cycle        • Convening a core team of municipal department heads who provided key input through
especially during heavy rain. Belmont made                to address one of these “quick hits”; the town             meetings, online surveys, and interviews.
significant progress on sewer lining and repairs          now has an additional $50,000 to develop a               • Engaging stakeholders through a virtual community resilience-building workshop and the
in 2020 and early 2021 as part of a 2017 consent          better tree management plan and to plant more              public through a virtual, interactive meeting.
order from the Environmental Protection Agency            trees.                                                   • Conducting a vulnerability and risk assessment of historic hazards and the potential impact
to address violations of Clean Water Act require-            During a big storm or heat wave, communi-               of climate change.
ments, but there is still a great deal of sewer           cation with our vulnerable populations is an             • Documenting the town’s capacity to mitigate and respond to hazards.
repair work to be done. The main bottleneck               important element of being prepared. Many                • Updating the progress of the previous hazard mitigation plan.
appears to be lack of sufficient municipal staff          of the communication-related priorities, such            • Developing an action and implementation strategy.
to oversee contractors working on multiple                as increasing reverse-911 registrations, would
measurement and repair sites simultaneously (see          also have been helpful during the COVID-19              Check out the Belmont MVP overview on Belmont Media.
“Carrots and Sticks Nudge Belmont’s Cleanup,”             emergency as a way to improve communications.
BCF Newsletter, November 2020).                              Finally, installing a generator at the Belmont
                                                          Senior Center was identified as a medium-
10                                                                                                                                                                     March/April 2021    11
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
Belmont’s Invasive Plants: Garlic Mustard                                                                      sible to eliminate the plant from large
                                                                                                                                   areas of habitat it has already invaded,
                                                                                                                                   but containment and control may be
                    Allaria petiolata Threatens Local, Regional Biodiversity                                                       achievable.
                    By Jeffrey North
                    Invasive plant species are disrupting ecosystems       nutrients, and space. It also adversely affects         The Problem
                    globally and here in Belmont. Biological               the mycorrhizal fungi (fungus which form a                 Why is garlic mustard a concern? In
                    invasions are a leading cause of biodiversity loss     symbiotic relationship with the roots of a seed         short, it is changing the ecosystem of
                    and even species extinction, and invasive plants       plant) that make up important underground               New England as it invades and pervades
                    are permanently altering the ecology of our            networks, the “central nervous system” of a             new landscapes. This species is changing
                    forests, fields, and gardens.                          forest.                                                 the character of woodlands as it displaces
                       This article is the first in a series on invasive                                                           native edge and understory plants.
                                                                           The Invasive Plant Garlic Mustard                          Garlic mustard, as well as other invasive
                    plant species found in Belmont and the implica-
                    tions of their presence, spread, and ecological           A visually attractive plant, garlic mustard          plants, are leading suspects in the decline
                    damage potential, as well as hopes for their           prefers moist, shaded areas but it can be found         of insect populations and thus the decline

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
                    removal and remediation.                               in a variety of habitat types, including fields,        of sustenance for birds. The impact of
                       Garlic mustard (Alliara petiolata) is changing      upland forests in different stages of growth,           invasive plants on native plant biodiversity
                    the character of the woodlands in the Northeast.       floodplain forests and their edges, roadsides,          is increasingly seen as a major cause of
                    It can outcompete native herbaceous species,           along trails, and in your backyard and flower           insect population collapse among ecolo-
                    depriving the natives of light, moisture,              beds. Because of its shade tolerance, garlic            gists, although the idea is still contro-
                                                                           mustard can dominate a forest understory.               versial. No bugs, no birds. The result is     First-year garlic mustard leaves.
                                                                                                       The plant is a biennial.    a loss of biodiversity as garlic mustard
                                                                                                    In the first year of growth,   outcompetes native plants for water,
                                                                                                    it is a basal rosette, when    nutrients, sunlight, and space.
                                                                                                    its growth is relatively          The effects go up and down the food
                                                                                                    slow. In its second year,      chain as this invasive plant species toxifies
                                                                                                    growth is rapid as it          the soil in ways that hamper the function
                                                                                                    reaches three feet or more     of fungi and soil microbes that are critical
                                                                                                    during early spring. The       for the germination of seedlings and the
                                                                                                    plant is capable of cross-     growth of trees.
                                                                                                    and self-pollination. The         Moreover, mycorrhizal fungi are increas-
                                                                                                    good news is that the          ingly recognized as key to connecting
                                                                                                    plant only lives two years.    trees and plant networks for many types of
                                                                                                    The bad news is that           communication for resources, defense, and
                                                                                                    each plant can produce         kin recognition. Healthy mycorrhizal fungi
                                                                                                    thousands of seeds that        enhance understory seedling survival and
                                                                                                    can live for up to seven       growth. Garlic mustard produces a host of
                                                                                                    years in the soil.             chemicals that retard or halt the growth of
                                                                                                       Garlic mustard success-     the mycorrhizal fungi that are critical for
                                                                                                    fully invades woodlands        the health of forests.
                                                                                                    and displaces native              To compound the injury, garlic mustard
                                                                                                    plants due to its ability      contains chemical compounds that make
                                                                                                    to pollinate itself (a         the plant unpalatable to herbaceous insects
                                                                                                    single plant can carpet        and other creatures that would eat it. In

                                                                                                    a forest), its high seed       short, garlic mustard has been shown to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
                                                                                                    production, and its rapid      decrease native plant diversity, reduce
                                                                                                    growth during the second       native plant growth, decrease insect and
                                                                                                    growing season. Because        butterfly survival, and alter nutrient
                                                                                                    of garlic mustard’s ability    cycling.
                                                                                                    to colonize understory
                    Garlic mustard in bloom.                                                        habitats, it may be impos-                                                   Second-year garlic mustard stems and flowers.
                    12                                                                                                                                                                    March/April 2021   13
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
even while avoiding chemicals. Garlic mustard                                                                    I was pleased to see John Dieckmann’s article

                                                                                                                     can be treated chemically, but the best method                                                                about bikeway projects underway in the area
                                                                                                                     of removal is to pull it in early spring and          Letters to the Editor                                   (“Bikeway Building Booms Beyond Belmont,”
                                                                                                                     summer before the white blossoms turn to seed         To the Editor:                                          BCF Newsletter, January/February 2021), but I’d
                                                                                                                     pods.                                                    Great articles in this issue, as usual. I know       like to point out one he missed: the Cochituate
                                                                                                                                                                           there’s an Earth Day cleanup at Lone Tree Hill,         Rail Trail, extending from the commuter rail
                                                                                                                     Fun Facts                                             but can knowledgeable volunteers help with the          station in downtown Natick to the Saxonville
                                                                                                                       •   Garlic mustard was first recorded in the        removal of invasives and planting of natives that       area of Framingham. Construction is now mostly
                                                                                                                           United States on Long Island in 1868, but       Jeffrey North described?                                complete.
                                                                                                                           it was likely introduced by colonial settlers                                                              The Cochituate makes connections previ-
                                                                                                                           for food or medicine much earlier.              Art Kreiger                                             ously served only by some of the most bicyclist-
                                                                                                                       •   Sixty-nine insect species consume garlic                                                                unfriendly road infrastructure in the region.
                                                                                                                           mustard in its native range in Europe; none     Jeff North responds:                                    The Cochituate has an underpass under the
                                                                                                                           of those species live in North America.         Thank you for your letter, Mr. Kreiger. Watch these     Massachusetts Turnpike, remaining from the
                                                                                                                       •   You will know it by its heart-shaped leaves.    pages for future announcements of volunteer days        abandoned rail line, and there are two impressive
                                                                                                                       •   It smells like garlic when crushed.             for invasives removal and restorative planting. The     new overpasses at Route 30 and Route 9. The
                                                                                                                       •   You can eat it.                                 stewards of Lone Tree Hill are eager to organize        Cochituate provides access from the Natick
                                                                                                                                                                           volunteers for pulling garlic mustard and other         train station and residential areas to Cochituate
                                                                                                                     Jeffrey North is an ex officio Belmont Conservation   restoration work as soon as we can safely gather.       State Park and the Framingham shopping malls.
                                                                Garlic mustard flowers and seed pods.                Commission representative on the Land                 Look for an initiative following examples such as       Bicycling conditions on streets at either end are
                                                                                                                     Management Committee for Lone Tree Hill, and          the Lexington Conservation Stewards’ Stewardship        relatively tame, and the Cochituate provides a
                                                                   In Belmont, garlic mustard is easy to find. It    managing editor of the Belmont Citizens Forum         Saturday Program.                                       useful link for longer bicycle travels.
                                                                appears in early spring along both sides of Mill     Newsletter.
                                                                Street between McLean Street and Concord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   John S. Allen
                                                                Avenue. Volunteers in past years have pulled the                                                           To the Editor:
                                                                plant at Rock Meadow in the area near Lorimer
                                                                                                                                Garlic Mustard Pesto
                                                                                                                                                                              Walking in certain areas of Lone Tree Hill, I
                                                                and Vernon Roads. At Lone Tree Hill, it will                                                               have found wintergreen, a low-growing plant.            Thank you for your letter, Mr. Allen. Watch this
                                                                spring up near the parking lot, in the meadow                                                              I didn’t see anything in the article about
                                                                                                                       Be sure to harvest wild plants where no                                                                     newsletter for more articles by John Dieckmann
                                                                near Mill Street, and along various paths. That is                                                         the wintergreen growing in Lone Tree Hill
                                                                                                                       chemicals have been sprayed.                                                                                about our region’s bikeways and rail trails. John
                                                                just a sample of invaded spots in Belmont.                                                                 (“Committee Battles Invasives at Lone Tree Hill,”       had to limit the scope of his article due to space
                                                                                                                        • 3 tbsp. garlic mustard roots, chopped            BCF Newsletter, January/February 2021). Will it         constraints. He promises to address this omission in
                                                                The Solution                                                                                               be affected by the restoring of the native plants
                                                                                                                        • 4 garlic cloves, minced                                                                                  subsequent issues of the BCF Newsletter.
                                                                   Pull it. Unlike some other invasive plant                                                               at Lone Tree Hill?
                                                                                                                        • 1 cup wild garlic mustard leaves,
                                                                species, hand pulling can be effective in
                                                                removing this shallow-rooted plant, preferably                                                             Joan Seaver
                                                                                                                        • ¾ cup fresh parsley, minced
                                                                before it sheds its seeds into the soil.
                                                                                                                        • 1 cup fresh basil leaves, diced
                                                                   The trick is to pull the plant, with its root,                                                          Jeff North responds:
                                                                                                                        • 2 cups of walnuts, chopped
                                                                before the seed pods are ready to open. Grab                                                               Thank you for your letter expressing care and concern
                                                                                                                        • 1/2 cup black olives, chopped
                                                                the stem close to the root and gently tug.                                                                 for the flora at Lone Tree Hill. The planting plan
                                                                                                                        • ½ cup olive oil
                                                                Organizations such as New England university                                                               for the restoration area A1 has not been finalized.
                                                                                                                        • ½ cup yellow miso (if unavailable, add
                                                                extension programs and others advise that hand                                                             For the next growing season (maybe the next two),
                                                                                                                          salt to taste)
                                                                pulling is most effective in March through                                                                 the priority will be to get the invasive plants under
                                                                mid-May and again in September into October.                                                               control, so only a ground cover planting is intended
                                                                                                                       Pulse all ingredients in a food processor
                                                                   Once the plants are pulled, they should be                                                              in the near term. When replanting commences, the
                                                                                                                       until the mixture is finely ground. Serve as
                                                                bagged and sent to the landfill. Composting is a                                                           Land Management Committee for Lone Tree Hill
                                                                                                                       a spread for crackers or bread or as a pasta
                                                                bad idea as it would just spread the seeds. Even                                                           will add wintergreen to the planting plan. In the
                                                                burning the plants might not kill the seeds.                                                               meantime, you might very well find some along the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JOHN DIECKMANN
                                                                   While complete eradication of the species                                                               forested area near the Coal Road as wintergreen is a
                                                                                                                       Adapted from K. A. Holbrook, National
                                                                from large parcels of land might be very                                                                   forest plant found near natives like mountain laurel
                                                                                                                       Park Service.
                                                                ambitious, containment at sites the size of infes-                                                         in moist, acidic soils.
                                                                tations found in Belmont should be achievable,                                                             To the Editor:
                                                                14                                                                                                                                                                    March/April 2021     15
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
repeated buzzy, loud PEEENT call. As that Mass
 Letters to the Editor                                                                                                          Belmont Roots                                           Audubon blogger writes:
                                                                                                                                                                                           “Keep an ear out for a woodcock’s sharp, nasal
To the Editor:                                                                                                                  Environmental News, Notes, and Events                   “peent!” from sunset to half an hour afterwards.
   I read your article in the Belmont Citizens                                                                                                                                          The woodcock will take off after a few calls,
Forum Jan/Feb 2021 Newsletter (“Building                                                                                        By Meg Muckenhoupt                                      wheeling and diving in the sky as their wings
Booms on Belmont’s Border”) with interest. Like                                                                                                             So much is still            produce their signature twitter. Then, the bird
many Belmont residents, we experience gridlock                                                                                                           uncertain. Organizations       dives steeply, its wings continuing to whistle as it
traffic at rush hours and wonder about the causes                                                                                                        that normally form the         falls to the ground to start over.”

                                                                                                            CITY OF CAMBRIDGE
and solutions to this problem.                                                                                                                           bulk of the Belmont               In real life, observing a woodcock during
   I noted that your article did not mention the                                                                                                         Citizens Forum’s event         its evening flight feels like sitting in an IMAX
Opportunity Zone that was created in West                                                                                                                listings are quiet online,     movie theater while the projector is testing the
Cambridge bounded approximately by Linear                                                                                                                leaving their web pages        surround-sound speakers. You can hear fluttering
Park, Route 2, Cedar Street, and the Fitchburg                                                                                  blank and their calendars empty. No one trusts          in a circle with a vast diameter as it spirals up
line railroad tracks and can be seen at this link     (through a privately-created Opportunity Fund)                            the future to allow us to meet, to learn, to pause      into the sky, but actually seeing the bird is        into economic activities in the area.”                                    to observe the natural world—or grieve the              unlikely.
map. This Opportunity Zone overlaps with the B           The summary is that investors who invest in                            activists who are gone. The Belmont Historical             If you’d rather test your own system, Mass
Triangle shown on the upper right of the zoning       an Opportunity Zone will have past and future                             Society, Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation, the         Audubon is offering an online course titled “The
map in your article.                                  capital gains taxes reduced dramatically. This                            Charles River Watershed Association, the Native         American Woodcock,” Thursday, March 11, 7–8
   Opportunity Zones are described on the www.        financial incentive leads to a lot of building in                         Plant Trust; if they have anything listed, it’s for a   PM (Mass Audubon members $15, nonmembers website as follows:                          these Opportunity Zones. The good news for                                Zoom video. We are all tired of Zoom videos.            $20.) As Audubon’s anonymous catalog author
   “The U.S. Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 created     towns and cities with Opportunity Zones is that                              Here is what I know for certain about what           writes, “This presentation will introduce you to
the Opportunity Zone Program to provide incen-        they will get a lot of incoming investment going                          will happen in and around Belmont in the                the woodcock, its unique adaptations and life
tives for investment in low income commu-             into areas that have not yet been favored by                              coming months.                                          cycle, and the courtship dance they’re famous
nities throughout the country. An Opportunity         investors.                                                                                                                        for. How are woodcock populations doing in
Zone is a designated geographic area, in which           A few questions for towns like Cambridge                               Woodcocks Will Peent                                    Massachusetts and the northeast, and how can
individuals can gain favorable tax treatment          arise: (a) Do these areas in Cambridge need an                               In early to mid March, the woodcocks will            we best protect them? Discover when and where
on their capital gains, by investing those funds      Opportunity Zone to supercharge investment,                               begin their nuptial flights over open grassy areas.     to look for woodcocks on your own or through
                                                      and (b) Did Cambridge or surrounding towns                                In Belmont, they’ll
                                                      like Belmont consider the impact on traffic of                            be appearing in Rock
               Write for the BCF!                     the federal action to create this Opportunity                             Meadow and the Alewife
                                                      Zone?                                                                     Reservation. This Mass
     The Belmont Citizens Forum is looking               I look forward to reading more about this                              Audubon article (
     for authors to write about issues that           topic in future editions of the Belmont Citizens                          BCF-Woodcocks)will tell
     affect Belmont’s quality of life, and artists,   Forum.                                                                    you where to look … or,
     graphic designers, and photographers to
                                                                                                                                rather listen. Woodcocks
     show our readers how these issues affect           Mark Carthy                                                             are mottled brown birds
     our town.                                          Town Meeting Member, Precinct 1                                         slightly larger than
                                                                                                                                robins, and only begin
     There are no age, education, or work             The editor replies:                                                       their mating flights at
     requirements. If you’re willing to research      The city of Cambridge reports in its 2019 Alewife                         dusk, making them even
     a topic or create visual content we’d love       District Plan that 82% of the traffic at Alewife is                       harder to see. Although
     to talk with you.                                generated by “through trips” that begin and end                           one videographer
                                                      outside Cambridge. We’ll keep talking about traffic                       managed to capture

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
     If you care about the environment, historic      —but it looks like we’re going to need regional                           images of a woodcock
     preservation, traffic, zoning, planning,         solutions involving all modes of transportation—the                       at Rock Meadow(
     climate change, stormwater, community            T, commuter rail, buses, bike lanes, and pedestrian                       BCF-Rock-Woodcock),
     paths, or the environment, we’d love to          access as well as cars—to keep everyone moving.                           the most obvious sign
     talk with you. Email bcfprogramdirector@
                                                                                                                                of a woodcock during with your ideas today.
                                                                                                                                mating season is a
                                                                                                                                                            An American woodcock (Scolopax minor).
16                                                                                                                                                                                      March/April 2021    17
Neighborhood Opinion: Tank Process is Flawed - Belmont Citizens Forum
next morning, you can                                                                  The grass will grow again
                                                                                                   find salamander egg masses                                                                Perhaps, though, grass isn’t the only thing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thank you to our contributors
                                                                                                   attached to branches in                                                                that should be growing in your lawn. The Native
                                                                                                   the pool and a few shy                                                                 Plant Trust is offering a “live webinar” called
                                                                                                   salamanders scurrying                                                                                                                           WRITERS
                                                                                                                                                                                          “Diversify Your Lawn.” The catalog states, “Who
                                                                                                   under submerged leaves.                                                                                                                         Anne-Marie Lambert • Jeffrey North • Lisa
                                                                                                                                                                                          says lawns need to be monocultures or only
                                                                                                   The adults depart over the                                                                                                                      Oteri • Judith Ananian Sarno
                                                                                                                                                                                          made of grasses? Enrich the traditional lawn
                                                                                                   next few weeks; the young                                                              with other complementary plants that bloom at
                                                                                                   will hatch and leave before                                                            different times and add intrigue. Learn how to
                                                                                                   the vernal pool dries up to                                                                                                                     PHOTOS/GRAPHICS
                                                                                                                                                                                          identify the plants that already grow in the lawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   David Chase • John Dieckmann • Jeffrey

                                                                                                                                   BY SIDDHARTH PATIL - OWN WORK, CC0, HTTPS://COMMONS.
                                                                                                   become summer dirt.                                                                    as ‘weeds,’ and to incorporate new plants that
                                                                                                      Mass Audubon is                                                                                                                              North • Tim Todreas
                                                                                                                                                                                          create a rich, wildlife-friendly tapestry.” Catch it
                                                                                                   offering an online class                                                               Tuesday, March 23, 6:30–7:30 PM. Register at the
                                                                                                   titled “Spring’s ‘Big Night’”                                                                                                                   COPY EDITORS

                                                                                                                                                                                          Native Plant Trust site at
                                                                                                   on Friday, March 26,                                                                                                                            Sue Bass • Virginia Jordan • Evanthia
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cost is $12 members, $15 nonmembers.
                                                                                                   7–8:30 PM (Members $20,                                                                                                                         Malliris
                                                                                                   nonmembers $24. Register
                                                                                                   at                                                                                                                       NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE
                                                                                                   Attendees will learn to                                                                                                                         Sue Bass • Virginia Jordan • Evanthia
                                                                                                   identify vernal pools,hear                                                                                                                      Malliris • Vincent Stanton, Jr.
                    Blue spotted salamander.                                                       about an innovative conser-
                    a Mass Audubon sanctuary to witness their               vation and education project to restore and                                                                                                                            MAILING MAESTRO
                    displays this spring.”                                  create vernal pools, and learn about what Mass                                                                                                                         Ken Stalberg
                                                                            Audubon is doing to make vernal pools more
                    Salamanders Will Slink                                  resilient in the midst of habitat loss and climate
                       Every year, spotted and blue-spotted                 change.
                                                                               Habitat also offers courses on ducks and water-
                    salamanders and wood frogs return to local
                    vernal pools to mate. Although these creatures          birds, frogs, nature writing, and birding by ear.                                                                           Thank you for your continued support.
                    tend to trickle in over the course of a few weeks,
                                                                            Legislators will listen to lobbyists                                                                                                         Your contribution makes a difference!
                    there is usually a “big night” around the date
                    of the spring equinox (Saturday, March 20, this            This year, one of those lobbyists could be you.
                    year.) It will be a night when it’s raining steadily,   The Massachusetts River Alliance is sponsoring a                                                                   Each BCF Newsletter issue costs about             o Check here if your employer has a
                    if lightly, and the temperature is over 40°F. The       virtual “Lobby for the Rivers Day” on Thursday,                                                                    $4,000 to publish. Thank you for your               matching gift program.
                                                                            March 18, where you can connect with legis-                                                                        support!                                          o Check here if you would like to learn
                                                                            lators, water conservation organizations, and                                                                                                                          more about volunteering.
                                                                            fellow river enthusiasts. Meetings will be from                                                                    o $50     o $100      o $150       o $250
                                                                            15 to 30 minutes to discuss your top concerns                                                                                                                        Make checks payable to Belmont Citizens
                                                                            regarding rivers and our environment and                                                                                                                             Forum and mail to:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Name _______________________________
                                                                            natural resources. Register by March 5 at                                                                                                                    PO Box 609, Belmont, MA 02478
                                                                            BCF-River-Lobby. New citizen-lobbyists should                                                                      ____________________________________
                                                                            also attend the “Pre-Lobby Day Workshop” on                                                                                                                          Or give securely online:
                                                                            Tuesday, March 16, at 7 PM. Registration is free.                                                                  Address _____________________________   
                                                                            There will be trash at Lone Tree Hill                                                                              ____________________________________              Contact us:

                                                                               Unfortunately, the Belmont Citizens Forum                                                                                                               
                                                                            will not be able to sponsor a Lone Tree Hill
                                                                            cleanup day on Earth Day (April 22) in 2021. We                                                                    Phone_______________________________              The Belmont Citizens Forum is a nonprofit 501(c)(3)
                                                                            encourage you to go out and celebrate the Earth                                                                                                                      organization. Your donation is deductible from
                                                                            by picking up garbage at Lone Tree Hill on Earth                                                                   Email _______________________________             federal taxes to the full extent provided by law.
                                                                            Day, and every other day of the year.
                    Wood frog.
                    18                                                                                                                                                                                                                               March/April 2021       19
Belmont Citizens Forum
                                                                                        Nonprofit Org.
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Belmont MA 02478                                                                          Boston MA
                                                                                       Permit No. 56393
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                                         March/April 2021

                                                       Flawed Fuel Tank Planning Process . . . . . 1

                                                       Select Board Candidate Questions . . . . . . 5

                                                       Belmont and Climate Change . . . . . . . 8

                                                       Garlic Mustard’s Threat . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

                                                       Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . 15

                                                       Belmont Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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  March/April 2021              Preserving Belmont’s Small-Town Atmosphere                  Vol. 22, No.2
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