NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...

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NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
2021 | NORTHWEST                                                 FALL/WINTER

                                          THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHWEST CHAPTER OF
                                        THE NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY
PM #40065075

NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
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NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
Infrastructure is Es
                                                   2021 | NORTHWEST

             BEN CAMPBELL
             Neptune Coring
                                                                            THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHWEST CHAPTER OF
               VICE CHAIR
                                                                          THE NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY
           SHANE COOPER
     Uni-Jet Industrial Pipe Services                                                                                                                                          A P R I L 1 0-1
             PAST CHAIR
            GREG TIPPETT
                                                   IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                                                                                                      NASTT 2022 N
         Stantec Consulting Ltd.
         Royal Building Products
               ALI BAYAT
           University of Alberta
                                                                                    9                                                                                              19
              SAM WILSON
                CCI Inc.
           GEORGE BONTUS                           7   NO-DIG NORTH – VANCOUVER, BC       DEPARTMENTS:
           Aegion Corporation
                                                   9   NO-DIG SHOW 2022
                                                                                          MESSAGE FROM THE
               DIRECTOR                                IN MINNEAPOLIS
              CHAOSHI HU                                                                  MAGAZINE COMMITTEE..................... 6
                EPCOR                              11 CALL FOR MAGAZINE
               DIRECTOR                                NETWORKING
                                                       SUBMISSIONS EVENTS                 MESSAGE FROM NASTT...................... 8
            MUSTAFA YULEK
          TC Energy Corporation
                                                   13 NEW INDEX FOR DETERMINATION         ADVERTISER PRODUCT
                                                      OF CLOGGING POTENTIAL               & SERVICE CENTRE............................ 30
              DIRECTOR                                BASED ON A MIXING TEST
         Associated Engineering                    19 CASE STUDY: THE DESIGNED AND
                                                      CONSTRUCTED MICROTUNNEL
          CARLIE PITTMAN                              FOR THE DOWNTOWN CALGARY
        Associated Engineering                        TRANSMISSION REINFORCEMENT
                                                   27 MUNICIPAL & PUBLIC UTILITY
                                                      SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM
                                                                                                           2021 | NORTHWEST                                                 FALL/WINTER
Managing Editor: Monique Doyle
Design/Layout: Dani Goulet
Marketing Manager: Chad Morrison
                                                         150+  TECHNICAL
                                                                 US ONLINEEDUCATION SESSIONS
                                                                                                                                      THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHWEST CHAPTER OF
                                                                                                                                    THE NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY

Advertising Coordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:                                             NASTT-NW.COM
Publication Mail Agreement #40065075
©2021 Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd.
All rights reserved. The contents of this
publication, which does not necessarily reflect
the opinion of the publisher or the association,
may not be reproduced by any means, in
whole or in part, without the prior written
consent of the Northwest Chapter of the North
American Society for Trenchless Technology.
                                                                                            PM #40065075

                                                                                                                DESIGNED & CONSTRUCTED MICROTUNNEL FOR DOWNTOWN CALGARY

                                                                                            ON THE COVER: Winter sunrise over downtown
                                                                                            Calgary. |

                                                                                                                                                     NASTT-NW.COM | 5
NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...


     Vancouver Convention Centre, Downtown Vancouver, BC

             elcome to the Fall/Winter issue of        Also in this issue, we put the          Coming Up
             the Northwest Trenchless Journal,     spotlight on a case study about the         The Chapter magazine is published twice
             the official publication for          designed and constructed microtunnel        a year. The next issue of the Northwest
   members of the NASTT-NW Chapter. The            for the downtown Calgary transmission       Trenchless Journal is scheduled for
   big news in this issue is the No-Dig North      reinforcement project. This No-Dig 2021     distribution in the spring of 2022. It will
   event coming up in November. For more           case study begins on page 19.               include the Project of the Year winners, and
   information and to register to attend, please                                               the NW Chapter’s 2022 Buyers’ Guide.
   visit We hope you can        Find Us Online                                  We are looking for relevant, regional
   join us in Vancouver, BC this year!             Remember to join the Northwest Chapter      feature content to share with members.
                                                   on LinkedIn, at           Please contact Carlie Pittman at
   In This Issue                                   groups/4430433.                    by April 3, 2022 for
   In this issue of the magazine, we look at a         You can also find the most recent       more information and to let us know if
   new index for determining clogging potential    issue of the Northwest Trenchless Journal   you have an article or paper you would
   when using tunnel boring machines. You can      online at      like to contribute to the next issue of
   find this article on pages 13–15.               regional-chapter-magazines.                 this publication.

6 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |     Fall/Winter 2021
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NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...

                                 INNOVATION & RECOVERY
                                 IN THE TRENCHLESS INDUSTRY

            ats off to NASTT and the                 date for what we expect to be a record                     for the in-person 2021 No-Dig North
            Board of Directors for making            level of attendees.                                        at the Vancouver Convention Centre in
            the decision to host an in-                  The No-Dig Show in Orlando was                         Vancouver, British Columbia on November
   person and virtual No-Dig Show in                 a wonderful opportunity to get back to                     8 to 10. The show will consist of two
   Orlando this past March. The in-person            normal and reconnect with our trenchless                   days of technical paper presentations
   conference was well attended with safe            colleagues. Now that things are beginning                  and industry exhibits in the trenchless
   networking and educational events.                to safely re-open throughout North                         technology field. Pre-event Good Practices
   Both the No-Dig Planning Committee                America, we are excited to see the No-Dig                  Courses will also be available to attend
   and the No-Dig Development                        North Show and regional conferences                        on Monday, November 8, followed by an
   Committee are hard at work to bring               scheduled to take place in the last quarter of             opening reception for all attendees.
   you exciting new networking events in             2021. Our Canadian partners have not been                      Many of the other regional chapters
   Minneapolis in April 2022. Make sure              able to participate in many events over the                have finalized their conference program/
   to mark your calendars and save the               last two years. There is much anticipation                 events for this year. There is a lot of
                                                                                                                excitement around the South Central and
                                                                                                                Northeast Chapter Conferences being held
       “In many cases these regional                                                                            in Sugar Land, TX and West Point, NY. In
     conferences are the first exposure                                                                         many cases these regional conferences are
                                                                                                                the first exposure to trenchless technology.
         to trenchless technology.”                                                                             The regional chapters are the grassroots of
                                                                                                                this society and what continues to grow
                                                                                                                trenchless technology at a local level.
                                                                                                                    NASTT Board of Directors has recently
                                                                                                                published the Strategic Plan 2021–2023
      1-866-976-2626                                                       which identifies the importance of our
                                                                                                                committees. The growth and leadership
                                                                                                                within these committees have allowed
                                                                                                                industry experts to work together for the
                                                                                                                common good of the trenchless industry. If
                                                                                                                you want to represent a part of trenchless
                                                                                                                technology, then I encourage you to get
                                                                                                                involved with NASTT committees or at
                                                                                                                the regional level and reap the benefits.
                                                                                                                Contact NASTT if you are interested in
      The Right People, The Right Equipment, The Right Choice                                                   a committee. Specifically, our Students,
                                                                                                                Education, and Publications committees
                  Servicing the Underground Infrastructure Since 1996                                           are very active working on the next
                                                                                                                webinar/training documents.
     • Secondary Utility Locates/GPR              • Hydro excavating utilities, piles, trenching                    It is an exciting time in the trenchless
     • High pressure flushing/vacuum               • High Rail Unit for hydrovac, flushing, vacuum                industry, and we are leading the way in
     • CCTV (camera) inspections of sewer lines   • Relining of sewer lines, storm lines, laterals, T-liners,   training, education, and research. There
     • Lift Stations-maintenance & refurbishing     manholes and lift stations and potable water lines
                                                                                                                may be uncertainty in our world, but one
                                                                                                                thing we know for sure, Infrastructure
             Residential • Commercial • Municipalities • Industrial                                             is Essential. The trenchless industry is
                                                                                                                strong and resilient, and here to stay!

8 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |         Fall/Winter 2021
                                                                                                                                  BACK TO CONTENTS
NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
Infrastructure is Essential.
                                      A P R I L 1 0-1 4, 2 0 2 2

                            NASTT 2022 No-Dig Show
                       Minneapolis Convention Center | Minneapolis, Minnesota

                                      N O D I G S H O W.C O M


NORTHWEST FALL/WINTER - North American Society for Trenchless ...
Great ideas
are just below
the surface

      Design with community in mind |
Call for
   If you would like to submit your project
   paper or other content and photos for an
   upcoming issue of this Northwest Chapter
   magazine, please contact Carlie Pittman,
   Magazine Committee Chair, at

   Editorial submissions for the
   Northwest Trenchless Journal are
   welcome and due for our next
   publication by April 4, 2022.

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BACK TO CONTENTS                                                              NASTT-NW.COM | 11
Celebrating 75 years of Engineering Excellence

        Associated Engineering is celebrating our 75th anniversary! We are very proud of our long history as an
        employee-owned, Canadian consulting firm, ranked as one of Trenchless Technology Magazine’s Top 50
                                                     trenchless design firms since 2013.

       Specializing in trenchless design and construction, we provide communities with sustainable and resilient
        solutions. Our expertise includes horizontal directional drilling, micro-tunnelling, slip-lining, direct pipe,
                                           cased crossings, and pipe rehabilitation technologies.


                                                                               Horizontal Directional Drill • Direct Pipe
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                                                                                              UAV Monitoring
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                                               Unit 9, 4948 – 126 Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alberta
                                       | 587-997-6080

12 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |   Fall/Winter   2021                                                                 BACK TO CONTENTS
New Index for Determination of
Clogging Potential Based on a Mixing Test

Background                                     a TBM face – have benefits over other        beater was then pulled out of the sample
Clogging can be a major problem for            approaches, since they are dynamic systems   and weighed. Inevitably, some of the
projects conducted using earth pressure        and involve shear forces.                    sample remained stuck on the beaker.
balance tunnel boring machines (TBMs),             This current work focused on                  In previous studies, the stickiness ratio,
especially for fine cohesive soils with        assessing clogging potential based on a      λ, i.e., the ratio of the mass of material
moisture content in the middle range.          simple mixing test. A new index was also     stuck to the beater (GMT) to the total sample
While geotechnical testing is standard for     introduced to improve reproducibility of     mass (GTOT) has been used as the index for
tunnelling projects, testing done in advance   the results.                                 a mixing test (Zumsteg and Puzrin, 2012).
of the project is limited to the borehole or                                                However, since the amount of sample stuck
sampling sites. For in-progress projects,      Method                                       to the beater depends on the surface area –
onsite clogging potential tests using simple   Building on mixing tests previously          i.e., the contact area between the metal
equipment can be used to complement            described in the literature (Zumsteg         beater surface and the sample – the index
existing geotechnical information and          and Puzrin, 2012; Kang et al., 2018),        M/A, or mass of soil stuck to the beater (M)
mitigate the risk of clogging.                 portable, readily available equipment        per unit area covered by the sample (A),
    There are many factors to consider         (a Hobart mixer and beaters of various       was investigated in this work. Although
when developing a simplified test model        shapes) was used to refine an existing       the same sample mass was generally used
to accurately assess clogging potential.       test method and gain insight into the        across the different mixtures, the distance
These include the inherent tendency of the     clogging potential. To simulate soils with   that the sample extended up the beater (d)
soil to stick to itself (cohesion), and the    a range of properties, mixtures of kaolin    varied. The beater area (A) was determined
interaction between the soil and a surface     and bentonite (ranging from pure kaolin      using a method based on a three-
(adhesion). Analytical approaches such as      to 10%, 30%, and up to 90% bentonite,        dimensional computer model of the beater
measurements of adhesive and cohesive          indicated by M10, M30, etc.) were used for   and measurement of d.
forces are attractive in terms of simplicity   test samples. Atterberg tests were done           Mixing test results were mapped onto
and ease of application. However, they do      to determine the plastic limit and liquid    the soil classification chart developed by
not fully capture the complex, dynamic         limit for each of the mixtures.              Hollman and Thewes (2013), another
nature of the interactions between the             To perform the mixing test, bentonite    tool proposed to assess clogging potential
ground and the cutter face. Since it is        and kaolin were mixed (as dry powders)       based on plastic and liquid limits and
impractical to replicate the motion of a       in the appropriate ratios. Then, a           water content. A sensitivity analysis was
TBM in a laboratory setting at full scale,     predetermined volume of distilled water –    also conducted on sample mass and
compromise is necessary. Physical methods      enough to give the targeted moisture         beater shape to determine whether these
such as mixing tests – while they do not       content – was added to the sample while      parameters influenced the mass-to-surface-
fully capture the motion of a cutter at        mixing for a set time. After mixing, the     area ratio (M/A).

BACK TO CONTENTS                                                                                                       NASTT-NW.COM | 13
New Index for Determination of Clogging Potential Based on a Mixing Test

                  50                                                                                                                         M50


    M/A (kg/m2)




                       0.0                0.2                       0.4                0.6                  0.8                 1.0                  1.2
                                                                              Consistency Index (IC)

  Figure 1. Mass-to-surface-area ratio vs. consistency index.

  Results                                                       and the beater size and geometry. A           for beater size indicated that the mass-to-
  The mass-to-surface-area ratio (M/A) peaked                   sensitivity analysis was conducted to         surface-area ratio showed less variation
  when the consistency index was between                        validate the results and check whether        than the stickiness index for a series of
  0.5 to 0.6 for each sample, as shown in                       M/A was independent of these factors.         mixing tests conducted with different
  Figure 1. Each data point represents                          For sample mass, the test was repeated        beater sizes.
  three replicate measurements. The peaks                       for four different masses (0.5 kg, 1 kg,
  correspond to the region of high clogging in                  1.5 kg and 2 kg) using mixture M50 (50%       Conclusions
  the empirical clogging diagram proposed by                    bentonite and 50% kaolin). For the lowest     Based on these results, it was
  Hollman and Thewes (2013), as indicated                       sample mass (0.5 kg) about one-third          demonstrated that a simple mixing test
  in Figure 2(a). The new index M/A                             of the beater was in contact with the         can be used to indicate the clogging
  increases with consistency index, reaches                     sample, and for the highest mass tested       potential by analyzing the ratio of mass
  a peak, and then declines, as expected. It                    (2 kg), the beater was completely covered     of sample remaining on the beater to
  was also noted that more reproducible test                    by the sample. Based on the results (not      surface area (M/A). The index M/A
  results were obtained using M/A compared                      shown), it was determined that M/A was        allowed the clogging potential to be
  to the stickiness ratio (λ).                                  less sensitive to sample mass than the        assessed quantitatively and gave more
      Several factors could influence the                        stickiness index for consistency indices      reliable results than the stickiness ratio.
  test results, including the mass of sample                    above 0.4. A similar sensitivity analysis     The mixing test based on the proposed

14 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |          Fall/Winter   2021                                                                                BACK TO CONTENTS
New Index for Determination of Clogging Potential Based on a Mixing Test
                                                                                                                       index (M/A) has several advantages over
               60                  This study          Kang (2018)                                                     earlier methods proposed for determining
                                                                                                                       clogging potential. First, it is quicker
                                                                                                                       and simpler to perform this procedure
                                                                                                                       than to determine Atterberg limits
                                                                                                                       and water content of soil samples (as
               40                                                                           HIGH CLOGGING              required to use the qualitative diagram
                                                                                                                       proposed by Hollman and Thewes
 M/A (kg/m2)

                                                                                                                       [2013]). Furthermore, the apparatus used
               30                                                                                                      in the testing is easily portable and the
                                                                                                                       testing can be done on site. The results
                                                                                            CLOGGING                   of this proposed method can be used to
               20                                                                                                      complement geotechnical tests conducted
                                                                                                                       in advance of tunnelling projects and
               10                                                                           LOW CLOGGING               mitigate clogging risks.

               0                                                                                                       This article gives an overview of research
                    0.0   0.2       0.4          0.6          0.8          1.0          1.2                            conducted by Yang Zhou, MSc and Chao
                                         Consistency Index                                                             Kang, PhD (University of Northern British
                                                                                                                       Columbia). Thank you to Lana Gutwin of
                                                                                                                       the Consortium of Engineered Trenchless
               60                                                                                                      Technologies (CETT) at the University of
                                                                                                                       Alberta for her assistance in the preparation
                                                                                                                       of this article.
                                                                                                                       Hollmann, F. S., Thewes, M. (2013)
               40                                                                                                          “Assessment method for clay
                                                                                                                           clogging and disintegration of fines
 M/A (kg/m2)

                                                                                                                           in mechanised tunnelling,” Tunnelling
                30                                                                                                         and Underground Space Technology, 37,
                                                                                                                       Kang, C., Yi, Y., Bayat, A. (2018)
                20                                                                                                         “Performance evaluation of TBM
                                                                                                                           clogging potential for plain and
                                                                                                                           conditioning soil using a newly
                10                                                                                                         developed laboratory apparatus,”
                                                                                                                           International Journal of Geotechnical
                                                                                                                           Engineering, 6362, 1–10.
                0                                                                                                      Zhou, Y., Kang, C., Bayat, A. (2021) “The
                                Little                        Medium                               High                    Impact of Beater Shape in Mixing Test
                                                                                                                           to Determine Clogging Potential,”
Figure 2. (a) Classification of clogging potential based on mass-to-surface-area ratio. Green indicates little              Journal of Testing and Evaluation,
clogging, yellow indicates medium clogging, and red indicates high clogging. (b) Statistical analysis of the same          manuscript accepted.
data, with x indicating the median, and the line indicating the average.                                               Zumsteg, R., Puzrin, A. M. (2012)
Figure 2(b) shows the statistical distribution of M/A across the various samples (for two data sets). Based on these       “Stickiness and adhesion of conditioned
results, samples with values of M/A below 20 have little clogging potential. Values of M/A from 20 to 30 indicate          clay pastes,” Tunnelling and Underground
medium clogging. A value of M/A above 30 indicates high clogging.                                                          Space Technology, 31, 86–96.

BACK TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                                 NASTT-NW.COM | 15

By: Jason Holden, Vice President, CRO

    One of the most common trenchless
applications in North America is the
underground horizontal installation of
steel casing for utility crossings under
roads, railroads, rivers, and other
sensitive structures that do not allow
                                                                                                    have allowed a wider range of ground
open-cut construction. Steel casing is
                                                                                                    conditions including non-displaceable
often used as an encasement to protect
                                                                                                    ground and soft rock. Typical accuracy
the product pipe from damage while
                                                    techniques and the tooling variations           of installation is +/- 1 inch from design
supporting the bearing loads applied
                                                    available may help reduce future project        grade and +/- 3 inches from the design
from the earth and structures located
                                                    risks, reduce overall costs, and increase       alignment at any location with proper
above the ground. Several trenchless
                                                    productivity.                                   equipment set-up. Hybrid setups are
techniques exist to install steel casing,
                                                         Akkerman GBM systems provide               also being implemented with pneumatic
however the most widely used and often
                                                    critical line and grade accuracy for both       hammer steering systems with both
most economical methods to accurately
                                                    auger boring and pipe ramming by                conventional and sonde guidance system
install steel casing in North America has
                                                    installing a dual wall pilot tube from the      steering heads for applications allowing
been by Guided Auger Boring (GAB) and
                                                    launch shaft to the reception shaft. Using      slightly higher tolerances.
Guided Pipe Ramming (GPR).
                                                    a remote-controlled, theodolite guidance            Guided Auger Boring, or also
     Guided Auger Boring and Guided Pipe
                                                    system with optional data recording,            commonly referred to as Pilot Tube
Ramming are two very similar trenchless
                                                    the operator installs pilot tubes on the        Guided Auger Boring (PTGAB) combines
techniques but are uniquely different
                                                    desired line and grade while feedback           the pinpoint accuracy of the pilot tube
in a way that can provide a contractor a
                                                    from the GBM frame provides additional          installation to control line and grade
distinct advantage in certain conditions.
                                                    geotechnical insight along the alignment.       with the excavation process of horizontal
Understanding when to apply these
                                                                  Oftentimes sufficient             auger boring.
                                                                  geotechnical investigations           During the Guided Auger Boring
                                                                  are difficult to acquire under    process, the excavation is done by either
                                                                  certain crossings, so getting a   a Weld-On Reaming Head or rotating
                                                                  better assessment with a pilot    cutterhead that connects to the pilot
                                                                  tube is often highly beneficial   tubes via a bearing swivel. Excavated
                                                                  prior to starting the casing      material is removed by rotating augers
                                                                  install.                          as the steel casing is advanced by thrust
                                                                      The installation of pilot     forces applied from the auger boring
                                                                  tubes has historically been       machine located in the launch shaft.
                                                                  only used in displaceable         With a typical capacity to remove rock
                                                                  ground conditions.                and cobble up to 30% of the casing
Figure 1: Total Trenchless of Calgary, AB installing pilot        Developments in recent years      diameter due to auger flight restriction,
tubes for a guided auger boring project.
the final diameter of the steel casing       hammer.                                    community now shows it as a preferred
should be determined after considering          Guided Ramming Heads are                technique in several applications.
the geotechnical conditions along the                                                                              During the
alignment.                                                                                                     Guided Pipe
    Guided Auger Boring allows several                                                                         Ramming Method,
types of cutter head options based on the                                                                      the steel casing
ground conditions that are anticipated.                                                                        is advanced by
For moderately displaceable ground                                                                             the pipe ram
conditions, which are typically viewed as                                                                      and follows the
having a blow count or N-value of less                                                                         intended alignment
than 30 blows per ft., Akkerman suggests                                                                       provided by the
using a standard Weld-On Reaming Head        Figure 3: Guided Ramming Head (GRH)                               installed pilot
(WORH) to transition from the pilot tube                                                                       tubes on line and
to the steel casing. Shown in the figure    manufactured with the same attention to     grade. As the steel casing advances and
below, the WORH allows the contractor       detail required for alignment, however,     is displaced into the ground, the spoil is
to insert a lead auger into the casing for  different steel properties are used, and    forced into the casing pipe. The spoils
spoil removal. As the casing is advanced,   they include both external and internal     are not removed from the inside of
the rotating auger conveys the material     relief bands with a more tapered            the casing until the end of the bore or
to the reception shaft. An advantage        arm design promoting lower thrust           excessive thrust loads are being realized.
of the WORH is that the contractor can      requirements.                               Cobbles and boulders that may have
easily trip back the augers in an event         Guided Pipe Ramming has been            been too large for removal via augers
there is an obstruction as the connection   becoming an increasingly popular            are potentially swallowed by the casing
to the pilot tubes is rigid through the     trenchless method as it is effective in     or displaced to the outside of the pipe,
steel casing. If the ground conditions      a wide variety of ground conditions         while the spoil inside the casing acts as
appear to ravel or flow, the contractor     proven difficult with auger boring such     a plug for unstable ground conditions.
also has the ability to remove a section    as gravely, boulder-laden, and unstable     Removal of the spoils is typically done
of auger. This creates a natural plug in    ground. This method was popularized         with augers or slurry with no risk of over
the lead section of casing prior to the     as a back-up in the event Guided Auger      excavation since an encasement pipe is
excavation process and promotes a stable    Boring projects had encountered difficult   fully inserted along the entire alignment.
face.                                       ground conditions or obstructions along         The Akkerman Model 240A GBM
                                                                   the alignment. In    system is the perfect compliment for
                                                                   situations where     both Guided Auger Boring and Guided
                                                                   manned entry         Pipe Ramming. Contractors now have
                                                                   was not permitted    the option to use the 240A system on
                                                                   for obstruction      any manufacturer’s auger boring rig with
                                                                   removal or a “911    the adjustable base frame and remote
                                                                   shaft” could not     power pack or use directly with a MBM
                                                                   be constructed,      auger boring rig that features the GBM
                                                                   contractors often    quick connect package from Michael
                                                                   employed the         Byrne Manufacturing. To discover the
Figure 2: Akkerman Weld-On Reaming Heads (WORH)
                                                                force of a pneumatic    versatility of Akkerman’s guided boring
    In most applications, casing diameters hammer to “thump” the casing across          products, visit our website, or contact
up to 36 inches can be installed by         while allowing it to swallow the            one of Akkerman’s knowledgeable sales
connecting directly behind the pilot        obstruction. Over time the success          representatives for more information.
tubes. For larger installations, it is      of this method became more visible
recommended to incrementally step-up        and acceptance in the engineering
the size of the casing to provide adequate
bearing support to promote an accurate
    Guided Pipe Ramming combines the                   AMERICAN MADE SINCE 1973
line and grade accuracy of the pilot tube
installation with the power of a pipe
ram affixed to the rear of the casing to
provide pulsing thrust loads.                    +1 (800) 533.0386
    During the Guided Pipe Ramming
process, the steel casing is attached to
                                                 58256 266th Street
the pilot tube string with a special Guided      Brownsdale, MN USA
Ramming Head. Appearing very similar
to the Weld-On Reaming Head (WORH)
shown in Figure 2, the ramming head is
purposely built to withstand the extreme
loads applied through the pneumatic                 AKKERMAN.COM
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18 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |   Fall/Winter   2021                                                 BACK TO CONTENTS
NASTT 2021 No-Dig Show
                                                                                                         Orlando, FL

Samuel Wilson, P.Eng, CCI Inc., Edmonton, Alberta
Thomas Husch, CET, CCI Inc., Edmonton, Alberta

ABSTRACT                                        methodology options to develop trenchless      Figure 1. Project Location
                                                designs at critical points along the route
As part of the ENMAX Power Downtown
                                                through Calgary, a major city of more than
Calgary Transmission Reinforcement
                                                one million people in the western Canadian
Project (DCTRP), ENMAX Power
                                                province of Alberta. This project involves
Corporation (ENMAX) constructed a
                                                the construction of a 138 kV single circuit
138 kv electrical transmission powerline
                                                transmission line to meet the increased
between two existing substations within
                                                power demands of downtown Calgary.
downtown Calgary, Alberta. Some
                                                    Continuing after the initial feasibility
portions of this route were designed with
                                                assessments, the CCI scope was increased
a trenchless methodology to reduce the
                                                to develop “Issued for Review” 90%
impact of construction activities within the
                                                microtunnel design drawings, to be used
downtown core and other sensitive areas.
                                                as required for permit applications and
In all, 1,517 m (4,977) of microtunnel was
                                                to be provided in the bid packages for
designed for this project.
                                                the construction work. Alternative Direct      engineering support throughout construction
    The most critical section of the DCTRP
                                                Pipe Installation (DPI) for the Blackfoot      and develop final as-built drawings.
was the construction of this powerline to
                                                Trail/Canada Pacific (CP) Rail crossing,           The 9th Street microtunnel was divided
be completed through a highly congested
                                                and Guided Auger Bore crossing designs         into two S-bend drives under 9th Street,
corridor of the downtown core in Calgary.
                                                for the Elbow River were also developed        in a north and south alignment with the
To avoid the obvious impacts to public and
                                                at this phase of the project for the Owner     proposed common launch point in a parking
private transportation that conventional
                                                to adequately evaluate the economics of        lot between 9th Ave and CP Rail right-of-
open-trench excavation would impose, CCI
                                                these alternate crossing options in the        way. Both microtunnel alignments passed
designed this critical section with a complex
                                                marketplace. The successful contractor         under densely packed urban traffic roads,
microtunnel primarily under 9th Street.
                                                was expected to finalize the most feasible     freight rail, light passenger rail, pedestrian
    The unique nature of this product,
                                                designs for each installation based on their   crossings, and hundreds of infrastructure
complex design, congested logistics,
                                                construction execution plan.                   crossings. Receiving pits were targeted near
length, and difficult ground conditions
                                                    The successful contractor that was         5th Ave to the north, and 14th Ave to the
has likely expanded the capabilities of
                                                awarded the construction work for              south. The nominal depth of approximately
microtunnelling and possible project
                                                the DCTRP was Robert B. Somerville             10 m was chosen for the 1,540 mm (~60")
scopes in the industry. This article looks at
                                                Co. Limited (Somerville). Somerville’s         reinforced concrete pipe under 9th Street.
the challenges faced both during the design
                                                subcontractor selected to complete the         The north tunnel length was 468 m (1,535'),
and construction phases of this project.
                                                microtunnel construction was Ward &            while the south tunnel length was 510
                                                Burke Microtunnelling Ltd. (Ward &             m (1,673') for a total of 978 m (3,208')
PROJECT BACKGROUND                              Burke). CCI was then further engaged when      from the single common launch pit. Both
                                                subcontracted by Somerville to finalize        microtunnels required complex S-bend
CCI was initially contracted by ENMAX,          the microtunnel designs based on Ward &        designs and were constructed primarily
a regional electrical utility to assist in      Burke’s execution plan and construction        through mudstone/siltstone, then gravel
feasibility assessments on general routing      practices input, under Somerville’s project    with silt and sand as the tunnel transitions
options for the project as well as trenchless   requirements. CCI’s scope was to provide       up towards each shallower exit pit.

BACK TO CONTENTS                                                                                                            NASTT-NW.COM | 19
Additional challenging microtunnel            Table 1. DCTRP Trenchless Crossings
  crossing designs were also developed as
  part of this project, under the Elbow River,      Crossing                                                    Length
  MacLeod Trail, and Blackfoot Trail/CP Rail        9th St. North Drive                                     468 m (1,535')
  but are not the main subject of this paper.       9th St. South Drive                                      510 m (1,673')
                                                    Elbow River Crossing at the 1st St. SE Bridge             96 m (315')
  PROJECT ROUTING                                   Macleod Trail Crossing                                   135 m (443')
  CCI assisted with completing a routing            Cartmouth Rd., CP Railway, and Blackfoot Tr. Crossing    308 m (1,010')
  assessment for the entire DCTRP project
  throughout the early stages of the project,
  providing input on the trenchless design         Figure 2. DCTRP Route
  requirements for the various proposed
  options. The route traversed through
  downtown Calgary from a power station
  at 32nd Ave and 10th Street SE to the
  ENMAX Substation 8 at 4th Ave and 8th
  Street SW in the downtown core.
      The final selected route included five
  trenchless installations, listed in Table 1 at
  top right.
      The final route is shown in Figure 2, at
  middle right.

  CCI completed a detailed methodology
  review for each of the identified crossing
  locations. The methodologies considered
  included Horizontal Directional Drilling
  (HDD), direct pipe installation, jack and
  bore, and microtunneling.
      Each crossing site had various
  workspace restrictions, length, and depth
  considerations, and varying geotechnical
  condition considerations. HDD and jack
  and bore were quickly ruled out for
  all but the Elbow River crossing due             Figure 3. 9th St. Microtunnel Geotechnical Formations
  to the previously noted restrictions.
  Direct pipe and microtunnelling were
  progressed through the design phase of
  the Blackfoot Trail/CP Rail crossing before
  ultimately selecting microtunnelling as the
  methodology which would be utilized for
  all of the project crossings.


20 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |      Fall/Winter   2021                                                             BACK TO CONTENTS
Figure 4. 9th St. Microtunnel Cross Section                                                      feasible routing was to traverse north along
                                                                                                 9th Street SW. The route minimized the
                                                                                                 overall construction within the downtown
                                                                                                 core and provided a direct path to Substation
                                                                                                 8 from the residential area at 9th Street
                                                                                                 and 14th Ave SW to the final destination.
                                                                                                 The identification of viable workspaces for
                                                                                                 the location of launch and receiving shafts
                                                                                                 required for microtunnel construction
                                                                                                 contributed to the feasibility of the route.
                                                                                                     The microtunnel design underneath 9th
                                                                                                 Street SW was split up into two separate
                                                                                                 drives, both starting at a shared launch
                                                                                                 shaft located on the south side of the
                                                                                                 intersection of 9th Street and 9th Ave SW,
                                                                                                 on the north side of the CP Rail tracks.
                                                                                                     The design paths for both drives
                                                                                                 included crossings of multiple
                                                                                                 infrastructure elements, including roads,
                                                                                                 railroads, light rail tracks, buried power
                                                                                                 and telecom cables, sanitary sewer, storm
                                                  varied with depth and bedrock type, with       sewer, and water lines. Additionally, pile
GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION                        the shallow mudstone bedrock having            foundations for LRT structures had to be
                                                  estimated unconfined compressive strength      considered in the final design. Multiple
A geotechnical investigation carried out by       up to 2.0 MPa within the upper 3 m with        daylighting and survey programs were
Tetra Tech Canada Inc. was completed for          higher strength of 8 MPa expected in the       conducted to determine the location and
the project, which investigated and compiled      siltstone and sandstone.                       elevations of critical infrastructure.
borehole logs of the expected formations to           Slotted PVC groundwater monitoring             The LRT structure pile foundation data
be encountered during construction. For           wells were installed in all boreholes.         was not available in the initial data set
the 9th Street microtunnel, comprised of          Groundwater was observed in all                during early design work. LRT structures
a North and a South microtunnel drive, a          boreholes except BH-08 and was measured        included signal poles, catenary poles, and
total of nine boreholes were drilled along the    during drilling at depths ranging from         service boxes. Early construction surveys
anticipated route.                                approximately 3.1 m to 12.2 m. It was          identified these structures and records were
     Gravel, sand, and clay fill materials were   ascertained that groundwater was at the        found regarding the as-built depths of each
encountered in all boreholes beneath the          elevation where granular materials were        pile. Slight design profile modifications
asphalt pavement.                                 encountered. Groundwater in this area          were required on the north drive to
     The glaciofluvial sands and gravels           is hydraulically connected to the Bow          maintain a minimum clearance of 3 m from
were encountered at depths ranging from           River, which is located approximately          the piles during the final design stage.
0.3 m to 7.4 m, typically overlying glacial       150 m northwest of BH-01 with a surface            To facilitate crossing agreements with
till deposits. Gravels were typically sandy,      approximately 10 m below the street surface.   the LRT authority all pile structures
poorly graded, with trace to some cobbles                                                        were surveyed to determine their top of
with potential boulders. Sand deposits were                                                      foundation elevation, then the as-built
encountered in two boreholes and were             9th STREET ENGINEERING                         information for the depth of each was used
poorly graded to compact.                                                                        to determine proximity to the microtunnel
     Glacial till deposits comprised of clay,     For the 9th Street microtunnel drives, the     path. Specialized “Issued for Permit”
silt, and sand were encountered in every          specified minimum inside diameter for the      drawings were drafted that showed the
borehole below granular deposit except for        microtunnel jacking pipe was 1,200 mm          proximity to each structure to facilitate
BH-08. The majority of glacial till deposits      and were specified to be made of reinforced    crossing agreements. To complement
encountered were clay till, which was             concrete with a maximum outside tunnel         the clearances to the underground pile
generally described as silty, some sand to        diameter of 1,524 mm. The final tunnel         structures shown on the drawings, the
sandy, trace to some gravel, damp to moist,       cross section is shown in Figure 4,            survey elevations and calculated bottom of
low to medium plastic with varying N              including the arrangement of the power         foundation elevations were included as well.
values. The silt and sand till encountered        cables to be installed once the trenchless         The depth of each of the drives was
was described with trace gravel, non-             installation was completed.                    designed to provide adequate clearance
plastic, and compact to very dense.                   The final tunnel cross section             from other underground infrastructure and
     Bedrock consisting of primarily              exceeded the requirements for the 138 kV       to maintain the tunnel paths within either
mudstone and siltstone, with occasional           transmission line but allowed for future       the glacial till material or the bedrock
sandstone layers was encountered in all           installations to be pulled through.            formation. Where possible, horizontal and
boreholes ranging in depth from 5.5 m to                                                         vertical curves in the tunnel path were kept
13.7 m, with the deepest bedrock in the           Alignment Details                              nearer the receiving shafts to minimize
northernmost borehole BH-01 and the               Multiple alignments were considered to         stress on the casing pipe joints. This was
shallowest in BH-08. Bedrock strength             reach substation 8. The most favourable        possible for the vertical curves in both

BACK TO CONTENTS                                                                                                          NASTT-NW.COM | 21
drives; however, this was not possible for                           consideration for placement of permanent                below ground surface for 414 m. An
  the horizontal alignment of the tunnel path,                         manholes to access the constructed power                “S” bend curve was included within the
  and horizontal curves along the alignment                            utility. Manhole design was completed by                horizontal tangent to navigate down the
  of both drives had to be implemented                                 other parties and planned for placement                 roadway and not intercept any buildings
  to maintain the tunnel path within the                               of pre-cast concrete manholes within                    or utilities. The curves were designed at
  allowable utility corridor of 9th Street and                         the construction shafts before backfilling              a 400 m radius for a length of 99 m and
  to stay out of any private property for both                         the excavation.                                         98 m. The final concrete pipe selected by
  the launch shaft and tunnel path, except                                                                                     the tunnelling contractor used specially
  for where rights-of-way encroachments had                                                                                    designed rubber gaskets at the pipe joints
  been granted.                                                        9th ST. NORTH MICROTUNNEL DESIGN                        to allow for articulation of the pipe along
      In addition to the amount of space                                                                                       the radii specified on the drill path while
  required for equipment and construction                              The north drive was launched from                       withstanding the expected jacking forces.
  activities, shaft design also included                               horizontal at approximately 12 m depth                      At 414 m measured distance from
                                                                                                                               the launch shaft, a vertical curve was
                                                                                                                               included in the design profile at a 308 m
                                                                                                                               radius for a 27 m length into a 5-degree
                                                                                                                               tangent that extended to the receiving
                                                                                                                               shaft. This final portion of the design had
                                                                                                                               been modified prior to construction to
                                                                                                                               provide the required clearance to the pile
                                                                                                                               foundation for the LRT structures. Design
                                                                                                                               modifications included:
                                                                                                                               • Decrease in vertical curve radius from
                                                                                                                                   400 m to 308 m
                                                                                                                               • Increase in angle of the final exit
                                                                                                                                   tangent from 2 degrees to 5 degrees
                                                                                                                               • Change in location of the vertical
                                                                                                                                   curve from 311 m from launch to
                                                                                                                                   414 m from launch
                                                                                                                               • Increase of receiving shaft depth from
                                                                                                                                   5.8 m to 8.7 m
                                                                                                                               • Modification of the alignment,
                                                                                                                                   including the lengths and deflections of
                                                                                                                                   the horizontal curves to accommodate
                                                                                                                                   the relocation of the vertical curve
                                                                                                                                   without creating the need for a
                                                                                                                                   compound curve
                                                                                                                               The final designed slack length of the
                                                                                                                               north drive was 468 m.
               Michels Canada can tackle even the most
               challenging trenchless projects.
               Our construction and maintenance services can be delivered in many
                                                                                                                               9th ST. SOUTH MICROTUNNEL DESIGN
               alternative delivery formats, including Design Build, CMAR, RFQ-RFP, and
                                                                                                                               The south drive launched from the
               Traditional Bid/Build:
                                                                                                                               shared launch shaft at a 0-degree angle
               • Storage and Conveyance                                  • Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP)                          and crossed beneath the CP Rail tracks
               • Tunneling and Microtunneling                            • Spray-in-Place Pipe (SIPP)                          along a straight alignment crossing
               • Horizontal Directional Drilling                         • Sliplining - FRP & GRP                              through the private property on either
                                                                                                                               side of the tracks. A 3 m wide right-
               • Direct Pipe       ®
                                                                                                                               of-way was obtained to install the
                                                                                                                               microtunnel within the private property.
                                                                                                                               The right of way on both properties was
                                                                                                                               contained within the portion of each
                                                                                                                               property used as a parking lot. Another
                                                                                                                               “S” curve was required immediately after
                                                                                                                               crossing the tracks to bring the bore
                      An Energy & Infrastructure Contractor                                                                    path in alignment with 9th Street on the
                                                                                                                               south side of the tracks. Additionally,
              1102-16 Ave, Nisku, AB | 891 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Woodbridge, ON | 601 West Cordova St Suite #280, Vancouver, BC
                                                                                                                               the alignment had to avoid the private
                                                                                                property and building foundations
                                                                                                                               immediately south of the tracks across
                                                                                                                               10th Ave. The horizontal curves were

22 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |                Fall/Winter   2021                                                                                          BACK TO CONTENTS
Figure 5. 9th St. North and South Drive Design Alignment and Profile
                                                                                                                 JACKING FORCE CALCULATIONS
                                                                                                                 Industry standard calculations were used to
                                                                                                                 calculate the jacking force for the jacking of
                                                                                                                 the pipe and Microtunnel Boring Machine
                                                                                                                 (MTBM). The jacking force calculation
                                                                                                                 incorporates the following:
                                                                                                                 • The front force at the cutting head of the
                                                                                                                     microtunnelling machine that is required
                                                                                                                     to excavate the material is a combination
                                                                                                                     of the support pressure (derived from
Table 2. 9th St. North Drive Jacking Force                                                                           the depth of the tunnelling machine,
                                                                                                                     depth of water table and soil properties)
          Dynamic                w/ Safety Factor (1.5x)                  Static       w/ Safety Factor (1.5x)
                                                                                                                     and the mechanical force required to
        1,615,938 lbs                  2,423,908 lbs                   2,379,576 lbs        3,569,363 lbs            turn the cutter head.
                                                                                                                 • The friction between the pipeline and
                                                                                                                     lubricant fluid which is calculated from
Table 3. 9th St. South Drive Jacking Force
                                                                                                                     the circumference of the pipe, length of
          Dynamic                w/ Safety Factor (1.5x)                  Static       w/ Safety Factor (1.5x)       pipe within the borehole, and the friction
                                                                                                                     coefficient between the pipe and fluid.
        1,759,888 lbs                  2,639,831 lbs                   2,450,199 lbs        3,675,298 lbs
                                                                                                                 • The friction between the pipeline and
                                                                                                                     the borehole wall which is calculated by
                                                                                                                     multiplying the effective weight of the
designed with 400 m radii and were                            during the construction of the receiving               section (depends on buoyant condition
49 m and 44 m long. The vertical curve                        shaft north of 14th Ave.                               of the pipe sections), coefficient of
was incorporated 400 m into the tunnel                           Design modification prior to                        friction, and the length of the section in
path design at a radius of 300 m into a                       construction due to the surveyed location of           the borehole.
final tangent at 2.5 degrees.                                 the manhole and storm sewer included:              • The tunnel path is divided into a
    Two design changes were required                          • Shift in horizontal alignment, including             sequence of straight and curved
immediately prior to and during                                  minor changes in the horizontal curve               sections. At each section, the frictional
construction. The design change                                  geometry and a shift 0.5m west of the               forces between the pipeline and the
prior to construction was to maintain                            straight portion of the alignment and the           borehole, and the pipeline and the
clearance from a surveyed manhole                                receiving shaft within 9th Ave                      lubricant fluid from the previous section
location south of the launch shaft as                         Design changes during construction                     (if applicable), is added to the value for
the tunnel path crossed 10th Ave SW                           to maintain the tunnel path within the                 the current section. Straight and curved
and to provide additional clearance to                        bedrock included:                                      sections can be seen in Figure 5.
the daylighted locations of the storm                         • Decrease in vertical curve radius from           • The friction force between the soil and
sewer line near the receiving shaft                              400 m to 300 m                                      pipeline will increase in the curved
north of 14th Ave. The design change                          • Change in location of the vertical curve             sections if the effective weight of the
during construction was based on the                             from 343 m from launch to 400 m from                pipeline (due to buoyancy) is lower.
tunnelling subcontractors request to                             launch                                              The total built up friction force at the
maintain the tunnel path within the                           • Increase of receiving shaft depth from               end of the curve is calculated based
bedrock for as long as possible and                              6.8 m to 8.8 m                                      on the friction force at the beginning
was based on the observed formation                           • Increase in launch elevation by 0.35 m               of the curve.

Figure 6. Settlement Calculations

BACK TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                           NASTT-NW.COM | 23
Jacking force calculations were repeated                                  Crossing Permit Support                                                                                                          Considering a borehole size of
  for all tangents and curved sections                                      To facilitate the approval of third party                                                                                    1,524 mm, the minimum OD of casing
  to reach the maximum expected                                             crossing permits, CCI provided application                                                                                   pipe suitable is 1,424 mm, which equates
  values listed. Theoretical jacking force                                  support to the Owner in the form of                                                                                          to approximately 50 mm of allowable
  calculations for design did not consider                                  application submissions, Issued for Permit                                                                                   radial overcut. The resulting expected
  use of intermediate jacking stations.                                     design drawings, technical clarification                                                                                     settlements under road and rail are within
      Construction included the utilization                                 support, and compliance reviews.                                                                                             acceptable tolerances at this overcut gap.
  of internal jacking stations (IJS) to                                            In particular, the crossing of the CP Rail                                                                                On the north drive, crossing beneath
  distribute and reduce the total required                       INFO
                                                                            right-of-way to the south required a detailed                             SPECS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the LRT required significant technical
                           FileName:21-2281CA_Ad_RZ_NorthWest_Trenchless_Journal_UTT Page Size: 4.325" x 7"
  jacking force that was applied
                           Job#: 21-2281 from the                           application           and1 review process. Settlement
                                                                                     Number of Pages:                                                                                                    coordination with the rail operations group
  launch point during construction                of                        calculations
                           Artist: Sue Bonofiglio Email:
        114 4 E. Newpor t Center Dr.
                           Date: September 1, 2021 3:24 PM
        Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
                                                                                                   were assessed at the maximum
                                                                                     Bleed: Yes Amount: .125"
                                                                                     Colors: CMYK Process, 4/0
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to ensure tunnelling activities would not
  each installation.                                                        allowable overcut gap (see Figure 6).
        N O T E : C O L O R S V I E W E D O N - S C R E E N A R E I N T E N D E D F O R V I S U A L R E F E R E N C E O N L Y A N D M A Y N O T M A T C H T H E F I N A L P R I N T E D P R O D U C T.   have any impact to the rail or public.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CCI provided additional permit drawings
                                                                                                                                                                                                         including proximities to all below ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                         LRT structures to support the crossing
                                                                                                                                                                                                         permit application.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The entry shaft was constructed
                                                                                                                                                                                                         within a City-owned parking lot approved
                                                                                                                                                                                                         for project use. However, private lot
                                                                                                                                                                                                         boundaries adjacent to this entry location
                                                                                                                                                                                                         restricted options for optimized location
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and orientation of the north and south
                                                                                                                                                                                                         drives and required further assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of proximity to building foundations and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         potential impact of the microtunnels.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Furthermore, the numerous buried utility
                                                                                                                                                                                                         crossings seen within these crossings
                                                                                                                                                                                                         added to the various crossing agreement
                                                                                                                                                                                                         requirements and reviews completed as
                                                                                                                                                                                                         part of the design process.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         The combined construction team,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         including Somerville, Warde and Burke,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and CCI completed the final IFC package
                                                                                                                                                                                                         for the proposed project prior to execution.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Launch and Receiving Shafts
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ward and Burke completed the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         engineering for the temporary concrete
                                                                                                                                                                                                         caisson shafts required for construction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The wall sections of the shaft are each
                                                                                                                                                                                                         constructed at ground level. The walls of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the shaft were constructed from reinforced
                                                                                                                                                                                                         cast in place concrete that provide a rigid
                                                                                                                                                                                                         structure that will resist all the lateral earth
                                                    MINING SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                     loads applied.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Steel sheet piles were not selected for
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the construction of the shafts primarily
                                                     • Injection/Consolidation/Anchoring                                                                                                                 based on two considerations. The first
                                                     • Technologies for Shotcrete & Concrete                                                                                                             is the high impact and vibration caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                         by construction that could affect nearby
                                                     • Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                                                                                         structures and cause further disturbance
                                                     • Concrete Protection and Final Coating                                                                                                             in the congested area of construction. The
                                                     • Waterproofing                                                                                                                                     second consideration was the necessity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to cut a hole in the metal through which
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to launch the MTBM, leaving the ground
                                                                                                                                                                                  temporarily unsupported with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         potential for soil and/or groundwater to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         flow into the shaft.

24 | NASTT-NW JOURNAL |                                              Fall/Winter              2021                                                                                                                             BACK TO CONTENTS
The structure sinks under its own weight   Figure 7. Reinforced Concrete Pipe
on the bottom cutting edge as the ground
inside the shaft is excavated in and even
manner. Once the walls are at the correct
depth, the concrete floor is poured. Once
the floor has been set, any groundwater
within the shaft is pumped out. This method
of caisson shaft construction eliminated
the need for continuous dewatering as the
structure was completely sealed once the
concrete wall base is placed.
    A launch seal is bolted to a flat formed
concrete face on the shaft wall before the
MTBM launches. The MTBM advances
through the seal and tunnels through the
concrete wall that has been left free of any
reinforcement then progresses into the
soil or rock formation. This methodology
ensured that groundwater ingress into the
shaft was prevented during the launch of
the MTBM and allowed the contractor to
support the annular space between the          Microtunnel Construction                     Figure 8. Jacking Frame in Launch Shaft
overcut and the Reinforced Concrete Pipe       Pipe Design
(RCP) using the bentonite lubrication          The contractor selected reinforced precast
fluid. This in turn reduced frictional forces   concrete pipe (Class V) with an outside
and helps to mitigate settlement on surface    diameter of 1,490 mm and the prescribed
due to soil collapse around the pipe.          minimum inside diameter of 1,200 mm,
    Final shaft depths were:                   which was suitable to satisfy the intent
• Launch Shaft = 13.7 m                        of the design. Joints of the casing pipe
• North Receiving Shaft = 8.7 m                contained a rubber gasket protected by
• South Receiving Shaft = 9.0 m                a circumferential steel band collar. The
The depths included the base slabs which       gasket was compressed with each joint of
for the receiving shafts, were a 600 mm        pipe during installation and was designed
concrete slab and for the launch shaft         to withstand a hydrostatic head of over
a 1,000 mm-thick base slab with an             30 m. The selected pipe also allowed for
additional 500 mm reinforced concrete          installation of lubrication ports, which
slab above it. The first slab provides the     were placed at regular intervals along the   monitoring of multiple tunnelling
initial seal of the bottom of the shaft,       drive length, allowing for the injection     parameters such as slurry pressure.
allowing any water to be removed from the      of bentonite lubrication to minimize the         The pressure and viscosity of the
shaft. The second base layer is poured in      jacking forces required                      lubricating fluid pumped into the overcut
the dry base of the shaft to be used as the                                                 had to be sufficient to ensure that the
work surface.                                  Microtunnel Boring Machine (MTBM)            surrounding soils did not collapse on the
    The launch shaft outer dimensions were     An AVN1200 Herrenknecht                      casing pipe. If cohesionless soils were
9.8 m long and 7.2 m wide, with inner          Microtunnelling Boring Machine was           encountered, it was expected that pressures
dimension of 8.2m long and 6.0 m wide.         selected to be used with a mixed             of up to 5–6 bar would be required to
    The receiving shaft outer dimensions       face cutter head. The cutterhead was         support the annulus.
were an outer diameter of 5.2m (4.8 m          selected for the robust structure and was        Once the drive was completed, a grout
radii with 0.4 m infills) and an inner         specifically designed by Herrenknecht        mixture was pumped through the injection
diameter of 4.0 m.                             for types of soil conditions present         ports to maintain ground stability and
    Challenges that arose during               along the designed tunnel path. The          mitigate the risk of surface settlement.
construction were primarily related to the     MTBM created a 25 mm radial overcut
actual daylighted and surveyed location of     around the casing pipe which was             Jacking Frame/IJS
the storm sewer compared to the as built       supported by the bentonite lubricant         The jacking frame provided by the
location which the design was based on.        during the tunnelling process and            contractor was of a unique space-saving
The south shaft of the 9th Street south        intended to maintain the annular space       design and provided a maximum 3 m
drive was required to shift 0.5 m to the       of the tunnel machine to reduce risk of      stroke to install the 3 m long RCP sections.
west to maintain a minimum of 1.0 m            soil settlement. The MTBM cutterhead             Intermediate jacking stations were
from the storm sewer. An underground           allowed for pressure to be maintained        installed at regular intervals and at
telecom cable was also present within the      at the tunnel face, ensuring the             specific positions within the casing pipe.
planned location of this receiving shaft and   stability of the tunnel face throughout      Placement of these stations considered
was moved for construction with approval       the excavation cycle. The MTBM               the geometry of the designed tunnel
from the utility owner.                        system included sensors for real-time        path to reduce the overall jacking force

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required of the main jacking frame to           as long as practical. This was to eliminate    alignment of the drive, only a handful of
  complete the drive and navigate through         risks associated with exiting the bedrock      tie backs were actually intercepted, causing
  the designed tunnel path.                       at a shallow angle and tunnelling into the     minimal delays due to tunnelling through
                                                  undesirable material above it. Primary risks   the tie backs.
  Construction Summary                            increased by exiting the bedrock included          Outside of the design changes
  During the excavation of the receiving shaft    overmining and settlement of the roadway.      described previously, overall construction
  on the north side of 14th Ave, the granular         Temporary construction tie backs were      activities progressed smoothly with
  and glacial till material encountered was       intercepted during the drive process.          minimal delays or incidents, resulting in
  less favourable for tunnelling than initially   These tie backs were initially utilized in     completion of the tunnelling activities
  determined based on the geotechnical            the excavation for the construction of         according to schedule.
  investigation. The design was modified          the surrounding buildings and were not
  as described in section 8 to maintain the       removed post construction. As-built data       CONCLUSION
  drive within the bedrock formation for          was reviewed and due to the curving
                                                                                                 The ENMAX DCTRP project was
                                                                                                 designed and constructed successfully
                                                                                                 utilizing a high degree of care in the
                                                                                                 engineering design and construction
                                                                                                 implementation. CCI is proud to have
                                                                                                 been an instrumental part of this project
                                                                                                 which was completed with the utmost
                                                                                                 consideration for safety to the personnel,
                                                                                                 public, and environment and would
                                                                                                 like to thank ENMAX, Somerville, and
                                                                                                 Ward & Burke for their teamwork and
                                                                                                 professionalism contributing to the
                                                                                                 overall success of the project.

                                                                                                 REFERENCE MATERIAL
                                                                                                 Reference material used in the engineering
                                                                                                 of the microtunnels included:
                                                                                                 ASCE/CI 36-15. Standard Design
                                                                                                      and Construction Guidelines for
                                                                                                 Bennett, Robert D., 1998. "Jacking
                                                                                                      Loads and Ground Deformations
                                                                                                      Associated with Microtunneling,” Ph.D.
                                                                                                      Dissertation, University of Illinois at
                                                                                                      Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL.
                                                                                                 Das, B.M., 2008, Fundamentals of
                                                                                                      Geotechnical Engineering, Third
                                                                                                      Edition, Cengage Learning, Samford,
                                                                                                      CT, pp. 245.
                                                                                                 Geniev, G.A., Effect of Soil Loosening On
                                                                                                      the Ground Surface Above Unbraced
                                                                                                      Underground Working, Soil Mechanics
                                                                                                      and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 37,
                                                                                                      No. 6, 2000.
                                                                                                 HDD Good Practices Guidelines, HDD
                                                                                                      Consortium, Third Edition (2008),
                                                                                                      pp. 125.
                                                                                                 J.P. Pruiksma, D. Pfeff, and H.M.G. Kruse,
                                                                                                      Technical Document “The Calculation
                                                                                                      of Thrust Force for Pipeline Installation
                                                                                                      using the Direct Pipe Method.”
                                                                                                 Wallin, M., Wallin, K., Bennett, D., 2008,
                                                                                                      "Analysis and Mitigation of Settlement
                                                                                                      Risks in New Trenchless Installations,”
                                                                                                      North American Society for Trenchless
                                                                                                      Technology 2008 No-Dig Conference
                                                                                                      & Exhibition, Dallas, TX.

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