Page created by Stanley Sharp


Call No.            Author                           Title
F ADAMS, H          Adams, Hope, 1944-               Dangerous women
F ADELMANN, M       Adelmann, Maria.                 Girls of a certain age : stories
F ANDREWS, V        Andrews, V. C. (Virginia C.)     The umbrella lady : a novel
F ARNOTT, R         Arnott, Robbie, 1989-            The rain heron
F AUDRAIN, A        Audrain, Ashley, 1982-           The push : a novel
F BENJAMIN, A       Benjamin, Ali                    The smash-up : a novel
F BERENSON, A       Berenson, Alex                   The power couple
F BERRY, S          Berry, Steve, 1955-              The kaiser's web
F BRABAZON, J       Brabazon, James, 1972-           All fall down
F BRODER, M         Broder, Melissa                  Milk fed : a novel
F BRUCE, C          Bruce, Camilla                   In the garden of spite : a novel of the black widow of La Porte
F CHEN, T           Chen, Te-Ping                    Land of big numbers
F CONLEY, S         Conley, Susan, 1967-             Landslide
F CROSS- SMITH, L   Cross-Smith, Leesa, 1978-        This close to okay : a novel
F DEABLER, J        Deabler, Justin                  Lone stars
F DEAN, A           Dean, Abigail                    Girl A : a novel
F DOBMEIER, T       Dobmeier, Tracy                  Girls with bright futures : a novel
F DUCHOVNY, D       Duchovny, David                  Truly like lightning
F EDMONDSON, L      Edmondson, Lauren                Ladies of the house : a novel
F FINN, M           Finn, Melanie                    The hare : a novel
F FOX, L            Fox, Lauren                      Send for me
F GENTRY, A         Gentry, Amy                      Bad habits
F GILSTRAP, J       Gilstrap, John                   Crimson phoenix
F GOLDBERG, T       Goldberg, Tod                    The low desert : gangster stories
F GOLDIS, J         Goldis, Jaclyn                   When we were young
F GONZALEZ, B       González, Betina, 1972-         American delirium
F GREANEY, M        Greaney, Mark                    Relentless
F GREEN, E          Green, Elizabeth                 Confessions of a curious bookseller : a novel
F HAMILTON, L       Hamilton, Laurell K.             Rafael
F HARRISON, J       Harrison, Jamie, 1960-           The center of everything : a novel
F HART, J           Hart, John, 1965-                The unwilling
F HAWKE, E          Hawke, Ethan, 1970-              A bright ray of darkness
F HENRY, M          Henry, Madeleine                 The love proof : a novel
F HOBSON, B         Hobson, Brandon                  The removed : a novel
F HOOD, J           Hood, Joshua                     Robert Ludlum's the Treadstone exile
F HOPKINS, B        Hopkins, Ben                     Cathedral
F HUNT, L           Hunt, Laird                      Zorrie : a novel
F IDE, J           Ide, Joe                     Smoke
F JOHANSEN, I      Johansen, Iris               Blink of an eye
F JOHNSON, N       Johnson, Nancy               The kindest lie : a novel
F JONES, C         Jones, Cherie, 1974-         How the one-armed sister sweeps her house : a novel
F KHADRA, Y        Khadra, Yasmina              Khalil : a novel
F KINK                                          Kink : stories
F KORYTA, M        Koryta, Michael              Never far away
F LALLI, S         Lalli, Sonya                 Serena Singh flips the script
F LANDAU, A        Landau, Alexis               Those who are saved
F LANGAN, S        Langan, Sarah                Good neighbors : a novel
F LAYDEN, E        Layden, Emily, 1989-         All girls
F LEBEDEV, S       Lebedev, Sergeĭ, 1981-      Untraceable : a novel
F LECOAT, J        Lecoat, Jenny                The girl from the Channel Islands
F LEE, C           Lee, Chang-rae               My year abroad
F LIVINGS, J       Livings, Jack, 1974-         The blizzard party
F LOCKWOOD, P      Lockwood, Patricia           No one is talking about this
F LOWE, K          Lowe, Katie, 1987-           Possession
F MACOMBER, D      Macomber, Debbie             Finally you
F MALLERY, S       Mallery, Susan               The vineyard at painted moon
F MASON, M         Mason, Meg                   Sorrow and bliss : a novel
F MASOOD, S        Masood, Syed                 The bad Muslim discount : a novel
F MCDONALD, C      McDonald, Christina          Do no harm
F MEISSNER, S      Meissner, Susan, 1961-       The nature of fragile things
F MENDELSUND, P    Mendelsund, Peter,-          The delivery
F MENON, L         Menon, Lily                  Make up break up : a novel
F MIHALIC, S       Mihalic, Susan               Dark horses : a novel
F MILLER, R        Miller, Rod, 1952-           A thousand dead horses
F MONIZ, D         Moniz, Dantiel W.            Milk blood heat : stories
F NIMR, S          Nimr, Sonia                  Wondrous journeys in strange lands
F OATES, J         Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938-    The (other) you : stories
F OKRI, B          Okri, Ben                    Prayer for the living : stories
F O'NEAL, B        O'Neal, Barbara, 1959-       When we believed in mermaids
F OYLER, L         Oyler, Lauren                Fake accounts : a novel
F PEARSE, S        Pearse, Sarah                The sanatorium
F POWNER, K        Powner, Katie                The sowing season : a novel
F PURNELL, B       Purnell, Brontez             100 boyfriends
F PYNE, D          Pyne, Daniel                 Water memory : a thriller
F QUINN, C         Quinn, Cate                  Black widows
F REDFEARN, S      Redfearn, Suzanne            Hadley & Grace : a novel
F RICE, L          Rice, Luanne                 The shadow box
F ROGERS, M        Rogers, Morgan               Honey girl
F ROMANO- LAX, A   Romano-Lax, Andromeda, 1970- Annie and the wolves
F RUSSO, K         Russo, Kate, 1982-           Super host : a novel
F RYAN, J          Ryan, Jennifer, 1973-        The kitchen front : a novel
F SACKS, R         Sacks, Rebecca               City of a thousand gates : a novel
F SALIH, Z              Salih, Zak, 1982-               Let's get back to the party : a novel by
F SILVERMAN, J          Silverman, Jen                  We play ourselves : a novel
F SINGH, N              Singh, Nalini, 1977-            Quiet in her bones
F SKESLIEN CHARLES, J   Skeslien Charles, Janet         The Paris library : a novel
F SUNDIN, S             Sundin, Sarah                   When twilight breaks
F TUDOR, C              Tudor, C. J.                    The burning girls : a novel
F VIDA, V               Vida, Vendela                   We run the tides : a novel
F WIEGENSTEIN, S        Wiegenstein, Steve.             Scattered lights : stories
F WILLIAMS, E           Williams, Eley                  The liar's dictionary : a novel
F WILLIAMS, L           Williams, Laura (Laura Jane)    The love square
F YOUERS, R             Youers, Rio                     Lola on fire : a novel


Call No.                Author                          Title
M F ARMSTRONG, K        Armstrong, Kelley               A stranger in town
M F BLACKE, O           Blacke, Olivia                  Killer content
M F BRETT, S            Brett, Simon, author            Guilt at the garage
M F CAHOON, L           Cahoon, Lynn                    One poison pie
M F CASEY, D            Casey, Donis                    Valentino will die
M F CASTILLO, L         Castillo, Linda                 A simple murder : a Kate Burkholder short story collection
M F COSIMANO, E         Cosimano, Elle                  Finlay Donovan is killing it
M F ELLIS, B            Ellis, Bella                    The diabolical bones
M F FINCH, C            Finch, Charles (Charles B.)     An extravagant death
M F FLOWER, A           Flower, Amanda                  Farm to trouble
M F FLOWER, A           Flower, Amanda                  Marshmallow malice : an Amish candy shop mystery
M F FLUKE, J            Fluke, Joanne, 1943-            Triple chocolate cheesecake murder
M F GRAVES, S           Graves, Sarah, 1951-            Death by chocolate snickerdoodle
M F HARPER, J           Harper, Jane (Jane Elizabeth)   The survivors
M F HARROD- EAGLES, C   Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia          Cruel as the grave
M F JANCE, J            Jance, Judith A.                Missing and endangered
M F KELLERMAN, J        Kellerman, Jonathan             Serpentine
M F LANSING, K          Lansing, Kate, 1985-            A pairing to die for
M F LEE, R              Lee, R. J., 1946- author        Cold reading murder
M F MCKEVETT, G         McKevett, G. A                  Murder at Mabel's Motel
M F MILLER, T           Miller, Timothy                 The strange case of Eliza Doolittle
M F MOSLEY, W           Mosley, Walter                  Blood grove
M F NAYMARK, E          Naymark, Emilya                 Hide in place : a novel
M F PATTERSON, J        Patterson, James, 1947-         Deadly Cross
M F PERSHING, A         Pershing, Amy                   A side of murder
M F ROBB, J             Robb, J. D., 1950-              Faithless in death
M F ROSLUND, A          Roslund, Anders, 1961-          Knock knock
M F RUGGERO, E          Ruggero, Ed                     Comes the war
M F STALLINGS, J        Stallings, Josh                 Tricky
M F THOMAS, R           Thomas, Russ, 1975-             Nighthawking
M F TODD, C                 Todd, Charles                 A fatal lie
M F WEISEL, F               Weisel, Frederick             The silenced women


Call No.                    Author                        Title
S F ANDREWS, I              Andrews, Ilona                Blood heir
S F BECKETT, L              Beckett, L. X.                Dealbreaker
S F BODARD, A               Bodard, Aliette de            Fireheart tiger
S F CAMPBELL, R             Campbell, Ramsey, 1946-       The searching dead : the first book of the three births of
                                                          Daoloth trilogy
S F DALGLISH, D             Dalglish, David               Voidbreaker
S F FREY, D                 Frey, Dan                     The future is yours
S F GAILEY, S               Gailey, Sarah                 The echo wife
S F GLASS, C                Glass, Cate                   A summoning of demons
S F GORNICHEC, G            Gornichec, Genevieve          The witch's heart
S F HARRIS, C               Harris, Charlaine             The Russian cage
S F JOHANSEN, E             Johansen, Erika               Beneath the keep : a novel of the Tearling
S F JOHNSON, J              Johnson, Joshua Phillip       The forever sea
S F KNOX, E                 Knox, Elizabeth               The absolute book
S F LEIGH, S                Leigh, Stephen                Amid the crowd of stars
S F MAXWELL, E              Maxwell, Everina              Winter's orbit
S F MCGUIRE, S              McGuire, Seanan               Calculated risks
S F MODESITT, L             Modesitt, L. E., Jr., 1943-   Fairhaven rising
S F NEUVEL, S               Neuvel, Sylvain, 1973-        A history of what comes next
S F OSBORNE, K              Osborne, Karen                Architects of memory
S F OSBORNE, K              Osborne, Karen                Engines of oblivion
S F POLK, C                 Polk, C. L. (Chelsea L.)      Soulstar
S F STOUT, D                Stout, Dan                    Titan's day
S F TIDBECK, K              Tidbeck, Karin, 1977-         The memory theater
S F WAGGONER, C             Waggoner, C. M.               The ruthless lady's guide to wizardry
S F WAGGONER, C             Waggoner, C. M.               Unnatural magic


Call No.                    Author                        Title
YA F ARNOLD, D              Arnold, David, 1981-          The electric kingdom
YA F BARRON, R              Barron, Rena                  Reaper of souls
YA F CAREY, A               Carey, Anna                   This is not the Jess show
YA F ELLE, J                Elle, J.                      Wings of ebony
YA F FLORES                 Flores, Francesca             Shadow city
YA F GRACE, A               Grace, Adalyn                 All the tides of fate
YA F GRATZ, A               Gratz, Alan, 1972-            Ground Zero
YA F HESSE, M               Hesse, Monica                 They went left
YA F MAAS, S                Maas, Sarah J.                A court of silver flames
YA F MCCAULEY             McCauley, Kyrie           If these wings could fly
YA F MCCULLOUGH           McCullough, Joy           We are the ashes, we are the fire
YA F PATEL, S             Patel, Sajni 1981-        The knockout
YA F RIGGS, R             Riggs, Ransom             The desolations of Devil's Acre
YA F SHUSTERMAN           Shusterman, Neal          Game changer
YA F SOULE, C             Soule, Charles            Light of the Jedi
YA F SUMMERS, C           Summers, Courtney         The project


Call No.                  Author                    Title
YA F AIDALRO              Aidalro                   Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. 7
YA F AKUTAMI              Akutami, Gege             Jujutsu Kaisen. 0, Blinding Darkness
YA F BENDIS               Bendis, Brian Michael     Young Justice. Vol. 3 Warriors and Warlords
YA F GOTOUGE              Gotoge, Koyoharu, 1988-   Demon slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba 20, The path of opening a
                                                    steadfast heart
YA F HOWARD, A            Howard, Abby              The crossroads at midnight
YA F SHIRAHAMA            Shirahama, Kamome         Witch hat atelier. Volume 7
YA F TACHIBANA            Tachibana, Yuka           The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent. Volume 1
YA F TOMA                 Toma, Rei                 The king's beast. 1


Call No.                  Author                    Title
001.422 HARFORD           Harford, Tim, 1973-       The data detective : ten easy rules to make sense of statistics


Call No.                  Author                    Title
153.42 GRANT              Grant, Adam M.            Think again : the power of knowing what you don't know
153.68 CAMERON            Cameron, Julia            The listening path : the creative art of attention


Call No.                  Author                    Title
277.3008 GATES            Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.   The Black church : this is our story, this is our song


Call No.                  Author                    Title
302.17 HERTZ              Hertz, Noreena            The lonely century : how to restore human connection in a
                                                    world that's pulling apart
302.33 BERNSTEIN          Bernstein, William J.     The delusions of crowds : why people go mad in groups
304.28 KOLBERT            Kolbert, Elizabeth        Under a white sky : the nature of the future
305.0092 PATTERSON     Patterson, James, 1947-      Walk in my combat boots : true stories from America's
                                                    bravest warriors
305.42 HIRSI ALI       Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 1969-      Prey : immigration, Islam, and the erosion of women's rights
305.4889 CARROLL       Carroll, Rebecca             Surviving the white gaze : a memoir
305.8 MCGHEE           McGhee, Heather C.           The sum of us : what racism costs everyone and how we can
                                                    prosper together
305.8 WILLIAMS         Williams, Sophie             Anti racist ally : an introduction to action & activism
305.8009 RICKETTS      Ricketts, Rachel, 1984-      Do better : spiritual activism for fighting and healing from
                                                    white supremacy
305.8009 ZAMALIN       Zamalin, Alex, 1986-         Against civility : the hidden racism in our obsession with civility
306.7603 DAVIS         Davis, Chloe O.              The queens' English : the LGBTQIA+ dictionary of lingo and
                                                    colloquial phrases
306.8743 TUBBS         Tubbs, Anna Malaika          The three mothers : how the mothers of Martin Luther King,
                                                    Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin shaped a nation
323.1196 HOLT          Holt, Thomas C. (Thomas      The movement : the African American struggle for civil rights
                       Cleveland), 1942-
326.8092 UNSUNG                                     Unsung : unheralded narratives of American slavery &
331.7622 SMITH         Smith, Michael Patrick F.    The good hand : a memoir of work, brotherhood, and
                                                    transformation in an American boomtown
338.1973 PAARLBERG     Paarlberg, Robert L          Resetting the table : straight talk about the food we grow and
342.7308 ROSENBERG     Rosenberg, Ian               The fight for free speech : ten cases that define our First
                                                    Amendment freedoms
344.429 DAVIDSON       Davidson, Jane, 1957-        #FutureGen : lessons from a small country
362.293 DEAN           Dean, Madeleine, 1959-       Under our roof : a son's battle for recovery, a mother's battle
                                                    for her son
362.74 ROSEN           Rosen, Kenneth R.            Troubled : the failed promise of America's behavioral
                                                    treatment programs
363.2097 BROOKS        Brooks, Rosa                 Tangled up in blue : policing the American city
363.3309 GRILLO        Grillo, Ioan, 1973-          Blood gun money : how America arms gangs and criminals
363.5097 EINSTEIN      Einstein, Katherine Levine   Neighborhood defenders : participatory politics and America's
                                                    housing crisis
363.7387 GATES         Gates, Bill, 1955-           How to avoid a climate disaster : the solutions we have and
                                                    the breakthroughs we need
363.97 CATTE           Catte, Elizabeth             Pure America : eugenics and the making of modern Virginia
364.1092 SHORTO        Shorto, Russell              Smalltime : a story of my family and the mob
364.1323 FENTON        Fenton, Justin               We own this city : a true story of crime, cops, and corruption
364.1523 MCGARRAHAN    McGarrahan, Ellen            Two truths and a lie : a murder, a private investigator, and her
                                                    search for justice
364.1523 TRESNIOWSKI   Tresniowski, Alex            The rope : a true story of murder, heroism, and the dawn of
                                                    the NAACP
364.1523 VRONSKY       Vronsky, Peter               American serial killers : the epidemic years 1950-2000
364.163 TELFER         Telfer, Tori                 Confident women : swindlers, grifters, and shapeshifters of
                                                    the feminine persuasion
364.168 PERLROTH    Perlroth, Nicole                    This is how they tell me the world ends : the cyberweapons
                                                        arms race
364.8097 MILLER     Miller, Reuben Jonathan             Halfway home : race, punishment, and the afterlife of mass
368.382 COHN        Cohn, Jonathan                      The ten year war : Obamacare and the unfinished crusade for
                                                        universal coverage
368.426 EL-SAYED    El-Sayed, Abdul                     Medicare for all : a citizen's guide
371.042 GARFIAS     Garfias, Lea Ann                    Everything you need to know about homeschooling : a
                                                        comprehensive, easy-to-use guide for the journey from early
                                                        learning through graduation
371.81 FRANKLIN     Franklin, V. P. (Vincent P.), 1947- The young crusaders : the untold story of the children and
                                                        teenagers who galvanized the civil rights movement
378.161 LAPORTE     Laporte, Nicole                     Guilty admissions : the bribes, favors, and phonies behind the
                                                        college cheating scandal
391.009 FORD        Ford, Richard T. (Richard           Dress codes : how the laws of fashion made history
394.12 BITTMAN      Thompson)
                    Bittman, Mark                       Animal, vegetable, junk : a history of food, from sustainable to


Call No.            Author                             Title
523.1 LIGHTMAN      Lightman, Alan P., 1948-           Probable impossibilities : musings on beginnings and endings
570.1 NURSE         Nurse, Paul, 1949-                 What is life? : five great ideas in biology


Call No.            Author                             Title
612.0142 IJZERMAN   IJzerman, Hans Rocha               Heartwarming : how our inner thermostat made us human
613 PHILLIPS        Phillips, Steven                   Chronic : the hidden cause of the autoimmune pandemic--and
                                                       how to get healthy again
613.25 ESTABROOK    Estabrook, Barry                   Just eat : one reporter's quest for a weight-loss regimen that
613.7148 LOCKER     Locker, George                     Falling is not an option : a way to lifelong balance
616.0472 LALKHEN    Lalkhen, Abdul-Ghaaliq             An anatomy of pain : how the body and the mind experience
                                                       and endure physical suffering
616.2414 ASHTON     Ashton, Jennifer, 1969-            The new normal : a roadmap to resilience in the pandemic era

616.861 WHITAKER    Whitaker, Holly                    Quit like a woman : the radical choice to not drink in a culture
                                                       obsessed with alcohol
616.95 PARK         Park, Ina                          Strange bedfellows : adventures in the science, history, and
                                                       surprising secrets of STDs
616.9941 JAOUAD     Jaouad, Suleika                    Between two kingdoms : a memoir of a life interrupted
629.4345 BROWN        Brown, David W.                The mission : or, how a disciple of Carl Sagan, an ex-
                                                     motocross racer, a Texas Tea Party congressman, the world's
                                                     worst typewriter saleswoman, California mountain people,
                                                     and an anonymous NASA functionary went to war with Mars,
                                                     survived an insurgency at S
636.7009 TEICHNER     Teichner, Martha               When Harry met Minnie : a true story of love and friendship
641.5 FERRONI         Ferroni, Lara                  Low sodium, big flavor : 125 recipes for daily meals plus
                                                     pantry staples, including dressings, condiments, spice blends,
                                                     and more
641.5 KLUGER          Kluger, Dan                    Chasing flavor : techniques and recipes to cook fearlessly
641.5636 CHOU         Chou, Hsiao-Ching, 1972-       Vegetarian Chinese soul food : deliciously doable ways to
                                                     cook greens, tofu, and other plant-based ingredients
641.6565 FREEMAN      Freeman, Jackie                Easy beans : simple, satisfying recipes that are good for you,
                                                     your wallet, and the planet
641.665 AMERICA'S     America's Test Kitchen (COR)   The chicken bible : say goodbye to boring chicken with 500
                                                     recipes for easy dinners, braises, wings, stir-fries, and so much
649.1 KOPLEWICZ       Koplewicz, Harold S.           The scaffold effect : raising resilient, self-reliant, and secure
                                                     kids in an age of anxiety


Call No.              Author                         Title
741.5 DAWN 10                                        Dawn of X. Volume 10
741.5 DAWN 9                                         Dawn of X. Volume 09
779.9 MORRISON        Morrison, Bob                  Bodies in motion : the dance photography of Bob Morrison
779.9 MORRISON        Morrison, Bob                  Divine gravity : the underwater photography of Bob Morrison
796.353 ROSSER        Rosser, Kareem                 Crossing the line : a fearless team of brothers and the sport
                                                     that changed their lives forever


Call No.              Author                         Title
808.02 REKDAL         Rekdal, Paisley                Appropriate : a provocation
811.54 OATES          Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938-      American melancholy : poems
811.6 BUEGE           Buege, Bill                    In their time


Call No.              Author                         Title
930.1 NEWITZ          Newitz, Annalee, 1969-         Four lost cities : a secret history of the urban age
940.5318 LOWER        Lower, Wendy                   The ravine : a family, a photograph, a Holocaust massacre
940.5343 REES         Rees, Laurence, 1957-          Hitler and Stalin : the tyrants and the Second World War
940.5486 LOFTIS           Loftis, Larry                 The princess spy : the true story of World War II spy Aline
                                                        Griffith, Countess of Romanones
941.1081 WELFARE          Welfare, Simon                Fortune's many houses : a Victorian visionary, a noble Scottish
                                                        family, and a lost inheritance
942.03 WEIR               Weir, Alison, 1951-           Queens of the crusades. England's medieval queens. Book two
                                                        : 1154-1291
956.7044 COKER            Coker, Margaret               The spymaster of Baghdad : a true story of bravery, family,
                                                        and patriotism in the battle against ISIS
956.9104 LEMMON           Lemmon, Gayle Tzemach         The daughters of Kobani : a story of rebellion, courage, and
956.9104 WARRICK          Warrick, Joby                 Red line : the unraveling of Syria and America's race to
                                                        destroy the most dangerous arsenal in the world
970.004 NESTEROFF         Nesteroff, Kliph              We had a little real estate problem : the unheralded story of
                                                        Native Americans in comedy
973.0496 FOUR                                           Four hundred souls : a community history of African America,
973.7092 GERHARDT         Gerhardt, Michael J., 1956-   Lincoln's mentors : the education of a leader
975.652 HEALY             Healy, Thomas                 Soul City : race, equality, and the lost dream of an American
976.904 MONTGOMERY        Montgomery, Ben               A shot in the moonlight : how a freed slave and a Confederate
                                                        soldier fought for justice in the Jim Crow South


Call No.                  Author                        Title
B CALHOUN, J Elder        Elder, Robert, 1981-          Calhoun : American heretic
B CHOPRA, P               Chopra, Priyanka              Unfinished : a memoir
B CHUDE- SOKEI, L         Chude-Sokei, Louis Onuorah,   Floating in a most peculiar way
B GERSONY, R Kaplan       Kaplan, Robert D., 1952-      The good American : the epic life and adventures of Bob
B NICHOLS, M Harris       Harris, Mark, 1963-           Gersony,
                                                        Mike      the U.S.
                                                              Nichols       government's greatest humanitarian
                                                                      : a life
B SPRINGORA, V            Springora, Vanessa            Consent : a memoir
B STOPPARD, T Lee         Lee, Hermione                 Tom Stoppard : a life
B WASHINGTON, G Stewart   Stewart, David O.             George Washington : the political rise of America's founding
B WELLS, I Duster         Duster, Michelle              Ida B. the Queen : the extraordinary life and legacy of Ida B.


Call No.                  Author                        Title
LP 305.5122 WILKERSON     Wilkerson, Isabel             Caste : the origins of our discontents
LP 363.7387 GATES         Gates, Bill, 1955-            How to avoid a climate disaster : the solutions we have and
                                                        the breakthroughs we need
LP 364.1523 PATTERSON     Patterson, James, 1947-       Till murder do us part : true-crime thrillers
LP 973.0496 FOUR                                           Four hundred souls : a community history of African America,


Call No.                   Author                          Title
LP F CORNWELL, P           Cornwell, Patricia Daniels      Spin
LP F DORSEY, T             Dorsey, Tim                     Tropic of stupid
LP F GARDNER, L            Gardner, Lisa                   Before she disappeared
LP F HAIG, M               Haig, Matt, 1975-               The midnight library
LP F HARPER, J             Harper, Jane (Jane Elizabeth)   The survivors
LP F HART, J               Hart, John, 1965-               The unwilling
LP F HAWKINS, R            Hawkins, Rachel, 1979-          The wife upstairs
LP F HOFFMAN, A            Hoffman, Alice                  Magic lessons
LP F HURWITZ, G            Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew           Prodigal son
LP F JANCE, J              Jance, Judith A.                Missing and endangered : a Brady novel of suspense
LP F JOHANSEN, I           Johansen, Iris                  Blink of an eye
LP F MOSLEY, W             Mosley, Walter                  Blood grove
LP F QUINN, J              Quinn, Julia, 1970-             The Duke and I
LP F ROBB, J               Robb, J. D., 1950-              Faithless in death
LP F ROBSON, J             Robson, Jennifer, 1970-         Our darkest night : a novel of Italy and the Second World War
LP F SCHWAB, V             Schwab, Victoria.               The invisible life of Addie LaRue
LP F SMITH, B              Smith, Betty, 1896-1972         Tomorrow will be better : a novel
LP F TODD, C               Todd, Charles                   A fatal lie
LP F WALTER, J             Walter, Jess, 1965-             The cold millions : a novel
LP F WASHINGTON, B         Washington, Bryan, 1993-        Memorial
LP F WILLIAMS, E           Williams, Eley                  The liar's dictionary : a novel
LP PATTERSON, J            Patterson, James, 1947-         The Russian


Call No.                   Author                          Title
BOOK CLUB KIT: 616.832     Sacks, Oliver, 1933-2015.       BOOK CLUB KIT : Awakenings
SACKS 10 books + guide +

Call No.                                                   Title
DVD 782.42 ROLLING                                         Rolling Thunder Revue : a Bob Dylan story


Call No.                                                   Title
DVD ALWAYS                                                 Always and forever
DVD AMMONITE                             Ammonite
DVD BABYTEETH                            Babyteeth
DVD BROKEN                               The broken hearts gallery
DVD CALL                                 A call to spy
DVD FREAKY                               Freaky
DVD GREENLAND                            Greenland
DVD LAST                                 The last Vermeer
DVD PASSAGE                              A passage to India
DVD SPUTNIK                              Sputnik
DVD SYNCHRONIC                           Synchronic
DVD TESLA                                Tesla


Call No.                                 Title
DVD ALL                                  All creatures great and small. Season 1
DVD DEADWATER                            Deadwater fell. Season 1
DVD LOVECRAFT                            Lovecraft country. The complete first season
DVD OTHER                                The other one. Series 1


Call No.                                 Title
BD FREAKY                                Freaky
BD GREENLAND                             Greenland
BD HARRY                                 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
BD HARRY                                 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.


Call No.                                 Title
BD TOILET                                Toilet-bound Hanako-kun : the complete series


Call No.             Author              Title
CD F ALAM            Alam, Rumaan        Leave the World Behind
CD F BALDACCI        Baldacci, David     Daylight
CD F BENNETT         Bennett, Brit       The vanishing half
CD F HAIG            Haig, Matt, 1975-   The midnight library


Call No.           Author                      Title
JF GUTMAN          Gutman, Dan                 Ms. Jo-Jo is a yo-yo!
JF KATZ            Katz, Alan                  The zoo switcheroo
JF KELLER          Keller, Tae                 When you trap a tiger
JF KNETZGER        Knetzger, Laura, 1990-      Bug boys : outside and beyond
JF KORMAN          Korman, Gordon              Unplugged
JF McMANN          McMann, Lisa                Dragon fury
JF OPPEL           Oppel, Kenneth, 1967-       Bloom
JF PATTERSON       Patterson, James, 1947-     Field trip fiasco
JF RIORDAN         Riordan, Rick.              The sword of summer
JF SAGE            Sage, Angie                 Midnight train
JF SCHMIDT         Schmidt, Gary D.            Just like that
JF STAR WARS       Ireland, Justina            Star Wars the high republic : a test of courage
JF STILTON         Stilton, Geronimo           Out of time : the eighth journey through time
JF STRASSER        Strasser, Todd              The good war
JF TOWNSEND        Townsend, Jessica, 1985-    Nevermoor: the trials of Morrigan Crow
JF TRUEIT          Trueit, Trudi Strain        The tiger's nest
JF VALENTE         Valente, Dominique          Willow Moss and the forgotten tale
JF WALLACE         Wallace, Matt, 1982-        Bump
JF WATSON          Watson, Tom, 1965-          Stick dog takes out sushi
JF WINICK          Winick, Judd                Hilo. Book 7, Gina, the girl who broke the world
JF YOUSSEF         Yūsuf, Bāsim, 1974-       The magical reality of Nadia


Call No.           Author                      Title
E BRYDON           Brydon, Alli                Love around the world : family and friendship around the
E DE LA PENA       de la Peña, Matt           globeimagines the world
E FUGE             Fuge, Charles               Together
E GERSTEIN         Gerstein, Mordicai          Moose, Goose, and Mouse
E HIGGINS          Higgins, Ryan T.            Spring stinks
E HOWARD           Howard, Kim 1954-           Grace and Box
E JOSEPH           Joseph, Danielle            I want to ride the tap tap
E KIRSCH           Kirsch, Vincent X.          From Archie to Zack
E KIZIS            Kizis, Deanna               Please don't read this book! : (seriously don't, don't, DON'T)
E ROUNDTREE        Roundtree, Dovey Johnson,   We wait for the sun
E SCOTT            Scott, Jordan, 1978-        I talk like a river
E YIM              Yim, Natasha                Luna's yum yum dim sum
E YOUNG            Young, Amy                  Mustache duckstache

Call No.              Author                       Title
BR BARNETT            Barnett, Mac                 Jack gets zapped!
BR BERENSTAIN         Berenstain, Mike, 1951-      The Berenstain Bears' school talent show
BR DEAN               Dean, Kim, 1969-             Ready, set, go cart!
BR DER                Derting, Kimberly            Libby loves science : mix and measure
BR FENSKE             Fenske, Jonathan             The bug in the bog
BR HOLABIRD           Holabird, Katharine          Angelina Ballerina. Cupcake day!
BR PJ                 Nakamura, May                PJ Masks wheels of a hero!
BR YOLEN              Yolen, Jane                  Interrupting Cow and the chicken crossing the road
E F (board book)      Forman, Ruth                 Curls
E LETS (board book)                                Let's say I love you : learn 12 different languages!


Call No.              Author                       Title
J551 NATIONAL         Tomecek, Steve               Ultimate rockopedia : the most complete rocks & minerals
JB ADEWUMI            Adewumi, Tani, 2010-         reference
                                                   Tani's newever
                                                               home : a refugee finds hope and kindness in
JB HARRIS AND         Anderson, Kirsten (Kirsten   America
                                                   Who   is Kamala Harris?
JB PERLMAN NEW        Newman, Tracy, 1971-         Itzhak : a boy who loved the violin
JB ROUNDTREE ASIM     Asim, Jabari, 1962-          Mighty justice : the untold story of civil rights trailblazer
JB THUNBERG LEO       Leonard, Jill                DoveyisJohnson
                                                   Who              Roundtree
                                                           Greta Thunberg?

                                      JUVENILE AUDIOVISUAL

Call No.                                           Title
J DVD 419 SIGNING                                  Signing time! Volume 06, My favorite things
J DVD 595.7 RACHEL                                 Rachel & the TreeSchoolers. Incredible insects
J DVD CROODS                                       The Croods : a new age
J DVD FOX                                          The fox and the hound
J DVD SCOOBY                                       Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob


Call No.                                           Title
J BD CROODS                                        The Croods : A New Age
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