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Council of the European Union
                           General Secretariat

NEW BOOKS                                                                                                        APRIL 2020
Council Library

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Welcome to the April 2020 selection of books recently added to the Council Library collections. We
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The books presented in this list do not necessarily represent the positions, policies or opinions of
the Council of the European Union or the European Council.

                                                        Economics in the age of COVID-19
                                                        Joshua Gans
                                                        Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2020
                                                        Online access

                                                        "We are living in a moment of unprecedented crisis. The
                                                        international spread of COVID-19 and the measures taken by
                                                        governments to halt transmission of the virus are happening at
                                                        a scale unlike anything seen in our lifetimes. As we grapple
                                                        with the implications of social distancing and the tragic loss of
                                                        human life, we need resources to help us make sense of this
                                                        crisis. In this book, economist Joshua Gans steps back from
                                                        the short-term chaos to take a clear and systematic look at how
                                                        economic choices are being made in response to COVID-19.
                                                        He outlines the phases of the pandemic economy, from
                                                        containment to reset to recovery and enhancement."

 Council of the European Union
 Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
 Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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The genome e-volution
                                                       Ivan Đikić
                                                       Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020
                                                       Online access

                                                       "Nanotechnology and robotics have created innovative tools
                                                       and powerful diagnostic techniques. Major therapeutic
                                                       advances have enabled us to control HIV, and more tailor-
                                                       made therapies are being implemented to treat cancer.
                                                       Nonetheless huge challenges remain, not only in the field of
                                                       cancer, but also with respect to neurodegenerative and other
                                                       diseases. At the same time, international travel and mobility,
                                                       as well as globalised trade, are affecting our living conditions
                                                       and promoting the spread of infectious diseases and new
                                                       viruses, like the COVID-19 coronavirus, all over the world."

                                                       Citizens’ solidarity in Europe civic engagement
                                                       and public discourse in times of crises
                                                       Christian Lahusen (ed.)
                                                       Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2020
                                                       Online access

                                                       "Citizens’ Solidarity in Europe systematically dissects the
                                                       manifestations of solidarity buried beneath the official policies
                                                       and measures of public authority in Europe. In this exciting and
                                                       innovative book, contributors offer comprehensive and original
                                                       data and highlight the detrimental factors that tend to inhibit or
                                                       annihilate solidarity, and those that are beneficial for the
                                                       nurturing of solidarity."

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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Brexit and the future of EU politics: a
                                                       constitutional law perspective
                                                       Ingolf Pernice ; Ana Maria Guerra Martins (eds.)
                                                       Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019
                                                       Online access
                                                       Also available at Council Library Main Collection (105847)

                                                       "Precisely one year after the UK’ referendum on remaining or
                                                       leaving the EU, which is the basis of Brexit, the European
                                                       Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) met at the Faculty of Law
                                                       of the University of Lisbon on 23 and 24 June 2017 to discuss
                                                       ‘Brexit – Challenge or End of EU Constitutional Law?'. The
                                                       formal inclusion of a withdrawal clause into the TEU through
                                                       the Treaty of Lisbon opened a Pandora’s box with
                                                       consequences that no one could predict either before the entry
                                                       into force of that Treaty or after the referendum in the UK; and
                                                       even today it is difficult to fully assess the impact of the clause
                                                       and, in particular, of making use of it."

                                                       Les méthodes d'interprétation de la Cour de
                                                       justice de l'Union européenne
                                                       Koen Lenaerts ; José A. Gutierrez-Fons (ed.)
                                                       Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2020
                                                       Online access

                                                       "La Cour de justice de l’UE assure l’interprétation uniforme des
                                                       différentes règles faisant partie de l’ordre juridique de l’Union.
                                                       La Cour étant « l’interprète suprême » du droit de l’Union,
                                                       comment dit-elle le droit ? De quelles méthodes
                                                       d’interprétation se sert-elle ? Ces méthodes sont-elles
                                                       différentes de celles employées par les juridictions nationales?
                                                       La réponse à ces questions ne s’avère pas facile, étant donné
                                                       que les traités ne contiennent aucune disposition énumérant,
                                                       et ordonnant hiérarchiquement, les méthodes d’interprétation
                                                       que la Cour peut ou doit suivre. Cette réponse se trouve donc
                                                       nécessairement dans la jurisprudence de la Cour, qui constitue
                                                       l’objet d’étude du présent ouvrage."

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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Border experiences in Europe
                                                       Christian Wille ; Birte Nienaber (eds.)
                                                       Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2020
                                                       Online access

                                                       "For a decade now, borders in Europe have been back on the
                                                       political agenda. Border research has responded and is
                                                       breaking new ground in thinking about and exploring borders.
                                                       This book follows this development and strengthens a
                                                       perspective that is interested in life realities and that focuses
                                                       on everyday cultural experiences of borders. The authors
                                                       reconstruct such experiences in the context of different forms
                                                       of migration and mobility as well as language contact situations
                                                       and are sensitive to the freedom of the participants. In this way,
                                                       they empirically identify everyday cultural usage or
                                                       appropriation strategies of borders as vastly different
                                                       experiences of borders."

                                                       Sichere Energieversorgung im europäischen
                                                       Bettina Roth
                                                       Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2016
                                                       Online access

                                                       "Die sichere Energieversorgung in Europa hängt von mehreren
                                                       Akteuren ab. Dies sind neben der EU und ihren Mitgliedstaaten
                                                       die Energieunternehmen und deren Lieferanten aus
                                                       Drittstaaten. Dabei stellen sich mehrere Probleme: Während
                                                       für die Beschaffung von Energie völkerrechtlich geregelt ist, ist
                                                       für die Verteilung Regulierungsrecht einschlägig. Zudem
                                                       verfolgt das Energierecht neben der Energiesicherheit auch
                                                       die Ziele der Marktintegration und des Umweltschutzes; diese
                                                       Ziele beeinflussen einander und müssen zu einem Ausgleich
                                                       gebracht werden."

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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Méthodologie de l'étude d'impact
                                                       climatique droits européen, français et anglo-
                                                       Christian Huglo
                                                       Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2020
                                                       Online access

                                                       "Le contentieux climatique qui se développe au niveau mondial
                                                       est une réalité qui ne peut être ignorée: il préfigure ce qui sera
                                                       le droit de demain car il trace la voie de ce que devrait être une
                                                       politique de réduction et d’adaptation au réchauffement
                                                       climatique lequel ne cesse de s’accélérer."

                                                       Resolving Conflicts in the Law: Essays in
                                                       Honour of Lea Brilmayer
                                                       Chiara Giorgetti ; Natalie Klein
                                                       Boston: Brill | Nijhoff, 2019
                                                       Online access

                                                       "Resolving Conflicts in the Law, edited by Chiara Giorgetti
                                                       and Natalie Klein, honours the significant intellectual
                                                       contribution of Professor Lea Brilmayer with essays from
                                                       leading scholars and practitioners on conflicts of law and
                                                       public international law."

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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Preventing workplace harassment in a #MeToo
                                                        Bobbi K. Dominick
                                                        Chicago: Society For Human Resource Management, 2018
                                                        Online access

                                                        "Combining a comprehensive study of employment practices
                                                        with academic research on human behaviour, author Dominick
                                                        uncovers what really prevents harassment in the workplace
                                                        (and what does not). A multifaceted and proactive approach is
                                                        presented that examines leadership behaviour critical to
                                                        promoting a culture of respect and establishing appropriate
                                                        policies and behaviour expectations."

This list has been compiled by the Library of the General Secretariat of the Council of the
European Union for information only.

The contents are the sole responsibility of their authors. Publications linked from this
review do not necessarily represent the positions, policies, or opinions of the Council of the
European Union or the European Council.

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reply to queries by email Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 16.00.


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Tel.:                +32 (0)2 281 6525

 Council of the European Union
 Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
 Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25
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