New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec

Page created by Marshall Garrett
New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
Special Booklet

new vsb
                  Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil – The New VSB – celebrates one year after
                  the merge of the Jeceaba and Barreiro units which took place in October 2016.
                  A robust action plan is being implemented bringing significant results to the
                  management as well as the corporate culture of the new company.
New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec

    N       ovember 1st, 2017 marks one year of the establishment of Vallourec
            Soluções Tubulares do Brasil – The New VSB.

    To guarantee the success of this merge and the competitiveness of
    both units, The Program of Transformation for the New VSB was
    formulated. This program defines 18 strategic projects.

    The main challenges of The Program were:

    Setup of a                                       INDUSTRIAL AND                  SYSTEMS                   ADJUSTMENT OF                 DEFINITION OF A
    competitive                                      ADMINISTRATIVE                  INTEGRATION               THE COMPANY’S                 ROBUST CULTURAL
    hub of                                           SYNERGIES                                                 COMPETITIVENESS               TRANSFORMATION
    PREMIUM*                                                                         for management, billing                                 PROGRAM
    SOLUTIONS                                        to optimize costs and improve   and process control and   to new price margins in
    IN BRAZIL                                        processes.                      improvement.              accordance to international   as a fundamental backdrop and
                                                                                                               levels.                       based on the following archetypes:
                                                                                                                                             Realization; One Team; and Customer
                                                                                                                                             Focus, having widespread values and
                                                                                                                                             an Inspiring Mission.

    *Use the words and meaning glossary at the end of this book
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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
2-Synergies,                             In many superintendencies there was an integration of teams under one manager for
                                                  both units, Jeaceaba/Barreiro. These initiatives brought about a greater integration
         Adjustments                              among the teams and opened the way for new processes that are less bureaucratic,
                                                  faster, fairer and more effective.

         and Team                                 Unification of superintendencies in the production, maintenance and logistic areas.
                                                  These three strategic areas were managed by 8 superintendencies. They were reduced
         Integration                              to 3 superintendencies.
                                                  By centralizing management, it was possible to have gains in cost reduction,
                                                  uniformity and expediency in decision making related to synergies and integration of
                                                  personnel, processes and operations. One Team!

                                      g   GAINS WITH UNIFIED MAINTENANCE
                                          Maintenance cost are extremely relevant in industrial processes.
                                          The unification of the maintenance departments, as well as the training
                                                                                                                              These examples
                                          of inspectors to work at both units, brought about synergies resulting in           reflect our
                                          many gains. Here are some examples: reduction of spare parts inventory              values:
                                          as well as know-how and best practice sharing. Lubrication tests and tool
                                                                                                                              • Respect for people
                                          cooling were standardized in both units. The same was done with other
                                          raw materials such as grease, packaging and thread protectors.                      • Integrity and

                                      g   WORK STATIONS IN OPERATIONS AT BOTH SITES                                           • Standards and
                                          Blast furnace, steel making, Q and T and Threading operators are being                professionalism
                                          prepared to work in both units to balance the productive capacity of both
                                                                                                                              • Common commitment
                                          plants using our existing work force.
                                                                                                                              • Performance and

                                      g   JOINT ROUTINE MEETINGS                                                                responsiveness
                                          Considering people working in both units as one team, routine meetings
                                          between management and teams have taken place in all productive areas.
                                                                                                                            SAFETY IS OUR
                                                                                                                            GREATEr VALUE

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
3-Systems                                             A complete integration of the management systems of the new company
                                                          was made with the intense participation of the Information Technology,
                                                          Logistics, Planning, Purchasing and Finance departments. This integration
    Integration                                           posed one of the program’s greatest challenges since the main goal was the
                                                          continuity of the following processes: production, billing and management.

                    sap                                                                                                   corporate
         Main management tool
          used by practically all
                                                                                                                          Standardization of e-mail addresses.
            departments in the

                    BPS                                                                                                        Set of tools for management
       Standard in the Planning                                                                                                reports and KPIs.
     Department it was not used
           by the Jeceaba plant.

                                         APO                                                                       Adjustments of the Vallourec
                                                                                                                   Inside Brasil Page.
                         Linked to production planning.
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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
4-Cost Reduction
          Cost reduction represents a fundamental factor
          for the success of the whole transformation plan of
          the company.
          Considering the situation of the oil and gas market   LS 3.0 (COSTS                            PROJECT ROta 108 –
          and substantial reduction in the profit margins       REDUCTION PROGRAM)                       CHARCOAL COST PER
          of our products, to compete in the international      – TUBE COST PER TON                      TON
          market it is paramount that all the company’s         All sides participated greatly in the    As the LS 3.0, the Rota 108 has
          employees make a tireless effort in the search for    sharing of ideas in Jeceaba plant. We    counted heavily with the participation
          cost reduction.                                       are on the right way but we still need   of all people involved through
          Only by reaching our cost reduction targets will      to make a lot of effort to reach the     their cost reduction ideas and their
          the company be able to maintain itself as a global    final 2018 target. It is important to    implementation in Vallourec Florestal.
                                                                emphasize that this is a program of      It is very important that this target be
          supplier of products and services.
                                                                The New VSB and should be embraced       reached so that charcoal can regain its
                                                                by all employees in both plants.         competitiveness for the production of
          In this context, various initiatives have already                                              pig iron.
          been implemented and there are still many
          challenges ahead.

                                                                TAX CREDIT REBATE                        Avoided
                                                                This is an important action to
                                                                balance the difference in profile        By concentrating the production of
                                                                between the Jeceaba plant (export        steel in Jeceaba and readjusting the
                                                                profile) and Barreiro plant (domestic    number of operating blast furnaces
                                                                market supplier).                        for the future, it was possible to
                                                                                                         optimize industrial investments and
                                                                                                         also investments in Florestal.

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
                                                                                                                                          SEAL OF THE
                                                                                                                                        TRANSFORMATION PLAN
                                                                                                                                        CHOSEN IN INTERNAL
                                                                                                                                        CONCOURSE WITH THE
                                                                                                                                        PARTICIPATION OF THE
                                                                                                                                        NEW VSB EMPLOYEES.
                                                                                                                                        WINNER: KENIA
                                                                                                                                        MORAIS (ENGINEER
                                                                                                                                        OF THE SEARCH AND
                                                                                                                                        DEVELOPMENT AREA)

    As a backdrop for the integration and setup of the new           The general target was to improve the way employees see the
    company, the need to establish a cultural change program         company. Bringing them to see the company as a whole and
    was diagnosed. This way the employees would feel involved        not only their own departments. Create better connections
    and engaged in the objectives and challenges of the new          among people, areas and plants according to a common
    company.                                                         commitment, aligned with
                                                                     the new company strategy.
    During the program, 10 Lever Groups were assembled to
    meet regularly and discuss relevant issues related to the        A new mission was established for a new company, based on
    cultural change. From these Lever groups an extensive            values to be followed by all.
    action plan took shape and is being implemented in the
    company using 7 Knowledge Blocks. These groups are               Besides this, the pillars of the new desired culture were based
    regularly followed up by the Program Management and a            on the following archetypes: Realization, Custumer Focus and
    Steering Commitee.                                               One Team.

    These Blocs of Knowledge are linked to the following subjects:   The Mindset Map of the Program was launched as a tool
    Human Resources, Controlling and Planning, Purchasing,           to disseminate the cultural change in a simple way to the
    Know-How, VMS (Vallourec Management System),                     employees. Company leaders were trained and given resources
    Communication and Quick Wins, which are actions with             to improve communication and the handing down of
    expected quick returns.                                          information between the strategic area and the operational area.

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec

       Understand, practice and be part of this change

                                      OUR VALUES
                                                                                 TO BE A LEARNER
                          Respect for People
                 Integrity and Transparency                                       Not to be arrogant
            Standards and Professionalism                                         Have self-awareness and curiosity
                      Common Commitment                                           Be available to learn
          Performance and Responsiveness                       BUILDING
             Safety is our greater Value                     TOGETHER OUR
                                                                                 (IS DETERMINED BY)
                  Costumer Focus
                        One Team               MISSION                             Self Knowledge
                 To be recognized as a Premium tubular              CULTURAL       Beliefs
         solutions provider trough industrial excellence,
                   cutting edge technology, sustainable             RENOVATION
         management and cultural diversity, ensuring a                Symbols
             highly competitive position in Brazilian and             Systems
                                  International markets.              Behavior

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
6-Cultural Change/
    Actions implemented
                                                                   OF THE 72
                                                               PLANNED ACTIONS
                                                               WERE CONCLUDED
                                                                 IN MARCH 2017

    Quick Wins –

     Exchange of outdoor signs in Jeceaba.

     Inauguration of the Chat with Directors in the
     production areas.

     Improvement in the format of internal communications.
     Ex. Organograms.

     Reduction of private parking spaces in the plants.

     Standardization of entrance rules, uniform cleaning and
     ways of working in both sites.

     Development of Cultural Change Mindset Map.

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
Actions related
              ACTIONS RELATED TO                           to Values
              THE NEW MISSION
                                                           RESPECT                                      STANDARDS AND                             SAFETY IS OUR
              g     Adaptation of the finishing floors
                    serving as solution providers.
                                                           FOR PEOPLE                                   PROFESSIONALISM                           GREATEST VALUE

                    Ex. Meeting Petrobras contract         • Prior announcement concerning the         • Improvement in the establishment       •U
                                                                                                                                                    nification of safety
                    requirement.                              shut down of the Barreiro steel mill.        of corporate and individual targets.    management in both sites.
                                                           • Relocation of both Jeceaba and            • Improvement in the follow -up of       •D
                                                                                                                                                    uring the integration process

              g Products industrialization and
                “Premiumization” in the Jeceaba plant.
                                                              Barreiro teams.
                                                           • Continuous improvement of cascading
                                                                                                        • Common effort in the objective of
                                                                                                                                                   there was no negative impact
                                                                                                                                                   in the safety indicators.
                                                              of strategic information at all levels.      “doing more with less”.

              g Reaching  bold cost reduction targets
                aiming at international competitiveness.
                                                           • Uniformity of treatment for employees
                                                              in both plants.
                                                           INTEGRITY AND
                                                                                                          roposal to adopt LS 3.0 project
                                                                                                         as Corporate and not only in the
                                                           • Law abidance in the merge process of       Jeceaba plant.
                                                              the plants.                               •U
                                                                                                          nification of organizational
                                                           • Providing clear information to all         structures in both plants.
                                                              stakeholders about the process            •U
                                                                                                          nification of systems, symbols
                                                              including entities such as CADE,           and behaviors.
                                                              Commercial Council, City hall,
                                                              State and Federal governments,
                                                              besides adjustment of licenses with       PERFORMANCE AND
                                                              environmental agencies.                   RESPONSIVENESS
                                                           • Continuous improvement of cascading
                                                              of strategic information at all levels.   •R
                                                                                                          eaching performance targets as
                                                           • Routine meetings with teams from           planned.
                                                              both units.                               •R
                                                                                                          eview of flows, processes and
                                                           • Opinion survey in the production           compliance to norms.
                                                              areas.                                      roadening of the Lean tool in
                                                           • Chat with directors in the                 several departments.
                                                              production areas.

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New vsb 1 YEAR OF - Vallourec
     TO ARCHETYPES                                                                         — UPCOMING ACTIONS
     realization                               one TEAM
                                                                                           FOR THE Vallourec
       eaching performance targets as         • Integration of VSB and Vallourec         and VSB BRANDS
      planned.                                    brands in the company’s
       chievement of actions planned in the      communication.                           Among the many upcoming actions in the Cultural Transformation Plan,
      Transformation Program.                  • Sinergy among production,                the following actions should occur in the upcoming months:
       chievement of actions planned in          maintenance and logistics
      the Lever Groups and Blocks of the          superintendencies and other support
      Cultural Transformation Program.            areas.
       chievement within plan of cost
      reduction targets.
                                               • Unification of management, billing,
                                                  controlling and processing systems.
                                                                                           g Removal of indoor and outdoor signs with
                                                                                             the V&M brand in the Barreiro plant.
                                               • Standardization of the

     Customer FOCUS
                                                  communication channels in both
                                                  sites. Ex. Bulletin board, Internal
                                                                                           g Unification of the production area
                                                                                             uniforms for both plants.
                                                  newsletter, Portal Vallourec Inside

                                                                                           g Change
     • Analysis of flows and processes for       Brazil, etc.
                                                                                                     in badges and badge holder
        the improvement of internal and        • Sharing complementary experiences
                                                                                             cords, with Vallourec and VSB brands,
        external customer services.               – professionals in both units.
                                                                                                standardized for both plants.
     • Use of the Lean management tool to     • Significant increase in the personnel
        gain in performance.                      circulation among units within the
     • Announcement of the merge                 group.                                   g Announcement   of the Vallourec and VSB
                                                                                             brand usage rules in accordance with the
        between the companies to               • Unified inventory management.
        customers and suppliers                • Standardization of basic basket.               instruction manual.
     • Reduction of lead time of industrial   • Lavor’s service in Jeceaba.
        processes between departments          • Standardization of email addresses to:
        and final customer.             

                                                                                                                                      GROUP WORKER

                                                                                                                                     Company’s Name
                                                                                                                                     PN:       Record:

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                                      Focus on the
                                      work groups

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7 - Highlights Work Groups

        José márcio castillo
      Auditing, Risks and Internal
      Control Advisor.
        hudson couto
      Legal advisor

                                     g Legal Compliance and Document organization.
                                     g Facilitate legal transaction with NSSMC partner.
                                     g Facilitate legal transaction with CADE, Banks, Commercial
                                       Association, City Hall, State and Federal Government and
                                          environmental agencies.

                                     g Setup of Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil, starting
                                       October 1st ,2016.

        José Márcio castillo

                                          “Our accomplishment was managing to reach our targets within the forecasted
                                          deadline. This involved submitting the merge to the CADE, which is the
                                          Economic regulating body. Some operations needed to be submitted to banks.
                                          Our merit was having met the original deadlines of the project. Registers were
                                          made at the Commercial Association and registry alterations made at the City hall,
                                          State and Federal government. Finally, requests to alter the names on licenses were
                                          made at the environmental agencies.”
        Hudson Couto                        hudson couto / Legal advisor

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          VBR/VSB Information                                                                                          X   NEXT STEPS

          Technology Integration                             g Reorganize  IT department to meet the requirements
                                                               of the new company.                                     • Unification of the Quality
                                                                                                                          Certificate of both units
                                                             g Conduct  tests and simulations to ensure traceability   - Target December 2017

          Other Information                                    and avoid problems with key processes and their
                                                                  possible impacts.
                                                                                                                       • Integration Florestal, Mineração,
                                                                                                                          Fundação, Lavor and Coovall
                                                                                                                       - Target January 2018
          Technology initiatives                             g Unification of the SAP system (carried out in eight     • Optimization post-merge and
                                                                                                                          process changes
                                                               months, half the time suggested by SAP).
            rodrigo dorneles                                                                                           - Target December 2018
                                                             g Consolidation
          Information Technology
          Superintendent                                                     of the BPS, Business Intelligence and
                                                               APO systems.

                                                             g Adjustment in emails and corporate intranet.

                                      “Our objective was to merge the two main systems the companies had. The great
                                      challenge was to consolidate the system, from February to October 2016, so that the
                                      new company could work as a unified entity. We accessed risks based on studies.
                                      Decisions were shared. SAP made an offer to do the work for us, but the time frame
                                      requested was 15 months. This would not do. We, then, did it ourselves in a
            Rodrigo Dorneles
                                      non-conventional way with seeking outside support when necessary. We did it all in
                                      8 months!
                                      It is important to highlight the intense participation of the teams involved insuring
                                      the project success: We made the turn on the agreed date. We suffered some impacts,
                                      but they were minor. All this went down very well. The video made by Mr. Philippe
                                      Crouzet, the Vallourec president, was proof of that. He said that the project was
                                      accomplished on the agreed date with little negative impact.”
                                       Rodrigo Dorneles / Information technology Superintendent

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7 - Highlights Work Groups

      Finance and
      Taxes                               g Integration of the Finance and Accounting teams.

                                          g Centralization
         rogério perillo
       Account and Finance
                                                            of the whole finance department and
       Superintendent                       relocation of 30 professionals from Jeceaba to Barreiro.
         daniel vasconcelos
       Advisor for Accounting and

                                          g Regularization of the tax situation between Jeceaba
       Finance Superintendence

                                            (export market) and Barreiro (domestic market).

                                          g Tax credit rebates.
                                          g Reevaluation of corporate insurance policies.
                                          g Unification of SAP system.

                                    “The project had two phases. The first was the pre-merger. We carried out the team
        Rogério Perillo             integration process. During the year of 2016 (up to September 30th) we assembled
                                    several working groups in the Finance, Accounting and Tax departments from
                                    Jeceaba and Barreiro. Together we aligned and completed the integration process.
                                    Our first objective was to have a new system to meet the requirements of the new
                                    VSB without causing any disruption to the business. This was accomplished
                                    together with the IT team. First, we made this integration in terms of systems,
                                    technology and information flow. The second phase was the most important.
                                    We had to integrate people in terms of culture: relationship, team work,
                                    common commitment, improvement of quality and one team.”
        Daniel Vasconcelos
                                     Daniel Vasconcelos / Advisor to Accounting and Finance Superintendence

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          Controlling                               g Integration of Controlling and designation of processes such
            hervè delhon-bugard
                                                      as Controlling, Economic, Planning, Product Engineering and                 X NEXT STEPS
          Controlling and
                                                         Management System.
          management Superintendent                                                                                                • New round of synergies and
                                                    g Implementation   of controlling in Jeceaba and training of controllers in
                                                      Productivity, People Management and TQM (BSC).
                                                                                                                                      centralization of controlling.
                                                                                                                                   • Follow-up of corporate cost
                                                                                                                                      reduction targets. Ex. LS 3.0,

                                                    g Implementation of BPS as the standard for budget control in Jeceaba.            IndEX, Tracker Transfer Price
                                                                                                                                      and Rota 108.
                                                    g Use of the Transfer Table as a performance tool.
                                                    g Unification of the Monthly Reports and KPIs.
                                                    g Discard of processes found in duplicity.
                                                    g Benchmarking    in the German and French plants regarding the ideal
                                                      number of controllers.
            Hervè Delhon-Bugard
                                                    g Improvement in management communication.

                                      “In the beginning people were reluctant with the standardization we want to make. But after
                                      they embraced the new ideas. This is an example of the value respect for people and
                                      common commitment. The merge offered us an excellent opportunity to share experiences
                                      among controllers in both units. This is in line with the value Standards and professionalism.
                                      We had four controllers transferred from Barreiro to Jeceaba. With the standardization of the
                                      controlling processes in both units we achieved faster consolidation of reports and
                                      controlling guidelines- archetype Realization. Ex. Nowadays I receive guidelines from
                                      Vallourec Corporate and immediately hand them down to all controllers. This makes the
                                      information flow better.”
                                       Alexandre Nogueira / COSTS MANAGER

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         carlos ivan matoso
       Central Maintenance
         cláudio salzano
       Central Maintenance
       Superintendent until
       June 2017

                              g Barreiro Central Workshop working for both plants.
                              g Unification of Central Maintenance areas.                  X   NEXT STEPS

                              g Synergies among departments, unification of the
                                superintendency and coordination.
                                                                                           • Reorganizing Maintenance
                                                                                              Engineering directly linking
                                                                                              it to the Industrial Director
                              g Optimization  of performance in maintenance activities
                                (cost reduction and optimization of existing resources).
                                                                                              aiming at improving the
                                                                                              performance of the rolling
                              g Unified
                                        big stoppage teams prepared to work in both

        Carlos Ivan matoso

                              “The project was developed in a very positive way. The relationship between both
                              project leaders was honest, professional and this allowed us to complete all the
                              actions within the deadline and the planned savings. In the beginning of the
                              project the team feared that they would lose their functions and their jobs. We also
                              had some difficulty moving people between Jeceaba and Barreiro to perform their
                              activities. Nowadays, since all management is unified, people already have the
                              commute between Jeceaba and Barreiro as part of their routine.”
                                Carlos Ivan Matoso / Central Maintenance Superintendent

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          Human Resources
            eduardo ribas
          Human Resources
          until October 2017

                                      g Unification of Human Resource departments.       X Next Steps
                                                                                         • Actions forecasted in the new
                                      g Reduction of HR departments in both plants.         strategic HR plan completed.
                                                                                         • Monitoring the performance of
                                      g Key role in developing synergies.                   the new processes for employee
            Eduardo Ribas             g Unification and standardization of procedures.   • Continuity in management of the
                                                                                            Cultural Transformation Program.
                                      g Management
                                                   of the Cultural Transformation

                                        “We had savings with resources and people. We also
                                        improved the service for our internal clients. We simplified
                                        our structure and managed to be faster in our processes
                                        without lowering the quality of services rendered.
                                        The development of synergies was our greatest objective.”
                                           Giovanna Real / People Development manager

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      Contracts                             g Incorporate part of the Jeceaba purchasing department, which
                                              functioned independently and functionally integrate around 12        X   NEXT STEPS
        bertrand mourier                         people with the Barreiro team.
      Purchasing Superintendent
                                                                                                                   • Improvement in contract

                                            g Integration of purchasing process systems.                              management- definition of one
                                                                                                                      manager for both plants.

                                            g Announcement of the new company to suppliers.                        • Market research for companies
                                                                                                                      that have experience in the

                                            g Adjustment of all contracts in both plants to the new company.          supply to companies which have
                                                                                                                      two industrial plants such as VSB.

                                            g Renegotiation
                                                             of contracts considering service to both industrial   • Support actions related to LS 3.0-
                                                                                                                      169 actions planed involving the
                                                                                                                      purchasing department.

                                            g Migration of supplies register- circa 120 k items registered.
        Bertrand Mourier                    g Stockroom inventory and stock adjustment.

                “From the moment you have just one company and one department this brings opportunities. There’s
                nothing better than having just one company, one commercial manager and one technical manager for
                each contract. Now we reach out to the market in search for solutions for a company that has two plants. I
                think we can explore even more the negotiation potential of having just one biding process for just one
                company. This will certainly help the LS3.0 cost reduction project. The fact that our internal customers have
                merged too is also very good. It was really difficult for us to make truly unified contracts when we had two
                separate departments with two separate managers although they tried to cooperate. Today, we are creating
                just one entry way into the company for all suppliers. We don’t want suppliers to have to go through two
                different processes to work for the company.”
                  Bertrand Mourier / Purchasing Superintendent

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          Energy, Utilities
          and Infrastructure
            lucas sampaio
          Energy, Utilities, Infrastructure and
          Environment Superintendent

                                                       g Integration of Energy, Utilities and Infrastructure
                                                         departments in both plants.

                                                       g Setup of regular follow-up routines related to working
                                                         environment, costs, quality and productivity.

                                                       g Unification of corporate contracts- mail, cleaning, sweeping,
                                                         upkeep of greenery, electric energy and Jeceaba DBOT.

                                                       g Reduction  of operational risks and consequently reduction
                                                         of insurance costs.
            LUCAS SAMPAIO

                               “We are managing to do more with less. Less in all senses, labor- our own,
                               outsourced, contracts etc. We have gained in quality, in the way we operate,
                               manage and do. We have gained in communication in both units. We have
                               facilitated understanding among the teams. Communication is the key to
                               success in any organization. It is important that we be role models for other
                               teams so that they may engage in the same objectives.”
                                  LUCAS SAMPAIO / Energy, Utilities, Infrastructure and Environment Superintendent

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      Finishing              g Integration
                               floor areas.
                                            of people, processes and operations in the finishing

                                                                                                       “We have monthly meetings
      Lines                  g Transfer of the Casing Coupling production from Barreiro to
                               Jeceaba- to balance the productive capacity of the plants.              of the managers with the
                                                                                                       team. We use this time to
                             g Use
        mateus silveira             of existing labor force through synergy avoiding hiring or
      OCTG Tube Production
                               firing personnel.                                                       convey the strategic
                                                                                                       guidelines of the company
                             g Sharing experiences and best practices. e.g. Barreiro employee
                               who was temporarily transferred to Jeceaba brought back a               and talk about the results.
                                  best practice about machine configuration when he returned to        Since we have done well in
                                                                                                       our mission we had a major
                                                                                                       gain- the Petrobras contract.
                             g Setup of routine production quality and method meetings.
                               Happening every fourteen days with the participation and                We consolidated our
                                  attendance of professionals from both units.
                                                                                                       position by being a
                             g Unification of maintenance, reducing costs and improving                solution provider and not
                               performance with professionals working in both units.                   only a tube supplier. If we
        Mateus Silveira
                                                                                                       had focused on the tubes
                             g Only one spare parts inventory; impacting cost reductions.              alone, we would have lost.
                             g Setup of four big safety stoppages with the entire team to improve
                               communication about safety and other relevant issues.
                                                                                                       We will render services,
                                                                                                       preparation for shipping…
                             g Change in the purchasing procedure for threading protectors.            To establish our mission in
                                                                                                       the foreign market we need
                             g Testing: similar tools among plants, different lubrication practices,
                               standardization of other raw materials (grease, packaging items,        to reinforce our archetypes
                                                                                                       and be highly competitive.”
                             g Adjustment focused on services aiming at meeting the
                               requirements of the Petrobras contract- e.g. Preparation for
                                                                                                         Mateus Silveira / OCTG Tube
                                                                                                       Production Superintendent
                                  loading products.

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          BIP CAPEX –                                Due to the industrial remodeling of the Vallourec plants in Brazil (BIP-Brazilian
                                                     Industrial Plan) this project deals with the deployment of the necessary
          Investments                                investments associated to the industrial synergies. The attempt to optimize
                                                     assets, to generate savings and to increase competitiveness are the pillars of this
            fabiano pereira                          project. The optimization of the Jeceaba Steel Mill (100% of the billets for the
          Engineering, Investments and
          Technology Superintendent
                                                     three rolling mills for both units are produced in Jeceaba), this allows for the
                                                     shutdown of the steel mill and blast furnace in Barreiro.

                                                g Implement   the necessary project to adapt the Jeceaba unit to produce billets
                                                  for Barreiro.

                                                g Implement   the necessary project to adapt the Barreiro unit to receive and use
                                                  billets from Jeceaba.

                                                g In addition, integration of Engineering and Investments departments of both
                                                  units (Barreiro and Jeceaba) was made.

                                                g    Adjustment of Jeceaba Steel Mill to produce billets for Barreiro.
            Fabiano Pereira

         “The main project, which is the adaptation of the Jeceaba Steel Mill to produce
         bars for Barreiro, was completed in June 2017. Since then, bars are already being                                          X      Next Steps

         produced in Jeceaba that are being rolled in Barreiro. We still have the bar-cutting                                       • Adaptation of the billet
                                                                                                                                       cutting lines in Barreiro.
         line in Barreiro and traceability in Barreiro Plug Mill. We need to complete the                                           • Traceability in the Barreiro
         remaining projects and qualification of the products with the use of Jeceaba bars                                             Plug mill.
         for the customers of Barreiro. Once this qualification was concluded, the Steel Mill
         and the Blast Furnace of Barreiro could be disconnected.”
            Fabiano Pereira / Engineering, Investments and Technology Superintendent

1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet                                                                                                                                   21
7 - Highlights Work Groups

        lothar birkhäuser
      Industrial ,Technology
      and Upstream Director

                               g Redesign  the industrial structure of the Jeceaba and Barreiro units
                                 unifying the superintendencies.

                               g Setup an Industrial Technology department, integrating experts
                                 and know-how from both plants, speeding up problem solving and
                                    perfecting the interfaces with the other units of Vallourec group.

                               g Strengthen  the automation processes by focusing on critical issues
                                 offering quick responses to solve problems.

        Lothar Birkhäuser

                               “To support the transformation of Vallourec in Brazil and consolidate the
                               new industrial design of the Jeceaba and Barreiro units, it is necessary to
                               also work to redefine the structures that would better support these
                               changes having the participation and consent of NSSMC.”
                                 lothar birkhäuser / Industrial ,Technology and Upstream Director

22                                                                                                           1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet
7 - Highlights Work Groups

          Operational                            g    Systems Unification of: billing, sales, production,
                                                      planning, invoicing for material dispatch and of systems
                                                      of billing, sales, production, planning, issuance of
                                                                                                                 g Adjustments  that enable industrial synergies in times
                                                                                                                   of decreased demand.

          and Sales                                   material output invoices.
                                                                                                                 g Unification of equipment inventories.
                                                 g    Adjustments regarding confidentiality of commercial
                                                                                                                 g Unification of transportation contracts of personnel,

          Planning/                                   order systems between the Barreiro commercial team
                                                      and their NSSMC counterparts.
                                                                                                                   products and cargo transport.

                                                                                                                 g Appointment  of one Internal Logistics Manager for

          Logistics                              g    Organization of the system regarding the placement of
                                                      orders versus production in a given plant.
                                                                                                                   both plants.

                                                                                                                 g Appointment  of one External Logistics Manager for
            adriana magalhães
          Logistics Superintendent               g    Adjustment regarding the possibility of a product
                                                      beginning its production process in one plant and
                                                                                                                   both plants.

                                                      finishing in the other.
                                                                                                                 g Know-how   sharing with the Jeceaba team regarding
                                                                                                                   the export process.
                                                 g    Unified inventory check.
                                                                                                                 g Change  in the allocation model for tubes in the Rio
                                                 g    Unification of billing in both units.                        de Janeiro port, considering new dispatch volumes
                                                                                                                      and consequent cost reduction.
                                                 g    Integration of sales, production and finances planning.

                                                 g    Consider the three rolling mills as integrated units for
                                                      planning purposes.
                                                                                                                             X next steps
            Adriana Magalhães
                                                                                                                              • Data harmonization in the post-merger
          “Long before the shutdown of the blast furnaces and steel mill in Barreiro, an                                         system.
                                                                                                                              • Development of KPIs considering the
          announcement was made to all. This showed enormous respect for people and                                              new reality. E.g.: Integrated view of a
          demonstrated transparency. There was clarity regarding what would happen, so all                                       sales order that leaves one site and is
                                                                                                                                 produced in another.
          people had more time to make decisions. For instance: relocating employees from the                                 • Adjustments to support the shutdown
          blast furnaces and steel mill, transferring people to Jeceaba and considering retirements,                             of the blast furnace and steel mill in
          which are normal and natural. This was a tremendous demonstration of respect. All                                      Barreiro.

          people got information and managed to work with it in the best possible way.”
            Adriana Magalhães / Logistics Superintendent

1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet                                                                                                                                        23
7 - Highlights Work Groups

        júlio márcio silva

        júlio márcio silva
                                                g Harmonization
                                                  in the system.
                                                                 of 17 quality procedures
                                                                                                 X    NEXT STEPS
                                                                                                 • Conclusion of qualification
                                                g Use
        marcelo ferreira
                                                      of a single Quality Manual for the
      Steel Manufacturing
                                                                                                    processes with the clients.
      Processes Manager                           new company.
                                                                                                 • Continuity of the
                                                                                                    industrialization process.
                                                g Qualification and certification of more
                                                  than 250 clients.

                                                g 220 items industrialized in the Barreiro
                                                  and Jeceaba Plant.

                               “We had to tell our clients what the new company was, and what would change
                               in terms of Quality. We had to reassure our clients regarding the quality matter.
                               We discussed all these issues with NSSMC, in Brazil and in Japan, in order to
        Júlio Márcio Silva     define how the communication with the clients would be. Quality documents,
                               marking, licenses... Everything was covered within this work. We had to
                               determine how the certification of tubes manufactured in Barreiro and Jeceaba
                               would be. We checked, with the normative entities such as API, how this
                               certification would be. The products wouldn’t be from VSB or VBR, anymore.
                               They would be from Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil. All this was
                               discussed and agreed upon with NSSMC.”
                                Júlio Márcio Silva / Quality Superintendent / INDUSTRIALIZATION Superintendent

24                                                                                                                     1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet
7 - Highlights Work Groups

          Barreiro Blast Furnaces
          and Steel Plant Shutdown
            cláudio musso
          Steel Making Superintendent

                                                     g   Shutdown of Blast Furnace 2 in Barreiro in February
                                                         2016.                                                   X next steps
                                                     g   Maintaining a positive work environment; striving to
                                                         maintain good safety results while performing all the
                                                                                                                 • Continuation in the personnel
                                                                                                                    reassignment process.
                                                         planned industrial processes.                           • Shutdown of Blast Furnace 1 and Steel
                                                                                                                    Mill in Barreiro by June 2018.
                                                     g   Assessment of the opportunities within the group, for
                                                         the reassignment and relocation of personnel.

            Cláudio Musso

                                        “Our main focus of the work was on people; maintaining a positive work environment and
                                        good communication, creating synergies while maintaining safety. Unifying structures,
                                        aiming at the best opportunities for all people and also retaining people know-how in the
                                        company. Besides the unification of the Steel Making superintendencies in both sites, the
                                        Maintenance, Pig Iron Production, Steel Making Quality, Pellets Commercialization and
                                        Co-products Sales departments were also unified.
                                        There was strong collaboration with the HR department and we have already concluded the
                                        relocation of many people from the Steel Making Superintendency in Barreiro to the Steel
                                        making Superintendency in Jeceaba. Relocation has also been made to other areas of the
                                        company and the group.”
                                         Cláudio Musso / STEEL making SUPERINTENDENT

1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet                                                                                                                         25
7 - Highlights Work Groups

      Adaptation of Forests –
      Rota 108
        moacir nascimento
      Vallourec Florestal

                                 g Setup of the Rota 108 project - Reduction of the sales price of
                                   charcoal to VSB.                                                       X next steps
                                                                                                          • Ensure the implementation of the
                                 g Reassessment  of all operational and administrative processes
                                   focusing on cost reduction (Carbonization, Forestry, Harvest
                                                                                                             actions planned in the project.
                                                                                                          • Keep the follow up/evolution of the
                                      and Support).
                                                                                                          • Keep the whole team on track making
                                 g Adjustment of Florestal management structure, adjusting the
                                   number of superintendencies, departments and support teams.
                                                                                                             sure not to lose focus of the project
                                                                                                          • Strengthen a routine of idea
                                 g Promoting  events with the participation of operational team and
                                   administrative team, with the purpose of presenting the current
                                                                                                             development in each department and
                                                                                                             setup a workshop to share experiences
                                      status of the project, next steps and highlighting the importance
                                                                                                             among the leaders of the Rota 108 and
        Moacir Nascimento             of VFL in the transformation process of the Vallourec Group.
                                                                                                             LS 3.0 projects.

                                 g Development of ideas of cost reduction during the
                                   implementation of the Rota 108 project.

      “The Rota 108 project is being developed in order for charcoal to regain its competitiveness in steel
      production, versus the alternative route which is the use of scrap. In addition, it has helped management
      to work with method, discipline and cooperation. This will ensure the sustainability of the results in the
      long run. The Vallourec Florestal unit team is proud of the work currently being developed and we have
      certainly become more seasoned to achieve the results needed to reach the target.”
        Moacir Nascimento / Vallourec Florestal Superintendent

26                                                                                                                                      1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet
7 - Highlights Work Groups

          Program                                  VSB’s competitiveness is essential to the survival of the company.
                                                   Low International oil prices; Critical political environment in Brazil;
          Management                               Severe economic crisis; Petrobras, our main client is in a delicate
                                                   situation; automotive industry and industrial sectors affected by the
                                                                                                                                         — IMPORTANT
                                                                                                                                         MILESTONES OF THE
                                                   GDP fall; Overcapacity of the steel industry in Brazil. This was the
            rubens frreira filho
          Advisor for Strategic Affairs and        scenario when the VSB Transformation Project was deployed.
          Manager of the Transformation
          Program for the New VSB.                                                                                                       PROGRAM
                                                   We received the mission of creating, in Brazil, a highly competitive
                                                   hub in premium solutions. Hence four goals were established:
                                                                                                                                           Establishment of the commercial
                                                                                                                                           agreement between Vallourec and

                                              MAKING AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF VALLOUREC IN                                              Feb/2016 – Shutdown of Blast
                                              BRASIL POSSIBLE (SYNERGY)                                                                    Furnance 2 in Barreiro.

                                              Merging the two plants and creating a new company with a single CNPJ, with the
                                                                                                                                           10/01/2016 – Integration of SAP /
                                              continuous industrial cooperation of NSSMC. Bringing together all the support functions,
                                                                                                                                           company and signing of the
                                              implement the unified SAP, streamline processes and change the culture.
                                                                                                                                           agreement with NSSMC.
            Rubens Ferreira filho
                                              TRANSFORM JECEABA INTO A PREMIUM PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                           Jun/2017 – Investment in the
                                                                                                                                           adaptation of the Continuous Casting
                                              Produce new steel grades and create a new Rolling Mill and Finishing Line. Create            for the production of 180 and 220
                                              and develop new steels to meet the requests coming from Europe and the USA. Enable           millimeters round billets in Jeceaba.
                                              Jeceaba to have a relevant production of Line Pipe tubes.
                                                                                                                                           SECOND HALF OF 2018 –
                                              OPTIMIZE OUR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE                                                            Shutdown of the Steel Mill in
                                              To reach this goal, it is necessary to optimize the occupation by shutting down              Barreiro and resume operations of
                                              The two Blast Furnaces and the Steel Mill in Barreiro and concentrating steel                the Blast Furnace in Jeceaba.
                                              production in Jeceaba.

                                              IMPROVE COST EFFICIENCY
                                              Reach the cost reduction program targets. Make synergies with the work force in
                                              production and in the support areas. Adjust investments.

1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet                                                                                                                                                27
7 - Highlights Work Groups

      “When I was informed that I would be the leader of the Transformation Program of the new VSB, I
      asked myself, ‘What is that?’, and I looked for literature on the subject. In the first page of one of the
      books there was the following sentence: ‘If you are reading this book it is because you’ve been
      invited to participate in a merger and acquisition program. If it´s true, congratulations! Few people
      work in such programs. But, don’t celebrate just yet ... ‘
      The author states that in 100% of programs of this nature, 65% fail and 95% of these failures are due to
      a communication problem. Besides that, the author mentions that in such projects involving values
      higher than 250 million dollars, it is imperative to hire a specialized consulting company. In our case,
      our guidelines were to do the job without the support of a consulting company, so I set out to
      discover what were the most common reasons these processes failed. The issue is not simply an
      economic one, but rather lies on the cultural factor: people need to feel like one team. The company
      continues to operate and have good results, but uniting two different teams and getting everyone on
      board is the big challenge. We have already made advances in this direction. The synergies were
      important in the management processes and in the feeling of individual belonging, within the work
      teams. Joint meetings also help in this sense. I believe that of all of our challenges, besides reaching
      the economic target of LS 3.0, it is paramount to make everyone feel part of the same company.
      We Are One Team.”

        Rubens Ferreira Filho / Advisor of Strategical Affairs/ General Manager of VSB Transformation Program

28                                                                                                              1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet

                                   Alexandre de             Manfred Leyerer           João Perez Júnior       Lothar Birkhäuser
                                   Campos Lyra              Chief Financial Officer   Commercial and          Upstream Industrial and
                                   Senior Vice President                              Downstream Operations   Technology Director
                                   of the Vallourec Group                             Director
                                   in South America

T   he first step of the challenge was concluded very successfully. As milestones of this phase, we highlight the SAP system
    integration and the creation of a single CNPJ for the New VSB.

The second phase is now! Among all the planned actions still to come, our main mission is the achievement of the cost
reduction targets. Ensuring that our products have competitive prices is paramount to the New VSB so that we are strong
both in the domestic and global markets.

Last but not least, regarding the Cultural Change Plan being implemented, its very important to highlight the One Team
feeling idea. We have to meet this challenge head on and for this we rely on the engagement of each and every employee of
the new company.

We are all one company! We are One Team!
Board of Directors of Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil – VSB.
     API: American Petroleum Institute                DBOT: Design, Build, Operate and Transfer.      a shareholder of the Vallourec group, a          of calculation of prices for products and
     APO: system connected to the production          To transfer to a specialized company,           VSB special client, a strategic partner in       services imported or exported between
     planning                                         all the prospection, harvesting and treatment   the development of technologies and a            companies considered to be bound by the
     Archetypes: model or image of something          of waters and waste processes.                  competitor in the seamless steel tubes           transfer pricing law in Brazil.
     that molds people’s culture.                     Downstream: “end of flow”. In our business,     market.                                          Transfer Table: performance/savings
     Benchmarking: is the search for best             the term is related to finishing lines.         PMO: abbreviation of Project Management          measurement tool using fixed and variable
     practices that lead to superior performance.     Slag: by product generated of steel             Office which is the sector responsible           cost control.
     BIP: Brazilian Industrial Plan, has as           production.                                     for defining and maintaining the project         Upstream: in our business, the term refers to
     objective the increase of competitiveness of     IndEX: Vallourec cost reduction corporate       management standards in the company, in          steel making production and also the rolling
     Vallourec in Brasil through the optimization     program.                                        order to optimize the control and execution      of tubes.
     of the steel making area, and the consequent     Knowledge Blocks: are groups formed by          of the organization as a whole or of one         VMS: Vallourec Management System.
     shutdown of the Steel Mill and Blast Furnace     experts from the company departments            specific area.
     in Barreiro.                                     who are implementing the cultural change        Premiumization: making something
     BPS: Business Planning and Simulation,           actions raised in the Lever Groups.             Premium. Term used in regarding the need
     budget control model used by the Planning        KPI: Key Performance Indicator.                 to adapt the Jeceaba plant to produce tubes
     department which was not used by Jeceaba         Lead Time: waiting time. It is used to          with advanced technical specifications that
     plant.                                           monitor the delivery flows to internal and      characterize our product as Premium.
     BSC: Balanced Scorecard means balanced           external clients.                               Responsiveness: is the responsibility
     performance indicators                           Lean: short form of the international           without fear. In psychology, it refers to
     Business Intelligence: set of management         management tool known as Lean                   comprehensive attitudes that aim to promote
     reporting tools and KPIs.                        Manufacturing which seeks to improve            and develop autonomy and self affirmation.
     CADE: acronym which stands for Conselho          process performance.                            Rota 108 (Route 108): project created to
     Administrativo de Defesa Econômica. It is        Lever Groups: Leverage means to boost,          develop ideas and implement actions that
     the Brazilian federal body, with purpose         encourage, promote, instigate. The lever        aim at reducing the production cost and final
     of guiding, supervising, preventing and          groups were formed aiming at boosting the       price of the charcoal in Vallourec Florestal.
     investigating abuses of economic power.          cultural change in the new company.             S&OP: Sales and Operational Planning
     CAPEX: CAPital Expenditure. It indicates         Line Pipe: tubes produced by VSB with           SAP: the main VSB data processing system
     the amount of money spent on the purchase        specific technical characteristics for          used by almost all departments of the
     of machinery, equipment, building materials,     transport of oil and gas.                       company.
     industrial facilities of a certain company.      LS 3.0: program created to generate ideas       Sponsor: In project management sponsor or
     Cascading: creating a cascade effect for the     and action plans with the aim of reducing       patron is the person who supports a project
     handing down of information to teams and         the production costs and final price of tubes   inside the organization.
     coworkers.                                       in VSB. LS is the acronym for Long Sausage.     Stakeholders: it refers to interested parties.
     Casing Couplings: parts produced by VSB          The “nickname” was given to the program         They are all the groups or individuals a
     that belong to the connections between           due to the extensive unfolding resulting        company or entity affects or is affected by.
     casing tubes for oil wells.                      from cost assessment in each step of the        TQM: Total Quality Management.
     Continuous Casting: industrial facility in the   production process of the tube.                 Traceability: capacity to trace the
     Steel Mill area responsible for transforming     Mindset Map: tool designed to disseminate       background, application, use and location
     liquid steel into solid billets.                 the basic concepts fundamental to cultural      of an individual commodity or a set of
     Controller: professional from the Controlling    change. It is important that each employee      characteristics of commodities, by means of
     area whose function it is to coordinate the      understands the purpose of the Mindset Map      identification.
     management process, in the economic,             and uses it as a guide in this or her routine   Tracker: Reference tube for process
     financial and patrimonial aspects.               actions at work.                                monitoring.
     Coovall: Vallourec Employees Credit              NSSMC: acronym corresponding to Nippon          Transfer Price: or Transfer Pricing, is
     Cooperative.                                     Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation,           the general name given to the methods

30                                                                                                                                                           1 year of new vsb | Special Booklet
— think
      — what are the
 3 ARCHETYPES desired for
 the building of the new
culture for the new VSB?
    People who answer correctly will
   take part in a raffle for the new VSB
         polo shirts of New VSB.

    Send your answer with your name, extension and personal
    number to the WhatsApp of the communication department:   9 9854 9699
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