NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group

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NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
2021 - ISSUE 80                                                     w w w. i f a a z a . o r g


                    Which way, SA?
   Parliament must lead
   the way to a fully
   functional democracy
                                           Failed State


  Also inside:
  IFAA report lists concrete proposals to change Parliament
  Kgalema Motlanthe calls on Parliament to get its house in order
  US hampering peace efforts in Ethiopia                                  ISSN: 1607-2820
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group

EDITORIAL BOARD                                              NEWAGENDA
                                                  SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICY

   HON MR KGALEMA MOTLANTHE                       New Agenda is a publication of the Institute for African
   (Chairperson), former President and former     Alternatives (IFAA)
   Deputy President of South Africa
                                                  CONTACT US
                                                  Twitter: @IFAACT or @NEWAGENDAZA
   Director, Institute for African Alternatives   Instagram: @newagenda_ifaa
   (IFAA)                                         Tel: +27 21 461 2340
                                                  Address: Community House, 41 Salt River Road, Salt River
                                                  Cape Town 7925

                                                  IFAA STAFF
   MR tony ehrenreich
   Parliamentary liaison officer                  Zunaid Moolla
   for COSATU                                     Guest Editor
                                                  Martin Nicol
                                                  Project Manager
                                                  Christine Leibach
                                                  Production Manager
   mr pallo jordan                                Moira Levy
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                                                  Hibist Kassa
   Former Cabinet Minister and member of the
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   National Executive Committee of the ANC        Bruce Kadalie
                                                  Administration, Finance and Subscriptions
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   PROF EVANCE KALULA                             Assistant Researcher
                                                  Rachel Nyirongo
   Emeritus Professor of Law, University of       Project Assistant
   Cape Town,                                     Phethani Madzivhandila
   Chair, ILO Committee of Freedom of             Publisher
   Association                                    Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA)
                                                  The Media Chilli
   PROF steven robins
   Professor in the Department of Sociology       Sponsored by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
   and Social Anthropology, University of         with funds of the Federal Ministry for
                                                  Economic Cooperation and Development
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                                                  publication or parts of it can be used by others for free
                                                  as long as they provide a proper reference to the original
   PROF ari sitas                                 publication.
   Former head of the Sociology Department,
   University of Cape Town, and writer,
   dramatist and poet

   MS BUYELWA SONJICA                             New Agenda is accredited with the
                                                  Department of Higher Education and Training.
   Former Minister of Minerals and Energy
                                                  ISSN: 1607-2820
                                                  Copyright: Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA) unless
                                                  used with permission of any third party and referenced
                                                  accordingly. The publishers are not responsible for
                                                  unsolicited material. New Agenda is published quarterly by
   PROF VIVIENE TAYLOR                            IFAA. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those
   Former Head of Department of Social            of IFAA. All advertisements/advertorials and promotions
   Development, UCT                               have been paid for and therefore do not carry any
                                                  endorsement by IFAA.
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Contents                                                  Issue 80

Editorial Comment               22 Ethiopia’s impact on                       Education in SA
                                     security and peace in
3    Dereliction of                  the horn of hope:                        44 No higher education,
     Democratic Duty                 Framing six salient                           good jobs without
     By Martin Nicol                 issues                                        ‘normal’ university
                                     By Iqbal Jhazbhay                             matric pass
                                                                                   By Seamus Needham
Checks and Balances
                                26   Washington’s
                                     Ethiopia                                 49 TVET Colleges: a
                                     policy – hybrid                               lifeline for youth at
                                     warfare in the                                risk
4    ‘Fill Parliament’s seats
                                     making (again)                                By Seamus Needham
     with strong, moral
     leaders’                        By Rob Prince
                                                                              51   With political will and
     By Kgalema Motlanthe                                                          policy change, an
                                31 Commemorating                                   alternative can be
                                     a victory for
6    ‘Trust deficit’ in
     Parliament hampers              Ethiopianism and
                                                                                   By Enver Motala
     its effectiveness               Pan Africanism
     By Lawson Naidoo                By the Embassy of Ethiopia in Pretoria
                                                                              55 ‘I like the word
                                                                                   “comic” because life is
9    Acting on the              Gender-Based Violence                              ridiculous:’
     evidence                                                                      Teaching the graphic
     By Moira Levy
                                and Femicide                                       novel, an interview
                                                                                   with Nathan
13   Broken branch              34 What has happened                               Trantraal
     structure is ANC’s              since the Gender                              By Koni Benson
     Achilles heel                   Summit?
     By Keith Gottschalk                                                      Book Review
                                Farmers’ Protests in
COVID-19                        India                                         58 Crossroads:  I live
                                                                                 Where I like
16 Mitigating  the impact
   of COVID-19 and
                                37 Agrarian reforms                                A Graphic History
                                     and farmers’ protests                         Review by Gertrude Fester
     options for economic            in India: a policy
     revival in SA                   perspective
     By Busani Ngcaweni and          By Debottam Saha, Kranthi Nanduri and
                                                                              60 The Lie of 1652: A
                                                                                 decolonised history
     Jacqueline Nkate                Raya Das                                      of land
                                                                                   Review by Desiree Lewis
Ethiopia                        Transforming Eskom
21 Towards the modern
   Ethiopian state
                                42 Climate change
                                     demands Eskom reform
                                     By Moira Levy
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Editorial comment

 Dereliction of democratic duty
No one needs more bad news, at this time. But it keeps coming.

By Martin Nicol
                                            Auditor-General for Parliament to act on

      n April, the DM168 newspaper’s        recommendations to stop the theft and
      front page revealed “the              abuse of public funds.
      dangerously disgusting state                The research pointed to steps
      of South Africa’s rivers which        Parliament could take to improve its
are being polluted by failing sewage        performance. But IFAA concluded that
treatment works.” It’s research found       the main source of the problem with
that “more than half of all South           our democracy is the poor quality of
Africa’s sewage treatment works are         our public representatives. Former
not functioning as they should.”            President and chairperson of the IFFA
    Our municipalities are run by           Board Kgalema Motlanthe has called on
democratically elected councils. The        Parliament to get its house in order and
councillors have been singularly inept      fill its seats with effective, efficient and   controversies. All the issues raised will
at holding to account the executive         ethical representatives.                       be hampered and conditioned by our
mayors and municipal managers who                 We do not have a way of choosing         COVID-19 responses.
are responsible for sanitation and          the best people as MPs, municipal                  Despite COVID-19, violence has re-
water infrastructure.                       councillors or members of provincial           ignited across Africa, from Mozambique
    The job of councillors – and our        legislatures. Democracy does not               to Nigeria and from Chad to Somalia.
elected representatives in provincial       work to the general benefit when the           New Agenda includes a reflection on
governments and Parliament – is to          majority of elected representatives lack       the present crisis in Ethiopia, which
decide how funds collected from the         backbones, capability and dedication to        has returned to war to settle political
public should best be spent and to          the public good.                               disagreements. We also recognise the
ensure that the executive authorities                                                      125-year anniversary of the defeat of
deliver services in line with budgets.      Permanent Covid                                an Italian colonial army at the Battle
    The public sector spends R5-billion         Even with vaccines, COVID-19 is            of Adwa in 1896 by a united force of
a year on expert monitors who check         going to remain part of our future.            Ethiopian defenders.
on spending, and where problems             COVID-19 issues add a new dimension to             At a time in which we gasp in
exist. The Auditor-General even gives       bad news and long-existing challenges.         amazement at the destruction of the
advice on where controls are weak and           Busani Ngcaweni and Jacqueline             African Studies Library at UCT, we
need improvement.                           Nkate, reflect on research on the              include an interview and book review
    Our representatives swear oaths         harmful impacts of COVID-19 on                 dealing with an innovative effort to tell
and accept remuneration, but, by and        the economy and on poverty and                 our history using comics and the format
large, they do not play the roles they      inequality. As Operation Vulindlela, the       of the graphic novel.
are assigned as checks and balances on      government’s infrastructure plan gets              Desiree Lewis, applies a lens of de-
executive action.                           underway, they argue that bureaucratic         colonial analysis to her review of Patric
    In early 2021, IFAA reported on its     and other systemic and institutional           Tariq Mellet’s book The Lie of 1652. Bad
ongoing “Checks and Balances” project.      inefficiencies have to be addressed if the     news – now better understood.
This started life in 2019 with a focus on   recovery plan is to succeed.
Parliament and the Auditor-General.             Other articles, on education, the just     Reference
The aim was to help Parliament perform      transition and action against gender-          Kretzmann, S., Luhanga, P. & Damba, N. 2021. ‘Up
                                                                                           Sh*t’s Creek With No Paddle’. DM168.
better, after repeated calls from the       based violence, deal with standing

                                                                                                     Issue 80 - New Agenda                    3
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
The Institute for African Alternatives has released Checks and Balances: The Auditor-General
       Project Report on Parliament’s failure to conduct effective oversight of government spending
    and call the executive to account. The result is fruitless and wasteful expenditure, theft of national
      funds and, in turn, ongoing and worsening poverty, inequality and corruption. The report lists
                 concrete proposals to make the changes that South Africa urgently needs.

        ‘Fill Parliament’s seats with
            strong, moral leaders’
By Kgalema Motlanthe

Kgalema Motlanthe served as South Africa’s President from 25 September 2008 to 9 May
2009, following the resignation of Thabo Mbeki, whereafter he filled the post of Deputy
President. During his many years of political service, he has been Deputy President and
has also at different times been Secretary-General and Deputy President of the ANC. He
is the current chairperson of the board of the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA)
and is patron of the Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation.

                                      KGALEMA MOTLANTHE,                         political consciousness, dialogue and
                                                                                 constructive analysis of South African
                                      in his opening remarks at                  and African socioeconomic and
                                      the launch of Checks and                   political issues. As an independent
                                      Balances: The Auditor-General              Pan-African institute, the broad policy
                                                                                 research and advocacy that IFAA
                                      Project Report called on                   generates and facilitates is a clarion call
                                      Parliament to get its house                to leaders from every sector of society
                                                                                 and government to pause, think,
                                      in order and fill its seats with           reconsider and then decide which path
                                      effective, efficient and ethical           to take. It is in the dissemination of
                                      representatives.                           such progressive views and alternative
                                                                                 solutions that change-agents can be
                                                                                 empowered, and positive, equitable

                                             he Institute for African            and inclusive change can be made.
                                             Alternatives (IFAA) has, for            IFAA’s Checks and Balances: The
                                             more than three decades, been       Auditor-General Project Report is one such
                                             a vanguard for critical thinking,   contribution to the development and

4      New Agenda - Issue 80
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Checks and Balances Project

construction of a humane and better                                                           When considering the checks and
managed South Africa for all. It is a                                                     balances written into our Constitution
document that not only dives deep                                                         and the urgent need for just,
into the crux of the challenges that                                                      transparent, efficient and accountable
face the financial management of                [Ben Turok] believed                      management of public funds, Professor
South Africa, but also offers delicate                                                    Turok was deeply concerned and vocal
scrutiny of the crucial relationships and       that self-enrichment                      about the open-ended and perilous cycle
volatile tension between government             and a departure                           that played out year after year between
departments and their oath of office                                                      the Auditor-General, government
to the Constitution of the Republic of          from the strong                           departments, the National Assembly
South Africa.                                   moral values so                           and the Standing Committee on Public
    These insights on the management                                                      Accounts (SCOPA); an abysmal cycle
of public funds supply change-agents,           eloquently captured                       that produced routinely bad reports
academics, activists and indeed public          in the preamble to                        with little or no accountability.
representatives, with an arsenal of                                                           IFAA’s Checks and Balances: The
knowledge that places them in a                 the Constitution                          Auditor-General Project Report seeks to
position to continue fighting for               of the Republic                           investigate and offer tangible solutions
the people and strengthening our                                                          as to why and how this damaging cycle
democracy.                                      of South Africa                           is perpetuated, and what remedies
    It is the strength of our democracy         are at the heart of                       can be put in place to ensure the
that is being tested during these                                                         implementation of the Auditor-
uncertain times as the world confronts          government’s failure                      General’s recommendations.
COVID-19, and the scramble to find              to lead.                                      In the search for concrete
an equilibrium within the extreme                                                         steps to improve the financial
disruptions caused by the pandemic                                                        mismanagement of public funds, and
dissects and reveals the calibre of our      the people of South Africa.                  to propel democratic culture within
leaders and public representatives. To           Professor Turok’s work in                our constitutional democracy, let us
take courage, display conviction and earn    understanding and advocacy of the            respond within the spirit of Professor
the confidence of the people are but a few   Constitution is the kind of alert            Ben Turok’s ethical leadership, as he
steps in the eternal quest to strengthen     activism that gives effect to the supreme    reminds us of our ongoing duty to apply
democracy. It is a crusade that bares        law of our land, and drives the agenda       our minds, audit our achievements,
many moral pitfalls and finds even the       of strengthening constitutional              scrutinise our modes of operation, and
best of us on the backend of a stumble.      democracy.                                   continuously engage in dialogue with
    A consistent moral leader of our             Like IFAA, and Professor Turok           each other.
time, whose lifelong dedication to           himself, our collective pursuit to
fight injustice, comrade Professor           promote and ensure constitutional            Parliament’s role
Ben Turok was one among many who             supremacy, is one of the most important          The recommendation that
sacrificed their all to attain liberation    endeavours in maintaining and                Parliament should put its house in
and strengthen democracy. Professor          reinforcing constitutional democracy.        order – largely by implementing its own
Turok asked each and every one of us to          Protecting the supremacy of the          commissioned reports to improve its
re-examine whether what we are fed by        Constitution is possible because, in a       accountability processes and oversight
the status quo is what we actually need      constitutional democracy where power         reach – has been strongly supported in
and encouraged an ongoing criticism          is properly shared by the executive, the     recent months by the evidence heard
of passivity and of corrupt governance.      legislature and the judiciary, the courts    before the Zondo Commission into state
He believed that self-enrichment and a       are independent and subject only to the      capture. “Where was Parliament?” Judge
departure from the strong moral values       law and the Constitution of the Republic     Zondo asked, when contemplating
so eloquently captured in the preamble       itself. This doctrine of the separation of   the thievery and corruption paraded
to the Constitution of the Republic          powers allows for checks and balances to     before him every day. This is exactly the
of South Africa are at the heart of          ensure that the separate institutions are    question asked by the Auditor-General,
government’s failure to lead and serve       monitored and held accountable.              over years!

                                                                                                  Issue 80 - New Agenda          5
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
No one has the responsibility to      ranks of our political parties.                 These are issues of activism – no
tell Parliament how to do the job it is        How can we act to enhance the           new laws are needed for profiling and
given in the Constitution to hold the      quality and character of elected            investigating people put forward for
executive to account. Parliament makes     representatives?                            office in the 2021 municipal elections.
this decision itself and has full powers       In the short term, activists can make   This can lay the basis for an all-out effort
to design its operations to support the    sure that the biographies of people         for more perfect parliamentarians and
concept of the separation of powers,       placed on party lists are detailed and      provincial government leaders in 2024.
which simultaneously provides for          well-known. The best guide to the
checks and balances on the exercise of     performance of an unknown people                 New Agenda 78 and 79 carried preliminary
executive power, making the executive      is how they have acted in the past.         research accounts from IFAA on its project on
accountable to an elected legislature.     Crooks can change, of course, and it is     the outcome of the Auditor-General’s reports.
     The Checks and Balances report        wonderful when they do. And honest          The full report of the research team is available
repeats this point and cites examples      people do get corrupted by power            at
of the excellent reviews of Parliament     and position. But too many of our           the-auditor-generalproject-report/ and, in
since 1999 which – together with hints     public representatives are completely       addition, the interim bulletins, with accounts
from the courts – tell Parliament how to   unknown entities. Even their record in      of interviews and documentary analysis, are
up its game.                               Parliament is not really monitored. Have    available at
                                           they been good representatives? How do      balances-the-ag-project-researchbulletins/
Civil society – and all of us!             we decide this? And what sort of person
    The Checks and Balances report says    do we want political parties to put on
that not enough good, principled people    their lists?
find their way into Parliament from the

       ‘Trust deficit’ in Parliament
        hampers its effectiveness
By Lawson Naidoo

Lawson Naidoo is the Executive Secretary of the Council for the Advancement of the
South African Constitution (CASAC) and a founding partner of the political consultancy,
the Paternoster Group.

At the launch of the Institute for African Alternatives’ Checks and Balances: The Auditor-General
Project Report, it became clear that the checks and balances laid out in our Constitution go far
beyond financial accountability to refer to a broader understanding of the constitutionally defined
requirements of our Members of Parliament. That was made clear in the opening address by

6      New Agenda - Issue 80
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Checks and Balances Project

           o quote from the founding                                                      using its majority to inhibit Parliament
           provisions of the Constitution,                                                from carrying out its constitutional
           South Africa is one sovereign                                                  responsibilities, specifically stifling
           democratic state founded on                                                    procedural issues, shutting down
the following values: universal adult            … three principles                       debates, saying to portfolio committees
suffrage and a common voters’ roll,                                                       – on transport, public enterprises – that
regular elections, and a multi-party             – accountability,                        they cannot have investigations into
system of government to ensure                   responsibility and                       Prasa or Transnet or Eskom.
accountability, responsibility and                                                             In a democracy, of course the
openness. It is those three principles           openness – are key                       majority rules but you cannot have
– accountability, responsibility and             to creating a vibrant                    abuse of that power to stop debates
openness – that are key to creating a                                                     from happening. If in an open debate
vibrant and responsive democracy.                and responsive                           the majority imposes its position,
We speak of checks and balances, the             democracy.                               I don’t think anybody could have a
title of this report [by the Institute for                                                grievance about that (unless that
African Alternatives], which is very                                                      position flies in the face of the evidence
appropriate because our Constitution          an understanding of the toxic political     and is irrational); it is when Parliament
is all about a system of checks and           environment that continues to exist in      is stopped from doing its job, from
balances between the three arms of the        Parliament, even in the sixth democratic    actually discussing the issues, that there
state – the legislature, the executive and    Parliament that we now have.                is a significant problem.
the judiciary – and it is the necessary            There is something to be learned            This is one of the issues that
tension between those three that              from the way the Standing Committee         has been highlighted at the Zondo
ensures the vibrancy and the health of        on Public Accounts [SCOPA] has              Commission [into state capture]. One
every democratic society.                     operated over the years. It stands out as   of the proposals we [CASAC – the
     To hone in on Parliament, it is          one of those committees of Parliament,      Council for the Advancement of the
clear that Parliament has failed us,          perhaps the only one, that actually does    South African Constitution] have made
particularly in recent years. It has          its job consistently. It does what it is    is that Parliament should perhaps
failed in its constitutional mandate to       mandated to do. It scrutinises reports      rethink the issue of the chairmanship
scrutinise and oversee the actions of the     from the Auditor-General in great detail    of committees and perhaps allocate
executive. In the words of Ben Turok, it      and submits reports to the National         other parties an opportunity to
has allowed rampant corruption. During        Assembly. The frustration of people like    chair committees. It would create
his years as an MP in Parliament it was       Ben Turok and the late former Auditor-      an environment for the multi-party
an anathema to him that members of            General, Kimi Makwetu, is that there is     system that the Constitution speaks
his own party could behave in such a          then no follow up action.                   of, and hopefully will develop a spirit
fashion and he expected that Parliament            It is worthwhile to examine why        of cooperation amongst members of
could and should be able to do more to        SCOPA has managed to function as well       committees.
stop that. But [Parliament] has proved        as does, [with] a spirit of co-operation         This is also important in terms of the
to be impotent, especially in the face of     across parties. Obviously one of the        presiding officers of Parliament. When I
state capture.                                things that is germane to SCOPA is that     worked at Parliament as special assistant
     There are a number of reasons for        it is the only committee in Parliament      to Frene Ginwala when she was Speaker,
that. Foremost to me is the breakdown in      that is customarily chaired by a member     there was always at least one member
trust, the trust deficit, between political   of the opposition. In the Westminster       of the opposition who had some role
parties and their representatives in          tradition the main opposition party         as presiding officer. In the early days of
Parliament, specifically in the National      normally does that. In South Africa it is   the Government of National Unity, Dr
Assembly. That trust deficit has widened      someone from another party. Maybe it is     Bandra Ranchod was Deputy Speaker.
in recent years, and when you have            having [a Member from the] opposition       Later, we had presiding officers from
that breakdown in trust the institution       as chair of that committee [that enables    other opposition parties to chair plenary
cannot operate optimally. It is certainly     it to work so well].                        sessions of the National Assembly. That
not in a position to exercise the very             The systemic evidence of Parliament    gave a sense that this was a Parliament
important mandate of oversight and            not doing its job in holding the            of the people, and not just a majority
accountability. This is a real problem,       executive to account [goes back to]         party-dominated assembly. That is
and the solution will have to be based on     the insistence by the majority party of     something we have lost now. At present

                                                                                                  Issue 80 - New Agenda            7
NEWAGENDA - Parliamentary Monitoring Group
… it is clear
    that Parliament
    has failed us,
    particularly in recent
    years. It has failed
    in its constitutional
    mandate to
    scrutinise and
    oversee the actions                       the Electoral Act [to] make provision      end up in Parliament. In the current
                                              for individual candidates to stand for     pure Proportional Representation list
    of the executive.                         election at national and provincial        system parties publish lists ahead of the
                                              levels. Perhaps this is an opportunity     election but nobody scrutinises those
all of the members of the presidium of        for Parliament to go further than simply   lists in any detail. If we recommend
the presiding officers come from the          do what the Court pointed out was          something along the lines of what
majority party. It is those kinds of things   unconstitutional and instead to go for     was recommended by the majority
that lead to the breakdown of trust, the      a wholescale review of the electoral       of the Van Zyl Slabbert Task Team,
trust deficit, in Parliament.                 system, which is something that has        of a multi-member constituency of
     We speak about the issue of              been on the agenda of South Africa for     between three and seven members
accountability, and it is perhaps             20 years now.                              per constituency and a list of 15 to 20
germane to this discussion, where we              We had the Van Zyl Slabbert            names on that list, you would expect
focus on finance, the Auditor-General         Task Team in 2002, we had the              that each of those 20 people would have
and SCOPA, [to remember] that the             recommendations of the Independent         some form of relationship with the
origin of the term “accountability” is        Panel on Parliament in the late 2000s      people who vote [and they] would have
to account for money. In the context          and then more recently the High-Level      some personal understanding of the
of the Checks and Balances report that        Review Panel, which was chaired by         candidate standing in that constituency.
is obviously critical, but its meaning        former President [Kgalema] Motlanthe,      That could influence decisions on how
is clearly broader now, and is about          which made its recommendations in          [citizens] vote.
oversight and taking responsibility for       2017. It also recommended that we               The late Auditor-General demanded
actions, answering for things done in a       need to review the electoral system. So    of all of us to make our voices louder on
policy and implementation space.              there has been a process that has led us   this [issue], and as the broader South
     Perhaps we need to arm Members           up to this point and hopefully people      African society our responsibility is
of Parliament with the legislative            will grasp the opportunity to create       to become a more engaged citizenry,
safeguard of saying this is the minimum       an electoral system that is not just       not just in the electoral process but
that you need to do, and if your              proportionality representative but also    in Parliamentary and government
party tells you otherwise you have a          enhances accountability.                   processes so that we become a proper
legislative mandate to do so, and that            I am certainly not suggesting that     participatory democracy and not a
deals with the party issue.                   a different electoral system would         society that goes to the polls once every
     As the result of a Constitutional        either lead to a different electoral       five years and spends the intervening
Court judgment in the New Nation              outcome or would necessarily lead to       five years complaining about the
Movement case in June last year               greater and enhanced accountability,       government that we elected.
Parliament is now in the process of           but it may give us a little bit more
reviewing the electoral system to amend       influence over the kinds of people that

8      New Agenda - Issue 80
Checks and Balances Project

                  Acting on the evidence
By Moira Levy

Moira Levy is Production Manager of New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic
Policy, which is the flagship publication of the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA).

Following up the launch of
                                             indeed was Parliament? Political and         that steps be taken to ensure that future
IFAA’s Checks and Balances:                  civic voices are echoing this question       parliamentary representatives are up to
The Auditor-General Project                  as well. Not only when it comes to           the task of serving the people.
                                             state capture, but where is it now, given         IFAA canvassed opinions and
Report, MOIRA LEVY                           the constitutional stipulation that          proposals following the launch of
requested a range of citizens to             the legislature must provide effective       its report about Parliament and the
comment on IFAA’s proposals                  oversight and accountability?                Auditor-General. We found that the
                                                  The Speaker to Parliament, Ms           problems extended well beyond a failure
in the report, and to contribute             Thandi Modise, in a subsequent session       to act against incidents of fruitless and
their own ideas on how to                    of the Zondo Commission held at              wasteful government expenditure. MPs,
                                             the end of April 2021 conceded that          commentators and ordinary citizens
make our Parliament more                     Parliament had indeed failed to provide      were asked how South Africa could
effective in carrying out its                oversight. She apologised to “the people     find a way to ensure that in future our
oversight duties. The responses              of South Africa,” reportedly saying: “It     democracy is able to withstand the kind
                                             is regrettable that the impression is        of assaults it has experienced in the
were practical and innovative                Parliament only woke up when things          past decade and longer. The responses
and included many concrete                   were really bad.”                            placed the blame firmly at the doors of
                                                  Modise told the Zondo hearings that     the country’s legislatures, particularly at
suggestions that could be                    Parliament can interrogate any matter        national level.
implemented to make our                      at any time — and determine its own               The message that emerged is that
parliamentarians better at                   ways of doing so. It can call on anyone      South Africa must take steps to make
                                             and request any document. This is            sure that the constitutional principles of
both checking and balancing.                 stipulated in the ordinary parliamentary     transparency and accountability defend
The same principles should                   rules that have been in place from the       and protect the country’s democratic
                                             get-go of the democratic Parliament.         achievements.
extend to members of our                     MPs have always had the powers and                Many are looking to the Zondo
provincial legislatures and                  the right “to pointedly put the executive    Commission as a way out of the current
municipal councils as well.                  on the spot”, not only in committees,        mire of corruption in which South
                                             but also in the House. But she said that     Africa is currently trapped. Will the
                                             the 2009 Oversight and Accountability        Commission’s findings include hoped-
Introduction                                 (OVAC) model (which was designed by          for recommendations to reform the
    “Where was Parliament?” Deputy           the 4th Parliament of 2009 to 2014) had      electoral system?
Chief Justice Zondo asked bluntly at a       yet to be fully implemented.                      Whatever the final outcome of
hearing of the inquiry into state capture.        This came after the Zondo               the Commission, Professor Richard
The question could not have been             Commission had heard expert witnesses        Calland of the University of Cape
more timely for the Institute of African     make serious allegations of the failure of   Town’s law department spelled out
Alternatives which released Checks           Parliament to fulfil its mandate. In that    the main question: “How are we going
and Balances: The Auditor-General Project    context, a collective hope was expressed     to work to help make sure that the
Report just a few weeks before Deputy        that the inquiry into state capture will     recommendations of Zondo and the
Chief Justice Zondo’s question. Where        include among its recommendations            changes required in the conventions

                                                                                                  Issue 80 - New Agenda            9
Where was
                                                                                             Parliament? asked
                                                                                             Chief Justice
                                                                                             Zondo. Where is
                                                                                             [Parliament], given
                                                                                             the constitutional
                                                                                             stipulation that the
                                                                                             legislature must
                                                                                             provide effective
and practice [of Parliament] are             as MPs. The Concourt found that the
implemented?”                                existing Electoral Law was incompatible         oversight and
    He was not the only person to make       with the Constitution, opening the way          accountability?
the point that all the mechanisms            for electoral reform.
needed for our representatives to                The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr
effectively exercise their constitutional    Aaron Motsoaledi, acted fairly swiftly       elected MPs could increase
duty to call the executive to account        in response. Earlier this year the media     complexities and make things worse!
are in place, yet MPs consistently fail to   reported him declaring, “in complying            Nevertheless, it was suggested
make use of them.                            with the Constitutional Court judgment       that the PR system alone was not
    “The legal provisions are there.         to accommodate independent                   the problem; at the very least what
They are abundantly clear; there is no       candidates … Parliament must actually        was needed was citizens’ active
question or ambiguity about them.            take a giant leap and come up with           engagement in the process of compiling
In legal and constitutional terms            a new electoral system”. A Cabinet           parliamentary political party lists. Voters
Parliament’s role, and its authority and     committee has been established and a         must also be able to scrutinise potential
its duty, are clear. What is not clear is    draft law is in the pipeline.                candidates in advance of the poll.
how to overcome the political inhibiting         Once again, the spotlight falls on the       Many of those surveyed confirmed
factors that have got in the way of          existing Proportional Representation         one of the main findings of the IFAA
[using] them,” said Calland.                 (PR) voting system that prevents voters      Checks and Balance report. That
    Commentators emphasised how the          from directly electing the Members of        was the need for parliamentarians
Constitution provides for an effective       Parliament who will represent them.          to be fully trained and inducted,
“separation of powers” between the           Whatever its strengths, it has generally     and for them to have access to the
three arms of state – the legislature, the   been conceded that PR undermines             resources and skills required to
executive and the judiciary – and the        accountability of MPs; it is difficult to    exercise their constitutionally defined
need to revive a healthy tension between     call to account your representatives         responsibilities.
them which keeps each in check.              when you do not know who they are                This message was clear – Parliament
                                             and, more importantly, if they owe           must in future ensure that all its
Electoral reform plus                        their deployment primarily to the party      representatives understand and are
skilled MPs…                                 that put them in Parliament and only         able to live up to the oath they take
    Inevitably some of the views turned      indirectly to the voters – who chose the     when they are sworn into office. That
to the ongoing debate on the long-           party, not them.                             boils down to one central point:
standing issue of electoral reform.              The details of government’s              Parliament needs committed, ethical
Government is now compelled to               response to the required                     and appropriately skilled Members to fill
act on this issue following last year’s      constitutional and legislative changes       its 400 seats.
Constitutional Court judgment to             are not yet available. Combining
permit independent candidates to stand       parties’ PR lists with independently

10     New Agenda - Issue 80
Checks and Balances Project

   Government is now
   compelled to act on
   [electoral reform]
   following last year’s
   Court judgment to
   permit independent
   candidates to stand
   as MPs.
                                            Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG),      depth at meetings as the presentation
                                            Rashaad Alli, who pointed out that,        documents are required to be sent a week
…and more effective                         “one of the biggest problems is the        in advance so [that] committee members
committees                                  high turnover of MPs at each election.     and research teams can peruse them.
    The “need to support, educate,          According to our research, at the start    This means that the committee is able to
mentor and generally capacitate             of the sixth Parliament, 42% of MPs        ask as many questions as it wants to and
MPs” was put in a broader context by        were newcomers who did not have prior      receive detailed responses.”
Professor Ivan Turok, son of the late       legislature experience. Most of them           For a committee to be effective, he
Professor Ben Turok who founded             did not know about the committee           said, it must have an efficient follow-up
the Institute for African Alternatives      system, budget cycle or how to read an     and resolution system where committee
(IFAA). The younger Turok, who is           Amendment Bill. It is a steep learning     support staff are able to follow up
Deputy Executive Director at the Human      curve, and it takes time to develop the    on the responses they get from the
Sciences Research Council (HRSC) said,      specialised knowledge of their portfolio   submissions and deliberations the
“As a senior HSRC executive I regularly     and build up institutional memory.”        committees hear.
make presentations to parliamentary             He said “the real, substantive work        “The next time the committee meets
committees, but these engagements are       [of Parliament] – law-making, oversight    with that entity, there must be follow-
rarely effective. Committee members         and budget approval – happens in           through on the key challenges facing
need to be encouraged and enabled to        committees. Given their prominent          that entity. It needs a strong team of
focus on the essential problems and         role, it is important to look into who     MPs backed by committee and party
get to grips with the underlying issues.    sits on these structures and how           researchers and secretariat to follow-
Committees that simply skate over the       committee membership [is decided]          through. It cannot be that each meeting
surface of 101 different things cannot      to reduce turnover and build expertise.    with a particular entity starts afresh
address the core problems and their         The effectiveness of these bodies          like Groundhog Day and the committee
root causes. Committee meetings are         depends on the long-term quality of the    members react as if they are hearing the
often poorly managed, with no clear         knowledge of its members.”                 challenges for the first time.
agenda, no particular line of inquiry and       As a long-standing and objective           “By its nature, Parliament is
no follow-up actions. This is inefficient   observer of Parliament, Alli is well       a political body. As a result, it is
and results in a lack of impact, with       placed to identify the institution’s       impacted by the dominance of the
MPs apparently very often just going        strengths and weaknesses, and what         government, internal party dynamics
through the motions of having hearings      gaps need to be filled to improve its      and the electoral system. Parliamentary
and listening rather passively to all       performance. The format of committee       effectiveness depends on the attitude
kinds of inputs from external interests     meetings needs to be looked at, he said.   and commitment of Members of
and lobby groups.”                              “Chairpersons should insist that       Parliament. Even if you have a well-
    Committee performance was also          only the achievements and especially       resourced Parliament, it will provide
raised by the Executive Director of the     the challenges are orally presented in     poor outcomes if the lawmakers do not

                                                                                               Issue 80 - New Agenda         11
fulfil their duties in accordance with         of Rights, are particularly relevant.             Pienaar added that the state provides
their oath of office.”                         He includes among these: dignity,             public funding to private bodies such
                                               equality, social justice and human            as political parties, “in return for which
Public representatives                         rights, responsiveness, transparency and      some reciprocity/accountability (beyond
matter                                         accountability, and a “democratic and open    merely accounting for the funds used)
     Alison Tilley is Coordinator of the       society in which government is based on       can be reasonably expected.”
Judges Matter campaign which drives            the will of the people and every citizen is       He cited as a cause for concern
public scrutiny of the appointment of          equally protected by law” (emphasis added).   Minister of Natural Resources Gwede
judges. At the time of writing this article        Pienaar said such norms and               Mantashe’s recent evidence to the
Tilley was observing the process of filling    standards are applicable to private           Zondo Commission in which he
two vacancies at the Constitutional            organisations, such as political parties,     expressed support for the prioritisation
Court. She raised questions on the             and quoted the Bill of Rights, which          of party over state. He made this
educational requirements of those who          states:                                       clear by rejecting the authority of a
serve the public. Some suggest that                                                          parliamentary vote of no confidence to
Members of Parliament must at the                      A provision of the Bill of            remove the country’s president where
very least attain a stipulated level of               Rights binds a natural or a            that person is also a party’s president.
education. She noted that this may be                 juristic person if, and to the             “Such norms and standards would
seen as exclusionary as historical factors            extent that, it is applicable,         hopefully dispel misconceptions and
in South Africa’s past have denied many               taking into account the nature         halt perpetuation of the undemocratic
a decent education, largely on racial                 of the right and the nature of         dogma that a party’s interests are of
grounds.                                              any duty imposed by the right          greater importance than those of the
     But Members need to be at least                  (emphasis added).                      state and more important than the
fully literate and numerate, “otherwise                                                      rights of people living in South Africa.”
how can they read a budget and a
balance sheet,” she said, supporting the
proposal in the Checks and Balances
report to capacitate MPs to follow up
on the dodgy practices by the executive
exposed in the AG’s audits.
     Mr Gary Pienaar, a Senior
Research Manager with the HSRC’s
Developmental, Capable and Ethical
State research division, suggested
what he called an “indirect” approach;
targeting political parties to improve the
quality of oversight by their MPs. The
intention would be to change internal
parties’ rules and organisational culture
to ensure their alignment with the
Constitution, “thereby changing the
conduct of MPs”.
     “Certain ‘norms and standards’
should be established for incorporation
into political parties’ constitutions.
These norms and standards would
require that party constitutions and
conduct by members are consistent
with the country’s Constitution.”
     He said constitutional values and
principles found in the Preamble and
s.1 Founding Provisions of the Constitution,
which are elaborated on in the Bill

12     New Agenda - Issue 80
Checks and Balances Project

          Broken branch structure is
             ANC’s Achilles heel
By Keith Gottschalk

Keith Gottschalk is a lecturer at the University of the Western Cape. He is an ANC
member, but writes this article in his personal capacity as a political scientist.

On 31 March 2021, the                         come to the fore in recent weeks. Ace       inside knowledge, I will infer a ballpark
                                              Magashule, ANC Secretary-General,           figure: they probably have over 100,000
Supreme Court of Appeal                       has reminded the public that it is party    members.
declared the 2018 Free State                  branches which elect and remove ANC              If we assume that the DA is the
provincial conference of                      leaders (Quintal, 2020).                    second biggest party with about 100,000
                                                  The trouble is that the ANC’s branch    members, all the rest smaller, it appears
the ANC unlawful and                          structure, designed initially as a means    that fewer than two million South
unconstitutional (De Vos,                     of grassroots democracy at work (ANC,       Africans belong to any political party.
                                              2017b), is in a mess (ANC, 2010).2 This          But usually most of those members
2021). This covers the election               is best exemplified by the collapse of      do not attend their party branch
of the provincial leadership                  branches in the North West province         meetings. Where a party directs its
at this conference. The                       (Tandwa, 2020).                             branches to hold monthly meetings,
                                                  Another problem is that most South      typically only between 15 and 25 out
interference of the courts in the             Africans, since the dawn of democracy in    of 100 members will attend an average
internal processes of political               1994, have shown diminishing interest       meeting.
                                              in politics and voting (Southall, 2019).         Enthusiasm for politics also
parties is unusual. This article                  I calculate by comparing the number     routinely oscillates – at a peak in the
by KEITH GOTTSCHALK1                          of citizens with the estimated number       run-up months to an election; then
provides a unique insight                     of party members that, at most, 1% or       dying back once the election is over.
                                              2% of citizens sign up as members of             The ANC, which has governed South
into basic problems of ANC                    a political party. That is based on the     Africa since the end of apartheid in 1994
organisation at branch level.                 StatsSA count of around 58 million          (Lawson, 2019), is representative of other
                                              people (StatsSA, 2019).                     parties in witnessing these hard facts
                                                  The ANC is the biggest party, with      of political life. Gwede Mantashe, when

            emocracies are precarious         600,000 members (Stone & Mashego,           secretary-general of the party, sounded
            endeavours, as events around      2021). The Inkatha Freedom Party’s          concern – the branches are supposed
            the world are showing. In         historical claims of over a million         to be the powerhouse of the party, but
            most, political parties hold      members3 are obviously false, because       all too often fizzle out between election
sway over whether the system delivers         it gets fewer votes than that.4 (It is      years (ANC, 2010).
the will of the people, or doesn’t. So        theoretically possible for a party to get        ANC branches probably peaked with
how political parties are organised plays     fewer votes than its membership, but it     enthusiasm and numbers between its
a big role in the health, or ill health, of   is unlikely.)                               unbanning along with other liberation
democratic states.                                The Democratic Alliance (DA),5          movements in 19906 and the first
    In South Africa, the issue of how         the official opposition, keeps its          universal franchise elections of 1994.7
the governing ANC is held accountable         membership numbers as tightly held          The party’s membership of 600,000 is
by its members (ANC, 2017a: 83) has           as a Kremlin secret. In the absence of      now down from over a million in 2010.

                                                                                                  Issue 80 - New Agenda          13
     are precarious
     endeavours … how
     political parties are
     organised plays a big
     role in the health,
     or ill health, of
     democratic states.

    While there may not be a tight
correlation between party members and
voters, member numbers are usually           the elective conference if the branch is    (Booysen, 2017), each member had to
broadly proportional to the number of        likely to vote against the gate-keepers’    produce their identity document, which
probable voters.                             preferred candidate.                        was digitally imaged, date-stamped
                                                 Where a branch is deemed “no            and had geo-location added (personal
‘Ghost members’ and                          longer in good standing”, a few             observation).
gate-keeping                                 members will seek to join a nearby              This was done to prove that all who
    Superimposed on these universal          branch. But most will be demoralised        signed the attendance register were
facts of political life are the ugly         and drop out.                               physically present at the same time on
machinations of power contestation.              Another problem stems from the          the same premises. The device had an
These often take the opposite forms of       ANC constitution requiring a quorum of      automatic shut-down at 21h00.
ghost members and gate-keeping.              half of the members in good standing to         Three years later, the ANC migrated
    “Ghost members” (Matlala, 2017)          attend a branch annual general meeting      its membership lists from the usual
typically come about through the             (AGM) or to elect a voting delegate         paper system to an online system
machinations of wealthy aspirant             (ANC, 2017b). One middle class branch       where each member directly signs
politicians who can cheerfully pay 100       had to call its AGM seven times before it   on with Luthuli House, the head
people to join, as the minimum for           could get 50 members under one roof at      office in Johannesburg (SABC, 2020).
an ANC branch in good standing, as           the same time to vote. Less scrupulous      The intention is that this will short-
well as pay each of their R20 annual         branches will take the attendance           circuit any gatekeepers at a regional or
membership fees. Such a ghost branch         register from door to door until they       provincial level. Currently, the system
will then nominate a voting delegate to      accumulate 50 signatures, and then hold     has teething troubles.
an elective conference to vote for their     their election.                                 The ANC is long overdue for a
patron politician to some higher office.                                                 revision of its constitution to provide a
After the election, the branch will fizzle   Tackling membership                         mechanism for quorums used by many
out for the next five years.                 malpractices                                statutory and other entities. Where
    “Gate-keeping” (Mokobo, 2017) refers         The ANC has taken steps                 attendance is below a quorum, the
to hostile politicians at a regional or      unprecedented by any other South            meeting is adjourned for seven days,
provincial level removing members in         African party to counteract these           with no changes to the agenda. When
good standing from membership lists,         malpractices (Mathope, 2017). At            reconvened, that meeting is deemed to
until a branch falls below the threshold     the branch meetings to elect Cyril          be quorate, regardless of actual numbers
of 100 members. The aim is to deny a         Ramaphosa or Nkosazana Dlamini-             in attendance. This would prevent
branch the right to send a delegate to       Zuma as leader of the party in 2017         demoralised members from coming in

14     New Agenda - Issue 80
Checks and Balances Project

                                                                                                          Mokobo, N. 2017. ‘Mashatile denies allegations of
                                              future performance, both need to touch                        gatekeeping.’ SABC. 13 November. Available at
                                              base with their supporters before the               
                                              2021 local government elections.
                                                                                                          Quintal, G. 2020. ‘Ace Magashule says he will not be
                                                                                                             removed as ANC secretary-general: With an ANC
    Ace Magashule, ANC                        REFERENCES
                                              ANC, 2017a. ‘The African National Congress wishes
                                                                                                             decision for members to automatically step down
                                                                                                             if facing criminal charges not yet rubber-stamped,
    Secretary-General                           to send a clear message to all South Africans
                                                that we are resolved to be a more responsive and
                                                                                                             Magashule says only the “branches of the ANC”
                                                                                                             can remove him.’ BL Premium. 13 November.

    has reminded the                            more accountable leadership and movement.’
                                                Report of the 54th National Conference. p. 83 Available
                                                                                                             Available at
    public that it is party                     at
                                                files/docs/ANC%2054th_National_Conference_                SABC. 2020. ‘ANC launches new online membership

    branches which elect                        Report%20and%20Resolutions.pdf
                                              ANC. 2017b. ANC Constitution as amended and adopted
                                                                                                             system.’ 28 February. Available at https://www.

    and remove ANC                              at the 54th National Conference, Nasrec, Johannesburg
                                                2017. Rule 23 Branches, Zonal and Sub-Regional
                                                                                                          Southall, R. 2019. ‘South Africa’s 2019 poll showed
    leaders. The trouble                        Structures. Available at
                                                                                                             dangerous signs of “insiders” and “outsiders”.’
                                                                                                             The Conversation. 4 August. Available at https://

    is that the ANC’s                         ANC. 2010. Report on the state of the organisation by
                                                ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe. September.
    branch structure …                          Available at
                                                General/d/887/9d7dcecac64248138eb93809310                 StatsSA. 2019. ‘SA population reaches 58,8

    is in mess.                                 9d975.pdf
                                              Booysen, S. 2017. ‘The ANC leadership race will go
                                                                                                             million’. Available at 
                                                 down to the wire: here’s why’. The Conversation. 6       Stone, S. and Mashego, A. 2021. ‘How the ANC
                                                 December. Available at https://theconversation.             dropped the ball on land’. City Press. 4 April.
                                                 com/the-anc-leadership-race-will-go-down-to-                Available at
                                                 the-wire-heres-why-88667                                    politics/how-the-anc-dropped-the-ball-on-
                                              De Vos, P. 2021. ‘Vote-buying and branch-stacking:             land-20210403
                                                 Is it possible to solve the problem of the ANC           Tandwa, L. 2020. ‘ANC top brass visit embattled
                                                 leadership election process?’ Daily Maverick. 06            branches in North West’. News24. 23 November.
                                                 April. Available at https://www.dailymaverick.              Available at
                                                 stacking-is-it-possible-to-solve-the-problem-of-            branches-in-north-west-20201123
                                              Gottschalk, K. 2020. ‘Africa’s oldest surviving party
                                                 – the ANC – has an Achilles heel: its broken             ENDNOTES
                                                 branch structure.’ The Conversation. 24 November.
                                                 Available at        1   This article was first published online by The
                                                 oldest-surviving-party-the-anc-has-an-achilles-              Conversation in November 2020.
                                                 heel-its-broken-branch-structure-150210                  2   See section 8. “… Most branches have no
                                              Gottschalk, K. 2019. ‘South Africa’s Democratic                 programme and are inactive. Branches exist
                                                 Alliance at 60: Big strategic questions lie ahead.’          during preparation for conferences. Buying
                                                 The Conversation. 16 May. Available at https://              membership for members patronage and
                                                       nepotism …The role of the branch in electing
                                                 alliance-at-60-big-strategic-questions-lie-                  leadership, including public representatives, is
                                                 ahead-117129                                                 riddled with flaws …” Available at https://cdn.24.
                                              Larson, Z. 2019. ‘South Africa: 25 years since                  eb938093109d975.pdf
                                                 Apartheid.’ Origins Vol 12, No 11. August. Available
                                                 at         3
                                                 mandela-apartheid-ramaphosa-zuma-corruption                  Freedom-Party

                                              Mathope, G. 2017. ‘ANC national conference                  4
                                                 credentials report by the numbers: Only three                app/dashboard.html
vain to meeting after inquorate meeting.                                                                  5
                                                 provinces had their registered delegates approved
     These valiant efforts will not              to vote in totality by the verification committee.’      6   See F. W. de Klerk’s speech at the opening of
address the problem of low attendance            Citizen. 17 December. Available at https://citizen.          Parliament, 2 February 1990. Available at https://
at routine branch meetings. Whereas              conference-credentials-reports-by-the-numbers/               site/q/03lv02039/04lv02103/05lv02104/06lv02105.
political parties have resorted to starting   Matlala, A. 2017. ‘Ghost ANC members probed in                  html
all large rallies with a pop concert, this       provinces: The National Executive Committee              7   1993. ‘The end of apartheid in South
                                                 (NEC) of the ANC recently announced it is                    Africa.’ Strategic Survey, 94:1, 214-223, DOI:
cannot be done at branch meetings.               probing allegations of ghost branch membership               10.1080/04597239308460952
     In Africa, the ANC is the oldest            in Limpopo, Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and
                                                 Mpumalanga’. Polokwane Review. 19 July. Available
surviving party,8 and the DA the eighth          at              oldest-political-movement-celebrates-centenary/
oldest (Gottschalk, 2019). As historical         members-probed-in-provinces/
achievements are not always a guide to

                                                                                                                      Issue 80 - New Agenda                    15
Mitigating the impact of
           COVID-19 and options for
            economic revival in SA
By Busani Ngcaweni and Jacqueline Nkate

Busani Ngcaweni is a visiting Adjunct Professor at the Wits School of Governance and
Principal of the National School of Government, a state training institution in Gauteng
tasked to build public sector capacity. Jacqueline Nkate is Deputy Director: Knowledge
Management at the National School of Government.

Drawing on recent working               than a decade. This is due to cyclical     Eskom’s debt increased from R255
papers from the National                and structural impediments, as well        billion in 2014 to over R440 billion by
                                        as the global dynamics precipitated        2019 (Department of Public Enterprises,
Planning Commission,                    by the 2008 financial crisis. Evidence     2019). Contingent liabilities are a burden
the authors argue that                  suggests that both causative factors       on the fiscus, with Eskom accounting
                                        account for most of our socio-economic     for 77% of that (Coleman, 2020). For its
rebuilding state capacity               challenges. Declining competitiveness      part, the Organisation for Economic
should be prioritised as part           is one of the structural weaknesses,       Cooperation and Development (OECD),
of South Africa’s economic              with the Global Competitiveness Report     a club of rich nations, argues that
                                        of 2019 ranking us 60th in the world       this impacts business and investor
recovery plan. Boosting                 (World Economic Forum, 2019). The          confidence (OECD, 2020). At the
infrastructure and promoting            same report cites weak security, low       same time, the country battles high
                                        levels of government adaptability to       unemployment rates that have peaked
manufacturing present viable            change and the lack of transparency of     above 30% (National Treasury, 2020).
opportunities for reviving the          public procurement as further drivers          We highlight these budgetary
economy, but bureaucratic               of declining competitiveness. Cyclical     pressures by way of foreshadowing
                                        shocks include policy uncertainty, the     the view that government, instead of
and other systemic and                  impact of a devastating drought and        focusing on investing in productive
institutional inefficiencies            the poor performance of public utilities   activities that aid firms and enterprises to
                                        such as Transnet and Eskom.                grow, is funding badly performing SOEs.
will have to be addressed. The              Most of the current challenges             All the while, unemployment,
authors put forward their               are path dependent (i.e. they reflect      poverty and inequality continue to
recommendations to tackle               recurrent historical factors), with        rise (alongside corruption, which is
                                        most analysts arguing that most            so severe it belongs with the “three
constraints on growth.                  administrations stick to familiar          challenges”) and the recession deepens.
                                        decisions and programmes even though       In late 2020, the South African Reserve
Introduction                            these have proven ineffective over time.   Bank (SARB) reported that “real gross
   South Africa has been experiencing   An example is the ongoing bailouts         domestic product [GDP] is contracting
low economic growth rates for more      of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).         at an annualised rate of 2.0%, following

16    New Agenda - Issue 80
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