NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend

Page created by Hector Miller
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
January 2022 | Edition 241

 CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter

            Photo by Joe Bacheller
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
CLUBHOUSE AND STAFF                                                            

                                                                                    is the official publication of Heritage Eagle Bend
President: Rick Matteson, 720-955-7757                                             Master Association, Inc. Published 12 times a year.
Vice President: Jan Heffernan, 303-594-5783                                  Deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of each month.                                                                             Contact Diane Langley at
Secretary: Steve Krebsbach, 303-748-1886                                  or 720-235-1826                                                        All contents copyright Heritage Eagle Bend Master Association, Inc.,
Treasurer: Gary Pollard, 719-488-8988                                                           or other copyright holders.
Director: Dave Burnett, 303-919-8375                                                               CLUBHOUSE                                                                303-693-7788 ph 720-235-1803 fax
Director: Chuck Cullens, 303-472-6584                                          
                                                                                                 WELCOME DESK
Traditions President: Jane Harris, 214-923-7596                                                                                                   Welcome Desk 303-693-7788
Village President: Ruth Grafitti, 303-378-0306                                                Ext. 120 and 119
                                                                                                UPDATED HOURS
HERITAGE EAGLE BEND GOLF CLUB STAFF                                           Hours of operation and menu selection is subject to change

Administrative Office		                             720-235-1888                              Welcome Desk Hours
Gene Blum, General Manager            		                  ext. 121                      Monday - Sunday • 7:00am - 8:00pm
                                                                                                Clubhouse Hours
Diane Langley, Community Manager                             ext. 126                   Monday - Sunday • 7:00am - 9:00pm
Jillian Wyatt, Assistant Community Manager                   ext. 131                    EAGLE’S NEST CARRY OUT                                                                LUNCH & DINNERS
Taylor Blair, Administrative Assistant		                     ext. 127                 Call 720-235-1816 to place your order.                                                      We are here to take food orders starting at 8:00am
Lori Mitchell, Controller                                    ext. 124                         Credit Card orders only.                                              A copy of your receipt will be attached to your food order.
Veronica Albright, Staff Accountant                          ext. 125                                                                   Hours for Pickup:
                                                                                          Breakfast: Saturdays and Sundays.
Clubhouse                      		              303-693-7788                         First carry out order can be placed at 9:00am
Jason Franke, Head Golf Professional                ext. 113                        Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday 11:00am-4:00pm                                                             Lunch: Sunday 12:00pm-4:00pm
Jennifer Stoneking,                                                                 Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday 4:30pm-8:00pm
Dir of Sales & Catering and Clubhouse Services      ext. 122                                                            EAGLE’S NEST HOURS
                                                                                                Closed on Mondays
Elmir Lukac, Director of Food and Beverage          ext. 123
                                                                                             Sunday 8:00am - 2:00pm
                                                                                              Bar open until 4:00pm
Calan Olson, Facility Manager                       ext. 146                          Tuesday thru Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm                                                                  Bar open until 9:00pm
Donovan Davis, Executive Chef                       ext. 144                                  Dinner: 4:30 – 8:00pm
Jeff Lambert, Director of Marketing                 ext. 157                                                                            MSI
                                                                                               Contact Kristen at
Landscape		                                          720-235-1852         or 720-974-4189
Taylor Blair, Administrative Assistant		                  ext. 152                   for Ledgers or Billing info (statements)                                                      or at to request a status letter
                                                                                          if you are selling your home.

           For Landscape and Snow Contracts, please contact the Welcome Desk at or 303.693.7788
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend                                         HERITAGE EAGLE BEND GOLF CLUB

IN THIS ISSUE                                                                              UPCOMING MEETINGS
                                                                                           Architectural Advisory Committee
    CLUBHOUSE AND STAFF			                                       3                          Monday, January 17th, at 2:00 pm
    HERITAGE EAGLE BEND GOLF CLUB		                              4                                Facilities & Grounds
                                                                                            Thursday, January 13th, at 3:00 pm
    BOARD ROOM 					                                              6
    COMMUNITY INFO                                               10                          Financial Advisory Committee
                                                                                            Thursday, January 20th, at 2:00 pm
    CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES                            11
                                                                                                    Golf Committee
    SPORTS CORNER                                                19                         Thursday, January 13th, at 9:00 am
    SERVICE DIRECTORY				 24                                                                Legal & Compliance Committee
    UPCOMING EVENTS				 44                                                                 Wednesday, January 19th, at 2:30 pm

                                                                                                 Master Board Meeting
                                                                                            Thursday, January 27th, at 2:00 pm

                VISION STATEMENT                                                              Master Board Work Session
       HERITAGE EAGLE BEND GOLF CLUB                                                       Wednesday, January 12th, at 2:00 pm
             will be recognized as a premier                                               ........................................
          age-restricted community in Colorado.
                                                                                            Please check with Jennifer Stoneking at
                         MISSION                                                                 or 720-235-1822 for location
       Preserve and enhance the value of our community                            If you change your meeting time and date, be sure to notify
                 by operating and maintaining                                         Diane Langley at
          our common elements and offering services                                        ........................................
             to standards that support our vision.

                                                                               *Notices presented in this publication are intended for legal and
                                                                                informational purposes and cannot be used as a platform for
                                                                                 particular religious, political or philosophical points of view.
         Inclusion of any advertisement in this magazine shall
        not be deemed to be an endorsement of the advertiser                                 Management reserves the right
                       by the Master Association.                                        to make editorial decisions on content.

                       Check out the new website at
                                    Also create your log-in to get to the Resident Only side of the website.
                                      Questions, contact Jeff Lambert
                   720-235-1857 ext 157


                              You can access a great deal of information on the Resident-Only side of the website.
                                        Please get logged in and view all the Documents located there!
                   Financial, minutes, governing documents, forms, the Directory etc! Contact Jeff Lambert!
4                                      IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE REFINANCING OR SELLING!
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
HERITAGE EAGLE BEND GOLF CLUB                                                    

                 GATE CODE CHANGE:
                    JANUARY 10, 2022!
   Due to the gate code being given out to vendors, Estate Sales, etc.,                        PAYING MONTHLY DUES
                 we are changing the gate code again.                                there are several ways to pay the monthly dues.

  We will be sending the gate code to the Delegates who will then send            One is to mail the coupons and checks directly to MSI at
   it out to the residents in their District. If you don’t know who your                           the following address:
  Delegate is, or haven’t heard from them by January 10, 2022, please                         HERITAGE EAGLE BEND c/o MSI
   contact Taylor at or 720-235-1827.                     P.O. Box 173307 • Denver, CO 80217-3307

  Again, please do not give this code out to other than family or friends.          ANOTHER IS BY SIGNING UP FOR ACH (AUTO PAY) THROUGH
                                                                                               THE ADMIN OFFICE BY EMAILING
   If you have a delivery coming, please instruct them to look up your       for the form.
    last name, find the code and call you directly from the HEB gate /
 enterphone system. You will press “9” on your phone to open the gate.             Or pay with your own bank bill pay and send directly
  This only works when they call you from the HEB enterphone system.                       to MSI at the P.O. Box address above.
              It doesn’t work from cell phone to cell phone.                            be sure to include your account numbers.

                                                                                   This will streamline the process of the checks going
                          Thank You!                                                                  directly to MSI

              All new owners, tenants, or family members
           who have moved in with you and are not registered
          with the Admin Bldg, please contact the Admin Office                             community snow information
      at or 720-235-1888 to obtain
                  the New Resident Registration forms.
                                                                                         save this information!
        We will email the information and process on how to return           Questions regarding snow pushing? The all community
       the completed forms, along with your ID and copy of the deed.         snow line is 303.343.3063. Call this number to get
                                                                             information regarding Traditions, Villages and Single-
                         WE LOOK FORWARD TO                                  Family Contracts / Community.This line is updated so you
                         HEARING FROM YOU!                                   can call it multiple times. Remember that snow pushing
                                                                             does not begin until the snow stops falling before we come
                                                                             and push it.

               NO SOLICITING                                                 If you live in a Traditions home, your snow pushing is done
                                                                             by an outside group. Villages also has an outside group.
             ALLOWED IN HEBGC                                                Single-Family Contracted homes, as well as the streets,
         NO SOLICITING SIGNS ARE POSTED AT EVERY ENTRANCE                    are handled by HEB. If you have questions regarding
                      TO HERITAGE EAGLE BEND.                                Traditions or Villages snow pushing and you have already
                                                                             called the Snow Line above, please do not call the
           If someone comes to your door, please be very careful             Welcome Desk. Instead, you’ll leave a message on the:
   if / when talking to solicitors. If they leave their company literature
     and you have a safe opportunity to note any other details such as       Traditions / Villages Hotline at 303.343.4011.
    whether the person is male or female, what they are wearing and
       what vehicle they are driving, please do so. Then let either the      If you live in a Single-Family Home and have a Snow
    Welcome Desk or the Admin Office know and we will contact their          Contract and have questions on your service, please call
                       company to ask them to leave.                         Taylor in the Landscaping / Snow office at 720.235.1852.

          SAFETY IS THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!                                           HEB SNOW LINE : 303.343.3063
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend                                                                 BOARD ROOM

President’s Message                                                 General Manager’s Message by Gene Blum
by Rick Matteson, President of Master Board

                                                                                hat an incredible Holiday season we had in

        appy New Year. I hope the                                               December with
        holidays have been safe and                                             over 50 parties and
        enjoyable for each of you.                                  banquets filling up the Clubhouse
                                                                    with joy and excitement! It was
As we turn the calendar to 2022,                                    wonderful to see all the returning
I want to share our Reserve Fund                                    families during our Brunch
spending plan for the year. This                                    with Santa and incredible to see
fund, financed by a portion of your                                 how big some of the kids had
Master Association HOA fees, is                                     gotten since the last time we held
used to maintain and replace our                                    this fun event. We also hosted
community’s physical assets. As a                                   the annual Resident Holiday
reminder, in November residents ratified a 2022 budget that         Party, which again sold out in just one day. At the event,
allocates $102 per month of our $298 monthly fees to the            residents stood up and thanked the staff for all their hard
Reserve Fund.                                                       work. That was wonderful to see. We also rang in 2022
                                                                    with our signature New Year’s Eve Celebration with food,
We expect to spend approximately $2.5 million this year in
                                                                    dancing, and music.
Reserve Fund work. The largest project, and the one that will
be most noticeable as you drive through the community, is the       We served thousands of people in December alone! The
final phase of a program to resurface our asphalt roads with        staff worked extremely hard to deliver the kind of service
mill-and-overlay work. This phase will include the final portion    you expect at the Club and to make sure every event was
of East Heritage Parkway and its side streets, S. Quemoy            special. I would like to personally thank the staff for their
Way and its side streets all the way to the Quemoy gate, and        efforts and would like to encourage you to do the same
the North section of the community. All told, this work will        the next time you visit the Clubhouse and Eagle’s Nest
account for just under half of the 2022 Reserve Fund plan. As       Restaurant. We couldn’t do it without their commitment
in past years, we will provide a detailed schedule of this work     and dedication.
when it is finalized.
                                                                    2022 is going to be a truly special year at HEBGC as we
The Reserve Fund plan includes about $480,000 to replace            have been busy booking events in our beautiful Clubhouse.
aging equipment that is used to maintain the golf course, and       We’re excited to bring weddings, banquets, seminars and
approximately $74,000 in upkeep of the concrete cart paths. A       more back in full force as the year continues, and of course
significant portion of the equipment was approved and ordered       will be following safety mandates in place at the time.
in last year because vendors agreed to honor 2021 pricing. That     It’s been something to see potential clients touring our
will save us approximately 15-20 percent from expected price        beautiful facility as they talk with Jennifer Stoneking about
increases in 2022. Delivery and payment will occur later this       their future events.
                                                                    Speaking of events, in January, we invite you to more
Other projects include work on curbs, gutters, sidewalks and        events at the Clubhouse such as live music in the ballroom
catch basins; asphalt crack repairs, air handling and heat pumps    and more. On January 21st, HEBGC’s own Colorado
in the clubhouse; and finishing the repair and painting of          String Band will be performing in the Antero Room.
fences throughout the community.                                    There will be a special menu for this night, and we look
                                                                    forward to seeing everyone dancing the night away. Also,
On another topic, thank you for your strong support of the
                                                                    at the end of January, we are bringing another Wine
Eagle’s Nest. Once COVID occupancy restrictions were
                                                                    Dinner. The featured winery for the dinner will be Silver
lifted, the restaurant again became a busy focal point of the
                                                                    Oak. With the wines already picked out for the dinner,
                                                                    Chef is busy developing delicious pairings to accompany
Starting in January, we will increase the gratuity included on      the selections. An important note about restaurant service
food and beverage bills to 20 percent to catch up with what         for the coming months: The Eagle’s Nest Restaurant will
has become the standard throughout the dining industry. The         continue to be closed on Mondays, with the snack window
gratuity has been set at 18 percent for some time; many of          and bar open until 2pm (when there is golf ). Monday
you have recognized that this is outdated and have generously       restaurant service will resume in April.
made up the difference between 18 and 20 percent by rounding
                                                                    I am truly looking forward to the exciting opportunities
up your bill. We also will increase the gratuities charged for
                                                                    ahead of us for 2022 and seeing you again and again in the
banquets, to 23 percent from the current 21 percent. We feel it
                                                                    Clubhouse. Happy New Year to you and your families!
is past time to bring our gratuities up to date and make sure the
      hard work of our wait staff is appropriately recognized.
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
BOARD ROOM                                                             

Village Voice by Ruth Grafitti

        s you may have noticed, some of our trees have been
        wrapped for the winter to protect them from deer, but that’s              new food & beverage Assistant
        just one step for winter protection. Here’s another step: If
temperatures continue to be above normal, please water the trees                        welcome ryan!
and bushes around your home. Our sprinkler system has been
                                                                             I’m born and raised in the Pacific Northwest
turned off for the winter, so our trees and bushes will need a little
help from you if we don’t get some snow to provide that needed            where I have spent the majority of my life. I moved
moisture.                                                                to Colorado in 2020 and love being in this beautiful
                                                                        state. I love sports, music and being family oriented.
                                                                        I have been in Food and Beverage my whole life and
Don’t forget to save these important phone numbers:                     am dedicated to doing the best job possible day after
  • Our Snow Line number: 303-343-3063 to                                      day. I’m looking forward to being a part
    receive the latest information regarding snow                            of the community and building relationships
    pushing plans                                                                            with everyone!
  • Hotline number: 303-343-4011

We still need some volunteers for our Cost Control Committee.
Please help your Villages community and apply. Get an
application from

A reminder that when it snows the streets and sidewalks
throughout Heritage Eagle Bend are pushed by the Master
Association at 4 inches, but also dependent upon predicted
temperatures. Pushing starts with Priority #1 streets, which
are listed below. There are also Priority #2 and #3 streets and
to see a list of those streets, please visit the HEBGC website,
log in and go to:                                                                        website Help?                        Do you need help logging into the HEBGC website?
  • E. Heritage Parkway (entire street throughout HEB)                            Please contact Jeff Lambert at
  • E. Quemoy way (from Quemoy gate to S. Shawnee Street)
  • S. Shawnee Street from Heritage Parkway to E. Quemoy Way          
    (8256-8026)                                                                  with your choice of password and
  • E. Mineral Place from Heritage Parkway to E. Long Drive                         Jeff will get you all set up.
  • E. Long Drive (22623-22989)
  • S. Buchanan Way from Buchanan gate to E. Otero Drive
  • E. Moraine Place from Buchanan gate to 23345
  • S. Algonquian Way from S. Addison Way to E. Moraine Place                  Happy New Year!
  • S. Addison Way from S. Algonquian Way to E. Otero Drive
  • E. Otero Drive (23537-23680)
  • E. Clifton Way from E. Otero Drive to S. Catawba Court
  • S. Catawba Court from 8154 to E. Phillips Place                              PARKING IN THE VILLAGES
  • E. Phillips Place from Gartrell to S. Catawba Court                         Cars in the Villages must be stored inside
  • S. Biloxi Way to S. Addison Court in HEB North                                        the garage overnight.
                                                                              There are no private driveways in the Villages,
                                                                                only shared driveways and Guest parking.
               The next quarterly meeting will be
                                                                              PLEASE BE COURTEOUS OF YOUR NEIGHBORS!
              january 25, 2022 at 4:00pm
                    in the antero room.                                              Guest parking is only for Guests.
                                                                              Overflow parking may park at the Clubhouse
                                                                              for 48 hours with a parking pass obtained by
                      HOTLINE Number                                                   emailing the Welcome Desk
              Traditions & Village   •   303.343.4011                          at
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend                                                                                    BOARD ROOM
                                      Traditions Talking by Traditions Eagle Bend Board Members


    Traditions Talking                                                   INCOME STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED)

                                                                      Traditions Eagle Bend Homeowners Association
         he operating results (subject to audit) for                               YTD NOVEMBER 2021
         November 2021 YTD are complete. The net                                              INCOME STATEMENTS
         result is a deficit of $8,127 versus a budgeted          TRADITIONS EAGLE BEND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. • YTD OCTOBER 2021
surplus of $30,179. Year to date
                                                                                             Operations                                    Reserves
reserve expenses have exceeded
                                                                                  Actual       Budget         Actual             Actual     Budget      Actual
income by $387,008. To avoid
                                                                                   2021         2021           2020               2021        2021        2020
significant projected price
increases in roofing products,
                                        Total Revenues                          $ 579,260 $ 559,279 $ 507,773                  $ 237,700 $226,047 $ 236,063
the board decided to add certain
2022 planned roof, gutter, and
                                        Total Expenses                            587,387      529,100         540,046            624,708 259,600        132,168
downspout replacements to
2021’s schedule. Instead of 5
planned roof replacements, we           Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues
did 25 in 2021, which resulted          Over Expenses                           $ (8,127) $ 30,179 $ (32,273)                  $ (387,008) $ (33,553) $ 103,895
in essentially getting three roof
replacements for free. The ReserveThe   Fund operating  results
                                               had adequate      (subject
                                                               cash on hand to audit) for November 2021 YTD are complete. The net result is a deficit
to handle these additional 2021 expenses. $8,127   versus  a  budgeted    surplus of $30,179. Year to date reserve expenses have exceeded income
                                                                                     STRUCTURAL TREE TRIMMING                The next quarterly meeting
                                       by $387,008. To avoid significant projected price increases in roofing products, the board decided to
                                                                                     ArborScape usually                       of the  board  of directors
All TEB business documents are inadd    the certain  2022 in
                                             HEB library    planned   roof, gutter, and downspout replacements to this
                                                               the green             begins structural tree                       year’s schedule.   Instead of
notebook. This includes the 2021 and   5 planned   roof replacements,
                                            2022 Business    Plan/Budget,we did 25     in 2021,   which
                                                                                     trimming in February  resulted in essentially with   Traditions
                                                                                                                                    getting three  roof
Updated Reserve Study (2021), YTD      replacements    for free.minutes,
                                           financials, meeting     The Reserve Fund      had adequate
                                                                                     or March     weathercash on hand      to handle these additional 2021
                                                                                                                       homeowners/residents              will be
and Board of Director roster and contact       information.
                                       expenses.              The  same   is         permitting.
available on the HEB website. Remember that all TEB homeowners
                                       All TEB business   documents
                                                                does notare in the HEB
                                                                                                                        january 18, 2022
                                                                                          library in the green notebook. This includes the 2021 and
should have FULL home-owners insurance
carry/provide insurance of this kind.  2022
                                                 – the HOA
                                          All Business  Plan/Budget,
                                              HO benefits    are outlined
                                                                         Updated Reserve
                                                                                     Sometime Study    (2021),
                                                                                                                           at 5:30 PM
                                                                                                           the YTD financials, meeting minutes, and Board
in the 2022 Business Plan which was    of Director
                                          mailed toroster    and contact
                                                     all homeowners      in information.   The  same    is
                                                                                     1st of the year, our  available on the HEB website.via zoom
                                                                                                                                            Remember that all
September 2021. We hope that all TEB         homeowners
                                       homeowners            should
                                                      will take  timehave
                                                                       to FULL home-owners          insurance
                                                                                     landscaping contractor     – the  HOA   does  not carry/provide
make themselves familiar with whatinsurance
                                         your benefits  are!kind. All HO benefits are
                                                   of this                           willoutlined    in the 2022
                                                                                          be conducting       a Business Plan which was mailed to all
                                       homeowners in September 2021. We hope               that cut
                                                                                     “radical”   all homeowners
                                                                                                       back of       will take timeTraditions   Hotline
                                                                                                                                     to make themselves
                                       familiar with what your benefits are! shrubs to help with the
January 18 is our first meeting of 2022. It will be a zoom           long-term health and
meeting. Watch for eblasts so youFIRST
                                        join it. AnMEETING
                                                    agenda CHANGE overall
                                                                     OF VENUE-January     18
                                                                              appearance. As is our first meeting  of 2022. It will be a
will also be sent via eblast. Shaun Hannon
                                 zoom        from
                                       meeting.   SaBell’s
                                                 Watch      will so you
                                                       for eblasts       can join it. An agenda  will also be sent
                                                                     stated previously, Shaun Hannon, from SaBell’svia eblast.
attend.                          Hannon from SaBell’s will attend.   at the January meeting.
Paint Project 2022             PAINT PROJECT 2022-The ECC paint crew tries to start in late April, weather depending.
                                                                  TRADITIONS COST REDUCTION COMMITTEE (TCRC)
The ECC paint crew tries to start in late April, weather          The fiveResults-The
                                                                            member committee        meets once areflected
                                                                                                                  month to
                               TRADITIONS EAGLE BEND CC&R Amendment                      proposed amendment               thework  on
permitting.                                                       snow push bids for next season.
                                  allocation of expenses for properties connected to the shared (communal) irrigation system. For clarity,
TRADITIONS EAGLE BEND CC&R Amendment   amendment is intended solely to allocate the water usage costs to the 279 Lots connected to the
                                  Irrigation System. All
The proposed amendment reflected the equitable           other expenses
                                                      allocation  of      for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the
expenses for properties connected Irrigation System (communal)
                                      to the shared  shall continue to be allocated among all 371 Lots in the Traditions Eagle Bend
irrigation system. For clarity, this  amendment is intended
solely to allocate the water usage costs to the 279 Lots
connected to the Irrigation System. All other expenses for
the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the
Irrigation System shall continue to be allocated among all 371
Lots in the Traditions Eagle Bend community.

YES – 188, NO – 6, ABSTAIN – 4, Total ballot count of 198.

NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend
BOARD ROOM                                                                                                

                                                     SUMMARY TREASURER’S REPORT • OCTOBER 2021
               HERITAGE EAGLE BEND
               HERITAGE EAGLE BEND
               October                                      October                                                            Year to Date
                                                  2021       2021                             2020                   2021            2021          2020
                                                 Actual     October
                                                            Budget                           Actual                 Actual     YearBudget
                                                                                                                                    to Date       Actual
               Revenues:                          2021       2021                             2020                   2021            2021          2020
                  Golf                        $ Actual
                                                  199,826 $ Budget
                                                              120,113 $                      Actual
                                                                                              176,417        $      Actual
                                                                                                                     1,888,446 $ Budget           Actual
                                                                                                                                     1,641,930 $ 1,592,819
                  Food and beverage               133,786      60,275                         74,063                 1,129,635         591,288     715,119
                  HOA                         $ 199,826
                                                  292,683 $   120,113
                                                              295,322 $                      176,417
                                                                                             290,749         $       1,888,446
                                                                                                                     2,888,478 $     1,641,930
                                                                                                                                     2,911,421 $ 1,592,819
                  Grantand  beverage
                        income                    133,786
                                                       ‐       60,275
                                                                  ‐                           74,063
                                                                                                 ‐                   1,129,635
                                                                                                                       677,000         591,288
                                                                                                                                           ‐       715,119
                  HOA                             292,683     295,322                        290,749                 2,888,478       2,911,421   2,883,463
                   Total revenues                 626,295     475,710                        541,229                 6,583,559       5,144,639   5,191,401
                  Grant income                         ‐          ‐                              ‐                     677,000             ‐            ‐
               Cost of     revenues
                        Sales:                               626,295            475,710      541,229                 6,583,559              5,144,639       5,191,401
                  Food and beverage                           55,932             21,766       35,228                   450,993                218,689         315,861
                    of Sales:
                        shop                                  11,117              6,126       13,696                    73,731                 60,921          48,070
               Payroll   andBenefits
                              beverage                        55,932
                                                             285,596             21,766
                                                                                245,892       35,228
                                                                                             269,366                   450,993
                                                                                                                     2,749,216                218,689
                                                                                                                                            2,553,477         315,861
               Other    shop     Expenses‐‐Note               11,117
                                                             258,203              6,126
                                                                                205,856       13,696
                                                                                             263,136                    73,731
                                                                                                                     2,845,822                 60,921
                                                                                                                                            2,193,751          48,070
               Payroll and Benefits                          285,596            245,892      269,366                 2,749,216              2,553,477       2,463,718
               Total Expenses                                610,848            479,640      581,426                 6,119,762              5,026,838       4,972,121
               Other Operating Expenses‐‐Note                258,203            205,856      263,136                 2,845,822              2,193,751       2,144,472
      Heritage Eagle  Expenses
                                  Association                610,848            479,640      581,426                 6,119,762              5,026,838       4,972,121
                 Net Operating           (Loss) $             15,446    $        (3,929) $   (40,197)        $         463,796      $         117,802   $     219,280
                Net Bend
      Heritage Eagle Operating Income    (Loss)        $    15,446      $        (3,929) $    (40,197)       $           463,796    $         117,802   $    219,280
                    Note ‐ Master Association
                           Includes $19,272 New Village Mailboxes                          Operating Funds             Litigation    Capital
                                                                                      Unrestricted Contingency        Settlement Improvement     Reserve
      Heritage EagleNote
                     Bend‐ Master Association
                           Includes $19,272 New Village Mailboxes                     and Available (Restricted)          Fund        Fund        Fund                   Total
      October                                                                              Operating Funds             Litigation    Capital
                                                                                      Unrestricted Contingency        Settlement Improvement     Reserve
      Cash and Investments January 1, 2021                                            $ 1,405,611
                                                                                      and  Operating$(Restricted)
                                                                                          Available      359,947
                                                                                                      Funds          $ Litigation
                                                                                                                           257,755 $ Capital
                                                                                                                          Fund         184,816 $ 3,344,315
                                                                                                                                      Fund        Fund              $ 5,552,444
                                                                                      Unrestricted Contingency        Settlement Improvement     Reserve
      Cash and Investments January 1, 2021                                            and Available $(Restricted)
                                                                                      $ 1,405,611        359,947     $ Fund257,755 $ Fund         Fund
                                                                                                                                       184,816 $ 3,344,315             Total
                                                                                                                                                                    $ 5,552,444
      Sources and (Uses) of Cash:
      Cash and Investments January   1, 2021        of Revenues Over Expenses             463,796 $
                                                                                      $ 1,405,611            307 $
                                                                                                         359,947              729 $
                                                                                                                          257,755            216,686 $ 3,344,315
                                                                                                                                             184,816    1,404,406 $      2,085,923
                                 Non‐Cash Charges to Income                                                1,610            1,200                610       16,890           20,310
      Sources and (Uses) of Cash:
                                 Change in Working Capital                                219,340            ‐                ‐              (12,812)         ‐            206,528
                                 Excess(Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenses             463,796            307              729            216,686    1,404,406        2,085,923
                                 Capital Expenditures                                                                                        (47,480)  (2,582,511)      (2,629,991)
      Sources and (Uses) of Cash:Non‐Cash Charges to Income                                                1,610            1,200                610       16,890           20,310
                                 Repayment of Inter‐Fund Loans:
                                 Change  in Workingof
                                 Excess(Deficiency)  Capital
                                                       Revenues Over Expenses             219,340
                                                                                          463,796            ‐
                                                                                                             307              ‐
                                                                                                                              729            (12,812)
                                                                                                                                             216,686          ‐
                                                                                                                                                        1,404,406          206,528
                                  Principal                                                               58,192           74,166           (200,819)      68,461              ‐
                                            Charges to Income                                              1,610            1,200            (47,480)
                                                                                                                                                 610   (2,582,511)
                                                                                                                                                           16,890       (2,629,991)
                                  Interest                                                                 6,922            8,822            (23,888)       8,144              ‐
                                 Change      of Inter‐Fund
                                         in Working  CapitalLoans:                        219,340            ‐                ‐              (12,812)         ‐            206,528
                                 Forgiveness of PPP loan                                 (667,000)                                                                        (667,000)
                                 Capital Expenditures                                                     58,192           74,166           (200,819)
                                                                                                                                             (47,480)      68,461
                                                                                                                                                       (2,582,511)             ‐
                                 Capital Contribution‐‐Operations to CIF                   (7,145)                                             7,145                           ‐
                                  Interest of Inter‐Fund Loans:
                                 Repayment                                                                 6,922            8,822            (23,888)       8,144              ‐
                                 Homeowner Contributed Capital                                  ‐              ‐                ‐             88,868            ‐           88,868
                                  Principal of PPP loan                                  (667,000)        58,192           74,166           (200,819)      68,461         (667,000)
      Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and
                                 Capital   Investments
                                  Interest                         to CIF                   8,991
                                                                                           (7,145)        67,032
                                                                                                           6,922           84,917
                                                                                                                            8,822             28,309
                                                                                                                                             (23,888)  (1,084,610)
                                                                                                                                                            8,144         (895,361)
                                 Homeowner    Contributed
                                 Forgiveness of  PPP loan Capital                               ‐
                                                                                         (667,000)             ‐                ‐             88,868            ‐           88,868
      Net  and Investments  October
                   (Decrease)        31,
                              in Cash and2021
                                           Investments             to CIF                   8,991 $
                                                                                      $ 1,414,602
                                                                                           (7,145)       426,979
                                                                                                          67,032 $        342,672
                                                                                                                           84,917 $          213,126
                                                                                                                                               7,145 $ (1,084,610)
                                                                                                                                              28,309    2,259,705 $      4,657,083
                                 Homeowner Contributed Capital                                  ‐              ‐                ‐             88,868            ‐           88,868
      Net Increase
      Cash         (Decrease)
           and Investments    in Cash31,
                            October   and2021
                                          Investments                                       8,991 $
                                                                                      $ 1,414,602         67,032
                                                                                                         426,979     $     84,917
                                                                                                                          342,672       $    28,309
                                                                                                                                            213,126   $ (1,084,610)   (895,361)
                                                                                                                                                         2,259,705 $ 4,657,083

      Cash and Investments October 31, 2021                                           $ 1,414,602   $    426,979     $    342,672       $   213,126   $ 2,259,705   $ 4,657,083

 2022 Master Board of Directors Election – Looking for Candidates!
  Interested Candidates: The 2022 election for two seats will take place in April. Each term will be for three years. A prospective
  candidate must own a home in Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Community (and be on the deed) and their HOA account must be/remain current.
  Applications will be available at the Administration Building (Not the Clubhouse) or by an email request to
  Diane Langley, Community Manager,
  Candidates may begin submitting their applications, a brief biography (not to exceed 250 words) and a color picture.

           Deadline for submitting applications will be February 18th, 2022.

  Any application received after February 18th, 2022 will not be accepted.
  After this date, anyone interested in running would have to be a write-in candidate
  and will not be in the newsletter, e-blasts, on the ballots etc.                                                                                                                    9
NEWS HOA OF THE YEAR 2021 - CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter - Heritage Eagle Bend                                                           COMMUNITY INFORMATION

                                              Traits of Good Board Members
                   Do you have what it takes to be a good board member? Chances are you do.
 If you have a mix of some of the following traits and skills, consider running for a seat on the board. We’d love to have you.

     RESPECT. If you can give others respect and expect it in                 SKILL. An association is a business. So having board
     return, you can help keep board discussions civil, productive            members with accounting, organizational behavior and team
     and on point. We’re looking for people who can lead by                   building backgrounds can help. Someone with a financial
     consensus, not by command.                                               background, for example, might make for a good treasurer.
     GOOD LISTENING. People want to be heard. Can you                       The ideal board comprises a mix of management styles,
     listen to board members and residents with sincere interest?           professional skills and temperaments. If you know people
     You may have a few ideas of your own, but everyone benefits            with some of these traits or relevant skills, ask them if they’d
     by sharing and discussing.                                             be interested in joining the board. Some people don’t think
     THICK SKIN. Sometimes, residents—even other board                      about running for a seat unless asked.
     members—can be mean and insulting. Are you good at
     turning a conversation around and finding out what’s really            You don’t have to know everything when you join, but
     bothering people?                                                      you should be familiar with the governing documents and
                                                                            the responsibilities of the job. Fellow board members and
     EGOS ASIDE. If you can give others credit, the board will              managers can help you with the transition and train you on
     operate better as a team.                                              board responsibilities, current work, projects and hot issues.
     AGENDA ASIDE. Members who come to the board looking                    Leaders can come from different places and backgrounds.
     to help only themselves are a problem. A board is more                 There’s no one mode that fits all. Share your knowledge and
     productive when members don’t have a personal punch list.              passion with the community.
     Are you able to look after the community, not just your own
     interests? Are you willing to compromise?

               NEW YEAR, NEW ASSESSMENTS!                                            SMART DRIVER COURSE NOW FREE
             Below are the 2022 Assessment amounts.                                   TO CURRENT AARP® MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT
 HEB Master Association (single family) $298.00 monthly                                     INSURANCE PLAN CUSTOMERS
 Village Sub-Association (townhomes)    $214.00 monthly                               UnitedHealthcare is performing all marketing
 Traditions Sub-Association (duplexes)  $208.00 or $165.00
 					monthly*                                                                      activities related to this free offer and is providing
                                                                                          customers with information on how to
 *Note: 92 Traditions homes on E. Kettle Place, S. Buchanan                                         take advantage of it.
 Way and E. Mineral pay individually for their own exterior
 irrigation water, thus their dues are $165.00 month. 279                         The AARP Smart Driver online course is an alternative,
 homes pay $208.00 per month which includes exterior                                  especially for those who need to renew their
 irrigation water.                                                                                car insurance discount.
 If you are already on ACH, the amounts will change
 automatically. If you are on your own bank bill pay, please                  Website:
 make sure to change the amounts as soon as possible and                      Promo code for 25% discount:
 include your account number (s). If paying with your                         DRIVINGSKILLS
 coupons books, please mail your checks and coupons directly                  There will be no in person classes for the remainder of the year.
 to MSI at: Heritage Eagle Bend c/o MSI, P.O. Box 173307,                     We hope to resume in-person classes in January.
 Denver, CO 80217-3307. If you would like to sign up for
 ACH, please email                                                                 "Until the vast majority of people in a county get vaccinated, for the form.                                                 we will not be able to hold in person classes."

                                                                   Thank you
                                    to our residents and guests for ensuring the 25 MPH speed limit is followed.

                                                     SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MPH
CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES                                                            

Aquacise Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am - 10:00 am                              Duplicate Bridge Wednesdays, 5:30 pm
Join us for a fun exercise time. We have 3 residents who lead us. Move at your     Meet in the Clubhouse. Contact John Posluszny
own speed. We enjoy breakfast together once a month for whoever is available.      Cell: 720-454-3969 and Janet Cain Cell: 303-929-9088
Questions: Sue McNaughton 720-870-1156
                                                                                   Genealogy Club
“Aquacize” classes in the pool are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday         The HEBGC Genealogy Club offers the Heritage Eagle Bend Community an
from 10:30 to 11:30. This is a vigorous but fun water workout using water          opportunity to further understand genealogy and genealogical research through
weights and noodles to exercise and strengthen the core, along with every          education, mentoring, discussion, and preservation. Club meetings are held the
muscle and joint in the body. We are in the outside pool for the summer, so        2nd Monday of every month from 10 a.m. to noon at the HEB Clubhouse.
wear a hat, sunglasses, lots of sunscreen - and a bathing suit, of course!         There are no dues but if there is an outside speaker, a $5 per person fee will
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am -10:00 am led by Lynda Shirk 303-406-8525 be charged. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Born-Mylo at
NEW! 8:00 am Aquacise Class
The early bird gets the pool. Please feel to join us for an early session of       Mah Jongg
“Aquacise”. Classes are held Monday-Friday at 8:00 – 9:00. We utilize the          Fridays, 12 noon to 3 pm at the Clubhouse
outdoor pool when it is available. Otherwise, we hold our sessions inside.         If you need help, please contact Peggy Calhoun at 303-746-8190
Classes begin and end with full-body stretching followed by main body exercise
consisting of isotonic, isometric, and cardio exercises. Bring your water weights Mexican Train Dominoes
or utilize the clubs. Sessions are led by HEB resident, Stu Joyce.                 Every other Wednesday, 1:30 - 3:30pm
                                                                                   For anyone interested in playing, please contact Christine Lefils at
Art - HEBGC                                                                        303-362-0895 or
For anyone interested in creative arts, please contact
Audrey Ledgerwood, 303-263-0921 or                            Pickleball Club (check the HEBGC website under COURT SPORTS)
                                                                                   Please join us for one of the fastest growing sports in the country! Pickleball is
Bridge - Ladies' Monday, 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm                                       a mixture of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. We welcome all skill levels.
$1 for prizes. Please call first. We have six tables of regular players and always We have beginning/novice, intermediate, and advanced play. See our website
need substitute. Samie Quick, 303-699-0840                                         for current play times. We play all year, weather and court conditions
                                                                                   permitting. We have 6 standalone courts with permanent nets.
Bridge - Relax and Laugh Tuesday, 8:45 am to 11:00 am - No fees                    For more information, please contact Bev Worford
This non-competitive bridge group is for those who want to get back to a really @ 720-548-8067.
fun, thinking game. We meet each week in our Clubhouse.
For more information call Kathy Taylor, 720-205-2920,                              Pinochle Club 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Carrie Sharp, 720-479-8414                                                         Contact Barbara Pedersen, phone 303-690-3451 for more information
Bridge - Partners Thursday, 8:45 am - noon                                         Singles 2nd Thursday, 4:30 pm
This club meets each week at the Clubhouse. Each person pays $1 for that           Contact Pat Markwell,, 303-668-0476
day's prizes. For more information, call Carrie Sharp, 720-479-8414 or
Alice Edwards, 720-299-3803 or Mary Joe Krantz, 720-328-5000                       Tennis Club
Bocce Check the weekly E-Blast for current information on leagues and              Men - Drop-in doubles for all levels Tuesday and Saturday mornings.
events. Leagues run from May into October. There is a Spring session and a         Call for current times as they change by seasons.
Fall session. We have leagues for singles, pairs, men, women, and mixed. All       Women - Drop-in open doubles for all levels. Mondays 9:00 - 11:00am.
skill levels are welcome. Leagues are held Sunday through Friday, AM and PM Times change with warmer weather.
most days. For information on Bocce, please contact Sharon Armstrong at            See emails and gazebo bulletin board for mixers and interclub
303-766-1791 or                                      play information.
                                                                                   Need more information or have questions?
Busy Bloomers Garden Committee                                                     Call Ed Grose at 571-212-3525 or Carrie Sharp at 720-479-8414.
3rd Monday, 10 am at the HEBGC Clubhouse
Enjoy gardening in Colorado! Informative, stimulating agenda to benefit            Water Volleyball Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Noon - 2:00pm
members and our HEB community - special guest speakers, unique tours,              Interested participants should contact the following persons:
lively projects, worthwhile fundraisers. Come join us and experience the           Allen Weiss, 720-280-3045, Larry Greenberg, 303-594-5466, and Linda
social fun in gardening! Maryellen Comeau, 630.890.9100                            Cooper, 714-327-5420. No swimming required.
                                                                                   Movement keeps you feeling younger and happier. All levels of play welcome.
Car Club 2nd Saturday, 9 am at the Clubhouse
Informal meeting of guys and girls who enjoy seeing and discussing the cars        Watercolor and Beyond Monday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Organizers of the HEBGC Summer Car Show. No dues. No rules. Just Fun.              For all those interested in painting in watercolor and exploring other media,
For more in                                                                        meets every Monday. For more information, please contact
Canasta-Hand and Foot                                                              Audrey Ledgerwood, 303-263-0921 or
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
at the HEB Clubhouse
Easy card game to learn, drop-ins welcome. For more information contact                   If you would like to add your Club, Group, or Sub-Committee,
Melissa Bryson 303 952-9249
                                                                                                         please contact
Church - Eagle Bend Community
Every Sunday at the Clubhouse, 10:00 am                                                    Jillian at
Call Bruce Minor, Pastor, 303-757-1455
Crazy Quilters 3rd Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
We always welcome new residents. We will be meeting on the 3rd Saturday                           MARK YOUR CALENDARS
of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the HEBGC Clubhouse Craft                                  Next community blood drive
Room. Vickie Pervich: 303-771-6342 •
                                                                                                              Friday, 2/4/22
Cribbage Club Every Tuesday Afternoon
2:30 - 5:00 Both Tournament cribbage and Social cribbage each Tuesday.
$5 entry fee for prizes for Tournament cribbage. Signup is required.                             Call 303-549-9739 for appointment
New players are always welcome. For more information, contact Larry Place
at 303-617-5419 or                                                                    Give the gift of life
                                                                                                                                                                 11                              CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES

       Passport for the Arts is back for 2022/23                                                    I SAID
        Please see listed below some of the attractions:                                       by John H. Buck

          The Choir Man January 16th 2:00 Buell Theater $54.45
                    Need to sign up by December 26th
             Riverdance 25th Anniversary show February 6th
                         Buell Theater 2:00 $74.25
                     Need to sign up by January 10th
            Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? February 20th 1:30
                         Singleton Theater $67.32
                     Need to sign up by January 24th                                 I said		                 I said
                    Rattlesnake Kate March 13th 2:00                                  to my hands              to my mind
                            Wolf Theater $76.67                                        “touch gently”           “think freely”
                     Need to sign up by February 13th                                 to my arms.               to my body
       In the Upper Room March 6th 1:30 Kilstrom Theater $56.10                        “hold tenderly”           “stay healthy”
                      Need to sign up by February 6th                                 to my feet                to my heart
                                                                                       “walk softly”             “love openly”
              The Other Josh Cohen March 20th 2:00 $45.54                                 and                      and
                          Garner Galleria Theater                                     to my legs                to my spirit
                     Need to sign up by February 20th                                  “stand firmly”          “live divinely”
                Tootsie April 3rd 2:00 $79.20 Buell Theater
                       Need to sign up by March 3rd                                  I said		                 I said
             Jersey Boys April 16th 2:00 $88.00 Buell Theater                         to my eyes              all these things
                       Need to sign up by March 16th                                   “see clearly”          with certainty
                 Cats May 29th 2:00 $79.20 Buell Theater                              to my ears              and sewed
                       Need to sign up by April 29th                                   “listen simply”        them into
                                                                                      to my smile             the fabric
         Dear Evan Hansen June 5th 2:00 $104.50 Buell Theater                          “beam brightly”         of my soul
                        Need to sign up by May 5th                                          and                     and
            Moulin Rouge June 12th 2:00 $88.00 Buell Theater                          to my lips              they
                        Need to sign up by May 12th                                    “speak kindly”         became me
          Pretty Women August 7th 2:00 $79.20 Buell Theater
                     Need to sign up by July 7th
         Hadestown September 11th 1:30 $79.20 Buell theater
                  Need to sign up by August 11th                                           BLACKHAWK TRIPS
         Come from Away October 9th 2:00 $79.20 Buell theater             I take reservations every month for our trip to Blackhawk.
                 Need to sign up by September 12th                                  A round trip cost $20 per person per trip.
                                                                         We leave the clubhouse at 9:00 am and return from the casino
        Ain't too Proud November 5th 7:30 Saturday night $79.20           at 3:00pm arriving around 4:15pm back at the clubhouse.
               Buell Theater Need to sign up by October 5th
                                                                            Next trips will be for January 6, 2022 and February 3rd.
                        My Fair Lady November                              All trips for 2022 will be the first Thursday of each month.
               Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer December
                                                                                 Each person receives $10 play upon arrival and
                          Mean Girls December                                      a $15 food coupon after 50 points of play.
                   To Kill a Mockingbird January 2023
                                                                                           It is a very enjoyable day,
       Please sign up at the Welcome Desk and bring your check at                  we leave the driving to a great bus driver!
     that time made out to DCPA. The DCPA requires all patrons to be
                vaccinated and wear a mask in the theater                       All reservations must be made and paid for 7 days
                    Any questions please let me know                   or earlier before the trip. There is no refund within the last 7 days!

                            Thank you,                                           The reservation may be paid in cash or check.
                                                                             Any questions call, text Syble Revard 303-917-4095.
     Donna Musciano - 303-570-4287             Please text for address, where to send or drop off the payment.
               Marcia Neves -
CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES                                       

    The Chavurah
    The HEBGC Chavurah invites you to join our Circle of Friends, a
    Jewish-oriented social group here at HEBGC. The word Chavurah is
    a Hebrew word which means "circle of friends. We welcome anyone
    interested in participating in traditional and social Jewish activities.             2022 TEXAS HOLD’EM
    We meet monthly in a different member's home or we meet to
    participate in a planned activity.                                                             January 26
                                                                                              Time is 6 pm – 9 pm
    Some of the planned activities are a Chanukah Party, Passover Seder,                         BUY IN $20
    attend plays, a summer BBQ, and other events which please our
    members. We also lend support to our members during times when
    they need care, help, and comfort through difficult times.
                                                                                         Come a few minutes early to set up.
                                                                                       Every month it is the fourth Wednesday
    Currently we meet monthly in our members homes. However as                          of the month except for Nov and Dec.
    Arapahoe County directs our arrangements, we may need to change                          Dates for the 2022 year are:
    our meeting platforms.
                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 23
                            For further information,                                                  MARCH 23
                                 please contact:                                                      APRIL 27
                      Francie Bernier at (571) 439 6971 or                                             MAY 25
                      Donna Musciano at (303) 663-7472                                                 JUNE 22
                                                                                                       JULY 27
                                                                                                     AUGUST 24
Genealogy Club                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 28
by Cindy Born-Mylo                                                                                   OCTOBER 26
                                                                                                   NOVEMBER 16

         appy New Year!!! We hope you all had a                                        (third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)
         wonderful time with family and friends                                                    DECEMBER 21
         this past Holiday season. And hopefully,                                        (third Wednesday due to Christmas)
you came away with new family information                                              Looking Forward to enjoying our game.
and were able to pass along YOUR stories to the                                          Any questions, you can email or call.
next generations. Now is the perfect time to get
your genealogy information organized and ready                                                   Barbara Sachetti
yourself for researching this year.                                                  
To that end, the Genealogy Club’s January 10
meeting will present Drew Smith speaking about Organization. Do
you have boxes of “family stuff” or piles of research that you need to
go through? Organization is the key to effectively finding out what                           SEASONAL
you have and then using the information and heirlooms in your
research. Drew is a nationally known speaker, author of the book
Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher,        Thanks to our residents and staff for the beautiful
and co-host of the Genealogy Guys podcast. We will host this Zoom
presentation on January 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., in the Pike’s Peak            Holiday Decorations this year.
room at the clubhouse. Cost is $5 at the door. Please RSVP to as we have a limited amount of space.                    Per the RIGS, please
                                                                               ensure all decorations
If there are any questions We are                       are removed by
following the Clubhouse COVID mask guidelines while in the
Clubhouse.                                                                     January 31, 2022.

The Genealogy Club is open to all HEB residents and meets the 2nd              Thanks again and best
Monday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until noon at the                          wishes for a wonderful
HEB Clubhouse.                                                                 New Year!
                                                                                                                                     13                                CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES

                                                                                            HEBGC CAR CLUB

                                                                                                HAPPY NEW YEAR
                                                                                      Our 2022 Car Club Meetings will be held 9:00am,
                                                                                       2nd Saturday of the Month, Pikes Peak Room

WE HAVE ROOM FOR YOU!                                                                   Our first 2022 Car Club Meeting will be 9:00am,
                                                                                    February 12, 2022, We will be discussing our Activies
Mark your calendars for our next community blood drive. On
                                                                                   for 2022. Car Show will be held Saturday, June 18, 2022
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 2022 your friends and neighbors will set
aside an hour or so to give the life-saving gift of blood, right here in            We are anticipating a trip to Forney’s Transportation
our clubhouse. Our dedicated Vitalant staff will be here ready to
                                                                                     Museum in February, more information to follow.
meet each donor and ensure the experience is easy and relaxed.
All Covid protocols will be followed for everyone's safety.                         If you have questions or would like to be added to our
Our first post-Covid blood drive in October was a huge success.                              email distribution list, email Jerry at
In fact, we had more potential donors than we could accommodate.                     
But THIS time we will have twice the number of appointments
available, so if you wish to donate, we will have a convenient
appointment time for YOU.

Feeling a little flat after the holiday season? Come join us on
February 4th, 2022 and you will walk away feeling uplifted. Should
you have questions or concerns, check out
The need never stops – contact June Goddard at 303-549-9739
or to schedule a time to donate.
You’ll be glad you did!!

                        TOYS FOR TOTS
    District 5 asked their residents to bring donations for
         Toys For Tots to their annual holiday party.
And the residents responded in a resounding generous manner!                               2021 Car Club Holiday Breakfast Party
  Three big boxes of toys were delivered to the Toys For Tots
    warehouse to be distributed to less fortunate children
               to give them hope at Christmas.
   We hope to make this an annual addition to our party!
                                                                           Busy Bloomers Garden Committee
                                                                           A wonderful time was spent at our annual
                                                                           Christmas Luncheon on December 20 at the
                                                                           clubhouse. There were 36 members in attendance
                                                                           and a delicious luncheon was provided by our
                                                                           restaurant. Members decorated a tree in the lobby where
                                                                           we have received many compliments on the decorations.
                                                                           We will not be having a meeting in January.
                                                                           Meetings will resume in February.
                                                                           For more information on joining
                                                                           our Club, please contact

                                                                           Best Wishes for the New Year.

CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES                                           

EB Singles by Julie Goldberg                                           Eagle Book Club
                                                                       Meets the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm
THE FUN, FRIENDSHIP AND LAUGHTER CONTINUE ON                           in the HEB Clubhouse.

    t seems like autumn came and left rather quickly. Winter           Mary Ann Tarr - 720-318-7706
    is on its way! Don't be left out! We are currently holding         Mary Jo Kranz - 720-376-8197
    monthly breakfasts/lunches while the planning committee            Elaine D’Angelo - 303-794-5622
is busy planning trips & events for January such as: weekly
bowling, monthly at-the-movies, dog sledding in Frisco, sleigh         January 20, 2022
ride in Breckenridge, game night, going thru an escape room,           Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell
and a sing-along movie up at the clubhouse. Sign-up sheets             This is the story of Shakespeare’s son,
for our events can be found in the EB Singles binder at the            Hamnet, who succumbs to a sudden
HEBGC Welcome Desk.                                                    fever in 1596 England and the background story between
                                                                       Shakespeare and his wife Agnes. Historical Fiction
EB Singles meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every
month in the clubhouse at 5:00pm. The next meeting will be             February 17, 2022
January 13, 2022. Please mark your calendars.                          The Lincoln Conspiracy by Brad Melzer and Josh Mensh
                                                                       This is the true account of the first assassination attempt on
Join us on (non-meeting) Thursday nights around 5:00pm in              America’s sixteenth president. The plot was foiled by famous
the Eagles Nest Restaurant where we have a table reserved for          detective Alan Pinkerton along with one of his agents, the first
Singles with someone to greet people coming in, especially             female detective in America.
newcomers and those Singles wishing not to dine alone.
                                                                       March 17, 2022
All HEBGC residents (married or single) are welcome and if             Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham
you are interested in joining or finding out more about us,            This is a story bases on the time of the Tulsa Race Riots of
please contact Pat Markwell at or              1921. At the heart of the story is a mystery discovered by
303-668-0476.                                                          seventeen year old Rowan Chase. Historical Fiction
If you enjoy FACEBOOK and are already part of the EB                   April 21, 2022
Singles group, make sure to contact Joyce Trivieri (joyce.             Death at Lafenice by Donna Leon to be added to the private EB Singles             A famous but not particularly likable character is found dead
FACEBOOK page.                                                         in his dressing room at LaFenice Opera House in Venice. This
                                                                       is the first mystery in the Commissario Brunetti series. Mystery
            Stay safe and enjoy the great weather!
              (Stay warm - layer those clothes!!)                      May 19, 2022
                                                                       The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline
                                                                       In this gorgeous novel, the author tells the story of Australia
                                                                       from a fresh perspective, through the experiences of
                                                                       Evangeline, Hazel, and Matahinna. Historical Fiction

 Do you have the urge to sing, act, be a stage manager, direct or
                                                                       June 16, 2022
 work on scenery and props? If any of these things interest you,       The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hill by Robert Dugone
 then the Eagle Bend Players is perfect for you.                       Sam Hill is an inspiring tale of a boy born with ocular
                                                                       albinism and one guy who makes everyday life extraordinary
 Eagle Bend Players is a group made up exclusively of residents        through his strength of character. Fiction
 who are passionate about pursuing personal involvement in the
 performing arts – specifically stage productions and choral music.    July 16, 2022
 Accordingly, EB Players is organized into two subgroups: Heritage     The Hidden Valley by Robert Kolker
 On Stage and Heritage Voices. Members may choose to take part         This is a depiction of the Galvin family of Colorado Springs;a
 in either or both subgroups.                                          mid century family with a dozen children from the baby
 In a typical year, Heritage On Stage performs either a play or        boom era. Six of them get diagnosed with schizophrenia
 musical usually in September or October. The Heritage Voices          lending the family to become subjects of researchers
 sing a spring concert in May. Music from Broadway, Irving Berlin,     investigating a genetic origin of the disease. Non-fiction
 1950 and 1960’s music has been a part of recent concerts. They
 participate and have been an important part of the annual Veteran’s   August 18, 2022
 Day Program on November 11 of each year. Similarly, they              Lost Boy Found by Kristen Alexander
 perform a Holiday Concert in December.                                In 1913, on a summer’s day at Half Moon Lake, Louisiana,
                                                                       four year old Sonny Davenport walks into the woods and
 If there is interest in what we do and what we are all about, check   never returns. The boy’s disappearance makes front page
 the link on the HEBGC website or contact the present chairman,        news in their home town of Opelousas. Fiction
 Terry Manassee@ 720-870-5229.                                                                                                           15                                  CLUBS AND GROUPS / SUB-COMMITTEES

HEBGC Art News by Audrey Ledgerwood                                         of the image forms it feels like you are sharing their soul, mind and
                                                                            body, truly attempting to bring them to life.”

     ince we were busy with all of our Holiday activities we took
     a little break from painting, now we’re excited to get back to         “Polynesian Beauty” painted by Dorothy Swenson, a part time
     painting! We’ve lined up artists for our Visiting Artist Workshop      resident of Hawaii, was inspired to paint this beauty by a South
Program for the New Year. Each month we have a different artist visit       Pacific Show on the island of Maui.
to facilitate an art workshop by sharing their ideas and techniques         My watercolor painting is “Dwelling of the Ancient Ones” an
in creating art. And often one of us will share something new we’ve         illustration of a scene in Colorado’s Mesa Verde National Park.
learned with our Watercolor & Beyond Group on the first Monday              I’ve always been fascinated by ancient ruins and imagining the lives of
of each month as we continue to paint together every Monday                 the people who lived there.
                                                                            Four of our artists, Roxanne O’Rourke, Sheryl Hutchings, Pat Powell
Our January theme is “Ethnic - A Celebration of Diverse Peoples and         and me, had paintings juried into the “This is Colorado” Art Show!
Cultures”. You can see many of these paintings either the art room or       The virtual show is online through January 31st at https://www.
library along with more of our paintings.                         
Roxanne O’Rourke says of her painting, “LATIN RHYTHM, who,                  People often ask if we sell our art and most of us do. Starving artists
more than our Latin friends live life so exuberantly?! The colors must      need to buy art supplies! And of course, we love to paint so much
be HOT and warm to convey the emotion of those dances! The food             that we run out of room. So if you see something you like, and can’t
and spices of Latin countries follow suit. You can almost hear the beat     read the signature or need help contacting the artist, just let me know
of the music! (I had to add a car that looked like my first one...          and I can give you their contact information.
a turquoise 1954 Kaiser Fraser!)”
                                                                             As Pablo Picasso said,
Sheryl Hutchings says, “The ethnically-related painting I have chosen
to send in for the January newsletter is titled "Ledoux Street Treasure.”    "Art washes
It is my watercolor depiction of a beautiful piece of Indian pottery
that I saw in an art museum in Taos, New Mexico. It reminded me              away from
of a pot my grandmother owned. My great grandparents emigrated
directly from England to northern New Mexico around the turn
                                                                             the soul
of the 20th Century to work in the coal mines there. They lived              the dust
in Dawson, New Mexico, a mining town that no longer exists but
has a storied history. The family acquired several possessions that          of everyday
were made in the area, such as Navajo blankets and various pieces of         life.”
pottery, and as a child I was intrigued by their beauty. I still own one
blanket, but the pottery all disappeared before anyone realized how         Art is essential to the
valuable it might one day become.”                                          human soul. Recent
                                                                            studies show that engaging
Elaine Tsumura’s watercolor painting is "Tea Ceremony". As she
                                                                            with the visual arts can
says, “The Tea Ceremony is one of three classical arts of Japan.
                                                                            improve stress, memory
Tea ceremony history can be traced back to Zen Buddhism in
                                                                            and empathy, whether
the sixteenth century. It is a Japanese cultural activity involving
                                                                            by viewing art or
ceremonial preparation and presentation of Matcha, a powdered green
                                                                            creating it.
tea. The choreographed art requires many years of study to master.
The use of tea utensils led to the creation of many new types of glazed
earthenware by Japanese artists.”
Pat Powell brings us another watercolor painting, “Tea Time for
Workers”.“This antique Chinese tea pot was made to carry hot tea
outside (perhaps to the women hand picking precious tea leaves). It
holds 5 pints of liquid.”
Pat Marden says, “When we visited Italy, I fell in love with the
landscape and architecture. This watercolor painting is one I did
while sitting at a hotel pool in Tuscany, looking out at the beautiful
countryside. It is called "Tuscan House".
Carol Taylor’s watercolor painting is titled “Basque Sheepherder”.
“The Basque homeland is a region between France and Spain. Basque
sheepherders are now found in parts of the Western US. It’s a lonely
Sally Barnes has contributed the “Wise One”. She says, “There is
     something extremely peaceful for me during the process of
      studying and painting portraits in watercolor. As the creation
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