Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia

Page created by Joann Kim
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Rural living
A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains,
Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges natural resources centres

T: 8273 9100

T: 8115 4600

Black Hill
T: 8336 0901

T: 8550 3400

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
Copyright owner: Crown in right of the State of South Australia 2020

This handbook is not a comprehensive guide to managing your land. It is intended to help you find good
advice. No legal liability is accepted for the information, errors or omissions contained in this booklet.

The format and some of the general content of the Rural living handbook are based on a rural living
handbook produced by the Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the Sydney Catchment Authority, NSW.
The Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board would like to thank both
organisations for permission to draw on the ideas contained in that document.

This handbook was originally funded by the Australian government.
The 2020 reprint was funded by the NRM levy.
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Table of contents
  Introduction – rural living                            3

1 | Buying your property                                 5
  Moving out of the city                                 5
  Living in the region                                   6
  What is the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural
  Resources Management Plan?                             7
  Planning and managing your property                    8
  Case study                                            10

2 | Natural resources                                   11
  Water                                                 11
  Soil                                                  14
  Native vegetation and animals                         16
  Fire                                                  19
  Weeds                                                 22
  Pest animals                                          23

3 | Property management                                 25
  Waste management                                      25
  Effluent management                                   26
  Chemicals                                             27
  Wood smoke and heating                                29
  Livestock management                                  29
  Fences                                                31
  Farm safety                                           33
  Rates                                                 34
  Absentee landholders                                  35
  Developing your property                              35
  Improving your knowledge                              36
  Further reading                                       37

4 | Local information                                   39
  Revegetation                                          39
  Declared plants                                       40
  Endangered fauna                                      41
  Endangered flora                                      42
  Local contacts                                        43
  Local government contacts                             44

Acronyms                                                45
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Introduction – rural living
‘Getting away from it all’ is an Australian             The Rural living handbook brings together
dream. In the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges           some of the significant issues that you will face
(AMLR) region, getting away from it all often           as a rural landholder within the AMLR region.
involves buying a rural block. Rural blocks can         It also provides contact details for people and
be productive farmland, a bush block or a               organisations that provide support to rural
combination of both.                                    landholders.

However, the environment is under pressure
from our collective lifestyles. So the Adelaide
and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources
Management Board through the Department
for Environment and Water, along with private
businesses and individuals, is pursuing sustainable
development to protect our environment for
the future.

Local activities have a significant effect on
water quality and catchment health. We have
a responsibility to ensure that we care for and
maintain healthy watercourses, soil, remnant
vegetation and native fauna populations.

As we need to get along well with our neighbours,
we should avoid affecting the chosen lifestyle of
others in pursuing our individual goals. However,
our rural landscape is a productive farming and
resource area, and some legitimate activities carried
out in the region may have unavoidable impacts.

Different people will want to manage their land
in different ways. Some will want to keep and
enhance the existing bush; others will want to run
stock and cultivate crops. Whatever your goals as
a landowner or manager, you need to be aware            Map of the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural
of your rights and responsibilities.                    Resources Management Board region

                                                               Rural living handbook | Introduction – rural living | 3
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
1 | Buying your property
           • Moving out of the city
           • Living in the region
           • What is the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
             Natural Resources Management Plan?
           • Planning and managing your property
           • Case study

Moving out of the city                                  • Is there enough shade and water for livestock?
                                                        • Are you aware that in most instances you require
Before you decide to buy a rural property, it is          approval to remove native vegetation? How
recommended that you have it independently                might this affect your activities?
assessed, and consider the following questions:
                                                        • Is there enough water to carry out the activity
• Does the zoning of the land allow your proposed         or activities that you have in mind and is it of
  use, or will you need to apply for a change of          suitable salinity?
  land use or any other permit?
                                                        • Do you know what the regulations and
• Are all required services provided to the property?     conditions are for building dams or sinking
  If not, can they be provided economically? Or is        bores? Do you know that any work undertaken
  it an area that will always have limited services?      in or around a watercourse requires a permit
  Services include phone, internet (connections in        (see chapter 2 on ‘Natural resources’)?
  rural areas may be slow, so check with providers),
                                                        • Does the vendor have a water licence or
  gas, water, sewer and electricity.
                                                          authorisation, and are they willing to transfer
• Is the land use that you plan for the property          this to you as the buyer? Is an approved meter
  suited to the landscape and capability of the land?     installed? You can check metering requirements
• What weeds are on the property? Are any of              with the Department for Environment and Water.
  them declared weeds? (By law declared weeds           • Has a water allocation plan been adopted
  must be controlled).                                    for the area in which the property is located?
• Is there soil erosion on the property that will         Note that water allocations plans are legal
  be time consuming and expensive to fix?                 documents and may prohibit the building
                                                          of new dams, or the taking of water (from
• Are there pest animals (e.g. rabbits, foxes)
                                                          dams, watercourses or underground) in some
  on the property?
                                                          areas. The latest versions of plans can be
• What is the likely amount of time and money             found at
  required to control weeds, erosion and pest             adelaidemtloftyranges.
  animals on the property?
                                                        • Is the soil fertile and the pH appropriate for
• Are there good-quality pastures? Are they               pasture, crops or any other produce that you
  dominated by native or introduced species?              want to grow?
  Will they provide all-year round ground cover?

                                                                  Rural living handbook | Buying your property | 5
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
• Are the fences in good repair and suitable           • Are any threatened species of flora and fauna
    for confining stock and the overall grazing            known to live on the property?
    management of the property?
                                                         After you have satisfactorily answered all these
  • Are there suitable stockyards/facilities for the     questions, will the property meet your needs and
    animals you intend to run?                           desired lifestyle?
  • Do you know the history of the property?
    Have previous owners sown pastures and used
    fertilisers? Will you need to remove rubbish?        Living in the region
  • Is the region prone to flood or bushfire? Will you   The Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
    need to undertake any management activities          (AMLR) region
    to minimise these risks?
  • If there is no existing dwelling and you want        The AMLR region supports a mosaic of remnant
    one, does the land have a building entitlement?      bushland, farming land, urban development,
                                                         hills and plains, diverse marine environments
  • Are there existing or proposed adjacent land         and 364 kilometres of spectacular beaches
    uses that will affect your enjoyment of the          and coastline.
    property? For example, are there legitimate rural
    uses nearby such as agriculture, horse-keeping,      The region covers a vast area, including a
    quarries, mines or forestry that produce dust,       significant area of ocean. As shown on the map
    odours or noise?                                     in the introduction, the region extends from north
  • Is there a Heritage Agreement on the property        of Kapunda and Mallala through the Northern
    that requires you to undertake specified             Adelaide Plains and Barossa Valley and down
    management actions and limit the land uses?          to the Southern Vales and Fleurieu Peninsula.

  • Have you asked the local council if there are:       Services available to landholders
    – any development applications proposed nearby?
                                                         The owners of small- and medium-size parcels
    – other developments that have been approved
                                                         of land make up a significant proportion of
      but not started?
                                                         landholders in the region. They are often new
    – any restrictions on developing certain desired     to the land and have not come from a farming
      land uses?                                         or rural background. There are a number of staff
    – any rights-of-carriageway or other easements       throughout the region whose role is to help new
      on the property that need to be maintained         and existing landholders manage their land in
      and/or which may allow neighbours access?          a productive and sustainable way.
    – any covenants or agreements on the property
                                                         Your local District Officer has intimate knowledge
      that protect certain areas?
                                                         on managing natural resources in your local area.
  • Are there any derelict mine shafts on the            District Officers can provide advice and support
    property? If so, are they fenced to ensure safety?   with issues such as declared weed control,
                                                         watercourse or native vegetation management
                                                         and revegetation projects. They can provide this
                                                         support over the phone or on site and the service
                                                         is free of charge.

                                                         Your local Sustainable Agriculture Officer has
                                                         extensive knowledge of agricultural practices
                                                         and issues and can provide advice and support
                                                         on issues such as grazing, soil, and pasture
                                                         management, livestock management, water
                                                         resources management and property planning.
                                                         Sustainable Agriculture Officers can provide free
                                                         advice over the phone or on site. These officers
                                                         also regularly organise land management courses,
                                                         workshops and field days for landholders on
                                                         a variety of topics. Contact your local natural
                                                         resources centre for further details (see the
                                                         ‘Local information’ chapter).

6 | Rural living handbook | Buying your property
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Local government
The rural area within the AMLR region incorporates
13 local government areas consisting of:
Adelaide Hills Council
Alexandrina Council
Barossa Council
City of Mitcham
City of Onkaparinga
City of Playford
                                                      Get to know local agricultural, business, tourism
City of Tea Tree Gully                                and industry activities. These combine to support
City of Victor Harbor                                 the society and economy of the region and you
                                                      can play your part as a rural landholder.
District Council of Mallala
District Council of Mount Barker
District Council of Yankalilla
                                                      What is the Adelaide
Light Regional Council                                and Mount Lofty Ranges
Town of Gawler                                        Natural Resources
Your local council can assist you with a range        Management Plan?
of issues including development applications,
dog registrations, waste collection and much          At the cornerstone of our efforts to better manage
more. Contact details for local governments           our natural resources is the Adelaide and Mount
can be found in the ‘Local information’ chapter.      Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management
                                                      (NRM) Plan.
For more information about local governments,
visit the Local Government Association website        The plan was developed by the Adelaide and
at                                 Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board – following
                                                      extensive consultation with the community and
Landholder’s duty of care                             stakeholders – to provide leadership, encourage
                                                      community action, foster partnerships and identify
Section 9 of the Natural Resources Management         where investment is required.
Act 2004 identifies a general statutory duty for
all people to act reasonably in relation to the       The NRM Plan is a long-term plan for all of us
management of natural resources in the state.         and our collective futures – one that will lead to
This is termed a ‘duty of care’.                      thriving communities caring for our hills, plains
                                                      and seas. The plan includes long-term goals and
Good practices on your rural property will benefit    targets for the condition of natural resources in
you, the environment and the prosperity of the        the region. The board’s investment priorities are
region. By looking after the water, soil, plants      defined over a three-year period and are delivered
and animals you will benefit not only the natural     through a range of strategic actions.
environment, but also your chosen enterprise or
land use, as well as other landholders in the area.   The plan is presented in two volumes:
Good practices will also help to ensure that your     Volume 1: The strategic plan for the region –
property is maintained for future generations.        provides information on natural resources of the
                                                      region, and is intended to guide the action of all
This handbook will help you learn about good          stakeholders involved in managing natural resources
environmental and occupational safety practices.
Neighbours and other landholders in the region        Volume 2: Business and operational plan –
can also be good sources of advice. Talk to them,     outlines the strategic actions the board will
join groups such as Landcare and the local CFS        undertake and how they will be funded.
brigade, and contact local authorities such as        It can be downloaded from:
Natural Resources AMLR, your local council and
state government agencies for advice.                 adelaidemtloftyranges

                                                                Rural living handbook | Buying your property | 7
Rural living handbook - A guide for rural landholders of the Adelaide Plains, Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula - Landscape South Australia
Planning and managing                                      Visit to create
                                                             quality property maps, or contact your local
  your property                                              natural resources centre to obtain one.
                                                           3. After obtaining a map of your property, you will
  Property plans can help you to achieve your rural
                                                              need to identify the following:
  living goals by setting up the basis for efficient and
  sustainable property management. A plan will help           • soil types and soil characteristics (e.g. pH,
  you play a part in supporting a healthy landscape              salinity, erodibility, phosphorus and nitrogen
  and prosperous region. Property plans take a                   content)
  whole-of-property approach and are useful for               • slope (in degrees)
  all rural landholders.                                      • areas of remnant vegetation and vegetation
                                                                 type (e.g. stringy bark woodland, tea tree
  Beginning your property plan                                   wetland)
                                                              • watercourses, gullies, drainage lines
  A number of methods, documents and property                    and dams
  planning consultants can help you develop a
                                                              • areas prone to seasonal waterlogging
  property plan. A basic guide is provided below.
                                                              • erosion and salinity-prone areas
  Property plan guide                                         • stock water infrastructure and shade areas
                                                                 for stock
  1. What do you want to achieve on your property?            • rock outcrops
     What is your vision? For example, do you want to         • water supply
     run a grazing enterprise, preserve and restore           • climate, rainfall and seasonality
     biodiversity or develop a horticultural enterprise?
                                                              • landscape types and physical features
  2. Obtain a good map of your property. Aerial               • current land uses
     photographs are very useful, as well as surveyor’s       • permanent infrastructure.
     boundary plans, topographic and cadastral
     (boundaries and ownership) plans. The map
     needs to be to a metric scale large enough
     to clearly show the features of the property.

8 | Rural living handbook | Buying your property
4. Carry out a SWOT analysis of the property’s         8. Use the information in this handbook to
   capabilities as follows:                               help you understand issues and best practices
   • What Strengths does the property have                in these areas and to set goals and actions.
     that you can take advantage of (e.g. areas           Develop a realistic plan that takes into
     of high-quality soils)?                              account your available time and resources
   • What Weaknesses will need attention                  for achieving these goals.
     before they cause problems (e.g. existing         9. Prioritise your actions and then set out
     weed infestations)?                                  to achieve them. Remember that certain
   • What Opportunities are there to develop              activities (such as weed control and
     your resources further (e.g. moving fence            revegetation) should be timed to take
     lines to improve management)?                        into account seasonal conditions.
   • What Threats exist that could affect the          10. Constantly monitor, improve and reshape your
     property (e.g. potential erosion areas)?              goals as necessary along the way. Your initial
5. On an overlay (a clear plastic film that can be         plan will change over time.
   drawn on) of the map, illustrate the permanent      11. Make sure you regularly monitor and maintain
   features such as the property boundary,                 the areas where you have worked to address
   watercourses, native vegetation, infrastructure,        any issues quickly.
   land types (i.e. from the most productive soils
   to the least) and contours.                         More information
6. Use this information as a base. On a second
                                                       The Department for Environment and Water
   overlay, draw where you want features, such
                                                       has an interactive mapping website that enables
   as fences, productive paddocks, shelterbelts,
                                                       users to create maps showing aerial images,
   woodlots, dams, troughs, lanes and gates.
                                                       property boundaries, native vegetation and
   (Rearranging fences according to land features
                                                       more. This website can be found at
   can help you to use the land more efficiently.)
   Work out where planting needs to go to
   achieve maximum effectiveness for windbreaks,       Natural Resources AMLR staff can help you
   erosion control and repair, shelter, salinity       develop your property plan and let you know
   reduction and to provide habitat for native birds   of training courses in plan development.
   and animals.                                        These resources are funded by the Australian
7. Write notes about:                                  Government and managed by the Adelaide
   • proposed land use                                 and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board. For more
   • planning for houses, sheds, stockyards,           information, contact your local natural resources
     windbreaks, dams, roads and fence                 centre (see the ‘Local information’ chapter).
   • methods to control and prevent weeds and
     pest animals
   • methods to sustain or improve water quality
     for stock and downstream users
   • methods to control stormwater movement
     and prevent erosion
   • reducing bushfire hazards, conserving soil,
     preserving trees
   • treating and disposing of effluent and
     rural rubbish
   • legal and planning requirements
   • methods to improve stock management
     or alternative water sources for stock
   • methods and timing for proposed
     revegetation of disturbed areas.

                                                                 Rural living handbook | Buying your property | 9
Case study
  Wes and Margaret Seeliger
  Property location:        Flaxman Valley, Barossa Ranges
  Property size:            560 ha (plus 40 ha leased)
  Current enterprise:       Dairy (managed by son Steven and his wife Verica)
  Rainfall:                 670 – 751 mm (approx)
  Soil type:                Sandy loam over clay
  Features:                 12 ha native vegetation; established 11 km of shelter belts; some fenced
                            and revegetated watercourses; an average of 186 ha of pasture cut for hay.

  Wes Seeliger has played an active role in land          Key points learnt over time:
  management over the years. The Seeligers’ dairy         • perennial pastures, although expensive to
  is one of the few thriving operations remaining           establish, are worth the investment in the
  in the area – and their success is the result of          long term
  dedication and well-managed perennial pastures.
  Wes’ interest in pastures goes right back to when       • to manage the land to its capability and to fence
  he left school in 1954 and started his own plot           appropriately to help make this possible
  trials with different species. It wasn’t long before    • maintaining native vegetation and revegetating
  his father became interested and became one of            has landscape-wide benefits
  the first in the district to recognise the importance   • soil fertility is the foundation of all good land
  of soil nutrients (particularly phosphorus and            management.
  molybdenum) and soil acidity. This was the start
  of a professional approach to pastures that             There is no doubt that much of the Seeligers’
  continues today.                                        success comes from getting the basics right.
                                                          Pastures need to be well managed to recover the
  The foundation of the Seeligers’ pastures has           cost of establishment and continue to contribute
  always been perennial grasses – mainly cocksfoot,       to farm profitability.
  phalaris and perennial rye with sub-clover. South
  Australia’s Mediterranean climate encourages            The underlying principle that Wes applies
  many land managers to think of a growing season         is managing different areas on his property
  that starts in April and ends in October, however,      according to their capability.
  every year we have summer storms, and every year
  the perennials respond. On the other hand, annual       This management principle has helped him
  grasses deteriorate with the rain and leave you         overcome problems such as waterlogging and
  with little more than a fire risk.                      salinity, as well as reducing the likelihood of
                                                          soil erosion. Weed infestations are also reduced
  Weeds are always a threat, particularly broadleaf       through successful competition from more
  weeds following summer rain. The Seeligers work         desirable grazing species.
  on the principle that the best way to beat these
  weeds is to provide competition. Recently, annual       The Seeliger farm makes extensive use of shelter
  grasses such as barley grass and silver grass began     belts. While some land managers are reluctant
  creeping into a couple of paddocks. These will be       to ‘give up’ productive land for trees, animals
  sprayed in autumn at a rate that doesn’t kill the       sheltered from cold winds need less feed, and
  perennials. The Seeligers still have good perennial     pastures sheltered from drying winds are more
  pastures that were sown 30 years ago – the secret       productive. The trees in the shelter belts also
  is: they look after them. Rotational grazing is         benefit native wildlife, by providing shelter,
  the key to achieving this, as set stocking proved       a food source and a safe corridor for movement.
  a recipe for disaster.

10 | Rural living handbook | Buying your property
2 | Natural resources
           • Water
           • Soil
           • Native vegetation and animals
           • Fire
           • Weeds
           • Pest animals

Water                                                What are water affecting activities?

Water management is an integral part of successful   Water affecting activities (WAA) are those that can
property management. Using water efficiently will    potentially have adverse impacts on the health and
minimise your costs while preserving flows for the   condition of water resources, on other water users
environment. Managing watercourses and dams          and on the ecosystems that depend on water
effectively will improve water quality on your       resources. These water resources include watercourses,
property and for downstream users.                   lakes or dams, floodplains, groundwater, springs,
                                                     wetlands, waterholes and catchment landscapes,
                                                     among others. Management of water affecting
Water legislation
                                                     activities is needed to protect our natural systems
The Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural          and water-dependent ecosystems, maintain water
Resources Management Board (the board)               quality, and minimise impacts on other water users.
manages surface water resources, including
                                                     The board regulates WAAs in accordance with
activities in and around watercourses and dams,
                                                     its Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural
under the Natural Resources Management Act
                                                     Resources Management Plan, and where applicable
2004. Ground water resources in South Australia,
                                                     in accordance with a WAP if one has been adopted
including bores and wells, are managed by the
                                                     for the area.
Department for Environment and Water (the

Most of the board’s area is (or will be) covered
by statutory Water Allocation Plans (WAP). These
plans may affect how you can take or use water
on your property. Information on each adopted
WAP is available at www.naturalresources. or from the
Eastwood Natural Resources Centre (see the
‘Local information’ chapter).

                                                                  Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 11
Activities requiring a permit                           Causes of riparian zone degradation include:
                                                          • allowing stock access to watercourses
  Activities requiring a permit include, but are not
  limited to:                                             • invasion and competition from pest animal
                                                            species (e.g. rabbits) and weed species
  • the construction or enlargement of dams
                                                            (e.g. Willows and Blackberries)
    or structures to collect or divert water
                                                          • recreational activities
  • drilling, deepening and backfilling wells,
    bores and groundwater access trenches                 • building
  • building structures obstructing or depositing         • channel realignment.
    solid materials in a watercourse, lake or
                                                          Effects of riparian zone degradation include:
    floodplain (e.g. erosion control; construction
    of water crossings; or dumping material)              • unstable banks
  • excavating material from a watercourse, dam,          • erosion of watercourses
    lake or floodplain (e.g. excavating or cleaning       • flow restriction
    dams, waterholes and on-stream dams)
                                                          • weed invasion
  • removing any vegetation (exotic or native plants)
                                                          • reduced water quality
    in a watercourse, dam or riparian zone
                                                          • reduced biodiversity of both aquatic and
  • draining or discharging water or brine into
                                                            terrestrial flora and fauna
    a watercourse or dam (e.g. desalination waste,
    stormwater/urban discharge, drainage and              • reduced aesthetic value.
    salinity control)
                                                          The following activities are essential to reduce
  • the use of effluent or water imported to an area      degradation and loss of riparian vegetation:
    for commercial activities (e.g. irrigation).
                                                          • fence riparian areas to protect them from stock;
  Landholders, property managers, local government,         alternative water sources and shade/shelter must
  industry and organisations must lodge permit              be provided
  applications with the board for any of the activities   • encourage the regeneration of native vegetation
  listed above.
                                                          • minimise the number of tracks and trails leading
  There are instances where the board has worked            to your riparian area; this will reduce the amount
  towards cutting red tape and a permit is not              of sediment and nutrient-rich runoff from the
  required. For example, if you want to desilt              tracks into the watercourse
  your dam or there are certain species of weeds          • minimise ground disturbance during weed
  you want to tackle on your watercourse, then              removal activities in the riparian zone
  please visit our water affecting activities web
  page to view the information under ‘Cutting             • minimise herbicide and pesticide use; ensure
  red tape’:                that pesticides and herbicides are registered
  adelaidemtloftyranges.                                    for use near water
                                                          • revegetate degraded and eroded riparian areas
  For bores/wells permit applications visit www.            with suitable local native vegetation.
                                                          Managing farm dams
  Riparian zones
                                                          The primary use of farm dams is to provide water
  The riparian zone is the area directly influenced       for stock and domestic purposes. If not properly
  by a river, creek, watercourse or drainage line.        managed, farm dams can have an impact on
  The zone generally extends from the normal water        the water quality on your property, and affect
  level to the floodplain.                                downstream users and the environment. All dams,
                                                          new and existing, should be managed to maximise
  Healthy riparian vegetation – trees, shrubs and
                                                          stock safety and health and to minimise impacts
  groundcovers – will make your watercourse
                                                          on the environment. Note that a water allocation
  banks more stable and help prevent erosion.
                                                          plan for the area may limit taking of water from
  The vegetation will also filter out nutrients from
                                                          a dam, and/or may require the installation of
  surrounding paddocks, support wildlife and
                                                          a bypass for low flows.
  create habitat for native wildlife.

12 | Rural living handbook | Natural resources
Native plants and grasses help stabilise dam banks

Here are some hints for improving dam health:          For every millimetre of rainfall and square metre of
                                                       roof area, one litre of rainfall can be collected. For
• Use fencing to limit stock access to one or
                                                       example, if your total roof area is 200 m2, 200 L
  two locations at the dam. Best practice is to
                                                       of water can be collected for each mm of rainfall.
  completely exclude stock from dams and provide
                                                       Calculating your water requirements and collection
  alternative watering points. This prevents stock
                                                       area will help you decide the size of tank you need.
  from fouling the water and minimises erosion.
  The result should be good water quality and
  a long lasting dam which benefits both stock         Reducing household water use
  and the environment.                                 Saving water in and around your home benefits
• Prevent nutrients from entering the dam by           the environment and there are many ways to do
  leaving an unfertilised strip where water flows      this. People who live in rural areas have developed
  into the dam. This will help minimise the chances    water saving methods through necessity and
  of a blue-green algae outbreak.                      experience.
• Avoid using fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides   Try these tips for using less water inside your house:
  around dams and watercourses.
                                                       • install dual flush toilets with a high star rating
• Encourage native plants to grow in and around
  the dam – reeds, sedges and rushes at the water’s    • use water-saving shower heads with a high
  edge and grasses and shrubs on the banks; native       star rating
  vegetation will filter out sediments and nutrients   • install water efficient washing machines and
  and provide habitat for native animals.                dishwashers with a high star rating; only use
• Don’t plant trees on the dam wall, as their roots      washing machines and dishwashers when full
  may weaken it. It is best to have permanent grass    • ensure that there are no leaks in your plumbing
  cover on dam walls to reduce erosion.                  system and repair any dripping taps promptly
• Maintain dam spillways well, as they are crucial     • install water-efficient taps and tap aerators.
  to dam stability.
                                                       The SA Water website provides useful tips for
Rainwater tanks                                        saving water with a few simple changes to your
                                                       everyday activities. Visit
In our Mediterranean climate of hot and dry            to find out more.
summers and wet winters, collecting and storing
as much rainfall as possible is important. As          Outside water use
climate variability increases, capturing and storing
rainfall becomes increasingly important. Collecting    Outside water use for gardens, lawns and
and storing rainwater in tanks is a sustainable way    watering stock on an average rural residential
of reducing your reliance on mains, ground or          block (e.g. 2 ha) can be 125–250,000 L per year.
surface water supplies.

                                                                    Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 13
Stock requirements                                        More information
  As a guide, stock usually require the following           For more information about water resources,
  amounts of water (on average):                            water affecting activities and to apply for
  • horse – 17,000 L per year (47.5 L/day)                  permits, visit
  • sheep (adult – dry feed) – 2500 L per year
    (7 L/day)                                               For more information on water saving, visit the
  • beef cattle – 21,000 L per year (57.5 L/day)            SA Water website at

  • dairy cattle – 26,500 L per year (72.5 L/day)           For information and advice on funding available
  • dog – 3000 L per year (8 L/day)                         to landholders for watercourse restoration work,
                                                            contact your local natural resources centre
  • pig (boar or dry sow) – 5000 L per year                 (see the ‘Local information’ chapter).
    (13.5 L/day).
                                                            For more information on the installation and use
  Please note that stock water requirements vary            of greywater systems, contact your local council.
  greatly depending on factors such as the life-stage
  of the animal (e.g. a lactating cow on grass may
  need up to 250 L per day), the time of the year,          Soil
  the moisture in the pasture, and water quality
  (e.g. animals drink more water if it is salty). It is     Your soil is a valuable resource containing nutrients
  critical that animals have access to reliable and         for pastures and crops and for the growth of
  clean water at all times.                                 native species.

                                                            The greatest threat to your soil is erosion from
  Garden requirements                                       wind and water. Soil erosion can be exacerbated
  Gardens can potentially need a lot of water,              by animals, vehicles and vegetation removal.
  especially during the hotter months, but there            Erosion removes valuable soil from your property,
  are many ways to reduce that need.                        reduces the productivity of your land, and pollutes
                                                            watercourses, dams and reservoirs with turbid
  For example:                                              water that is full of nutrients and silt.
  • plant drought-tolerant species – use local              The best protection against erosion is adequate
    native plants where possible                            groundcover. Remnant native vegetation and
  • install a drip irrigation system                        perennial pastures provide the most durable
  • mulch all garden areas to a depth of 75 mm              protection for your soil. If using native grasses,
                                                            careful management is required for them to persist.
  • compost household and garden waste and
    use it to improve soil condition and organic            Carefully consider pasture improvement management
    matter content                                          strategies as they can impact areas of native grasses.
  • keep lawn to around 5 cm in height to reduce            Herbicides and grazing management can safely
    evaporation (the blades shade each other)               be used to control weeds and maintain permanent
                                                            grass cover, providing they are used appropriately.
  • infrequent watering improves the drought
    resistance of your plants by encouraging deep
    roots – water less often, but for longer periods
    at slow rates
  • install a rainwater tank – rainwater tanks can supply
    a substantial proportion of household water
  • use greywater in the garden – greywater is the
    wastewater from baths, showers, hand basins
    and washing machines’ final rinse; do not use
    water from toilets, or kitchen wastewater. Use
    greywater in a controlled way to avoid adverse
    health impacts – it should not be stored for
    more than 24 hours. Contact your local council
    or the Office of the Technical Regulator for
    guidelines on applying to use greywater.

14 | Rural living handbook | Natural resources
Erosion                                                  You can also prevent soil loss and erosion by
                                                         controlling water runoff with devices such as
Some soils are very susceptible to the various           contour banks, sediment traps, flumes, straw
forms of water erosion. Factors such as slope,           bales and mulches.
rainfall intensities and natural groundcover
influence natural erosion rates, as can overstocking     It is important to obtain technical advice from
or over-cultivating paddocks.                            the relevant authorities before undertaking any
                                                         of these works. There may be erosion control
You can help minimise erosion and retain topsoil         structures already on your property. If so, they
on your property by using the following good land        should be maintained and not disturbed to ensure
management practices:                                    their continuing operation. Contact your local
• Provide adequate vegetation cover, particularly        natural resources centre for more assistance (see
  at ground level. Ground vegetation should              the ‘Local information’ chapter).
  provide at least 70 per cent groundcover all
  year round.                                            Soil acidity
• Understand the grazing patterns of the livestock       Many of our soils are naturally acidic but light-
  you keep. For example, horses do not evenly            textured soils in high rainfall areas are at particular
  graze paddocks and alpacas are fussy eaters.           risk. Soil acidity is a gradual process that is best
  An understanding of the grazing habits of your         corrected before the implications become irreversible.
  animals will enable you to manage your pastures
  and avoid overgrazing.                                 The effects of soil acidity include:
• Rotate your activities to rest the land and maintain   • reduced agricultural production and viability
  continuous grass cover in grazing paddocks.            • increased production costs due to the costs
• Seek professional advice about revegetating              of treatment
  the property using appropriate local native            • groundcover decline, increasing the likelihood
  species by establishing windbreaks and native            of erosion and declining water quality
  vegetation along watercourses and farm roads.
                                                         • reduced water use by vegetation contributing
  This will help filter out sediment and nutrients
                                                           to salinity.
  as well as provide stability and habitat for
  native fauna. Note: determine your landscape           Some causes of soil acidity include:
  type prior to undertaking revegetation works.
  Dense planting of trees in an open grassland           • natural pH decline through leaching
  for example, can detrimentally affect the value        • high legume content of pastures contributing
  of that habitat and local native fauna.                  to nitrate leaching
• Protect and enhance existing native vegetation.        • removal of alkaline plants (especially hay),
  When choosing plants, local native species will          animal produce and waste products speed
  grow well, provide habitat and not become                up the acidification process
  weeds. It is well worth joining a local Landcare       • ‘nitrate leaching’ – lack of deep-rooted grasses
  group which can help with plants propagated              to catch the nitrogen produced before it leaches
  from locally collected seed indigenous to
  your area.                                             • application of nitrogen fertilisers.

• Cultivate and plant along contour lines. Don’t         There are three basic strategies for managing
  cultivate steeply sloping land as this can lead        acid soils:
  to erosion.                                            1. Use deep-rooted perennial pastures to
• Construct access roads along the contour                  improve nitrogen recycling and slow the rate
  on gentle slopes wherever possible and avoid              of acidification.
  waterlogged areas.                                     2. Use lime to raise soil pH (most useful if only
• Find out about your land’s capabilities. Contact          the topsoil is acidic).
  your local natural resources centre for a fact         3. Use plants that are tolerant of acid soil conditions.
  sheet about the Land Capability Classification
  System. Altogether, there are eight capability
  classes and it is recommended that you don’t
  cultivate land in Classes 5–8.

                                                                      Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 15
Contact your local natural resources centre for        Sodicity is a more widespread form of land
  more information about the causes of soil acidity      degradation than salinity. It affects nearly one third
  and help with treatment options (see the ‘Local        of all soils in Australia, causing poor water infiltration,
  information’ chapter).                                 surface crusting, erosion and waterlogging.
                                                         Runoff from sodic soils carries clay particles into
  Dryland salinity                                       watercourses, causing environmental problems
                                                         in rivers and wetlands. This runoff is more likely
  Dryland salinity occurs naturally when groundwater     to carry higher levels of nitrogen and phosphate
  discharges or seeps to the surface, bringing soil      which contribute to algal blooms in watercourses.
  salts with it. Salt can also be drawn to the surface
  by capillary action. When the water balance is         Applying gypsum to the affected soil can treat
  disturbed by the removal of deep-rooted perennial      topsoil sodicity. Large quantities of gypsum are
  vegetation, dryland salinity is accelerated. Dryland   usually required for more than a short-term effect.
  salinity can cause vegetation loss and stream          The best way to treat sodic subsoil is to stop the
  salinisation and be a precursor to soil erosion.       subsoil from being exposed. It is important to
                                                         get technical advice before treating your soil.
  Causes of dryland salinity include:
  • removing deep-rooted perennial vegetation and        More information
    replacing it with shallow-rooted pastures and
    crops – this raises the water table, which brings    For more information on soil management,
    salt to the surface                                  contact your local natural resources centre or
                                                         contact Primary Industries and Resources South
  • blocking natural groundwater flow (e.g. by roads     Australia (see the ‘Local information’ chapter).
    or dams).

  Some effects of dryland salinity include:              Native vegetation and animals
  • loss of desirable vegetation
  • growth of salt-tolerant species                      Remnant native vegetation
  • reduced crop and pasture production                  Remnant native vegetation is an area’s remaining
  • waterlogged soil                                     indigenous vegetation, including forests, woodlands,
                                                         shrublands and native grasslands. Much of the
  • soil erosion                                         original native vegetation in the AMLR region
  • increased salt loads in rivers and streams           has been cleared for agriculture since European
  • reduced surface and groundwater quality              settlement. In some instances, this has resulted
                                                         in problems including soil erosion, loss of soil
  • declining soil structure                             structure, weed invasion, increased salinity,
  • damage to buildings, roads, septic systems           reduced water quality and loss of biodiversity.
    and pipes.
                                                         Protecting and promoting native vegetation can
  These impacts of dryland salinity can affect your      enhance the value of your property and increase
  property. When considering methods to manage           productivity, by providing shade and shelter
  dryland salinity, it is important to get technical     for stock, windbreaks for crops and pasture,
  advice from the relevant authorities. See ‘More        habitat for native wildlife and stabilising soils
  information’ at the end of this section.               to reduce erosion.

  Sodicity                                               If conserving biodiversity is one of your goals,
                                                         use the following priorities to help you decide
  Sodic soils contain enough exchangeable sodium         where to start:
  to adversely affect soil stability and plant growth.
                                                         Priority 1: Protect remnant native vegetation
  As a result, clay particles in the soil lose their
  tendency to stick together when wet. This leads        • Exclude stock from native vegetation by ensuring
  to unstable soils that may erode or become               you have good fencing.
  impermeable to both water and plant roots.
                                                         • Control feral animals such as rabbits, foxes, deer,
                                                           goats and cats.

16 | Rural living handbook | Natural resources
• Consider whether and how you will need to            How good is that piece of bush?
  manage overabundant native grazing animals
  (e.g. kangaroos).                                    Rule of thumb: Any patch of native vegetation
                                                       is valuable. A minimum of 30 per cent cover of
• Control weeds using the following principles:
                                                       native vegetation across a rural property will help
  a. accurately identify plants so that natives        maintain ecosystems and improve productivity.
     are not accidentally removed or damaged           Your neighbour’s bush and others nearby may
  b. use minimal disturbance techniques                help contribute a viable local core habitat area
  c. start in the best areas of bushland and           or ‘corridor’ of vegetation for native animals.
     work outwards
                                                       Most native plant diversity is in the groundcover
  d. concentrate on high-threat weeds first.           layer. Spring is the best time to appreciate a range
                                                       of native wildflowers that may be dormant for
Priority 2: Encourage natural regeneration             much of the year.
Many areas have the capacity to naturally              Remember to:
regenerate – provided they are carefully managed.
Regeneration is far cheaper than revegetation          • avoid fragmenting existing areas of native
and is more likely to represent the original genetic     vegetation, including remnant grasslands. If you
and species diversity of the site.                       are building new fencelines, roads or services,
                                                         consider building them around areas of native
Encouraging natural regeneration generally               vegetation rather than through them
requires the same management activities as for         • ensure that plant species are correctly identified
protecting remnants. However, a higher level             when spraying weeds (many native species can
of weed control will usually be needed, and              be easily misidentified as weeds).
carefully managed grazing is sometimes useful
in promoting native grasses over introduced            Native Vegetation Act 1991
pastures and pasture weeds.
                                                       Remnant native vegetation is protected from
Priority 3: Revegetate                                 clearance under the Native Vegetation Act 1991.
                                                       Strict exemptions exist for certain situations such
Revegetate using local native species, with the
                                                       as for maintaining roadsides, fencelines, firebreaks
range and rationing of species selected to
                                                       and developments.
represent the original vegetation association.
                                                       For more information contact your local natural
When planning a replanting program, always
                                                       resources centre (see the ‘Local information’ chapter).
try to:
• use seed that is sourced locally wherever possible
• use plants that have been grown locally to
  ensure they acclimatise to local conditions
• select a range and ratio of species to represent
  the original vegetation association as closely
  as possible.

Thick strips of native trees (about five trees
wide) and shrubs can provide shelter for stock
and protection against drying winds, moderate
temperature extremes, prevent pollution
of streams by nutrient runoff, and impede
windblown weed seeds.

                                                                    Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 17
Environment Protection and Biodiversity                    Several species of venomous snakes could live
  Conservation Act 1999                                      in your area. Most snake bites recorded in South
                                                             Australia happen to people who try to catch
  This Commonwealth Act is designed to protect               or kill them. Give snakes some space and they
  nationally threatened species and ecological               will generally leave the area.
  communities from direct and indirect threats.
  Four ecological communities that occur in the              The snake season usually lasts from late October
  AMLR region are protected under this Act.                  to early March. The following actions can reduce
                                                             the chance of snake bite:
  They are:
                                                             • Store loose sheets of iron, timber, and other
  • Fleurieu Peninsula swamps                                  materials off ground level (e.g. on pallets).
  • Peppermint box grassy woodland                           • Mow frequently trafficked areas and those
  • Iron-grass natural temperate grassland                     around buildings.

  • Grey box grassy woodlands and derived                    • Wear enclosed leather shoes or gaiters when
    native grassland.                                          walking in long grass or near creeks or farm dams.
                                                             • Wear long trousers and leather gloves
  Native animals                                               if handling vegetation.

  All native animals in South Australia are protected        • Let snakes pass through and away from your
  (except those specifically listed as “unprotected”           house or paddock, but if they decide to take
  under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972).             up residence contact a snake catcher to
  This means that it is illegal to trap, kill or harm them     relocate them.
  unless licensed otherwise. Although we would like          • If you see a snake, stand still and allow it to
  to live in unison with native animals, sometimes they        continue on its path.
  can pose a threat to our safety or activities. It is
  important to understand how to correctly manage            Providing a fauna-friendly property
  these situations on your property.
                                                             If you would like to encourage small birds and
  A few native animals can become a nuisance if not          other wildlife, such as bats, around your property,
  managed appropriately. For instance, kangaroos             here are some ways to attract them:
  often show a strong liking for planted native
                                                             • Leave dead trees with hollows intact, whether
  seedlings. It is crucial to fence off revegetation
                                                               standing or on the ground.
  areas as well as gardens, which native animals
  such as kangaroos will also often target.                  • Plant a variety of local native shrubs, especially
                                                               dense or prickly ones. Use mainly white, pink or
  Possums can sometimes become nuisances in roof               yellow flowering shrubs and keep red flowering
  spaces. In such cases, it is best to provide nest            shrubs in smaller numbers. Large numbers of red
  boxes for the possums outside the house, remove              flowering shrubs can attract noisy mynah birds
  them from the roof, and seal entrance holes.                 and larger honeyeaters that actively exclude
  Possums are territorial, so removing them from               other smaller birds from the area.
  your property can result in death of the animal
                                                             • Provide bird baths and other watering points.
  and injury to others.
                                                             • Build and maintain nest boxes where few hollow
  Your legal requirements:                                     trees remain.
  • you need a permit                                        • Manage your animals to ensure that they don’t
  • trapped possums must be released within                    interfere with native fauna. For example, if you
    24 hours of capture (at sunset on the day                  own a cat, ensure that it doesn’t stray and attach
    of capture).                                               a bell attached to its collar to alert native birds.

  • they must be released within 50 metres                   • Do not remove mistletoes – they are an excellent
    of where you caught them.                                  source of food and habitat for a range of animals.

  Find out more on how to deal with possums at:              Feeding native animals and birds can be an issue Some councils                   as it may make them dependent. Human foods
  also hire out possum traps (see the ‘Local                 may also cause problems for native animals; for
  information’ chapter).                                     example, bread can cause lumpy jaw in kangaroos.

18 | Rural living handbook | Natural resources
Frogs are desirable animals to have living on your
                                                      Living in a rural setting is a lifestyle choice for
The following actions will encourage frogs to stay
                                                      many South Australians. The benefits are enormous;
or colonise:
                                                      but the risks are real.
• use ponds or pools as part of your garden
  landscaping                                         All people living in the bush, including those in
                                                      peri-urban fringe areas of Adelaide and regional
• place logs or other large timber off-cuts around
                                                      South Australia, are vulnerable. It is therefore vital
  the edge of open water bodies
                                                      that you have a practical Bushfire Survival Plan.
• plant native reeds, rushes and sedges in clumps
  around water bodies                                 Legislation
• plant tussock-forming vegetation a short distance
                                                      Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005
  from dams so frogs can shelter and forage.
                                                      The purpose of this Act, which established the
A pond, dam or creek full of life not only creates
                                                      South Australian Fire and Emergency Services
a healthy environment but can provide many
                                                      Commission, is to:
peaceful hours for you and your family to explore.
                                                      • provide for the continuation of a metropolitan
More information                                        fire and emergency service, a country fire and
                                                        emergency service, and a state emergency service
For information on managing native vegetation,
                                                      • provide for the prevention, control and
contact your local natural resources centre (see
                                                        suppression of fires
the ‘Local information’ chapter). Natural Resources
AMLR staff can also visit your property and give      • handle certain emergency situations.
you advice.
                                                      Key points:
Further information on native species in the          • landowners are obliged to manage fuel levels
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges region can              on their properties
be found at
                                                      • if council believes that conditions on private land
                                                        in a fire district may cause an unreasonable risk
                                                        of the outbreak of fire on the land, or the spread
                                                        of fire through the land, the council may issue
                                                        a written notice specifying action(s) that the
                                                        landowner must undertake within a specified time.

                                                                    Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 19
Fire danger ratings                                       Bushfire survival plan
  The Fire Danger Rating is issued on a daily basis for     Your Bushfire Survival Plan outlines the work
  each Fire Ban District. The rating reflects the risk of   required to help safeguard your property and,
  a bushfire spreading and is based on factors that         most importantly, what actions you and your
  contribute to fire behaviour such as temperature,         family will take on high fire risk days and if
  wind speed and humidity. The categories from              a fire threatens.
  lowest risk to highest are: Low-Moderate, High,
                                                            If you live in the bush, the suburban fringe or
  Very High, Severe, Extreme and Catastrophic. Total
                                                            regional South Australia, then you are in danger
  fire bans are issued on days that are rated Severe        of experiencing a bushfire.
  or higher.
                                                            The decision whether to ‘stay and defend’ your
  Daily updated fire danger ratings for your area can       home, or ‘go early’ for each of the Fire Danger
  be found on the CFS website,           Rating levels is critical and should be made before
                                                            the fire danger season – and well before a
  Bushfire warnings                                         bushfire arrives.

  A new bushfire advice and warnings system was             If you plan to ‘stay and defend’ your property,
  implemented in South Australia in 2010. This              you will need to consider the following:
  system, agreed to nationally, will help you decide        • Are you physically fit to fight spot fires in and
  what actions you need to take depending on the              around your home for up to 10 hours or more?
  predicted fire danger. Three levels of messaging
                                                            • Are you mentally and emotionally able to cope
  will help you make informed decisions about what
                                                              with the intense smoke, heat and noise of
  actions you need to take to survive a bushfire.
                                                              a bushfire, while implementing your plan?
  They are:
                                                            • Are you able to implement your plan while
  1. Advice – no immediate threat but messages will
                                                              caring for young children, elderly or disabled
     keep people informed about low-level incidents
                                                              people in your home?
  2. Watch and act – people need to take action to          • Do you have the resources and equipment
     protect themselves, their family and neighbours          to effectively fight a fire – a water supply of at
  3. Emergency warning – highest level of risk to life.       least 5000 L (a water tank, pond, dam, creek
                                                              or swimming pool) and a petrol/diesel powered
  Emergency warning messages will be broadcast                firefighting pump with adequate hose length?
  over ABC local radio accompanied by the Standard
                                                            • Does your home have a defendable space of
  Emergency Warning Signal. These warnings can
                                                              at least 20 m cleared of flammable materials
  also be accessed through AlertSA (www.alert.
                                                              and vegetation? or the smartphone app.
                                                            • Is your home in a location that puts it at higher
                                                              than normal risk or makes it difficult to defend,
                                                              such as on a steep slope or in close proximity
                                                              to bushland?

20 | Rural living handbook | Natural resources
Bushfire Survival Plans can be downloaded from            of the most effective ways to protect against
the CFS website ( Once you             radiant heat, direct flame and ember attack. Seek
have completed your plan, practice it regularly and       professional advice for design and installation.
keep it in a safe and easily accessible place for quick
reference, e.g. on the fridge.                            Machinery maintenance

Property protection                                       Landholders need to take precautions to ensure
                                                          that every item of equipment on their property
A home can ignite in various ways during a                which generates heat in one form or another
bushfire – from radiant heat ahead of the fire            is in good working order and not likely to ignite
front, burning debris falling on the building,            crops, pastures or any other flammable substances
and direct flame contact. However, research has           during the fire danger season.
shown that the biggest ignition source is sparks
and embers that travel through the air before, and        When the machinery is in the field, always carry
hours after, the fire front has passed. Sparks and        a full knapsack or water extinguisher, and a rake
embers enter a home wherever there is a gap,              or shovel. This precaution is mandatory when
such as under roofing tiles, under the floor, in          harvesting a flammable crop, spreading lime or
crevices, window sills, vents and under verandahs.        fertiliser, or moving a flammable crop after harvest.

Some basic measures will improve your home’s              Livestock protection
fire safety:
                                                          Identify the safest paddock on your property and
Smooth surfaces – no nooks and crannies where             consider moving stock into this paddock on high
leaves and debris can gather.                             fire danger days. Your safe paddock should:
Roofing – well-secured metal roofing is                   • have a reliable water supply
preferable, a tiled roof needs to be well fitted
                                                          • have clear access
with fire-resistant sarking (i.e. fibreglass-based
aluminum foil).                                           • be well grazed with minimum fuel to carry fire

Walls – non-flammable wall materials such as              • be well fenced.
brick, mud brick and fibre cement are necessary
                                                          If animals do sustain burns, the best form of
as vinyl weatherboards, rough timber, and other
                                                          immediate first aid is to sponge the affected
wall claddings can warp or catch fire.
                                                          area with cold water until proper veterinary care
Windows, crevices and vents – spark-proof                 is available.
your home with metal flywire screens on windows
and doors, or install fire-resistant metal shutters.      Fire ban information
Cover all wall cavities in fine wire mesh.
                                                          Fire danger seasons change from year to year,
Skylights – install wire-reinforced glass or a            depending on seasonal conditions. Check the
thermo plastic cover on skylights as plastic can          CFS website ( for the current
melt and glass can break in strong heat.                  dates for your fire ban district.
Property access – gateways should be at least
                                                          Total fire bans can be declared at any time of the
4 m wide with vertical clearance of 4 m. Provide
                                                          year, not just during the fire danger season. With
clear access with a turnaround point for
                                                          a few exceptions, no fires can be lit in the open
firefighting vehicles.
                                                          on a Total Fire Ban day.
Gutters – regularly clean gutters and remove
leaves and bark from any areas where they may             More information
become trapped.
                                                          For more information visit the CFS website
Prepare a 20 m defendable zone around your       or call the Bushfire
house by minimising the amount of fuel close to           Information Hotline on 1800 362 361.
it. This will prevent fires from burning close to the
house and minimise the effect of radiant heat             For information about fire prevention, contact
and direct flame impact.                                  your local council’s fire prevention officer (council
                                                          contact details are in the ‘Local information’ chapter).
Sprinkler system – a home bushfire sprinkler
system that directs water over the roof, windows,
doors and exposed under floor areas is one

                                                                       Rural living handbook | Natural resources | 21
You can also read