North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...

Page created by Regina Castro
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina
Mine Safety and Health Conference
         March 17 - 19, 2021

             777 Casino Drive
              Cherokee, NC
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina
                           Mine Safety and Health Conference
                                                March 17 - 19, 2021
                                                 Hotel Information
                                  Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort
                                                  777 Casino Drive
                                                 Cherokee, NC 28719
HOTEL INFORMATION:                                         TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS:
Check-In Time:		       4:00 p.m.                                   Reservations may be made by calling
Check-Out Time:        11:00 a.m.                                  1-800-427-7247 or (828) 497-7777 by February 7, 2021.
    Departures after 11:00 a.m. are subject to the full day        Please identify yourself as being with the N. C. Mine
    charge.                                                        Safety & Health Conference, Group Code # S03MINE, in
                                                                   order to receive the group rate.
                                                                   All reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card to
 • High-speed Internet access
                                                                   secure your accommodations. All charges and a $50/night
 • Phone with voicemail
                                                                   deposit will be charged to the credit card upon check-in. If
 • TV with On-Demand movies and games
                                                                   there are no incidental charges, the deposit will be released
 • Alarm clock radio
                                                                   back to your credit card within 3-7 business days.
 • In-room safe
 • Refrigerator                                                    Hotel accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or
 • Iron and ironing board                                          Discover.
 • Hair dryer
 • Room service                                                    HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE:
 • In-room check out                                               February 7, 2021 - The room block will be released after
                                                                   this date. Any reservation request received after that
ROOM TYPE & RATE:                                                  time may be accepted on “space available” basis at the
Creek Tower Run of House - $99 per night plus                      prevailing hotel rates.
applicable taxes.
Description: The restful, well-appointed Creek Tower               HOTEL CANCELLATION POLICY:
Deluxe Rooms offer a full work desk, luxury amenities and          Hotel allows individual cancellations without penalty if
plenty of room to relax.                                           cancelled by 11:00 am three days prior to your scheduled
                                                                   arrival date. Hotel shall charge the individual attendee
All rates are subject to applicable taxes (currently 7.5%          one (1) night’s guaranteed guest-room rate plus tax for
Tribal Levy and a 4.0% Occupancy Tax per room per                  cancellation if after 11:00 am three days prior or failure of
night.) Tax rates are subject to change without notice.            the individual to check-in on the scheduled arrival date.
                                                                   Any remaining nights of a “no-show” reservation will be
Rates are based on single or double occupancy. Additional
                                                                   canceled. This policy is strictly enforced and will result in
persons will be charged at a rate of $10.00 per person, per
                                                                   the full package price being charged against the individual’s
night, with a maximum of four (4) persons per guest-room.
Rates available from March 16 - 19, 2021
For a limited number of rooms, the applicable group                EARLY DEPARTURE/LATE ARRIVAL:
rate can be extended three (3) days prior and three (3)            There will be no refund, of any portion of the booking price
days post, when requested at the time the reservation is           for early departures/late arrivals. This policy is strictly
submitted.                                                         enforced so please be aware of the cancellation policy to
                                                                   avoid no show charges.

                                                  NC Aggregates Association
                                        353 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 270 * Raleigh, NC 27609
                                             P.O. Box 30603 * Raleigh, NC 27622-0603
                                             Phone: 919.782.7055 Fax: 919.782.7060
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina
                             Mine Safety and Health Conference
                                                   March 17 - 19, 2021
                                                    Hotel Restaurants
RUTH’s CHRIS STEAK HOUSE - Upscale                                  EARL OF SANDWICH - Casual
This classic steakhouse brings a restaurant experience              Earl of Sandwich’s extensive menu brings sandwiches
characterized by the restaurant’s renowned quality steaks           to a whole new artistic level with options like the Full
and signature menu items like USDA Prime steaks served in           Montagu®, with roasted beef, turkey, Swiss and cheddar;
Ruth’s Chris’s signature style, broiled at 1800° and served         Original 1762, featuring roasted beef, cheddar and
sizzling on a 500° plate.                                           horseradish sauce; and the Earl’s Club, with turkey, bacon
                                                                    and Swiss. Each is made with fresh-baked, artisan bread and
Located just off the Rotunda at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino
                                                                    the finest ingredients.
Resort, Ruth’s Chris is your spot to enjoy the perfect night out.
Reservations required.                                              Salads, wraps, vegetarian and gluten-free options are also         available. Fulfill your sweet tooth with fresh-baked cookies,
chris-steakhouse#.V6I3_TU0kcV                                       brownie crème sandwiches and cupcakes.
BRIO TUSCAN GRILLE - Casual                                         of-sandwich#.V6I4xDU0kcV
Known for its authentic Northern Italian specialties, BRIO
features a hard wood infused pizza oven and oven-roasted            JOHNNY ROCKETS - Casual
steaks, chops, fresh fish and made-to-order pastas. Tuscan          Looking for a place to grab a quick bite and get back to the
small bites are offered, along with an extensive wine list with     hot action of the casino floor? Johnny Rockets brings a great
a large Italian contingent served by the glass.                     American taste to Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort with
                                                                    breakfast sandwiches, classic burgers and fries and famous
Lunch, brunch and dinner menus are available in a casual,
                                                                    milkshakes! Located off the casino floor, in the food court.
yet elegant environment and an atmosphere reminiscent of
an old world Tavern.
Reservations required.
                                                                    LOBBY CAFE - Casual
                                                                    Looking for a comfortable place to enjoy a great cup of
                                                                    coffee, a delicious sandwich or just a glass of wine or beer?
SELU GARDEN CAFE - Casual                                           Overlooking Soco Creek, Lobby Cafe is conveniently
Selu Garden Café offers some favorite dishes along with an          located on the first floor of the hotel and is a perfect place to
all-you-can-eat salad and soup bar Monday-Friday.                   meet friends or just relax and refresh.
Selu Garden Cafe is located in the hotel and just a short walk      This casual dining spot features Starbucks, espresso
away from the action of the casino floor!                           and latte; handcrafted salads and sandwiches made with          European-style cold-cuts and artisan breads and a selection
garden-cafe#.V6I4mjU0kcV                                            of fine wine and imported beer.
NOODLE BAR - Casual                                                 by-cafe#.V6I-JTU0kcU
Specializing in Asian fare, the Noodle Bar at Harrah’s
Cherokee Casino Resort brings a fun taste of the Far East to
the Great Smoky Mountains. This Asian restaurant serves
dim sum & small plates, noodle soups and house specialties!
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina
                           Mine Safety and Health Conference
                                               March 17 - 19, 2021

            Hotel Restaurants - cont’d
PIZZERIA UNO - Casual                                          DUNKIN’ DONUTS EXPRESS - Quick Bites
Pizzeria UNO Express at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort        America’s favorite every day, all-day stop for coffee and
offers hand-crafted thin crust pizzas and calzones and fresh   baked goods is Dunkin’ Donuts.
pasta dishes! Come in for a hot bite of Italian favorites,     Located just off the casino floor, in the food court.
located off the casino floor, in the food court.           kin-donuts-express#.V6JAHjU0kcU

                       Tentative Schedule, Speakers & Topics
Wednesday, March 17, 2021                                      2:50 - 3:10 pm Break
10:00 am - 6:30 pm     Registration                            		                 Visit Exhibits
10:00 am - 2:00 pm     Exhibit Set up                          3:10 - 3:40 pm Guarding Innovations & Evolutions
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm      Safety & Health Committee Meeting       		 Bryan Moore, Vulcan Materials Co.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm      Beer & Wine Welcome Reception           3:40 - 4:00 pm Break
                                                               		                 Visit Exhibits
                       Dinner on your own
                                                               4:00 - 4:45 pm
                                                                 An Engineered Approach to Passive
Thursday, March 18, 2021                                          Dust and Material Containment
8:00 am - 5:00 pm      Registration                            		 Kevin Maloy, Richwood
7:30 - 9:00 am Breakfast Buffet                                                      Dinner on your own
		                 Visit Exhibits
9:00 - 9:15 am NC Mine Safety Update                           Friday, March 19, 2021
		 William Gerringer, NC Mine                                  7:00 - 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet
		                & Quarry                                     		                 Visit Exhibits
9:15 - 9:45 am Break                                           8:30 - 9:15 am The New MSHA Web-Site
		                 Visit Exhibits                              		 - How to Navigate
                                                               		 Kevin Deel, USDOL MSHA EPD
9:45 - 11:00 am MSHA District Updates
		 Sam Pierce & Sam Creasy, MSHA                               9:15 - 9:45 am Break
                                                               		                 Visit Exhibits
11:00 - 11:30 am Break
		                   Visit Exhibits                            9:45 - 10:30 am Prevention of Musculoskeletal
                                                               		 Disorders and Slips, Trips
11:30 am - 12:00 pm NC Department of Labor Update
                                                               		 and Fall Prevention
		 NCDOL Commissioner
                                                               		 Mahiyar F. Nasarwanji, Ph.D., C.P.E.,
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch Buffet                                                    National Institute for Occupational
		                  Visit Exhibits                                              Safety and Health (NIOSH)
1:00 - 1:45 pm Structural Safety at Mining Facilities          10:30 - 11:00 am Break
		 Terence M. Taylor, MSHA                                     		                   Visit Exhibits
1:45 - 2:05 pm Break                                           11:00 - 11:45 am MSHA Is Here, Are You Ready?
		                 Visit Exhibits                              		 Bryan Moore, Vulcan Materials Co.
2:05 - 2:50 pm The Art of Influence                            11:45 am - 12:00 pm   Exhibitor Door Prize Drawing
		 Jason Godwin, Wake Stone Corporation
                                                               12:00 pm              Closing Remarks & Adjourn
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference
                                                  March 17 - 19, 2021
                                          Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort
                                                  777 Casino Drive
                                                    Cherokee, NC
                                                   Registration Form
                                                     Registration Deadline
One form per person                                    February 7, 2021
Please copy as needed

    Name: 						                                                 Title:
    City, State, Zip:
    Phone: 					                                                 Fax:
    Cell phone: 					                                            Email:
    List any special needs (i.e. food allergies, special diets, etc.):
    Emergency Contact Name: 					 Relationship:
    Home Phone: 					                                            Cell Phone:
    List your top five table top preferences:
    List companies that should not be next to your table top:

q    Registration fee per conference attendee: $150.00 - Includes Reception, seminars, meals and breaks
q    Fee for spouse/significant other:			 $125.00 - Reception and meals only
q    Table Top Exhibit (10’ wide area) 		 $295.00 - Includes ONE Registration Fee, one 6’ table & two chairs
q    Electric for Table-top Exhibit:		         $ 50.00
q    I will have the following door prize:_______________________________________________________________
      „    One form per person.
      „    Please print and mail, e-mail, or fax completed form to the North Carolina Aggregates Association. (See below)
      „    Accommodations must be booked directly with the hotel. (See page 2)
Cancellations: NO REFUNDS AFTER February 7, 2021. Substitutions will be accepted.
    PAYMENT: 							Total Amount Due: $
    Please E-mail the invoice to:
    Once you receive the invoice, payment can be made on-line by credit card or by mailing the printed invoice with a
    check to the NCAA Office.
                                                                                            FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Return your completed form to NC Aggregates Association
                               To pay by Credit Card                           Date Received: _____________________________
To pay by Check
Please mail completed form and E-Mail completed form to:                       Date Invoiced: ______________________________
check made payable to NCAA to:   E-mail:
                               Or                                                                             Invoice #: __________
NC Aggregates Association      Fax completed form to:                          Date Paid: _______________ Amount Paid: _______
353 E. Six Forks Rd., Ste 270     (919) 782-7060
                                                                               Paid By: Check _________ Credit Card __________
Raleigh, NC 27609              An invoice will be emailed to you for
                               you to pay on-line.                             Check #/CC# _______________________________
 If you have any questions or need registration information call Diane at the North Carolina Aggregates Association - 919.782.7055
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
North Carolina
                                          Mine Safety and Health Conference
                                                         March 17 - 19, 2021
                                                       EXHIBITOR FLOOR PLAN

                    Service                                     Hickory
                    Wall                                         Oak
                                                                Single Sided Buffet

      Power                                Beverage
      at Diane's                           Station


                                                  8'            8'                  8'






                                                                8'                  8'




                                                                8'                  8'




                                                                8'                  8'






                                                                 8'                  8'



                               8' 2.90"


                                                         10'          10'           10'           10'   10'
                                                          1           2              3            4     5


                                                                            Single Sided Buffet
North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ... North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ... North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ... North Carolina Mine Safety and Health Conference - March 17 - 19, 2021 - 777 Casino Drive - North ...
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