NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income - Plan ahead before returning to NZ - Focus Chartered Accountants

NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income - Plan ahead before returning to NZ - Focus Chartered Accountants
The official newsletter of NZ CA Limited

                                                                                                                       June 2021 Issue 75

NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income
Plan ahead before returning to NZ
T          Returning New Zealanders bring valuable
    ransitional residency rules
    were brought in to encourage
           experience and skills home with them, however,
migrants with assets overseas.
                                                                                                                    New Zealand has double tax
                                                                                                                 agreements with many countries
                                                                                                                 to help people avoid paying
Under the rules, if you haven’t      there are a number of matters to consider in advance.                       income tax twice. However,
been a New Zealand tax resident                                                                                  with corporate tax or trusts set
for 10 years, you’re considered a    New Zealand and transfer their        for services performed in New         up overseas, people often have
transitional resident. That means    investments.                          Zealand aren’t covered either.        to pay in both countries. When
you won’t be taxed on your              Transitional residency             New Zealanders and family             it comes to the US, expats also
overseas income from assets such     rules only apply to                   members still working for             need to continue filing US tax
as rental properties, pensions       individuals which means               overseas employers will also be       returns for as long as they retain
or shares for the first four years   income from companies                 taxed in New Zealand from the         citizenship (FATCA Rules).
after you return to live in New      or trusts isn’t covered and           time of arrival, and tax credits      Planning in advance is essential,
Zealand.                             will be taxed by the IRD              they may have earned overseas         as it takes time to sort and it’s
   This would give individuals       from day one.                         don’t apply. (New Zealand taxes       better to resolve to avoid future
time to plan their move to              Salaries and payments              on “worldwide income”.)               issues.

                        When is a gift really a gift?              result of the payment.                        If you are involved with any
                        A gift is not really a gift if you get a      If a non-profit body receives a         organisations that are GST registered,
                        benefit as a result of it.                 true gift then they don’t pay GST. On      which receive “gifts” of money, make
                          Payment must be voluntary and            the other hand, if it is not a true gift   sure there isn’t anything given in
                        there must be no “identifiable direct      because there is a benefit, GST has to     return for the “gift” or you will be
                        value benefit” arising or may arise as a   be paid on the money received.             liable for GST.

                                                                                                                         Tax calendar

                Tax rate increase: What you need to know | Interest deductions                                           30 June 2021
                on rental property | Know the bright line test| Business continuity                                      Last day to apply for
                                                                                                                         annual FBT returns

                test | Sick leave increase | 6 things your business needs to do                                          28 July 2021
                now | Protect your online privacy | Bright line – important points                                       3rd instalment 2021
                                                                                                                         Provisional Tax
                to remember | Creating a Positive Workplace                                                              (June balance date)
NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income - Plan ahead before returning to NZ - Focus Chartered Accountants
Interest deductions on rental
                                                                                                        The Government is phasing out interest
                                                                                                        deductions for residential (but not
                                                                                                        commercial or industrial) rental property. It
                                                                                                        is being reduced progressively so that at 1
                                                                                                        April 2025, there will no longer be a claim.
                                                                                                        Those who buy after 26 March 2021 get
                                                                                                        a deduction for interest paid only up to 1
                                                                                                        October 2021.
                                                                                                           We don’t have all the details but the
                                                                                                        Government have indicated “new builds”
                                                                                                        will be exempt from these rules but at
                                                                                                        this stage we have no definition of what
                                                                                                        constitutes a “new build”.

Tax rate increase
                                                                                                        Know the bright line test
                                                                                                        The last National Government introduced a
                                                                                                        so-called “bright line test” for people who
                                                                                                        sold residential property after owning it for

What you need to know                                                                                   only a short time.
                                                                                                            They said the property had to be owned
                                                                                                        for two years or the profit would be taxable.

T   he new top tax rate is applicable to all
    taxable income earned by an individual
over $180,000 from the 2021/2022 and later
                                                   ● other   information to be specified by the
                                                      Commissioner e.g. any transfers to the trust
                                                      by associated persons such as loans to or by
                                                                                                        The last Labour Government increased this
                                                                                                        to five years, and increased it again – to 10
                                                                                                        years – for properties bought on or after 27
income years. For the majority of individuals,        related parties; and                              March 2021.
the 2021/2022 income year starts on 1 April        ● Information on distributions and settlements          The first thing to note is the period of
2021.                                                 made during the income year.                      ownership is not strictly two years, five years
   The new rate will obviously apply to all        ● Where you hold shares in your individual          or 10 years because for a sale which is not
“employment income” derived by employees.             name, consider distributing a fully imputed       off the plan, it is measured from the date
This includes extra pay earned in the course          dividend on or before 31 March 2021 if in         of transfer of title to the buyer as a starting
of employment, such as bonuses, back pay,             the latter year the 39% increase will apply to    point, and the date a sale and purchase
redundancy, and retirement payments. It               that individual. We would also recommend          agreement is signed at the time of selling.
will also apply to any employee share                 a review of your structure to determine           If it’s a purchase off the plan, it is from the
scheme benefits derived by an employee and            whether a shareholding change would be            date of signing the sale contract.
accommodation benefits. Although the latter           beneficial, e.g. sale of shares to a family           If you acquired a property before 27
are “non-cash benefits”, they do fall within the      trust, or part sale to a spouse.                  March 2021 and settle after that date, you
definition of employment income.                   ● The new higher tax rate is only applicable        are subject to the five-year rule. Acquired
                                                      to individuals. Self-employed persons or          means a written binding agreement for
In support of the tax rate increase, the              partnerships may wish to evaluate whether         purchase.
following consequential changes have                  any taxable income is better operated                 Some people will have put in tenders
also been introduced:                                 out under a non-individual entity such as         before this magical date and have no right
● Fringe Benefit Tax                                 a company or a trust. We note that any            to withdraw them. If the tender is successful
The FBT top rate will increase to 63.93% for          restructuring should be done for genuine          the five-year rule applies.
fringe benefits provided to employees earning         commercial reasons and not solely for tax             What if you rent your home?
an all-inclusive pay of more than $129,681.           purposes otherwise there is the risk of being         Two lots of rules apply. If the five-year
This threshold takes into account PAYE that           subject to the tax avoidance rules.               bright line test applies, you look at the
would otherwise have been paid, i.e. it is on a    ● It is also important to consider market-based     percentage of the time the house was
net of tax basis.                                     salaries for shareholder-employees in light       used as a main home. If it’s more than 50
● Residential Land Withholding Tax                   of the tax avoidance case: Penny & Hooper         percent, no problem. If the new 10-year
RLWT will increase to 39%, except where               v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2011]           bright line test applies, you get caught under
the vendor is a company. If the vendor is a           NZSC 95, where surgeons restructured              the bright line test only if you have not lived
company, the RLWT rate would remain at the            their affairs to operate via family trusts        in your house for more than 12 months,
company tax rate of 28%.                              and companies and paid themselves what            continuously. So if you decide to have an
● Resident Withholding Tax (RWT)                     the Commissioner considered to be an              extended period overseas and rent your
The RWT rate for dividends paid from 1 April          artificially low salary.                          home, you might need to consider the tax
2021 will remain the same. Interest paid will      ● We also note that the personal services           implications.
be subject to the new RWT rate 6 months               attribution rules may apply. The attribution          The new rule is not an “all or nothing”
later, from 1 October 2021, to allow interest         rule applies when a taxpayer who earns            like the old rule. Under the new rule if there
payers such as the banks time to make system          income from personal services (“the               is a 12 month period when the home isn’t
changes. The non-declaration rate would               personal services provider”) inserts an           used by the owner an apportionment is
remain at 45%. This applies if an individual          associated entity between him or herself          required.
does not give their IRD number to the interest        and the party purchasing those services.              However, provided you own the house
payer.                                                The purchaser of the services deals with the      for more than the 10-year period, you don’t
                                                      interposed entity, which derives the income       have any problems because the bright line
Trust Disclosure Requirements                         arising, but it is the taxpayer who actually      test will not apply.
As noted above, the increased rate will               provides the services. If prescribed criteria
only apply to individuals. The trustee tax            are satisfied, the interposed entity must
rate remains at 33%. However, to assess               attribute an amount to the personal services
compliance with the new 39% rate, there are           provider. Consequently a “one man band”
new disclosure requirements for trusts that           operation contracting to one customer
will apply from 1 April 2021. The following           cannot insert a company and pay tax at the
information is now required to be provided by         28% tax rate. Instead the income will be
trustees when filing their tax return:                attributed to the individual and taxed at their
● profit and loss statements;                        marginal tax rates up to the 39% rate.
● balance sheet items;                                                                       RSM NZ
NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income - Plan ahead before returning to NZ - Focus Chartered Accountants
Business continuity test                                                                                    Protect your online privacy
                                                                                                            Privacy has become a huge issue in recent
                                                                                                            years, as more and more is being revealed

T   he new business continuity test only applies
    to losses from the 2014 tax year onwards.
Thus, assuming 31 March balance date, if
                                                      ● product  or service range (excluding land), as
                                                         long as the new products or services both:
                                                         – use existing assets to produce
                                                                                                            about how big companies analyse our
                                                                                                                Knowing what we do and what we
there has been a change in shareholding of               – are related to the products and services         spend creates vast sums of money for
more than 51% on say 17 August 2013, the              already being produced.                               them. If they know from our browsing that
company may still be able to carry forward               The IRD also states: “Finance companies            we’re interested in photography or travel,
its losses. There must not be a major change          with losses mainly from writing off bad debts         for example, the data is sold on to other
in the business within five years following           are excluded from the five year limit. The            companies who want to sell us cameras or
a change of ownership. However, certain               requirement to not undergo a major change             holidays. We’re then targeted with ads and
changes are acceptable. Inland Revenue lists          is therefore ongoing beyond the five year             promotions.
the following acceptable changes:                     limit.” Mineral mining companies cannot use               Can we do anything? Yes, we can, and
● increase efficiency                                the business continuity test. To carry losses         it’s more than just turning on the browser
● respond to advances in technology                  forward, they must meet the shareholder               privacy mode or using Incognito on our
● the scale of the business, including               continuity test. Anti-avoidance rules have also       smartphone. These just stop others who
   accessing different markets                        been prepared.                                        use your device from seeing our internet
                                                                                                            history. It doesn’t block internet spies.
                                                                                                                Some web browsers, such as

Sick leave increase
                                                                                                            Duckduckgo, do offer privacy because
                                                                                                            they don’t store your data, or track your
                                                                                                            search habits and history. Third parties

P   arliament has officially passed the Holidays
    (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill
to increase employee sick leave entitlements
                                                      is going to
                                                      cost you and
                                                      try to factor
                                                                                                            don’t get data from your browsing.
                                                                                                                It’s worth noting that these browsers
                                                                                                            offer privacy, but they don’t protect you
from 5 to 10 days per year. The new legislation       it into price                                         from other online threats. Individual
comes into force on 24 July 2021.                     negotiations,                                         websites and social media platforms can
   Employees only become eligible for                 otherwise                                             still track you and collect your data.
the extra 5 days when they reach their                it will come                                              That’s where a good VPN (virtual private
next entitlement date (either 6 months’               straight out of your                                  network) adds another level of safety.
employment, or on their sick leave entitlement        profit. Those involved                                Good VPN providers offer encryption
anniversary which is every 12 months). The            in labour-intensive industries                        on all your online traffic, and your IP is
maximum amount of unused sick leave and               will need to consider the implications of the         hidden so no one can find your location.
employee can accrue is 20 days.                       10 days sick leave.                                   Most VPN providers charge, so look online
                                                          You will have to start granting the extra         for one that suits you.
Factor sick leave into pricing                        five days two months after the legislation is
Unfortunately, some staff will abuse sick leave. If   enacted, which is expected to be about mid-           Bright line – important points
you have a large number of staff your costs are       year. Each time an employee gets to their             to remember
going to increase as a result of the doubling of      anniversary of sick leave entitlement,                    IRD are checking residential land
the sick leave entitlement to 10 days.                it will go up to 10 days.                                      transactions that occur within the
  You might wish to calculate how much this
                                                                                            “ The way to get bright-line period. A few important
                                                                                                                        points to remember around

                                                                                            started is to quit
                                                                                           talking and begin            bright-line dates:
                                                                                                          ”             ● A company owning residential
                                                                                                                        property becoming an LTC
                   things your business
                                                                                               – Walt Disney
                                                                                                                       or exiting the LTC regime is
                                                                                                                    considered to be a brightline

                   needs to do now                                                                             disposal and repurchase. This could
                                                                                                           mean a bright-line profit arising and
                                                                                                           definitely a new start date.
                                                                                                           ● Changing shares in an LTC that owns
  It has been fifteen months like no other            this plan. Businesses should involve their           residential property will be a partial transfer
  time in recent history. As the world enters a       advisors to make the best forecast possible          for bright-line purposes so the same issues
  phase of reactivation and re-imagination            which can be adapted as necessary.                   above will apply. The $50,000 de minimis
  from the impact of the pandemic, it is
  time to take a deep breath and assess
  the situation. To use a sporting analogy,
                                                      3   Engage with the right stakeholders
                                                          Engage with all significant financial
                                                      stakeholders, banks, investors and funders
                                                                                                           would apply if the deemed bright-line profit
                                                                                                           along with any other deemed income for
                                                                                                           the shareholder exiting or reducing their
  we are in the tunnel ahead of what could            to ensure there is transparency and support          holding is less than $50,000.
  be the biggest game of our lives. With the          for the plan of action.                              ● The subdivision of land does not restart
  right strategy in place, there are great
  victories to be won. Without it, defeat is
                                                      4   Think Differently
                                                          Industries are changing rapidly. Beyond
                                                      adapting to the current environment,
                                                                                                           the bright-line acquisition date for the new
                                                                                                           title. It is still the original acquisition date
                                                                                                           for the land.
     As the business world heads towards              organisations should think ahead to be               ● Changing the use of the land from private
  what can be described as the next stage             prepared for different scenarios.                    to arms-length rental does not restart the
  of a transformation journey, here are six
  steps that organisations can take now in
  planning for a positive outcome in the
                                                      5   Adapt and be flexible
                                                          Be prepared to adapt and be flexible.
                                                      Put financial modelling at the centre of
                                                                                                           bright-line acquisition date.
                                                                                                           ● There are special rollover relief provisions
                                                                                                           for the transfer of residential property via
  future.                                             your plans. Actively monitor these models            a relationship property agreement and for

 1   Plan well
     Planning is key. It is important to look
                                                      and be open to adapting the approach as
                                                                                                           transfer from a deceased to their estate,
                                                                                                           to the estate to the beneficiary and for a
  at the numbers and consider where you
  are going to be in six, twelve or eighteen
  months’ time and plan a way forward.
                                                      6   Be prepared for the unexpected
                                                          This is about creating headroom in your
                                                      facilities to enable you to cope with the
                                                                                                           transfer by the beneficiary.
                                                                                                               There are no concessions for property
                                                                                                           sold within the bright-line period unless

  2  Forecast your future
     Build forecasts and projections within
                                                      unexpected, whether good or bad.
                                                                                             RSM NZ
                                                                                                           one of the specific exclusions apply no
                                                                                                           matter what the client’s circumstances are.
Directors:                            Client Services:
                                                                                                 Toni Owen                             Karen Sharp
                                                                                                 Craig Savage
                                                                                                                                       Client Services/Tax
                                                                                                 Catherine Aldridge

 Creating a
                                                                                                 Client Managers:                      Debra McCoard
                                                                                                 Shane Baillie
                                                                                                                                       Executive Assistant/
                                                                                                 Sandra Wills

                                                                                                 Charlotte Porter
                                                                                                                                       Kim Howard-Hill
                                                                                                 Accountants:                          Practice Manager:
                                                                                                 Judith Bilyard
                                                                                                                                       Janine Clark
W      hether you’re a team member or
       team leader or even a team of one,
creating a positive workplace is one of
                                              a valued part of the business and not
                                              just an employee. In addition, they’ll be
                                              improving their skills along the way!
                                                                                                 Tracey Crosswell
                                                                                                 Erin Metcalf

the best ways to build a constructive and
productive environment so that you and
your business can succeed!
  While there is a huge range of
                                              5   Supporting mental and
                                                  physical wellbeing
                                              So many people may be unaware that
contributing factors, here are some           they are suffering and often don’t have
top tips to begin to create this positive     the tools and support to help them                Members of NZ CA Limited
environment for your workplace:               overcome it. Given that work is such a                       Accountants Hawkes Bay - Napier                 (06) 843-4868
                                              big factor in people’s lives and can be                                 Accounting HQ - Rotorua              (07) 348-7066

1   Create a strong onboarding                a larger contributor to things like stress,                    BM Accounting Limited - Havelock North        (06) 876-7159
    programme                                 ensuring that there is support / education                                              - Waipukurau         (06) 857-8901
It can be daunting for new employees          / resources for mental and physical                             Bavage Chapman Ltd - Warkworth               (09) 425-9835
or team members joining a work                wellbeing can be a huge benefit to both                         Brophy Knight Limited - Ashburton            (03) 308-5104
                                                                                                        Brown Glassford and Co Ltd - Christchurch          (03) 365-0881
environment/culture they’re unfamiliar        the employee and the employer. Helping
                                                                                                                     BW Miller Dean - Wellington           (04) 910-3340
with and catching up on all the values        anyone in the business be happier,
                                                                                                                     Candy Gillespie - Matamata            (07) 888-7089
and procedures of the business. By having     healthier and energised can lead to a
                                                                                                                        Flannery Tait - Alexandra          (03) 448-8060
a concrete onboarding programme, it           much better work culture and increased                   Focus Chartered Accountants - Whakatane             (07) 307-1141
can help new employees get up to speed        productivity.                                            GCOL Chartered Accountants - Lower Hutt             (04) 939-1975
faster and help avoid any awkward                                                                         gfa Chartered Accountants - Te Awamutu           (07) 872-6444
stages of a new job. This can be done
by organising shadowing of co-workers,
sitting in on meetings, going out for
                                              6  Promote diversity
                                                 Business research has shown that
                                              good workplace diversity is one of the
                                                                                                                     GS McLauchlan - Dunedin
                                                                                                                                      - Queenstown
                                                                                                                                                           (03) 477-8192
                                                                                                                                                           (03) 477-8192
                                                                                                                        Harris Taylor - Hawera             (06) 278-5058
coffee with different people and having       more important factors for many people                     Marshall & Heaphy Limited - Greymouth             (03) 768-7186
comprehensive onboarding documents            when looking at where they want to                                    Martin Wakefield - Timaru              (03) 687-7122
detailing all procedures / processes and      work. Within the workplace, ensuring that                                               - Christchurch       (03) 343-4012
policies on hand.                             there are no feelings of marginalization,                            McDonald Vague - Auckland               (09) 303-0506
                                              or discrimination can lead to a much                          McIntyre Dick & Partners - Invercargill        (03) 211-0801

2   Regular check ins                         healthier and positive work culture.                    Naylor Lawrence & Associates - Palmerston North      (06) 357-0640
    This can be applied to both new and                                                                                               - Dannevirke         (06) 374-5730

old employees, but having regular check           Build a physical space people                                      nsaTax Limited - Auckland             (09) 309-6505
ins can help create the environment for           want to work in                                                 RSM New Zealand - Auckland               (09) 271-4527
people to speak up about issues and ask       With the average person is likely to be                                                 - Auckland North     (09) 414-6262
                                                                                                                                      - Auckland Central   (09) 367-1656
for help. Gone are the days of annual         working for about 40 hours of their week,
                                                                                                                       Southey Sayer - Masterton           (06) 370-0811
check ins - regular is best. This can also    why not ensure that their workplace is
                                                                                                                            Strettons - Taupo              (07) 376-1700
help create a more cohesive team by           somewhere they want to be? Making sure
                                                                                                                   Sudburys Limited - Whangarei            (09) 430-4888
strengthening relationships between           the lighting is not tiring, there is space for                    Vazey Child Limited - Hamilton             (07) 838-2169
everyone.                                     breaks and privacy, plants, good colours,                               Wallace Diack - Blenheim             (03) 578-7389
                                              enough space to work, decorations and a                       Whitelaw Weber Limited - Kerikeri              (09) 407-7117

3   Encouraging collaboration and
Collaboration and communication are
                                              sense of belonging. All can help make the
                                              office somewhere people want to work
                                              and want to be productive, not counting
                                                                                                                                      - Kaikohe
                                                                                                                                      - Kaitaia
                                                                                                                                                           (09) 401-0991
                                                                                                                                                           (09) 408-1220
                                                                                                                        YRW Limited - Tauranga             (07) 578-0069
the foundations of any strong relationship    down until they can run out the door! This
or team. Encouraging everyone to              also applies for anyone in this post-Covid
help each other out and having strong         era working from home: make sure you
communication channels can ease the           want to be at your desk! Separate the work       Changes in Particulars
loads of individuals and support weaker       space from the living home space can             Please remember to let us know of any changes in:
areas across the board. Remember that         help. Having a window nearby can be              • Physical address • E-mail address • Phone and/or fax numbers
you’re all there working towards the same     huge too.                                        • Shareholdings • Directorships • Trustees
goal of success.                                                                               Or anything else that may be relevant.
                                              Use these tips, be it for yourself, your

4   Facilitate learning opportunities
    Facilitating learning opportunities, be
it professionally or personally, can be a
                                              team, or business as a whole, to begin
                                              your journey to build a positive work
                                              environment and bring a wealth of
                                                                                               All the information published in Trial Balance is true and accurate to
                                                                                               the best of the author’s knowledge however it should not be a substitute
fantastic way to make each employee           benefits along with it. So be part of the        for professional advice. No liability is assumed by the authors
stronger team members and help foster         movement to create good vibes in your            or publisher for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or
a better relationship between them and        workplace!                                       indirectly on this newsletter. Views expressed are the author’s own.
the business. Giving them opportunities                                    Sue Kohn-Taylor     Articles appearing in Trial Balance may not be reproduced without
like this can help show that they ARE                 prior approval from the editor and credit being given to the source.
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