Copyright MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Specification 203 Occupational Safety and Health – 04/10094-02 Issued 27/02/2019

                                     REVISION REGISTER
   Clause                   Description of Revision                   Authorised      Date
   Number                                                                 By
203.33(6)          Removal of incident report form and               MHRCoE        27/02/2019
                   online reporting system
203.42             Update and revision of clauses to reflect
                   requirements of the online reporting
                   system EQ Safe.
203.17.1           Added Management and Control of                   MPS           11/10/2018
                   Asbestos in the Workplace to list of
                   Codes of Practice
203.42.5           Clause added allowing Main Roads to
                   determine the rating of incidents
Annexure           Added asbestos and fire to principal
203A               identified hazards
Annexure           Updated cross reference to 203.42.6
203D               (previously 203.42.5)

Whole              Reformatted to corporate branding                 MPS           03/02/2016
Document           guidelines and numerous typographical
                   and grammatical corrections
203.02.1 &         Website reference updated
203.03.7           Serious Incidents added
203.16.4           Added reference to Division 1 of Part 3
                   of OSH Regulations
203.33.6           Updated references to reporting forms
                   and registers
203.36.7           Flashing beacons added

203.37.4           References to Heavy Vehicle Services
                   and Traffic Operations Centre updated
203.41             Monthly reporting requirements changed
203.42             Incident reporting and investigation
                   requirements changed
203.51.2           OSH Management Plan review
                   requirements changed
Annexure           Tilt-up construction added
Annexure           Risk classification and rating tables
203B               changed
Annexure           References and names changed and
203D               Serious Incidents added m,

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Clause                                                                                                                Page No

GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 5
203.01           Scope............................................................................................................ 5
203.02           References ................................................................................................... 5
203.03           Definitions ..................................................................................................... 6
203.04 – 203.05            NOT USED ........................................................................................ 7

OSH POLICY .................................................................................................................. 7
203.06           Contractor’s OSH Policy ............................................................................... 7
203.07           OSH Commitment Statement ....................................................................... 7
203.08 – 203.15            NOT USED ........................................................................................ 7

PLANNING...................................................................................................................... 7
203.16           Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control .................................... 7
203.17           Legal and Other Requirements..................................................................... 8
203.18           Objectives and Targets ................................................................................. 9
203.19           OSH Management Plan ................................................................................ 9
203.20 – 203.30            NOT USED ...................................................................................... 10

IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 10
203.31           Structure and Responsibility ....................................................................... 10
203.32           Training and Competency........................................................................... 11
203.33           Consultation and Communication ............................................................... 12
203.34           Documentation............................................................................................ 13
203.35           Document and Data Control ....................................................................... 13
203.36           Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Controls ................................ 14
203.37           Emergency Preparedness and Response .................................................. 16
203.38 – 203.40            NOT USED ...................................................................................... 17

MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION ......................................................................... 17
203.41           Monitoring and Measurement ..................................................................... 17
203.42           Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventative Action ......................... 17
203.43           Records and Records Management ........................................................... 19
203.44           OSH Surveillance and Audit ....................................................................... 19

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203.45 – 203.50           NOT USED ...................................................................................... 20

MANAGEMENT REVIEW ............................................................................................. 20
203.51          Review ........................................................................................................ 20
203.52 – 203.80           NOT USED ...................................................................................... 21

AS BUILT AND HANDOVER REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 21
203.81 – 203.90           NOT USED ...................................................................................... 21

CONTRACT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 21
203.91 – 203.99           NOT USED ...................................................................................... 21

ANNEXURE 203A......................................................................................................... 22
Principal Identified Hazards........................................................................................... 22

ANNEXURE 203B......................................................................................................... 24
Occupational Health and Safety Risk Classification...................................................... 24

ANNEXURE 203C......................................................................................................... 28
OSH Risk Context ......................................................................................................... 28

ANNEXURE 203D......................................................................................................... 29
Contractors OSH Management Plan Cross Reference Key .......................................... 29

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203.01       SCOPE

1.       The work under this specification consists of the
management of the Contractor’s OSH obligations and standards under
AS/NZS 4801, and the establishment and implementation of an OSH
Management Plan.

203.02       REFERENCES

1.           Australian Standards, MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Standards and MAIN ROADS Western Australia Test Methods are
referred to in abbreviated form (e.g. AS 1234, MRS 67-08-43 or
WA 123). For convenience, the full titles are given below:

                   Acts and Regulations

         Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
         Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996
         Environmental Protection Act 1986
         Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulation 1997
         Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961
         Dangerous Goods Regulation1992
         Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994
         Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995
         Road Traffic Code 2000

                   Australian Standards

AS 1742.3       Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads

                   Australian/New Zealand Standards

AS/NZS ISO 19011        Guidelines for quality and/or environmental
                        management system auditing
AS/NZS ISO 31000        Risk Management – Principles and guidelines
AS/NZS 4801             Occupational Health and Safety Management
                        Systems, specification with guidance for use

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                    MAIN ROADS Standards

Code of Practice        Traffic Management for Works on Roads (internet
                        address: http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au - go to
                        the web page Our Roads / Temporary Traffic
                        Management / Workzones on Roads)

                    MAIN ROADS Specifications

Specification 201        QUALITY SYSTEMS
Specification 202        TRAFFIC
Specification 204        ENVIRONMENT

203.03      DEFINITIONS

1.          The meaning of terms and definitions in this Specification
shall be as defined in AS 4801.

            The following particular definitions will apply:

2.        OSH means Occupational Safety and Health or                               OSH
Occupational Health and Safety.

3.          The OSH Management Plan shall be the documented plan         OSH
established by the Contractor, detailing the Contract OSH objectives and Management
targets, and specifying the necessary operational processes and          Plan
procedures, and the related resources to achieve the specific
requirements of the Contract.

4.          OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be                     Risks
the document that contains the Contractor’s identified Contract specific
OSH hazards, hazards identified by the Principal, the assessment of the
risks associated with the identified hazards and details of the control
measures that shall be put in place to manage the hazards.

5.         OSH Management Representative (OSH MR) shall be the OSH MR
person the Contractor has nominated as having primary responsibility for
ensuring that the approved OSH Management Plan is implemented and
managed over the term of the Contract.

6.          Incident means any unplanned event resulting in, or having              Incident
the potential for injury, ill health, damage or other loss.

7.          Serious Incident means any Incident with an actual          Serious
consequence of minor or above, or any Incident with a potential outcome Incident
of high or very high.

8.          Personnel shall include all employees of the Contractor and             Personnel
all persons deemed to be employees of the Contractor under the OSH
Act (1984).

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9.         Surveillance shall mean conformity evaluation by                         Surveillance
observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by
measurement, testing or gauging.

203.04 – 203.05      NOT USED


1.           The Contactor shall have an OSH Policy in accordance with              OSH Policy
AS/NZS 4801 and include a copy of the Policy in the OSH Management
Plan. The Contactor’s OSH Policy must support Main Roads’ Safety,
Health and Wellbeing Policy Statement located on the Main Roads web
site (internet address: http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au - go to the web
page Building Roads / Contracting to Main Roads / Occupational Safety
& Health).

2.         The Contractor shall prominently display a copy of the          Communication
Company’s OSH Policy on the OSH Notice Board for the duration of the
Contract and include it in information provided to persons at the Contract
induction. A copy of the Policy shall also be supplied to each


1.      The Contractor shall develop a Contract specific OSH                        Contract
Management Commitment Statement based on the Company’s OSH                          Specific

2.          The Contractor’s Representative and the OSH MR shall sign               Communication
the Commitment Statement and prominently display a copy on the OSH
Notice Board for the duration of the Contract. A copy of the
Commitment Statement shall be included in information provided to
persons at the Contract induction and a copy shall also be supplied to
each subcontractor.

203.08 – 203.15      NOT USED


1.         The Contractor shall prepare an OSH Risk Assessment and Assessment
Treatment Register in accordance with Annexure 203B for OSH hazards and Register
associated with the Contract.

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2.         The OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be                  Assessment
prepared using competent occupational safety and health persons. The                Team
OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be authorized by
the Contractor’s Representative and the OSH MR.

3.         The completed OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment
Register shall form part of the OSH Management Plan.

4.          The OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall                    Principal
address all Contract hazards including the hazards listed in Annexure               identified
203A Principal Identified Hazards. If the Superintendent directs that               Hazards
additional hazards be considered then the Contractor shall incorporate
these additional hazards into the OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment

The Contractor must also comply with Occupational Health and Safety
Regulations 1996, Division 1 of Part 3, Section 3.1 – Identification of
hazards, and Division 12 of Part 3 – Construction industry – consultation
on hazards and safety management. The Contractor must include the
hazards reported in the Design Report in their OSH Management Plan.


1.           The Contractor shall at least maintain current published               Mandatory
editions of the following documents at the Contractor’s site office for the         Documents
period of the Contract:
            a)   Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and
                 Regulations 1996

            b)   Codes of Practice – Manual Handling, Prevention of
                 Falls at Workplaces, Excavation, Managing Noise at
                 Workplaces, First Aid, Workplace Amenities, Working in
                 the Vicinity of Overhead Power Lines, The Safety and
                 Health of Children and Young People in Workplaces,
                 Management and Control of Asbestos in the Workplace
                 and Personal Protective Equipment

            c)   Guidance Notes – General Duty of Care in Western
                 Australian Workplaces, Plant in the Workplace,
                 Electricity (Residual Current Devices), Safe Movement
                 of Vehicles in the Workplace

            d)   Standards – AS/NZS 4801 - Occupational Health and
                 Safety Management Systems, specification with
                 guidance for use, AS/NZS ISO 31000 – Risk
                 Management – Principles and guidelines

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2.           Application of the Contract requirements, Standards and
Codes of Practice in no way relieves the Contractor from undertaking
any activity, function, process or procedure necessary to meet its duty of
care obligations as prescribed in the OSH Act 1984 or other relevant
legislation or standards.

3.         The Contractor shall detail and implement procedures for the Sub-
engagement of subcontractors which ensures all subcontractors that are contractors
engaged to carryout work under the Contract are competent to carry out
the work safely.

4.         The OSH Management Plan shall detail the procedure for                   OSH Issue
resolving OSH issues raised by personnel during the Contract. The                   Resolution
procedure shall be included in the Site Induction process and be
prominently displayed on the OSH Notice Board.


1.           The Contractor shall determine the Contract Occupational
Safety and Health objectives and targets for the Contract in accordance
with AS/NZS ISO 31000 and clearly detail these Contract objectives and
targets in the OSH Management Plan.

2.          The Contractor shall detail the procedure that ensures the
Contractor’s Representative and OSHMR regularly reviews the Contract
OSH performance, including subcontractor performance, against the
prescribed OSH objectives and targets.


1.         The OSH Management Plan shall address all the work under
the Contract and shall detail all procedures, processes, work practices
and information required by the Contract.

2.        The Contractor shall complete the information requested in                Risk Content
Annexure 203C and include it as part of the OSH Management Plan.

3.        If not submitted and explicitly approved in writing during Hold Point
the Tendering process, the Contractor shall submit a suitable fully
documented OSH Management Plan to the Superintendent for
approval prior to commencement of work under the Contract.

4.          Any person engaged to undertake any work under the                      Application of
Contract, including subcontractors, shall be required to comply with the            the OSH
approved OSH Management Plan while undertaking the work.                            Management

5.          Subcontractor OSH Management plans established under
other than the Contractor’s certified OSH Management System shall not
be permitted to form part of the approved OSH Management Plan.

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6.         Once the Superintendent has approved the OSH                Amendments
Management Plan it shall not be amended without the approval of the
Superintendent. Any proposed amendments to the approved OSH
Management Plan shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.

7.          Where any of the following events occur the Contractor shall            Mandatory
review its approved OSH Management Plan and submit suitable                         Changes
amendments to the Superintendent for approval within one (1) week, or
other timeframe directed by the Superintendent, whichever is the lesser:
            a)   a non-conformance;

            b)   the Contractor’s practice no longer reflecting the
                 approved OSH Management Plan; or

            c)   an incident occurring.

8.         Where the Contractor fails to submit suitable amendments to              Failure to
the Superintendent for approval within the specified timeframe the                  Amend OSH
Superintendent may direct the Contractor as to what amendments are                  Management
necessary. Amendments directed by the Superintendent shall be                       Plan
implemented forthwith at the Contractor’s cost.

9.          The Contractor shall promptly provide the Superintendent
with a controlled copy of the approved OSH Management Plan. The
Superintendent’s copy of the OSH Management Plan shall be controlled
under the Contractor’s Quality System for the duration of the Contract.

203.20 – 203.30      NOT USED


1.            The Contractor shall appoint in the OSH Management Plan a OSH MR
competent OSH MR in accordance with the requirements of
AS/NZS 4801for the duration of the Contract. The OSH MR shall be on
Site at all times activities relating to the execution of the work under the
Contract are taking place and have the necessary authority and
resources to meet his/her responsibilities.

2.         The Contractor shall clearly define, document and                        Responsibilities
communicate the OSH responsibilities and accountabilities of all
Contract management personnel, employees and subcontractors. The
Contractor shall detail the OSH reporting hierarchy for the Contract in
the OSH Management Plan.

3.        The Contractor shall ensure that the legislative duties of                Legislative
employers and employees as outlined in Section 19(1), 20(1) and (3) of              Duties
the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 are detailed and
communicated to personnel as part of the Site induction process.

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4.         The Contractor shall be directly responsible for the OSH                 Contractor
management and control of all activities relating to the execution of the
work under the Contract including work under the Contract undertaken
by subcontractors.

5.           The OSH Management Plan shall detail the procedures and                Sub-
processes that the Contractor shall implement to ensure subcontractors              contractors
at all times comply with the requirements of the approved OSH
Management Plan.

6.         The Contractor shall provide each subcontractor with all                 Relevant
relevant Contract information and the parts of the approved OSH                     Information
Management Plan that are relevant to the work to be undertaken by the

7.          The Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors who will            Safe Systems
be undertaking work under the Contract have documented safe systems                 of Work
of work in place prior to commencing work.

8.         The OSH MR shall review and approve in writing all
subcontractor safe systems of work and any other OSH documentation
produced by subcontractors in accordance with the approved OSH
Management Plan, to verify its compliance, prior to the subcontractor
commencing work.

9.        Subcontractors shall not amend or deviate from the
approved safe system of work without the approval in writing of the

10.        The Contractor shall ensure that subcontractors suitably
complete and promptly return all documentation required by the
approved OSH Management Plan for the work being undertaken by the

11.         The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring                        Sub-
subcontractor compliance with both the approved OSH Management                      contractor
Plan and approved safe systems of work, and the maintenance of                      Compliance
records to demonstrate subcontractor compliance.

12.        The Contractor shall maintain safe access to each portion of             Safe Access
the Works until the Superintendent has undertaken Audit and
Surveillance of that portion of the Works. Where Plant or Equipment is
used by the Contractor to provide the safe access, the Contractor shall
make this plant and equipment including operators available to the
Superintendent at all reasonable times to undertake Audit and


1.          The Contractor shall detail the OSH competencies and
training received by its Contract management personnel.

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2.            The OSH Management Plan shall have a detailed Register         Skills Register
of the skills and competencies for all personnel for the activities that the
personnel will undertake under the Contract (e.g. mobile plant operators,
crane operators, traffic controllers, doggers, etc.).

3.          The Contractor shall demonstrate and maintain documentary Records
evidence of competencies on Site for the duration of the Contract.
Documentary evidence shall be made available to the Superintendent
within 24 hours upon request.

4.          The Contractor shall develop and detail a Site induction                Site Induction
training program as part of the OSH Management Plan that includes as                Training
a minimum:
            a)   Training related to hazards likely to be encountered on
                 Site and control measures that have been developed in
                 response to these hazards;

            b)   Roles and Responsibilities; and

            c)   The requirements of the approved OSH Management

5.         The Contractor shall conduct Site-specific Occupational
Safety and Health induction training for all personnel, the Superintendent
and its agents, and all visitors not escorted on Site by inducted persons.

6.           The Contractor shall evaluate all persons undertaking the              Evaluation
Site induction training through a written test to ensure that inductees
have an understanding of the OSH requirements for the Contract. The
written tests shall be signed and dated by the person undertaking the
induction training to attest to their understanding and be retained by the
Contractor as a record that the training has been completed.


1.         The Contractor shall detail procedures that will ensure that             Consultation
personnel are suitably consulted and communicated with during the
planning and application of work activities associated with the Contract.

2.           The Contractor shall detail procedures for the identification,
assessment and control of hazards associated with the day-to-day work
activities. These procedures shall include requirements for consultation
with personnel involved in the work activity.

3.           The Contractor shall have procedures for ensuring that OSH             Communication
information is communicated to and from its personnel. The Contractor
shall hold an OSH meeting with all personnel or their representatives at
the Site at least on regular fortnightly intervals.

4.        Minutes shall be recorded for all OSH meetings and posted                 Meeting
on the OSH Notice Board within 48 hours of the meeting.                             Minutes

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5.            The Contractor shall maintain at the Site an OSH Notice               OSH Notice
Board, located in a prominent position and accessible to all personnel,             Board
for the distribution of OSH information.

6.        The Contractor shall, as a minimum, establish and                         Reporting
implement procedures for reporting relevant and timely information in
accordance with AS/NZS 4801 and the following:
            a)   Monthly Safety Indicators (MSI) Report form;

            b)   Safety and Health Incident Report form; and

            c)   Incident and Risk Register.

The MSI and Safety and Health Incident Report forms can be obtained
from Main Roads’ website, internet address:
http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au - under: Building Roads/Contracting to
Main Roads/Contractor Reporting Forms. The Superintendent will
provide a blank Risk Register to the Contractor upon commencement of
the Contract. The Contractor shall use this form or any updated versions
as advised by the Superintendent for reporting required under the


1.          The Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a                Controlled
controlled copy of all Contract OSH documentation on Site.                          Copies

2.          Where the OSH Management Plan references other                          Referenced
documentation, including (but not limited to) the Contract, the                     Documents
Contractor’s OSH Quality System, the OSH Act and Regulations,
Australian Standards, WorkSafe Codes of Practice, these references
shall be explicit and unambiguous. The Contractor shall ensure that
section and clause numbers are clearly denoted in the OSH
Management Plan. All documentation referenced in the OSH
Management Plan shall be available on Site for the duration of the

3.          The Contractor shall complete Annexure 203D which cross-
references the requirements of Specification 203 to the OSH
Management Plan. The OSH Management Plan shall utilise section and
clause numbers so that cross-references are explicit and unambiguous.


1.         The control of documents and the control of records shall be             Quality
in accordance with Specification 201 QUALITY SYSTEMS.                               System

2.           OSH data resulting from works under the Contract shall be
controlled in accordance with AS/NZS 4801 for document and data

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1.            The Contractor shall detail and implement procedures that             JSA’s and
will identify hazards, assess risks and determine suitable control                  Safe Work
measures as they arise throughout the term of the Contract. These                   Practices
procedures shall both comply with and be implemented and managed in
accordance with the Specification.

2.           Where the Contractor intends to utilise standard safe work
practices as part of a control for identified hazards they shall be explicitly
referenced in the OSH Management Plan and copies kept on Site for the
duration of the Works.

3.          The Contractor shall detail and implement procedures that               Evaluation
ensure control measures are evaluated for effectiveness and modified
as necessary. The evaluation procedure shall detail the responsibilities,
timelines and records that will be kept as part of the process.

4.         Where a hazard Risk Rating in accordance with Annexure                   Control
203B is controlled through administrative risk control measures, the                Measures
Contractor shall ensure that the administrative measures are:
            a)   clearly documented and those personnel responsible for
                 implementation and management are explicitly defined;

            b)   understood by all relevant personnel through training
                 and assessment;

            c)   implemented as documented and promptly reviewed for
                 effectiveness following initial implementation;

            d)   amended and authorised as required;

            e)   adequately supervised, managed and audited to ensure
                 continuing compliance; and

            f)   available at all times wherever the measures are being

5.            All plant and equipment used to undertake work under the              Plant and
Contract shall comply with all statutory and manufactures’ requirements             Equipment
at all times.

6.         The Contractor shall demonstrate that for all plant and
            a)   certificates, licences and permits required by the OSH
                 Act and Regulations are current, prior to commencing
                 work on Site;

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            b)   there is documentary evidence that plant is fit for use
                 and purpose prior to commencing work on Site;
            c)   records of inspections for daily, routine and programmed
                 service, cleaning and/or maintenance are maintained for
                 the duration of the Contract; and
            d)   operators of plant or equipment are trained, experienced
                 and competent to operate the particular item and that
                 they hold the required licence or certificate where

7.           The Contractor shall mount and operate amber rotating or               Amber
flashing beacons to all moving road plant and vehicles that shall be used           Rotating or
by the Contractor or subcontractors on the Site in accordance with                  Flashing
AS 1742.3. The Contractor shall ensure that the amber rotating or                   Beacons
flashing beacons are operating and clearly visible by all persons from all
directions for a distance not less than 250 metres in any environment.

8.           Any piece of plant or equipment not complying with the                 Non-
Specification shall cease operating until the Contractor can demonstrate            conforming
to the satisfaction of the Superintendent that the piece of non-                    Plant
conforming plant or equipment conforms to these requirements.

9.        Traffic Management hazards shall be addressed in                          Traffic
accordance with Specification 202 TRAFFIC.                                          Hazards

10.          All of the personnel (including subcontractors) subject to the         High Visibility
Contractor’s OSH Management Plan shall wear at all times high visibility            Vests
safety garments or vests complying with AS/NZS 4602 while on
worksites that are subject to either construction equipment or the
travelling public. To increase visibility, the Contractor is encouraged to
use “full torso” high visibility safety garments (i.e. rather than using
garments that only satisfy the minimum requirements of AS/NZS 4602).

11.         The Contractor shall use either fluorescent red, fluorescent            Vest Colour
orange or fluorescent yellow coloured vests to obtain the best visual
contrast against the prevailing background, particularly for workers in
vulnerable locations such as traffic controllers.

12.        For night-time and low light conditions, all personnel shall             Night-Time
wear high visibility RETROREFLECTIVE safety garments or vests in
accordance with AS/NZS 4602.

13.        High visibility safety garments or vests which in the opinion            Non-
of the Superintendent do not comply with the Contract, for whatever                 compliance
reason, shall be replaced by the Contractor with compliant safety
garments or vests at no cost to the Principal.

14.         No firearms or lethal weapons shall be allowed on any part              No Firearms
of the work under the Contract including camps.

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15.        The Contractor shall meet their obligations under the OSH                Noise
Regulations 1996 in respect to the “exposure standard for noise”.                   Exposure

14.         All pesticides, including herbicides, insecticides,                     Pesticide
rodenticides, fungicides, molluscides and algaecides shall only be                  Operators
applied by operators licensed in accordance with the Health Act 1911,
Health (Pesticides) Regulations 1956.

15.        The Contractor shall address the OSH Issues detailed under               Other Hazards


1.          All potential emergency situations that arise out of Site work          Emergency
or impact on the Site including emergencies that may arise from Site                Situations
locations shall be identified and detailed in the OSH Management Plan.

2.          The OSH Management Plan shall include an emergency                      Emergency
preparedness and response plan for the Site which details emergency                 Response
procedures for preventing and mitigating all potential emergency                    Plan

3.           The emergency preparedness and response plan shall                     Emergency
document the nominated key personnel for the associated emergency                   Contacts
situation with their contact details and the contact details of the
emergency service providers. Contact details of relevant Main Roads
Organisation personnel shall be included where the emergency could
significantly affect the operation of any part of the road network.

4.           The Main Roads Organisation defines those personnel not
part of the Contract responsible for the operation of the road network
such as the Regional Manager, Heavy Vehicle Services or the Traffic
Operations Centre.

5.           The Site Induction program shall address the identified      Communication
issues in the emergency preparedness and response plan to ensure that
all Site personnel are aware of procedures in the event of an incident or
emergency occurring.

6.           The Contractor shall practice their emergency preparedness             Emergency
within six (6) weeks of the commencement of work and at least four (4)              Drills
monthly intervals thereafter.

7.           The Contractor shall review, then revise where necessary               Review
their emergency preparedness and response procedures following the
practice or the occurrence of Incidents.

8.        An industrial first aid kit shall be provided and maintained in           First Aid Kit
accordance with the Western Australian Code of Practice – “First Aid,
Workplace Amenities and Personal Protective Equipment”.

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9.           The Contractor shall ensure that a minimum of two of its               First Aiders
personnel, holding a current Senior First Aid qualification that meet the
Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and polices, are on Site at
all times for the duration of the Contract.

10.         The Contractor shall render first aid to:
            a)   the Contractor’s employees;

            b)   any subcontractor and their employees;

            c)   the Superintendent and the Superintendent’s staff;

            d)   Main Roads’ employees, agents, contractors and
                 subcontractors; and

            e)   any other person on Site if needed.

11.          The Contractor shall ensure that a copy of the Material                MSDS’s
Safety Data Sheets relating to all hazardous substances at the Site is
kept at the first aid station.

203.38 – 203.40      NOT USED


1.          The Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain                  Procedures
detailed procedures, in the OSH Management Plan, for the monitoring
and measurement of OSH practices to achieve the Contract
Occupational Safety and Health objectives and targets and relevant
OSH legislation.

2.           The monitoring and measurement of OSH practices shall be               Workplace
undertaken by the Contractor through regular inspection of workplace                Inspections
activities. Workplace inspections shall be undertaken on at least a two
(2) weekly interval and the results of the inspection documented.

3.          Within 5 days of the end of each month the Contractor shall             Monthly
submit to the Superintendent a completed Monthly Safety Indicator                   Reporting
(MSI) report and updated Hazard Register using the forms provided by
the Superintendent.


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1.         Non-conformances shall be managed in accordance with the Compliance
requirements of Specification 201 QUALITY SYSTEMS for the Control of
Non-Conforming Product.

2.        Corrective and preventative actions shall be managed in                   Compliance
accordance with the requirements of Specification 201 QUALITY
SYSTEMS for the Improvement of the OSH Management Plan.

3.          All Serious Incidents associated with the Contracts works               Incident
shall be immediately notified to the Superintendent or an appointed                 Management
person by the Superintendent.

4.          All incidents associated with the Contract works shall be               Incident
entered into the Main Roads event reporting system EQSafe in                        Management
accordance with the Main Roads “EQSafe Event Type and Sub-type
Contractual Requirements” document applicable to the contract.

5.          All incidents associated with the Contract works shall be               Incident
entered into the Main Roads event reporting system EQSafe within 24                 Management
hours of the incident occurring and assigned to the appropriate Event
Report Manager within 72 hours of the incident occurring.

6.          All injuries associated with the Contract works shall be                Incident
updated in EQSafe within 14 days of the injury occurring in accordance              Management
with the requirements detailed in the Main Roads EQSafe User Manual.

7.         All incidents associated with the Contract works shall be fully          Incident
investigated within 28 days of the incident occurring. The investigation            Investigation
methodology used shall be in accordance with the Main Roads Incident
Management Procedure.

8.           All mandatory tabs detailed in the Main Roads “EQSafe                  Incident
Event Type and Sub-Type Contractual Requirements” document                          Management
applicable to the contract, shall be completed in accordance with the
minimum data quality and information requirements detailed in the Main
Roads EQSafe User Manual.

9.         All corrective and preventative actions associated with                  Incident
Contract works shall be entered into EQSafe in accordance with the                  Management
Main Roads EQSafe User Manual and fully implemented prior to
submission for approval.

10.            All incidents associated with the Contract works will be   Incident
approved in accordance with the EQSafe event approver security            Management
settings configured by Main Roads. If upon the Main Roads safety
assurance review the incident information is not complete, accurate or of
insufficient quality when submitted for approval, the nominated incident
approver(s) may request further information to be added.

11.           For all incident and injury classifications under the Contract,       Incident
the classification shall be in accordance with the Main Roads Incident              Management
Management Procedure. The final classification of all incidents will be at
the discretion of the Superintendent in consultation with the Contractor.
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12.         The OSH Management Plan shall reference the Main                        Incident
Roads Incident Management Procedure, Main Roads EQSafe User                         Management
Manual and the Main Roads EQSafe Event Type and Sub-type
Contractual Requirements document.

13.            The Superintendent or nominated person by the                        Incident
Superintendent may participate in or undertake an investigation into the            Management
incident / injury or illness at its discretion and the Contractor shall
cooperate, assist and provide requested information to the investigation
organised or undertaken by the Superintendent.

14.          Where the Contractor has been:                                         Notice

             a) served with a prohibition or improvement notice under
                the OSH Act; or
             b) required to comply with any order issued by an inspector
                under the Energy Coordination Act 1964(WA); or
             c) required to notify the WorkSafe Western Australia
                Commissioner or the Director of Energy Safety of any
the Contractor shall immediately supply a copy of that notice, order or
notification to the Superintendent.

15.         Where the Contractor has been served with a summons or is Notice
convicted of any offence in relation to occupational safety and health,
the Contractor shall immediately supply a copy of that summons to the
Superintendent or notify the Superintendent of the conviction and any
penalty imposed.

16.         Where the Contractor has been served a Prohibition or                   Notice
Improvement Notice in accordance with the OSH Act 1984 for OSH
issues associated with work under the Contract, the Contractor shall
immediately supply a copy of the Notice to the Superintendent and this
Notice(s) shall constitute a Non-Conformance in accordance with
Specification 201 QUALITY SYSTEMS.

203.43      Records and Records Management                                          Notice

            ACCORDANCE WITH AS/NZS 4801.

2.          Records shall be registered, ordered and retained on Site for
the duration of the Contract.

203.44      OSH Surveillance and Audit                                              Minimum OSH

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2.          The Contractor shall promptly provide the Superintendent                Surveillance
upon request any documentation, records or assistance during the                    and Audit
surveillance or audit activity.

3.          The Contractor shall develop and maintain an Audit
Schedule that details the audits planned to be undertaken by the
Contractor of the work under the Contract, including subcontractors, for
the duration of the Contract in accordance with AS/NZS 4801. The Audit
Schedule shall form part of the OSH Management Plan.

4.            The Contractor shall fully implement its approved Audit               OSH Audit
Schedule and produce a documented report for each audit. The report                 Schedule and
shall detail the scope of the audit, the audit questions and audit findings.        Audit Reports
The Superintendent shall be promptly provided with copies of all audit
reports and with other documentation to show all matters raised have
been appropriately addressed.

5.         Unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent the
Contractor shall undertake its initial OSH Audit within 4 weeks of
commencement of work. The Contractor shall undertake subsequent
OSH Audits at a frequency not less than once every 3 months.

6.         All Contractor OSH audits shall include an assessment of                 Minimum OSH
subcontractor compliance with the approved OSH Management Plan.                     Audit

203.45 – 203.50      NOT USED                                                       Compliance


203.51          REVIEW
            THE REQUIREMENTS OF AS/NZS 4801.

2.           A review of the OSH Management Plan shall be undertaken                Compliance
3 months after the commencement of the Contract work and every 6
months thereafter for the duration of the Contract. The Superintendent
may also direct the Contractor to review the OSH Management Plan
earlier in the event of a Serious Incident occurring.

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3.          Following the completion of the review, the Contractor shall            System
submit a written report that details the suitability, adequacy and                  Review
effectiveness of the OSH Management Plan and to certify that the Site
procedures, practices and operations are in accordance with the

203.52 – 203.80      NOT USED


203.81 – 203.90            NOT USED

203.91 – 203.99      NOT USED

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The Contractor shall assess the risks and determine suitable control measures utilising the
hierarchy of control for at least the following hazards and incorporate the assessment into
the Contract OSH Management Plan.

              a)   Traffic including pedestrians, cyclists and access for
                   people with disabilities

              b)   Personnel working around Mobile Plant

              c)   Plant and machinery - including overturn, falling objects
                   and noise

              d)   All trenches and excavations

              e)   Dust

              f)   Hazardous substances including Pesticides and
                   Asbestos (manufactured products and naturally

              g)   Hot bituminous works

              h)   Subcontractors

              i)   Manual Handling

              j)   Waste Management

              k)   Hazards identified from the Design Report

              l)   Fire, including the risk of fire caused by plant and
                   machinery contacting rock (e.g. ground engaging tools,
                   excavator tracks etc.)

              m) Cranes, crane drivers and dogmen

              n)   Contact with services and energy sources

              o)   Fall from Heights

              p)   Fatigue

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              q)   Working in isolation

              r)   Working in remote areas

              s)   Working in confined spaces

              t)   Working in vicinity of railways

              u)   Propping / Tilt-up construction

              v)   Micropiling


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1.         In order to clearly understand the risks associated with this
Contract and thence outline the manner in which identified risks will be
managed, the Contractor shall undertake an assessment of all significant
foreseeable risks associated with the Contract and determined the
treatment measures that, so far as practicable, minimise the risk.

2.         The identification and assessment process must be            AS/NZS ISO
undertaken in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000 and the likelihood and 31000
consequences rated before the application of risk treatments (Primary
Risk) and after (Residual Risk) the determined controls utilizing Table
203B.1 and Table 203B.2 of this Annexure 203B.

3.            The Contractor shall, so far as practicable, control or reduce         Risk Control
identified risks in accordance with the hierarchy of control as defined by           and Reduction
AS/NZS 4801. Treatment measures shall be authorised and managed
by the Contractor in accordance with Table 203B.3 Management
Approach for Residual Risk Rating.

4.         The Superintendent may direct the Contractor as to the
Primary Risk Rating and the Residual Risk Rating to apply to any risk.
The Contractor shall reassess, authorise and manage its risk control
measures in accordance with the level of risk directed by the

5.         A Residual Risk Rating of Very High is not permissible under
the Contract.

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Rating         Health &       Transport Services           Financial        Reputation & trust          Business           Legal & Compliance
               Safety                                                       (Political, stakeholders    Operations
                                                                            & community)

              No treatment  Service infrastructure        Greater of:       Isolated local            Some               Guidance required
              required       receives minimal               Less than        community or               insignificant       for legal /
                             damage, minor                   $100,000; or     individual’s issue-based   delays to           compliance issues,
                             rectification required.                          concerns.                  business            managed through
                             Service/s only                 Deviation from                              activities.         routine procedures.
                             temporarily unavailable         project budget  Low profile media
Insignificant                                                                 attention.                Up to 5%           Legal action
                             or remain operational.          within + 5%.
                                                                                                         variation in        unlikely.
                               Minor impact to                                                          KPI or
                                customers e.g. minor                                                     objective.
                                drop in patronage or
                                minor congestion.

               First aid       One or a number of       Greater of:       Local community              Minor delays      Complex legal/non-
               treatment        services are unavailable  $100,000 to      impacts & concerns.           to business        compliance issue
               required         or operating with                                                         activities.        to be addressed.
                                                           $1 m; or        Occasional once off
                                restrictions but can be                                                  5% to 10%         Legal action and/or
                                resumed within            Deviation from negative media
Minor                                                      project budget   attention.                    Variation in       public liability claim
                                acceptable timeframes.                                                    KPI or             possible.
                                                           between         Trust issues raised.
                               Short term impact to       6-10%.                                         objective.
                                customers e.g. short
                                term drop in patronage
                                or isolated congestion.

               Medical         One or a number of       Greater of:         Sectional community        Some              Non-compliance/s
               treatment        services, including       $1 m to            impacts & concerns          moderate           with regulation
               required or      critical services, are     $10 m; or          publicly expressed.         delays to          and/or probity
               Lost Time        unavailable for an                                                        business           infringements,
                                                          Deviation from    Increased negative
               Injury           extended length of time.                                                  activities.        which may result in
                                                           project budget     media attention.
                               Moderate impact to                                                     10% to 25%           some processes
                                                           between           Loss of confidence &                           repeated.
Moderate                        customers e.g.             10-20%.                                      Variation in
                                                                              trust by community &
                                complaints and                                stakeholders in Agency    KPI or              Legal action
                                moderate drop in                              processes & capability.   objective.           probable.
                                patronage or moderate                                                  One or more
                                level of short-term                          Ministerial concern.
                                                                                                        projects is
                                congestion.                                                             significantly

               Single fatality  A number of critical      Greater of:       Considerable &             Major delays      Major non-
               or major          services are cancelled,    $10 m to         prolonged community         to activities.     compliance with
               injuries or       with extensive              $30 m; or        impact & dissatisfaction  25% to 50%          regulation, which
               severe            rectification required                       publicly expressed.                            may result in
                                                            Deviation from                               Variation in
               permanent         before resumption of                                                                        termination of a
                                                             project budget  Consistent negative         KPI or
               disablement       services.                                                                                   process or
                                                             between          media attention.            objective.
                               Non-critical service                                                                         imposed penalties.
                                                             20-30%.         Criticism & loss of        One or more
Major                           infrastructure is not                         confidence / trust by       critical          Legal action taken
                                operational and cannot                        community &                 programs or        against Agency
                                be rectified.                                 stakeholders in Agency      projects           and/or major public
                               Substantial impact to                         processes & capability.     cannot be          liability claim or
                                customers e.g. major                                                      delivered.         potential class
                                                                             Ministerial intervention.                      action.
                                drop in patronage or
                                major level of

               Multiple        Critical service           Greater of:       Significant adverse        Activities       Major non-
               fatalities       infrastructure is not       Greater than     community impacts &         ceased.           compliance with
                                operational and cannot       $30 m; or        condemnation.            More than           legislation and/or
                                be rectified.                                Extreme    negative       50%  Variation      regulation which
                                                            Deviation from                                                 may result in
                               Significant impact to        project budget   media   attention.        in KPI or
                                customers e.g.                                                          objective.          criminal charges
                                                             > 30%.          Consistent ongoing                            and/or loss of
                                sustained drop in                             community loss of        Multiple critical
                                patronage or sustained                                                                      required
                                                                              confidence & trust in     programs or         accreditation.
                                level of significant                          Agency capabilities and   projects
                                congestion.                                   intentions.               cannot be          Significant legal
                                                                                                        delivered.          consequence/s
                                                                             Government                                    class action
                                                                              intervention.                                 against agency.

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                         Insignificant     Minor        Moderate         Major         Catastrophic

   Almost Certain             L              H              H              VH              VH

         Likely               L              M              H              VH              VH

      Possible                L              L              M              H                H

      Unlikely                L              L              L              M                H

         Rare                 L              L              L              L                M

                                    Risk Ranking Definitions
                          Likelihood                                     Consequence
                  (of an incident occurring)                             (how severe)
  Almost Certain         More than once per month               Catastrophic
         Likely          More than once per year                   Major             Refer to Risk
      Possible           Once every 1 – 10 years                 Moderate            Classification
      Unlikely           Once every 10 – 50 years                  Minor             Matrix 203B.1

         Rare            Less than once every 50 years          Insignificant

IMPORTANT NOTE: The likelihood of an event or hazard occurring shall first be assessed
over the duration of the activity (i.e. “period of exposure”). For risk assessment purposes the
assessed likelihood shall then be proportioned for a “period of exposure” of one year.
Example: An activity has a duration of 6 weeks (i.e. “period of exposure” = 6 weeks). The
event or hazard being considered is assessed as likely to occur once every 20 times the
activity occurs (i.e. likelihood or frequency = 1 event/20 times activity occurs = 0.05 times per
activity). Assessed annual likelihood or frequency = 0.05 times per activity x 52 weeks/6
weeks = 0.4 times per year. Assessed likelihood = C (i.e. Possible)


 Retained Risk Rating               Required Treatment
                                    Unacceptable risk. HOLD POINT. Work cannot proceed
    VH        Very High
                                    until risk has been reduced.
                                    High priority, OSH MR must review the risk assessment
     H        High
                                    and approve treatment prior to its implementation.
                                    Medium Risk, standard work practice subject to review
     M        Medium
                                    (JSA) prior to implementation.

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                                 Managed in accordance with the approved OSH
  L        Low                   Management Plan procedures and standard safe work

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The Contractor shall define the Context of the Risk Environment in which the Contract is
undertaken and shall use the following headings as a minimum for inclusion into the OSH
Management Plan:

 1.          The Location of the Contract, incorporating a location plan where possible.

 2.          Key Features in respect to terrain, including specific local features such as
 rivers, creek lines, steep ground, etc. that may impact on OSH issues associated with the

 3.          Climatic conditions that may be expected over the term of the Contract

 4.          The timing and duration of the Contract

 5.          Likely numbers of personnel on Site and how the Contract will be resourced
 (i.e. subcontractors, employees/day labour etc.)

 6.          Key work processes and likely associated hazards

 7.         Requirements for Work Camps, Fuel Storage facilities, Workshops, Explosive
 Storage facilities.

 8.          Location of material supply or dumping pits in respect to the worksite.

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This reference key table shall form part of the Contractor’s OSH Management Plan and shall
be placed at the front of the OSH Management Plan. This table will be used by Auditors and
MUST be filled in accurately by the Contractor.

 SPECIFICATION 203 REFERENCE                                 CONTRACTOR’S OSH
                                                             MANAGEMENT PLAN
 Clause         Headings                                     Ref            Headings
 203.06.1       Contractor’s OSH Policy
 203.06.2       Inclusion of OSH Policy in Induction
 203.07.1       OSH Commitment Statement
 203.07.2       Inclusion of OSH Commitment
                Statement in Induction
 203.16         OSH Risk Assessment and
                Treatment Register
 203.17.1       Schedule of Mandatory Documents
 203.17.4       Issue Resolution Procedure
 203.18.1       OSH Objectives and Targets
 203.18.2       OSH Performance Review
 203.19.2       Annexure 203C Information
 203.19.6       Management of Amendments to
                OSH Management Plan
 203.31.1       OSH Management Representative
 203.31.2       Roles and Responsibilities
 203.31.3       Legislative Duties
 203.31.11      Subcontractor Compliance
 203.32.1       Management Competencies and
 203.32.2       Skills Register
 203.32.4       Site Induction Training Program
 203.32.6       Written Evaluation of Site Induction
 203.33.1       Consultation Procedures
 203.33.3       Communication Procedures
 203.33.6       OSH Reporting Procedures
 203.34.2       Referenced System Documents

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