On optimum left-to-right strategies for context-free games

On optimum left-to-right strategies for context-free games
On optimum left-to-right strategies for
        context-free games

 H. Björklund1   M. Schuster2           T. Schwentick2
                 J. Kulbatzki3
                  1 Umeå   University
                   2 TU   Dortmund
             3 SCISYS   Deutschland GmbH

        To be presented at ICDT 2013

      9◦ C/rain
            Name       Meteo           Events

            Dortmund   9◦ C/rain   Sports   Concert

City → Name, Meteo, Events
Name → S TRING
Meteo → S TRING               Name       Meteo           Events
Events → (Sports|Concert)*
           ..                Dortmund   9◦ C/rain   Sports   Concert
Active XML

City → Name, Meteo, Events
Name → S TRING                                  City
Meteo → @meteo_svc
Events → @event_svc               Name        Meteo        Events
event_svc: → (Sports|Concert)*
meteo_svc: → S TRING             Dortmund   @meteo_svc   @event_svc
The Schema Rewriting Problem

           Server                                                           Client

   City → Name, Meteo, Events                         City → Name, Meteo, Events
   Events → @event_svc                                Events → Sports*|Concert*

                                event_svc: → (Sports|Concert)*

              Server (CC-BY-SA 3.0) RRZE Icons, Client (LGPL) Everaldo Coelho

     Goal: Rewrite server documents into client schema
     Milo et al., 2003: Sufficient to examine each node’s child string
          Rewriting problem for words
          (Muscholl, Schwentick, Segoufin 2006) Context-free games
Context-free Games: Intuition

 Basic idea:
     Two-player game on         Example
     strings                      T = {afba, aafafa, abafa},
     J ULIET chooses function            f → af | b
     symbols                                af f a
     ROMEO chooses return                     ↓
     values                                af afa
     J ULIET wins if a target
     string is reached
Context-Free Games

  A context-free game G = (Σ, R, T ) consists of
    ◮ a finite alphabet Σ,
    ◮ a rule set R ⊆ Σ × Σ∗
    ◮ and a regular target language T ⊆ Σ∗ ,

  such that for each f ∈ Σ, the set Rf =def {u | (f , u) ∈ R} is regular.

  Rules of the Game
  On a given string, J ULIET has the following moves:
   ◮ "Read ": Go one symbol to the right;
   ◮ "Call ": Have R OMEO replace the next symbol;
   ◮ "LS": Jump to the string’s left end.

  J ULIET wins if the current string is in T .
Winning strategies

   Intuitively, J ULIET has a winning strategy (on w in G) if she can
   always win the game, no matter how ROMEO plays.
   safe(G) = {w ∈ Σ∗ | J ULIET has a winning strategy on w in G}

   [MSS06]: safe(G) is undecidable
       restricted strategies for J ULIET ...
       ...that simplify implementation
Left-To-Right Strategies

   A Left-to-right (L2R) strategy is a strategy σ ∈ STRAT, in which
   J ULIET never does a LS move.
   safeL2R (G) = {w ∈ Σ∗ |
   J ULIET has a winning L2R strategy on w in G}
   Let G = (Σ, R, T ) be a context-free game where T is
   represented by a DFA. Then safeL2R (G) is regular and
General vs. L2R Strategies

                                Here, J ULIET has a winning
 Example                        strategy...
            T =                 ...but no winning L2R strategy.
   {afba, aafafa, abafa},           When is this the case?
        f → af | b
           af f a           L2RA LL
              ↓             Input: Context-free game G
           af afa           Question: safe(G) = safeL2R (G)?
           abafa            Abiteboul et al. 2005:
                            L2RA LL claimed undecidable.
Our Results

  Let G = (Σ, R, T ) be a context-free game with target language
  T represented as a DFA A(T ) = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F )
  L2RA LL is EXPSPACE-complete.
  Special case: R is finite
  L2RA LL is EXPTIME-complete for games with explicitly
  enumerated finite replacement languages.
Basic Ideas

        Want to decide, whether safe(G) \ safeL2R (G) = ∅.
        Problem: safe(G) generally undecidable.
        Solution: Simpler "non-L2R" strategies suffice

  A strategy σ of J ULIET is a L2R+ strategy if J ULIET always
    ◮   plays LS at most once and
    ◮   plays at most one Call before the LS-move.

  Let G be a context-free game. Then safe(G) = safeL2R (G) if
  and only if safeL2R+ (G) = safeL2R (G).

  Therefore: G ∈ L2RA LL ⇔ safeL2R+ (G) \ safeL2R (G) = ∅.
NFA for safeL2R (G)

   (a) There exists an NFA AL2R (G) with state set P(Q) and
       L(AL2R (G)) = safeL2R (G);
   (b) There exists an NFA Ab L2R (G) with state set P(Q) and
         b             ∗
       L(AL2R (G)) = Σ \ safeL2R (G).
   (c) These NFA can be computed in exponential time.
Upper Bounds

  Proof idea: Show Σ∗ \ L2RA LL ∈ NEXPSPACE by guessing a
  string ufw ∈ safeL2R+ (G) \ safeL2R (G).
  To verify:
       Check (using Ab L2R (G)) that ufw ∈
                                         / safeL2R (G)
     Check that uvw ∈ safeL2R (G) for all v ∈ Rf
     with |v| ≤ |Qf | · 2|Q| .
         Standard pumping argument on AL2R × A(Rf ):
         If there is a string v ∈ Rf s.t. uvw ∈
                                              / safeL2R (G),
         then there is one of length ≤ |AL2R × A(Rf )| = |Qf | · 2|Q|
Lower Bounds

   L2RA LL is EXPSPACE-hard.
 Proof idea: Reduction from
                                    U={ , , , , , ,
                                      , , , , }
 Given                              ui = ,uf = , n = 2
   ◮ a set U of tiles,
   ◮ an initial tile ui ∈ U,
   ◮ a final tile uf ∈ U,
   ◮ a unary number n,

 is there a valid tiling of width
 2n ?
Lower Bounds
(Proof Idea)

     Encode tilings as strings:

        ..              00     01     10    11#      00     01    10    11#. . .
             Want: gvf ∈ safeL2R+ (G) \ safeL2R (G) iff v valid tiling
             Main part of target language: gvh + g ′ vh′ for valid tiling v
             Rules g → g ′ , f → h | h′ ensure L2R+
             L2R pass on v:
                  J ULIET tries to verify that v encodes valid tiling
                  R OMEO objects to inconsistencies.
             Protest technique [MSS06]
Lower Bounds
(Protest technique, example)

    ROMEO has to flag mismatched tiles
    → Force J ULIET to call every tile
    → Add marked tiles Ub
     b 00 b 01 @ 10       11#    00    01    10    11# . . .

    Target language contains
          no string with @ right of unmarked tiles
          (prevent J ULIET from cheating)
          all strings with only marked tiles left of @
          (prevent @-abuse by ROMEO)

  Our Results
  L2RA LL is
    ◮   EXPSPACE-complete in general,
    ◮   EXPTIME-complete for games with explicitly enumerated
        finite replacement languages.
  Main tools and techniques:
        L2R+ strategies to capture "non-L2R-winnable" words,
        Effects to summarize gameplay,
        Protest technique to prove lower bounds.
            One-pass (1P) strategies:
            safe1P (G) = safeL2R (G) not known to be decidable.
            Context-free games on trees.
Literature I

      S. Abiteboul, T. Milo, O. Benjelloun.
      Regular rewriting of active XML and unambiguity.
      PODS 2005, 295–303
      T. Milo, S. Abiteboul, B. Amann, O. Benjelloun, F. Dang
      Exchanging intensional XML data.
      ACM Trans. Database Syst.,30(1):1–40, 2005
      A. Muscholl, T. Schwentick, L. Segoufin.
      Active Context-Free Games.
      Theory Comput. Syst., 39(1):237–276, 2006
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