Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France

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Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                 Nantes, France

                  27th International Research Ship
                     Operators Meeting (IRSO)
                          9th –12th September 2014
                         IFREMER, Nantes, France
Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                         Nantes, France

A.      PROCEEDINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 1
     A.1.     OPENING SESSION ...................................................................................................................................... 1
        A.1.1.     Welcome and administrative matters .......................................................................................... 1
        A.1.2.     Round table introduction of participants ..................................................................................... 1
        A.1.3.     Welcome and introduction to IFREMER........................................................................................ 1
        A.1.4.     Review of minutes of 25 IRSO and adoption of agenda ............................................................. 1
        A.1.5.     Review of Terms of Reference (ToR) ............................................................................................. 1
        A.1.6.     New IRSO website ......................................................................................................................... 1
        A.1.7.     Election of New IRSO Vice-Chair ................................................................................................... 2
        A.1.8.     Dates for IRSO 2015 ...................................................................................................................... 2
     A.2.     THEME 1 - DELEGATES REPORTS OF ACTIVITY .................................................................................................. 3
        A.2.1.     Poster session ............................................................................................................................... 3
        A.2.2.     Brazil’s Research Vessels - Overview, operation and plans for new vessels – Luis Nonnato ........ 3
        A.2.3.     Argentina’s Research Vessels- Overview, operation and plans for new vessels – Martin Ehrlich 3
     A.3.     THEME 2: RV BUILDS, MODIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE .............................................................................. 4
        A.3.1.     General overview of fleet evolutions – Olivier Lefort.................................................................... 4
        A.3.2.     Norway- new projects update – Per Nieuwejaar .......................................................................... 4
        A.3.3.     Ship design optimization concerning acoustic transducers, efficiency, propulsion and
        introduction of innovative solutions- Stephane Cordier, STX ......................................................................... 4
        A.3.4.     Investigator update – Ron Plaschke ............................................................................................. 4
        A.3.5.     New Discovery Update – Ed Cooper ............................................................................................. 4
        A.3.6.     Major Refit of RV Marion Dusfresne – Helene Leau ..................................................................... 4
        A.3.7.     Cabo de Hornos update – Yerko Cattarinich................................................................................. 4
        A.3.8.     NOAA Fleet Update – David Score ................................................................................................ 4
        A.3.9.     Fuel Management– Aodhán Fitzgerald ........................................................................................ 4
        A.3.10.    New RV Construction at JAMSTEC-Kazuhiro Maeda .................................................................... 4
        A.3.11.    NSF update – Bob Houtman ......................................................................................................... 4
     A.4.     THEME 3 – MANNING, SAFETY AND TRAINING ................................................................................................ 5
        A.4.1.     Remote Medical Capability on RV Tangaroa – Rob Christie ......................................................... 5
        A.4.2.     Opening speaker MLC 2006 Implementation onboard research vessels – Olivier Lefort ............. 5
        A.4.3.     Open Discussion about MLC 2006 implementation onboard research ........................................ 5
        A.4.4.     Scientific participants training and medicals – Erica Koening ...................................................... 5
        A.4.5.     Theme 6 Item brought forward: OFEG update – Erica Koening ................................................... 5
        A.4.6.     Medical Standards and provision in regard to MLC 2006 on board Research Vessels - Dr
        Jeagaden 5
        A.4.7.     P&O Drug and Alcohol Policy Implementation and Experiences – Bill Dwyer .............................. 5
        A.4.8.     IMR Integrated Quality and Safety Management system - Per Nieuwejaar ................................ 5
        A.4.9.     NSF Lessons Learned – Bob Houtman........................................................................................... 5
     A.5.     THEME 4 – SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 6
        A.5.1.     Opening Speaker – Trends in underwater technologies applied to oceanographic research
        vessels – Vincent Rigaud ................................................................................................................................ 6
        A.5.2.     JAMSTEC AUV/ROV development- Hitoshi Nakai ......................................................................... 6
        A.5.3.     Ship to shore networking activities on RV’s – Olivier Soubigou .................................................... 6
        A.5.4.     JCOMMOPS RV coordination – Martin Kramp.............................................................................. 6
        A.5.5.     Inmartech 2014- Jon Alberts......................................................................................................... 6
        A.5.6.     11,000M HROV system- Eric King ................................................................................................. 6
        A.5.7.     Major Sponsor Presentation - STX France- Philippe Neri .............................................................. 6
     A.6.     THEME 5 – LEGAL AND INSURANCE................................................................................................................ 7
        A.6.1.     Marine and legal insurance update – Renaud Couëspel de Mesnil .............................................. 7
        A.6.2.     Trends in International Regulation– Elie Jarmache ...................................................................... 7
        A.6.3.     MSR clearances and database, autonomous systems etc. – Rolly Rogers.................................... 7
        A.6.4.     Legal restrictions conducting marine scientific research– Hitoshi Hotta...................................... 7
        A.6.5.     Code of Conduct for Marine Scientific Research Vessels – Geraint West ..................................... 7
        A.6.6.     Marine Mammals: Towards an IRSO Code of Conduct- C Ducatel/Xavier Lurton ........................ 7

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                           Nantes, France

        A.6.7.      Coring Software – Patrice Woerther............................................................................................. 7
        A.6.8.      New Ocean Bottom Seismometers – Tetsuya Yokota ................................................................... 7
     A.7.     THEME 6 – COOPERATION AND OUTREACH ..................................................................................................... 8
        A.7.1.      Polar Code and RV Cooperation – Per Nieuwejaar ....................................................................... 8
        A.7.2.      RVOC – Jon Alberts ....................................................................................................................... 8
        A.7.3.      ERVO – Olivier Quedec.................................................................................................................. 8
        A.7.4.      ERVO/IRSO cooperation- overlap – Olivier Quedec /Aodhan Fitzgerald ...................................... 8
        A.7.5.      EUROFLEETS projects - Valérie Mazauric...................................................................................... 8
        A.7.6.      Berth and cruise exchange - Hitoshi Hotta ................................................................................... 8
        A.7.7.      Crowd sourced bathymetry - David Wyatt ................................................................................... 8
     A.8.     IRSO 2015 .............................................................................................................................................. 9
        A.8.1.      Introduction to venue for IRSO 2015 La Jolla, California USA, Hosted by NOAA / NSF / ONR /
        UNOLS – Jon Alberts ....................................................................................................................................... 9
        A.8.2.      Suggestions for IRSO 2015 workshop and meeting – Aodhan Fitzgerald ..................................... 9
        Closing of IRSO 2014 meeting – Ron Plaschke ............................................................................................... 9
     A.9.     IRSO 2014 UNDERTAKINGS ...................................................................................................................... 10
B.       COUNTRY REPORTS ............................................................................................................................... 11
     B.2.        AUSTRALIA – RON PLASCHKE (CSIRO) ......................................................................................................... 13
     B.6.        CANADA – YVES PERRON (DEFENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CANADA) ..................................................... 23
     B.7.        CHILE – ENRIQUE ARANDA ORREGO (INSTITUTO DE FOMENTO PESQUERO) ........................................................ 26
     B.8.        CHINA – (IOCAS) .................................................................................................................................... 27
     B.9.        DENMARK – DTU AQUA, BY HELGE A THOMSEN / HANS-ERIK MAHNFELDT ....................................................... 29
     B.10.       FINLAND – JUHA FLINKMAN (FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE) ...................................................................... 33
     B.11.       FRANCE – HÉLÈNE LEAU (IPEV) AND OLIVIER QUEDEC (IFREMER) .................................................................. 35
     B.13.       ICELAND – VIGNIR THORODDSEN (MRI) ....................................................................................................... 46
     B.14.       INDIA – PRATTIPATI RAO (NIO) .................................................................................................................. 47
     B.15.       IRELAND – AODHÁN FITZGERALD (MARINE INSTITUTE) .................................................................................... 53
     B.16.       ITALY – GIUSEPPE MAGNIFICO (CNR) ......................................................................................................... 55
     B.17.       ITALY – FRANCO COREN (OGS) .................................................................................................................. 56
     B.19.       NATO – IAN SAGE (STO - CMRE) ............................................................................................................. 60
     B.20.       NETHERLANDS – ERICA KONING (NIOZ)....................................................................................................... 61
     B.21.       NEW ZEALAND – ROB CHRISTIE/GREG FOOTHEAD (NIWA) ............................................................................. 63
     B.22.       NORWAY - PER NIEUWEJAAR (IMR) ............................................................................................................ 66
     B.23.       SPAIN - JUANJO DAÑOBEITIA, CSIC-UTM .................................................................................................... 69
     B.24.       SPAIN - JOSE I. DIAZ (IEO)......................................................................................................................... 72
     B.25.       UK – DAVID BLAKE (BAS) ......................................................................................................................... 76
     B.26.       UK – GERAINT WEST (NOC) ..................................................................................................................... 77
     B.27.       USA – REAR ADMIRAL DAVID SCORE (NOAA) .............................................................................................. 83
     B.28.       USA- BOB HOUTMAN (NSF) / TIM SCHNOOR (ONR) / JON ALBERTS (UNOLS OFFICE)....................................... 86

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                      Nantes, France

     COUNTRY          FORENAME         SURNAME             ORGANISATION                   POSITION
                                                   National Institute for      Marine Scientist, Chief of
 Argentina          Martin          EHRLICH        Fisheries Research and      Research Vessels
                                                   Development                 Operation Group
                                                   Australian Antartic         Manager - Science
 Australia          Philipp         BOXALL
                                                   Division                    Technical Support

                                                                               Director, National
 Australia          Ron             PLASCHKE       CSIRO
                                                                               Marine Facility

                                                                               Research Infrastructure
 Belgium            Dre             CATTRIJSSE     Flanders Marine Institute

 Belgium            Lieven          NAUDTS         RBINS - OD Nature           Coordinator RV Belgica

                                                   Instituto Ocanografico -
 Brazil             Luiz            NONNATO                                    Engineer
                                                   Universidad de Sao Paulo

                                                                               Business Development
 Canada             John            MILLETT        Hawboldt Industries

 Chile              Cattarinich     YERKO          Chilean Navy                Commander

 France             Rémy            BALCON         GENAVIR                     Operation Manager
                                                                               Director of the center
 France             Jacques         BINOT          IFREMER
                                                                               Ifremer Nantes
                                    COUESPEL DU    BESSE-Conseil en
 France             Renaud                                                     Conseil en assurances
                                    MESNIL         assurances
 France             Jean-François   DURAND         Marine Assistance           Deputy director

 France             Elie            JARMACHE       SG Mer                      Chargé de mission

 France             Dominique       JEGADEN        ASMIRB                      Doctor
                                                                               Directeur Pôle Maritime
 France             Frédéric        JOUSSE         BESSE
                                                                               et Transport
 France             Martin          KRAMP          JCOMMOPS                    Ship coordinator

 France             Claude          LEBLOND        SOFIMAR                     directeur SOFIMAR

 France             Anthonin        LIZE           JCOMMOPS                    Engineer

 France             Laurent         MERMIER        Ship-ST                     Director
                                                                               Vice President Sales,
 France             Philippe        NERI           STX France
                                                                               European Project
 France             Sylvie          PICHEREAU      IFREMER
                                                                               Manager (Eurofleets)
                                                                               Chargée de
 France             Sophie          PILVEN         IFREMER

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                            Nantes, France

 France           Valérie       SASTRE         BESSE                   Communication director

 France           Christine     THIBAUDEAU     IFREMER                 Assistant director

                                                                       Naval facilities and
 France           Jean-Xavier   CASTREC        IFREMER
                                                                       operations division

 France           Cécile        DUCATEL        IFREMER                 Ingeneer

 France           Hélène        LEAU           IPEV                    Vessel manager

                                                                       Director of Naval
 France           Olivier       LEFORT         IFREMER

 France           Valérie       MAZAURIC       IFREMER
                                                                       Coordination team

 France           Sylvie        MEVEL          IFREMER                 Accountant

                                                                       Deputy director, Naval
 France           Olivier       QUEDEC         IFREMER                 facilities and operations
                                                                       Head of the underwater
 France           Vincent       RIGAUD         IFREMER
                                                                       systems Unit

                                                                       Assistant of the director
 France           Nadine        ROSSIGNOL      IFREMER
                                                                       of Naval Facilities

 France           Marie-José    RUE            IFREMER                 Webmaster

 France           Olivier       SOUBIGOU       IFREMER                 Project manager

                                                                       Naval facilities and
 France           Sylvie        VAN ISEGHEM    IFREMER
                                                                       operations division
                                                                       Engineer, Reserarch and
 France           Patrice       WOERTHER       IFREMER                 Marine Development
                                               P&O Maritime Services
 Ireland          Bill          DWYER                                  Contract Manager

                                                                       Research Vessel Program
 Ireland          Aodhan        FITZGERALD     Marine Institute

 Japan            Hitoshi       HOTTA          JAMSTEC                 Executive Director

                                                                       Engineer Research Fleet
 Japan            Kazuhiro      MAEDA          JAMSTEC

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                              Nantes, France

                                                                         International affairs
 Japan            Hitoshi       NAKAI        JAMSTEC

 Japan            Jin           TACHIHARA    JAMSTEC                     Administrative Staff

                                             Nippon Marine
 Japan            Tetsuya       YOKOTA                                   Assistant Manager
                                             Enterprises, Ltd.

                                                                         Coordinator marine
 Netherlands      Erica         KONING       NIOZ
                                                                         reserach facilities

                                                                         General Manager -
 New Zealand      Greg          FOOTHEAD     NIWA
                                                                         Vessel operations

                                                                         Manager Marine
 New Zealand      Christie      ROB          NIWA

 Norway           Per Wilhelm   NIEUWEJAAR   IMR                         Director RV Department

 Principauté de                                                          Assistant Director,
                  David         WYATT        IHO/OHI
 Monaco                                                                  Survey and Operations

 Scotland         Iain          GIBB         Marine Scotland             Scientific Ship Liaison

                                             Unidad de Tecnología
 Spain            Juanjo        DANOBEITA                                International affairs
                                             Marina - CSIC

                                             Agri-Food and Biosciences   Instrumentation
 UK               William       CLARKE
                                             Institute                   Engineer

                                             National Oceanography       Project officer RRS
 UK               Edward        COOPER
                                             Centre                      Discovery
                                             National Oceanography
 UK               Colin         DAY          Centre - National Marine    Programme Manager
                                             Facilities Sea Systems
                                                                         Marine, Legal and
 UK               Roland        ROGERS       NOC
                                                                         Environment Advisor

                                                                         Head of National Marine
 UK               Leigh         STOREY       NOC

                                                                         Director, National
 UK               Geraint       WEST         NOC
                                                                         Marine Facilities

 USA              Jonathan      ALBERTS      UNOLS                       Executive Secretary

                                             U.S. National Science       Head, Integrative
 USA              Bauke (Bob)   HOUTMAN
                                             Foundation                  Programs Section

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                          Nantes, France

                                                                   Director of Marine
 USA              Eric        KING       Schmidt Ocean Institute

                                                                   Research Facilities
 USA              Tim         SCHNOOR    US Navy

 USA              David A.    SCORE      NOAA                      Rear Admiral - Director

 USA              Joshua J.   SLATER     NOAA                      Lieutenant

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                Nantes, France


A.1. Opening Session

The meeting was opened by Mr Ron Plaschke, IRSO Chair.

A.1.1. Welcome and administrative matters
Ron Plaschke welcomed 63 delegates from 17 countries to the 27th IRSO Meeting.

Apologies were noted from:
Jennifer Vollrath (Canada), Dennis Nixon (USA), Jono Reeve (Australia), David Blake (UK) , Yves
Perron (Canada), Klaus von Broeckel (Germany), Toni Moate (Australia), Enrique Aranda (Chile), LIZ
TIRPAK (USA), Mick Gillooly (Ireland), Giuseppe Magnifico (Italy).
A.1.2. Round table introduction of participants
Each IRSO participant provided a brief personal introduction to the meeting.

A.1.3. Welcome and introduction to IFREMER
Olivier Lefort and Jacques Binot, Director of Nantes centre gave a welcome to Nantes and an
introduction to the work of IFREMER

A.1.4. Review of minutes of 25th IRSO and adoption of agenda
The agenda for the 27th IRSO meeting which had previously been circulated to all participants was
adopted. The minutes of the 2013 IRSO meeting which had been circulated to all members prior to
the meeting were introduced and members thanked for contributions made. The minutes were
unanimously adopted without modification as a true record of the 26th IRSO meeting which took
place at Marine Institute of Memorial University, Newfoundland. The minutes will be made available
on the new IRSO website http://www.irso.info/ .

A.1.5. Review of Terms of Reference (ToR)
The Terms of Reference which were adopted at the 25th meeting and which were circulated for
comment and reviewed at the 26th meeting were accepted without change.

A.1.6. New IRSO website
Aodhan Fitzgerald went through the new website with the delegates and the following
comments/actions were discussed:
 Delegates agreed that the website was excellent and useful in particular for new organizations
 A members only area was suggested as it might prove to be more useful then the IRSO “Linked
    In” page
 The website could contain a publicly available “safety alert ” section where members can post
    a high level report of any major incidents and what was learned. More detailed haring of
    incidents and issues could be made available in a members only section .
 A diplomatic clearance/process area perhaps within a member’s only section where members
    can share latest experiences with regard to MSR clearances.
 A monthly email “digest” highlighting changes , updates and news from the site to members.
 Having more details on member’s vessels perhaps in a member’s populated section.
 The addition of AUV’s and ROV’s to the list.

The Chair and Vice-Chair will discuss the above suggestions with the webmaster as well as key items
such as how many editors should be given access and should the site move from word press to a
more modern platform.

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                Nantes, France

A.1.7. Election of New IRSO Vice-Chair
Bob Houtman was proposed by Ron Plaschke as incoming Vice-Chair and his election was
A.1.8. Dates for IRSO 2015
Aodhan Fitzgerald highlighted the committee’s keenness to lock in the dates for the 2015 meeting
and outlined the issues with regard to the proposed venue and the requirement to book the facility
as soon as possible. The dates 20-23rd October 2015 were proposed to the attendees and the dates
were approved.

Operators Meeting (IRSO) - 27th International Research Ship IFREMER, Nantes, France
27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                              Nantes, France

A.2. Theme 1 - Delegates Reports of Activity

A.2.1. Poster session
A poster session was held and the Chair encouraged members to maximise the networking
opportunity. Electronic copies of posters provided by members were later handed out on a USB
drive. Refer also Section B: Country Reports in these minutes.

A.2.2. Brazil’s Research Vessels - Overview, operation and plans for new vessels – Luis Nonnato
As a new IRSO member, Luiz Nonnato gave an introductory presentation to the Brazilian fleet.

A.2.3. Argentina’s Research Vessels- Overview, operation and plans for new vessels – Martin
As a new IRSO member, Martin Ehrlich gave an introductory presentation to the Argentinean fleet.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                              Nantes, France

A.3. Theme 2: RV Builds, Modifications and Performance

A.3.1. General overview of fleet evolutions – Olivier Lefort.

A.3.2. Norway- new projects update – Per Nieuwejaar

A.3.3. Ship design optimization concerning acoustic transducers, efficiency, propulsion and
introduction of innovative solutions- Stephane Cordier, STX

A.3.4. Investigator update – Ron Plaschke

A.3.5. New Discovery Update – Ed Cooper

A.3.6. Major Refit of RV Marion Dusfresne – Helene Leau

A.3.7. Cabo de Hornos update – Yerko Cattarinich

A.3.8. NOAA Fleet Update – David Score

A.3.9. Fuel Management– Aodhán Fitzgerald

A.3.10. New RV Construction at JAMSTEC-Kazuhiro Maeda

A.3.11. NSF update – Bob Houtman

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                  Nantes, France

A.4. Theme 3 – Manning, Safety and Training

A.4.1. Remote Medical Capability on RV Tangaroa – Rob Christie

A.4.2. Opening speaker MLC 2006 Implementation onboard research vessels – Olivier Lefort
This theme opened with a keynote presentation by Olivier Lefort, Ifremer on the implementation of
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) on research vessels.
A.4.3. Open Discussion about MLC 2006 implementation onboard research
A discussion was held with the regard to the varied treatment /status of scientists and technicians
under the MLC convention in various countries. In some countries scientists fall completely under
the category of seafarers and in other countries scientists are “transitional” seafarers and in other
countries are excluded from the requirements.

A.4.4. Scientific participants training and medicals – Erica Koening
A discussion followed this presentation and a suggestion was made that IRSO circulate or maintain a
list of known providers of PST training worldwide.

A.4.5. Theme 6 Item brought forward: OFEG update – Erica Koening

A.4.6. Medical Standards and provision in regard to MLC 2006 on board Research Vessels - Dr

A.4.7. P&O Drug and Alcohol Policy Implementation and Experiences – Bill Dwyer

A.4.8. IMR Integrated Quality and Safety Management system - Per Nieuwejaar

A.4.9. NSF Lessons Learned – Bob Houtman


27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                   Nantes, France

A.5. Theme 4 – Scientific Technology

A.5.1. Opening Speaker – Trends in underwater technologies applied to oceanographic research
vessels – Vincent Rigaud

A.5.2. JAMSTEC AUV/ROV development- Hitoshi Nakai

A.5.3. Ship to shore networking activities on RV’s – Olivier Soubigou

A.5.4. JCOMMOPS RV coordination – Martin Kramp
Martin Kramp introduced IRSO participants to the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for
Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) and his
role as Ship Coordinator. JCOMMOPS, on behalf of JCOMM and the Global Ocean Observing System
(GOOS) aims to assist in the planning, co-ordination, operation and data distribution of global
observing systems and programs including the collection of underway data from vessels. Martin has
extended JCOMMOPS activities to fitting underway measuring and data transmission equipment to
private racing yachts and cruise vessels. JCOMMOPS would like to get an idea of where RV’s will be
in “3 months from now” and whether they provide data to SOT to allow data gaps to be filled in a
cost effective manner .

A.5.5. Inmartech 2014- Jon Alberts
Jon Presented an update on INMARTEC 2014 which is to be held at Oregon State University ,
Corvallis , Oregon 18th -21st November.

A.5.6. 11,000M HROV system- Eric King

A.5.7. Major Sponsor Presentation - STX France- Philippe Neri
Phillipe Neri gave an interesting and detailed talk on the capabilities and experience of STX which
were to be further explored at the shipyard visit later in the week.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                    Nantes, France

A.6. Theme 5 – Legal and Insurance

A.6.1. Marine and legal insurance update – Renaud Couëspel de Mesnil
This interesting talk gave an insight into the current state of the marine insurance market including
details of of a recent single large incident/claim (Costa Concordia).

A.6.2. Trends in International Regulation– Elie Jarmache

A.6.3. MSR clearances and database, autonomous systems etc. – Rolly Rogers
Roland gave an update on recent UK and USA issues with regard to MSR and highlighted the
requirement to progress the IRSO database of UNCLOS part XIII issues. Roland also presented an
update on the draft IRSO Code of Conduct for Autonomous Maritime Systems (AMS) and the
meeting agreed that delegates would take the draft code back for final comment by member
countries and report back at next IRSO meeting.

A.6.4. Legal restrictions conducting marine scientific research– Hitoshi Hotta

A.6.5. Code of Conduct for Marine Scientific Research Vessels – Geraint West
The contents of the code were reviewed and a brief discussion was held it was suggested that a
small working group should review and update the code to reflect changes in the field. It was
suggested that a working document could be held on a closed section of the website or on google
docs. David Score from NOAA offered to be involved with the process.

A.6.6. Marine Mammals: Towards an IRSO Code of Conduct- C Ducatel/Xavier Lurton
This presentation reviewed the international legal environment governing acoustic operations
around marine mammals. In some cases, although initial clearances were given, permission was
withdrawn at late notice in response to stakeholder objections. This has occurred not only for
seismic proposals but also for multi-beam (swath) systems. Following discussion, the meeting did
not agree to Ifremer’s request to develop a specific IRSO Code of Conduct for acoustic operations
which would go beyond the guidelines currently documented in the IRSO Code of Conduct for
marine scientific research vessels. It was felt that given the international context, the risk of making
more specific statements outweighed the potential benefits.

Theme 4 Revisited

A.6.7. Coring Software – Patrice Woerther

A.6.8. New Ocean Bottom Seismometers – Tetsuya Yokota

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                  Nantes, France

A.7. Theme 6 – Cooperation and Outreach

A.7.1. Polar Code and RV Cooperation – Per Nieuwejaar
Per gave an excellent introduction to the requirements of the new Polar code and the implications
for Research Vessel operations. Per requested that a working group be formed to discuss Polar
Code issues within IRSO
A.7.2.    RVOC – Jon Alberts

A.7.3.     ERVO – Olivier Quedec
Olivier gave initial details of the 2015 ERVO meeting (17th) which will be held in May/June 2015 in
Galway, Ireland.

A.7.4.      ERVO/IRSO cooperation- overlap – Olivier Quedec /Aodhan Fitzgerald
Olivier and Aodhan held a general discussion on this topic and the general consensus was that ERVO
is a useful forum for European operators of medium to smaller vessels and that the meetings should
be kept separate from IRSO meetings due to its different audience and aims. ERVO should however
aim to avoid overlap in terms of timing of meetings and aim to focus more on European issues and
issues relevant to operators of smaller vessels rather the then global focus of IRSO.

A.7.5.    EUROFLEETS projects - Valérie Mazauric

A.7.6.    Berth and cruise exchange - Hitoshi Hotta

A.7.7.    Crowd sourced bathymetry - David Wyatt
David Wyatt introduced IRSO participants to the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) and
the Bureau at which he is Assistant Director in Monaco. The IHO aims to facilitate the provision of
hydrographic information for worldwide navigation and other purposes through the coordination of
the endeavours of national hydrographic offices. With a 35% reduction of the global government
survey fleet in the last 25 years, David emphasised the importance of crowd-sourced bathymetry to
provide new and updated hydrographic information through national offices. With advances in
technology it is now possible to provide at least some of this information from commercial and
private vessels.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                 Nantes, France

A.8. IRSO 2015

A.8.1. Introduction to venue for IRSO 2015 La Jolla, California USA, Hosted by NOAA / NSF / ONR
/ UNOLS – Jon Alberts
Jon gave a short presentation on the venue and timing for the 2015 IRSO meeting to be held from
20th -23rd October 2015 in La Jolla, USA.

A.8.2. Suggestions for IRSO 2015 workshop and meeting – Aodhan Fitzgerald
Suggestions from the delegates with regard to the theme of the 2015 Workshop were invited and
two main themes emerged for consideration:
 Polar operations
 Marine mammal issues
Additional themes suggested for inclusion in the agenda for the meeting were
 Aging vessels
 New equipment (deck equipment)
 A Frames/cables /winches
 Regional vessels

Closing of IRSO 2014 meeting – Ron Plaschke
Ron thanked the IFREMER organizing committee for organizing an excellent meeting and venue and
thanked all the participants for attending and for their participation which helped make the meeting
a success Ron then handed over to the new incoming Chair and Vice-Chair.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                  Nantes, France

A.9. IRSO 2014 Undertakings

   IRSO Committee to consider the suggested additions to website
   Working group to be established by the chair to review and update the IRSO Code of Conduct
    for marine scientific research vessels to reflect changes in the field.
   The draft IRSO Code of Conduct for Autonomous Maritime Systems (AMS) should be taken back
    for final comment by member countries by the members of the sub group preparing this
   IRSO chair to circulate or maintain a list of known providers of Personal Survival Training( PST)
   A request was made by Per Nieuwejaar to form a Polar code working group within IRSO
   The dates 20-23rd October 2015 were approved for the 2015 IRSO meeting in La Jolla, California,

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                      Nantes, France


B.1. Argentina – Martín D. Ehrlich (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero)

2014 Report



                                                                                             Main area
                                                                     LOA              Op.
Name         Image                                          Type              Built              of       Notes                     Plans for Replacement
                                                                     (m)              Days

                                                                                                          Displacement: 1179
   R/V                                                                                                    Tons.
                                                                                             Argentine                              Trawl winch will be replaced
 CAPITAN                                                  Regional   65.01   1983                         Accommodation: 40
                                                                                             SWA Shelf                              in 2015.
OCA BALDA                                                                                                 Crew: 26

   DR.                                                                                                    Displacement: 958 Tons.
 EDUARDO                                                                                     Argentine    Accommodation : 38
                                                          Regional   61.95   1980
    L.                                                                                       SWA Shelf    Crew: 25
HOLMBERG                                                                                                  Scientist: 13

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                    Nantes, France

                                                                                        Displacement: 2400
   RV                                                                                   Tons.
                                                                           SWA Shelf
PUERTO                                           Regional   76.80   1971                Accommodation : 100
DESEADO                                                                                 Crew: 73
                                                                                        Scientist: 27

                                                                           Argentine    Displacement: 230 Tons.
  RV                                                                                                              Will be replaced soon with a
                                                                             Shelf      Accommodation : 21
CAPITAN                                          Coastal    39.17   1964                                          loan from Interamerican
                                                                            coastal     Crew: 13
CÁNEPA                                                                                                            Development Bank
                                                                             area       Scientist: 8

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                       Nantes, France

B.2. Australia – Ron Plaschke (CSIRO)

2014 Report

In addition to fleet of smaller research vessels, Australia has two larger research vessels; Investigator and the icebreaker Aurora Australis. Replacing the
66m Southern Surveyor, the newly built 94 Investigator has been delivered and will be commissioned in Hobart prior to beginning scientific voyages in 2015.
Aurora Australis is operated under charter by the Australian Antarctic Division to conduct research in the Southern Ocean and to resupply Australia’s
Antarctic bases and a new replacement icebreaker is in the planning stages.


                                                                                              Main area of
                                                 LOA                                                                                               Plans for
   Name                                 Type             Built           Op. Days           operations during     Notes
                                                 (m)                                                                                               Replacement
                                                                                           Australasian region,
                                                                                           tropics to ice-edge    Owned and operated by
                                                                                                                  CSIRO as Australia’s Marine
Investigator                           Ocean      94     2014               180
                                                                                                                  National Facility

RSV Aurora                             Polar      95     1990               180            Antarctic, Southern    Has provided Antarctic           New
 Australis                             Ocean                                                     Ocean            support, resupply and marine     icebreaker in
                                                                                                                  science services under charter   the planning
                                                                                                                  from P&O Maritime Services       stages.
                                                                                                                  to Australian Antarctic
                                                                                                                  Division since 1990.
 Solander                                         36     2007                               Tropical Australia    Australian Institute of Marine

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                     Nantes, France

                                                                                            Main area of
                                                LOA                                                                                             Plans for
   Name                                Type             Built           Op. Days          operations during    Notes
                                                (m)                                                                                             Replacement
   Cape                                          22     2000                              Tropical Australia   Australian Institute of Marine
 Fergusson                                                                                                     Science

  Negerin                                        25     1985                                South Australia    South Australian Research
                                                                                                               and Development Institute

Naturaliste                                      23     2001                              Western Australia    Western Australian
                                                                                                               Department of Fisheries

Marine National Facility Equipment

A range of new scientific equipment has been purchased for Investigator including a deep water multi-beam system, large weather radar, specialised
laboratory containers and a Triaxus towed CTD system.


With the new MNF vessel Investigator designed to operate to the Antarctic ice edge, discussions are underway between CSIRO and the Australian Antarctic
Division regarding cooperation in the Southern Ocean. The objective of these discussions is to maximise future operating efficiencies between research
vessels in this large and unexplored area of ocean.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                    Nantes, France

B.3. Belgium – André Cattrijsse (Flanders Marine Institute) & Lieven Naudts (RBINS-OD Nature)

2013 Report
Belgium, Flanders Marine Institute


The R.V. Simon Stevin replaces the R.V. Zeeleeuw that served the Belgian marine coastal research community for 12 years. The Simon Stevin is operated by
Fleet, the ship operator of the Flemish government.


                                                                                              Main area of
                                                LOA                                                                                             Plans for
Name           Image                  Type              Built       Operational Days        operations during   Notes
                                                (m)                                                                                             Replacement
                                                                                             Southern Bight     Request for shiptime have
                                                                                            North Sea between   increased substantially since
                                                                                            Hull, Bremerhaven   commissioning. Extra funds
                                                                  150 1-day campaigns
                                     Regional                                                   & Le Havre      for operational costs have
Simon Stevin                                     36     2012     with 12 days as multiple
                                                                                              Mainly coastal    been secured to operate run
                                                                                                 waters &       200 days a year of which 40
                                                                                             Westerschelde      days in multiple day
                                                                                                  estuary       campaigns


Cooperation exists with RV Belgica (RBINS-OD Nature) on cruise planning and with NIOZ for the operation of the ROV ‘Genesis’ (SubAtlantic – Cherokee)

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                    Nantes, France

Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Operational Directorate Natural Environment (RBINS-OD Nature)


The R.V. Belgica is managed by RBINS-OD Nature in cooperation with the Belgian Naval Component. RBINS-OD Nature stands in for the complete budget,
the scientific planning and the scientific instrumentation. The Belgian Naval Component provides the crew, the home port and the logistic-maintenance


                                                LOA                                Main area of operations                                Plans for
Name      Image                      Type              Built       Op. Days                                  Notes
                                                (m)                                      during year                                      Replacement
                                                                                                             Recently, R.V. Belgica is
                                                                                                             increasingly used for
                                                                                                             monitoring of offshore
                                                                                                             windmill areas, sand
                                                                                                             extraction zones, dumping
                                                                                                                                          Budget study in
                                                                                                             sites, sea water quality,
                                                                                         32N 65N,            etc. and less for basic
                                                                                                                                          2013, possible
                                                                                         15W 15E.            marine science.
                                                                                                                                          preliminary design
                                                                                                                                          study in 2014,
                                                                                       Mainly Southern
                                                                                                                                          possible tendering
                                                                                    Bight North Sea & the    Currently, 70 % of the RV
                                    Regional                       180 days –                                                             for final design and
Belgica                                          51    1984                         greater regional area    Belgica ship time is used
                                      RV                           105 nights                                                             building in 2015-
                                                                                      (English Channel,      for national obligations.
                                                                                                                                          2017 at the earliest.
                                                                                        Irish Sea, and
                                                                                       eastern Atlantic      In 2012-2013, R.V. Belgica
                                                                                                                                          Waiting for
                                                                                     continental margin)     has been used as a testing
                                                                                                             platform for ESA
                                                                                                             (European Space Agency)
                                                                                                             to test EGNOS SATNAV for
                                                                                                             maritime use and the
                                                                                                             European “GPS” system

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                        Nantes, France


Cooperation exists with RV Simon Stevin (Flanders Marine Institute) on cruise planning.

B.4. Brazil-Luiz Vianna Nonnato Oceanographic Institute of Universidade de São Paulo
2014 Report
                 Image                                          Operator           Type        LOA   Built         Main area         Details
                                                                                              (m)                  of
R/V Alpha-
Crucis                                                         Universidade        Regional    64    1973          Southwest          Gross
                                                               de São Paulo        Multi-            Refit 2012    Atlantic          Tonnage:
                                                                                   purpose                                           1890 ton
                                                                                                                                     Beam: 11
                                                                                                                                     Crew: 19

R/V Atlantico                                                                                 36       1973       South and         Gross
Sul                                                            Fundação            Coastal                        Southwest         Tonnage: 257
                                                               Universidade        Multi-                         Brazilian coast   ton
                                                               do Rio              purpose                                          Beam: 8 m
                                                               Grande                                                               Crew: 11
                                                                                                                                    Scientists: 15

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                            Nantes, France

 R/V Alpha
 Delphini                                          Universidade       Coastal     26     2012          Southwest         Gross
                                                   de São Paulo       Multi-                           Brazilian        Tonnage:
                                                                      purpose                          Coast            175 ton
                                                                                                                        Beam: 7 m
                                                                                                                        Crew: 8

R/V Soloncy                                       Center for         Coastal     26                   South and        Gross
Moura                                             Research and       Fisheries                        Southwest        Tonnage: 216
                                                  Management of      research                         Brazilian        ton
                                                  Fisheries                                           Coast            Beam: 8 m
                                                  Resources /                                                          Crew: 8
                                                  Brazilian                                                            Scientists: 8
                                                  Ministry for the

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                            Nantes, France

Hydro-                                            Brazilian Navy        Regional   66   1986          Southwest        Gross
oceanographic                                                           Multi-                        Atlantic         Tonnage:
Ship Cruzeiro                                                           purpose                                        1716 ton
do Sul                                                                                                                 Beam: 11 m
                                                                                                                       Crew: 43
                                                                                                                       Scientists: 16

Oceanographic                                     Brazilian Navy        Regional   55   1983          Southwest        Gross
Ship Antares                                                            Multi-                        Atlantic         Tonnage:
                                                                        purpose                                        1076 ton
                                                                                                                       Beam: 10 m
                                                                                                                       Crew: 58
                                                                                                                       Scientists: 12

Polar Ship                                        Brazilian Navy        Polar      93   1974          Southern         Gross
Almirante                                                                                             Ocean,           Tonnage:
Maximiniano                                                                                           around           3865 ton
                                                                                                      Antarctic        Beam: 13 m
                                                                                                      Peninsula        Crew: 106
                                                                                                                       Scientists: 30

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                       Nantes, France

Oceanographic                                                   Brazilian Navy        Polar        75          1981              Southern          Gross
Support Ship                                                                          Support                                    Ocean,            Tonnage:
Ary Rongel                                                                            Ship                                       around            1982 ton
                                                                                                                                 Antarctic         Beam: 8 m
                                                                                                                                 Peninsula         Crew: 72
                                                                                                                                                   Scientists: 21

New vessels                                                     Public                Coastal      32          3Q 2016           Brazilian         Gross
                                                                Universities          Multi-                                     Coast             Tonnage:
                                                                                      purpose                                                      Beam: 8 m
                                                                                                                                                   Crew: 8
                                                                                                                                                   Scientists: 18

B.5. Canada – Jennifer Nield (Fisheries & Oceans Canada) and Eric Lengellé (Canadian Coast Guard)

2012 Report


With regards to the specifics of building research vessels in Canada, one 18 metre vessel was delivered to the Great Lakes for limnology studies in June
2009. One other such vessel (similar design) was delivered to the east coast (Atlantic) for fisheries research in June of 2010.

Construction of three near shore fisheries research vessels began in March, 2010. Two vessels (one 25 meter, one 22 meter) are already in service with
delivery of the final vessel (22 meters) expected in November, 2012.

Design of the Offshore Oceanographic Vessel and three Offshore Fisheries Science vessels was completed over this past year. They are anticipated to be in
construction by 2014.

The Polar project is in the design phase. It is anticipated the vessel will be delivered in late 2017. All vessels mentioned below will be following a “design
for build” process.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                               Nantes, France


Name           Image           Type       LOA      Built   Op.             Main area of                     Notes                Plans for Replacement
                                          (m)              Days            operations during
                                                                                                     Vessel is planned for
                                                                                                     replacement in 2014.

                                                                                                   Crew size is 30 + with 25
                                                                                                                                 Design of replacement
                                                                              Eastern North       Pengo winch with capability     vessel is completed.
for the CCGS                   Regional   90 M      1964      200 r
                                                                                 Atlantic          of 30 Metre piston cores.     Construction to begin
                                                                                                   Two cranes and gallows.            in 2014-15
                                                                                                  Most scientific work is done
                                                                                                    from the fordeck of this

  Offshore                                                                                                                          Design of three
  Fisheries                               57 to     1977                       Eastern North                                     replacement vessel is
  Research                     Regional    65        to       170          Atlantic and Western                                       completed.
   Fleet (4                               Metres    1984                           Pacific                                       Construction to begin
   vessels)                                                                                                                           in 2014-15.
                                                                             Near coastal (ice
  Research                                18 to     1980
                                                           150 to 200         free) waters of                                      Replace three by
   Fleet (5                     Coastal    30        to                                                                                      st
                                                             days           Canada’s east and                                     December 1 , 2012.
  vessels, 3                              Metres    1992
                                                                               wests coasts.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                  Nantes, France

Name           Image                  Type       LOA      Built    Op.              Main area of                 Notes             Plans for Replacement
                                                 (m)               Days             operations during
Specialty                             Near       13                200              Near coastal (ice                               Delivered two new 18
Vessels                               Coastal    Metres                             free) waters of                                  Metre vessels (CCGS
                                                 +                                  Canada’s east and                                 KELSO and CCGS
                                                                                    west coasts.                                    VIOLA M.DAVIDSON)
                                                                                                                                      Design underway.
    Polar         Addition to Fleet    Global                            TBD             High Arctic              TBD               Delivery is planned for
                                                                                                                                          late 2017.



Canada enjoyed some excellent cooperation from many members of ISOM with respect to concept development of the OFSV with respect to layout and
type of deck used for the trawl deck. Further we have benefitted greatly by spending a great deal of time onboard the R.V. Maria S Merian thanks to efforts
of Dr. Klaus von Broeckel who help secure connections.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                             Nantes, France

B.6. Canada – Yves Perron (Defence Research and Development Canada)

2012 Report


Defence Research & Development Canada is a special agency of the Department of National Defence in Canada. The Agency has seven research centres and
employs approximately 1700 employees. The mandate of Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic is to conduct research and development in the areas of
Underwater Sensing and Countermeasures, Naval Command & Control Information Systems, Naval Platforms, Air Platforms, Signature Management,
Emerging Materials and Modelling and Simulation. These R&D activities support operations, acquisition, maintenance and requirements planning mainly by
Canada’s Royal Canadian Navy.
Within undersea warfare, DRDC Atlantic leads in sonar technology, mine countermeasures, and torpedo defence. We are expanding our expertise in naval
command & control and information systems. We also lead in naval platform R&D, encompassing structural modelling, computational fluid dynamics, and
operational effectiveness applied to ships and submarines. Our R&D in signature management investigates and reduces the vulnerability of military
platforms to emissions and reflections of energy. Our emerging materials R&D supports a variety of Canadian Forces material requirements, from
"functional" and "smart" materials to advanced power sources. We employ modelling and simulation to develop and integrate platform and combat
systems models for acquisition, requirements, rehearsal and training.
CFAV QUEST is operated by the Canadian Navy Auxiliary Fleet Authority and tasked by DRDC Atlantic in support of the maritime R&D program under a five
year Service Level Arrangement funding QUEST for 125 sea days.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                          Nantes, France


                                                                                                Main area
                                                             LOA                      Op.           of
 Name                    Image                     Type                 Built                                  Notes                       Plans for Replacement
                                                             (m)                      Days      operations
                                                                                                during year
                                                                                                               Crew: 24
                                                                                                               Science Berths: 20
                                                                                                                                           A replacement project has been
                                                                                                               Electronics                 initiated in 2006 to replace CFAV
                                                                                                               Radar: Racal-Decca          QUEST but over the last few
                                                                                                               Bridgemaster 2, "X" band    years, the project has been
                                                                                                               and "S" band                subjected to several delays in
                                                                                                   Scotian     Communication: Full suite   terms of funding approval and
                                                                                                Shelf, North   of modern communication     option analysis. Given
                                                                                                   Atlantic    equipment including Fleet   departmental priorities, future
                                                                                                  Canadian     Broadband                   funding for the project has been
 CFAV                                                                                125 sea     Operation                                 shifted an additional 3 years left
                                                 Acoustic              refit
QUEST                                                                                  days         Areas,     Special:                    and the project has been
                                                 Research    77 m   1997/1999
(AGOR                                                                                (funded      Canadian     Echo sounders               instructed by the project review
 172)                                                                                average)    East Arctic   Sub-bottom profile          board to re-validate operational
                                                                                                   Ocean       Current profiler            requirements and available
                                                                                                 (Lancaster    Directional wave            options.
                                                                                                sound), Gulf   measurement system
                                                                                                 of Mexico     Wave height meter           In the current fiscal
                                                                                                               Environmental sensor        environment, project has
                                                                                                               Bathymetry                  slipped more than 4 years for
                                                                                                               Expendable                  definition and implementation
                                                                                                               bathythermograph            phase and implementation is
                                                                                                               launcher                    now planned for 2020.
                                                                                                               Radio direction finder
                                                                                                               Underwater telephone

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                               Nantes, France

DRDC Atlantic operates an Acoustic Calibration Barge. Details found at URL http://www.atlantic.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/factsheets/TS0203/TS0203_eng.html.

DRDC Atlantic contributes actively to activities of The Technical Cooperation Panel (TTCP) between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and
the United States of America. We worked closely with the NATO Undersea Research Centre for some programs and have bi-lateral agreements with the
United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands and Sweden.
The recent Arctic trial involved several cooperative initiatives with Other Government Departments including Department of Fisheries and Oceans and
Natural Resources Canada.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                        Nantes, France

 B.7. Chile – Enrique Aranda Orrego (Instituto de Fomento PesQuero)

 2014 Report



                                                                      LOA               Op.       Main area of                                    Plans for
 Name                        Image                     Type                     Built                                          Notes
                                                                      (m)               Days      operations                                    Replacement

                                                                                                                      Displacement: 426 Tons.
R/V ABATE                                                                                                             Accommodation: 30
                                                      Regional        43,6      1990    239    Chilean 200 mile EEZ
 MOLINA                                                                                                               Crew: 15

                                                                                                                      Length: 74,1 m;
                                                                                                                      readth: 15,6 m;
                                                                                                                      Draft: 5,8 m;
 Cabo De
                                                       Ocean                                       E. Pacific &       Displacement: +3000
 Hornos                                                               74        2013    230
                                                                                                 Southern Ocean       Tons.
                                                                                                                      Accommodation : 68
                                                                                                                      Crew: 43
                                                                                                                      Scientist: 25

 Cabo de Hornos year 2013: 190 days.
 Abate Molina year 2013: 182 days.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                    Nantes, France

B.8. China – (IOCAS)

Pre 2012 Report


In 2010, RS “Ke Xue Yi Hao” and “Ke Xue San Hao” supplied two share voyage for free for scientists from other institutes and universities in China; RS
“Shiyan 1” supplied 50 days cooperation ship time in China.


Name            Image                 Type     LOA     Built     Op.    Main area of     Notes                         Plans for Replacement
                                               (m)               Days   operations
                                                                        during year
                                                                           China sea,
 “Ke Xue Yi                                                             the north-west
                                      Ocean     104    1981.1    200                     Displacement: 3300 ton
   Hao”                                                                   area of the
                                                                         Pacific Ocean

 “Ke Xue San
                                      Ocean    73.9    2006.7    200       China sea     Displacement: 1224 ton

                                                                          South sea of
                                                                                         Displacement: 2500 ton
R/V Shiyan 1                          Ocean    60.9    2009.4    150         China
                                                                         Indian Ocean

R/V Haiyang 6
                                      Global   106.0   2009.10           Pacific Ocean   Displacement: 4600 ton

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                            Nantes, France

                                        Global   99.8    2012.9              Pacific Ocean   Displacement: 5087 ton


▪    Ke Xue Yi Hao supplied 21 days ship time for free for scientists from other institutes and universities in China, in 2010.
▪    Ke Xue San Hao supplied 48 days ship time for free in China, in 2010.
▪    Shiyan 1 supplied 50 days cooperation ship time in China, in 2010.

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                                Nantes, France

B.9. Denmark – DTU Aqua, by Helge A Thomsen / Hans-Erik Mahnfeldt

2012 Report


Research vessels in Denmark are owned and managed separately by the Universities.
As main operator and owner of the only ocean going research vessel in Denmark, the Technical University of Denmark – National Institute of Aquatic
Resources (DTU Aqua) represents Denmark within IRSO.
Besides DTU Aqua, also the University of Copenhagen (KU), the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, the University of Aarhus (AU / which includes the
National Environmental Research Institute), and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) are main operators within seagoing field work.
DTU Aqua is operating the below mentioned vessels (and additionally a range of small inland water crafts).
The institute runs a land based department (Section for Marine Services) which is responsible for purchase and maintenance of research equipment as well
as mobilisation prior to research cruises.
Developments in 2012 encompass further emphasis on defining a national plan for the replacement of vessels currently being operated by Danish
universities, further improvement of the DANA ISM/ISPS protocols, and further progress with regard to establishing proper working routines within the
Danish Centre for Marine Research (DCH / http://www.danskhavforskning.net/English.aspx ).


                                                                                   Main area
                                                    LOA                  Op.
Name          Image                         Type              Built                operations   Notes                       Plans for Replacement
                                                    (m)                  Days
                                                                                                                            A larger maintenance docking was
                                                                                   North Sea,
                                                                                                                            scheduled for the autumn of 2010.
                                                                                     Baltic,    Technical University of
                                                                          200                                               Ongoing application process to
   Dana                                    Global   78,4      1981                   North      Denmark
                                                                       days/year                                            raise funding for a replacement
                                                                                    Atlantic,   DTU Aqua
                                                                                                                            vessel of approx same size, but
                                                                                                                            truly multifunctional

27th IRSO 2014-Minutes                                                                                                   Nantes, France

                                                                       Main area
                                            LOA              Op.
Name         Image                  Type           Built               operations   Notes                     Plans for Replacement
                                            (m)              Days
                                                                                                              The replacement of this vessel is in
                                                                                    Technical University of   progress. The new vessel will be
                                                              200       Danish
 Havfisken                          Local   13,7   1963                             Denmark                   operational from end of 2013.
                                                           days/year    waters
                                                                                    DTU Aqua                  Yard contract to be placed within
                                                                                                              1-2 months

                                                                                    Technical University of
                                                             Few        Danish
Havkatten                           Local   9,6    1988                             Denmark                   Is currently taken out of operation.
                                                           days/year    waters
                                                                                    DTU Aqua

                                                                                    Technical University of
                                                              30        Danish
Havtasken                           Local    5     1989                             Denmark
                                                           days/year    waters
                                                                                    DTU Aqua

                                                              30        Danish      Technical University of
Havmusen                            Local   6,3    1996
                                                           days/year    waters      Denmark
                                                                                    DTU Aqua

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