Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

Page created by Shane Wheeler
Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL
Organic Farming
in Germany
As of: February 2021
Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL


                                 1.		 What does organic farming mean?                      4
                                 2.		 What about the quality of organic food?              6
                                 3.		 EU legislation governing organic farming             8
                                 4.		 Organic Farming Act                                 12
                                 5.		 Inspection                                          13
                                 6.		 Organic farms in Germany                            14
                                 7.		 Income situation                                    17
                                 8.		 Support for organic farming                         18
                                 9.		 The “Organic Farming – Looking Forwards” Strategy   21
                                 10. Bio-Siegel (German organic production logo)          23
                                 11. Federal Scheme for Organic Farming and
                                     Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture   24
                                 12. Research                                             26
                                 13. Federal Organic Farming Competition                  27
                                 14. Outlook                                              28
                                 15. Links                                                29

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

Dear Readers,

Soil and water protection, biodiversity and animal welfare       common goal. An important financing tool is the Federal
– many consumers appreciate these key organic farming            Scheme for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustain-
issues and deliberately buy products that have the "Bio-         able Agriculture (Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau
Siegel" – the German organic production logo – on them.          und andere Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft – BÖLN).
Our ministry's 2020 Nutrition Report showed once again           We have funded over 1,200 projects – with total funds
that every second person looks out for the Bio-Siegel when       amounting to 190 million euros – via the BÖLN alone.
shopping. The turnover for organic products has almost
doubled over the last ten years.                                 This brochure is designed to give you an overview of
                                                                 organic farming in Germany and the support provided
In the German Sustainable Development Strategy and the           by our ministry. Because well-informed people can make
coalition agreement, the Federal Government agreed to            well-informed decisions. I hope you find this brochure an
further expand organic farming with the goal of having 20        interesting read.
percent of agricultural land farmed organically by 2030.
This is ambitious, but with the right framework it should be     With kind regards,
feasible: with support and promotion, with research and in-
centives. Our BMEL “Organic Farming – Looking Forwards”
Strategy (Zukunftsstrategie ökologischer Landbau – ZöL)
provides such a framework. Drawn up in cooperation with
representatives of the organic food sector, scientists and the
federal states, this strategy lays the foundation for further
positive development of the organic sector. This includes,
for example, the funding of research projects to close           Julia Klöckner
knowledge gaps. We are investing heavily to achieve this         Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

                   This brochure gives a brief overview of organic farming in

                   Germany. It presents statutory rules, organic farming asso-

                   ciations as well as the development and support of organic


1. What does organic farming mean?

    The guiding principle of organic farming is manage-      → no utilisation of easily soluble mineral fertilisers,
    ment in harmony with nature. The agricultural hold-        application of organically fixed nitrogen mainly
    ing is mainly perceived as an organism comprising          in the form of manure or manure compost; green
    the components man, flora, fauna and soil.                 manuring with nitrogen-fixing plants (legumi-
                                                               nosae) and use of slow-acting natural fertilisers;
    In its various forms, organic farming enjoys a
    long-standing tradition. Biodynamic farming was in-      → preservation of soil fertility through intensive
    troduced in 1924 and the origins of organic-biological     humus management;
    and environmentally-adapted farming also date back
    well into the last century.                              → varied and long crop rotations with many crop
                                                               rotation links and intermediate crops;
    More than other methods of cultivation, organic
    farming aims to:                                         → no application of synthetically produced chemical
                                                               growth regulators;
    → achieve as closed a nutrient cycle on the farm as
      possible. The aim is for the farm to produce its       → limited stocking density based on the area of land
      own feed and nutrients;                                  available;

    → preserve and enhance soil fertility;                   → where possible feeding of animals on farm-grown
                                                               feed, with as little feed as possible purchased from
    → keep animals in a manner conducive to their              other sources;
                                                             → generally dispensing with the use of antibiotics.
    In so doing, organic farming focuses on the following
    measures:                                                Organic farming is specifically geared to
    → no plant protection with synthetically produced
      chemicals, cultivation of less-susceptible varieties   It achieves a particularly high level of conservation
      in suitable crop rotations, using beneficial species   of natural resources, whilst having a range of positive
      and mechanical weed control measures such as           effects on the environment, for instance:
      hoeing and flame weeding;

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

                Soil conservation                                         Species protection

Organic farming methods promote humus formation            Organic farming promotes the diversity of flora and
and soil biota. In the fields and meadows of organic       fauna as it dispenses with synthetically produced
farmers there is usually more biomass and increased        chemical pesticides and has a low level of fertilis-
microbial activity than in conventional farming.           ation.Often, there are more species on organically
Natural soil fertility also increases. Losses of topsoil   farmed land than on conventionally farmed land.
caused by erosion are largely avoided.

                Water conservation                                        Animal welfare

Organic farming generally does not pollute ground          The principles of organic farming provide for wel-
and surface waters with nutrients like nitrates as         fare-oriented animal husbandry. Animals are allowed
much as conventional farming. As it dispenses with         sufficient exercise in the open air. Their housing
synthetically produced chemicals, there is no input        conditions are reviewed on a regular basis.
of these pesticides into the soil. Since organic animal
husbandry is related to the area of land available,
normally no more nutrients accrue from manure and
slurry than can be applied to plants on the farm’s
own land without any difficulty.

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

2. What about the quality of organic food?

    Quality through the production                             Fewer ingredients, additives and
    process                                                    processing agents
    To determine the quality of a foodstuff, it is necessary   An increasing number of consumers are subject to
    to measure and calculate the specific characteristics      food intolerances.
    not only of the product but also of its production          Organic foods often offer this group of consumers a
    and processing. However, science is still in its infancy   significantly lower allergy potential as, under the EU
    when it comes to the objective assessment of prod-         legislation governing organic farming, it is only ad-
    ucts from different production processes.                  missible to have a very limited number of ingredients,
                                                               additives and processing agents in organic products.
    As the use of chemical and synthetic fertilisers and
    pesticides in organic production is banned, there are      These are stated specifically in so-called positive lists.
    hardly any residues of these substances in organic         With regard to additives alone, significantly less than
    products. This is repeatedly confirmed by investiga-       the 320 additives possible under food law provisions
    tions carried out in the course of official food inspec-   are currently admitted, and these only to a limited
    tions.Occasionally, however, organic products also         degree and in respect of specific products.
    contain residues of pesticides, caused for example by
    drift from neighbouring fields under conventional          In comparison with conventional foods, the number
    management, by pollution of the soil with persistent       of substances which may be contained in the product
    pesticides, or by contamination with environmental         is consequently many times lower. Some producer
    pollutants.                                                associations limit the number of potential additives
                                                               even further. An important aspect for consumers is
                                                               that even the smallest quantities of these substances
                                                               are usually listed individually on the packaging.
                                                                This means that consumers are able to gain in-depth
                                                               information and, via their choice of foods, to reduce
                                                               the ingestion of additives.

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL


Some studies show a higher content of vitamins, min-
erals, trace elements and secondary plant substances
in plant-based organic products. But there are also
studies that show no significant difference between
organic products and products from conventional
farming. No conclusive assessment has been made.

Organic food and organic vegetables, as a rule, con-
tain less nitrate and fewer pesticide residues. Some
tests indicate higher dry matter content of organic
produce compared with conventional products. In
some cases, the lower water content results in higher
levels of value-enhancing ingredients in organic

Welfare-oriented animal husbandry and nutrition
play a key role in the quality assessment of animal
products from organic farming. Every animal is
entitled to space, light and fresh air. Every animal is,
therefore, granted access to outdoor runs and pasture
land. Fully-slatted floors are prohibited in cattle, pig
and sheep farming.

Scientific studies
No scientific studies have so far been conducted           basis of the data provided by National Food Con-
to determine whether the regular consumption of            sumption Survey II. The results show that there is a
organic food is generally more health-promoting            connection between the purchase of organic foods
than the consumption of conventional products. One         and dietary habits and lifestyle.
principle is clear: food must not jeopardise health in
general. A study conducted by the Max Rubner Insti-        Buyers of organic food eat healthier food, are fre-
tute came to the following conclusion: “There is no        quently non-smokers and are actively engaged in
clear answer so far to the question whether buyers of      sports. All in all, they pursue a lifestyle that can be
organic food generally eat healthier food.                 classified as healthier than that of those who do not
                                                           buy organic food. When it comes to buying food, fac-
Therefore, 13,000 people of between 18 and 80 years        tors relating to a healthy diet are just as important as
of age have been characterized extensively on the          altruistic criteria.“

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

 3. EU legislation governing organic farming

The EU legislation governing organic farming,              The EU legislation governing organic farming pro-
namely “Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of             tects consumers from deception and prevents unfair
28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling           competition Europe-wide. All organic goods pro-
of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC)         duced and sold in the European Union must meet the
No 2092/91 and its detailed implementing rules             standards set by this Regulation. The food designa-
(Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008)”, lays            tions are not permitted to be misleading either.
down the precise production and manufacturing
requirements for agricultural produce and foods
labelled as organic products. Stringent production
standards prescribed by organic farming must be            Irradiation and genetic
complied with. The control system accompanying the         engineering
entire production process and trade is risk-based. The
legislation ties in with the basic guidelines of the In-
ternational Federation of Organic Agriculture Move-        It is prohibited to treat organic foods or feedstuffs
ments (IFOAM), encompassing about 750 associations         and the raw materials used for their production with
from over 100 countries. In addition, a Regulation         ionising radiation.
laying down detailed rules for implementing imports
of organic products from third countries (non-EU           Genetically modified organisms (GMO) or their de-
countries) has been adopted (Commission Regula-            rivatives may not be used. The labelling threshold for
tion (EC) No 1235/2008).                                   the unintended presence of authorised GMO, which is
                                                           normally 0.9 %, also applies to organic products.

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

Detailed rules through                                     → supplementary fertilisers and pesticides only if
positive lists                                               they are stated in specific positive lists;

                                                           → using organically propagated seed and planting
The EU legislation governing organic farming pre-            stock.
scribes exactly how producers and processors have
to produce their commodities and which substances          Animal husbandry
they may use in the process. If a substance is not
expressly authorised in so-called positive lists, it may   → conversion provisions concerning farms and ani-
not be used. The same applies to the use of ingredi-         mals of non-organic origin;
ents of non-agricultural origin.
                                                           → stockfarming relates to the area of land available;
In principle, all ingredients of agricultural origin
must be organic; strictly limited exemptions are pos-      → a general ban on keeping livestock tethered;
sible for up to 5 % of the entire product. A sufficient
volume of ingredients of organic quality is not always     → livestock must be fed organically produced
available. The EU legislation governing organic farm-        feedstuffs;
ing therefore allows the use of some ingredients from
conventional agriculture if they are necessary for the     → keeping animals healthy mainly by encouraging
production of particular goods and if it can be proven       their natural immunological defence;
that they can neither be produced in the EU nor
imported into the EU at the requisite organic quality.     → regular controls and certification of origin for
This applies, for example, to specific exotic fruits or      organically-produced meat.
some spices and oils. Ingredients which have not been
produced organically must be listed in Annex IX to         Aquaculture
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 or, in duly substantiated
cases, the competent authority may have granted an         The production of marine animals and seaweed is a
exception. Only with an organic percentage of at least     relatively new line of business in organic farming. It
95 % can the foodstuff be marketed as an organic           had been developed because the targeted breeding
product and be labelled with the German organic            and husbandry of aquatic organisms (aquaculture) has
production logo Bio-Siegel, the EU organic logo            become increasingly important, also with regard to
and other organic logos. If the organic percentage         sea fisheries production, which must be distinguished
of ingredients is less than 95%, the list of ingredi-      from it.
ents may refer to the organic ingredients subject to
certain conditions. These products may not then be         The aim of organic aquaculture is to safeguard the
designated as organic (in German: “bio” or “öko”). Any     production of prime quality products while minimiz-
form of emphasis is not allowed.                           ing the strain on the aquatic environment.

                                                           Detailed Community legislation has been in effect
                                                           since 1 July 2010. As in organic farming in general,
The EU rules contain the                                   welfare-oriented husbandry takes top priority here,
following key points:                                      too.

Plant production
                                                           The implementing Commission Regulation (EU)
→ conversion provisions concerning farms with              No 203/2012 of 8 March 2012 has applied since
  plant production;                                        1 August 2012. It supplements Regulation (EC)
                                                           No 889/2008 by rules governing organic wine-making.
→ preserving and increasing soil fertility through         The Regulation, among other things, lays down rules
  special soil tillage and multiannual crop rotations;     for specific approved organic wine-making practices.

Organic Farming in Germany - As of: February 2021 - BMEL

     The following applies to the labelling of organic

     Wine that has been produced since 1 August 2012
     according to the new provisions may be designated as
     organic wine. In this case, the labelling with the EU
     organic logo, as in the case of all organic products,    Labelling
     is mandatory. It is no longer permissible to use the
     previous indication “wine from organic production        Pre-packaged foodstuffs from the EU bear the Eu-
     grapes” for this wine.                                   ropean Union logo for organic production (or “EU
                                                              organic farming logo”) on the packaging. The use of
     Wine stocks that were produced before 31 July 2012       the organic farming logo is optional for products im-
     and that meet the requirements of Regulation (EEC)       ported from third countries. The code number of the
     No 2092/91 or Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 may            competent control body and details about the origin
     continue to be marketed with the indication “wine        of the agricultural raw materials of the products are
     from organic production grapes” until the stocks         displayed next to the EU organic farming logo.
     have been exhausted. Insofar as it can be proven that
     the wine-making process used complies with the new       The simultaneous use of state labels such as the Ger-
     Regulation (EU) No 203/2012, this wine may also be       man Bio-Siegel and private logos such as those of the
     designated as organic wine coupled with the manda-       growers’ associations is still permitted.
     tory EU organic logo.

     Under EU law requirements, organic products are
     subject to a comprehensive inspection system at
     all stages of the chain, ranging from the produc-
     tion of raw materials and processing to marketing.
     All market participants operating at any of these
     stages are generally inspected at least once a year to
     check they are complying with the EU legislation on
     organic farming. In Germany, these specific controls
     under the organic inspection system are carried out
     by private certification companies, which are in turn
     subject to state control.


Third country imports                                    Only listed products of these countries may be
                                                         imported into the EU without specific marketing au-
Another area with comprehensive rules is the imple-      thorisation and placed on the market with a reference
menting provisions for imports from third countries      to organic production methods. This is subject to the
(Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008). These rules are in-      products having been inspected and certified by an
tended to ensure that agricultural products and foods    approved inspection body.
from non-EU countries may only be freely marketed
as organic products in the EU if these countries have    In addition, the European Commission has recog-
compliant or equivalent regulations regarding both       nised for the purpose of equivalence a number of
production rules and inspection measures.                control bodies operating in third countries that are
                                                         responsible for carrying out controls in third coun-
The European Commission has already inspected and        tries and issuing certificates.
listed some third countries and their production rules
and control systems. By including these countries
in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 (list of
recognised third countries or third country list), the   Revision of EU legislation on
Commission has recognised that the production and        organic production
inspection rules for specific product categories in
these countries are equivalent to EU legislation for
organic farming.                                         During a four-year period of intensive negotiations,
                                                         the EU thoroughly revised the EU Basic Regulation
                                                         on organic farming and, in 2018, issued Regula-
                                                         tion (EU) No 2018/848 of the European Parliament
                                                         and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic produc-
                                                         tion and labelling of organic products and repealing
                                                         Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007. This does not,
                                                         however, conclude the process of revising the EU
                                                         legal framework for organic production. Instead, a
                                                         large number of rules of application in more than ten
                                                         implementing provisions and delegated legal acts still
                                                         need to be adopted. These are currently the subject
                                                         of intensive negotiations and are to be completed in
                                                         good time prior to the new EU Basic Regulation on
                                                         organic farming becoming valid.

                                                         The entire new legal framework on organic farming
                                                         was originally planned to apply from 1 January 2021.
                                                         But negotiations on the implementing provisions
                                                         have been considerably delayed, also as a result of the
                                                         COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the necessary legal
                                                         certainty and predictability for business operators
                                                         and authorities, the EU legislator therefore decided
                                                         in November 2020 to postpone the date of entry
                                                         into force of the new Basic Regulation by one year
                                                         to 1 January 2022. The implementing provisions will
                                                         also be based on this new date.


 4. Organic Farming Act

     The Organic Farming Act (ÖLG) pools specific ex-          Each inspection body must keep a list of the busi-
     ecutive functions in organic farming in Germany,          nesses it inspects and publish this list on the Internet
     increasing the effective implementation of the EU         for the competent authorities, economic operators
     legislation governing organic farming. The Organic        and consumers.
     Farming Act was promulgated in the Federal Law Ga-
     zette on 15 July 2002 and was adapted to the amended      The inspection bodies are not only required to pro-
     EU legislation governing organic farming by means         vide the competent authorities with the necessary in-
     of a new wording that took effect on 1 January 2009.      formation for these inspections, but are also obliged
     A further amendment to the ÖLG entered into force         to inform each other.
     on 1 December 2013. It serves to clarify and supple-
     ment the changes in EU legislation in the area of         Delegation of tasks from the Länder to the
     organic farming. These changes are concerned with         private inspection bodies
     the publication of records and certificates of organic
     companies that are subject to the organic inspection      The Länder may delegate specific inspection tasks
     system. Furthermore, the legal amendment enables          wholly or in part to the inspection bodies operating
     a Land (federal state) authority competent for over-      in the respective Land.
     seeing the activities of an inspection body for organic
     products, if it ascertains serious violations, to take    The Länder are also entitled to delegate sovereign
     immediate action against the inspection body once         tasks to private inspection bodies by transferring
     it has initiated the withdrawal procedure. The au-        statutory powers.
     thority may temporarily prohibit the inspection body
     from carrying out the control activity in question in     Among other things, the BLE is responsible for the
     its Land without having to wait for the outcome of        nationwide authorisation, and withdrawal of au-
     the withdrawal procedure carried out by the Federal       thorisation, of private, publicly approved inspection
     Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). The provisions     bodies.
     serve to strengthen the inspection system in organic
     farming.                                                  Compulsory checks in
                                                               away-from-home consumption
     The Organic Farming Act comprises the following
     regulatory areas:                                         The rules governing the inspections of away-from-
                                                               home consumption for compliance with organic
     Reporting duties                                          farming standards have not been harmonised
                                                               throughout the EU. However, the Organic Farm-
     The Act stipulates that inspection bodies should,         ing Act stipulates that community catering estab-
     whenever they ascertain in holdings irregularities or     lishments, such as restaurants, staff canteens and
     violations as defined in the EU legislation governing     large-scale catering establishments, are, if they
     organic farming, be required to notify the author-        commercially market organic products, subject to the
     ity competent for the respective holding. This also       inspection and labelling provisions of the EU legisla-
     applies to cases where the queried produce originates     tion governing organic farming.
     from another EU Member State. As far as the infor-
     mation requirements in the case of other irregular-       Provisions regarding penalties and fines
     ities are concerned, the Länder (federal states) have
     made their own separate arrangements within their         Violations of the EU legislation governing organic
     competence for the monitoring of inspection bodies.       farming are liable to one-year imprisonment or a
                                                               fine of up to € 30,000. This applies especially to the
                                                               fraudulent use of indications referring to organic
                                                               production methods in the labelling and advertising
                                                               of organic products.


5. Inspection

Just like conventional products, organic products
must comply with the provisions applicable under
food and feed law. They are examined within the
scope of the control mechanisms envisaged there.

If products are to be presented as organic products,
the inspection procedure under the EU legislation
governing organic farming must also be carried out.
In accordance with the EU legislation governing or-
ganic farming, it is up to the Member States to decide
whether they let government agencies carry out the
inspection procedure alone or whether they opt for
a state-supervised private system. The latter system
operates in Germany.

Due to Germany’s federal structure, the Länder au-
thorities in charge of organic farming are responsible
for implementing the provisions of the EC Organic
Farming Regulation. They are also responsible for        holdings as well as processors and importers at least
the supervision of the 17 private inspection bodies      once a year and more frequently, if necessary. The
that have been publicly approved by the BLE and are      inspected holdings must bear the costs of inspection.
currently operating in the market.                       The inspection is primarily a procedural inspection
                                                         supplemented by elements of final product inspec-
Since 2012, the criteria for the accreditation of        tion in special cases. Soil and plant samples are also
inspection bodies have been put on a federally           taken and residue analyses carried out on a random
harmonised legal basis in the Ordinance on the           basis and in all cases where there are reasonable
Accreditation of Inspection Bodies pursuant to the       grounds for suspicion.
Act Concerning Organic Farming (ÖLG-Kontrollstel-
len-Zulassungsverordnung). The currently approved        The detailed rules implementing the EU legislation
inspection bodies for organic products in Germany        governing organic farming set out the minimum
are listed at the website            inspection requirements for agricultural holdings,
service/adressen/oeko-kontrollstellen/.                  processors, stockkeepers, distributors and importers.

The private inspection bodies control and monitor        Accordingly, producers and processors must specify
compliance with the EU legislation governing or-         precisely what land, which buildings and which facil-
ganic farming on the spot. An inspection agreement       ities are used in production. Holdings are obliged to
is concluded between the company or business that is     precisely record and document all inputs and prod-
subject to inspection and the inspection body. Com-      ucts entering the holdings at all stages of processing.
panies or businesses thus undertake to adhere to the     Everything sold by the farm or holding must be re-
EU legislation governing organic farming and agree       corded in their books, what, how much and to whom.
to the standard inspection scheme of the inspec-         This guarantees the traceability of organic products
tion body. The inspection body controls agricultural     back to the producer.


 6. Organic farms in Germany
 At the end of 2019, there were 34,110 organic-produc-                              Most organic farms in Germany have joined associa-
 tion holdings in Germany farming 1,613,834 hectares                                tions. In addition to the Bioland and Demeter asso-
 of land organically in accordance with the EU legis-                               ciations (the largest and oldest organic associations),
 lation governing organic farming. They account for                                 there are also other associations such as Naturland,
 12.9 % of all holdings, farming around 9.7 % of the                                Biokreis, Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau
 total utilised agricultural area (see Tables 1 and 2).                             (Federation for Organic Viticulture, ECOVIN), Gäa,
                                                                                    Ecoland, Biopark and Verbund Ökohöfe.

     Table 1:         Organic farming according to Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 in conjunction with
                      Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 in Germany in 2019

      Federal state (Land)                      UAA (ha)                     Farms 1)                    Organically                  Organic farms in
                                                                                                         farmed land                  total2)
                                                                                                         (organic area) (ha) 2)

      Baden-Württemberg                            1,418,500                    39,390                           186,905                       10,371

      Bavaria                                      3,105,200                    86,080                           370,366                       10,538

      Brandenburg                                  1,317,500                      5,250                          174,253                           959

      Hesse                                           766,800                   15,610                           119,129                         2,266

      Mecklenburg-Western                          1,349,300                      4,820                          169,033                         1,020
      Lower Saxony                                 2,579,900                    35,480                           120,675                         2,115

      North Rhine-Westphalia                       1,493,300                    32,290                             89,155                        2,202

      Rhineland-Palatinate                            711,900                   16,790                             79,976                        1,669

      Saarland                                         73,900                     1,110                            13,412                          267

      Saxony                                          900,100                     6,360                            67,314                          804

      Saxony-Anhalt                                1,161,400                      4,230                          105,642                           621

      Schleswig-Holstein                              987,800                   12,250                             64,735                          744

      Thuringia                                       775,700                     3,460                            49,482                          401

      City-states in total 3)                          24,500                       830                             3,757                          133

                    Total                         16,665,800                   263,950                         1,613,834                       34,110

     Percentages have been rounded to one decimal place.
     1) For the reference year 2010 and subsequent years the lower limits for coverage by agricultural statistics were raised. Therefore the entire population
         of farms cannot be compared to the previous years’ figures. The effects of these changes on the total surveyed agricultural land are minimal. Farms
         without any agricultural land are not covered.
     2) Including farms with less than 5 ha UAA
     3) Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg
                                                                 Sources: reports by the inspection bodies in accordance with REG (EC) 834/2007 in conjunction
                                                                      with REG (EC) 889/2008 as of 31.12.2019; Federal Statistical Office 2019 land-use survey


Representatives from organic farming associations,                             as the umbrella organisation of the entire organic
organic food processors and organic trade founded                              sector. Some of the guidelines of German organic
the “Bund Ökologischer Lebensmittelwirtschaft”                                 farming associations are stricter than those laid down
(BÖLW, Organic Food Industry Federation) in 2002                               in the EU legislation governing organic farming.

 Federal state (Land)                  Share of the              Share of the Land’s           Share of the                   Share of the Land’s
                                       organic area              organic area in               organic farms in               organic farms in
                                       in the UAA of             the total German              the farms of the               the organic farms
                                       the Land (%) 2)           organic area (%)              Land (%) 2)                    in Germany (%)

 Baden-Württemberg                               13.2                           11.6                          26.3                           30.4

 Bavaria                                         11.9                           22.9                          12.2                           30.9

 Brandenburg                                     13.2                           10.8                          18.3                             2.8

 Hesse                                           15.5                            7.4                          14.5                             6.6

 Mecklenburg-Western                             12.5                           10.5                          21.2                             3.0
 Lower Saxony                                     4.7                            7.5                            6.0                            6.2

 North Rhine-Westphalia                           6.0                            5.5                            6.8                            6.5

 Rhineland-Palatinate                            11.2                            5.0                            9.9                            4.9

 Saarland                                        18.1                            0.8                          24.1                             0.8

 Saxony                                           7.5                            4.2                          12.6                             2.4

 Saxony-Anhalt                                    9.1                            6.5                          14.7                             1.8

 Schleswig-Holstein                               6.6                            4.0                            6.1                            2.2

 Thuringia                                        6.4                            3.1                          11.6                             1.2

 City-states in total 3)                         15.3                            0.2                          16.0                             0.4

             Total                                9.7                         100.0                           12.9                          100.0

Percentages have been rounded to one decimal place.
1) For the reference year 2010 and subsequent years the lower limits for coverage by agricultural statistics were raised. Therefore the entire population
    of farms cannot be compared to the previous years’ figures. The effects of these changes on the total surveyed agricultural land are minimal. Farms
    without any agricultural land are not covered.
2) Including farms with less than 5 ha UAA
3) Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg
                                                               Sources: reports by the inspection bodies in accordance with REG (EC) 834/2007 in conjunc-
                                                             tion with REG (EC) 889/2008 as of 31.12.2019; Federal Statistical Office 2019 land-use survey


 For example, pursuant to the EU legislation govern-                             In Germany, the conversion of the entire holding is a
 ing organic farming, a holding may under certain                                prerequisite for support with public funds.
 circumstances only partially convert to organic farm-
 ing, whereas the organic farming associations always
 prescribe the total conversion of a holding.

     Table 2:        Organic farms and organically farmed land in Germany

      Year          Organically           Total                Share of                  Share of the            Ø of UAA        Support
                    farmed area           number               organically               organic farms           per             funds in
                    (ha)                  of organic           farmed area               in Germany (%)          farm (ha)       million €
                                          farms                in the UAA in
                                                               Germany (%)
      1994               272,139                5,866                         1.6                    1.0                  46.4
      1995               309,487                6,642                         1.8                    1.1                  46.6
      1996               354,171                7,353                         2.1                    1.3                  48.2
      1997               389,693                8,184                         2.3                    1.5                  47.6       65.431
      1998               416,518                9,213                         2.4                    1.7                  45.2       38.908
      1999               452,327               10,425                         2.6                    2.2                  43.4       61.207
      2000               546,023               12,740                         3.2                    2.9                  42.9       61.154
      2001               634,998               14,702                         3.7                    3.3                  43.2       80.123
      2002               696,978               15,626                         4.1                    3.6                  44.6       98.437
      2003 *)            734,027               16,475                         4.3                    3.9                  44.6      109.576
      2004               767,891               16,603                         4.5                    4.1                  46.3      119.733
      2005               807,406               17,020                         4.7                    4.3                  47.4      129.092
      2006               825,538               17,557                         4.9                    4.6                  47.0      128.973
      2007               865,336               18,703                         5.1                    5.0                  46.3      119.398
      2008               907,786               19,813                         5.4                    5.3                  45.8      116.902
      2009               947,115               21,047                         5.6                    5.7                  45.0      143.583
      2010               990,702               21,942                         5.9                    7.3                  45.2      143.978
      2011             1,015,626               22,506                         6.1                    7.5                  45.1      148.161
      2012             1,034,355               23,032                         6.2                    7.7                  44.9      155.325
      2013             1,044,955               23,271                         6.3                    8.2                  44.9      160.704
      2014             1,047,633               23,398                         6.3                    8.2                  44.8      158.513
      2015             1,088,838               24,736                         6.5                    8.7                  44.0
      2016             1,251,320               27,132                         7.5                    9.9                  46.1
      2017             1,373,157               29,395                         8.2                   11.0                  46.7
      2018             1,498,027               31,713                         9.0                   12.0                  47.2
      2019             1,613,834               34,110                         9.7                   12.9                  47.3

     *)   From 2003 not completely comparable with previous years due to a change in the recording method in Thuringia.


7. Income situation

 According to calculations by the Johann Heinrich                      per MWU of € 28,139 . The average income of the
 von Thünen Institute, organic test farms earned, on                   organic test farms thus exceeded the income of the
 average, profits plus labour costs per man-work unit                  conventional reference farms by € 9,305 or 33 % (see
 (MWU) of € 37,444 in the 2019/20 marketing year.                      Figure 1).
 Thus, their income situation has not changed sig-
 nificantly compared with the previous year. Com-                      The accounting results of 485 organic farms and of
 parable conventional farms earned, on average, in                     2,071 conventional reference farms were used for the
 the 2019/20 marketing year, profits plus labour costs                 2019/20 marketing year (

Figure 1: Development of the income of organic farms and comparable conventional farms
          in Germany

                                             Profits plus labour costs per man-work unit (MWU)


                                     Organic farms
                                     Comparable conventional farms

Euro / MWU






                 96 96
                 97 97
                 98 98
                 99 99
                 00 00
                 01 01
                 02 02
                 03 03
                 04 04
                 05 05
                 06 06
                 07 07
                 08 08
                 09 09
                 10 10
                 11 11
                 12 12
                 13 13
                 14 14
                 15 15
                 16 16
                 17 17
                 18 18
                 19 19

               19 /19
               19 /19
               19 /19
               19 /19
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 /20
               20 20
               20 /20

 Source: Thünen Institute based on FADN data (Yr. 1995/96 – 2019/20)


     8. Support for organic farming

 Grounds for support                                          Legal foundation for support
     The production of organic products is very environ-      Germany has therefore promoted the introduction
     mentally sound and sustainably conserves resources.      of organic farming with public funds since 1989. Up
     Organic farming makes a significant contribution to      to 1992, organic farming had been promoted by a
     climate change mitigation as well as to biodiversity     variant of the EU extensification scheme that banned
     conservation and enhancement. It also safeguards         the use of synthetically produced chemical fertilisers
     jobs in rural areas.                                     and pesticides on the entire farm. In addition, animal
                                                              husbandry had to adhere to basic rules of organic
     However, it also necessitates added management           farming.
     effort in farming and greater labour intensity for the
     processing sectors. That is why organic products are     Since 1994, the introduction and maintenance of
     more expensive than conventional foods.                  organic farming has been supported under the Länder
                                                              programmes for rural development (RDPs). This
     It is especially difficult for holdings to make the      support is currently based on the Regulation of the
     transition to organic farming as they may not market     European Parliament and of the Council of 17 De-
     products as organic produce until after a conversion     cember 2013 on support for rural development by the
     period. Moreover, new organic farms frequently have      European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
     to find new marketing channels for their produce.        (EAFRD) (Art. 29 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/20131),


on Delegated Regulation (EU) No 807/20142 Imple-                            to 231 million annually, opening up new financial
menting Regulation (EU) No 808/20143 and on Imple-                          scope for the Länder since 2016. For the 2020 claim
menting Regulation (EU) No 2016/6694 as amended.                            year, funds in the amount of 6 % have been redis-
                                                                            tributed to the 2nd pillar. According to a decision
The requirements laid down in these Regulations are                         adopted by the Conference of Agriculture Ministers
relevant for the structuring of this support in the EU                      of the Länder on 4 November 2013, the funds trans-
programming period from 2014 onwards. The co-fi-                            ferred from the 1st to the 2nd pillar are to be used
nancing of measures with EU funds is also based on                          only for the promotion of sustainable agriculture,
these Regulations.                                                          particularly for organic farming, for area-based
                                                                            agri-environmental and climate protection measures,
The Act on a Joint Task for the Improvement of Ag-                          for the strengthening of particularly welfare-oriented
ricultural Structure and Coastal Protection (GAK Act                        husbandry methods and animal welfare and for the
– GAKG) forms the national legal basis for support                          compensatory allowance in naturally less-favoured
under the joint task, i.e. for the financial participation                  regions. These funds do not have to be nationally
of the federal government in support measures.                              co-financed (100% EU funds).

Under the GAK framework plan, the support for                               Under the so-called 1st Pillar of the CAP, direct
organic farming is laid down in aid section 4 on                            payments have been tied more strongly to specific
“market-adapted and site-adapted and ecologically                           environmental services as of 2015 and have thus been
compatible land management” (under Measure B1). It                          “greened” considerably. Organic farming is exempt
is implemented via support guidelines at Land level,                        from these greening provisions of the aforemen-
due to the responsibility of the Länder for the imple-                      tioned EU Regulation since the requirements to be
mentation of GAK measures.                                                  met by these farming practices go far beyond the
                                                                            provision of these environmental services.
The national funds are therefore co-financed at a rate
of 60 : 40 by the federal government and the Länder.                        The introduction and maintenance of organic farm-
The maximum EU contribution rate is 75 % of the                             ing are supported with public funds from the EU, the
eligible public expenditure (85 % in less developed re-                     federal government and the Länder. Under the GAK
gions and in the outermost regions) (Regulation (EU)                        2019 framework plan, support under the above-men-
No 305/2013).                                                               tioned promotion guidelines is structured as follows:

4.5% of the direct payments under the 1st pillar have
been redistributed to the 2nd pillar of the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) since 2015, i.e. approx. € 226

1   Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on support for rural development by the
    European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 (OJ EU No L 347 of 20 December
    2013 p. 347).
2   Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 807/2014 of 14 March 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament
    and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and introducing transitional
3   Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/20014 of 17 July 2014 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of
    the European Parliament and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
4   Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)No 2016/669 of 28 April 2016 as regards the amendment and the content of rural development
    programmes, the publicity for these programmes, and the conversion rates to livestock units.


     Table 3:         Promotion of organic farming methods under the GAK 2018-2021
                      compared to 2013-2016

          Type of culture            Payments per hectare

                                     Introduction 2013          Introduction                   Maintenance 2013            Maintenance
                                                                since 2015*)                                               since 2015*)

                                               480 €                 590 € (+23 %)                       300 €                 360 € (+20 %)

          Arable land                          210 €                 250 € (+19 %)                       170 €                 210 € (+24 %)

          Grassland                            210 €                 250 € (+19 %)                       170 €                 210 € (+24 %)

          Land under
          permanent crops                      900 €                 950 € (+6 %)                        720 €                 750 € (+4 %)
          or nursery crops

     *)    The calculation of the payments took account of the deduction of the amount necessary in order to exclude the double funding of greening

     Under EU legislation, the payments are granted to                             Hence the GAK provides the framework for the
     compensate farmers for all or part of the additional                          setting of the premiums. The premiums set out in
     costs and income foregone due to special manage-                              the support guidelines of the Länder are decisive
     ment requirements.                                                            and can be accessed on
     Since 2015, support rates under the GAK have                                  foerdermittel/
     amounted to € 250 per hectare of arable land and
     grassland for holdings embarking on organic farming                           GAK also promotes the improvement of the process-
     and € 210 per hectare for holdings that maintain                              ing and marketing of quality products, including or-
     organic farming. This corresponds to an increase of                           ganically produced agricultural products. The support
     19 % (introduction) and 24 % (maintenance) as com-                            covers the following measures: foundation of and
     pared with 2013. Holdings that participate in the con-                        actions taken by producer groups, investments for the
     trol procedure under the EU legislation on organic                            processing and marketing of agricultural products
     farming can receive an additional € 50 per hectare, up                        (quality products) and co-operations (collaboration).
     to a maximum of € 600 per holding. The Länder may                             The grant recipients, the eligibility conditions and the
     increase or lower the amounts listed in Table 5 by up                         subject of the support scheme are explained in aid
     to 30 %.                                                                      section 3 “Improving the marketing structures” of the
                                                                                   GAK framework plan
     The premiums are set by the Länder, within the scope                
     of their competence for the implementation of the                             Agrarsozialpolitik/GAK/_Texte/GAK-Rahmenplan.
     GAK measures, against the backdrop of political pri-                          html
     orities and the available Land budget funds.


9. The “Organic Farming –
   Looking Forwards” Strategy

Organic farming is a particularly resource-conserving
and environmentally friendly type of farming geared
towards the sustainability principle. The federal gov-
ernment therefore supports the extension of organic
farming in Germany as a full partner of the general
farming sector. Consumer demand is rising, as seen
in the dynamic market development. German organic
producers cannot fully meet this demand. To boost
growth in the organic agri-food sector, the Federal
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) initiated the
“Organic Farming – Looking Forwards” strategy in

The strategy is intended to help address resource
policy challenges in agriculture and identify addi-
tional development prospects for farm operators in
Germany. The selection of these areas of action is          were set up at the beginning of the strategy process.
pragmatically orientated around the key question of         Each working group included representatives of prac-
what can be done by policy makers at national level,        titioners, public servants, advisers and scientists. The
to make it possible in the medium term to achieve           strategy first evaluated the status quo, specified the
the target of “20 % organic farming“ that is enshrined      concrete need for action and designated sub-goals in
in the federal government’s sustainable development         each case. After that, a list with existing and potential
strategy.6 The principal focus is on creating an appro-     new measures was drawn up for each line of action.
priate policy framework for the relevant economic           Detailed strategies were then developed for measures
operators. In addition, it provides an overview of          that were particularly relevant or worthy of intensi-
the removal of barriers between organic and con-            fying. The individual work steps were taken in close
ventional methods of production, progressing from           consultation with an advisory committee, whose
coexistence to interaction.                                 members included scientists and representatives of
                                                            associations. In addition to that, two conferences
                                                            were held during the strategy process, where interim
The process                                                 results were presented and put up for discussion.
                                                            Overall, some 200 persons were actively involved in
The strategy was developed jointly with representa-         drawing up the forward-looking strategy. The Johann
tives of the organic food sector, with the federal states   Heinrich von Thünen Institute, a departmental re-
and with scientists. To sound out design options for        search institution of the BMEL, was commissioned to
stronger growth, different thematic working groups          design and coordinate the workflow.

6   German Sustainability Strategy, 2016 version, page 68


     Core contents
     There are five lines of action at the centre of the   The 24 action strategies that are assigned to the re-
     “Organic Farming – Looking Forwards” Strategy. They   spective lines of action describe and specify the spe-
     were identified as national core areas for stronger   cific instruments and approaches for achieving these
     growth and they address core challenges of the or-    objectives. Depending on the identified weaknesses,
     ganic sector:                                         the respective solution strategies have highly vary-
                                                           ing approaches for providing the organic sector with
                                                           additional growth impetus along the entire value

       1      designing a viable and                       adding chain: they include legal and financial support
              coherent legislative framework               instruments, action to promote research, technology
                                                           and knowledge transfer as well as other conceptual
                                                           responsibilities of the federal government. They thus

       2      facilitating access                          range from the problem-oriented continued develop-
              to organic farming                           ment of the European legislation governing organic
                                                           farming, and stronger specialised guidance for agri-
                                                           cultural enterprises that decide to convert to organic

       3      fully utilizing and expanding                farming, to potential support for staff canteens
              the demand potential                         planning to offer their guests more organic products
                                                           in the future.

       4      improving the productivity                   In December 2019, approx. 150 experts met to initially
              of organic farming systems                   assess the current situation with a view to evaluat-
                                                           ing how the implementation status of the measures
                                                           had progressed since the publication of the “Organic

       5      rewarding ecological                         Farming – Looking Forwards” Strategy and discussing
              contributions adequately                     approaches to the further development and readjust-
                                                           ment of measures.


10. Bio-Siegel
(German organic
production logo)
The Bio-Siegel constitutes an important step in the       The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (Bun-
development of the organic market in Germany.             desanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; BLE)
                                                          in 53168 Bonn provides information for interested
The label may be used on a voluntary basis. The un-       market operators (
derlying standard set by the EU legislation governing
organic farming as well as the waiving of further pro-    Since the announcement of the Bio-Siegel on 5 Sep-
cedural steps such as the award or licensing proce-       tember 2001, 6,049 users of the label have notified the
dures permit broad use of the label, even for products    information centre of the labelling of 90,114 products
from other EU states and third countries. EU law does     (as of 31/01/2021).
not allow a state label that goes beyond the standard
set by the EU legislation governing organic farming.      Businesses from the processing and trade sectors,
                                                          in particular, use the Bio-Siegel. The Bio-Siegel
This label can be used to mark any unprocessed            establishes transparency and reliable guidance for
agricultural products or any agricultural products        consumers in the maze of trademarks in the organic
processed for human consumption that are subject to       sector.
the EU legislation governing organic farming as long
as the prerequisites regarding the indications refer-     The Bio-Siegel has provided the processing and trade
ring to organic production methods under Article 23       sectors with an uncomplicated label that does not in-
of the EU Basic Regulation on Organic Farming have        terfere with competition and that contributes to the
been met. This basically means that the products are      reliable supply of a sufficient volume all year round.
manufactured and controlled in accordance with the
requirements of the EU legislation governing organic      The Bio-Siegel can be used in addition to the EU
farming.                                                  organic logo.

As the Bio-Siegel is based on the EU legislation
governing organic farming, it is fully subject to its
inspection provisions. The implementation of inspec-
tions falls within the competence of the Länder.

On 15 December 2001, an Eco-labelling Act took
effect to legally protect the Bio-Siegel.
The Eco-labelling Ordinance, which is based on the
Eco-labelling Act, entered into force on 16 February
2002. It lays down detailed rules regarding the design
and use of the Bio-Siegel.
The Eco-labelling Ordinance also expressly permits
the option of affixing national or regional indications
of origin in the immediate environment of the Bio-
Siegel, for example the “Biozeichen” of Baden-Würt-
temberg, Hesse and Rhön. The Eco-labelling Act was
adapted to the amended EU legislation governing
organic farming with effect from 1 January 2009.


 11. Federal Scheme for Organic Farming
     and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture

     Aim                                                       Activities
     In 2002, the Federal Organic Farming Scheme was           Since the start of the programme, more than 1,200
     set up to improve the general conditions for organic      research projects have been supported with a fund-
     farming.                                                  ing volume of some € 190 million. In addition, more
                                                               than 50 measures, including a knowledge transfer
     The Scheme was extended to include other forms of         and advanced training programme with several
     sustainable agriculture under a resolution adopted by     hundred seminars for representatives of the entire
     the German Bundestag on 26 November 2010.                 value-added chain, were devised and implemented,
                                                                while seven support guidelines provided support
     The Federal Scheme for Organic Farming and Other          for approx. 2,500 companies at trade fairs, 183 infor-
     Forms of Sustainable Agriculture (BÖLN) aims at im-       mation projects on organic farming and more than
     proving the general conditions for the organic agri-      680 holdings either in the lead-up to or during their
     food sector and other forms of sustainable agriculture    conversion to organic farming. In the course of the
     in Germany and at paving the way for a well-balanced      implementation of the “Organic Farming – Looking
     expansion of supply and demand.                           Forwards” Strategy since 2019, the main focus has
                                                               been on strengthening organic value chains.
     Building on the identification of problems and devel-
     opment potential, the Scheme provides for support         Both the composition of this coherent package of
     measures where growth can be efficiently boosted by       measures of BÖLN and the concepts of the individual
     closing gaps in support.                                  measures are continually adapted to take account of
                                                               experiences and the changing conditions.
     A range of different measures for all areas of the pro-
     duction chain are included under this general aim:        At the same time, the BÖLN scheme is the central
     from agricultural production, data collection, and        funding instrument for the “Organic Farming –
     processing to trade, marketing and consumers.             Looking Forwards” Strategy (see Chapter 9). Its main


activities in this respect are focusing on the key activity   further 12 projects, including 9 with German involve-
areas “Facilitating access to organic farming”, “Exploit-     ment. The projects started in late 2020/early 2021.
ing and expanding demand potential” and “Improving
the performance of organic agricultural systems”.
                                                              Financial envelope
The financial resources of BÖLN are also used to
fund an ERA-NET (European Research Area Net-                  The programme was provided with around
work). ERA-NET activities are designed to strengthen          € 35 million annually for 2002 and 2003, € 20 million
cooperation between national and regional research            annually for 2004 to 2006, and € 16 million annually
promotion institutions in the EU.                             respectively for 2007 until 2012. Since 2013,
 Within ERA-NET’s CORE Organic (Coordination of               € 17 million per year have been made available. Un-
European Transnational Research in Organic Food               der the 2017 budget year, the title was topped up by
and Farming Systems), transnational research pro-             € 3 million to € 20 million. In the 2018 budget year ,
jects on organic farming and organically produced             the BÖLN funds were raised to € 30 million. In 2020,
foods are supported and coordinated. The CORE                 part of the expenditure for the office was for the first
Organic ERA Net was established in 2004 under the             time financed under another budget title. In the 2021
6th framework programme for research. 25 partners             budget year, funds totalling € 33.38 are available for
from 19 European countries are now involved in                the BÖLN scheme.
the research support network. A total of 45 trans-
national research projects have been realized thus
far, of which 34 involved German research institu-            Office
tions. In 2019, a joint announcement with ERA-NET
SUSFOOD2 (SUStainable FOOD production and                     The BLE is charged with the implementation and
consumption) on sustainable organic food systems              execution of the Scheme. The Office for the Federal
was published. The budget of the 21 funding part-             Scheme for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sus-
ners from 18 countries/regions for this call amounts          tainable Agriculture (GS-BÖLN) has been set up there
to approx. € 9.5 million. Funding is provided for a           for this purpose.


     12. Research

     The Institute for Organic Farming is, as part of the       Under the Federal Scheme, a significant part of the
     research concept, now one of 14 institutes affiliated      funds will be used to support practice-orientated
     to the Thünen Institute. It is located at the Trenthorst   research and development projects.
     site in Schleswig-Holstein.
                                                                In addition, any thematically relevant invitations to
     The institute’s tasks include subjects relating to         tender announced by the BMEL or other government
     organic farming and to the processing, safety and          departments can also be used to fund organic farm-
     quality of organic food. A number of other research        ing projects. The BMEL is pressing for tender offers
     institutes affiliated to the BMEL also deal with these     for research projects, ERA-NET schemes, etc. to be
     subjects. The research is organised on an interdis-        instigated at the European level. The BMEL supports
     ciplinary basis and meaningfully interlinked with          transnational research projects on organic farming
     research activities related to the conventional agri-      via the ERA-NET CORE Organic scheme.
     cultural and food industries.


13. Federal Organic Farming Competition

Every year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agricul-                    The awards are presented to a total of up to three
ture stages the Federal Organic Farming Competition                      holdings or business co-operations and come with
(BÖL) to reward innovative approaches in certain                         prize money of up to € 7,5007 per winner, i.e. a maxi-
fields that have been successfully put into practice by                  mum of € 22,500 in total.
organic farms.
                                                                         Information on the conditions for participation, the
These approaches are intended to set an example to                       application areas and the application forms can be
other organic farms, whilst providing incentives for                     accessed on the Internet at:
conventional farms to switch to organic farming.               
Another objective of this competition is to increase
the general public’s appreciation and understanding
of organic farming as a particularly eco-friendly type
of production.

7   de minimis aid in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 of 18 December 2013 as amended by
    Regulation (EU) No 2019/316 of 21 February 2019

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