OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa

Page created by Thelma Fitzgerald
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
Page 1                                                        OUTLOOK on Active Aging

         18041 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648      (714) 536-5600
                Phones currently staffed Monday - Friday 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                  Page 2

                                A milestone celebration year of events and surprises
                                    It has been 5 wonderful, busy, exciting, challenging, and amazing years
                                 that Huntington Beach Senior Services and the Huntington Beach Council On
                                 Aging have enjoyed their new home in Central Park. During these past 5
                                 years, the Senior Center has seen classes grow by leaps and bounds in size,
                                 many exciting new activities have been offered, and countless people have
                                 received vital and valuable aging services. The center has played host to over
                                 30 dances, concerts, and special events, and a new annual signature holiday
                                 gala premiered in 2017 with the Seashells and Jingle Bells Gala. Over 125,000
                                 vital transportation rides have been provided, over 450,000 Home Delivered
                                 Meals have been provided, and 100,000 plus calls for services and resources
                                 have been fielded from the community by the Social Services Program. The
                                 center has been a beacon of steadfast vitality and engagement for seniors. This
                                 was made ever apparent during the challenging covid-19 years. It is now once
 again a buzzing hive, renewed with activities and engaging opportunities, as life begins a new path post
    To commemorate all the new exciting events, classes, stories, and community that has grown out of the
 Senior Center in Central Park these past 5 years, the Center is excited to host a full line up of community
 events through the remainder of 2021. These events will focus on reconnection and active aging, as the center
 and the HBCOA continue with their missions of creating a great place to age and enjoy life.
 ● Summer Concert: Saturday, August 14th: Come and enjoy a gathering on the lawn and take in a first
    class concert by Hollywood Blonde and the top 40. The evening will include a delicious dinner and
    fantastic music under the stars. Come and reconnect with the center and your friends, while enjoying an
    evening concert event.
 ● Together Again Fall Community Festival: Saturday, September 25th: The Senior Center will play host
    to a community gathering focusing on reconnection and community engagement. Come check out all the
    ways to connect and build community as you age in HB. There will be a vendor fair, food, and
    entertainment to enjoy.
 ● Rise and Walk: Saturday, November 13th: After a long and challenging year it is time to rise like a
    phoenix from the ashes of 2020-2021 and walk into a new path of life and community. The center will
    play host to a community walk with both a 1 mile option and a 5K option around Central Park. This event
    will focus on health and wellness and will include information about Senior Center activities to keep you
    healthy through the holiday season and along your aging journey. Come and enjoy a wonderful Fall day
    with friends and take on the park.
 ● Seashells and Jingle Bells Winter Gala: Saturday, December 11th: Wrap-up an unprecedented year with
    all your friends and loved ones at a festive Winter Gala. The evening will include a cocktail hour, served
    buffet dinner, and plenty of time to dance the night away. Come bid farewell to this rebuilding year and
    say hello to a renewed year ahead.
 ● Share Your Story: July-December: A lot has happened over the course of 5 years in the park. There
    were highs of new events, new friendships, new experiences. There have been lows with covid and
    challenging times, but all of these stories help to build the resounding community that is the Senior Center
    in Central Park. To commemorate the work and stories that have occurred at the center, Senior Services is
    building a memory book to honor, recognize, remember, and celebrate all the stories that happen every
    day at the Senior Center. Pick-up your story packet from the front desk or in the lobby and share your
    story. A final book will be available for viewing in 2022.
 There will be commemorative items and experiences available at the center and throughout the next five
 months to celebrate this milestone year. Come and share in the joy and excitement at the Senior Center and
 age well with us in Huntington Beach.
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Page 3                                                                               OUTLOOK on Active Aging

 HB COUNCIL ON AGING                                           INFORMATION AND UPDATES
 Debbie Killey, President
                                              What a great summer this has been! The month of August is my
 Ellen HopeKearns, 1st V ice President
                                           favorite month because we have so many family birthdays and great
 Judy Osuna, 2nd Vice Pr esident           weather to celebrate. A few unique Day of Celebrations this month
 Adria Thomke, Chief Financial Officer     include Friendship Day, International Cat Day, National Dog Day, Left
 Phil Burtis, T reasurer                   Handers Day, and Watermelon Day. Most notably, August marks the
 Francine Mullee, A sst. T reasurer        day that the 19th amendment was ratified giving women the right to vote
 Grace Mayeda, Recording Sec.              with last year marking the 100th year anniversary. So many other
 Teri Simonis, A sst. R ecording Sec.      celebrations happen this month so Happy Day Of to your favorite one!
 Cathy Meschuk, A dm inistrative Sec..
 Beth Hambelton, Im m ediate Past Pres        Events are back and the Senior Center in Central Park will be hosting
                                           an outdoor summer concert on the centers back lawn on August
                                           14th. The Huntington Beach Council on Aging will be in attendance
 Bob Allen              JD Miles           along with several sponsors ready to welcome you back to the center
 Katie Brandenburger    Martha Nishida     and enjoy a fantastic evening of music, food, and fun together. Stop by
 Ralph Bauer            Bob Polentz        our booth to say hello. If you haven’t renewed your membership, it is a
 Patti Cody             Ed Pinchiff        great time to make a donation to support the great programming and
 Lindsay DuFresne       Richard Rowe
                                           services our senior center provides. For more information, check out
 Beverly Fleming        Robin Silvey
 Junko Hara             Phil Smith         our website (www.hbcoa.org) or follow us on Facebook (Huntington
 Jill Johnson           Beatrice Wiest     Beach Council on Aging)
 Jose Juarez            Sabrina Villalba
 Kivin McCobb                              Have a great August!”
 Kim Carr  Barbara Delgleize               Debbie Killey
                                           HBCOA President
 For additional information please visit
 the HBCOA website at
 www.HBCOA.org or like their
 Facebook page at Huntington                                               MEMBERSHIP IN THE HBCOA
 Beach Council on Aging                    Date____/____/____          ____2021 New Member             ____ 2021 Renewal
                                           Membership Level: Bronze-Lifetime members are recognized in the Outlook as Plaque
                                           sponsors, and at www.hbcoa.org.
                                           ___$15 per person Plaque sponsors: ___$100 Bronze ___$250 Silver___ $500 Gold
 Anniversary Message                 2     ___$1000 Platinum ___$2500 Diamond___$10,000+ Lifetime
 President’s Welcome                3      ___List my Plaque Sponsorship as:__________________________________________
                                           ___Keep my donation anonymous.
 HBCOA Membership                    3     ___I have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope for my membership card
 Supervisor’s Message               4      ___I will pick up my card at the senior center.
 Community Resources                5      ___I do not wish to receive the Outlook by mail with my membership.
                                                                               PLEASE PRINT
 Recreation Services                9      NAME (S)____________________________________COMPANY ________________
 Health and Wellness                 10                      Last              First
 Volunteer Services                 11     ADDRESS______________________________________________________________
 Social Services                    12                       Number/Spc/Apt          City       State          Zip
                                           PHONE (____)_____________
 Transportation                     13
 Travel Program                     18     E-MAIL________________________________________
 Community Programs                 18     Annual membership fees include a subscription to the Outlook newsletter, one issue
 Class Schedule                     19     per household, to be renewed annually. Discounts for HBCOA events apply per person.
 HBCOA Sponsors                     20     Plaque sponsors receive discounts for couples. Make checks payable to HBCOA and
                                           mail to:18041 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 HBCOA Tax ID# 51-0179431
                                           or go to hbcoa.org. Current membership year valid until 12/31/2021
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                   Page 4

COMM. LIB. SERVCS.                                  SENIOR CENTER MESSAGE
Chris Slama, Director                       Greetings,
Kristin Martinez, Prog. & Srvcs. M gr.
SENIOR SERVICES                                I am happy to see that our wonderful Senior Center in Central
Randy Pesqueira, Executive Director
Michelle Yerke, Social Services Supv        Park is coming back to life! Joy is the word that comes to mind,
Heather Dodd, Office A ssistant             the sheer joy of seeing our friends working out in the fitness
Krystie Franco, Events Specialist           center or our wonderful volunteers working at the concierge desk.
Scott Getman, W ellness Specialist          Travel is back! The Tr avel and Resour ce Room is up and
Brandi Kelly-Contreras, Transp. Coord.      running – with volunteers ready to book trips (which are selling
Lezly Castillo, T ransp. Dispatcher
Monica Miltko, V olunteers Coordinator
                                            out fast) or renew HBCOA memberships.

                                               In August, we will welcome back our friends to the game room
Phone Directory                             for Table Tennis, Mah Jong, Chess, and other activities. We
Community Services                          continue to work closely with Meals on Wheels Orange County to
  (714) 536–5486
Senior Services
                                            bring back the traditional congregate lunch program; we are
  (714)536-5600                             currently distributing frozen lunches on Tuesday mornings.
Sr. Center Rentals & Marketing              Movies will come back in the fall.
(714) 374-1534
 (714) 374-1742
                                               Our first live concert in two years is happening Saturday,
Care Management/Travel                      August 14! Come, celebrate and enjoy the sounds of Hollywood
  (714) 374-1572                            Blond and the Top 40. It is certainly time
Home Delivered Meals                        to dance! The Senior Center in Central
(714) 374-1717
Fitness Center
                                            Park is five years old, and getting stronger
 (714) 374-1578                             every day!
Meals On Wheels Congregate Office
  (714) 375-8404                            Have a great summer
HBCOA                                       and see you soon!
 (714) 374-1524
Heather.Dodd@surfcity-hb.org                Randy Pesqueira,
SPONSORSHIP                                 Director

   Sponsorship Disclaimer
The City of Huntington Beach and the                                  WHERE IS YOUR OUTLOOK
Huntington Beach Council on Aging,                                    Take your Outlook newsletter on
make no warranties, presentations, or                              vacation with you, either near or far, and
claims concerning the quality, quantity,
or availability of services sponsored in                           pose for a picture. You could be featured
the Outlook, and they reserve the right                            here in a later issue.
to exercise such discretion as they may                              Where in the world will the Outlook go
deem appropriate in the selection of                               next? Send your submissions to
sponsorship material to be published in
the Outlook. By viewing the sponsorship                            heather.dodd@surfcity-hb.org
section you agree not to hold the City of
Huntington Beach, the Huntington
Beach Council on Aging or its affiliates                    Senior Services Remembers
liable for the content of any sponsor, or                                    Gary Guyll
for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or
omissions in the transmission or delivery                                  Joan Poirier
of such content. Your viewing/use of                                     Frankie Wagner
this section signals your acceptance of                     Send submissions to heather.dodd@surfcity-hb.org
these terms, conditions and guidelines.
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
Page 5                         COMMUNITY RESOURCES OUTLOOK on Active Aging

Adult Protective Services (APS)                          MemorialCare Orange Coast
800-451-5155 addresses abuse and neglect of         Medical Center Ongoing Support Groups
elder and disabled adults www.ssa.ocgov.com
AlertOC                                           Bereavement Support Group
714-536-5978 a mass notification system           For more information contact Sarah Wuu, M.S.W.,
designed to keep Orange County informed of        L.C.S.W., at 714-378-7146.
emergencies www.alertoc.org                       Cancer Care Support Group Zoom Sessions
Alzheimer’s Family Center                         Please call (714) 378-7146 for more information.
714-593-9630 Alzheimer’s and dementia care               BRANDI

and support www.afscenter.org                     Parkinson’s Caregiver Support Group
                                                  For more information, please call (714) 378-5022.
Aging and Disability Resource Center
800-510-2020 Referrals for older persons,         Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
persons with disabilities & caregivers            For more info, please call (714) 378-5022.
                                                  Steps Forward – Parkinson’s Disease Exercise
www.armobility.com                                Please call (714) 378-5022 to register. Participants may
California Senior Medicare Patrol                 register for and attend one session per day.
855-613-7080 Helps beneficiaries avoid, detect,
and report healthcare fraud                       Women’s Cancer Care Support Group Zoom Sessions
www.cahealthadvocates.org                         Please call (714) 378-7146 for more information.
Caregiver Resource Center                         Young Onset Parkinson’s Support Group
800-543-8312 Caregiver support, respite care,     For more information, please call (714) 378-5022.
and education www.caregiveroc.org
Connect America
1-800-949-2434 Personal response systems;
discount for HB residents
714-560-0424 Health Insurance Counseling &
Advocacy for those with medicare
Info Link
2-1-1 or 1-888-600-4357 24-hour referrals to
countywide health and human services for all
ages www.211oc.org
OCTA Access
714-560-5956 Transportation throughout
Orange County for persons unable to take the
fixed bus system www.octa.net
Project SHIP Senior Home Inspection
714-374-1615 For adults 60+, free home safety
checks, smoke detectors and replacement of old
Social Security Administration
800-772-1213 17075 Newhope STE B,
Fountain Valley, CA 92708 www.ssa.gov
Surf City Mobility
714-841-6360 Discounted medical & mobility
equipment, repairs & service
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
OUTLOOK on Active Aging   SPONSORS                            Page 6

                                             BOB WILCOX

                                     Mention HB
                                     Mention      0821 to
                                             HB1020     to receive
                                       10%  off. Offer expires
                                      10% off. Offer expires
                                         August, 31st 2021
                                        October,   31at 2020

                                            JIM ZIMMERMAN
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
Page 7   SPONSORS                OUTLOOK on Active Aging

                       Beat the Summer Heat
             Summer is fun but sometimes the heat can be just a
             little too much. Below is a list of cooling centers
             available in the local Northern Orange County area.
             Stay cool this month and enjoy your summer.
             ● Fountain Valley: Founders Village Senior Cntr.
                       17967 Bushard St, FV CA 714-593-4446
             ● Fountain Valley: Mile Square Park Comm. Cntr
                      16801 Euclid St FV CA 714-973-6600
             ● Fountain Valley: FV Library
                      17635 Los Alamos St, FV CA 714-738-6675
             ● Huntington Beach: Central Library
                      7111 Talbert Ave, HB CA 714-842-4481
             ● Newport Beach: Oasis Senior Center
                     801 Narcissus NB CA 949-644-3244
             ● Newport Beach: Civic Center Comm. Room
                      100 Civic Cntr Dr, NB CA 814-644-3140
             ● Westminster: Senior Center
                     8200 Westminster Blvd,        714-895-2878
             ● Westminster Librbary
                     8180 13th St, Westminster     714-893-5057

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Page 9                                                                       OUTLOOK on Active Aging

                                         SENIOR CENTER
                                         Experts at Living Well

                         Steps Forward                      A Guide to Strength and Flexibility
                      A Virtual Parkinson’s              Can you reach the top shelf? Learn how to use your
                                                                 body to gain strength and mobility in every
                      Disease Exercise Class                     day life. You will learn easy ways to cheat
                                                                 your pain and limitations to make daily
              Tuesdays and Fridays                               tasks more comfortable.
             9-9:30am or 10-10:30am                                  Presented by: Jill Ayres, MS, ATC
           Call 714-378-5022 to register                                     Monday, August 23rd
                                                                   Please register at the front desk or call
                 A Morning of Mindfulness                                   714-536-5600.
                   Saturday, August 28th
                     9am‐12pm      $5                     Beach City Big Band is BACK!!!
          Meditation, Chair Yoga, Cooking                The monthly free Big Band concert will
          Demonstrations, and more. Come together
          with your community for a mindfulness                    be returning to the Senior
          event presented by Hoag Medical Group                     Center in Central Park
Physicians, Hoag Partners, and Huntington Beach                 Monday, August 23rd at 7PM
Senior Center instructors.
Registration is limited, sign-up starting
                                                                        Parkview Room
Wednesday, July 14th                                                   FREE TO ATTEND
                                                               Reemerging After Lockdown:
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SET TO                                      Let's Explore Together How We
   RETURN AUGUST 2!                                           Recalibrate, Make Connections,
Please inquire at the Senior Center front desk for the          Recognize Our Losses, and
               schedule.714-536-5600                                   Celebrations.
                                                                    Presented by: Shanti
                                                         We will discuss coping strategies that got us
                                                         through, what did we learn to do without? What
                                                         do we have new appreciation for? How are we
                                                         going to move forward with a renewed gusto for
                                                         life and connections?
             HBCOA Proudly Presents:                     Tuesdays, August 3rd-31st
     Summer Concert in the Park                          1:30pm-3:00pm
Saturday, August 14th 4:30-7:30pm                        351138-5A
         Featuring Hollywood Blond!
                                                         Mark your calendars!
  Tickets $15 HBCOA member, $20 non-members              Fall SANDS Recreation Classes
                                                         Registration Begins Tuesday, August 31st
                                                         @ 8AM
                                                         Visit HBSANDS.org or register in
                                                         person at any of the cities
                                                         community centers.
OUTLOOK on Active Aging - hbcoa
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                     Page 10

                                          Hoag Health & Wellness Pavilion
                                                    Join The Movement

     Static Stretches vs. Dynamic Stretches
Stretching increases your range of motion and flexibility                Blood Pressure – Thursday, August 5th
by making your soft tissues, such as muscles and                                    9:00am-11:00am
ligaments, longer via decreased stiffness. Stretching is                 Walk-ins Only. No appointment needed.
essential to improving your health, muscle tone, and most
importantly, flexibility. It can also help improve your                    Hearing – Wednesday, August 11th
performance in your sport, help with soreness after                                 9:30am-11:30am
                                                                         Appointment Required. Call 714 536-5600
exercise, and lower your chance of injury. There
are two main types of stretches:
Static Stretches:                                                             UPDATED GYM HOURS
Static stretches are those in which you stand, sit,
or lie still and hold a single position for a period
of time, up to about 45 seconds. When you’re
static stretching the muscles aren’t warmed
up. It’s really more of a relaxation
movement. So the better recommendation
would be to do static stretching as part of the
cool down process. A couple examples of                                            Treadmill Safety
static stretches are quadriceps stretch and seated hamstring       The treadmill is one of the many great cardio
stretch.                                                           machines we have in the Wellness Pavilion. In
               Dynamic Stretches:                                  order to optimally and safely make use of the
                Dynamic stretches are controlled movements         treadmill, we have a few tips for you:
               that prepare your muscles, ligaments, and           1) Clip the emergency stop strap onto your shirt
               other soft tissues for performance and safety.          to prevent you from possibly walking too far
                 This form of stretching improves speed,               back along the track.
                 agility, and acceleration. It involves the
                                                                   2) Stay as close to the bar as
                 active tightening of your muscles and
                 moving your joints through their full range           possible. You ideally want your
                 of motion throughout the stretch. These               belly button to line up with the
                 functional and sport-specific movements               two red lines on either side of
help increase muscle temperature and decrease muscle                   the treadmill handles. If you
stiffness. Some examples of dynamic stretches can be                   hear squeaking from the machine, it is most
torso twists, walking lunges, and leg swings.                          likely because you are walking too far back
                                                                       on the track.
                                                                   3) Stick to a pace that you are comfortable
                                                                       with. Whether you are going for a jog, or
                                                                       would just like to go for an easy walk, stick
**Simple Steps to Achieving         **A Guide to Strength &            to a speed that you feel you will be able to
Your Best Heart Health              Flexibility                        keep up with.
Monday 8/9 @ 1:30-2:30pm            Monday 8/23 @ 1:30-2:30pm      4) When getting on and off the treadmill, keep
353438-5A                           353382-5A                          in mind that the tract may move, even though
                                                                       the machine is off. Step up with caution and
Better Breathers                                                       use the handles for extra support.
Wednesday 8/11 @12:00pm
                                                                        If you have any concerns or questions, feel
 **in person at the Senior Center                                               free to ask a staff member!
Page 11                                                                        OUTLOOK on Active Aging

                                     VOLUNTEER NEWS
                                         Volunteers Make Life Better!
                       Thank You Teri Simonis!             Hello Community Members,
                     Teri, a previous Volunteer
                     Coordinator with Senior Services,     I would like to take a moment to introduce myself,
                     came out of retirement to help        Monica Miltko, the new Volunteer Services
                     bridge the transition of the team     Coordinator at the Senior Center in Central Park. I
this spring. We appreciate all the training and support.   will be leading the volunteer program, which is
Thank you for your time and valuable knowledge you         responsible for recruiting volunteers to help with
have shared with the center, the volunteers, and the       the programs and services at the Center and
program.                                                   engaging volunteers to support staff at special
                                                           events and recreation classes.
          Volunteers Needed!                               Though I may be new to the Senior Center, I am
Recurrent Weekly Shifts                                    not new to the City of Huntington Beach. For the
 Concierge Desk & Docent (computer skills                past fourteen years, I have worked at the
   required)                                               Huntington Beach Public Library as the Volunteer
 Home Delivered Meals Driver                             Coordinator, where I engaged volunteers in
 Home Delivered Meals Assistant                          programs and services to support staff and was the
                                                           liaison to the Friends of the Library. Though I
                                                           enjoyed working at the Library, it was time to
Substitute Shifts
                                                           venture into something new and amazing; the
 Concierge Desk & Docent                                 Senior Center is just that place.
 Home Delivered Meals Drivers
 Home Delivered Meals Packers                            Prior to the library, I worked for non-profit
                                                           organizations where I developed educational
Special Events                                             programs, activities, and engaged volunteers.
 Concert in the Park—Saturday, August 14
 Resource Fair—Saturday, September 25                    During the past few weeks working at the Senior
 Rise and Walk—Saturday, November 13                     Center, I have had the opportunity to work
 Seashells and Jingle Bells—December 11                  alongside staff and volunteers who have been so
                                                           welcoming. Thank you! I look forward to working
                                                           together with both staff and volunteers.

          Volunteer Group Activities
          Are Returning, this Summer
                Come Join In !                                     Contact the Volunteer Team
                                                           Monica Miltko
                ●   Handycrafters                          Monica.Miltko@surfcity-hb.org
                ●   Young at Heart Singers
                ●   Tech Club                              Kathy Pace
                ●   Wednesday Walkers                      Kathy.Pace@surfcity-hb.org
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                Page 12
                                                  SOCIAL SERVICES
                         Facilitating independent living and developing a plan for facing
                        late-life transitions. Services made possible in part by Orange Coast
                                                Medical Center & HBCOA

Social Services at the
Senior Center focuses on
providing support to at-risk
older adults in HB who have
unmet needs in the areas of
nutrition, home safety,
mobility, transportation, and
social support. If a HB                                                          A special thank– you to the
senior is in need of resources                                                         Kards4Kindness
                                                                                volunteers Alicia Helm, Linda
or information on aging                                                        Kaplan, Lorraine Earnest, Lorene
issues, please call our Travel                                                 Carol & Kathleen Said, who put
and Resource line at                                                             in hundreds of hours creating
                                                                               masterpiece cards for holidays &
714-374-1572 to be                                                              birthdays. These beautiful gifts
connected with a Care                                                          are made with love and are truly
                                                                                appreciated by Social Services
Manager who can discuss                                                               clients each month.
needs and

          The Volunteer Money Mentor service is available to HB residents 60+. The Volunteer Money
          Mentor can help organize bills, track monthly income & expenses, work on loan issues, set-up
          auto-pay, or help develop a monthly budget. Services provided by a knowledgeable and vetted
          volunteer of the Senior Center. By appointment only: 714-374-1572.

HICAP: Free, Unbiased Medicare Counseling: A non-profit service of
Council on Aging SoCal, can help better understand Medicare choices, educate
& advocate on Medicare issues and identify help with Medicare costs for those
who qualify. www.coasc.org/programs/hicap/ or call 714-560-0424.

                      HUD approved free counseling agency serving HB residents helping to address housing
                      issues such as fair housing rights and landlord tenant disputes. Individual counseling by
                       phone & virtual workshops are available. 800-446-3247 or fairhousingfoundation.com.

ELDR Center provides complimentary 30 min. consultations to HB older
adults about common legal issues, specifically estate planning (wills, trusts,
powers of attorney, advance healthcare directives), disability rights, access to
federal benefits, landlord/tenant & HOA issues, and elder abuse. eldrcenter.org
                             By appointment only 714-374-1572.
                             Community Legal Aid SoCal provides no cost services to older adults in various
                             areas of civil law including family, housing, health, safety, immigration,
                             economics, domestic violence, and elder abuse. communitylegalsocal.org
Page 13                                                                           OUTLOOK on Active Aging

                                            Surf City Seniors on the Go!

  Transportation Services (714) 374-1742                     Servicios de Transporte (714) 374-1742
Senior Services provides services each weekday, from       Servicios Para personas mayores provee transportacion
8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. to HB residents 60+ for all their     cada dia de la semana, de las 8:30 de la maňana hasta las
transportation needs within Huntington Beach and to        4:30 de la tarde, para residentes de la ciudad de
the Social Security office in Fountain Valley. The         Huntington Beach que tienen 60 o mas aňos. Nuestro
Surf City Seniors on the Go! shuttle brings older          departamento cubre toda la transportacion entre los
adults to the Senior Center for the MOWOC lunch            limites de la ciudad de Huntington Beach, ademas, van
program, classes, and activities. Medical                  a la oficina de Seguridad Social en la cuidad de Fountain
transportation is also available to Hoag Memorial          Valley. El servicio de transporte Surf City Seniors on the
Hospital Presbyterian, Fountain Valley Regional            Go! trae adultos mayores a Senior Center para el
Hospital, and to Orange Coast Memorial Medical             programa de almuerzo SeniorServ, clases y actividades.
Center. Vehicles are wheelchair accessible.                Transportacion medical tambien esta disponible para
A Volunteer Escort is available to provide extra           Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Fountain Valley
assistance on shopping group trips. For more               Regional Hospital y Orange Coast Memorial Medical
information ask the dispatchers.                           Center. Los vehiculos son accesible para personas con
Transportation appointments fill quickly. Please give      sillas de rueda.
as much notice as possible. Five day’s notice is           Un acompaňante voluntario esta disponible para dar
required to guarantee a ride. Same day service is          asistencia adicional con sitas y mandados. Cuando
offered on a space available basis. 24 hour notice is      reserva su sitio, digale a la administracion que Usted
requested for cancellations.
                                                           necesita un acompaňante.
Call between the hours of 9a.m. and 3:00p.m. to
schedule your ride. New clients are                        Sitas para transportacion se llenan rapidamente. Favor de
registered by phone. Although there is no                  darnos aviso para poder reservar su transporte. Se
charge to seniors for transportation,                      necesita 5 dias de aviso para garantizar transportacion.
donations are appreciated.                                 Servicio para el mismo dia es ofrecido cuando hay
Transportation services are made possible                  espacio. Se pide aviso de 24 horas para cancelaciones.
through a grant from Hoag Hospital.                        Llame entre las 9:00 de la maňana y las 3:00 de la tarde
                                                           para reservar su transportacion. Clientes nuevos pueden
    Transportation Mask & Safety Policy Update             registrarse por telefono. No hay costo para ancianos para
Currently the Surf City Seniors On the Go                  transportacion, pero se aprecia donaciones para soportar
Transportation program requires all passengers and         este programa.Servicios de
drivers to wear a cloth face covering while in the         transportacion son possibles con
vehicle and the transportation waiting area. This policy   la ayuda de una donacion de
is expected to remain in effect until mid September in     Hoag Hospital .
accordance with State and Federal transportation safety
guidelines for planes, trains, and buses. The capacity           Senior Center Activities Transportation
limits have been lifted at this time and expanded          The Senior Center is open for classes, activities, and the
transportation services are currently available. We        fitness center. Check the schedule of classes and social
                                                           activities listed on page 19 for recreation and fitness
appreciate your understating and efforts to keep the       opportunities. Transportation is available to book your
community safe.                                            rides to and from the Senior Center. Enjoy your summer
For questions                                              and all the fun the community has to offer.
about the mask or
safety policy                                                          After-Hours Transportation
please call the                                            For transportation needs outside the regular hours of
transportation                                             Seniors On the Go, consider using the OCTA Access
                                                           bus program. For an application or questions about the
office at                                                  program, contact OCTA at
714 374-1742.                                              714-560-5956 or www.octa.net
OUTLOOK on Active Aging   SPONSORS   Page 14
Page 15   SPONSORS   OUTLOOK on Active Aging
OUTLOOK on Active Aging   SPONSORS   Page 16
Page 17   OUTLOOK on Active Aging
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                        Page 18

       HBCOA 2021 Single Day Tours
        Sign-up in the Travel and Resource Room                   NEW CONGREGATE FOOD
               With Coast Stalight Train Ride :
                                                                  PROGRAM PROCEDURES
              Saturday, August 28, 2021
              Get away for the day and ride the rails to Santa        The weekly congregate meals lunch program
              Barbara where you can explore and shop ‘til         has transitioned to a walk-up service only. There
              you drop in “America’s Riviera.” Our
              shopping and rail adventure begins as we            will no longer be a drive-thru option available at the
motorcoach to L.A.’s historic Union Station to board              Senior Center in Central Park. The service hours
Amtrak’s Coast Starlight train. We’ll disembark in Santa          will remain the same as before. Please pull into the
Barbara for a short transfer to Santa Barbara’s downtown
shopping district. Characterized by unique shopping, great        Senior Center parking lot upon your arrival and
food and distinctive architecture, downtown Santa Barbara         park. Wait in your vehicle until the distribution be-
offers palm-lined thoroughfares where you’ll be surrounded        gins. Distribution will take place between 10:45a.m.
by shops, boutiques, tantalizing eateries and beautiful           and 12 p.m. approximately. The que will be allowed
buildings. Paseo Nuevo is Santa Barbara’s Mediterranean
style, outdoor shopping center that features a variety of         to form 15 minutes prior to the start of distribution.
name brand stores. Enjoy lunch on your own with                   For more information please contact the
approximately 4 hours at leisure to relax, explore,
browse, and soak up all that this sophisticated beach town        Meals On Wheels Office at 714-375-8404.
has to offer. We will motorcoach home. Required: when
booking, provide full legal name as it appears on your
driver’s license or other government-issued identification
that you will be presenting to Amtrak on the day of the
tour. Member Price: $96; Non-Member Price: $106 
Depart: 8:30 a.m.  Return: 7:30 p.m.
                  ITALY FOR THE DAY
                  San Diego’s Little Italy w/ Local Guide :
                  Thursday, September 23, 2021
                  Come meet, mingle and experience the
story of San Diego’s Little Italy while on this “insider’s”
tour hosted by a Little Italy historian guide. On this
entertaining and informative tour, we’ll be transported back
in time to the world of Italian immigrants and experience
150 years of colorful neighborhood history and discover its
                                                                              Virtual Classes
hidden landmarks and traditions. Upon arrival, we’ll visit        Spanish for Beginners 1
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, the center of             350618-5A Mondays 1:30-2:30pm 7/12-8/30 $186
spiritual, social, and cultural life in San Diego’s Little        Spanish for Beginners 2
Italy, which recently unveiled its magnificent $2.5 million       350623-5A Mondays 2:45-3:45pm 7/12-8/30 $186
restoration. Enjoy time at leisure for lunch on your own at
the Little Italy Food Hall – an open-air piazza with              Breathe ATX Total Body Fitness—Ongoing class
locally-sourced food stations featuring mouth-watering            351508-5A Mondays 9:30-10am 6/21-8/31 Free
Italian fare including wood-fired pizzas, delectable pastas       Yoga: Chair Yoga
and authentic, creamy gelato. On a short driving tour and         350866-5A Mondays 10-11am 6/21-8/23      $82
guided walking tour using our listening devices,
you’ll discover hidden neighborhood landmarks that chart          Yoga: Senior Center in Central Park
Little Italy’s story through time – a beautiful church with       350872-5B Thursdays 10-11am 6/24-8/26     $82
stunning artwork and stained glass, historic homes from the       Ukulele Players Anonymous
19th century, Prohibition alley, an Italian grocery store built   351003-5B Wed 10:30-11:30am 8/4-9/1      $55
in the 1920’s and much more! Enjoy time to shop in a              Zumba Gold & Zumba Gold Toning
landmark Italian bakery, Little Italy’s oldest Italian grocery,
and a unique Catholic gift shop selling inspirational gifts,      350860-5B Fridays 10-10:50am 6/25-9/3    $66
many imported from Italy. We top off the day with an
included Italian coffee or cappuccino and a delicious
assortment of Italian cookies while enjoying live Italian
music. This tour involves moderate walking. Member
Price: $96; Non-Member Price: $106  Depart: 9:30
a.m.  Return: 6:30 p.m.
Page 19                           AUGUST CLASS SCHEDULES                     OUTLOOK on Active Aging

MONDAY                                        TUESDAY                                  WEDNESDAY
8:15     Better life Boxing D*$       8:00      Pilates Mat            D*$   8:45      Zumba Gold        D*$
  8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30             8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31             8/4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25
10:00 Aging In Place         1*$      8:15      Senior Cardiofit       P*$   10:30 Fabulously Fit        D*$
  8/30                                   8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31            8/4, 8/11
10:00 Amazon Prime Exp 1*$            9:00      Zumba Gold             P*$   3:45      Martial Arts      D*$
  8/2, 8/30                              8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24                   8/4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25
10:00 5G Internet            1*$      9:15      Pilates Chair          D*$   6:00      FireMed           1*$
   8/9, 8/23                             8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31             8/18
10:00 Cut The Cable          1*$      9:30      Flex & Stretch         P*$
   8/16                                  8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31
1:30     Hoag Lecture        P*       10:30 Yoga                       D*$
   8/9, 8/23                             8/10, 8/17, 8/24
2:00     Bridge Inter        1*$      1:15      Line Dance Beg         P*$
   8/2, 8/9, 8/16                        8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31
3:00     Chair Yoga          P*$      3:00      Senior Yoga            P*$
   8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23                   8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24
7:00     Big Band            P        6:00      Beg Bridge             1*$
    8/23                                  8/3, 8/10, 8/17

THURSDAY                                         FRIDAY                                   SATURDAY
8:00      Outlook Assembly    1       8:15      Senior Cardiofit       P*$   10:00      FireMed          1*$
   8/26                                   8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27                 8/7
8:30      Tai Chi             P*$     9:30      Circuit Training       P*$
   8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26                 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27
10:45      Flex & Stretch     P*$     10:00      Yoga                  D*$
   8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26                 8/13, 8/20
12:00      Zumba Gold         P*$     2:00      Line Dance Lvl 3       P*$
    8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26                 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27
1:30       Line Dance Lvl 2   P*$
    8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26
2:00       Tech Club          1                                                          INDEX KEY
    8/12, 8/26                                                               L        Computer Room
3:00       Line Dance Lvl 1   P*$                                            D        Dance Room
   8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26                                                     1        Edinger Medical Group 1
                                                                             2        Edinger Medical Group 2
                                                                             G        Game Room 1,2,3
                                                                             X        Group Exercise Room
                                                                             H         Hoag Office
                                                                             P        Parkview Room (N & S)
                                                                             S        Services Office
                                                                             O         Patio
                                                                             $         Participation fee
                                                                             *         Registration
OUTLOOK on Active Aging                                                                                 Page 20
City of Huntington Beach
                                                                                      NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION
Huntington Beach Council on Aging                                                        U.S. POSTAGE PAID
18041 Goldenwest St.                                                                   HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA
Huntington Beach, CA 92648                                                                 PERMIT NO. 444

LIFETIME PLAQUE SPONSORS: Assistance League of Huntington Beach Dreamcatchers Auxiliary, Hoag
Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Mike & Sloan Gallipeo, Stanley & Pauline Lau, Orange Coast Memorial
Medical Center
2021 DIAMOND SPONSORS: Handy Crafters
2021 PLATINUM PLAQUE SPONSORS: Susan MacLeod, Marvin Mensik, Sharon O’Connor, Walter &
Beverly Schulte, Patti Wiebe
2021 GOLD PLAQUE SPONSORS: Sarah Atkinson & Frank Brown, Ralph Bauer, Debbie Briscoe, Ann
Doke, Dixie Fisher, Clayton Friedman, Richard Litsinger & Leslie Shaffer, George Oncea, Sheila Prolman,
Rick & Lari Thomas
2021 SILVER PLAQUE SPONSORS: Susan Caron, James & Wilma Ferguson, Beverly Fleming, Beth & Jimmie
Hambelton, Gretel Hines, Patricia Laudisio, Cathy & Robert Meschuk, Francine & Bill Mullee, K & M Nishida,
Rosemary Novotny, Oakmont of Huntington Beach, John Payne, Robert Polentz, Victor Riviera, Teri Simonis & Kurt
Ruhland, Phil & Judi Smith, Vicki Strauss, Diane Swarts, Bill & Barbara Thacker, Karen & Jim Thoms
2021 BRONZE PLAQUE SPONSORS: Tom & Mary Andrusky, Alzheimer Family Srvcs. Cntr., Larry & Marilyn
Barker, Nancy Betz-Cosenza, Jim Bennett, Connie & Edward Bonk, Betty Bruce, Joan Bumm, Phil Burtis, Ray Calloway,
Mary Castillo Mather, Comfort Keepers, Ken Curtiss, David DeWenter, Carl & Joyce Dieda, Betty Foreman, Patricia
Foreman, Tom Freker, Glenn Gibbons, Cynthia Goebel, Thomas Hamman, James Haran, Richard Harlow, Jeannie
Hashimoto, Julia Marie Heng, Allene Hill, Gretel Hines, Jules & Pat Hooper, Ellen HopeKeanrs & Richard Kearns, Ron
Jagner, Ken & Janet Johnson, Jacquelyn Jones, Mary & Don Julienne, Jim & Stephany Kallal, Joanne Kessell, Jim Kettler,
Debbie Killey, Greg Kimura, Carol Koelle, William Kotlensky & Patricia Duncan, Tom Livengood, James Loveridge,
Danny & Tricia Lu, Maryon Macrae, Dan Makaena & Sharon Sutis, Grace Mayeda, JD Miles, Joan Mitchell, Susumu &
Thelma Miyashiro, Jim Moore, Larry & Eileen Mori, Pat Mullins, Paul & Jackie Neil, Honorata Oktay, Carolyn Palicte,
Janis Patten, Edward Pinchiff, Matthew & Arline Pohlman, Andrea Prell, Jennifer Robins, Roger & Judi Rohrdanz, Claire
& Bill Ross, Ricahrd Rowe, Dr.’s Richard & Janed Sax, Brian & Rose Sayin, Mary Smith, Alice Stephenson, Dona Lee
Taylor, Adria Thomke, Maxine Thuestad, Priscilla Torres, Lillian Van Epps, Elaine Watada, Mary Lou Watkins, Peggy
White, Sam & Norma White, Beatrice Wiest, Joy Williams, Bono Willis, Patricia Wilson, Patricia Wolff, Cecil Wright,
Barbara Young, Linda & Stanley Zone
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