Page created by Brenda Powell

                                                                                                                                                                  Investments and Exports Network
                                                                                                                                                                        of paraguay - REDIEX
                                                                                                            EDUCATION AND HEALTH IN
COUNTRY TRAITS                                      LEGAL FRAMEWORK                                         PARAGUAY

  1                                                   4                                                       7
           1.1. Socio-economic, political and                   4.1. Tax Regime                                         7.1. Education Services
           geographical profile                                 4.2. Labor System                                       7.2. Professional and Occupational
           1.2. Land and basic infrastructure                   4.3. Occupational health and safety                     Training
           1.3. Service Infrastructure                          policies of covid-19                                                                                   Av. Mcal. López 3333 esq. Dr. Weiss
                                                                                                                        7.3. Health Services
                                                                                                                                                                               Asunción - Villa Morra
           1.4. Corporate structure                             4.4. Immigration Laws
Page. 9    1.5. Contractual relations between       Page. 101   4.5. Intellectual Property                  Page. 151                                                Tel.: +595 21 616 3028 +595 21 616 3006
           foreign companies and their                          4.6. Summary of procedures and                                                              -
           representatives in Paraguay                          requirements to request the foreign
           1.6. Economy                                         investor’s certification via SUACE
                                                                                                                                                                     Edition and General Coordination
                                                                4.7. Environmental legislation                                                                    Paraguay Brazil Chamber of Commerce

                                                                                                            REAL ESTATE MARKET

                                                                                                                        8.1. Procedure for real estate purchase

  2                                                   5
                                                                                                                        8.2. Land acquisition by foreigners
           2.1. General Information                             5.1. Regulatory framework for interna-                                                                    Av. Aviadores del Chaco 2050,
                                                                                                                                                                    Complejo World Trade Center Asunción,
           2.2. Countries investing in Paraguay                 tional trade
                                                                                                                                                                      Torre 1, Piso 14 Asunción - Paraguay
           2.3. Investment sectors                              5.2. Customs
           2.4. Investments                                     5.3. Customs broker
                                                                                                            Page. 157                                               Tel.: +595 21 612 - 614 | +595 21 614 - 901
                                                                5.4. Exports
Page. 59                                            Page. 131   5.5. Imports
                                                                5.6. Tariff preferences, trade agreements                                                              Production, Design and Layout
                                                                and rules of origin

INCENTIVES FOR FOREIGN                                                                                      PHONEBOOK AND ADDRESSES
                                                                                                            OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS

INVESTMENT                                          FINANCIAL SERVICES

  3                                                  6
                                                                                                                        9.1. Central Government                           Translated: Grizzie Logan
           3.1. Foreign investment                              6.1. Financial Services Public Banking                                                                         License N.°758
           3.2. Incentives offered by Paraguay to               6.2. Financial services, private banking                9.2. Ministries and public institutions
           the investor                                         and trust companies                                     9.3. Executive Secretariats of the           For the making of this Guide we had the
                                                                                                                        Presidency of the Republic                  valuable contribution of information, data
           3.3. Investment Guarantee Law
                                                                                                                                                                   and statistics that were used in the general
           3.4. International agreements                                                                                9.4. Local authorities
Page. 75                                            Page. 143                                               Page. 161                                              content, so we are grateful to all the people,
           3.5. Guarantee of investments                                                                                9.5. Binational Entities                  companies, institutions, unions and chambers
           3.6. Investor Benefits                                                                                       9.6. Business organizations                   of commerce that gave their support.
           3.7. Other benefits
What is REDIEX?
REDIEX is an office under the Ministry of Industry     •Presenting advantages and investment opportu-          Services provided:                                   • Trade promotion:
and Commerce, which aims to:                           nities in Paraguay to foreign investors and interna-    •Application for business export diagnostics.        Coordinate the necessary activities for the national
                                                       tional counterparts.                                    •Design of co-financing project.                     and international trade promotion of national com-
1.Promote local and foreign investments that would     •Initial link between foreign companies interested      •Support in the elaboration of a business plan.      panies and products, as well as investment and ex-
help drive the social and economic development         in investing in Paraguay and government agencies        •Presentation of the project before the Evaluation   port projects of national companies.
of the country.                                        and private sector associations.                        Committee (CEP in Spanish)
2.Support the export of the most productive sec-       •Post assistance: support to established foreign        •Support in the execution process of the project     Services provided:
tors in Paraguay through networking with all key       investors by detecting the operational obstacles        actions.                                             National and international fairs for the promotion
players: government, business and civil society or-    they face and helping them finding solutions.           •Support in the process of operational and admin-    of national companies and products.
ganizations while generating joint actions.                                                                    istrative closure of the project.                    •International marketing for Paraguayan products
                                                       •Export promotion                                                                                            •Local and foreign commercial missions.
MISSION                                                Industry platforms: beef and meat products, food        •Competitive intelligence:                           •Business rounds.
•To encourage Paraguay’s economic and social de-       and beverages, biofuels and renewable energy,           To provide market intelligence services, accord-     •Business networking.
velopment through export promotion.                    auto parts and assembly, pharmaceutical chemi-          ing public demand, private and academic sectors,     •Seminars specialized in international trade.
•To improve the business context.                      cals, forestry and floriculture, creative industries    through the provision and analysis of information
•To attract investments, in order to create jobs and   and services, textiles and clothing.                    related to market access, commercial evolution,      •Country Brand
improve the quality of life of Paraguayans.                                                                    business opportunities, among others.                Promote and safeguard the Country Brand as a
                                                       Activate the private sector participation in exports                                                         strategic and valueable tool for attracting invest-
ACTION                                                 and articulate the needs for improvement that arise     Services offered:                                    ment and promoting exports.
•Promoting investment: to articulate actions de-       and that depend on the Government, in coordina-         •Customer service for the exporter.
veloped in projects, programs and institutions,        tion with the units and the responsible institutions.   •Export products and markets.                        •Commercial attaché offices: Representations of
which are an initiative of the National Government     To promote financing programs for projects devel-       •Foreign trade publications.                         the Ministry of Industry and Trade abroad: Brazil,
and affect exports and investments in Paraguay.        oped with the private sector that aim to boost ex-      •Statistics.                                         Argentina, Spain, Italy, Taiwan.
•Promoting systems to attract investment.              ports and investments.                                  •International Importers Directory.
                                                       Promote mechanisms to support the exporter and          •Specialized sectorial and market studies.
Services provided:                                     annual commitments with the private sector, for         •Identification of market opportunities.
•Advise foreign investors on their investments in      exports and investments.
the country.
Country Traits      Country Traits

1.1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND                                                                               the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary.
                                                                                                                The territory is divided into 17 departments, each
                                                                                                                                                                       During the autumn and spring the accumulations
                                                                                                                                                                       are around 350 mm to 250 mm in the southeast to
    GEOGRAPHICAL PROFILE                                                                                        governed by a governor and a departmental board,       northwest, while the driest season is winter with
                                                                                                                and each district has a local government headed        accumulations ranging from 250 mm in the south-
                                                                                                                by a municipal mayor and a municipal board.            east of this region and up to 75 mm in the north-
Paraguay is located in the heart of South America       zil and Bolivia to the north, Brazil and Argentina to
                                                                                                                                                                       west of the Chaco.
between the parallels 19° 18’ and 27° 36’ south lati-   the east, Argentina to the south and Argentina and
                                                                                                                Its multiculturalism makes it a peculiar and differ-
tude, and the meridians 59° 19’ and 62° 38’ west        Bolivia to the west, with an area of 406.752 km2.
                                                                                                                ent country, in constant evolution. It is a country    Average temperature
longitude, with GMT – 4 time zone. It borders Bra-
                                                                                                                with native populations of five linguistic families,   The highest temperatures are recorded mainly in
                                                                                                                with a predominance of Guarani, and the presence       summer, with an average value in the order of 28°C
                                                                                                                of immigrants from various countries of the world,     to 30°C; in autumn, average temperatures range
                                                                                                                who contributed an extraordinary wealth of cul-        from 22°C to 26°C, varying from south to north,
                                                                                                                tural manifestations to the first Spanish-Guarani      and in the same direction in winter average tem-
                                                                                                                mixture.                                               peratures range from 18°C to 22°C.

                                                                                                                Climate                                                Eastern Region
                                                                                                                The country´s climate is quite variable; the north-    Rainfall
                                                                                                                west of the Chaco is semi-arid, becoming dry sub-      Summer is the rainiest season in both the Eastern
                                                                                                                humid and mega thermal with savannah vegeta-           Region and the Western Region, with a total rain-
                                                                                                                tion in the Chaco basin of the Paraguay River and      fall ranging from 400 mm to 600 mm. This range
                                                                                                                northwest of the Eastern Region, and mega ther-        of precipitation is maintained in average during the
                                                                                                                mal sub-humid in the rest of the Eastern Region,       autumn and until the spring, especially in the de-
                                                                                                                with maximum humidity index in the departments         partments located on the center, east, northeast
                                                                                                                of Alto Paraná, Itapúa and Canindeyú.                  and southeast of the mentioned area.

                                                                                                                The annual rain cycle is accentuated by two well-      In winter, rainfall is around 250 mm except for
                                                                                                                defined periods. Between October and March the         the extreme southeast of the country, where it is
                                                                                                                most intense rainfall is recorded, which generates     around 300 mm.
                                                                                                                the maximum accumulated values; however, be-
                                                                                                                tween April and September the rainfall decreases       Average temperature
                                                                                                                considerably throughout the country with mini-         Average temperatures in summer range from 24°C
                                                                                                                mum annual values in the middle of winter.             to 30°C from south to north. During the spring and
                                                                                                                                                                       autumn seasons a similar behavior is observed,
                                                                                                                Despite the limited territorial extension and topo-    with average values between 22°C and 24°C from
                                                                                                                graphical homogeneity, there are significant spa-      south to north.
                                                                                       Source: depositphotos    tial and temporal variations in temperature.
                                                                                                                                                                       In winter the temperatures are around 16°C and
The country is divided by the Paraguay River into       that make up the Central Department, a region           Western Region                                         18°C in the center and southeast of the country.
two natural regions: the Eastern part, bordered         that holds 37% of the population. Other important       Rainfall                                               More information at:
by the Paraguay, Apa and Paraná Rivers; and the         cities in the country are: Ciudad del Este, Encar-      The rainiest season is undoubtedly the summer,
Western part or Chaco, bordered by the Paraguay         nación, Pedro Juan Caballero, Salto del Guairá,         with accumulations in the order of 400 mm to 600
and Pilcomayo Rivers. Both regions are fundamen-        Concepción and Coronel Oviedo. The first four cit-      mm in much of the Region.
tally different in terms of flora, fauna and climate.   ies share borders with Brazil and Argentina, where
There are no mountains and the highest elevations       there is a constant commercial, social and cultural
do not exceed 850 meters.                               exchange.

The capital is Asunción, which is surrounded by         At present, Paraguay is a democratic, Social State
a metropolitan area made up of 19 municipalities        under rule of law with a three-branch government:

10     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                     Paraguay Investment Guide            11
Country Traits      Country Traits

Language                                                                                                       Religion and ideologies
The official languages are spanish and guarani, the     ing, although more slowly than the proportion of       The National Constitution declares that freedom
latter being the heritage of the indigenous people,     children and young people.                             of religion, worship and ideology are recognized,
the root of the Paraguayan nation.                                                                             with no other limitations than those established by
                                                        The age structure shows that 29,6% of the popu-        the Constitution and the laws.
Population                                              lation is under 15 years old, 64,1% are between 15
The estimated population is 7.152.073 according to      and 64 years old (age group considered as work-        Ethnic groups
the report of the General Directorate of Statistics,    ing age population) and about 6,4% are 65 years        At present, the indigenous population living within
Surveys and Censuses (DGEEC in Spanish). Para-          old and older.                                         Paraguay’s borders is made up of 19 indigenous
guay is a country that historically has admitted                                                               peoples belonging to five linguistic families com-
foreign immigration, and there are currently thriv-     The average annual growth rate of the Paraguayan       prising 122.461 people, corresponding to 1,78% of
ing colonies of Brazilians, Germans, and Japanese,      population by 2019 was 1,40% and will experience       the Paraguayan population (DGEEC 2017).
among others. According to the Migration Regis-         a slight reduction throughout the period. In 2024 it
try, updated to November 2019, there are 219.513        is expected to be 1,33% per year.                      The indigenous population is distributed in both
Brazilians, 55.581 Argentines, 24.191 Koreans, 19.196                                                          regions of the country. However, there are several
Germans, 16.831 Poles, 15.689 Taiwanese, 9.709          The total labor force composed of employed and         cross-border peoples who, despite the political di-
Japanese, 8.053 Spaniards, 7.896 Uruguayans,            unemployed people (those who are currently un-         visions between the countries, maintain constant
7.847 Americans, 4.517 Mexicans, 3.894 Peruvians,       employed) in the country is 3.555.774 (71,2%), ac-     exchanges with other communities using their an-
among other nationalities.                              cording to the report of the second quarter of         cestral territory. This is the case of several peoples
                                                        2019.*                                                 of the Guaraní language family, and of the Ayoreo
According to the DGEEC report of 2019, half of the                                                             indigenous groups in voluntary isolation.
population is 26 years old or younger. The propor-      (*) Source: DGEEC. Continuing Household Survey
tion of the population of older adults is also grow-    2018-2019.

                                                                                                               Linguistic Families

                        Distribution of the population by age. Year: 2018.                                     Zamuco: Ayoreo, Yshir, Tomaraho.

                                                                                                               Mataco: Nivaclé, Maká, Manjui.
                                      Men                         Women
                                                                                                               Enlhet-Enenlhet (Maskoy): Enlhelt, Enxet,
                                                                                                               Guaná, Sanapaná, Angaité, Enenlhet (Toba
          50-54                                                                                                Maskoy), Maskoy.

                                                                                                               Guaicurú: Qom.
                                                                                                               Guaraní: Guaraní Occidentales, Guaraní Ñande-
                                                                                                               va, Paí Tavyterã, Mbyá, Avá. Guaraní, Aché.


                         400000       200000            0       200000        400000

                                                                                             Source: DGEEC

12     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                        Paraguay Investment Guide   13
Country Traits    Country Traits

Political división                                                                                                  Education
Paraguay is divided into 17 departments, three in     The current National Constitution of 1992, declares           Since the 1992 Constitution, the country has been         The Government currently has an “Educational
the Western Region and 14 in the Eastern Region.      that the Republic of Paraguay is free and inde-               a multicultural and multilingual state with two of-       Action Plan 2018-2023”, which is a document that
The capital of the country is the city of Asunción,   pendent; it is constituted as a Social State of Law,          ficial languages, Guarani and Spanish. 29% of the         summarizes the actions prioritized in this govern-
located on the left bank of the Paraguay River.       unitary, indivisible and decentralized, and it adopts         population over the age of five speaks only Span-         ment period for the education sector, in accor-
                                                      the participative and pluralist representative de-            ish, while 37,6% speaks Guarani and 30,7% both            dance with the National Education Plan 2024, the
                                                      mocracy.                                                      languages, with the highest proportion of Guarani         National Development Plan 2030 and the Sustain-
                                                                                                                    speakers in rural areas 66,9%.                            able Development Goals (ODS in Spanish), in order
                                                                                                                    Source: General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and    to ensure access to and quality of education in our
                                                                                                                    Censuses (DGEEC in Spanish).                              country, to reduce the high levels of poverty and
                                                                                                                                                                              inequality and, consequently, to serve as a basis
                                                                                                                    Most of the demand for education corresponds to           for the sustainable development of the country,
                                                                                                                    the 3-18 age group, which represented 32,1% of the        where its great cultural wealth and diversity is har-
                                                                                                                    population in 2018. The average number of years           monized and enhanced.
                                                                                                                    of study of the population is 15, (10.3 years in ur-
                                                                                                                    ban areas and 7.4 in rural areas); about 13,7% of
                                                                                                                    the population aged 15 to 29 has 6 or less years of       National holidays
                                                                                                                    study. At the country level, 6% of the population
                                                                                                                    aged 15 and more is illiterate. This rate is higher in    January 1st, New Year’s Day
                                                                                                                    the rural area (9,4% of the total rural population
                         ´                                                                                          aged 15 and more) than in the urban area (4,1% of         March 1st, Memorial Day
                                                                                                                    the total urban population aged 15 and more).             Good Thursday and Friday

                                                                                                                    The National Education System comprises formal,           May 1st, Labor Day
                                                                    ´                                               non-formal, special and other types of education.
                                                                                                                    Formal education is structured on three levels: the       May 15th, National Independence
                                                                    ´                                               first level of Initial Education (EI in Spanish), the
                                                                                                                    first and second cycle of Basic School Education          June 12th, Chaco Peace
                                                                                                                    (EEB in Spanish); the second level, which consists
                                                                                                         ´          of the third cycle of EEB and Secondary Educa-            August 15th, Foundation of Asunción
                                                                                              ´                     tion (EM in Spanish); and the third and final level
                                                                                                                    comprising Higher Education (ES in Spanish). Ba-          December 8th, Virgin of Caacupé
                                                                                                     ´              sic education is made up of initial education, ba-
                                                                                                                    sic school education, secondary education and             December 25th, Christmas
                                                           ´    ´       ´                                           continuing education for young people and adults
                                                                                                                    (Law 5.749/17). Therefore, secondary education
                                                                    ´           ´
                                                                                                                    as part of basic education is also compulsory and         In addition to the national holidays listed above,
                                                                                                                    must be guaranteed by the State, both universal           there are other departmental and municipal holi-
                                                                        ´               ´
                                                                            ´                                       access and completion.                                    days that are distributed throughout the year.
                                                                                                                    At the end of 2018, the education system had a            Electric Voltage
                                                           ´                                                        total of 1.451.663 students enrolled, of which 77%        220 volts and 50 cycles.
                                                                                    ´                               were in the official sector, i.e. most of the students’
                                                                                                                    training is paid for by the State. Likewise, it regis-
                                                                                                                    ters 75.259 teachers and more than 10.000 institu-
                                                                                            Source: depositphotos   tions, of which some 8.650 are officially managed,
                                                                                                                    861 are privately managed and 632 are privately

14     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                           Paraguay Investment Guide             15
Country Traits      Country Traits

1.2. LAND AND BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                             Port operators
                                                                                                               Since the enactment of the “Law that creates the          The main public ports for container handling are
                                                                                                               Legal Regime for the Construction and Operation           located on the Paraguay River: Asunción, Villeta,
Paraguay is located in the center of South Amer-       The Government of Paraguay welcomes the par-            of Private Ports N.° 419 of 1994”, there has been a       37 km south of Asunción, and Concepción, 310 km
ica, a little over 1.000 kilometers from the nearest   ticipation of the private sector in more infrastruc-    significant development in the infrastructure and         north of the capital. The main ports for the han-
exit to the sea, equally distant from the countries    ture works, which will support the industrial and       quality of port management, which provided the            dling of dry bulk cargo (mainly soybean) are on
of the region, which favors business and interna-      economic development of the country.                    Paraguayan coast with a network consisting of 49          the Paraná River.
tional trade. It is a country of 406.752 km2, small                                                            private ports. Private ports are members of the
in size, ranks 60th in the world, and eighth in the    The following two bridges that will improve road        Paraguayan Chamber of Private Terminals and               Since 1991, engineering and technical and eco-
region, yet it is larger than great nations such as    communication with Brazil were tendered: the            Ports (CATERPPA in Spanish).                              nomic feasibility work has been carried out to per-
Germany and Japan.                                     Puerto Murtinho - Carmelo Peralta bridge (in the                                                                  manently improve navigation conditions on the
                                                       technical study and project stage), worth USD 4.3       Beyond this group of ports, Paraguay has ports            Paraná-Paraguay waterway between Puerto Cáce-
It is mediterranean, surrounded by very important      million, and the Foz de Iguaçu-Presidente Franco        and land terminals operated by the National Ad-           res in Brazil (3.442 km upstream of Buenos Aires)
rivers such as the Paraguay and the Paraná, which      bridge (under construction with delivery sched-         ministration of Navigation and Ports (ANNP in             and Nueva Palmira in Uruguay.
flow into the Rio de la Plata basin and the Atlantic   uled for 2022), worth USD 83 million. A third bridge    Spanish).
Ocean.                                                 with Brazil is under study, located on the Apa Riv-                                                               Paraguay is strategically located, it only lacks the
                                                       er, which will improve Paraguay’s connectivity with     River transport and port infrastructure                   right infrastructure to become the river hub of Mer-
Paraguayan is divided into two large regions, the      the State of Mato Grosso del Sur.                       The port system includes the ports located on the         cosur, connecting the following six countries: Bra-
Western Region or Chaco, and the Eastern Region        Also, the bridge that will connect Asunción with        Paraguay River: Asunción, Villeta, Concepción,            zil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile,
which is flat with some medium height elevations,      the Western Region (worth USD 125 million) was          and other smaller ones (Villa Hayes, Rosario, An-         being the most cost-effective exit to the Atlantic.
perfect for the development of infrastructure          tendered, creating a new real estate and industrial     tequera, Alberdi, Humaitá, Pilar and Itaipú); and
works at very efficient costs, compared to other       development pole. It was tendered in June 2019          those located on the Paraná River: Ayolas, Encar-
countries in the region.                               under the turnkey modality.                             nación, Presidente Franco and several smaller pub-
                                                                                                               lic and private ports.
Road transport and road network                        Multimodal transport operators
Road transport plays a major role in bilateral         Although in practice work is done with integrated                                        Map of the Paraguay River System
trade with most Mercosur countries, and is cen-        operations, in reality these do not have a multi-
tral to Paraguay’s internal trade. According to of-    modal transport character, as no single transport                  River System                           Length (Km)                                                         Connections
ficial data, the total length of the national routes   document is issued through a multimodal opera-
is 9.056 km. In the Eastern Region of the country      tor. In fact, in Paraguay there is no local standard              Paraguay - Paraná
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bolivia - Paraguay
                                                                                                                          Uruguay Rivers                                                                                 Argentina - Uruguay
the paved roads reach 5.502 km, while in the Para-     to regulate this modality. This type of modality has
guayan Chaco its road heritage reaches 3.554 km        not prospered at the regional or international level             Tiete – Paraná Rivers                        2.400                                                       Brazil - Paraguay
of paved roads.                                        either.

                                                                                                                             Most Important Economic Centres
Due to the new Public-Private Partnership (Law         However, in Paraguay there are more and more                                                                              Santa Cruz                                          Corumbá

5.102/13) and Turnkey (Law 5.074/13) laws, the fol-    transport operators, or freight forwarders, who as-                                                                                                                                           Río



                                                                                                                                                                                                                  River Paragu

lowing works have been awarded for more than           sume the integral management of transport con-

                                                                                                                             Paraguayan Free Ports                                                                                                                    Conchas

USD 800 million: the duplication of Routes 2 and       tracting in their different modes, as well as the co-                                                                                                                                     Santos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       São Paulo
7 that connect Asunción with Ciudad del Este, and      ordination of these operations.                                                                                            Antofagasta
                                                                                                                             Most Important Regional Ports
the creation of the first section of the Bioceanic

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ra n

Corridor of 277 km, which crosses the entire West-     As for the amount of cargo transported, according


                                                                                                                                                                                                    R iv

ern Region from Carmelo Peralta to Loma Plata.         to Shipowners Association (CAFYM in Spanish)


                                                                                                                                                                                                             R iv
                                                                                                                             River Navigation                                                                                    Nueva Palmira
                                                       data, Paraguay mobilized around 220 thousand                                                                                                                                        Montevideo
                                                       TEUs by river in 2018. In imports the movement                                                                             Santiago
                                                                                                                                                                                                Buenos Aires

                                                       was almost 125000 TEUs.
                                                                                                                             Sea Navigation

                                                                                                                                                               Infographics: Map – Paraguayan Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

16     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                        Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                  17
Country Traits      Country Traits

For Paraguay to become a river hub, it is necessary         Energy Sector                                          According to a report by the Ministry of Public          Natural Gas Sector
to open the channel at 10 feet of draught on the            Primary energy production in Paraguay is com-          Works and Communications (MOPC), once con-               By means of decrees N.° 11.884. 12.108 and 12,820
Paraguay River and to build the locks on the Itaipu         posed exclusively of renewable energy sources          struction is completed in the case of Bahía Negra,       of 2001, the Government of the Republic of Para-
dam (project under study) to guarantee the navi-            (hydropower and biomass). No oil is produced,          it will be possible to become a 100% renewable,          guay decided to establish the Coordinating and
gability of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers all year         and natural gas production is local and marginal       alternative and clean energy country. The Small          Promoting Commission for Natural Gas and Re-
round. These infrastructure works will create a new         and does not, for the moment, represent any con-       Hydroelectric Plant of Ypané is estimated to pro-        lated Investments (COMIGAS). As of July 4, 2002,
development pole where more than 20 million                 tribution to the national energy matrix.               duce about 10 megawatts, with an investment of           Law 1.948 on the Transport of Gas by Duct has
people from the countries mentioned above                                                                          approximately USD 40 million.                            been in force, in accordance with national poli-
currently live.                                             Approximately 75% of Paraguay’s gross domestic                                                                  cies on regional energy integration and comple-
                                                            energy supply consists of hydropower. The opera-       In the case of the electricity sub-sector, the state     mentarity.
The estimated flow of containers in Paraguay                tion of binational hydroelectric plants (Itaipú with   company National Energy Administration (ANDE
amounts to about 110.000 TEU 13, these operate              Brazil and Yacyretá with Argentina) make up the        in Spanish) exercises the legal monopoly of the          In accordance with the provisions, the functions of
90% in three terminals: Caacupemí, Fénix and Ter-           electro-export profile of Paraguay’s energy system.    public electricity service. In the hydrocarbons          COMIGAS are: the study, promotion and develop-
port, and the remaining 10% is operated in the port         In terms of hydroelectric power generation, the        subsector, Paraguayan Petroleum Administration           ment of the real possibilities of regional energy in-
of Asunción by National Administration of Naviga-           country occupies a significant position in the         (PETROPAR in Spanish) is authorized to process           tegration in terms of production, transport and use
tion and Ports (ANNP in Spanish)                            world; it has two hydroelectric dams, Itaipú and       oil and currently shares with the private sector the     of natural gas; the study, promotion and develop-
                                                            Yacyretá, and energy is its main export item. The      former legal monopoly on the import of crude oil         ment of the demand for the different applications
As a Mediterranean country it is important that the         country also has three interconnections, one with      and diesel oil. Prospecting and exploration activi-      of natural gas, as well as the global negotiation of
country can count on river transport at an afford-          Argentina and two with Brazil.                         ties are granted by the State to foreign and nation-     the supply to cover the identified requirements.
able price.                                                                                                        al private companies for a defined period of time.
                                                            However, energy consumption in terms of kWh                                                                     As an initial goal, COMIGAS has proposed to pro-
Air Transport                                               per inhabitant is low, due to a low-density and        Hydrocarbon Sector                                       mote an integrated project for the production,
There are two international airports for all types          low-range internal distribution system. A 500 kVA      The hydrocarbons subsector accounts for ap-              transportation and supply of gaseous hydrocar-
of aircrafts: first, Silvio Pettirossi International Air-   transmission line has been in operation since Octo-    proximately 30% of final energy use in Paraguay,         bons through the construction of a large gas pipe-
port, located 10 km from the center of the coun-            ber 2013, allowing a more intensive use of the en-     of which nearly 70% is made up of diesel fuel in the     line that, starting from the fields in the south of
try’s capital. It is the main entrance and exit for         ergy generated by the hydroelectric power plants.      different transport, agricultural, construction and      Bolivia, will cross the territory of our country sup-
international passengers. This airport has a 3.553                                                                 service activities.                                      plying the local demand to enter the Brazilian ter-
m long runway. The following airlines operate at            The high surplus of energy available for export                                                                 ritory.
this airport: Air Europa, Aerolineas Argentinas,            keeps the pace in the country’s energy structure.      Paraguay imports all the hydrocarbons it needs,
Amaszonas, Avianca, Copa Airlines, Gol, Latam               Electricity is the only component of exports and       which are derived from oil. The National Govern-         The present law seeks the diversification of the
and Paranair.                                               about 98% of the electricity Paraguay exports (ac-     ment concentrates its greatest efforts on facilitat-     forms of energy available for sustainable develop-
                                                            cording to the National Energy Balance scheme)         ing hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration work         ment, the appropriation of new technologies in the
The second is the International Airport Guaraní,            is the energy transferred by treaty to the Brazilian   in national territory, in addition to providing highly   matter and the reliability and security of the en-
which is located in the district of Minga Guazú -           and Argentine markets as a result of the lack of a     favorable treatment for exploitation concessions.        ergy supply in the long term, with the minimum
Alto Paraná, 28,9 km from Ciudad del Este, is has           domestic market.                                                                                                environmental impact.
a 3.400 m long runway and is mostly used for air                                                                   The indications of hydrocarbons found so far are
cargo.                                                      The construction of the 14 mV Small Hydroelectric      considered very encouraging.                             Mining Sector
                                                            Plants (SHPs) on the Ypané River is in the process                                                              Paraguay has considerable mineral wealth, such
There are also seven airfields with paved run-              of international tendering, as well as the genera-                                                              as iron, magnesium, non-metallic industrial prod-
ways in Itaipú, Concepción, Vallemí, Pilar, Ayolas,         tion of alternative energy for Bahía Negra, in the                                                              ucts, including kaolinic clays, dolmitized limestone,
Caazapá and Mcal. Estigarribia. The Encarnación             Alto Chaco.                                                                                                     ornamental rocks, semi-precious stones, gold and
airport was recently opened. In addition, there are                                                                                                                         raw materials for inorganic fertilizers.
numerous small airports throughout the country,
although most do not have paved runways.                                                                                                                                    Currently, Paraguay is working to integrate mining
                                                                                                                                                                            into its economic policy with the aim of making
                                                                                                                                                                            this important sector a factor in the country’s de-

18      Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                        Paraguay Investment Guide            19
Country Traits      Country Traits

Concessions for mineral exploitation activities may    On the other hand, the highest energy require-          Benefits:
be requested by individuals or legal entities by       ments of the Paraguayan industrial sector are re-       •The Paraguayan State subsidizes 75% (seventy-           plan, must submit an application form and a tech-
means of a letter addressed to the Minister of Pub-    lated to thermal needs. Many of the raw materials       five percent) and for one time only, for each for-       nical study at the offices of the corresponding IN-
lic Works and Communications (MOPC in Spanish)         used in industry contain combustible waste (co-         ested or reforested area, the direct costs of the im-    FONA, according to the location of the property, in
in its original form and two copies submitted to       conut husks, rice husks, sugarcane bagasse, etc.),      plantation incurred by natural or legal persons of       forms that this agency will provide.
the General Secretariat of the MOPC.                   which are used to meet energy requirements.             any nature and that are carried out in rural proper-
                                                       There is also a widespread use of wood-fired boil-      ties, whose soils are qualified as a forestry priority   The application for the qualification of forest prior-
Concessions to carry out mineral exploitation ac-      ers in industry. This means that biomass has been       (Law 536, Art. 7).                                       ity soils and management plan, shall contain the
tivities are granted by law, after the signing of a    and continues to be the main fuel in the country.                                                                individualization of the owner of the property, the
contract approved by decree of the Executive.                                                                  •Similarly, 75% (seventy-five percent) of the direct     signature of the owner, the administrative history
                                                       A reasonable part of the Gross Domestic Sup-            costs of maintaining forestation and reforestation       of the location of the property and the certified
The certificates of qualification and/or renewal of    ply (GDP) of firewood is destined to the coal           during the first three years are subsidized, provid-     copy of the property title.
the exploitation of quarries can be requested by       companies (with very low performance in most            ed this has been done in accordance with the ap-
individuals or legal entities by means of a note ad-   cases), which produce charcoal for industrial use       proved Forest Management Plan.                           The technical study for the qualification of forest
dressed to the MOPC in original and two copies         (the national steel company, Acero del Paraguay                                                                  priority soils must include the following aspects:
submitted to the General Secretariat of the MOPC       S.A.(ACEPAR in Spanish), consumes about 80              •Certificates of forestation or reforestation are is-    •Information on the soils to be graded, area by
through the Single Step Desk (MEU). The applica-       thousand tons of charcoal per year) and for resi-       sued after 12 (twelve) months of implementation          class and subclass of use capacity, taxonomic
tion is processed at the Vice-Ministry of Mines and    dential use. The charcoal is used for cooking food      and after it has been confirmed that the survival        grouping, limiting factors and area to be graded.
Energy, through the Department of Mineral Re-          in the outlying areas of the Asunción metropolitan      of the plantation is not less than 80% (eighty per-
sources.                                               area and other cities.                                  cent) per established hectare (Law 536, art. 9).         •Technical justification of the qualification propos-
The Office of the Vice-Ministry of Mines and En-       According to a report by the Vice-Ministry of Mines     •Non-expropriation.
ergy is a body under the MOPC, and is the leading      and Energy (VMME), there is a commitment to                                                                      •Plan of the property indicating the sector to be
institution in the national energy sector.             work in coordination with the sector’s institutions     •Exemption from Real Estate Tax.                         evaluated.
                                                       and the general public in order to achieve a more
Biomass Sector                                         balanced energy matrix that will lead to greater        •Tax regime: the soils of rural properties qualified     The management plan must contain the foresta-
Currently, Paraguay’s energy matrix has a high         and better use of electrical energy.                    as priority forestry and the forests that are planted    tion or reforestation project and the management
production of renewable electric energy, gener-                                                                there, subject to forestation or reforestation, are      activities to be carried out, indicating the nature
ated in the binational plants Itaipú and Yacyretá,     Forestry Sector                                         exempt from any other municipal or departmental          of the work to be done, the areas affected by the
and in the Acaray plant. However, when we ana-         The National Forestry Institute (INFONA) is the         tax, whether in force or to be in force. Likewise, the   project identified in the plan and an annual calen-
lyze the final energy consumption, we have a high      agency responsible for promoting and encourag-          real estate tax is exempted by 50% (fifty percent)       dar of these areas, subject to a framework to be
consumption of biomass (43%) and oil derivatives       ing forestation and reforestation on priority forest-   while it is subject to the forestation or reforesta-     drawn up by the INFONA.
(41%), all of which are imported. The consumption      ry soils, based on a management plan and with the       tion program.
of electrical energy in the country represents only    incentives established in Law 3.464.                                                                             The technical study for the qualification of forest
16%.                                                                                                           Forest priority soil and management plan grading         priority soils and the respective management plan
                                                       The projects approved by INFONA are not subject         Soil is considered a forest priority when technical      must be prepared and signed by a forest engineer
Historically (until the early 1990s), Paraguay has     to Agrarian Reform or expropriation, except for         studies determine that its productive suitability is     or agronomist with forestry studies or specialty.
had a preeminent rural population in its popula-       reasons of public utility for infrastructure works of   preferably forest.                                       This technician must have a professional permit
tion structure. The abundance of forests (50% of       national character, such as roads, bridges, canals,                                                              authorized by the INFONA.
the national territory was made up of forests in       dams and others.                                        The property owners who wish to obtain the quali-
the 1960s), the fact that no hydrocarbons are pro-                                                             fication of forest priority soils and/or the approval    On properties of no more than 20 hectares, the IN-
duced in the country and dietary habits and cus-                                                               of the forestation or reforestation management           FONA shall be responsible for drawing up the plan.
toms have led to the cooking of food, especially
in rural areas, through burning wood, which is still
done today using very low efficiency processes
(around 5% to 8%).

20     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                     Paraguay Investment Guide              21
Country Traits      Country Traits

Deadline:                                               Qualification of telecommunications services            Companies providing value-added services that            Services reserved to the State
In accordance with Article 8 of Decree N.° 9.425/95,    Basic Services                                          wish to use their own telecommunications net-            The telecommunications services reserved to the
the time limit for obtaining a certificate of forest    These are point-to-point switched telephone ser-        works, other than those for basic services, must         State, by direct management or by its public enti-
priority soil grading and a management plan is 30       vices using fixed cable or radio, used as a substi-     obtain express authorization from CONATEL, and           ties, are the following:
days from the date of filing of the respective appli-   tute for or extension of the wiring network. They       also register in the National Registry of Telecom-
cation with its corresponding requirements. Once        can be local, national long distance or international   munications Services.                                    •Radio services to assist in meteorology.
this period has expired, they will be considered ap-    long distance. Basic services are public services                                                                •Radio services to assist air navigation.
proved and the corresponding certificate will be        provided under a concession. Currently, these ser-      The license to operate in the spectrum from 1,700        •Radio-assisted services for river and maritime
granted.                                                vices are provided exclusively by Paraguayan Tele-      to 2,100 was tendered in 2015, and the companies         navigation
                                                        communications Company S.A. (COPACO in Span-            AMX Paraguay (Claro) and Telefónica Celular del          •Radio services for air-space navigation.
The deadline for submitting the application for the     ish), whose main shareholder is the Paraguayan          Paraguay S.A. (Tigo) were awarded, for the de-           •Radio services for radio astronomy
qualification of forest priority soils and manage-      State.                                                  ployment of 4G LTE technology. The value paid by         •Relief and safety of life services on the rivers of
ment plan will be April 30th of each year.                                                                      each company was USD 45 million.                         the Republic and on the high seas
                                                        Broadcasting Services                                                                                            •Telecommunications, information and road assis-
Telecommunications                                      These are telecommunications services that allow        In 2017, the bidding process for the broadband and       tance services.
In Paraguay, the emission and broadcasting of           the transmission or broadcast of communications         data transmission in the frequency of 700 MHz            •Those services that affect the safety of human
electromagnetic communication signals are in the        in one direction to several reception points simul-     was carried out. The private companies Telecel SA,       life, or when for reasons of public interest the Ex-
public domain of the State. Investors are guaran-       taneously. Broadcasting services are considered to      AMX Paraguay and Núcleo SA were awarded, and             ecutive Branch so decides.
teed free access to the use of the electromagnetic      include, among others, sound broadcasting, tele-        the value of the total investment was USD 84.54
spectrum on an equal opportunity basis, subject         vision, cable-communication, tele-distribution, ra-     billion.                                                 The State may grant a concession for the tempo-
to the principle of non-discrimination. Within the      dio-distribution and cable-distribution. These may                                                               rary provision of these services to individuals un-
framework of the advent of globalization, the lib-      be operated by natural or legal persons holding         In 2018, CONATEL held a tender for the granting          der the conditions laid down in the respective laws,
eralization of markets and the progressive dereg-       licenses as determined by the regulations.              of broadcasting licenses for 38 frequencies. Four        regulations and contracts.
ulation of telecommunications at the world level,                                                               stations are AM (Amplitude Modulation) and 34
Paraguay ratified by Law 444/94, the Final Act of       Broadcasting services are provided under a li-          FM (Frequency Modulation). See licenses granted          Operating conditions
the GATT Uruguay Round, and with it the General         cense. Free competition is guaranteed for those         in the link:      For the purpose of providing telecommunications
Agreement on Trade and Services with their re-          who invest in the sector.                               content/uploads/2019/10/licencias-formato-general-       services, the provider of such services must obtain
spective references to telecommunications. A spe-                                                               rnst_completo_-120619_fm-comercial.pdf                   a concession, license or authorization from the
cific law was also enacted (Law 642/95), regulated      Other Services                                                                                                   State, as the case may be. All these rights are non-
by the Executive (Decree N.° 14.135/96).                Added Value Services                                    Private Services                                         transferable, unless expressly authorized by CO-
                                                        Value-added services are considered to be those         Private telecommunications services are those ser-       NATEL. Holders of the above-mentioned permits
Telecommunications Law 642/95                           that, using basic or broadcasting services as sup-      vices established by a natural or legal person to        are not allowed to engage in practices that restrict
The Telecommunications Law creates the National         port, add some characteristic or ease to the ser-       meet its own communication needs within the na-          free competition.
Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) as a            vice that serves as its basis. Value-added services     tional territory.
regulatory body, in addition to classifying the dif-    include, among others, facsimile, videotex, teletext,                                                            Concessions
ferent types of telecommunications services, es-        teleaction, remote control, remote alarm, data stor-    For the purposes of their classification as private      Concessions are granted for the provision of basic
tablishing the conditions for their operation, the      age and retransmission, teleprocessing and mobile       services, partners, affiliates and subsidiaries of the   services. They are granted by public tender or at
protection regime for subscribers and users, the        cellular telephony. Value-added services will be        same legal entity operating as an economic unit          the request of an interested party, for a maximum
system of tariffs to be applied, the imposition of      provided on a free-market basis.                        shall be considered as one and the same person.          period of 20 years, which may be renewable. To
sanctions and the establishment of the Universal                                                                                                                         this effect, CONATEL and the investor sign a con-
Services Fund.                                                                                                  These services may not be provided to third par-         cession contract that must be approved by the Na-
                                                                                                                ties, except for the provision of value-added ser-       tional Congress.
                                                                                                                vices for the fulfillment of its corporate purpose.

22     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                     Paraguay Investment Guide            23
Country Traits        Country Traits

Licenses                                                                                                              using the table in the following link: https://www.cona-     Cost
The licenses are granted by CONATEL for the pro-        Interconnection of public telecommunications ser-      There are no costs for applying for the license, ex-
vision of broadcasting or value-added services.         vices is mandatory. Interconnection agreements                tabla-de-concepto-derecho-de-licencia-y-renov-1.pdf          cept in the case that the license is granted through
They are granted for a maximum period of 10 years,      must be in writing and under the principles of                                                                             a bidding process. License holders for commercial
renewable for the same period only for broadcast-       equal access, non-discrimination and neutrality;              Procedures for obtaining a license, concession or            exploitation must pay the annual fee of 1% of their
ing services; and 5 years renewable at the request      otherwise, CONATEL may modify them.                           authorization                                                gross income.
of the interested party, for value added services.
The licenses include the establishment, installation    Duty, fee and tariff payments                                 Licence                                                      Concession
and operation of equipment and the use of the ra-       Investors who obtain a concession, license or au-             •Submit a license application letter addressed to            Concession by public tender
dio spectrum if necessary.                              thorization, to provide telecommunications ser-               the CONATEL President, which must include the                The required documentation, as well as the criteria
                                                        vice, will be required to pay a one-time fee for such         legal background of the applicant, the technical             and guidelines for the evaluation of the offers will
For the granting of both licenses and concessions,      rights. If these rights were granted under the pub-           and economic project and the program proposal.               be established in the terms and conditions of the
the applicant must demonstrate economic and             lic bidding regime, the amount of such rights will                                                                         public tender. The CONATEL is in charge of pre-
technical capacity to develop the project and es-       be fixed in the respective terms and conditions, or           •The request must necessarily be supported by:               paring and approving the terms and conditions,
pecially the plan to expand the services it has re-     according to the best offer, but not less than 1%. If                                                                      conducting the bidding process and setting up the
quested.                                                they were granted under the regime of request of              In case of an individual:                                    Committee for the Reception of Bids.
                                                        part, the amount will be of: 5% for investments less          •Certified photocopy of the Paraguayan identity
In general, the condition that can support the eco-     than or equal to USD 1.000.000; 4% for amounts                card.                                                        The specifications must necessarily contain:
nomic capacity of a company is through the pre-         greater than USD 1.000.000 and less than USD                  •Constitution of legal domicile.                             •Schedule of the public bidding process.
sentation of a letter issued by a banking institution   5.000.000; and 3% for amounts greater than USD                •Certificate of criminal record.                             •Documents required for the qualification of bid-
in Paraguay, certifying that the individual or legal    5.000.000, amounts foreseen for the first five                •Certificate of tax compliance.                              ders
entity is a client of that bank. Another way is the     years.                                                        •Certificate of the general bankruptcy syndicate.            •Concession area.
presentation of a sworn statement of assets of a                                                                      •Certificate of interdictions.                               •Minimum service expansion plan, deadlines.
natural or legal person, by public deed.                More information at:        •Sworn statement of not having incurred in breach            •Obligation, if applicable, to present a technical
                                                        php/registro-nac-de-serv-de-telecomunicaciones/110-6-servi-   of contract with the Paraguayan State.                       project profile of the service to be installed.
Authorizations                                          cio-basico                                                                                                                 •Description of the basic components of the tariff
It is required for the performance of private ser-                                                                    In the case of a company:                                    structure and application criteria.
vices. By means of the authorization granted by         Concessionaires and licensees shall pay an annual             •Copy of the Bylaws.                                         •Draft of concession contract.
CONATEL, the investor can install radio communi-        fee equivalent to 1% of their gross revenues for the          •Power of Attorney granted by public writ.                   •Guarantees including bid bond.
cation equipment for private use in a specific loca-    commercial operation of the telecommunications                •Constitución de domicilio legal.                            •Documentation to be submitted by the winning
tion.                                                   services. There is also a tariff for the use of the ra-       •Tax Compliance Certificate.                                 bidder for the signing of the concession contract.
                                                        dioelectric spectrum, fixed annually by CONATEL,              •Proof of criminal record of each of the directors           •Schedule for the execution of the project.
There are two methods: through tenders for the          on the basis of the minimum salary in force, and              or managing partners.                                        •Base amount of the offer.
case of exclusive use frequency or upon request in      which must be paid by the holders of concessions,             •Certificate of the general bankruptcy syndicate.            •Criteria and guidelines for the evaluation of bids.
the case of shared use frequency.                       licenses and authorizations.                                  •Certificate of interdictions.
                                                                                                                      •Sworn declaration of not having incurred in                 Granting on request
Tariffs and interconnections                            The amount to be paid as a fee for the renewal of             breach of contract with the Paraguayan State.                A concession application letter must be presented
The concessionary companies are free to estab-          licenses that do not have frequency band assign-              •Copies of balance sheets of the last 2 (two) years.         to the CONATEL president, which must include the
lish the rates as long as they do not exceed the        ments, consists of a single amount per service. The           • Personal report of each of the directors and man-          legal background of the applicant, the technical
maximum prices set by CONATEL. Tariffs for other        determination of the minimum amount of the li-                aging partners.                                              and financial project, and the program proposal.
services (e.g., value-added services) are free and      cense/authorization and renewal fee to be paid by             • Proof of registration in the National Labor Reg-
regulated by supply and demand, but are subject         the licensee/authorized party for each period of              istry.
to a reasonableness control by CONATEL.                 validity of the license granted by CONATEL is done

24     Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                               Paraguay Investment Guide            25
Country Traits      Country Traits

The application letter must include the following
attached documents:
                                                          In case of a request of one of the parties, the appli-
                                                          cant will pay the equivalent to 1% of the necessary
                                                                                                                   1.3. SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                          amount declared for the establishment of the tele-
In the case of an individual:                             communications service granted in concession.            Basic services
• A copy of the company’s charter, duly legalized                                                                  Electricity
and certified by a notary public.                         Authorization                                            The National Administration of Electricity, ANDE,       and to be the recipient of the “Transferable Assets”
• Copy of the duly legalized power of attorney of         A note requesting authorization must be submit-          is an autonomous, decentralized institution of pub-     of ANTELCO, which enables it to comply with said
the legal representative.                                 ted to the president of CONATEL and must include         lic administration, of unlimited duration, with legal   objective.
                                                          the legal background of the applicant.                   status and its own assets.                              Given the transformation into a company subject
In case of an individual:                                                                                                                                                  to the provisions of private law, with the scope and
• Photocopy of identity card certified by notary          It must also be supported by specific information        Its primary purpose is to adequately meet the           limitations that this implies, a process was initiated
public and legalized if foreign.                          and documentation required in each case accord-          country’s electricity needs in order to promote its     to define plans, strategies and policies on which
• Personal data of the applicant.                         ing to the corresponding regulations.                    economic development and foster the well-being          it will base its operations in order to enable the
• Affidavit of the applicant.                                                                                      of the population, through the preferential use of      supply of services more effectively and efficiently
• Tax compliance certificate.                                                                                      the nation’s natural resources.                         through proper administration of resources and
• Technical project for the provision of the request-                                                                                                                      optimal management of business risks, which are
ed service signed by a professional engineer regis-                                                                Among the purposes of this institution, the main        increasingly complex given the scenarios that arise
tered with the CONATEL.                                                                                            ones are: generation, transmission, distribution of     in the environment and within the same company.
• Projection of the planned investments and eco-                                                                   electricity, and other facilities and goods neces-      These situations led to the reinforcement of mea-
nomic analysis of the project to be executed in the                                                                sary for the normal operation of electricity servic-    sures that strengthen the good governance of the
first years.                                                                                                       es; operating the electricity supply systems owned      company and the necessary control of resources,
• Once all the documentation has been presented                                                                    by it or by third parties; marketing of energy, and     understood from the point of view of effective
and verified, CONATEL will order the publication                                                                   interconnections with neighboring countries.            management, having as a fundamental axis the
of an extract in the Official Gazette and in 1 (one)                                                                                                                       satisfaction of the communication needs of the
widely read newspaper. The applicant must carry                                                                    To access the services, the interested party must       customers.
out the publication within 5 (five) working days                                                                   submit the corresponding form to the ANDE of-
from the date of publication, otherwise the ap-                                                                    fice. The forms are available at:      Water
plication will be automatically denied without the                                                                 solicitudes.php                                         With the creation of the National Environmental
need to issue any resolution.                                                                                                                                              Sanitation Service (SENASA in Spanish) in 1972, an
                                                                                                                   Telephone                                               agency under the Ministry of Public Health and So-
If CONATEL approves the request, it will issue a                                                                   The Paraguayan Telecommunications Company               cial Welfare, water services and disposal of black
report proposing the granting of the concession                                                                    S.A. (COPACO) seeks the provision of public tele-       waters in all communities with a population of less
and will send the report to the Executive Branch,                                                                  communications services within the territory of         than 10,000 inhabitants became its purpose, leav-
which must in turn send it to the National Con-                                                                    the Republic of Paraguay and abroad, broadcast-         ing CORPOSANA to serve populations with great-
gress, which must authorize it. Likewise, if it is con-                                                            ing services and value-added services.                  er numbers of inhabitants than that established for
sidered that the concession should be granted by                                                                                                                           SENASA.
public bidding, it must issue a founded resolution                                                                 The company was established as part of the pro-
and summon it as soon as possible.                                                                                 cess of transformation of ANTELCO for the pur-          Currently, the Sanitary Services of Paraguay (ES-
                                                                                                                   poses set forth in Law 1.615/2000 “On the Reor-         SAP S.A. in Spanish), formerly CORPOSANA, is
Cost                                                                                                               ganization of Decentralized Public Entities and the     governed by the Regulations of Law 1.614/2000
In order to sign the contract, the concessionaire is                                                               Reform and Modernization of Central Administra-         which creates the ERSSAN (Regulatory Agency of
required to provide proof of prior payment of the                                                                  tion Bodies” to be the continuation of ANTELCO          Sanitary Services), for the provision of potable wa-
concession fee, which will vary according to each                                                                  in the supply of the services foreseen corporately      ter and sanitary sewerage.

26      Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                       Paraguay Investment Guide             27
Country Traits      Country Traits

The entity carries out the procedures of connec-          Bottled mineral water                                  •Digital Government: that allows to be more ef-         Taiwan, Singapore, Jersey, Sweden, Denmark, Ja-
tion, disconnection, construction or extension of         There are several companies in Paraguay dedicat-       ficient in the attention to the citizen, saving time    pan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland and
the sanitary sewage network, water connection,            ed to the production of mineral water for personal     and money, as much of the State as of the people.       San Marino, are the sites with greater speed, being
sewage connection, tanker trucks, among others.           use. According to the latest report published by                                                               the European continent the most represented.
Some of the procedures can be requested from the          the National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN in     •Digital Economy: that makes us more competi-           Taiwan is the world’s fastest broadband country,
website. More information at:    Spanish), in October 2019, there are more than 130     tive as a country.                                      with an average download speed of 85.02 Mbps.
                                                          companies authorized to produce mineral water.
                                                                                                                 •Strengthening the Institutions: that allows all in-    In the South American region, Uruguay is ranked
                              The best-known brands at national level are                                        novation to continue to develop and evolve over         69th. In this country the average download speed
                                                                                                                 time.                                                   is 9.16 Mbps. Brazil is ranked 111th, with an average
                       BRAND                                                 COMPANY                                                                                     of 4.84 Mbps, Chile in position 124, while the aver-
                                                                                                                 In addition, at the beginning of 2019 an inter-insti-   age in Paraguay is 3.89 Mbps.
Bes                                                      Bebidas Envasadas Saludables S.A.                       tutional technical committee was created to form
Dasani                                                   Paraguay Refrescos S.A.                                 the National Optical Fiber Network, with the pur-       Paraguay is ranked 129th, with an average speed
De La Costa                                              Embotelladora Central S.A.C.I.
                                                                                                                 pose of uniting the infrastructure already deployed     of 3.55 Mbps. Further down are Colombia, Ecua-
                                                                                                                 by the institutions that have this optical fiber: CO-   dor, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela, in that
Del Prado                                                Mariano Vargas                                          PACO, ANDE, the Ministry of the Interior and the        order.
Génesis                                                  Frutika S.R.L.                                          Ministry of Finance.
                                                                                                                                                                         Service Providers
Gondwana                                                 Bebidas Nativas del Paraguay S.A.
                                                                                                                 Internet Speed                                          Currently, there are several private and public com-
Las Gotas                                                Pablo Aguero                                            Paraguay has very low percentages in terms of in-       panies that offer internet and cable TV services in
Seltz                                                    Seltz S.A.                                              ternet speed and fixed line penetration, compared       Paraguay, the main ones are Tigo, Personal, Claro,
                                                                                                                 to other countries in the region.                       Rieder (only internet), Vox and COPACO.
Vertientes                                               Rocco S.A.

Watson                                                   Sixson S.A.                                             According to data published by the          Regarding the fiber optic network, most of the mu-
Ysati                                                    Angelina Solalinde Arrúa                                platform, average global broadband speed contin-        nicipalities in the country are already connected.
                                                                                                                 ues to increase, averaging 7.40 Mbps in 2016/2017,      Tigo, COPACO and Personal have fiber networks
                                                           Source: Paraguayan Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                                                                 9.10 Mbps in 2018 and around 11.03 Mbps in 2019.        throughout the country, as well as Claro, Ufinet,
Internet, cable and fiber network                                                                                                                                        Rieder and Teisa.
Paraguay has limited access to the Internet, at a         demia, citizens and reference sectors, to promote
time when it is so crucial for development in a glo-      access to and use of ICTs to bring public services
balized world. This issue is one of the priorities of     closer, better, simpler and safer, to invigorate the
the National Government, and through a project            economy, to reduce the digital gap and to intro-
called “Digital Agenda” to be implemented by the          duce innovation in the way citizens relate to their
Ministry of Information Technology and Communi-           government through electronic networks. The
cations (MITIC in Spanish) with funding from the          Digital Agenda seeks to achieve the digital trans-
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), it seeks           formation of Paraguay and improve people’s lives
to promote the improvement of the competitive-            by using technology as an effective means for the
ness of the Paraguayan economy and the quality            exercise of rights.
of public services provided to citizens and busi-
nesses.                                                   Within this agenda, four key areas of work were
The Digital Agenda is the ICT (Information and
Communication Technologies) master plan that              •Digital Connectivity: to no longer be landlocked
the National Government has decided to imple-             with regards to the access to the Internet and to
ment over the next few years (until 2025) through         make the systems of the State safe and working
its various institutions, the private sector, aca-        online.

28       Paraguay Investment Guide                                                                                                                                                    Paraguay Investment Guide            29
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