Paraphrase Alignment for Synonym Evidence Discovery

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Paraphrase Alignment for Synonym Evidence Discovery

       Gintarė Grigonytė                João Cordeiro, Gaël Dias,                Pavel Brazdil
       Saarland University                    Rumen Moraliyski                       LIAAD/FEP                         HULTIG                          University of Porto
                                          University of Beira Interior 

                       Abstract                              casts, from which valid synonyms are discovered.
                                                             In fact, we propose a new approach based on the
    We describe a new unsupervised approach
                                                             idea that synonyms are substitutable words within
    for synonymy discovery by aligning para-
                                                             a given domain corpus. Results performed on two
    phrases in monolingual domain corpora.
                                                             different domain corpora, the Corpus of Computer
    For that purpose, we identify phrasal
                                                             Security (COCS) and the Corpus of Cancer Re-
    terms that convey most of the concepts
                                                             search (COCR), show that general synonyms as
    within domains and adapt a methodol-
                                                             well as synonymic expressions can be identified
    ogy for the automatic extraction and align-
                                                             with a 67.27% precision performance.
    ment of paraphrases to identify para-
    phrase casts from which valid synonyms                   2     Related Work
    are discovered. Results performed on two
    different domain corpora show that gen-                  Automatic synonymy detection has been tackled
    eral synonyms as well as synonymic ex-                   in a variety of ways which we explain as follows.
    pressions can be identified with a 67.27%
    precision.                                               2.1    Pattern-based Approaches

1   Introduction                                             This approach to information extraction is based
                                                             on a technique called selective concept extraction
Synonymy is a specific type of a semantic re-                as defined by (Riloff, 1993). Selective concept
lationship. According to (Sowa and Siekmann,                 extraction is a form of text skimming that selec-
1994), a synonym is a word (or concept) that                 tively processes relevant text while effectively ig-
means the same or nearly the same as another                 noring surrounding text that is thought to be ir-
word (or concept). It has been observed that                 relevant to the domain. The pioneer of pattern-
words are similar if their contexts are similar (Fre-        based approaches (Hearst, 1992) has introduced
itag et al., 2005) and so synonymy detection has             lexico-syntactic patterns to automatically acquire
received a lot of attention during the last decades.         given word semantic relationships. Specific pat-
However, words used in the same context are                  terns like ”X and other Y” or ”X such as Y” were
not necessarily synonyms and can embody dif-                 used for hypernym-hyponym detection. Later, the
ferent semantic relationships such as hyponyms,              idea was extended and adapted for synonymy by
meronyms or co-hyponyms (Heylen et al., 2008).               other researchers such as (Roark and Charniak,
In this paper, we introduce a new unsupervised               1998), (Caraballo, 1999) and (Maynard and Pe-
methodology for synonym detection by extract-                ters, 2009). In general, manual pattern definition
ing and aligning paraphrases on normalized do-               is time consuming and requires linguistic skills.
main corpora1 . In particular, we study a specific           Usually, systems based on lexico-syntactic pat-
structure within aligned paraphrases, paraphrase             terns perform with very high precision, but low
     By normalized, we intend that phrasal terms have been   recall due to the fact that these patterns are rare.
previously identified.                                       However, recent work by (Ohshima and Tanaka,
2009) on Web data reported high recall figures.        synonyms, antonyms, analogies and associations.
To avoid manual encoding of patterns, many su-         For that purpose, feature vectors are based on fre-
pervised approaches have been proposed as sum-         quencies of patterns and classified by a SVM.
marized in (Stevenson and Greenwood, 2006).
                                                       2.4      Our Approach
2.2   Distributional Similarity                        (Van der Plas and Tiedemann, 2006) state that
Distributional similarity for capturing semantic       ”People use multiple ways to express the same
relatedness is relying on the hypothesis that se-      idea. These alternative ways of conveying the
mantically similar words share similar contexts.       same information in different ways are referred
These methods vary in the level of supervision         to by the term paraphrase and in the case of
from unsupervised to semi-supervised or to su-         single words or phrasal terms sharing the same
pervised. The first type of methods includes the       meaning, we speak of synonyms”. Based on this,
work of (Hindle, 1990), (Lin, 1998) and (Heylen        we propose that in order to discover pairs of se-
et al., 2008) who used unsupervised methods            mantically related words (in the best case syn-
for detecting word similarities based on shallow-      onyms) that may be used in figurative or rare
parsed corpora. Others have proposed unsuper-          sense, and as consequence impossible to be iden-
vised methodologies to solve TOEFL-like tests,         tified by the distributional similarity approach,
instead of discovering synonyms (Turney, 2001),        we need to have them highlighted by their lo-
(Terra and Clarke, 2003) and (Freitag et al., 2005).   cal specific environment. Here we differ from
Other researchers, such as (Girju et al., 2004),       the pattern-based approach that use local general
(Muller et al., 2006), (Wu and Zhou, 2003) and         environment. We propose to align paraphrases
(Wei et al., 2009), have used language or knowl-       from domain corpora and discover words that are
edge resources to enhance the representation of        possibly substitutable for one another in a given
the vector space model. Unlike the pattern-based       context (paraphrase casts), and as such are syn-
approach, the distributional similarity-based ap-      onyms or near-synonyms. Comparatively to exist-
proach shows low precision compared to high re-        ing approaches, we propose an unsupervised and
call.                                                  language-independent methodology which does
   One obvious way to verify all the possible con-     not depend on linguistic processing2 , nor manual
nections between words of the vocabulary em-           definition of patterns or training sets and leads to
ploys an exhaustive search. However, compari-          higher precision when compared to distributional
son based on word usage can only highlight those       similarity-based approaches.
terms that are highly similar in meaning. This
method of representation is usually unable to dis-     3       Normalization of the Corpora
tinguish between middle strength and weak se-          The main goal of our research is to build knowl-
mantic relations, or detect the relationship be-       edge resources in different domains that can ef-
tween hapax-legomena.                                  fectively be used in different NLP applications.
                                                       As such, precision takes an important part in the
2.3   Hybrid Approaches
                                                       overall process of our methodology. For that pur-
More recently, approaches combining patterns           pose, we first identify the phrasal terms (or multi-
and distributional similarity appeared to bring the    word units) present in the corpora. Indeed, it has
best of the two methodologies. (Hagiwara et            been shown in many works that phrasal terms con-
al., 2009) describe experiments that involve train-    vey most of the specific contents of a given do-
ing various synonym classifiers. (Giovannetti et       main. Our approach to term extraction is based
al., 2008) use syntactically parsed text and man-      on linguistic pattern matching and Inverse Doc-
ually composed patterns together with distribu-        ument Frequency (IDF) measurements for term
tional similarity for detecting semantically related       2
                                                           We will see in the next section that we will use linguistic
words. Finally, (Turney, 2008) proposes a super-       resources to normalize our corpora, but the methodology can
vised machine learning approach for discovering        be applied to any raw text.
quality assurance as explained in (Avizienis et al.,
2009). For that purpose, we present a domain in-
dependent hybrid term extraction framework that
includes the following steps. First, the text is
morphologically annotated with the MPRO sys-                                 Figure 1: 4 exclusive links between Sa and Sb .
tem (Maas et al., 2009). Then grammar rules for
morphological disambiguation, syntactic parsing
                                                                            To obtain a paraphrase corpus, we compute all
and noun phrase detection are applied based on
                                                                         sentence pairs similarities Sumo(Sa , Sb ) and se-
finite-state automata technology, KURD (Carl and
                                                                         lect only those pairs exceeding a given threshold,
Schmidt-Wigger, 1998). Following this, a vari-
                                                                         in our case threshold = 0.85, which is quite re-
ant and non-basic term form detection is applied,
                                                                         strictive, ensuring the selection of pairs strongly
as well as stop words removal. Then, combining
                                                                         connected3 .
rich morphological and shallow syntactical analy-
sis with pattern matching techniques allows us to                           However, to take into account the normalization
extract a wide span of candidate terms which are                         of the corpus, little adjustments had to be inte-
finally filtered with the well-known IDF measure.                        grated in the methodology proposed in (Cordeiro
                                                                         et al., 2007a). Indeed, the original Sumo(., .)
4       Paraphrase Identification                                        function was under-weighting links that occurred
                                                                         between phrasal terms such as “molecular labo-
A few unsupervised metrics have been applied to                          ratory” or “renal cancer”. So, instead of counting
automatic paraphrase identification and extraction                       the number of lexical links among sentences, each
(Barzilay and McKeown, 2001) and (Dolan et al.,                          link weights differently according to the word
2004). However, these unsupervised methodolo-                            length in the connection, hence connections of
gies show a major drawback by extracting quasi-                          longer words will result in a larger value. For ex-
exact or even exact match pairs of sentences as                          ample, in figure 1, instead of having λ = 4, we
they rely on classical string similarity measures.                       count λ = 3 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 22. This adjust-
Such pairs are useless for our research purpose.                         ment is important as multi-word units are treated
More recently, (Cordeiro et al., 2007a) proposed                         as longer words in the corpus. This modification
the sumo metric specially designed for asymmet-                          has also, as a side effect, under-evaluation of func-
rical entailed pair identification in corpora which                      tional words which usually follow the Zipf’s Law
obtained better performance than previously es-                          and give more importance to meaningful words in
tablished metrics, even in corpora with exclu-                           the paraphrase extraction process.
sively symmetrical entailed paraphrases as in the
Microsoft Paraphrase Research Corpus (Dolan et                           5     Paraphrase Alignment
al., 2004). This function states that for a given
                                                                         In order to usefully explore the evidence syn-
sentence pair hSa , Sb i, having m and n words in
                                                                         onymy from paraphrases, sentence alignment
each sentence and λ lexical exclusive links (word
                                                                         techniques must be applied to paraphrases in or-
overlaps, see figure 1) between them, its lexi-
                                                                         der to identify paraphrase casts, i.e., substitutable
cal connection strength is computed as defined in
                                                                         word pairs as shown in figure 2. As we can see,
Equations 1 and 2.
                                                                         the paraphrase cast includes three parts: the left
                               S(m, n, λ)     if S(m, n, λ) < 1
                                                                         segment (context), a middle segment and the right
                                                                        segment (context). In our figure the left and right
        Sumo(Sa , Sb ) =            0          if λ = 0            (1)
                                                                        segments (contexts) are identical.
                               e−kS(m,n,λ)     otherwise
                                                                            In the context of DNA sequence alignment,
where                                                                    two main algorithms have been proposed: (1) the
                  S(m, n, λ) = α log2 ( m
                                          ) + β log2 ( n
                                                         )               Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (Needleman and
                  α, β ∈ [0, 1], α + β = 1                                  3
                                                                              Further details about the sumo metric are available in
                                                                         (Cordeiro et al., 2007a).
function gs(., .) in Equations 4 and 5 which prior-
                                                                         itize the alignment of specific domain key terms
                                                                         i.e., single match, or key expressions i.e., phrasal
                                                                         match, (reward 50), as well as lexically similar5
                                                                         words such as ”programme” and ”programming”
                                                                         for example. In particular, for these similar words
                                                                         an adaptation of the well known Edit Distance is
            Figure 2: A paraphrase cast.
                                                                         used, the c(., .) function (5), which is explained in
                                                                         more detail in (Cordeiro et al., 2007b).
Wunsch, 1970) based on dynamic programming
which outputs a unique global alignment and (2)                                              
                                                                                                     −1             if (Sai = −) and (Sbj 6= −)
the Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm (Smith and                                                 
                                                                                                    −1             if (Sbj = −) and (Sai 6= −)
Waterman, 1981) which is an adaptation of the
                                                                          gs(Sai , Sbj ) =            10            Single Match
previous algorithm and outputs local alignments.                                             
                                                                                                      50            Phrasal Match
In the context of NLP, (Cordeiro et al., 2007a)
proposed a combination of both algorithms de-                                                    c(Sai , Sbj )      Mismatch
pending on the structure of paraphrase. How-                             where
ever, since any local alignment is a candidate for                                                               edist(Sai , Sbj )
                                                                                     c(Sai , Sbj ) = −                                            (5)
                                                                                                            + maxseq(Sai , Sbj )
paraphrase casts, the SW algorithm revealed it-
self more appropriate and was always chosen. The                          To obtain local alignments, the SW algorithm is
SW alignment algorithm uses dynamic program-                             applied, using the alignment function defined with
ming to compute the optimal local alignments be-                         H(., .) in 3. The alignment of the paraphrase in
tween two sequences4 . This process requires first                       figure 2 would give the result in figure 3.
the definition of an alignment matrix (function),
which governs the likelihood of alignment of two
symbols. Thus we first build a matrix H such that
H(i, 0) = 0 and H(0, j) = 0, for 0 ≤ i ≤ m,                                                  Figure 3: An alignment.
and 0 ≤ j ≤ n, where m and n are the number of
words in the paraphrase sentences. The rest of the
H elements are recursively calculated as in Equa-                        6       Paraphrase Casts
tion 3 where gs(., .) is the gap-scoring function
and Sai (resp. Sbj ) represents the ith (resp. j th )                    In order to discover synonyms, we are looking for
word of sentence Sa (resp. Sb ).                                         special patterns from the aligned paraphrase sen-
                                                                         tences, which naturally give us more evidence for
                   0                                                    the existence of equivalent terms or expressions.
                                                                         Due to the topological aspect of such patterns, we
                    H(i − 1, j − 1) + gs(Sai , Sbj )   MMisatch
H(i, j) = max                                                            decided to name them paraphrase casts, or just
                    H(i − 1, j) + gs(Sai , )           Deletion
                                                                         casts as shown in figure 2. As we have mentioned
                    H(i, j − 1) + gs( , Sbj )          Insertion
                                                                         earlier, the paraphrase cast includes three parts:
                                                                         the left segment (contextL), a middle segment and
                                                                         the right segment (contextR). In the following ex-
   Obviously, this algorithm is based on an align-
                                                                         ample the left and right segments (contexts) are
ment function which exploits the alignment like-
                                                                         identical, but the middle segment includes differ-
lihood between two alphabet symbols. For DNA
                                                                         ent misaligned sequences of words, represented
sequence alignments, this function is defined as
                                                                         by wordSa and wordSb.
a mutation matrix, scoring gene mutation and gap
                                                                                        contextL wordSa ----- contextR
alignments. In our case, we define the gap-scoring                                      contextL ----- wordSb contextR

   4                                                                       5
     In our case, the two sequences are the two sentences of                 This is why we have in equation 3 the label “Mismatch”,
a paraphrase                                                             where “mismatch” means different yet lexically near words.
Corpus             COCS     COCR1        COCR2       COCR3
   We can attribute different levels of confidence                Tokens            412.265   336.745      227.477     46.215
to different paraphrase casts. Indeed, the larger               Sentences           18.974     15.195       10.575      2.321
                                                              Aligned Pairs           589       994          511         125
the contexts and the smaller the misaligned se-             Casts without filter      320      10.217       2.520         48
                                                             Casts with filter        202       361          292          16
quences are, the more likely it is for single or
phrasal terms to be synonyms or near-synonyms.                                     Table 1: Corpora
Note that in the cast shown in figure 3, each con-
text has a significant size, with four words on
each side, and the misaligned segments are in fact        recall. In particular, we have removed all casts
equivalent expressions i.e. ”paper” is a synonym          which contained numbers or special characters i.e.
of ”research article”. In the analyzed domain             casts with filter in Table 1. However, no con-
these expressions are equivalent and interchange-         straints were imposed on the frequency of the
able and appear to be interchangeable in other do-        casts. Indeed, all casts were included even if
mains. For the purpose of this paper, we only             their overall frequency was just one. Although
take into account the casts where the misaligned
                                                                      Synonym (COCS)                Complementary
sequences of words contain only one word or one
                                                                       frequency tuning             frequency control
multi-word unit in each sentence. That is, we have                   attack consequences              attack impact
                                                                      error-free operation         error free operation
a one-to-one match. However, no constraints are                           pseudo code               pseudo algorithm
imposed on the contexts6 . So, all casts are com-                           tolerance                   resilience
                                                                          package loss                 message loss
puted and analyzed for synonym discovery and re-                     adjustable algorithm        context-aware algorithm
                                                                       helpful comment              valuable comment
sults are provided in the next section.
                                                                      Synonym (COCR)                Complementary
                                                                    childhood renal tumor        childhood kidney tumor
7       Experiments                                                       hypertrophy                     growth
                                                                          doxorubicin                   vincristine
                                                                   carcinomas of the kidney       sarcoma of the kidney
To evaluate our methodology we have used                                   metastasis                   neoplasm
                                                                          renal tumor               renal malignancy
two different corpora, both from scientific do-                      neoplastic thrombus             tumor thrombus
mains built from abstracts of publications (see                            vincristine                 adriamycin
Table 1).       The corpus of computer secu-
                                                                       Table 2: Synonyms for COCS
rity (COCS) is a collection of 4854 abstracts
on computer security extracted from the IEEE
( repository7 . The          most of the word relationships were concerned
corpus of cancer research (COCR) contains 3334            with synonymy, the other ones were not just er-
domain specific abstracts of scientific publica-          rors, but lexically related words, namely examples
tions extracted from the PubMed8 on three types           of antonymy, hyperonymy/hyponymy and associ-
of cancer: (1) the mammary carcinoma register             ations as shown in Table 3. In the evaluation, we
(COCR1) consisting of 1500 abstracts, (2) the                               Antonym                    Complementary
nephroblastoma register (COCR2) consisting of                       positive sentinel nodes         negative sentinel nodes
                                                                            higher bits                    lower bits
1500 abstracts, and (3) the rhabdoid tumor regis-                         older version                  newer version
ter (COCR3) consisting of 334 abstracts. From                              Hypernym                        Hyponym
the paraphrase casts, we were able to automat-                   Multi-Tasking Virtual Machine       Java Virtual Machine
                                                                              therapy                   chemotherapy
ically extract, without further processing, single                  hormone breast cancer           estrogen breast cancer
synonymous word pairs, as well as synonymic                                Association                 Complementary
                                                                          performance                      reliability
multi-word units, as can be seen in Table 2. For                      statistical difference         significant difference
that purpose we have used specific paraphrase                              relationship                   correlation

casts, whose aim was to privilege precision to              Table 3: Other Word Semantic Relationships.
      This issue will be discussed in the next section.
      An example of an abstract can be viewed at:         have focused on the precision of the method. The
00534618                                                  evaluation of the extracted pairs was performed
    8                  manually by two domain experts. In fact, four
different evaluations were carried out depending          the target word. In our case, no frequency thresh-
on whether the adapted S(., .) measure was used           old is imposed to enable extraction of synonyms
(or not) and whether the normalization of the cor-        with low frequency, such as hapax legomena. This
pora was used (or not). The best results were ob-         situation is illustrated in figure 4. We note that
tained in all cases for the adapted S(., .) measure       most of the candidate pairs appear only once in
with the multi-word units. Table 4 shows also the         the corpus.
worst results for the COCS as a baseline (COCS
(1)), i.e. non-adapted S(., .) and non-normalized

                                                                   Log number of candidate pairs
                                                                                                    6                                         Non−synonymous
corpus. For the rest of the experiments we always                                                   5
present the results with the adapted S(., .) mea-
sure and normalized corpus.
            Corpus         COCS (1)   COCS (2)                                                      2
           Precision        54.62%     71.29%
      Extracted Synonyms      130        144
             Errors           108        58                                                         0
            Corpus          COCR1      COCR2     COCR3                                                        1           2         3          4         5
           Precision        69.80%     61.30%    75.00%                                                           Frequency of candidate pairs
      Extracted Synonyms      252        178       12
             Errors           109        111        4
                                                             Figure 4: Synonyms Frequency Distribution.
                Table 4: Overall Results
                                                             In order to assess the quality of our results,
                                                          we calculated the similarity between all extracted
7.1    Discussion                                         pairs of synonyms following the distributional
Many results have been published in the literature,       analysis paradigm as in (Moraliyski and Dias,
especially tackling the TOEFL synonym detection           2007) who build context9 feature vectors for noun
problem which aims at identifying the correct syn-        synonyms. In particular, we used the cosine sim-
onym among a small set of alternatives (usually           ilarity measure and the Loglike association mea-
four). For that purpose, the best precision rate has      sure (Dunning, 1993) as the weighting scheme of
been reached by (Turney et al., 2003) with 97.50%         the context features. The distribution of the simi-
who have exploited many resources, both statis-           larity measure for all noun synonyms (62 pairs) is
tical and linguistic. However, our methodology            shown in figure 5.
tackles a different problem. Indeed, our goal
is to automatically extract synonyms from texts.                                                   30

The published works toward this direction have                                                     25

not reached so good results. One of the latest stud-                                               20

ies was conducted by (Heylen et al., 2008) who                                                     15
used distributional similarity measures to extract                                                 10
synonyms from shallow parsed corpora with the
help of unsupervised methods. They report that
”the dependency-based model finds a tightly re-
                                                                                                        0.0         0.2       0.4       0.6        0.8       1.0
lated neighbor for 50% of the target words and a                                                                              Similarity
true synonym for 14%”. So, it means that by com-
paring all words in a corpus with all other words,        Figure 5: Synonym Pairs Similarity Distribution.
one can expect to find a correct semantic relation-
ship in 50% of the cases and a correct synonym            The results clearly show that all extracted syn-
in just 14%. In that perspective, our approach            onyms are highly correlated in terms of context.
reaches higher results. Moreover, (Heylen et al.,            9
                                                              In this case, the contexts are the surrounding nouns,
2008) use a frequency cut-off which only selects          verbs and adjectives in the closest chunks of a shallow parsed
features that occur at least five times together with     corpus.
Nearly half of the cases have similarities higher               8   Conclusions
than 0.5. It is important to notice that a spe-
cific corpus10 was built to calculate as sharply as             In this paper we have introduced a new unsu-
possible the similarity measures as it is done in               pervised methodology for synonym detection that
(Moraliyski and Dias, 2007). Indeed, based on                   involves extracting and aligning paraphrases on
the COCS and the COCR most statistics were in-                  normalized domain corpora. In particular, we
significant leading to zero-valued features. This               have studied a specific structure within aligned
situation is well-known as it is one of the major               paraphrases, paraphrase casts, from which valid
drawbacks of the distributional analysis approach               synonyms were discovered. The overall preci-
which needs huge quantities of texts to make se-                sion was 71.29% for the computer security do-
cure decisions. So we note that applying the distri-            main and 66.06% for the cancer research domain.
butional analysis approach to such small corpora                This approach proved to be promising for ex-
would have led to rather poor results. Even with                tracting synonymous words and synonymic multi-
an adapted corpus, figure 5 (left-most bar) shows               word units. Its strength is the ability to effectively
that there are no sufficient statistics for 30 pairs of         work with small domain corpora, without super-
synonyms. Although the quality of the extracted                 vised training, nor definition of specific language-
pairs of synonyms is high, the precision remains                dependent patterns. Moreover, it is capable to
relatively low with 67.27% precision on average.                extract synonymous pairs with figurative or rare
As we pointed out in the previous section, we did               senses which would be impossible to identify us-
not make any restrictions to the left and right con-            ing the distributional similarity approach. Finally,
texts of the casts. However, the longer these con-              our approach is completely language-independent
texts are, compared to the misaligned sequence of               as it can be applied to any raw text, not obli-
words, the higher the chance is that we find a cor-             gatorily normalized corpora, although the results
rect synonym. Table 5 shows the average lengths                 for domain terminology may be improved by the
of both cast contexts for synonyms and erroneous                identification of phrasal terms.
pairings, in terms of words (WCL) and charac-                      However, further improvements of the method
ters (CCL). We also provide the ratio (R) between               should be considered. A measure of quality of the
the character lengths of the middle segment (i.e.               paraphrase casts is necessary to provide a mea-
misaligned character sequences) and the charac-                 sure of confidence to the kind of extracted word
ter lengths of the cast contexts (i.e. right and left           semantic relationship. Indeed, the larger the con-
sizes of equally aligned character sequences). It is            texts and the smaller the misaligned sequences
                 Type     WCL     CCL      R
                                                                are, the more likely it is for single or phrasal terms
               Synonyms   2.70    11.67   0.70                  to be synonyms or near-synonyms. Further work
                 Errors   2.45    8.05    0.55
                                                                should also be carried out to differentiate the ac-
       Table 5: Average Casts Contexts Lengths                  quired types of semantically related pairs. As it
                                                                is shown in Table 3, some of the extracted pairs
                                                                were not synonymic, but lexically related words
clear that a more thorough study of the effects of              such as antonyms, hypernyms/hyponyms and as-
the left and right contexts should be carried out to            sociations. A natural follow-up solution for dis-
improve precision of our approach, although this                criminating between semantic types of extracted
may be to the detriment of recall. Based on the                 pairs could involve context-based classification of
results of the ratio R11 , we note that the larger the          acquired casts pairs. In particular, (Turney, 2008)
cast context is compared to the cast content, the               tackled the problem of classifying different lexi-
more likely it is that the misaligned words are syn-            cal information such as synonymy, antonymy, hy-
onyms.                                                          pernymy and association by using context words.
  10                                                            In order to propose a completely unsupervised
    This corpus contains 125.888.439 words.
    These results are statistically relevant with p − value <   methodology, we could also follow the idea of
0.001 using the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test.                         (Dias et al., 2010) to automatically construct small
TOEFL-like tests based on sets of casts which              Freitag, D., Blume, M., Byrnes, J., Chow, E., Kapa-
could be handled with the help of different dis-             dia, S., Rohwer, R. and Wang, Z. 2005. New Ex-
                                                             periments in Distributional Representations of Syn-
tributional similarities.
                                                             onymy. In Proc. of 9th conf. on Computational Nat-
                                                             ural Language Learning, pp. 25-32.
We thank anonymous reviewers whose comments                Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S. and Montemagni, S.
helped to improve this paper. We also thank                  2008.     Combining Statistical Techniques and
                                                             Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Semantic Relations
IFOMIS institute (Saarbrucken) and the ReSIST                Extraction from Text. In Proc. of the 5th Workshop
project for allowing us to use the COCR and                  on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives.
COCS corpora.
                                                           Girju, R., Giuglea, A. M., Olteanu, M., Fortu, O.,
                                                             Bolohan, O. and Moldovan, D. 2004. Support Vec-
                                                             tor Machines Applied to the Classification of Se-
References                                                   mantic Relations in Nominalized Noun Phrases. In
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