Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ

Page created by Fernando Sanders
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
Parent Handbook 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ

                                                                             Welcome - Editor's Note                   4
                                                                             Contact Information                       5
                                                                             Headmaster's Message                      6
                                                                             Key Dates                               10
                                                                             Mission Statement                        14
                                                                             The College Crest                        15
                                                                             The Aim of Jesuit Education              16
                                                                             Jesuit Prayer & Ignatian Tradition       17
                                                                             The Examen of Consciousness              18
                                                                             The Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola        19
                                                                             Jesuit Education, Year & Class Names    20
                                                                             Key Information                         23
                                                                             College Uniform                         43
                                                                             Co-curricular Activities                46
                                                                             Sports                                  50
                                                                             College History, Buildings and Campus   58
                                                                             Events                                  60
                                                                             Parent Matters                           61
                                                                             Communications                          63
                                                                             Miscellaneous                           66
                                                                             FAQ                                     68
                                                                             Jesuit Pupil Profile                    69
                                                                             Child Safety & Child Protection         70

For almost five centuries, Jesuit    Founded in 1534, the Society of Jesus
education has existed as a model     emphasises the pursuit of wisdom
of academic excellence throughout    in the tradition of its founder, St.
the world. Jesuits are synonymous    Ignatius of Loyola.
with excellence in education and
commitment to caring for the whole
person – mind, body and spirit.

                                     2 | BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ                  3 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
Editor's Welcome Note                                                                                                             Contact Information
          Belvedere College SJ                                                                                                              Belvedere College SJ

                                                                                                                                 Rector                                  Fr Paddy Greene SJ       01-8586600

                                                                                                                                 Headmaster                              Mr Gerry Foley           01-8586604

                                                                                                                                 Headmaster's Secretary                  Ms Yvonne O'Brien        01-8586604

                                                                                                                                 Deputy Principal (Elements/Rudiments)   Mr Paul Bryce            01-8586662

                                                                                                                                 Deputy Principal (Grammar/Syntax)       Ms Clodagh Culligan      01-8586674

                                                                                                                                 Deputy Principal (Poetry/Rhetoric)      Mr Tom Doyle             01-8586768

                                                                                                                                 Director of Faith & Service             Mr Padraig Swan          01-8586639

                                                                                                                                 Director of Finance & Administration    Ms Mary Brady            01-8586632

                                                                                                                                 School Fees, Trips/Exchanges            Ms Louise Deane          01-8586635

                                                                                                                                 SDP                                     Mr Simon O'Donnell       01-8586620

                                                                                                                                 Fundraising/SDP Sponsorship             Mr Jonathan Harvey       01-8586633

                                                                                                                                 Additional Educational Needs (AEN)      Ms Val Hamilton          01-8586684

                                                                                                                                 Gamesmaster                             Mr Andrew Wood           01-8586642

Belvedere College SJ and its community extend a warm             A sincere thanks to all who contributed to this handbook        PE Dept                                 Mr Ronan Duggan          01-8586618
welcome to all families and particularly to new families         and to the Parents’ Association for their support and
joining us this year. We hope you find your time as part of      sponsorship.                                                    Guidance & Counselling                  Ms Roisin O'Donohoe      01-8586625   roisinodonohoe@belvederecollege.
the College community a rewarding one. We look forward
to your son’s journey over the next six years and hope that      PLEASE NOTE:                                                                                            Ms Angela Curran         01-8586678
together we can contribute to the development of citizens        VISITING THE COLLEGE – APPOINTMENTS WITH STAFF
who will contribute to a just and fair society.                                                                                  Reception                               Ms Denise Reddy          01-8586649
                                                                 All visitors to the College, including parents/guardians, are
Situated in the heart of Dublin City, Belvedere College SJ       required to register at Reception and collect and wear a        Housekeeping                            Ms Breda O'Dwyer         01-8586603
is a school for boys founded in 1832. It continues today in a    Visitor Pass.
                                                                                                                                 Information Technology                  Ms Noelle Russell        01-8586682
tradition rooted in the Jesuit approach to education.
                                                                 At no time should parents/guardians go directly to their        Library                                 Ms Aileen Ivory          01-8586699
The school has over 1000 pupils enrolled and has a number        son’s classroom or the staffroom or student toilets.
of famous alumni in the world of the arts, politics, science,    Meetings are arranged by appointment in the designated          Elements Year Head                      Mr Pat Rogan             01-8586688
sports and business                                              meeting rooms.
                                                                                                                                 Rudiments Year Head                     Mr Brendan O'Shea        01-8586612
This handbook is designed specifically for all Belvedere         These procedures are necessary in the interests of
parents and guardians. We recommend you read it through          Health and Safety and Child Protection.                         Grammar Year Head                       Mr Stephen Carey         01-8586652
once and then keep it to hand as an easy reference guide
throughout your son’s six years in the school.                   Louise Deane, Editor                                            Syntax/TY Year Head                     Mr Stuart Colohan        01-8586630

Further information on any topic is available in detail online   Belvedere College SJ, Great Denmark Street, Dublin, Ireland     Poetry Year Head                        Mr Liam Hennelly         01-8586610
on the College website or by             Dublin D01TK25 - Phone 01-8586600 |
contacting the College directly on 01-8586600.                                                                                   Rhetoric Year Head                      Ms Edel Ni Bhriain       01-8586631

We would be delighted to receive feedback and suggestions                                                                        Form Tutors & Subject Teachers          via Reception            01-8586600
for future editions of this handbook to please contact: -
                                                                                                                                 Chaplain                                Mr Robert Altman         01-8586782
                                                                                                                                 Chaplain                                Mr Eoghan Keogh          01-8586621

                                           4 | BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ                                                                                                      5 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
Headmaster's Message                                                                                                           Headmaster's Message
          Belvedere College SJ                                                                                                           Belvedere College SJ

                                                                                                                               Here is the planned outline of the Return to School Schedule as previously notified in the August Newsletter. All students
                                                                                                                               will have an assembly on their first day back at the College to explain the new guidelines and procedures.

                                                                                                                                          DATE                                                      GROUPS                                      TIME
                                                                                                                                Friday 28th August         Covid Training and Protocols for Staff                                           9.00-3.30 pm

                                                                                                                                Monday 31st August         Staff Training and CPD – return to school planning and preparation               9.00-3.30 pm

                                                                                                                                Tuesday, 1st September     Rhetoric Students only                                                           9.00-11.00 am

                                                                                                                                                           Grammar Students only                                                            10-12.00 am

                                                                                                                                                           Staff CPD/Dept Meetings                                                          1.00-3.30 pm

                                                                                                                                Wednesday 2nd September    Poetry Students only                                                              9.00-11.00 am

                                                                                                                                                           Rudiments Students only                                                          10-12.00 am

                                                                                                                                Thursday 3rd September     Elements Students only                                                           9.00-12.00 am

                                                                                                                                                           Syntax Students only                                                             10.30-12.30 pm

                                                                                                                                                           Staff CPD/Dept Meetings                                                          1-3.30 pm

Dear Parents/Guardians,                                       as it would appear there is a complacency regarding               Friday 4th September       School for all                                                                   8.45-3.30 pm
                                                              contracting the virus if you are young.
The “BACK TO SCHOOL” ads have taken on a whole new
meaning this year as we return to a new, very different       There will be many changes to school life, but we all want       The Elements Induction which is planned for next week at Distillery Road can go ahead as arranged and as per the letter to
school life. Following on from the Newsletter on the 7th      to return to a new normal, which will be very different to       Element parents; The timetable for the programme is listed below. The Induction will take place in our College grounds on
of August, please find below a detailed explanation on the    pre Covid-19 life. However, we all share in the responsibility   Distillery Road – Belvedere Rugby Ground, 18 Distillery Rd, Drumcondra, Dublin 3, D03 XN25
reopening of the school.                                      to make school a safe, happy place where each is nurtured        NB: Please note that the times change over on Wednesday and Thursday.
                                                              to excel and discover their gifts. Please discuss the most
As a College Community, all of us will have to adapt and      recent HSE advice with your son regularly in supporting the                 DATE                  TIME                                             CLASS GROUPS
change over the first weeks to alter our behaviour, so that   return to school.
                                                                                                                                Monday 24th August         9.00-11.00         Loyola                         Aylmer              Xavier
we overcome problems and find new and creative solutions.
In doing so, we continue in the footsteps of Jesuits, who     We have worked relentlessly throughout the summer to
                                                                                                                                                           11.30-1.30         Kenney                         Finlay              Scully
over the centuries embraced challenges, opposition and        prepare the College for a safe return. It is imperative we
hardship, with enthusiasm and resilience. To achieve          keep reminding each other to follow the advice – wear a           Tuesday 25th August        9.00-11.00         Loyola                         Aylmer              Xavier
excellence in all things, which remains at the heart of       mask properly, wash hands, coughing/sneezing etiquette
everything we do, requires that each member of the college    and adherance to social distancing.                                                          11.30-1.30         Kenney                         Finlay              Scully
community, takes responsibility for contributing to making
the best of every opportunity offered.                        Here is the planned outline of the 'Return to School              Wednesday 26th August      9.00-11.00         Kenney                         Finlay              Scully
                                                              Schedule' as previously notified in the August Newsletter. All
In our preparation to return to school, I want to reiterate   students will have an assembly on their first day back at the                                11.30-1.30         Loyola                         Aylmer              Xavier
that it is essential that all prepare for this by following   College to explain the new guidelines and procedures.
                                                                                                                                Thursday 27th August       9.00-11.00         Kenney                         Finlay              Scully
the government advice on social distancing. Please help
stop the spread of infection by talking to your son about                                                                                                  11.30-1.30         Loyola                         Aylmer              Xavier
the need to maintain social distancing when meeting
friends. Some young people may not realise that even
if they do not suffer severe effects of the virus, they
can transmit it to more vulnerable members of society.
Please take the time to discuss this with your son,

                                         6 | BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ                                                                                                           7 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
Headmaster's Message
           Belvedere College SJ

The School Day                                                    Classrooms
•   Classrooms will open at 8.15 every morning                    Students will be allocated a base room on the first day of
•   Any students arriving before this time will need to           school. They will remain in this room for class with the
    remain on the yard or in the Foyer with their mask on         teachers moving to each room. Students will be assigned a
    maintaining a social distance from other students.            place in a seating plan by the Form Tutors. While in option
•   Form tutor period is at 8.40.                                 classes, every effort will be made to keep students sitting
•   Classes will start each day at 8.45 and classes will be of    socially distanced in groups they have sat with previously.
    40 minutes’ duration.                                         Please remind your son that this is important and they
•   There will be a small break at 10.45am for all Year           should keep to their assigned seat.
•   There is an increased number of double classes to limit       Students will have to move for some option classes
    the movement of people around the college.                    but in line with DES guidelines, we are endeavouring
•   There will be split lunch breaks by year groups:              to minimise this movement. Students must wear face
•   Rudiments, Grammar and Poetry will be 12.15 to 12.55          masks when moving to optional classes and where a
•   Elements, Syntax and Rhetoric will be 12.55 to 1.35pm         distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. Over the
•   There will be a staggered finish to the school day.           past number of weeks, the College has created new
•   Elements, Rudiments and Syntax will finish at 3.30 and        classrooms to accommodate social distancing in the
    1.00 on a Wednesday                                           Old Ref, Lecture Theatre, the Study Hall in No 3, Library          Public areas on corridors                                         Afterschool/ Evening Study
•   Grammar, Poetry and Rhetoric will finish at 3.35 and 1.05     and we have reconfigured the Finlay building and the               All social distancing measures must be complied with at           This is under review and we await government guidelines.
    on a Wednesday                                                Jesuit Library in Belvedere House. We will also be using           all times. Students must wear face masks when moving to
•   All students should vacate the classrooms at the end of       other spaces as break-out areas in the O’Reilly Theatre            optional classes and where a distance of 2 metres cannot          Belvedere College App
    the school day to allow for a full clean of the premises.     and New Ref.                                                       be maintained. There are spacing markers on every corridor
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Have you downloaded it from the Apple or Google Store?
                                                                                                                                     and some buildings will be one way only. There will be a
Masks                                                             Lockers                                                                                                                              Please see the attachment for details.
                                                                                                                                     period of adjustment to familiarise themselves with the new
As per Government guidelines, students will wear masks in         As per government guidance, there will be no lockers               reality of a different school experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contact Information
lessons. Masks will be worn travelling to and from classes        available for students. Students must have all textbooks and
and where a 2-meter distance cannot be maintained.                appropriate resources accessible on their iPad. Students           Access to the school                                              It is extremely important that we have your contact
                                                                  will not be allowed to share books or basic class materials;                                                                         information correct for your son. We ask that you refrain
                                                                                                                                     We need to minimise visitors to the College, but if there
Illness                                                           therefore, we ask parents that a personal supply of books,                                                                           from ringing the College to update this, but you can
                                                                                                                                     is an emergency and you need to access the College it is
                                                                  copies, pens etc. is maintained for each child. As most                                                                              forward any change in your details to
More than ever before, we each carry responsibility to                                                                               essential that you call in advance. All visitors must report to
                                                                  parents took out insurance at the time of iPad purchase,                                                                    stating your son’s name and
do everything we can to prevent the spread of infection.                                                                             Reception and wear a mask.
                                                                  an insured device can be repaired or replaced through the                                                                            the new contact email, phone number and address.
If your son is unwell, it is imperative that he remains at
                                                                  insurer. Please contact if you        Parent Information Evenings
home, medical advice is sought, and he does not return to                                                                                                                                              Finally, please note that the Parent AGM will take place later
                                                                  have any queries.
school until he is fully recovered. We have to ensure the                                                                            These will take place online as per the calendar. Details will    in September. You will receive notification regarding the
health and safety of over 1100 people per day. All students                                                                          be sent to parents in advance of their meeting.                   meeting in the next Newsletter early in September.
                                                                  Lunch Breaks
should remain at home if unwell, this includes: colds, tummy
bugs, flu and any minor illness that would normally result        Students will be allocated a set zone by Year Group. Zones         Sanitising                                                        We are looking forward to reconnecting with our students
in attendance at school. Failure to do this will result in the    will be explained to students in their Year Assembly on their                                                                        and welcoming the Elements students. I hope you enjoy
spread of infection.                                              return and they will be expected to stay in their zones at         Over 100 hand sanitising stations have been installed in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the last week before we return and hopefully the weather
                                                                  these times to minimise contacts. Students should bring            College. A hand sanitiser pump and wipes are provided in
In the event that a student develops Covid-like symptoms          their own water container. Filtered water is available. Water      every classroom, office and public space.
while at the College, he will be supported in our ‘Isolation      fountains will not be operational.                                                                                                   Yours sincerely,
Room’. His parent/guardian will be contacted immediately                                                                             Co-Curricular
to collect their child. It is absolutely essential that we have   Canteen                                                            At the beginning of the school year, co-curricular activities
an up to date contact number to access a parent/guardian          A pick-and-go option will be trialled and students can             will begin online in accordance with public health advice.
during the school day.                                            collect from a year specific collection point. If students avail   We envisage those that need to be held in the College will
                                                                  of this option, they must wear a mask when queuing and             begin at the end of September with reduced numbers.
If there are any underlying illnesses that you are concerned      follow Prefect instructions. Once they have collected their        Sports and Games will continue in Cabra and Distillery in
about, please contact the Form Tutor and Year Head.               food, they return to their year specific breakout zone. The        line with protocols already put in place over the summer.         Headmaster, Belvedere College SJ
                                                                  breakout zones will be explained to the students as part of        Please check with your son in regard to which co-curricular
                                                                  their return to school induction.                                  activities he is engaged with.

                                             8 | BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ                                                                                                            9 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
Principal Dates
         Academic Year 2020 | 2021
              Please note that dates are subject to change, please try to arrange family holidays, etc. around these dates.

MONTH         D AY     D AT E   ACTIVITY                                                                            TIME                MONTH            D AY   D AT E   ACTIVITY                                                                                TIME

AUGUST        M-Th     24-27    Elements Induction                                                                  9-1pm               D E C /J A N     W-T    23-5     School Closed –No School for Students - Christmas Break
              M-Th     24-27    Prefects’ Induction                                                                 2-4pm               J A N U A RY     W      6        School Re-opens today
              Th       27       Elements Parents’ Induction (concluding with Mass)                                  10.30-12 (12-1pm)                    F      8        *Junior Cycle Cluster Day – CPD for Staff – No School for Students                      *Provisional
                                New Staff Induction                                                                 1.30-3.30pm                          S      9        Belvedere Ball for Rhetoric 2020 - Aviva Stadium
                                Staff Day                                                                           9-3.30pm                             Th     14       Rhetoric Parent Teacher Meeting                                                         3.50-6.50pm
              M        31       Rhetoric/Poetry/Grammar Return to School plus Staff Dept./CPD                                                            M      25       Grammar Parent Teacher Meeting                                                          3.50-6.50pm
                                *Please note there may be a staggered start and end time for each group this will                                        W      27       Subject Options Meeting for parents of Elements 2021                                    7pm
                                 be notified in August. No School for Syntax, Rudiments & Elements Students.                            F E B R U A RY   M      1        Parents' Association Talk No 2                                                          7pm
              M        31       JCT Parents Evening                                                                 6-7pm                                F-F    5-12     Rhetoric Mocks Commence
              M        31       Information Evening for Grammar Parents                                             7pm                                  M      8        Subject Choice Information Meeting for Syntax Parents                                   7pm
SEPTEMBER     T        1        Syntax/Rudiments & Elements Return to School plus Staff Dept./CPD                                                        M-F    15-19    School Closed –No School for Students - Midterm Break
                                *Please note there may be a staggered start and end time for each group this will                                        M      22       School reopens after Mid-Term Break
                                 be notified in August. No School for Rhetoric, Poetry & Grammar Students.                                               T      25       Poetry Parent Teacher Meeting                                                           3.50-6.50pm
              W        2        First Full Day of School for All Students.                                          8.45-1.05pm         MARCH            M      1        TY information for Grammar Parents                                                      7pm
                                SCT Parents Evening                                                                 6-7pm                                Th     4        Poetry Careers Clinic                                                                   6pm
                                Information Evening for Rhetoric Parents                                            7pm                                  W      17       School Closed - No classes for Students - St. Patrick’s Day
              M        7        Information Evening for Poetry Parents                                              7pm                                  F      19       Windband Concert                                                                        7pm
              W        9        Information Evening for Rudiments Parents                                           7pm                                  M-F    29-9     School Closed - Easter Holidays
              M        14       Parents' Association AGM                                                            7pm
                                                                                                                                        APRIL            M      12       School reopens after Easter Holidays
              W        16       Opening School Mass                                                                 11.30am
                                                                                                                                                         M      19       Parents' Association Talk No 3                                                          7pm
              T        22       Study Skills Seminar for Parents                                                    7pm
                                                                                                                                                         F      30       Annual Musical Evening                                                                  7pm
              F        25       No School for Students Today
                                                                                                                                        M AY             M      3        Bank Holiday – No School for Students Today
OCTOBER       M        5        Social evening for parents of Elements                                              7pm
                                                                                                                                                         Th     20       Rhetoric Passing Out Ceremony - Classes for Elements and Poetry only
              M-F      26-30    School Closed –No School for Students - Midterm Break
                                                                                                                                                         F      21       Rhetoric Graduation                                                                     4pm
NOVEMBER      M        2        School reopens after Mid-term Break                                                                                      F      28       House Exams
              T        3        Rudiments Parent Teacher Meeting                                                    3.50-6.50pm
                                                                                                                                        JUNE             Th     3        TY Graduation                                                                           7.30pm
              W        4        Guidance Dept Information for Rhetoric Parents                                      7pm
                                                                                                                                                         F      4        House Exams end and School breaks for Summer Holidays
              M        9        Parents' Association Talk No 1                                                      7pm
                                                                                                                                                         W      9-29     Leaving/Junior State Examinations
              Th       12       Elements Parent Teacher Meeting (GYM)                                               3.50-6.50pm
              W        18       Annual College & FET Fair                                                           7-9pm
              M        30       Syntax Parent Teacher Meeting                                                       3.50-6.50pm                                          PLEASE NOTE:

DECEMBER      W        2        Whole school Mass for Feast of St Francis Xavier                                    11.30am                                              These dates are correct at time of publishing but may change during the course
                                                                                                                                                                         of the year.
              S        5        Christmas Carol Service                                                             5pm
              W-T      9-22     House Exams                                                                                                                              There may also be changes to the format or the arrangements for an event due
                                                                                                                                                                         to Covid -19 restrictions. Events will proceed as planned once the College can safely
              T        22       School Closes today for Christmas Holidays                                                                                               adhere to the guidelines that are in place.
              T-Th     22-24    Sleep Out
              Th       24       Christmas Eve Mass                                                                  7.30pm

                                      10 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                                                11 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
TY—Important Dates                                                                                                          Men for Others
               Academic Year 2020 | 2021                                                                                                   Belvedere College SJ
           Please note that dates are subject to change, please try to arrange family holidays, etc. around these dates.

  MONTH                D AY      D AT E                   ACTIVITY

SEPTEMBER              Tuesday 1st:              Return to school (*9am-11am) *tbc
                       Tuesday 8th:              Induction for LAX (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre
                       Thursday 10th:            Induction for KFS (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre
                       Tuesday 15th:             Talk on Co-curricular activities (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre
                       Thursday 17th:            Talk on Wellbeing (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre                                  ‘Our teachers are educators who build on
                       Tuesday 22nd:             Talk on Careers (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre
                                                                                                                                             tradition and enthusiastically embrace
                       Thursday 24th:            Talk on Drugs (1:35pm - 3pm) - Venue: Lecture Theatre
                       Tuesday 29th:             CAT 4 testing                                                                               change in meeting the challenges of
OCTOBER                Thursday 1st:             TY Activities module 1 begins                                                               the future.’
                       Tuesday 6th:              TY Pursuits module 1 begins
                                                                                                                                              Gerry Foley - Headmaster Belvedere College SJ
                       Monday 19th:              TY sports day - Venue: Distillery Road
                       Tue 20th - Fri 23rd:      TY Form trips (dependent on venue availability)
NOVEMBER               Friday 20th:              Assessment 1 results to be submitted to TY coordinator
                       Monday 30th:              Parent Teacher Meeting (3.50pm - 6:50pm)
DECEMBER               Thursday 3rd:             TY Activities Module 2 begins
                       Tuesday 8th:              TY Pursuits Module 2 begins
                       Tuesday 26th              Subject Choice information session for Syntax students (1:35pm - 3:35pm) LT
F E B R U A RY         Thursday 11th:            Community Care and Work Experience preparation (1:35pm - 3pm) LT
                       Thursday 4th:             TY Activities Module 3 begins
                       Friday 5th:               Assessment 2 results to be submitted to TY coordinator
                       Mon 8th - Fri 19th        Community Care and Work Experience
                       Tuesday 23rd:             Ty Pursuits Module 3 begins
M AY                   Friday 21st               Assessment 3 results to be submitted to TY coordinator

                       Mon 24th - Fri 4th        Community Care and Work Experience
JUNE                   Thursday 3rd              TY Graduation (7:30pm) - Venue: O'Reilly Theatre

                     PLEASE NOTE:
                     These dates are correct at time of publishing but may change during the course of the year.

                     There may also be changes to the format or the arrangements for an event due to Covid -19 restrictions. Events will
                     proceed as planned once the College can safely adhere to the guidelines that are in place.

                                                                                                                                                                      13 |   STUDENT JOURNAL 2020/2021
                                                12 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                              13 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
The Vision, Mission and Values                                                                                                          The Belvedere Crest
         of Belvedere College SJ                                                                                                                 Per Vias Rectas

         Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

Founded in 1832, Belvedere College SJ is a Catholic secondary school for boys in the heart of Dublin city,                             The redesign of the College crest               1                                         2
Ireland. As part of a worldwide network of Jesuit schools, we are inspired by the missionary life and service                          reinstates the original form of the            The seven black stripes reference St.      The Loyola family’s generosity in
of our patron, St Francis Xavier SJ, and our College motto Per Vias Rectas (By just paths) as our way of                               Loyola coat of arms, while taking              Ignatius coat of arms and the college      feeding their soldiers was such that
proceeding.                                                                                                                            the opportunity to acknowledge                 colours.                                   the leftovers in the pot were enough
                                                                                                                                       the college colours, founding date,                The family coat of arms of St.         to feed the countryside wolves that
The Vision, Mission and Values which define us are as follows:                                                                         and Jesuit ethos within its form.              Ignatius combines two ancient and          came at night. The pot symbolizes
                                                                                                                                                                                      distinguished families, the Oñaz and       their generosity. The name Loyola can
                                                                                                                                       The previous crest was created in 1962,        the Loyola families. In 1321 seven sons    be interpreted as the contraction of the
                                                                                                                                       replacing one Fr. Jeffcoat SJ designed         of the Oñaz family fought beside           Spanish lobos y olla, ‘wolves and pot’ or
         Our Vision                                                                                                                    in 1907. The article in the 1962               their king with bravery and great          ‘an abundance of loam’.
                                                                                                                                       Belvederian by Fr E. Murphy SJ traces          distinction. In recognition of this,
         Our vision is to form men for others – compassionate, discerning people in pursuit of a just and                              some of the changes to the crest               they were awarded a coat of arms of        3
         sustainable world.                                                                                                            since 1907. This new crest is part of a        seven red diagonal stripes on a field      IHS is a christogram, a combination
                                                                                                                                       refreshed visual identity that expresses       of gold. These possibly commemorate        of Greek letters to represent ‘Jesus
                                                                                                                                       the history and provenance of the              the seven brothers of the family who       Christ’. The christogram has had other
         Our Mission                                                                                                                   college, while recognising the Christian       fought with distinction in the battle of   meanings attributed to it including
                                                                                                                                       values that guide our path forward.            Beotíbar near Tolosa in 1331.              ‘Jesus Hominium Salvator’ — Jesus
         Our mission is to provide an education which promotes academic excellence, life-long learning, spiritual                                                                                                                Saviour of Men. St. Ignatius of Loyola
         growth and the pursuit of social justice rooted in a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                         adopted the christogram in his seal as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 general of the Society of Jesus (1541),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and thus it became the monogram of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Jesuits.
         Our Values                                                                                                                                                                                                              4

         There are four key Values which characterise our culture.                                                                                                                                                               The Society of Jesus founded St
                                                                                                                                                                                       3                                         Francis Xavier's College in a disused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 convent on Hardwicke Street with
         1. Community                                                       2. Jesuit Tradition                                                                                                                                  nine students in 1832, three years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 after Catholic Emancipation, making
         We are a Catholic community of welcome and                         Steeped in the rich and evolving tradition of Jesuit                                                                                                 it the second oldest Catholic college
         inclusion. We foster this through respectful and                   education since 1548, we embrace the spirituality of                                                                                                 in Ireland for lay students. We share in
         collaborative relationships between staff, students,               St Ignatius of Loyola to find God in all things, to care                                                                                             a long Ignatian tradition of ‘Educating
         parents, past pupils, and the wider community. We                  for each individual (cura personalis), and to live an                                                                                                Men for Others’. (Men & Women for
         understand that we belong to one human family and                  active faith in service of others.                                                                                                                   Others by Pedro Arrupe SJ, Valencia,
         treasure the diverse cultures within it.                                                                                                                                                                                1973)

                                                                                                                                                                                  2                                              The motto Per Vias Rectas (‘By straight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ways or paths’) was adopted by the
         3. Justice                                                         4. The Magis - The More                                                                                                                              College in 1934 by the Rector, Fr
         We strive to be people of integrity who relate                     We continuously strive for ‘The More’ - in our                                                                                                       Morris SJ.
         honestly and fairly with one another. We walk                      spiritual growth, in academia, the arts, sport and                                                                4
         with and advocate for those on the margins,                        social justice. We are challenged to live out our
         locally and globally. We recognise the urgent                      unique potential as human beings. We hold each
         need to respond to the pandemic of poverty and                     other to a higher standard and seek to rise to every
         climate change.                                                    challenge - all for the Greater Glory of God (AMDG).

                                        14 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                                                      15 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
The Aim of Jesuit Education                                                                                                   Prayer in the Ignatian Tradition
             Belvedere College SJ                                                                                                          Belvedere College SJ

           Per Vias Rectas                                                                                                              Ignatian prayer is imaginative, reflective, and personal.
           We aim to form leaders in service, in imitation of Christ Jesus; men and
           women of competence, conscience and compassionate commitment.

                                                                                                                                 St. Ignatius Loyola encouraged           1. Become aware of                         4. Choose one feature
                                                                                                                                 people to develop an intimate               God’s presence.                            of the day and pray from it.
                                                                                                                                 relationship with a God who loves           Look back on the events of the day         Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to
                                                                                                                                 them and desires the best for them.         in the company of the Holy Spirit.         something during the day that God
                                                                                                                                 Ignatius Loyola trusted human               The day may seem confusing to              thinks is particularly important. It
                                                                                                                                 desires. He believed that our               you—a blur, a jumble, a muddle.            may involve a feeling—positive or
                                                                                                                                 deepest desire is to return God’s           Ask God to bring clarity and               negative. It may be a significant
                                                                                                                                 love. Ignatius Loyola also trusted          understanding.                             encounter with another person
                                                                                                                                 feelings. He believed that feelings of                                                 or a vivid moment of pleasure or
                                                                                                                                 joy and sorrow, peace and distress,      2. Review the day with gratitude.             peace. It may be something that
                                                                                                                                 were important indicators of the            Gratitude is the foundation of             seems rather insignificant. Look at
                                                                                                                                 path toward fruitful decisions and          our relationship with God. Walk            it. Pray about it. Allow the prayer
                                                                                                                                 deeper union with God. At the heart         through your day in the presence           to arise spontaneously from your
                                                                                                                                 of Ignatian prayer are the Spiritual        of God and note its joys and               heart—whether on of intercession,
                                                                                                                                 Exercises and the Daily Examen.             delights. Focus on the day’s gifts.        praise, repentance, or gratitude.
                                                                                                                                                                             Look at the work you did, the
                                                                                                                                 How Can I Pray?                             people you interacted with. What        5. Look toward tomorrow.
                                            Characteristics of
                                                                                                                                 A great way to pray is to look for          did you receive from these people?         Ask God to give you light for
                                            Jesuit Education
                                                                                                                                 God’s presence in your life. More than      What did you give them? Pay                tomorrow’s challenges. Pay
                                                                                                                                 400 years ago St. Ignatius Loyola           attention to small things—the food         attention to the feelings that
Competence (The Head) —embraces             Finding God in All Things                  In Service of the Church
                                                                                                                                 encouraged prayer-filled mindfulness        you ate, the sights you saw, and           surface as you survey what’s
a broad spectrum of abilities;              Facilitating the discovery of and          Jesuit schools are part of the Church’s
                                                                                                                                 by proposing what has been called           other seemingly small pleasures.           coming up. Are you doubtful?
academic proficiency (including the         encounter with God is its core value.      mission to serve and humanise the
                                                                                                                                 The Daily Examen. The Examen is             God is in the details.                     Cheerful? Apprehensive? Full of
ability to reason reflectively, logically                                              world and give glory to God.
                                                                                                                                 a technique of prayerful reflection                                                    delighted anticipation? Allow these
and critically), technological and          Cura Personalis
                                                                                                                                 on the events of the day in order to     3. Pay attention to your emotions.            feelings to turn into prayer. Seek
vocational skills, an appreciation of the   Caring for the individual and inviting     The ‘Magis’ –
                                                                                                                                 detect God’s presence and to discern         One of St. Ignatius’s great insights      God’s guidance. Ask God for help
creative arts and sports, and effective     them on their unique journey               Striving for Excellence
                                                                                                                                 his direction for us.                        was that we detect the presence of        and understanding. Pray for hope.
communication skills.                       of personal, moral and spiritual           Jesuit Education seeks to elicit great
                                                                                                                                                                              the Spirit of God in the movements
                                            development.                               desires and encourages students to
                                                                                                                                                                              of our emotions. Reflect on the        St. Ignatius encouraged people to
Conscience (The Heart) —                                                               strive for great things for God.
                                                                                                                                                                              feelings you experienced during        talk to Jesus like a friend. End the
a person of conscience discerns what        Growth Towards Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                              the day. Boredom? Elation?             Daily Examen with a meaningful
is right, good and true and has the         and Responsibility                         Working as a Community
                                                                                                                                                                              Resentment? Compassion? Anger?         conversation with Jesus. Ask
courage to act according to those           Jesuit pupils are to be men and            All involved in Jesuit Education
                                                                                                                                                                              Confidence? What is God saying         forgiveness for your shortcomings. Ask
values.                                     women of conscience, able and willing      collaborate in the service of shared
                                                                                                                                                                              through these feelings? God will       for God's protection and help. Ask for
                                            to stand up and be counted in the          values. A common task, and an
                                                                                                                                                                              most likely show you some ways         God's wisdom about the questions you
Compassion (The Hands) —                    name of truth and justice.                 overarching vision.
                                                                                                                                                                              that you fell short. Make note         have and the problems you face. Do
a compassionate heart recognises
                                                                                                                                                                              of these shortcomings. But look        all this in the spirit of gratitude. Your
Christ present in the faces of those in     Christ is The Model                        Adaptable and Open to Growth
                                                                                                                                                                              deeply for other implications. Does    life is a gift, and it is adorned with gifts
greatest need, and walks with them in       for Human Life                             To nurture a capacity to adapt flexibly
                                                                                                                                                                              a feeling of frustration perhaps       from God. End the Daily Examen with
solidarity and empathy.                     Jesus is at once the face of God and       to the demands of new circumstances
                                                                                                                                                                              mean that God wants you consider       the Our Father.
                                            the model of compassionate love.           and challenges, intellectual and
                                                                                                                                                                              a new direction in some area of
                                                                                                                                                                              your work? Are you concerned
                                            A Faith That Does Justice
                                                                                                                                                                              about a friend? Perhaps you should
                                            Forming men and women for a life of
                                                                                                                                                                              reach out to him/her in some way.
                                            active social commitment.

                                            16 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                                      17 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Parent Handbook 2020/2021 - Belvedere College SJ
The Examen of Consciousness
          Belvedere College SJ

          A way to be in tune with yourself, God and the world
          around you.

What is the Examen?                       How ‘to do’ the Examen                     Ignatian concepts of
The Examen is a prayerful reflection      There are five steps to the Examen. It     Consolation and Desolation
from the Spiritual Exercises of St        can be helpful to think of each step       St Ignatius' use of the concepts of
Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the        as a finger of your hand and one of        Consolation and Desolation are critical
Jesuits) which has become a key           5 R's, i.e. Relish (your day), Request     to understanding and practising the
part of Jesuit life and which can         (help in being honest with yourself),      Examen.
have a powerful impact on the lives       Review (your day), Repent (for any
of those who use it. It consists of       wrongdoing), Resolve (to be a better       Consolation is when something
setting time aside each day (for          person in future)                          is deeply and genuinely good for
Ignatius twice a day, at midday                                                      us, good for our souls, leads us
and the end of the day) to reflect        1 Give thanks (Relish)                     towards God and away from our
prayerfully on the events of the day        Spend a few moments in gratitude         preoccupations.
and where God has been in those             for the gifts and blessings of the
events.                                     day.                                     Desolation is when something is not
                                                                                     good for us, when we are wrapped
The Examen is a simple exercise in        2 Ask for light (Request)                  up in ourselves, and careless of God's
the practice of attentiveness to our        Ask God to enlighten you, showing        gifts and grace working in us, when we
lived experience and also in the art        where God has been at work and           substitute other things in place of God.
of discernment - becoming aware of          present in your day through events,
the ways in which God is active in our      people and places.                       Note that Ignatius means spiritual
life and resolving to co-operate better                                              consolation / desolation. While these
with God’s gifts and calling.             3 Examine the day (Review)                 may be found in our thoughts and
                                            Review the moments of the                emotional responses, they are not the
The Examen should be embedded in            day, noticing what has led               same as our feelings of delight and
the life of Jesuit schools as a way of      to consolation and what has led          despair.
encouraging pupils and staff to reflect     to desolation and my reactions to
on their experience and to explore the      these events, people and places          St Ignatius gives us a quick rule of
ways in which God is present in that        (see consolation and desolation).        thumb to 'test' whether something is
experience. The Examen might take 10                                                 truly consolation or truly desolation:
to 15 minutes to complete, but can also   4 Seek forgiveness (Repent)                by noticing the faith, hope and love in
be done in a much shorter time.             Ask God's forgiveness for the times      us. Something that is truly consolation
                                            when you have acted, spoken or           will show itself in an increase in faith
                                            thought contrary to his grace and        (i.e. self-confidence in myself, in my     T H E P R AY E R O F
                                            calling for you. (This may also          family, in my colleagues and pupils,
                                            involve seeking forgiveness from a
                                            person you have been rude to or
                                                                                     in society in general and in God), an
                                                                                     increase in hope (i.e. I am positive
                                                                                                                                St. Ignatius Loyola
                                            mistreated in any way during your        about things, always seeing the best,
                                            day)                                     seizing the little opportunities that
                                                                                     come my way, having a reason to get        Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous,
                                          5 Resolve to change (Resolve)              out of bed in the morning), and an         Teach me to serve You as I should,
                                            Decide what in your behaviour or         increase in love (i.e. the loving and
                                            attitude you will try to improve         compassionate ways I treat those           To give and not to count the cost,
                                            tomorrow.                                around me, especially those I find         To fight and not to heed the wounds,
                                                                                     difficult to love).
                                                                                                                                To toil and not to seek for rest,
                                          Using a gratitude journal helps notice the movement of life in your days, weeks,      To labour and ask not for reward,
                                          and months. Take time to write a few notes each day. For more practical tips on       Save that of knowing that I do Your most holy will.
                                          using the Examen please visit:

                                          18 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                           19 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Jesuit Ecucation
           Student Year and Class Names

The primary aim of Jesuit education is to create                          1st Year          Elements    The basics of the language
the vir eloquens – literally eloquent man, who
                                                                          2nd Year          Rudiments   Enhancing the basics
is able to think and speak for himself. Thus the
classes in a Jesuit College are named after the                           3rd Year          Grammar     The grammar of the language
stages in the learning of a classical language,
                                                                          4th Year          Syntax      The word order of the language
e.g. Latin. Following the tradition of Jesuit
educational institutions around the world, each                           5th Year          Poetry      The literature of the language
year group is assigned a name based on the                                6th Year          Rhetoric    Public Speaking
Renaissance Jesuit tradition.

Understanding The Terms We Use
                                                                         Form Tutor
                                                                         Each class is led by a Form Tutor, thus there are 36 in the
                                                                                                                                                        ‘When the Jesuits opened St Francis Xavier’s
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. A Latin phrase, it translates as “To
the greater glory of God”. Students must write AMDG on
                                                                         College. The Form Tutor is assigned to a class in its first
                                                                         year and normally stays with that class for its six years.
                                                                                                                                                         College in 1832, there were just nine students’
every piece of written work.                                             The Form Tutor is the primary carer for the student and
                                                                         is also the main point of contact for the students and                          names in the roll-book. Nearly two centuries
CURA PERSONALIS                                                          parents/ guardians. He/she meets with his/her class every
Personalised care and concern, lies at the core of the
mission of Belvedere College SJ and is taken to mean that
                                                                         morning during Form Tutor Period at 8.40am for 5 minutes.
                                                                         Registration is taken at this time. The Form Tutor gives
                                                                                                                                                         later, Belvedere remains by conscious choice
staff are deeply involved in developing the intellectual,
social and spiritual growth of each student.
                                                                         guidance and advice to the boys. S/he also assists parents/
                                                                         guardians by giving an overview of their son’s development
                                                                                                                                                         in the heart of Dublin within the Jesuit-run
                                                                         both at Parent-Teacher Meetings and in the report which
                                                                         accompanies academic results twice a year. The Form                             parish of Gardiner Street’.
A Latin phrase, it translates as, ‘By straight ways/ paths’ and          Tutor has a responsibility to address any issues in relation
is the College motto.                                                    to academic achievement, engagement, punctuality,
                                                                         attendance and uniform. Form Tutors also complete the
“MEN FOR OTHERS” - FR PEDRO ARRUPE S.J.                                  final reference for their students, therefore it is important
A key dimension of Jesuit education is developing each                   that students keep them informed of their achievements
student’s awareness of their responsibility to engage in                 in the College. Please contact your son’s Form Tutor if you
social justice activity.                                                 have any concerns about your son and his performance or
                                                                         wellbeing at Belvedere.

Class Names                                                              For matters relating to issues in specific classes,                                                                                •   monitor uniform code and address any issues in
                                                                                                                                             Elements    Mr Rogan
                                                                         correspondence should first be directed to the subject                                                                                 relation to punctuality/attendance
There are six classes in each year and each is given
                                                                         teacher. It is always best to talk to the individual teacher        Rudiments   Mr O'Shea         •   support and advise tutors/teachers with regard to
individual names: Loyola (St Ignatius Loyola, founder of
                                                                         if possible, most issues can be resolved in a spirit of                                                                                students
the Jesuits), Aylmer, (Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, founder & first                                                                                 Grammar     MrCarey
                                                                         collaboration.                                                                                                                     •   communicate and liaise with parents/guardians
Rector of Belvedere College SJ) Xavier (St Francis Xavier,
co-founder of the Society of Jesus and patron of Belvedere                                                                                   Syntax      Mr Colohan           regarding their son’s engagement and achievement
                                                                         Email while convenient, is a very poor substitute for                                                                              •   monitor breaches of discipline and implement
College SJ).Kenney (Fr Peter Kenney SJ, superior of the
                                                                         discussion and clarification and should only be used where          Poetry      Mr Hennelly          sanctions
restored Jesuits in Ireland & provincial when Belvedere
                                                                         a conversation was not possible.                                                                                                   •   monitor students’ reports and address issues relating
was founded), Finlay (Fr Thomas Finlay SJ, a prolific writer                                                                                 Rhetoric    Ms Ni Bhriain
and second Rector of Belvedere College SJ, and Scully (Fr                                                                                                                                                       to academic achievement and engagement
Thomas Scully SJ, teacher of Physics at Belvedere College                                                                                                                                                   •   liaise with Career Guidance/Chaplain and Special
                                                                         Year Head                                                                                                                              Education Department regarding students’
SJ with a long association with SVP. The Scully Science
medal is awarded every year in his name)                                 Each year group is co-ordinated by a Year Head: an              The Year Head will also endeavour to:                                  achievement and engagement
                                                                         experienced teacher with overall responsibility for                                                                                •   prevent bullying by consistent monitoring of student
Each class group retains its name, so a boy in first                     the discipline, safety and the smooth running of the            •      support students in achieving their academic potential          behaviour; organise assemblies/ workshops/ surveys/
year, Elements Scully (ES), will graduate in sixth year in               year group. S/he liaises with Form Tutors, the Deputy           •      create a positive climate within the year group with            activities to promote a profound respect for the dignity
Rhetoric Scully (RS).                                                    Headmaster and Chaplains.                                              emphasis on good behaviour, respect and study skills            of others

                                             20 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S . J .                                                                                              21 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Belvedere College SJ                                                         Belvedere College SJ
Men and Women for others                                                     Key Information

‘We foster honesty, integrity, hard work and                     Unique App. Belvedere College SJ
                                                                 Communication - see page 63
                                                                                                                  recorded as a late arrival. Their lateness will
                                                                                                                  be registered and if not already provided
                                                                                                                                                                    until this notification has been received
                                                                                                                                                                    by Reception staff.
                                                                 (replacing Flexibuzz)                            an app. notification should be sent from a
 a strong sense of justice’. These are values,                   The College strives to communicate
                                                                                                                  parent/ guardian outlining the reason. Nor-
                                                                                                                  mally two recorded lates in any one week
                                                                                                                                                                    Parents/guardians must make every
                                                                                                                                                                    effort to schedule family holidays in
                                                                 with parents/guardians in an effective                                                             accordance with the scheduled breaks
 that when neglected, lead to materialism                        way: getting important messages to our
                                                                 parents/guardians while avoiding informa-
                                                                                                                  results in a detention (either early morning
                                                                                                                  before school, or after school).
                                                                                                                                                                    published in the calendar as absence
                                                                                                                                                                    from College during term time is not

 and relativism’.                                                tion overload. As a result of feedback on
                                                                 the existing SMS system and investigation
                                                                                                                  Students who live a long distance from
                                                                                                                  the school may request a ‘Late Pass’ to
                                                                                                                                                                    encouraged. Permission for any absenc-
                                                                                                                                                                    es during the school term for holidays or
                                                                 of suitable alternatives, the College has        present in case of traffic delays which           otherwise should be directed in writing
                                                                 elected to use Unique App. Belvedere Col-        allows them to arrive up to 9.20am with-          and in advance to the Headmaster.
                                                                 lege SJ, a communications app, to keep           out having to account for their lateness.         Principal Academic Dates & Holidays are
                                                                 parents/guardians informed of College            However students should make every                available on the College website under
                                                                 events. The purpose of using the app is to       effort to arrive as early as possible. This       the Parents’ tab and in your son’s journal.
                                                                 streamline the communication channels            late pass is only issued for one year and
                                                                 between the College and parents, teach-          a new application must be made each
                                                                 ers, staff and other associated bodies.          year. Contact Mr Bryce pbryce@belve-              Additional Educational Needs
                                                                 The app can be downloaded onto phones   for this pass.
                                                                                                                                                                    The Additional Educational Needs
                                                                 and /or mobile devices, desktops, Mac-
                                                                                                                  The College attendance database is up-            Department (AEND) supports students
                                                                 Book’s and laptops. All parents/guardians                                                          who have been diagnosed with a learning
                                                                                                                  dated to record lateness or absence of a
                                                                 will receive a guide-sheet and passwords                                                           or physical need that falls within Depart-
                                                                                                                  student. If a student has not registered
                                                                 specific to their parents/guardians group                                                          ment of Education and Skills guidelines.
                                                                                                                  each morning by 11am a text is issued to
                                                                 at the start of the academic year.                                                                 It is grounded in the context of fulfilling
                                                                                                                  parents/guardians to advise. This is an
                                                                                                                  automated service. Please note: Same              the central aim of the College, to provide
                                                                                                                  date notifications to leave school early          an education based on the characteris-
                                                                 Absences, Late Arrivals, Scheduled                                                                 tics of a Jesuit education. It is also based
                                                                                                                  using Belvedere College SJ App will not
                                                                 Absences And Holidays                                                                              on the principle of inclusiveness, which
                                                                                                                  be accepted after 9.00am.
                                                                 When a student is absent from school,                                                              underlies any policy for special educa-
                                                                                                                  In the case of an emergency/unavoidable           tional needs, and our Mission Statement
                                                                 a signed notification from his parents/
                                                                                                                  situation, parents/guardians must con-            that states ‘students are encouraged and
                                                                 guardians must be sent to the College
                                                                                                                  tact the Year Head to obtain permission           challenged to realise their full potential
                                                                 via Belvedere College SJ app detailing
                                                                                                                  for the student to leave the College.             as human beings.
                                                                 the reason for the absence e.g. illness,
                                                                 medical appointment, family event etc.           Any student who has arrived in the                Currently, support from the DES falls
                                                                 Parents have a responsibility to ensure          College on time, but for some valid               under the guidelines for students who
                                                                 that their son does not have access to           reason is unable to attend their Form             receive additional teaching support hours
                                                                 this facility as it is a serious breach of the   Tutor Period, must inform their form              for designated learning or physical needs.
                                                                 College rules for a student to authorise         tutor before 8.45am                               Applications for additional teaching
                                                                 their own absence.                                                                                 support are applied for on an individual
                                                                                                                  Every effort should be made to schedule
                                                                                                                                                                    basis through the SENO assigned to
                                                                 Students should be in their classroom            medical and dental appointments during
                                                                                                                                                                    the College by the National Council for
                                                                 for Form Tutor Period at 8.40am at               non-school hours. If this is not possible,
                                                                                                                                                                    Special Education. These applications are
                                                                 the latest, as a centralised register is         parents/guardians must send an app.               made once a year to the NCSE.
                                                                 completed at that time. Students who             notification to the College requesting
                                                                 arrive at the College after 8.40am               appointment leave. This notification              Students are provided with support based
                                                                 are late. They must report to the Lates          must be sent before 9.00am on the                 upon their individual needs and on the
                                                                 Monitor (before 9.20am) or to Recep-             appointment day. Students will not be             resources available to the College. This
                                                                 tion (after 9.20am) where they will be           permitted to leave the College campus             support involves liaison with the students

                  22 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S . J .                                                    23 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Key Information | Contd.

themselves, their Form Tutors and other             self-review and target setting. under the Parents’ tab, please     Allergen Champions are on site in             Pastoral care is a dimension of Cura            Frances Stoker-Phelan fstokerphelan@
members of staff. Parents/guardians play                                                     ensure you choose the correct list.          both refs to assist students with food        Personalis that enables the seeds of   and Mr Ruaidhri O
                                               2.   Co-curricular (green) – All students
an integral part in this support system.                                                                                                  allergies and/or intolerances. Students       religious faith and religious commitment        Dalaigh
                                                    are expected to develop their tal-       Bullying
                                                                                                                                          are most welcome to bring in their            to grow in each individual by enabling
Each year the AEN department applies                ents, and awards are given to those
                                                                                             Bullying is forbidden in any shape or        own packed lunches and eat them in            each one to recognise and respond to
for Reasonable Accommodations for                   who have excelled in their co-curric-                                                                                                                                               Classrooms
                                                                                             form. See the Code of Behaviour in the       the Refs or in the courtyard. There           the message of divine love: seeing God at
State examinations in conjunction with              ular activities.
                                                                                             Journal, see also the College’s Fair Play    are microwave ovens available in the          work in his or her life, in the lives of oth-
the Headmaster and the Deputy Prin-                                                                                                                                                                                                     The College operates a tutor-based
                                               3.   Service/Social Justice (blue) –          Policy and other detailed College policies   Old Ref for students to reheat food           ers, and in all of creation; then respond-
cipals, in May of Fifth Year for Leaving                                                                                                                                                                                                classroom system for all years from
                                                    awarded in recognition of outstand-      on the College website www.belvederec-       brought in from home. Eating is NOT           ing to this discovery through a commit-
Certificate students, and in November of                                                                                                                                                                                                2nd to 6th Year which means each
                                                    ing contribution by students who                                    permitted in classrooms or elsewhere          ment to service within the community.
Third Year for Junior Certificate students.                                                                                                                                                                                             Form Tutor has his/her own classroom
                                                    have engaged fully in one of the                                                      in the school. Students should dis-
Parents/guardians may be requested to                                                                                                                                                   Each year-group within the College is           and students travel to different rooms
                                                    many social justice activities.                                                       pose of all eating utensils, drink cans,
update professional reports for students                                                                                                                                                assigned a Chaplain who is available to         throughout the school day. Elements
                                                                                             Cashless Canteens                            papers etc in the appropriate place.
with learning or physical needs to assist in   There is also a choir tie to recognise                                                                                                   students at least once during the ac-           students are classroom-based, except
this application process.                      the contribution of choir members to          Baxter Storey operates the canteens in       The Old Ref is in the basement of the                                                         for certain subjects such as Music, Sci-
                                                                                                                                                                                        ademic year, but also as a need arises
                                               school life; a debating tie is awarded to     the College. The menus are appealing         Junior House and the New Ref is in                                                            ence, Art and PE. Students are strongly
For any parent who is concerned about                                                                                                                                                   at any time during the year. While the
                                               recognise achievement in this area, a         and varied and place a huge focus on a       the Science Wing. The New Ref opens                                                           encouraged to keep the classrooms
their son’s academic performance and                                                                                                                                                    chaplaincy team is primarily concerned
                                               Matteo Ricci SJ tie for excellence in Chi-    balance of healthy options in addition       for hot and cold breakfasts at 7.30am.                                                        neat and tidy.
is considering getting an educational as-                                                                                                                                               with the moral and spiritual develop-
                                               nese Studies and a school council tie for     to traditional favourites. Healthy foods     Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate are also
sessment, it is essential that they contact                                                                                                                                             ment of students, it also plays an im-
                                               elected members of the School Council.        are given priority over high sugar           available.
the AEN department before doing so.                                                                                                                                                     portant role in integrating these with          Code Of Behaviour
                                               See the College website for further           and high fat offerings. Food is freshly                                                    other dimensions of education, (social,
This gives the AEN department the op-                                                                                                                                                                                                   The College’s code of behaviour is out-
                                               updates,              prepared on site. The weekly menu is                                                       personal, academic and physical). The
portunity to complete initial testing and                                                                                                 Care For Students                                                                             lined in detail in the College Journal.
                                                                                             available on the website.                                                                  Chaplains and Guidance Counsellors
helps establish if there is any evidence                                                                                                                                                                                                Students, parents/guardians must read
                                                                                                                                          Cura personalis (a Latin phrase) that         work closely with the Form Tutors,
of an underlying educational need. The                                                       Following on from a successful first                                                                                                       and sign it at the beginning of each ac-
                                               Board Of Management                                                                        translates as ‘Care for the Whole             Year Head and Care Team to provide
AEN team are also involved in providing                                                      year in operation, the College canteen                                                                                                     ademic year. Belvedere is a large com-
                                                                                                                                          Person’ refers to care for each person        support to Staff. The Chaplain works
background information in relation to          The Board of Management oversees the          will remain a cashless environment.                                                                                                        munity of people principally composed
                                                                                                                                          in the community with his/her unique          to guide and encourage the develop-
how the student is performing in main-         running and management of the College.                                                                                                                                                   of those who work in pursuit of certain
                                                                                             As well as dispensing with the need to       gifts, challenges, needs and possibilities.   ment of each student’s faith. He has
stream classes, which is an essential part     It is composed of four nominees of Fa-                                                                                                                                                   common goals. Because of the values
                                                                                             give your son(s) cash on a daily/weekly      It summarises a key part of Ignatian          the support of the Pastoral Depart-
of the educational assessment.                 ther Provincial, SJ (on behalf of the Trus-                                                                                                                                              we hold in common, to ensure the cli-
                                                                                             basis for meals and or snacks, this will     Education, and lies at the core of the        ment staff, under the guidance of the
                                               tees, the Society of Jesus), two elected                                                                                                                                                 mate in which these values can flourish
Any queries regarding AEN support                                                            also enable you to track spending and        mission of Belvedere College S.J.             Director of Faith and Service Pro-
                                               parents and two elected lay-members of                                                                                                                                                   and to facilitate the orderly running
in the College should be addressed to                                                        help ensure the money is spent on a                                                        grammes. Please refer to the website
                                               the College staff. All members contribute                                                  This means that every teacher is                                                              of the College, certain standards of
AEND Co-ordinator,                                                                           suitable lunch/snack.                                                                      for information regarding your son’s
                                               on a voluntary basis. The Headmaster                                                       deeply involved in developing the                                                             behaviour need to be prescribed. For
Ms Val Hamilton, at vhamilton@belve-           is non-voting Secretary to the Board.         Payment for all meals, snacks and vend-                                                    Chaplain, Guidance Counsellors and              further details and policy documents
                                                                                                                                          intellectual, social and spiritual                                 The Board is supported by sub-commit-         ing machine items will be by smart-card                                                    the role of the Care Team.                      on the Code of Behaviour, please visit
                                                                                                                                          growth of each student. However, the
                                               tees on Education, Strategic Planning,        technology (small credit card type fob).     Characteristics of Jesuit Education                                                           the College website.
                                               Finance, Buildings, Publications, Jesuit      No cash will be accepted.                    goes further in stating that Cura             Change Of Address /Contact Details
Award Ties                                     Identity, Health and Safety and the Social                                                 Personalis “is not limited to the
                                                                                             For further information contact sup-                                                                                                       College Officers & Prefects
                                               Diversity Programme.                                                                       relationship between teacher and              Any change of address and/or contact
At the beginning of each academic year                                              or belvederecol-
                                                                                                                                          student; it affects the curriculum and        details must be notified by a parent/           The College Officers are Rhetoric stu-
the Headmaster presents Award Ties             Please see website for further informa-
                                                                                                                                          the entire life of the institution.” The      guardian immediately to reception@              dents, appointed by the Headmaster
to students for achievements in three          tion,
                                                                                             Students may purchase food in both           core values of Belvedere College S.J                             from the list of students nominated by
                                                                                             the Old and New Refs. The Old Ref            outlined in the mission statement                                                             students. They are the Captain and a
1.   Academic (maroon) – There is a                                                          offers hot rolls, wraps, drinks and          permeate its structures and polices                                                           number of Officers. Their appointment
                                               Book Lists                                                                                                                               Choir
     rigorous programme to support                                                           snacks. The New Ref provides afforda-        and the entire school community                                                               procedure includes nominations being
     academic excellence. This includes        Book Lists for Elements students and all      bly-priced hot dinners (€4.40) as well       realises its responsibility in ensuring       The College has a vibrant choir for             sought from students and staff. There
     academic tracking and detailed            other students are available to view on       as soup, smoothies, salads, snacks and       that these pastoral values are upheld in      senior and junior students. Further             are also approximately 45 Rhetoric Pre-
     feedback. Students also engage in         the College website www.belvederec-           vegetarian options.                          the daily life of the school.                 information is available from Ms                fects, appointed by the Headmaster.

                                               24 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                                                 25 |    PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
Key Information | Contd.

The authority of Prefects within the         allowed to say which school they come        unavailable and has voice mail, you may       the Campaign & Alumni Assistant on 01           Leaving and Junior Certificate exam         from 6pm to 9.15pm. An additional fee
College is to be respected by everyone.      from. Students are also encouraged to        leave a voice mail message. Alternatively,    8586633 or email campaignassistant@             timetables are available at www.examina-    applies. Students must behave appropri-
Their function is to serve the commu-        engage in their local parish and social      you may contact teachers via email or                                                       ately during all study periods.
nity by their leadership and sense of        justice/charity organisations.               leave your contact details at reception
                                                                                                                                                                                        Please support us in reminding your
responsibility, and they should receive                                                   for a call back.
                                                                                                                                                                                        son that cheating in an exam, or having
co-operation from all.                                                                                                                  Emergency Procedures                                                                        Guidance And Counselling
                                             Complaints/Grievances                                                                                                                      a mobile phone or smart-watch in an
Class Captains and Vice-Captains are                                                                                                    Fire drills, evacuation and Lock Down           exam, is a serious breach of the College    In the spirit of Cura Personalis the
                                             Procedures are necessary to ensure fair      Correspondence
elected within each class. They are                                                                                                     exercises are carried out regularly             rules and will result in serious sanc-      Guidance and Counselling Department
responsible for leading their own Form       treatment for all in the school and there    Correspondence relating to absentee-          throughout the year. During these               tions. A breach of this rule in state ex-   is another link in the chain of supports
and taking responsibility with the Form      are agreed procedures in the interest of     ism, lateness and requests for leave          exercises, students and staff must follow       ams may lead to the withholding of the      available to students in Belvedere.
Tutor for the overall atmosphere within      establishing good industrial relations and   to attend appointments, should be             the procedure for lock-down/evacuation          result, or even more serious sanctions.     “Check In” classes are organised for
the Form and ensuring that the class-        harmony in the College. Periodic review      sent to the College via the College app       quickly and quietly.                                                                        Elements to ensure that the transition
room is kept free from litter and that       of these procedures takes place to ensure    notification. Correspondence regarding
                                                                                                                                        The sounding of the Lock-down Siren                                                         from primary to secondary school is
any damage is reported immediately.          good practice and to adhere to any de-       student overall academic performance
                                                                                                                                        indicates that there is imminent danger in      Trial (‘Mock’) Examinations                 as smooth as possible for all. Elements,
                                             velopments in employment legislation or      or well-being should be initially directed
Elements and Rudiment classes (1st                                                                                                      or outside the school. An immediate lock-                                                   Rudiments and Poetry students have
                                             case law. Concerns regarding your son’s      to the Form Tutor. All other correspond-                                                      In addition to the formal Christmas
and 2nd Years) are assigned two                                                                                                         down requires that all classrooms are                                                       “Study Skills Seminars in October & No-
                                             progress in a particular subject should      ence should be directed to the Head-                                                          examinations the College currently
Prefects from Rhetoric (6th Year) to                                                                                                    locked, lights are turned off, and silence is   runs trial exams (“mocks”) for Leaving      vember. A Careers Evening is held on the
                                             be discussed in the first instance with      master
guide, assist and help them find their       the particular subject teacher. It is                                                      established until the emergency is cleared      Certificate students in the week before     last Wednesday in November for Poetry
feet within the College community.           always best to discuss these matters         For matters relating to issues in specific    by the College and local authorities. Com-      the Spring/February mid-term break.         & Rhetoric students. Poetry students
The Prefects meet with the class be-         face to face rather than using email         classes, correspondence should first be       munication with parents/guardians is also       The purpose of these examinations is        participate in Mock Interviews, organised
fore Form Tutor Period every morning,        as a first response. Full details on the     directed to the subject teacher. In gen-      part of the procedure.                          primarily to give the students an oppor-    in conjunction with the Parents’ Associa-
and accompany the class on outings           complaints and grievance procedures in       eral, a conversation is better than emails.                                                   tunity to practice timing of answers and    tion in May. Parents’ Evenings take place
and retreats.                                the school are available on the College      Concerns regarding homework should                                                            to experience the conditions which they     for Transition Year and Rhetoric parents/
                                             website on           in the first instance be directed the         Examinations                                    will encounter (length of examinations,     guardians regarding Subject Choice and
The Student Council                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CAO applications respectively.
                                                                                          relevant teacher. If unresolved, or in the                                                    dealing with the intensity of the exam-
                                                                                                                                        Exams are held twice a year, at Christ-
The School Council and Officers meet                                                      case of overall concerns, please discuss                                                      ination period etc.) in the Leaving Cert
                                                                                                                                        mas (formal, usually in the Theatre and                                                     Information on Open Days, Universities,
with the Deputy Principals regularly         Contacting Students                          with the Form Tutor/Year Head.                                                                period itself. The normal timetable for
                                                                                                                                        Gym) and at the end of the Summer                                                           Colleges, Counselling referral service
(once every mid-term) to discuss                                                                                                                                                        Rhetoric students is suspended for this
                                             If you need to contact your son or get       Any anonymous complaint/report is of          term (formal, in the Gym). Bi-annual                                                        and scholarship applications as well as
how the College can improve in the                                                        little use. A genuine concern can be                                                          week and the exams are supervised by
                                             books/sports gear/lunch etc. to your son                                                   reports are available via VSWARE after                                                      studying abroad options are available
promotion of nurturing growth and                                                         raised in confidence and will be managed                                                      their teachers in the examination cen-
                                             during the school day, please contact Re-                                                  the Christmas and Summer exams. A                                                           in the Careers Office. The Guidance
development.                                                                              sensitively.                                                                                  tre(s). As with all examinations conduct-
                                             ception. Reception staff will then advise                                                  report from the Form Tutor and each                                                         Counsellors are available to all students
                                             the Year Head/Form Tutor. Unfortunate-                                                     of the subject teachers is also includ-         ed in the College the corrected scripts     in the College should they be experi-
                                             ly, we are unable to provide delivery of                                                   ed. Each parent is strongly encouraged          are returned to the students and used       encing any academic, personal or social
Community Service                            items to students so it is their responsi-   Campaign Office (Fundraising)                 to respond to these reports by using            as a basis for improving future perfor-     difficulties.
Belvedere students are encouraged to         bility to collect these from Reception.                                                    the Parent Reply forms provided with            mance. The College reviews this policy
                                                                                          The Campaign Office is at the heart of                                                        on a regular basis. There are no trial      For further information contact, Ms
get involved in community service both                                                                                                  each report via the College app. These
                                                                                          fundraising in the College. As a fee-pay-                                                     examinations for Junior Cert students.      O’Donohoe roisinodonohoe@belve-
locally and through school trips. Locally,                                                                                              can be addressed to any of the fol-
                                                                                          ing school we are not eligible for any                                                                                          ; Ms Curran acurran@
for example, students may volunteer          Contacting Teachers                                                                        lowing; Deputy Principal, the student’s
                                                                                          state grants, so all improvements and                                                                                           
to help with flat-decorating and the                                                                                                    Form Tutor, Headmaster and/or a
                                             Written messages may be submitted            developments within the College depend
Soup Run. Junior students can help with      to teachers via the Journal (excluding
                                                                                                                                        specific teacher.                               Extra Study/After School Study              The College offers an extensive Careers
                                                                                          on the support of parents, past pupils
flat-decorating for the elderly, however     sick notes and requests for leave, see       and friends of the College. Our current       Elements exams normally take place at           There are supervised study sessions in      Guidance Programme with a com-
student involvement in the Soup Run          CORRESPONDENCE below). Alterna-              facilities were provided by fundraising       8.45am and are usually finished by 11am.        the Library from 7.45am until school        prehensive system of assessment and
starts in Transition Year. Soup Run stu-     tively, messages and voice mails may be      programmes. We invite all those who           Students are then expected to either go         starts and after school from 3.50pm until   career investigation.
dents help prepare food and hot drinks       left by phone for teachers in the College    are in a position to do so to continue        to the Library or go home and prepare           5.15pm. These study sessions are free       The Careers department aims to:
and offer them to the homeless on the        by contacting the main number (01-           to support and invest in the future of        for the next exam(s). It is unacceptable        of charge. Supervised study is available
streets in designated areas on Wednes-       8586600) and asking to be transferred        Belvedere. Those who wish to offer their      for students to waste time when they            for Rhetoric and Poetry Students during     •   Foster students’ self-knowledge and
days throughout the year; they are not       to the relevant teacher. If a teacher is     time or services are asked to contact         should be studying.                             term time from Monday to Thursday,              self-awareness

                                             26 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                                                   27 |   PARENT HANDBOOK 2020/2021
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