Parking and traffic regulations - Last updated: March 2018 - Messe Frankfurt

Page created by Dustin Chavez
Parking and traffic regulations - Last updated: March 2018 - Messe Frankfurt
Technische Info angelegt 15.08.2018 - Version 06.03.2019 - Freigabe 07.03.2019

                                                                                      Last updated: March 2018

                                                                                                                 Parking and traffic regulations
Parking and traffic regulations

                Frankfurt Low Emission Zone

A low emission zone (Umweltzone)              ing to one of the relevant Pollutant   Emissions stickers can be pur-
is valid for the city of Frankfurt.           Groups and bearing the correspond-     chased:
Since 1 January 2012, this zone can           ing emissions stickers can access
only be accessed by vehicles be-              the exhibition grounds at any time.    Zulassungsbehörde für Kraft-
longing to Pollutant Group 4 and              Vehicles without stickers can also     fahrzeuge , Am Römerhof 19,
bearing the relevant emissions                reach the exhibition grounds:          60486 Frankfurt am Main,
stickers (www.umweltzone.frank-               The exhibition grounds can be ac-      Tel.: +49 69 212 42750, Emissions stickers for              cessed by vehicles without emis-       Monday from 8:00 a.m. til 1:00
vehicles from Germany and abroad              sions stickers via Gate West or        p.m.,Tuesday from 7:30 a.m til 1:00
indicating the relevant Pollutant             Gate North. These can be reached       p.m., Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. til
Group can be ordered at                       via motorway A648 (coming from         1:00 p.m.,Thursday from 10:00 a.m.              the A5) taking the “Rebstock“ exit     til 5:00 p.m., Friday from 7:30 a.m.
feinstaub-plakette/feinstaubplakette_         or via the Katharinenkreisel round-    til 12:00 noon,
ausland.                                      about. Messe Frankfurt‘s Rebstock
                                              multi-storey car park can also be      TÜV Service Center Frankfurt
Access to the exhibition                      reached via the “Rebstock“ exit.       Rebstock, Am Römerhof 15,
grounds:                                      The low emission zone can only be      60486 Frankfurt am Main,
The low emission zone in Frankfurt            accessed by vehicles with emis-        Tel.: +49 69 - 7916 - 460
is located within the motorway ring           sions stickers. Driving a vehicle      Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. til
road comprising the motorways A5              into a low emission zone without       5:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. til
in the west, A3 in the south and              one of these stickers constitutes an   12:00 noon.
A661 in the east. Vehicles belong-            offence and can lead to a fine.
Parking and traffic regulations

 Traffic regulations on the exhibition grounds

In order to provide for a smooth        exhibition grounds is 30 km/h.            contract to Messe Frankfurt at their
flow of traffic during set-up and       Within exhibition halls and else-         owners’ or operators’ expense and
dismantling periods and during          where where traffic conditions            risk.
events, traffic regulations, such as    demand, drivers shall drive at walk-      The instructions of personnel as-
those described in the Parking and      ing speed. Parking vehicles in the        signed by Messe Frankfurt to direct
traffic regulations, shall be ob-       exhibition halls is prohibited.           and supervise traffic and the asso-
served at all times.                    Vehicles’ engines shall be shut off       ciated information shall be followed
The exhibition grounds are the pri-     during loading/unloading. Caravans/       at all times. Driving any type of
vate property of Messe Frankfurt.       campers may not be used on the            vehicle on the exhibition grounds
The provisions of the StVO (German      exhibition grounds.                       requires a permit from Messe
road traffic regulations) apply         Illegally parked vehicles, trailers,      Frankfurt, is at drivers’ own risk,
throughout the exhibition grounds       containers, and goods of any kind         and is prohibited at all times during
and on/in Messe Frankfurt’s parking     may be removed by authorised              events.
facilities. The speed limit on the      towing companies working under

 Rent loading & unloading devices from us

Cranes, forklifts and other devices     Messe Frankfurt Logistics Service.        Please find more details in our
for loading/unloading may only be       The utilisation of electric lift trucks   Service Catalogue and in our order
used by Messe Frankfurt‘s Logis-        for transporting goods at ground          forms. Placement of orders via the
tics Service. The employment of         level is permitted. Electric lift         Messe Frankfurt Logistics Service,
exhibitors‘ own forklifts is prohib-    trucks may only be used for as-           Tel. +49 69 75 75-60 75.
ited for safety reasons. If required,   sembly work on the rented stand
forklifts for loading/unloading are     area; their use for loading or un-
available on a fee basis from the       loading is prohibited.

 Stress-free set-up during the night

The exhibition halls are open 24        quieter night-time hours to set up        as long as you wish. No night sur-
hours a day - round the clock -         your stand. Between 10:00 p.m.            charges will be levied on orders for
during the entire official set-up       and 6:00 a.m., you can leave your         night-time forklifts or personnel.
period. Take advantage of the           vehicle parked at the exhibition hall

Parking and traffic regulations

 Parking your containers, swap bodies and trailers requires our authorisation

The parking of containers, swap            or as a refrigerated truck or con-         and containers will be removed at
bodies, trailers or other storage          tainer.                                    the exhibitor’s expense.
units on the exhibition grounds at         Please note that the simultaneous          If you would like to request a space
any time can only be approved if           storage of stand construction ma-          in which to park these, please send
these are necessary for directly           terials, cases, packaging materials        us your enquiry by fax
supplying the stand, e.g. if they are      etc. during the trade fair is not per-     (+49 69 75 75-64 53) or by email.
being used as a brochure storage           mitted. All unauthorised vehicles

 We also allow your delivery vehicles into the Exhibition Centre during the fair

It is possible to drive into the exhi-     grounds, each driver must pay a
bition grounds for one hour to de-         deposit of EUR 100, which will be
liver goods during the fair (only          forfeited if the deadline is exceed-
until 2:00 p.m. on the last day).          ed.
On entry into the exhibition

 Any questions?

Should you have any questions
regarding traffic, please do not hesi-
tate to contact:

Lothar Dreißigacker, Stefan Götze,         Telephone: +49 69 75 75-66 00    
Mario Hempfling, Ulrike Lamscheck,         Fax:       +49 69 75 75-64 53    
Torsten Müller and Bernd Reißig                                                       frankfurt/en/services/traffic-servic-

 On the following pages, you will find the parking and traffic regulations for set-up and dismantling and for during the
 trade fair itself.

 and finally ...

This Traffic regulations are part of
the Exhibition Contract.

Parking and traffic regulations

 Parking and traffic regulations “at a glance” Texprocess

                                                  Advance set-up                                                       Set-up

                                                   4–8 May 2019                              9-11 May 2019                         12–13 May 2019

                                               7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.                         24 hours a day                         24 hours a day

                                  Free of charge, registration required. Entry only
                                   possible following registration (see below) via
                                     the Check-In, and only to parking level P4
          max. 2.5 t

                                                                                            Entry only possible following registration (see below)
                                                                                                via the Check-In, and only to parking level P4
                                                                                                     Cannot drive to the exhibition halls!

                                  Free of charge, registration required. Entry only
                                   possible following registration (see below) via
                                      the Check-In, and only for max. 2 hours
          max. 3.5 t

                                                                                                                             Entry only possible following
                                                                                                                            registration (see below) via the
                                                                                                                                Check-In, and only for
                                                                                                                                      max. 2 hours
         max. 7.49 t
                                        Free of charge, registration required.        Entry only possible following
                                      Entry only possible following registration         registration (see below)
                                     (see below) via the Check-In, and only for       via the Check-In, and only for
                                                    max. 4 hours                               max. 4 hours

                                                                                                                             Entry only possible following
                                                                                                                            registration (see below) via the
                                                                                                                                Check-In, and only for
        7.5 t and over                                                                                                                max. 4 hours

For further information please follow the underlined links.


Parking and traffic regulations

 Parking and traffic regulations “at a glance” Texprocess

                               Trade fair                           Last day of trade fair                              Dismantling

                            14–16 May 2019                              17 May 2019                                   18-19 May 2019          20 May 2019

                                                                2:00 p.m. to        5:00 p.m. to                                              7:00 a.m. to
                                              Until 2:00 p.m.                                      After 8:00 p.m.    24 hours a day
                                                                 5:00 p.m.           7:00 p.m.                                                 9:00 p.m.

                                                                                                                                             Free of charge,
                                                                                                                                         registration required.
                             Parking only permitted with an
                                                                                                                                          Entry only possible
                                exhibitor parking permit
                                                                                                Entry from the                           following registration
                             Deliveries can be made with a                                                                Entry only
                                                                                                  dismantling                             (see below) via the
       max. 2.5 t             €100.00 deposit for one hour                                                            possible following
                                                                                               assembly point                            Check-In, and only to
                                                                                                                         registration       parking level P4
                                                                                  Entry only   at the Rebstock
                                                                                                                     (see below) via the
                                                                                  permitted      car park, and
                                                                                                                     Check-In, and only
                                                                                with a special only to parking
                                                                                                                     to parking level P4
                                                                                 dismantling        level P4
                                                                                                                       Cannot drive to       Free of charge,
                                                                                vehicle pass Cannot drive to
                                                                                                                        the exhibition   registration required.
                                                                                                the exhibition
                                                                                                                            halls!        Entry only possible
                             Deliveries can be made with a                                            halls!
                                                                                                                                         following registration
                             €100.00 deposit for one hour
                                                                                                                                          (see below) via the
       max. 3.5 t                                                                                                                         Check-In, and only
                                                                                                                                            for max. 2 hours

                                                                 No entry!

                             Deliveries can be made with a
                             €100.00 deposit for one hour
     max. 7.49 t
                                                                                                                                           Free of charge,
                                                                                                                         Entry only
                                                                                                    Entry from the                     registration required.
                                                                                                                    possible following
                                                                                                     dismantling                        Entry only possible
                                                                                     No entry!     assembly point                      following registration
                                                                                                                   (see below) via the
                                                                                                   at the Rebstock                      (see below) via the
                                                                                                                   Check-In, and only
                                                                                                       car park                         Check-In, and only
                                                                                                                     for max. 4 hours
                                                                                                                                          for max. 4 hours

                                        No entry!
      7,5 t and over

For further information please follow the underlined links.


Parking and traffic regulations

 Registration during set-up and dismantling

Exhibitors, stand construction         is available for you. As soon as a     Please note: In case of high vol-
companies and freight forwarders       loading zone becomes available,        ume of traffic waiting times are
can register in advance online, al-    you will be given an authorisation     possible at the Check-In!
lowing them to easily download         form allowing your vehicle to enter    All vehicles must depart the exhibi-
and print their own registration       the exhibition grounds, along with     tion grounds as soon as they have
confirmation form. You can drive to    the gate through which you should      been unloaded/loaded. Vehicles
the specified Check-In with this       enter. The direct link to the online   that stay longer than permitted
registration confirmation form.        registration is:                       may be towed away at the owner’s
Please follow the signs. The regis-    https://einfahrt.messefrankfurt.       expense. back
tration information will be scanned    com/ees/deliverer.
in at the Check-In, where they will
determine whether a loading zone

 Advanced set-up 04-08 May 2019

Advanced set-up is free of charge      Please note that it is not possible
and must be ordered from the           to register vehicles until confirma-
Shop for Exhibitor Services. Please    tion for advanced set-up has been
note that advanced set-up in hall      received. back
4.1 is possible for stands > 50 m²

 Set-up 9-13 May 2019

Registration required (see above).     Set-up ends 13 May 2019 by 3:00
                                       p.m. back

 Car parking spaces

We provide parking spaces for a        start of the event. It may not be      Shop for Exhibitor Services by no
fee for cars with a gross vehicle      possible to honour orders made af-     later than six weeks before the
weight rating of up to 2.5 t. Please   ter this time. We provide parking      start of the event. back
use the Shop for Exhibitor Services    spaces on the exhibition grounds
to make your reservations by no        for car trailers for a fee. These
later than six weeks before the        must also be ordered through the

 Truck parking spaces
You may park your vehicle for set-     12 and 17 May 2019. The number         Reservations are not possible. back
up/dismantling at the Rebstock         of parking spaces is limited.
truck park for a fee between

Parking and traffic regulations

 Trade fair 14-16 May 2019

For deliveries, vehicles will be         All other vehicles will only be al-
granted entry via the gate closest       lowed to enter with a valid parking
to the exhibition hall for one hour      permit. back
in return for a deposit of €100.00.

 Trade fair 17 May 2019 (last day of the trade fair)

On the last day of the trade fair, en-   head to the assembly point at the       haus entrance and Stop 4
try will not be permitted after 2:00     Rebstock car park. This is the only     (Haltepunkt 4) at the E1 truck as-
p.m. From 2:00 p.m. until the start      place where you can obtain a dis-       sembly point at the Rebstock car
of admission for dismantling vehi-       mantling vehicle pass.                  park. back
cles, no vehicles will be allowed to     On 17 May 2019 from 3:00 p.m.
enter the exhibition grounds. Dis-       until 10:00 p.m. a free shuttle bus
mantling vehicles should please          service will run between the Portal-

 Admission for special dismantling vehicles on 17 May 2019 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The trade fair ends at 5:00 p.m. on      when invoiced for your ancillary        fied on the pass. If you leave the
the final day of the event. On 17        costs if you do not leave the exhibi-   exhibition grounds with your vehi-
May 2019 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.,         tion grounds with your vehicle by       cle by 7:00 p.m., you will not be
we offer you the opportunity to re-      the deadline specified in the pass.     charged for your special disman-
move small items in advance of           Special dismantling vehicle passes      tling vehicle pass. For departures
general admission for dismantling        will only be issued to exhibitors       after 7:00 p.m., your pass serves as
vehicles. We will be issuing a limit-    upon presentation of an exhibitor       your receipt and we will include a
ed number of special dismantling         ID and customer number. The             €200.00 charge with your ancillary
vehicle passes for cars and vans up      number of these passes is limited       costs invoice. Please note that you
to 3.5 t gross vehicle weight rating     to a maximum of 400, so we rec-         will not be able to use the goods
during last two days of set-up and       ommend that you obtain yours as         lifts due to the fact that the remov-
during the trade fair itself until all   early as possible. They cannot be       al of the aisle carpeting from the
have been taken. You can obtain          ordered in advance. The issue           exhibition halls and delivery of
these special dismantling vehicle        takes place from 12 May till 17 May     empty packing materials by the Lo-
passes at the Central Information        2019 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.         gistics Service take place at the
Desk in the foyer of hall 4.1 by sign-   Entry starting at 5:00 p.m. and de-     same time. back
ing a declaration that you will be       parture by no later than 7:00 p.m.
charged an additional €200.00            are only possible at the gate speci-

Parking and traffic regulations

 General admission for dismantling vehicles on 17 May 2019 from 8:00 p.m.
Please drive your dismantling vehi-     bition grounds, and it is the only      the exhibition grounds. It is only af-
cles straight to the designated dis-    place where police will permit and      ter this has occurred that cars from
mantling assembly point at the          direct entry starting after 8:00 p.m.   the car parks on the exhibition
Rebstock car park. This is the only     Access from other streets will not      grounds will also be permitted to
place you can receive your disman-      be granted until all of the vehicles    drive to the halls. back
tling vehicle pass to enter the exhi-   from this area have already entered

 Dismantling 18-19 May 2019
Registration required (see above).      Dismantling ends 19 May 2019 by
                                        12:00 p.m. back

 Extended dismantling 20 May 2019
Extended dismantling is free of         Please note that it is not possible     been received.
charge and must be ordered from         to register vehicles until confirma-    Extended dismantling ends 20 May
the Shop for Exhibitor Services.        tion for extended dismantling has       2019 by 9:00 p.m. back

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