Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021

Page created by Darrell Craig
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021

             Paws for
             Better Health
                   The benefits of
                   pet ownership

Time To Check In
Addressing teen
  mental health


  Health Care
 in Your Home
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
Feel Better                                                                    24/7 NowClinic
                                                                               virtual visits

   Faster                                                                      with same-day
                                                                               Secure video chat with a provider
                                                                               from your computer or mobile
                                                                               device for $0 copay.
                                                                               No appointment needed to get
                                                                               care for non life-threatening and
                                                                               non-urgent medical conditions.

                                                             Enroll and get care!
                               Download the      NowClinic app or go to and sign up.

*Same-day medication delivery is only available to Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) and Sierra Health and Life (SHL) members, and is
for medications prescribed during a NowClinic virtual visit that are not controlled medications or medications requiring refrigeration.
Service area is Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson based on delivery address. Delivery wait times may vary and may carry
over to next day depending on time prescription is submitted.
 $0 copays apply with most NowClinic virtual visits. Calendar year deductibles and/or coinsurance may apply on some
plans. Copays may apply on virtual visits with providers not on the NowClinic platform.
NowClinic is not intended to address emergency or life-threatening medical conditions. Please call 911 or go to the emergency
room under those circumstances. NowClinic services may be covered by some health plans; copays and deductibles may apply.
Members under the age of 18 must have a guardian contact NowClinic customer support for assistance in enrolling for their account.
Customer support can be reached at 1-877-550-1515.
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
                                                                                                   SUMMER 2021

     2       Paws for Better Health

     4       What’s Your Reason
             for a Mammogram?
                                                                                                      We're on Call.
     6       Time to Check In                                                               If you’re unsure about your condition, our
                                                                                              24/7 advice nurse may be able to help.
   10        Diagnosed with Prediabetes?                                                   Our nurse is available to answer questions,
                                                                                          provide self‑care advice and help you decide
   12        Intuitive Eating                                                            whether to seek urgent care, emergency care,
                                                                                         or schedule an appointment with your provider.
                                                                                           Just call toll‑free 1‑800‑288‑2264, TTY 711.
   14        Black Bean & Rice Enchiladas:
             Fast, Easy and Delicious
                                                                                                  Questions About Your Health Plan?
                                                                                                  Call the number on the back of your
   15        Not Every Day of Pregnancy is                                                        health plan ID card to speak with our
             Easy                                                                                        Member Services team.

   16        Living Healthy, Happy                                                           Or visit or
             and Tobacco Free                                                       and sign in.

   18        Health Care In Your Home
                                                                                                           Delivering a
  20         12 Tips to Make the Most of
             Your Health Plan                                                                             better member
                                                                                                         Visit your health
                                                                                         plan’s website to explore
                                                                                         our new online provider
1.                         8.
2. Society Register 2020/Vol 4., No. 2     9.
3.                         10.
4. Harvard Health Publishing, HEALTHbeat
                                                 American Journal of Health Promotion
                                                 National Eating Disorders Association
7.                            14.

Health Matters is published as a community service for members of Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health
and Life. Benefits discussed in this magazine may vary by plan and geographic region. If you have specific questions
regarding your coverage, please refer to your plan documents or call Member Services at the number on the back of
your health plan ID card.

Copyright© 2021 United HealthCare Services, Inc. This publication is not intended to replace professional medical
advice or service. Personal health problems should be brought to the attention of your health care provider. Consult
your health care provider before making any changes in your lifestyle or health care regimen. Health plan coverage
provided by Health Plan of Nevada. Insurance coverage provided by Sierra Health and Life.
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
Paws for
       They trot, stroll, scamper, swim and swoop straight into our hearts.
    Those bonds of love and companionship may have health benefits, too.
For many, a beloved pet may be the key to a longer, healthier and happier life.

                                           Feeling tired or a little anxious?
                                           Reach for Fido or Fluffy.
Are You Ready?
Your pet will be depending on you.         A few minutes playing or cuddling with
                                           your pet may reduce stress hormones,
• Do you have the time, energy and         while increasing those that help you relax.
  resources to care for a pet’s needs?     Studies 1 have found that pet ownership
                                           has several health benefits:
• Are there life changes ahead, such as
  a move, new job, marriage or children,   • Less loneliness and isolation
  that might impact your ability to care
  for a pet?
                                           • More physical activity
                                           • Stronger feelings of social support
• What if someone in the house is
                                           • Better mood and outlook
  allergic to or does not get along with
  your pet?
                                           A survey 2 conducted between March
• If you are getting a pet for a child,    and June 2020 linked pet ownership
  are you willing to take over the         to maintaining mental health and coping
  responsibilities of caring for the pet   with the social isolation challenges of
  if your child loses interest or moves    the COVID-19 pandemic. Pets provided
  away?                                    owners with comfort, physical contact,
                                           entertainment, distraction, activity and
• Who will care for your pet while you     connection. An added bonus: Being
  are away on vacation?                    responsible for a pet’s well-being
                                           motivated owners to take better care
                                           of themselves, too.

2   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
An Rx for                                          A healthy
                                                   “forever” home
heart health?                                      Kids, pregnant women and people
No, doctors are not prescribing pets               with weakened immune systems
for better heart health just yet. But the          need to be especially careful:
American Heart Association3 says having
one, especially a dog, may help reduce             • Wash hands after touching a pet.
the risk for heart disease.                        • Supervise kids around pets and keep
                                                     them from kissing the animal or
Studies 4 have shown that dog owners have            putting hands or other objects into
lower blood pressure than non-owners. One            their mouths after touching one.
of the reasons is that dog owners simply           • Keep your pet clean, healthy and
walk more, usually several times a day. And          current on vaccinations.
during those walks, owners are more likely
                                                   • Let someone else clean the litter box
to engage with others. Those added social
                                                     if you’re pregnant.
connections help reduce stress. 2
Additionally, dogs have a calming effect
that promotes feelings of trust and well-
being. Their loving, nonjudgmental manner      Nothing to sneeze about
helps their owners handle stress better. As
a result, blood pressure and heart rate go     Many people are allergic to the proteins 6
up less often and return to normal more        found in flakes of the pets’ skin, saliva and
quickly, reducing the overall effects of       urine. These tiny particles float in the air
stress on the body. 4                          before settling into furniture, carpeting,
                                               bedding and house dust.
Therapy dogs5 are often brought into
hospitals and nursing homes for these          The result may be sheer misery for the
same benefits. But other species may           person with allergies. Keeping pets out
have similar effects.                          of the bedroom, encasing beddings and
                                               pillows in allergen-proof casings, and using
Some hospitals have large tropical fish        a HEPA-filter vacuum and air cleaner may
aquariums in emergency department              help. But if you or someone in the family
waiting rooms to help visitors relax. 5 And    has allergies, talk to your provider before
don’t count out smaller pets. One study5       adopting a new pet.
found that children on the autism spectrum
were calmer, had better social interactions,   Remember, fur babies are not the only
and were more engaged with classmates          option out there. A different type of pet,
after playing with guinea pigs for 10          may be a better, healthier and just-as-loved
minutes.                                       addition to your family.

                                                                Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   3
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
What’s Your Reason
  for a Mammogram?

Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
that mammography may detect breast cancer a year or more before a lump can be felt
by hand? Like many forms of cancer, breast cancer grows by simple cell division. One cell
divides into two, two into four, and so on.

But those cells have to divide almost 30 times before a lump becomes large enough for you
or your provider to feel it. That means it might go undetected for up to five years.

The American Cancer Society recommends annual screening mammograms for women
starting at age 45. Thanks to routine prevention and advances in care, 99% of women
diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage are alive five years later.

                                                   With these things in mind,
Breast Cancer RISK Factors                         we challenge you to ask yourself,
                                                   “What’s your reason for
• Gender: Women and men, though the risk           a mammogram?”
  is much higher for women
                                                   • For the family
• Age: Breast cancer risk increases                • To have a better chance at life
 after age 40
                                                   • For peace of mind
• Genetics: 5% to 10% of breast cancer
  cases are thought to be hereditary
                                                There are some things you can do to
• Family history of cancer                      reduce your personal risk. Getting regular
                                                exercise, maintaining a healthy weight
• Extended exposure to estrogen                 and diet, and limiting consumption
 through reproductive history or hormone        of alcohol may improve your odds.
 replacement therapy
                                                For more information about breast cancer,
• Having no children or giving birth at         go to or
  an older age                        

                                                                Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   5
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
                                         CHECK IN
The kids may not be all right. After all, they     Check in with them often, advise behavioral
are coping with the same uncertainty,              health experts.7 And be ready to listen.
anxiety, isolation and pandemic-related            Stress, anxiety and depression are just the
losses that you are. But they don’t have your      tip of it. Teens are grieving real losses right
maturity, life experience or resilience to         now. Think of it from their perspective:
cope with those unprecedented challenges.          They’ve lost their daily routine, contact with
                                                                 friends and school community.

                                                                “Kids have a separate life at
                                                               school that is important to
                                                               them,” said Rebecca Sultan,
                                                               MA, LMFT. “But now they don’t
Break the Silence about Suicide                                have their school life like before
Social isolation is one of the highest risk factors            or see the friends they talked to
for suicide and the second-leading cause of death              every day.”
among youth ages 15 to 24.8 In Clark County, Nevada,
19 young people died by suicide between March                  The challenges of remote
2020 and January 2021.9 Each young life lost is an             learning, missing out on school
unfathomable tragedy.                                          activities, sports and milestone
                                                               events like graduation multiply
Suicide is a hard topic to bring up with kids and              those losses. Additionally, some
teens, but Sultan says it is very important. Talking           teens have lost their sense of
about it may reduce the risk for someone who has               security and safety because of
already been thinking about it. The National Suicide           pandemic-related job loss or
Prevention Lifeline offers educational resources,              an unstable home environment.
including stories of hope and recovery. Another                And for those mourning a
idea: Read a book or watch a movie about suicide               loved one, grief may be an
together, then discuss it.                                     overwhelming experience.

“Your instinct is to protect your kid, and you are by          Underlying it all is the
educating them,” Sultan said. “You want them to                uncertainty: Will life ever
know you are there for them no matter what.”                   go back to normal?

6   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
Start the                                      Signs to
        Conversation                                   Watch For
“We’re all anxious, depressed and grieving      Get help if someone, at any age, shows the
right now,” said Sultan, who manages the        following signs:
employee assistance program at Health
Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health and Life.      • Talks about feeling hopeless, worthless,
“We need to be talking about this because         “trapped” or has no reason for living.
this is going on nationwide.”                   • Feels like a “burden,” better off dead.
                                                • Makes a will, gives away personal
Your teen may want to talk about it, too, but     possessions, or tries to get affairs in order.
not know how to begin.
                                                • Searches online for ways to hurt
Give them permission to express their
                                                • Falls behind in school.
feelings by sharing your own: Then ask
how they are feeling. “But don’t ask for        • Changes sleeping patterns, too much or
details right away—let them tell you,” Sultan     too little.
said. “Then check back with them later on.”     • Changes eating habits, too much or too
Acknowledge their feelings. Assure them it      • Has mood swings.
is normal to be anxious, sad and depressed      • Acts agitated, anxious or aggressive.
sometimes. Things have changed, and             • Avoids friends and loved ones, spends
there is a lot of uncertainty. “Let them know     more time alone.
they are not alone,” Sultan said. “Kids need    • Behaves recklessly.
to know they are heard and validated.”
                                                • Excessively uses alcohol or drugs.
                                                • Has recently experienced the death of a
Listen without overreacting. Now is not
                                                  loved one, lost a job or other major life
the time for a lecture. Build trust so they
know they can safely come to you for any
problem. Acknowledge what you heard and         • Has tried suicide or shown suicidal
repeat it back. Try, “I really hear you.          behavior before.
You are depressed. Will you let me know if I
can do anything?”

Ask permission before offering advice.
Instead, ask them what they think they

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports
a 31% increase in mental health-related emergency department
visits among children ages 12 to 17 years in recent months.10

                                                                  Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   7
Paws for Better Health - SUMMER 2021
               Resilience                           Additional
These strategies may help your kids focus
on the aspects of life they have some               National Suicide
control over:                                       Prevention Lifeline
                                                    1-800-273-TALK (8255)
• Establish a daily routine, including wake
  up and bedtimes.
• Give your kids a sense of purpose by              Five action steps to help save
  assigning household responsibilities,             someone’s life, plus suicide prevention
  such as helping with meal planning                resources, tips and messages.
  and preparation.
• Share meals, watch movies and do other
  things together that you might not have           National Disaster Distress Helpline
  had time for before the pandemic.                 1-800-985-5990
• Reach out to friends and family via phone,
  video or online games.                            CDC COVID-19
• Limit disturbing news programs                    Parental Resource Kit
  and social media.                       

• Eat healthy foods, stay active, and get
                                                    National Domestic Violence Hotline
  enough sleep.
• Stay hydrated and avoid excessive
  amounts of caffeine or alcohol.
• Practice mindful meditation.
• Encourage creative activities.
                                               Above all, help your kids understand that
• Listen to calming music.
                                               asking for help shows tremendous strength.
• Keep up routine health and
  immunization visits.                         To schedule an appointment with
                                               Health Plan of Nevada Behavioral Health,
• Continue receiving mental health,            call toll-free 1-800-873-2246, TTY 711,
  occupational and speech therapy,             and then press zero at the prompt. For
  if applicable.                               more information, visit your health plan’s

8   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
Achieve your health goals
with the support of registered
nurses, dietitians and licensed

  Open to members age 18+ interested in weight-loss
  Open to members age 18+ with Type 1, Type 2 or
  gestational diabetes
  Open to members age 18+ diagnosed with prediabetes
  Open to members age 5+ diagnosed with asthma
  Open to members age 18+ diagnosed with stage 3
  chronic kidney disease

  Open to members who want to quit tobacco/

Our Health Education and Disease Management programs are available at no additional
cost to eligible Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health and Life members. To join, call
1-800-720-7253, TTY 711. To opt-out of participating in any of these programs,
call 1-877-692-2059, TTY 711.
                                                               Spring 2020 | HEALTH MATTERS   8
Diagnosed with
There’s Still Time to Prevent Diabetes
Prediabetes is a serious health condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal,
but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Without intervention, prediabetes
may progress to type 2 diabetes, increasing the risks for heart disease, stroke and other
                                                  related conditions.

                                                 The good news: Lifestyle changes may
                                                 reduce those risks. Healthy eating, weight
How’s Your Blood                                 management, physical activity, stress
Sugar?                                           reduction and medication may delay the
                                                 onset of type 2 diabetes—or even stop it
More than a third of all Americans               in its tracks.11
have prediabetes, yet more than
84% of them don’t realize it.10 That’s
because there are no obvious                     Start Living Better
Ask your provider about blood sugar at           To learn more about our Empower!
your annual visit. It just takes a simple        Diabetes Prevention Program, visit your
fasting blood test.                              health plan’s website or call the Health
                                                 Education and Wellness team toll-free
                                                 at 1-800-720-7253, TTY 711.

10   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
A Holistic
Caring for the whole person, our Empower!
Diabetes Prevention Program is a
comprehensive program to help you toward
a healthier future. Our Health Education and
Wellness team works with you and your
provider, offering individualized education,
nutritional counseling and regular medical
follow-up such as:

Online prediabetes class with a
registered dietitian, covering the lifestyle

                                                at Risk
and medication changes that may help
reverse or at least delay the onset of
type 2 diabetes.
                                               • Being overweight
Personal nutritional counseling with a
registered dietitian that includes a one-      • Age 45 years or older
time, 45-minute consultation to review         • Having a family member, including
your lab values and nutritional history and      a parent, brother or sister with type 2
provide personalized guidance, or weekly         diabetes
weight management follow-ups. Losing
                                               • Low physical activity, less than
5-7% of body weight may help prevent type
                                                 three times a week
2 diabetes, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.10              • Having had diabetes during
                                                 pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
Ongoing follow-up with a registered            • Having polycystic ovary syndrome
nurse, to explain medications and lab
results, and provide additional support.       Race and ethnicity may be a risk factor
                                               for prediabetes. African American,
Some members who have gone through             Latino, Native American, Pacific
the program were able to completely            Islanders and some Asian Americans
reverse their prediabetes condition within     are at higher risk.
less than a year.

                                                           Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   11
If you’ve struggled with dieting all your life,   only person to make those choices, and
it may be time to try something different.        promotes a healthy attitude toward food
Intuitive eating helps you make peace with        and body image.”
food and your body.

Some call intuitive eating the “anti-diet”        Listen to Yourself
because it rejects fad diets, strict rules,
forbidden foods and calorie-counting.12           “There is a lot of guilt and shame around
For many people, those diets are a                food,” Ehsani said. “It gets to the point that
recipe for failure.                               some people may not trust themselves
                                                  around food.” Part of the intuitive
Yo-yo dieting may contribute to weight            eating approach is learning how to tell
gain and poor mental health, including            the differences between physical and
anxiety, guilt, depression and substance          emotional hunger.
abuse. Dieting is also linked with body
dissatisfaction, a leading cause of eating        Physical hunger is the body’s signal it needs
disorders like anorexia nervosa and               nutrients. Symptoms include a growling
bulimia.13                                        stomach, fatigue or irritability. Eating
                                                  satisfies those symptoms.
About 35% of dieters may eventually
develop an eating disorder.13 Intuitive           In contrast, cravings for comfort food may
eating is a completely different approach. It     be signs of emotional hunger. Eating may
focuses on healing and re-establishing the        temporarily relieve feelings of sadness,
individual’s relationship with food               loneliness and boredom, but ultimately
and body image.                                   result in guilt and self-hatred.14

“Dieting focuses on external rules,”
                                                  “Worrying or feeling shameful about food
said registered dietitian Roxana Ehsani, MS,
                                                  choices is not a healthy thing to do,” Ehsani
RD, CSSD, LDN, Health Plan of Nevada and
                                                  said. “No one eats perfectly, and you are
Sierra Health and Life. “Intuitive eating
                                                  not suddenly nutrient-deficient if you have
teaches you how to respond to what your
body needs and makes you feel better.             a piece of pizza or a donut.”
It teaches that you are the best and

12   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
A New
                                  Intuitive eating is not a new concept, and much of the
                                  current interest stems from the 1995 book, “Intuitive

Approach                          Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works” by registered
                                  dietitian Evelyn Tribole and nutrition therapist Elyse Resch.
                                  The philosophy is based on 10 core principles:

1. Cultivate a healthy relationship with         9. Move in a way that feels good. Focus
   food, mind and body. Reject diet                 on feeling better instead of burning
   mentality and diet culture.                      calories. Choose activities that make you
                                                    feel happier and more energized.
2. Honor your hunger. Hunger is your
   body telling you it needs energy.             10. Honor your health with gentle nutrition.
                                                     Choose foods that are good to you and
3. Make peace with food. Food is neither             help you function at your absolute best.
   “good” nor “bad,” but morally and
   emotionally neutral. Focus on how the
   food tastes and feels in your body.
                                                  To Learn More
4. Challenge the food police. Instead
   of following the latest diet or social         If you are interested in intuitive eating,
   media trend, focus on what your body           Ehsani recommends the 1995 “Intuitive
   is hungry for.                                 Eating” book. Individual consultation with
                                                  a Registered Dietitian is also available
5. Discover the satisfaction factor. Work         for members in Southern and Northern
   pleasure back into eating without              Nevada. For more information, call Health
   under- or over-eating. Ask yourself            Education and Wellness toll-free at
   what would feel satisfying right now.          1-800-720-7253, TTY 711.

6. Feel your fullness. Focus on how
   your body feels. If you had a large
   lunch, your body may want to skip the
   afternoon snack and go light on dinner.

7. Cope with emotions with kindness.                                          Everyone’s
   It is normal to eat when you are sad,                                body is different
   lonely or happy, but there may be a                             because of genetics.
   better way to deal with those emotions
                                                              Respect your body even
   than food.
                                                               if it is bigger or smaller
8. Respect your body. Be proud of all it                                     than others.
   does for you and avoid negative self-
   talk. Your body is your home for the
   rest of your life.

                                                                  Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   13
Black Bean &
 Rice Enchiladas:                                DIRECTIONS
 Fast, Easy and Delicious
                                                 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large
 Makes Eight Enchiladas                             skillet, heat oil over medium heat.
                                                    Add chopped pepper, onion and garlic;
                                                    sauté until tender.
                                                 2. Add beans, diced tomatoes, chilis,
 • 1 tablespoon olive oil
                                                    picante sauce, chili powder, cumin
 • 1 red pepper, chopped                            and red pepper flakes. Heat to boiling,
 • 1 medium onion, chopped                          reduce to simmer and add rice.
 • 3 garlic cloves, minced                          Cook for 5 minutes.
 • 1 can (15 ounce) black beans, rinsed and
     drained                                     3. Spoon about 1/2 cup of mixture into
 • 1 can (15 ounce) diced tomatoes
                                                    each tortilla. Fold over and roll. Place
                                                    seam-side down in a 13 x 9 cooking
 • 3 chopped chipotles in adobo sauce
                                                    dish coated with cooking spray.
 • 1/4 cup picante sauce
 • 1 tablespoon chili powder                     4. Finish all 8 tortillas and spoon any
 • 1 teaspoon ground cumin                          remaining rice mixture around the
 • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes           sides of the dish. Top tortillas with salsa.
 • 2 cups cooked brown rice                         Bake covered for 25 minutes.
 • 8 flour tortillas (6in), warmed
                                                 5. Uncover, sprinkle with cheese and
 • 1 cup salsa
                                                    continue to bake 3-5 more minutes
 • 1 cup reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese        until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with
 • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves      cilantro to serve.

14    HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
Not Every Day of
Pregnancy is Easy                                                                    ?
Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean
you’ll feel 24/7 joy and sunshine. Everyone has
good days and down days. If you’re sick a lot or
have stress in your life, you may not feel happy
at times.

It’s important to know you are not alone. Half
of all moms-to-be report feelings of anxiety.         The Tummy2Toddler app also has a meditation
It often goes along with depression. Some             and centering tool – Baby Boost. It reminds you
experts even believe anxiety is more common           to take 20 seconds to think positive thoughts
than depression in pregnancy. So you’re far           for you and baby. And with any questions
from alone.                                           you might have – about anything – add those
                                                      questions to the app’s Q-List to help you
Turn to our Tummy2Toddler app for more                remember to talk to your doctor about it.
trusted information on anxiety and depression
from clinical sources approved by doctors.            You can even look into talk therapy or support
The Learn Library in the app has hundreds of          programs. Visit or
articles for all pregnancy symptoms, including a and use our online
section about mental and emotional health and         provider directory.
recommendations if you are feeling depressed.
                                                      Therapy is an effective treatment for perinatal
When you feel down or unsure about being a            or postpartum depression. However, many
mom, you may be tempted to skip checkups              women don’t seek help, for fear of being
or not eat right. Left untreated, anxiety or          judged, or of losing their freedom, their
low feelings can put your baby at risk for the        privacy, or even their child. Or they hope that
effects of stress, including preterm labor.           by ignoring the issue, it will go away. But it’s
That’s why you shouldn’t ignore how you feel.         important to get help—don’t suffer alone.

WHAT YOU CAN DO                                       MORE RESOURCES
                                                      DURING YOUR PREGNANCY
• Commit to going to all your checkups and
  keeping up baby-safe habits, even if you            Tummy2Toddler is here for you during your
  don’t feel like it. You’ll be glad you did later,   pregnancy. Search Tummy2Toddler in
  for your baby’s sake.                               your app store to download today.

• Share your feelings with trusted family or          Postpartum Support International has
  friends, or online chat groups.                     a hotline for parents experiencing
                                                      postpartum depression. Call Postpartum
• Cut yourself some slack. You’re not a bad           Support International at 1-800-944-4773
  mom-to-be for feeling blue or uncertain;            for more information.
  you’re only human.
                                                      If you’ve been having thoughts of wanting to
• Call your doctor or nurse if you’re feeling         harm yourself or your baby, please call your
  panicky, exceedingly worried, or fearful            local emergency hotline (request a CIT-trained
  during pregnancy, even if those feelings            officer), or the National Suicide Prevention
  come and go.                                        Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

                                                                        Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS     15
Living Healthy,
  Happy and

    Learn how Pat’s decision
    to quit is helping her lead
    a healthier life.
There’s no doubt about                          What were some challenges you faced
                                                when quitting?
it — quitting smoking is
tough. But choosing to                          “My decision to quit for good coincided
                                                with a family member’s health challenges,
be tobacco free could be
                                                which included an 18-day hospital stay.
one of the most important                       It was a very stressful time and the pandemic
decisions you ever make.                        made it even more difficult. I could only “visit”
                                                by cell phone from the sidewalk outside of
Pat S., Nevada resident and health plan         the hospital room window. Yet, I remained
member, successfully completed our              smoke-free! This trying situation made it clear
Tobacco Cessation Program and stayed            – smoking is behind me. I still face challenges
smoke-free throughout the stressful             but I’m thankful my family is able to breathe
pandemic. She decided to quit for her           in a healthier, smoke-free house.”
family’s health. Since Pat quit, everyday
activities have become easier. Pat believes
that if she can quit smoking, so can you.

How did you successfully quit?
                                                 Ready to quit?
“I went through the Tobacco Cessation
Program a few times. I stopped smoking for       Get guidance and support to help you quit for
several years but picked it back up.             good and live a smoke-free life. Our Tobacco
In 2020, in the middle of the pandemic,          Cessation Program (TCP) includes:
I returned to the program. Health educators,
                                                 • Orientation by appointment
Jenn and Carl, were non-judgmental,
                                                 • One-on-one assessment and treatment plan
supportive and happy to help me – again.
                                                   developed for each participant
I couldn’t have done it without their support
                                                 • Education, support and possible
and inspiration.”
                                                   medication therapy

                                                 Participants are encouraged to attend at least
What are the benefits of the program?
                                                 10 of 12 educational sessions in the form of
                                                 group and one-on-one consultations, but
•   Welcoming                                    participants may attend as many sessions as
•   Personalized                                 needed.
•   Supportive
                                                 To begin your journey to a smoke-free lifestyle
•   Multiple classes
                                                 and learn more about this program, call toll-
                                                 free 1-800-720-7253, TTY 711 or join us for a
                                                 30-minute WebEx on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
                                                 An educator will be available to answer your
                                                 questions about the program. Visit your health
                                                 plan’s website for details.

                                                                  Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS    17
Health care in
your HOME
                                                Tips for
If you’re not feeling well and you need
to see a provider right away—we’ve got          Virtual Visits
you covered. For non-life-threatening
situations,* there are convenient options at   For a faster, more effective virtual care
your fingertips.                               appointment, it’s recommended to write
                                               down the following information in advance:

$0* Copays For                                 • Current medications, including dosages

NowClinic®                                     • Current allergies

                                               • Current blood sugar, if you have diabetes
Talking to a doctor has never been easier.     • Ongoing medical problems
NowClinic virtual visits are available 24/7.
                                               • Questions you may have
Simply log in for a secure video chat from
your computer or mobile device whenever        It is also helpful to provide your
it’s convenient. No appointment is needed.     temperature, blood pressure, heart rate
Consider NowClinic for non life-threatening    and, if possible, blood oxygen level.
                                               Consider investing in an inexpensive digital
and non-urgent medical conditions,
                                               thermometer, blood pressure cuff and
                                               fingertip pulse oximeter.
• Allergies
• Bladder infections
• Bronchitis
• Pink eye
                                               Get Care Now
• Sinus infections
                                               Go to or download
• Viral illnesses                              the NowClinic app and sign up.
                                               *Refer to the NowClinic ad on the inside cover for footnotes
Depending on where you are, same-day           and conditions.
medication delivery may be available.

18   HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
“Virtual visits for urgent care tripled in
                          2020 as a result of COVID-19. Whether
                          it is with a house call, a virtual visit or
                          a bricks-and-mortar urgent care office
                          visit, the focus is providing the right care
                          in the right place, and at the right time
                          for patients.”
                          Lo Fu Tan, MD, Senior Medical Director, Digital Health
                          Southwest Medical and the Mountain West Region

Urgent Care                                          Consider an urgent care house call for the
                                                     following conditions:
That Comes To You
                                                     • Migraine headaches
                                                     • Cuts that need stitches and skin
Yes, house calls. For some members, an
in-home assessment from one of our
urgent care providers may be the                     • Urinary tract infections
best option.                                         • Flu and pneumonia

Available seven days a week in select areas,         • Asthma attacks, COPD and
an urgent care house call may treat most               respiratory infections
things typically seen at an urgent care              • Dehydration, IV placements and IV fluids
center. Best of all, there is no driving or
                                                     Urgent care house calls are available in
waiting, and the copayment is the same as
                                                     select Nevada ZIP codes.
a regular urgent care center visit.
                                                     To request care, contact our 24/7 advice
Our contracted providers for at-home
                                                     nurse toll-free at 1-800-288-2264
urgent care are equipped with the tools
                                                     or TTY 711.
to provide advanced medical care in
the comfort of your home. This includes

blood and urine lab work, strep and
rapid COVID-19 testing, and even an EKG.
They may prescribe antibiotics and pain
medications, and start IV fluids.
                                                     There are six Southwest Medical
Additionally, in-home urgent care providers          urgent care locations in Southern
are highly experienced in emergency care.            Nevada. The urgent care at Rancho
If necessary, they may coordinate transfer           Healthcare Center is open 24 hours
to a higher level of care.                           a day, seven days a week.
                                                     For more information about Southwest
                                                     Medical urgent care locations, visit
                                                                         Summer 2021 | HEALTH MATTERS   19
12                      TIPS                    TO MAKE THE MOST
                                                     OF YOUR HEALTH PLAN

 1.       Know your rights and learn about
          the health plan’s quality program.          7.    Know that we research new
                                                            medical technology.

2.        Read your benefit information to
          find out what is and what
                                                     8.     Ask for help if you speak
                                                            another language.
          isn’t covered.

                                                     9.     Know that the health plan does
                                                            not offer incentives for prior

3.        Learn how to use your
          pharmacy benefit.
                                                            authorization denials.

4.        Find out about copayments
          and other charges you may
                                                  10.       Learn about internal and
                                                            external review for denial of
                                                            benefits, coverage or your
          be responsible for and how to                     relationship with the plan.
          submit a claim.

5.        Know what to do if you have              11.      Know that we have special
                                                            programs available for
          an issue and how to submit                        members, including
          a complaint.                                      disease management, case
                                                            management and health

6.        Know where to get information,                    education.
          such as how to select a provider

          and make an appointment, how                      Find out what to do if you have
          to get specialty and behavioral                   an emergency, are out of the
          healthcare services and find a list               area, or need care after hours,
          of hospitals contracted with your                 and if you have any benefit
          health plan.                                      limitations or additional costs.

     Get to know more about your health plan. Take a look at the
     full version of 12 tips on your plan’s website. If you would
     like a printed copy, please call Member Services at the
     toll-free number on the back of your health plan ID card.

20     HEALTH MATTERS | Summer 2021
Get Answers To Your
Questions In Our
Member Guide
Our member guide provides a comprehensive
overview about your health plan, tools and resources,
plus tips to help you get the most value from your
benefits. To access our member guide, download the
MyHPN or MySHL app from your app store or sign in
on your health plan’s website.

  Your privacy is very important to us. Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health and
  Life have a Notice of Privacy Practices, and you may ask for a copy of this notice
  at any time by contacting Member Services at the number on your health plan ID
  card or by visiting us online.

  Under the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act, also known as “Janet’s Law,”
  health plan members are entitled to benefits for medically necessary mastectomy
  and elective breast reconstruction surgeries. This includes prostheses and
  treatment for any related conditions, such as lymphedema. For more information,
  call Member Services at the number on the back of your health plan ID card.
Health Plan of Nevada
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         COVID-19 VACCINE
 Staying healthy is more important than ever!
 Take action to reduce risk of getting the virus.
 Visit your plan’s website for more information.

 We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in health
 programs and activities.
 We provide free services to help you communicate with us. Such as, letters in other languages
 or large print. Or, you can ask for an interpreter. To ask for help, please call the toll-free phone
 number listed on your health plan ID card or plan documents.
 Español (Spanish)
 Tiene derecho a recibir ayuda e información en su idioma sin costo. Para solicitar un intérprete,
 llame al número de teléfono gratuito para miembros que se encuentra en su tarjeta de
 identificación del plan o los documentos de su plan.

 Tagalog (Tagalog)
 May karapatan kang makakuha ng tulong at impormasyon sa sinasalita mong wika nang libre.
 Upang humiling ng interpreter, tawagan ang toll-free na numero ng telepono para sa miyembro
 na nakalista sa iyong ID card sa planong pangkalusugan o sa mga dokumento ng plano.

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