Performance Evaluation of Vietnamese Apparel Enterprises: An Application of DEA Approach - wseas

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Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                               Minh Huan Luong

    Performance Evaluation of Vietnamese Apparel Enterprises: An
                   Application of DEA Approach
          Faculty of Business Administration, Thuongmai University, Hanoi, VIETNAM
    Faculty of Information Technology, University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, VIETNAM
              Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry - VCCI, Hanoi, VIETNAM

Abstract: - A continued robust growth of Vietnamese apparel enterprises has showed that they do not
play the auxiliary but the main role in the national industry. However, in general, the apparel industry
in Vietnam has not met the practical requirements. In order to provide overall performance evaluation
and how to achieve efficiency systematically, this study utilizes DEA approach to determine the
performance levels of 15 Vietnamese apparel industry enterprises and assess their efficiency.
Specifically, we have applied output oriented model, which aims to maximize outputs while the inputs
proportions remain unchanged to realize DEA efficiency analysis. CCR-based and BCC-based models
are utilized to get overall technical and pure technical efficiencies. The findings show that having
business transactions with foreign partners, good labor cost management and effective inventory
management are the most prominent factors in distinguishing between efficient and inefficient
enterprises in Vietnam's apparel industry. The study may be a useful tool for managers to improve
their performances and effectively allocate resources.
Key-Words: Performance evaluation, Vietnamese garment industry, Data envelopment analysis, BCC,

Received: April 6, 2020.   Revised: May 18, 2020. Accepted: May 26, 2020.

1. Introduction                                         industry enterprises to change corporate
Textile and garment industry is often                   strategies in order to reduce operating costs
                                                        while maintaining or improving the quality of
associated with the early stages of economic
                                                        their     products. However,      manufacturing
development and plays a key role in the
                                                        decision makers have to deal with a large
process of industrialization in many countries.         volume of reports and metrics for evaluating
This industry can create many jobs for the              the performance of manufacturing systems. In
economy, give opportunities to accumulate               addition, the metrics provide different and at
capital as a premise for the development of             times conflicting assessments. Therefore, it is
other industries, contribute to raising living          difficult for the managers to track and improve
standards and stabilizing socio-political               overall manufacturing system performance
situation. In Vietnam, the garment industry has         [1].
been the largest manufacturing-based export                 A number of different approaches can be
sector since its integration into the global            used to assess the manufacturing industry
economy. Its growth has been rapid, with an             enterprises. Each of them is used to obtain a
export turnover has reached nearly 40 billion           different aspect of efficiency measures. The
                                                        most important two approaches are the
USD in 2019.
                                                        production evaluation and the investment
    However, the development still faces                evaluation. The DEA (Data Envelopment
several difficulties and challenges including           Analysis) technique is an efficient method to
lack of funds, equipment and modern
                                                        analyze industry efficiency because of the
technologies, the low localization ratio (i.e.,
                                                        followings: (1) efficiency based on the non-
processing and raw materials still depend on
                                                        parametric approach method can be derived
imports) and the high competitiveness. These            solely from the quantity observation data of
pressures forced many Vietnamese garment                input/output factors; (2) DEA uses the non-

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                  1                                      Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                               Minh Huan Luong

parametric methodology which is not based on            2. Literature review
functional assumptions and (3) DEA analysis             The first DEA model was proposed by
results not only enable the analysis of the             Charnes et al. [2], which is called CCR
efficiency level of the relevant company, but           (Charnes Cooper and Rhodes). It is used to
also recognize best practice firms that can             calculate the relative efficiency of the DMUs
become a model for inefficient companies                based on constant return to scale assumption.
seeking to transform into efficient ones. Also,         In 1984, the second DEA model was
there is increasing interest in fully ranking the       developed by Banker, Charnes and Cooper [3],
performance of organizational decision-                 called BCC model which is based on variable
making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and            return to scale. DEA has considered as a
outputs. DEA can assess the comparative or              powerful technique for evaluating the relative
relative efficiency of homogeneous operating            performance of decision making units (DMUs)
DMUs such as schools, hospitals, or sales               that use multiple inputs to produce multiple
outlets. The DMU assessment uses a set of               outputs. The factors in DEA calculations are
resources referred to as input indices which are        not subjected to rigid importance weights
transformed into a set of outcomes, referred to         whereas in conventional techniques, the inputs
as output indices. Usually the weighted sum of          are given weight in terms of creation only one
outputs divided by the weighted sum of inputs           output. DEA allows finding out the reference
is defined as the efficiency of the                     set which can act as benchmarks instead of
transformation process. DEA divides DMUs                finding one most efficient reference.
into two groups including efficient and                 The DEA approach         has      been     widely
inefficient DMUs. The relative efficiency               investigated and applied to manufacturing
measurement of an inefficient unit is reference         enterprises. This model can be applied to
to some set of efficient DMUs that are                  evaluate the efficiency of units within a
compared with each other. Each DMU in the               manufacturing enterprise or between different
efficient group is assigned a set of weights or         enterprises in the manufacturing industry.
indices so that its relative efficiency score is        Ertay et al. [4] used DEA to evaluate layout
equal to one. Because of the aforementioned             configurations in manufacturing systems. Liu
reasons, this research proposes the data                and Liu [5] used DEA to compare relative
envelopment analysis (DEA) model which can              efficiencies of nine production lines in an
integrate the production performance and                electronics        assembly          environment.
investment performance and consider the                 Narasimhan et al. [6] used a multistage DEA
compromise between these two aspects for the            approach to identify the importance of using
Vietnamese garment industry. The study                  the different manufacturing flexibilities for
provides an evaluation for the Vietnamese               achieving tangible firm level performance.
garment industry. In addition, this paper also          Jajri and Ismail [7] analyzed the trends of
indicates how to improve production                     technical efficiency, technological change and
efficiency and/or investment efficiency in              total factor productivity growth in the
order to achieve overall best practice. To our          Malaysian manufacturing sector using DEA.
knowledge, this study is among the first                Tahir and Memon [8] evaluated the efficiency
studies measuring Vietnamese apparel                    of 14 top manufacturing companies in
enterprises, therefore providing a better               Pakistan. Different DEA approaches were
understanding of manufacturing operations in            utilized to find the overall efficiency, technical
the context of Vietnam. The rest of the paper           efficiency and scale efficiency. There were
is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the         two input variables (total expenses and total
literature review related to the application of         assets) and two output variables (sales and
DEA approach in manufacturing section.                  profit before tax). The finding showed showed
Section 3 describes the data, input and output          that only one company is considered
variables. Section 4 gives a brief review of            technically efficient while the average overall
DEA approaches including CCR and BCC                    technical efficiency varies from 0.64 to 0.99.
model. Section 5 gives the DEA results and              Teng et al. [9] adopted DEA method to inter-
several discussions. Finally, our conclusions           industry analysis of the manufacturing cost
are presented in Section 6.                             and provide effective assessment. The inputs
                                                        were manpower, working hours, fees and other

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                   2                                      Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                               Minh Huan Luong

manufacturing costs. The output was the best                Gozu [14] evaluated the technical and scale
permutation combination of improvement. The             efficiencies of 19 manufacturers for 2001 and
study finding can be used to reduce                     2002 that performed in the textile, leather and
manufacturing costs and also upgrade                    apparel industry, quoted by Istanbul Stock
operational efficiency, and improve industry            Exchange. The number of employees, tangible
competitiveness. Düzakin and Düzakin [10]               assets, paid-in capital and stocks were utilized
recommended appropriate inputs and outputs              as the inputs, and net sales and net profit as the
to measure firms’ performance under different           outputs for the input-oriented DEA model. For
perspective. They analyzed 500 major                    the years 2001 and 2002, it was indicated that
industrial enterprises of Turkey through DEA.           average efficiency score was 0.894 and 0,797
The model allowed getting a ranking of                  in terms of constant return to scale, while it
efficient firms.                                        was 0.940 and 0.932 in terms of variable
                                                        return to scale respectively; and therefore it
    Some previous studies have also used the            was concluded that the companies had
DEA model to evaluate the performance of                generally efficient operating cycles in both
garment enterprises, in which the input and the         years. Finally, it was advised for the
output parameters were selected differently.            manufacturers that were efficient in 2001, but
Kayali [11] measured technical efficiency,              did not have scale efficiency in 2002 to revise
pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency          their scales, as well as their input and output
of 29 textile companies among Fortune 500               levels.
companies listed in 2007. The study used
number of employees, shareholders’ equity               3. Data
and net assets as inputs, and net sales and net         Productivity measurement involves comparing
profits as outputs. The result of the analyses
                                                        trends in output with trends in inputs. In this
indicated that efficiency score of textile sector
                                                        study, there are four inputs and two outputs.
was equal to 57%. It was indicated that
utilization of the resources was inefficient in         Identification of input variables
the sector. Bayrak Ozcan, Anil and Emre [12]
evaluated the efficiency level of 25 textile                The average number of employees
companies       in     Istanbul.     Employees,         per month (X1): The firm size is influential on
shareholders’ equity and net assets were used           the relationship between intellectual capital
as inputs, and turnover, profit before tax and          and corporate financial return and performance
export revenue were used as outputs. The                [15]. The size of a company differentiates the
results confirmed that only five companies              relationship between a capital structure and the
were efficient, and seve of the rest had an             growth of debt much stronger on emerging
efficiency ratio above 50%, while 13                    than on developed ones [16].
companies had an efficiency ratio below 50%.                The wage fund (X2): It was indicated that
                                                        that wages depended on the relative amounts
    Kayalidere and Kargin [13] investigated the         of capital available for the payment of workers
efficiency of companies in the textile and              and the size of the labor force. Payment of a
cement sectors that were listed in the Istanbul         fixed basic wage or variable basic wage
Stock Exchange in 2002. Two analyses were               depends on the qualification of an employee
conducted. In the first analysis, they used the         and the size of an enterprise. The higher the
number of employees and total assets as                 qualification is, the bigger the chance is that an
inputs, and net sales and net profit as the             employee will receive a fixed wage rather than
outputs. In the second analysis, number of              a variable basic wage. It is considered to be in
employees and tangible assets were considered           accordance with the efficiency of the work
as inputs, and net sales and net profit were            [17].
considered as the outputs. According to the                 Total capital (X3): Capital refers to the
findings, it was identified that how much               amount invested in the company so that it can
inefficient companies should improve their              carry on its activities.
input-output amounts to be efficient and                    Total cost (X4): Total cost in
productive compared to the efficient                    manufacturing firms may consist of material,
companies in the sector by calculating                  production costs, cost of procurement
potential improvement rates.                            specification and acquisition.

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                   3                                       Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                                       Minh Huan Luong

Identification of output variables                              report and final report. The important part of
                                                                this survey report showed the situation of
   Total revenue (Y1): Total revenue is the                     enterprises in the manufacturing and
amount of money that a manufacturing firm                       recommendations for the future in order to
earns by selling its products during a period of                provide the intensive knowledge of enterprise
time.                                                           level trends and the differences among types
   Gross profit (Y2): It is the total sales of the              of enterprises, technology and innovation,
firm minus the total cost of the goods sold.                    thorough studies, lessons learned and the only
Gross profit is the profit a manufacturing                      input for the policy formulation in the
company makes after deducting the costs                         development period and the following
associated with making and selling its                          reformation process of Vietnam.
products.                                                          From the general data set, we selected a
Data Sources                                                    group of 15 companies in the apparel industry,
                                                                which      have     relatively   homogeneous
   The data were collected through an                           characteristics. Three criteria were used for
enterprise survey related to the garment                        selection: private enterprise (without state
industry, by the General Statistics Office of                   capital contribution); medium size of labor
Vietnam in 2019. Investigating apparel                          (employing on average from 100 to 200
businesses was a part of the enterprise survey.                 employees in the year); and have a medium
To ensure the collection of high quality data,                  scale of capital (from 20 to 80 VND billion).
each survey round was consulted extensively                     Table 1 shows the data of the companies
by the relevant agencies about the content of                   selected for the analysis. These companies
questionnaire and sampling. Results are                         have the same organizational characteristics
mentioned in the statistical report and a series                which is reflected in the dimensions such as
of intensive studies is presented to partners                   organization structure, work characteristics,
and major stakeholders at the stages of draft                   and      quality     management      practices.

  Table 1. Inputs and outputs of the Vietnamese apparel enterprises in 2019 (unit: VND million)

                                      The wage   Total                        Total      Gross
                         number of                                Total
               DMU                    fund       capital                      revenue    profit
                         labors                                   cost (X4)
                                      (X1)       (X3)                         (Y1)       (Y2)
                         per year
               VGE1            122       11158        41583.5        28206       28532            334
               VGE2           122.5      11194         26862         16834       21780             11
               VGE3           123.5      10983        24609.5        33238       37314            60
               VGE4            124        7274         53771         70118       85531            328
               VGE5           125.5       8570         29626         36568       49516            738
               VGE6            134        7508        28888.5        10071       10046        5678
               VGE7            156        8465         83081         28595       11167        1887
               VGE8           167.5      22201         20588         32000       33972             29
               VGE9            180        9639         37145         15469       17380            339
               VGE10           180       10459         20183         13684       17777            101
               VGE11           189       16612        46177.5        39586       43800        1622
               VGE12           190       13076        22932.5        33639       39157        1667
               VGE13           192       15276         84872         60080       75049            111
               VGE14          192.5      12239       41128.65        26706       38994      1537.2
               VGE15          195.5      14802         85216         78120       91487        3717

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                       4                                               Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                                                       Minh Huan Luong

4. Methodology                                             DMU k k  1,2, , n  the optimization task
The two basic DEA models including the CCR                 of the relationship between the virtual output
model and the BCC model have become                        and the virtual input, in order to determine the
standards in the literature of performance                 weight coefficients for the output and input
measurement under the assumptions of                       variables to which the value of the relationship
constant    and      variable    returns-to-scale          will be maximized:
respectively. In this study, the CCR and BCC                                                 s
models have been utilized to performance                                                  u         r   y rk
evaluation     of     Vietnamese      supporting              max  hk                  r 1
industry enterprises. Both models can be either
input- or output oriented. In input-oriented                                              v x
                                                                                             i 1
                                                                                                     i ik

models, inputs are minimized and outputs are
maintained at current levels. In output-oriented              with constraints as follows:
models, outputs are maximized based on a                        s
given number of inputs. As this study                         u          r   y rj
measures firm export performance and thus                      r 1
                                                                                       1,          j  1,2,  , n
identifies maximum export revenues, the
output oriented model was utilized.                            v x
                                                               i 1
                                                                          i ij

4.1. CCR DEA Model                                            u r  0, r  1,2, , s
The CRR - DEA method [2] was developed to
                                                              vi  0, i  1,2,, m
define a relative measure of the efficiency of
the decision-making units in situations when a             where, hk - the relative efficiency of the k -th
large number of output and input variables are
                                                           decision-making unit; n - the number of
available. The relative measure of efficiency
                                                           decision-making units; m - the number of
using the DEA method is determined by the
ratio of weighted output values and weighted               inputs; s - the number of outputs; vi - weight
input values for each observation unit                     coefficients for input     i ; u r - weight
individually. The DMUs are compared with                   coefficient for output r ; xij - the amount of
each other by the use of a linear programming
model. The efficiency frontier is composed of              input i for the j -th decision-making unit,
DMUs with best business practice, while the                DMU ;    j              yrj - the amount of output r for
efficiency of all other units is determined on
the basis of the distance from the defined
                                                           the j -th decision-making unit, DMU j .                         
efficiency frontier. DMUs at the frontier are              4.2. BCC - DEA Model
considered relatively efficient, while those out
of the frontier are relatively inefficient. A set          All DMUs at the frontier of efficiency are
of efficient DMUs is considered as a reference             considered to have full overall technical
point for proposing improvements to relatively             efficiency that includes both pure technical
inefficient DMUs [18].                                     efficiency and efficiency of scale. In order to
                                                           measure the pure efficiency, BBC-DEA model
 Suppose we have n DMUs and that each                      [3] was derived from the basic CCR-DEA
DMU j ,  j ,2,  , n  has s outputs with                model. BCC model provides an assessment of
different values,      yrj r  1,2,  , s  , using       pure efficiency, excluding the effect of the
                                                           business scale. This is achieved in a way that
different m input values of the same type,
                                                           the observed unit is compared only with other
xij i  1,2, m                                          units of similar size. The decision on whether
                                                           the additional variable will be included in the
   The objective CCR - DEA model is to                     numerator or the denominator depends on
solve for each k -the decision-making unit                 whether the general form of the BCC model is

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                      5                                                             Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                                                      Minh Huan Luong

transformed into a linear programming model                                    additional variable u*. When the CCR model
with output or input orientation. The purpose                                  is used, we can solve one model and give
of the additional variable introduction is to set                              either interpretation. If we solve the BCC
up a constraint on returns to scale and to                                     input model, we can only give an input
provide that referent set is formed on the basis                               interpretation and we must solve the BCC
of a convex combination of decision-making                                     output model for an output interpretation.
                                                                               Another difference between the BCC and CCR
units. The BCC-DEA model is given by:
                                                                               models lies in the scalar transformations of all
                              s                                                data for a given DMU. The efficiency measure
                             u       r    y rk  u                           in the CCR model is unchanged by scalar
   max  hk                r 1
                                                                               transformations, since the efficiency ratio of
                                                                               the scaled DMU is unchanged. On the other
                                    v x    i ik                               hand, the scalar transformations of a given
                                    i 1                      (2)              DMU change the scalar size and could easily
   with following constraints:                                                 affect the efficiency measurements from the
                                                                               BCC model.

    u       r    y rj  u                                                    5.   Empirical              Results         and
    r 1
                                   1,         j  1,2,, n                    Discussions
           v x
           i 1
                    i   ij                                                     5.1 Empirical results
                                                                               The Excel VBA was utilized to implement
   u r   , r  1,2,  , s
                                                                               BCC – DEA and CCR – DEA. The efficiency
   v i   , i  1,2,  , m                                                    score and its equivalent rank of each DMU is
                                                                               presented in Table 2.
  The mathematical formulation of the BCC
model, unlike the CCR model includes an
         Table 2. Evaluation of overall and pure technical efficiency of Vietnamese garment
                                   industry enterprises in 2019

                                                            CCR                       BCC
                                              DMU        efficiency     Rank       efficiency   Rank
                                                           score                     score

                                              VGE1        0.733456           14            1           1
                                              VGE2        0.886098           11            1           1
                                              VGE3        0.903415             9           1           1
                                              VGE4                  1          1           1           1
                                              VGE5                  1          1           1           1
                                              VGE6                  1          1           1           1
                                              VGE7        0.369228           15    0.388034        15
                                              VGE8        0.967137             7           1           1
                                              VGE9        0.769482           13     0.87395        13
                                              VGE10       0.895529           10            1           1
                                              VGE11       0.809179           12    0.845948        14
                                              VGE12                 1          1           1           1
                                              VGE13       0.935684             8           1           1
                                              VGE14                 1          1           1           1
                                              VGE15                 1          1           1           1

   According to the presented results, it is                                   technical efficiency, the best scores were
noted that, from the point of view of overall                                  obtained by the DMUs: VGE4, VGE5, VGE6,

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                                        6                                       Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                               Minh Huan Luong

VGE12, VGE14, VGE15. The efficiency                     person, while high-performing companies
coefficient value for these DMUs is 1,                  (Group 1) have low wage cost per employee,
indicating that these enterprises have reached          5/6 companies have an average salary from 56
total technical efficiency within the observed          to 68,8 million VND. We can observe a clear
set of enterprises and that they represent a            difference in wage costs between these two
reference set on the basis of which the relative        groups of companies.
efficiency of other enterprises is assessed.                Regarding inventory management, Group 1
Slightly lower efficiency scores are achieved           has 4 out of 6 companies without industrial
by VGE8 (0.967137) and VGE13 (0.935684),                inventories or having low industrial inventory.
followed by VGE3 (0.903415), VGE10                      Industrial inventory means the value of
(0.895529). Other DMUs get lower overall                inventory related to work in progress, finished
technical efficiency. It should be noted that, at       goods, and consignments. Specifically, VGE4,
defined output and input variables, VGE7 have           VGE6 and VGE14 have almost no industrial
proven to be inefficient compared to the                inventories; companies VGE5 and VGE12
reference units. It can be seen that the                have very low inventories. Meanwhile,
implementation of the input-oriented CCR                companies in Group 2 have high industrial
model would give the same results of the                inventories, VGE7 has an average inventory of
efficiency scores, with the orientation being           VND 7.3 billion, VGE9 with VND 28.02
different.                                              billion and VGE11 is VND 2.86 billion in
   The results of the assessment of pure                    Thus, it can be concluded that having
technical efficiency for Vietnamese garment             business transactions with foreign countries,
industry enterprises show that most enterprises         good labor cost management and effective
achieved full efficiency. The enterprises that          inventory management are the three factors
did not achieve pure technical efficiency is            that help distinguish between efficient and
VGE9, VGE11 and VGE7.                                   inefficient companies in Vietnam's apparel
5.2. Discussion                                         industry.

There is a clear distinction of technical               6. Conclusions
performance between two groups of                       In this study we evaluate the overall and pure
companies: Group 1 (including VGE4, VGE5,               technical efficiency of the Vietnamese apparel
VGE6, VGE12, VGE14, VGE15) have the                     enterprises using CCR-DEA and BCC-DEA
best technical performance and Group 2                  approaches. The findings show that having
(including VGE1, VGE9, VGE11 and VGE7)                  business transactions with foreign partners,
have the lowest technical performance. When             good labor cost management and effective
we look at the different aspects of governance          inventory management the most prominent
between these two groups of companies, we               factors in differentiating between efficient and
find three important differences as follows:            inefficient enterprises in Vietnam's apparel
Regarding the commercial transactions                   industry. This study provides evidence of how
(buying and selling goods) with foreign                 the advances and recent developments in
countries: 5 out of 6 companies in group 1              efficiency analysis can be applied for an
have made international transactions in 2019,           effective evaluation of performance issues in
in which companies which have earned money              manufacturing industry.
from exports include VGE5 (USD 1120                         The results obtained in this study can be
thousand), VGE6 (USD 51.8 thousand),                    associated with some policy implications.
VGE12 (USD 329.9 thousand) and VGE15                    Firstly, business transactions with foreign
(USD 1325 thousand). Meanwhile, all three               partners can also bring much benefits to
companies in group 2 did not make any                   enterprises. It was believed that when
transactions with foreign partners.                     conducting business transactions with foreign
   Regarding the average cost of wages per              partners, firms will be more likely to decide to
employee: companies in the low-performing               diversify their production in order to capture
group (Group 2) have high average cost of               emerging demands from global market.
wages per employee, for example VGE 11 has              Cooperating with foreign suppliers or
an average salary per person of 87.9 million            customers on a regular basis will also gain
VND, VGE1 with 91.46 million VND per

E-ISSN: 2224-2899                                   7                                     Volume 18, 2021
Tran Van Trang, Quang Hung Do,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS                                               Minh Huan Luong

advantage on the foreign markets. Secondly,                     Oper                                Res.
good labor cost management can do a lot to            
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ratio optimization. Corporate profit should be                  (1984) Some models for estimating
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output are at higher or lower operating                         data envelopment analysis. Manage Sci
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at higher or lower, and income can be                    [4]    Ertay T, Ruan D, Tuzkaya UR (2006)
increased to a virtuous cycle can be cut to                     Integrating data envelopment analysis
enhance the vitality ability to adapt with the                  and analytic hierarchy for the facility
market and increase market competitiveness.                     layout design in manufacturing
Lastly, the operation of inventory management                   systems. Inf Sci (Ny) 176:237–262
determines the efficiency of enterprises. An             [5]    Franklin Liu F-H, Cheng Liu Y- (2008)
effective inventory management system leads                     Product line performance assessment
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expenditure necessitate improved supply chain                   of microelectronic communication
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    Despite its intended contributions, this             [6]    Narasimhan R, Talluri S, Das A (2004)
study is not without limitations. This study is                 Exploring flexibility and execution
focused on measuring apparel enterprises, due                   competencies of manufacturing firms. J
to the lack of data, aspects like the quality of                Oper Manag 22:91–106
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provided by the enterprises were not taken into                 efficiency, technological change and
account, both key aspects in the definition of                  total factor productivity growth in
efficiency.                                                     Malaysian manufacturing sector
                                                         [8]    Tahir IM, Memon MA (2011)
   The results and limitations of this study                    Applying DEA in Analysing the
may suggest several future research directions.                 Efficiency of Top Manufacturing
Other factors such as investment in product                     Companies in Pakistan. J Public Adm
quality and production characteristics should                   Gov.
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