Pharma IT Enhancing clinical trial diversity - FIRST ANALYSIS QUARTERLY INSIGHTS

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Pharma IT Enhancing clinical trial diversity - FIRST ANALYSIS QUARTERLY INSIGHTS
Pharma IT
Enhancing clinical trial diversity

Integrative insights on emerging opportunities

December 23, 2020
Joseph Munda
Main: 312-258-1400
Direct: 312-258-7125
Pharma IT Enhancing clinical trial diversity - FIRST ANALYSIS QUARTERLY INSIGHTS
First Analysis
Pharma IT Team
Joseph Munda
Vice President

Matthew Nicklin
Managing Director

Tracy Marshbanks
Managing Director

Andrew Walsh
Managing Director

                                About the Author
                                                    Joseph Munda
                                                     Joseph Munda is a vice president specializing in research and
                                                     investment in healthcare technology. He is a thought leader in
                                                     his sector, having authored several widely read white papers. He
                                                     uses his industry knowledge and expansive network to uncover
                                                     promising investment opportunities and help companies navi-
                                                     gate their strategic paths and accelerate growth. Prior to joining
                                First Analysis in 2015, he was an equity research analyst covering medical device
                                and healthcare services companies at Sidoti & Co. Earlier, he worked in institutional
                                sales at Bear Stearns/J.P. Morgan. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from
                                Fairleigh Dickinson University.

                                About First Analysis
                                First Analysis has a nearly four-decade record of serving emerging growth compa-
                                nies, established industry leaders, and institutional investors in emerging high-growth
                                segments in technology and healthcare, both through its venture capital investments
First Analysis                  and through First Analysis Securities Corp. (FASC), which provides investment banking
                                and related services. FASC is a FINRA-registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. First
1 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 3900     Analysis’s integrative research process underpins all its efforts, combining 1) dynamic
Chicago, IL 60606               investment research on thousands of companies with 2) thousands of relationships
312-258-1400                    among executives, investors, and other key participants in our focus areas, yielding a           deep, comprehensive understanding of each sector’s near-term and long-term potential.
First Analysis Quarterly Insights                                                   December 23, 2020

              Enhancing clinical trial diversity

              y Representing population diversity in trials
                is important given a review of 167 new         NEW GUIDANCE ADDRESSES CRITICAL
                molecular entities approved by the FDA
                between 2008-2013 showed approximate-          CHALLENGE OF TRIAL DIVERSITY ENROLLMENT
                ly 20% had racial or ethnic differences in     COVID-19 has made patient engagement
                safety, efficacy and response. However,        a top priority for the life sciences industry,
                trial diversity remains a challenge for drug   especially when it comes to recruiting, en-
                sponsors.                                      rolling and retaining trial participants. Even
              y New guidance from the FDA and others           prior to COVID-19, recruiting and enrolling
                regarding how to broaden eligibility crite-    patients into clinical trials required consid-
                ria to increase clinical trial enrollment of   erable time and expense. Industry estimates
                underrepresented populations provides          suggest 50% of clinical trials need to extend
                a roadmap to addressing this challenge.        their recruitment period, resulting in a loss
                eClinical technology vendors – companies       of up to $1.3 million per day for a given drug
                that combine technology, applications,         candidate. 11% of trial sites fail to recruit any
                and services to automate clinical trial        patients while 18% of trial participants drop
                data collection, management and analysis       out after enrolling.
                and to automate other aspects of clinical      Additionally, trial diversity remains a chal-
                trials – are providing the tools to make it    lenge for sponsors despite many trial sites
                happen.                                        providing medical care for patients of various
              y We highlight a handful of innovative com-      ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.
                panies whose software and other technol-       For example, Black people are about 5% of
                ogy promote diversity and accessibility in     all patients enrolled in U.S. Food and Drug
                clinical trial enrollment and participation.   Administration (FDA) registered clinical trials
                                                               but represent about 13% of the U.S. popula-
              y Digital biomarkers, developed using digital    tion. Adequate representation of population
                technologies that make it possible to effi-    diversity in trials is important given a review
                ciently collect and manage large volumes       of 167 new molecular entities approved by
                of high-quality patient data across dis-       the FDA between 2008-2013 showed ap-
                persed geographies and expansive time-         proximately 20% had racial or ethnic differ-
                lines, are particularly important in achiev-   ences in safety, efficacy and response. Trial
                ing diversity and represent an area seeing     diversity becomes particularly important
                substantial development, transactions and      when it comes to COVID-19, which affects
                investment.                                    patients disproportionately relative to ethnic-
                                                               ity, age and economic background.

December 23, 2020                                     1                                             First Analysis
TABLE 1: Minority underrepresentation in clinical trials

                    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICANS                                        HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN

                         13.4%                         5%                                  18.1%                         1%

                         of the U.S.              of clinical trial                        of the U.S.              of clinical trial
                         population                 population                             population                 population
                    (Source: U.S. Census)          (Source: FDA)                    (Source: U.S. Census)             (Source: FDA)

               Source:     Clinical Research Pathways.

              In November, the FDA released new industry                       Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) recently
              guidance titled “Enhancing the Diversity of                      published its first-ever industrywide princi-
              Clinical Trial Populations – Eligibility Crite-                  ples on clinical trial diversity, a new chapter
              ria, Enrollment Practices, and Trial Designs.”                   in the already existing “Principles on Conduct
              The guidance documents provide sponsors                          of Clinical Trials & Communication of Clini-
              with a framework on how to broaden eligi-                        cal Trial Results.” The new chapter focuses
              bility criteria to increase trial enrollment of                  on four key principles: 1) Building Trust and
              underrepresented populations. In addition to                     Acknowledging Past Wrongs, 2) Reducing
              the FDA, the Pharmaceutical Research and                         Barriers to Clinical Trial Access, 3) Using Re-

               TABLE 2: Model pathway for trial enrollment process

                                                             CANCER DIAGNOSIS

                                       Clinic access                     Clinical visit


                                                                                                                                        Demographic and socioeconomic status
                                       Assessment of
                                                                        Trial available                  No trial available
                                       trial availability

                                       Assessment of
                    Clinical           patient eligibility              Patient eligible                 Patient ineligible
                                       for available trial

                                       Discussion of trial
                                       participation with               Trial discussed              Trial not discussed
                                       Trial participation
                                                                         Trial offered                   Trial not offered
                                       offered/not offered

                    Attitudinal                                        Patient agrees to             Patient declines to
                                       Patient decision
                    (patient)                                             participate                    participate


December 23, 2020                                                  2                                                          First Analysis
al-World Data to Enhance Information on Di-          care professionals to dispense investigational
              verse Populations Beyond Product Approval,           drugs and help ensure medication adherence
              and 4) Enhancing Information About Diversity         and compliance. In June, the company part-
              and Inclusion in Clinical Trial Participation.       nered with Thrifty White Pharmacy, whose
                                                                   central fill pharmacy is accredited and li-
                                                                   censed in all 50 states, to provide sponsors
              TECHNOLOGY VENDORS PROVIDE TOOLS FOR                 with expanded access to diverse patient pop-
                                                                   ulations who may be geographically excluded
              THE TASK                                             by the traditional trial site model.

              Understanding that proactive patient-cen-            Matrix Medical Network leverages its net-
              tric strategies are needed to identify and           work of more than 3,000 clinicians and its
              enroll suitable patients expected to benefit         fleet of mobile health clinics to remove geo-
              from a drug’s approval, eClinical technology         graphic barriers by providing mobile trial
              vendors – companies that combine technol-            access to high-risk and vulnerable popula-
              ogy, applications, and services to automate          tions. In October, the company announced as
              clinical trial data collection, management and       part of Operation Warp Speed and in collab-
              analysis and to automate other aspects of            oration with Fred Hutchinson Cancer Re-
              clinical trials – are focused on making sure         search Center it would provide 20 academic
              their solutions and services promote diversity       medical centers with mobile health clinics
              and accessibility. For example, one innovative       to increase access to the investigational
              company providing a differentiated patient           COVID-19 vaccine trials with a focus on those
              engagement solution aimed at loosening the           populations most affected by the virus.
                                          bottleneck of recruit-
                                          ment and enrollment
                                          is Ripple Science.       DIGITAL BIOMARKERS PROMOTE INCLUSION AND
                                          Ripple’s CRM-based
                                          platform for starting    ENHANCE STUDY QUALITY
                                          up studies trans-
              forms site-level data into patient profiles to       Digital biomarkers are patient-generat-
              help ensure enrollment and retention. In July,       ed physiological and behavioral measures
              Ripple partnered with Lakeside Life Science          collected through connected digital tools
              to quickly recruit and track patients from           (hardware and software) that can be used
              small, underserved communities to clinically         to explain diseases, influence fitness be-
              validate Medsential’s point-of-care COVID-19         havior, predict drug response and anticipate
              antibody test.                                       health-related outcomes. The emergence of
                                                                   digital technologies including smartphones
              RxE2 and Matrix Medical Network are two              and connected wearables like the Apple
              other notable companies we recently spoke            Watch provides clinical trial sponsors with
              with that are using unique engagement                the means to generate significant amounts of
                                  models to overcome lo-           patient-level data measured at frequent inter-
                                  gistical challenges to trial     vals between site visits. These technologies
                                  accessibility and diversity.     can be applied well beyond the duration of
                                  RxE2 focuses on leveraging       the trial itself, spanning the product life cycle
                                  the close relationship be-       from research and development to product
              tween patients and pharmacists to improve            launch to disease management and providing
              trial recruitment, retention and outcomes by         opportunities to develop novel endpoints and
              having pharmacies be trial sites. Accord-            supplemental data that may improve the case
              ing to the company’s CEO, Gerald Finken,             for therapies’ regulatory and reimbursement
              pharmacies and pharmacists are significant           approvals.
              untapped resources for trial sponsors given
              90% of the U.S. popu-                                As COVID-19 grinds on, demand for digital
              lation lives within two                              biomarkers in clinical research has been
              miles of a pharmacy.                                 robust as drug sponsors and clinical research
              Finken noted phar-                                   organizations increasingly turn to digital
              macies are ideally                                   technology vendors for tools that enable
              situated and filled with pharmacists whose           them to get trials up and running, keep trials
              skills and expertise make them ideal health-         going, and keep patients safe despite the

December 23, 2020                                        3                                              First Analysis
TABLE 3: COVID-19 decompensation index

Source:   PhysIQ.

              pandemic’s disruptions. Further, the ubiquity,       allows for more representative populations
              ease of use, relatively low cost, and broad          to be included, which according to the FDA’s
              connectivity of the underlying smartphones,          Patient Engagement Advisory Committee is
              other connected devices, and networks that           important as different populations who suffer
              collect digital biomarkers make it possible          from Parkinson’s disease may exhibit differ-
              for bigger, more underrepresented and more           ent symptoms. The study is expected to be
              remote populations to take part in clinical          completed by May 2022. Once validated, the
              trials. We believe this creates new opportu-         biomarkers are expected to be used to help
              nities to increase trial diversity and accessi-      assess other movement and mobility disor-
              bility with digital biomarkers. For example, in      ders.
              September the National Cancer Institute and
              the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging         Overall, the market for
              and Bioengineering of the National Institutes        digital-biomarker-enabled
                                   of Health awarded PhysIQ        companies has been
                                   a contract to develop an        strong, encouraging more
                                   artificial-intelligence-based   companies to consolidate
                                   COVID-19 Decompensation         or raise capital. This is
                                   Index (CDI) digital biomark-    evident in a recent wave of
              er to address the rapid decline of high-risk         M&A and financing activ-
              COVID-19 patients. The study is designed to          ity in the space, including
              capture data from a large, diverse population        Medidata’s (a subsidiary of
              to investigate CDI performance differences           Dassault Systèmes, Paris:
              among subgroups based on sex, gender,                DSY) recent acquisition
              racial and ethnic characteristics.                   of MC10’s digital biomark-
                                                                   er business, ArchiMed’s
              In another example, Brain Baseline is de-            acquisition of Actigraph,
              veloping digital biomarkers for Parkinson’s          ERT’s acquisition of APDM
              disease through the Watch-PD clinical trial          and recent merger with
                                         sponsored by the          Bioclinica, AliveCor’s $65
                                         University of Roch-       million Series E financing,
                                         ester in collabora-       Evidation Health’s $45 mil-
                                         tion with Biogen          lion Series D financing, and Koneska Health’s
              and Takeda. In our view, the observational           $16 million Series B financing.
              study’s hybrid design (in-clinic and at-home)

December 23, 2020                                        4                                           First Analysis
              By providing tools that enable therapeutic
              companies to efficiently understand and
              optimize how their products affect all pos-
              sible target populations, eClinical technolo-
              gy companies help life science innovations
              reach every potential beneficiary, maximizing
              the value society and the economy derive
              from our rapidly advancing understanding of
              human biology.

December 23, 2020                                    5        First Analysis
Commercialization and eClinical indices
                    continue recovery
                    The First Analysis Commercialization Index                        eClinical index continued to perform more
                    appreciated 38% between Dec. 20, 2019, and                        in line with the S&P 500 over the one-year
                    Dec. 18, 2020, and the First Analysis eClin-                      period through Dec. 18, the commericializa-
                    cial Index appreciated 21%. For the one-year                      tion index performed more in line with the
                    period ending in June, both indexes per-                          faster-appreciating Nasdaq over the past
                    formed similarly to the S&P 500. While the                        year.

eClinical/commercialization public comparables*
($ in millions)                                          Revenue growth                                         Enterprise value /
                                                                                     LTM      LTM
                                                                                                          Revenue             EBITDA1
                                             LTM         2019A-      2020E          gross    EBITDA
Company                                    revenue       2020E       -2021E         margin   margin    2020E    2021E     2020E      2021E

Clarivate (CCC)                            $1,053.5      30.8%       41.7%          67.0%    31.2%     15.73x   11.10x     41.1x     24.8x
Informa (INF)                              $3,099.6      (42.5%)     25.7%          38.9%    24.9%     6.10x    4.86x     29.5x      16.1x
Model N (MODN)                               $161.1       13.0%       8.1%          59.3%    (0.7%)    7.36x    6.81x     NMF        NMF
OptimizeRx Corp. (OPRX)                      $34.3       54.4%       27.7%          58.3%    (6.7%)    11.28x   8.83x     NMF        NMF
PaySign (PAYS)                               $26.6       (30.1%)     78.7%          40.0%    (14.3%)   10.41x   5.83x     NMF        29.5x
Phreesia (PHR)                               $139.7       17.4%      23.3%          65.1%    (8.9%)    14.96x   12.14x    NMF        NMF
UDG Healthcare (UDG)                        $1,279.2     (2.4%)       2.8%          31.1%    14.5%     2.21x    2.15x     13.5x      12.3x
Veeva Systems (VEEV)                       $1,379.8       31.2%      18.6%          71.8%    26.9%     27.77x   23.41x    NMF        NMF
Wolters Kluwer (WKL)                       $5,750.3       0.8%        1.5%          70.5%    29.6%     4.41x    4.35x     15.0x      14.6x
                               Average     $1,436.0        8.1%      25.3%          55.8%    10.7%     11.14x   8.83x     24.8x      19.5x
                                Median     $1,053.5       13.0%      23.3%          59.3%    14.5%     10.41x   6.81x     22.2x      16.1x
Certara (CERT)                              $232.7        0.0%        0.0%          62.3%    31.7%     0.00x    0.00x     NMF        0.0x
Cogstate (CGS)                               $23.7        0.0%        0.0%          42.6%    (4.4%)    0.00x    0.00x     NMF        0.0x
Dassault Systèmes (DSY)                    $5,400.6       10.8%       9.1%          82.8%    22.6%     9.96x    9.13x     30.9x      27.4x
ICON (ICLR)                                $2,762.5      (0.5%)      12.6%          30.4%     17.0%    3.57x    3.18x     21.2x      18.0x
IQVIA Holdings (IQV)                       $10,956.0       1.0%       11.7%         34.0%    16.2%     4.14x    3.71x     19.8x      16.8x
PPD (PPD)                                  $4,364.1       13.8%      10.6%          63.5%    16.7%     3.52x    3.19x     18.6x      16.5x
PRA Health Sciences (PRAH)                  $3,110.1      2.3%        11.3%         48.6%    13.4%     2.87x    2.58x     18.5x      15.2x
Schrödinger (SDGR)                          $100.9        31.4%      55.7%          59.5%    (48.2%)   44.18x   28.37x    NMF        NMF
Simulations Plus (SLP)                       $41.6        19.6%      21.0%          74.4%    34.7%     28.01x   23.16x    NMF        NMF
Syneos Health (SYNH)                       $4,488.7      (5.2%)      15.8%          22.5%    12.6%     2.20x    1.90x     15.6x      13.1x
                               Average     $3,148.1       7.3%       14.8%          52.1%     11.2%    9.85x    7.52x     20.7x      13.4x
                                Median     $2,936.3        1.7%       11.5%         54.1%    16.5%     3.55x    3.18x     19.2x      15.9x
Source:      Capital IQ, First Analysis.
Notes:       * Public comparable company data shown above is as of Dec. 20, 2020.
             (1) EBITDA multiples less than 0 and greater than 50 labeled “NMF”.

December 23, 2020                                                        6                                                    First Analysis
First Analysis eClinical/Commercialization Index 1-year performance
                                                   eClinical        Commercialization                NASDAQ               S&P 500
                       Index price1

                                                                                                                                Overall performance, %
                        40%                                                                                                                   42.92%
                        20%                                                                                                                   20.92%
                          Dec-19    Jan-20    Feb-20 Mar-20     Apr-20   May-20   Jun-20    Jul-20   Aug-20   Sep-20   Oct-20    Nov-20

                       Enterprise value / LTM revenue1

                       5x                                                                                                                      4.87x
                       3x                                                                                                                     3.04x
                        Dec-19     Jan-20    Feb-20   Mar-20   Apr-20    May-20   Jun-20    Jul-20   Aug-20   Sep-20   Oct-20    Nov-20

                       Source:       Capital IQ.
                       Notes:        (1) eClinical/commercialization index performance is based on market cap weighted constituents. For
                                     the period from Dec. 20, 2019, through Dec. 18, 2020.

                       All but two of the commercialization stocks                         The increase in stock prices helped drive the
                       were up over the period. The two largest                            commercialization index’s enterprise value
                       gainers were OptimizeRX (OPRX), up 173%,                            multiple of trailing-12-month revenue to 8.7,
                       and Phreesia (PHR), up 110%. Veeva (VEEV),                          close to its high of 8.9 on Nov. 5 and up from
                       which accounted for about 23% of the com-                           6.3 the last time we reported the value of this
                       mercialization index’s total market capitaliza-                     index in June. The eClinical index’s multiple
                       tion on Dec. 20, 2019, and was up 94% in the                        increased to 5.1 from 4.2 in June.
                       past year, accounted for nearly a fourth the
                       index’s gain.                                                       Looking at enterprise value multiples of es-
                                                                                           timated full-year 2020 revenue, the average
                       All the eClinical stocks in the group were up                       and median multiples for the commercializa-
                       over the period. The two largest gainers were                       tion group as of Dec. 20 were 11.1 and 10.4,
                       Cogstate (CGS), up 181%, and Simulations                            up from 7.2 and 5.6 as of June 9, despite the
                       Plus (SLP), up 87%. The largest eClinical                           average 2020 estimated growth rate decreas-
                       index contributor was IQVIA, which account-                         ing from 9.3% to 8.1%. The largest multiple
                       ed for about 30% of the eClinical index’s total                     increases were OptimizeRx, from 5.6 to 11.3,
                       market capitalization on Dec. 20, 2019, and                         and Phreesia (PHR), from 8.1 to 15.0. For the
                       was up 16% in the past year.                                        eClinical group, the average and median mul-
                                                                                           tiples were 9.9 and 3.6, up from 6.5 and 3.2 as
                                                                                           of June 9, with the average estimated 2020
                                                                                           growth rate increasing from 2.6% to 7.3%.

December 23, 2020                                                            7                                                            First Analysis
Pharma IT M&A rebounds in Q4
                                               With 16 notable pharma IT transactions in the                     tise in imaging with ERT’s expertise in elec-
                                               fourth quarter through Dec. 20, M&A activity                      tronic clinical outcome assessment, cardiac
                                               has rebounded from the two-year quarterly                         safety, respiratory and wearables.
                                               low of six transactions in the third quarter but
                                               remains well below the two-year high of 32                        Advarra acquired Longboat in late November
                                               transactions in the 2019 second quarter. We                       for an undisclosed amount. Longboat pro-
                                               highlight the following transactions with rel-                    vides clinical trial technologies focused on
                                               evance to our discussion of tools to achieve                      site training, protocol compliance, and pa-
                                               diversity in clinical trial participation.                        tient engagement. The addition of Longboat
                                                                                                                 broadens Advarra’s suite of technology solu-
                                               In December, ERT, a leader in clinical end-                       tions for sites, biopharmaceutical companies,
                                               point data solutions, agreed to merge with                        and clinical research organizations.
                                               Bioclinica, a technological and scientific
                                               leader in clinical imaging, for an undisclosed                    Medidata acquired MC10’s digital biomarker
                                               amount. Bioclinica was a portfolio compa-                         business in late October for an undisclosed
                                               ny of private equity firm Cinven, which will                      amount. The addition of this business brings
                                               become a minority shareholder of ERT. The                         novel clinical analytics and biosensor capa-
                                               transaction will integrate Bioclinica’s exper-                    bilities to Medidata and enhances Medidata’s
                                                                                                                 ability to integrate data from wearable sen-
                                                                                                                 sors and help customers successfully virtual-
                                                                                                                 ize clinical trials.

       237             230
                                               Pharma services M&A 1Q19 - 4Q201
205          206 202               198         ($ in millions)
                                         151       # of transactions
                                                                               29                                           28
   $18.0                                           Avg. transaction size
                 $15.9        $15.8
                     $14.1$13.7                                                         $1,143                     26

                                                                                                                 $952                                      $901
                                                                                                           17                                               16


                                                                             1Q19        2Q19         3Q19        4Q19     1Q20      2Q20       3Q20       4Q20
                                                   Total transaction size    $538       $5,713        $1,233     $3,809    $1,876    $501         $0       $4,503
                                               Source:       Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.
                                               Notes:        (1) Average and total deal size only consider those deals with reported enterprise values. 4Q20 includes
                                                             reported deals through Dec. 20.

               December 23, 2020                                                                      8                                                 First Analysis
Select recent M&A transactions (sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)
                                                                                                                     Enterprise       EV/
Date              Target              Target business description                                Buyer               value (EV)     revenue
12/21/2020        Cytel               Software and solutions for design, analysis, and imple-    Astorg Partners;     $1,000.0        NA
                                      mentation of clinical trials                               Nordic Capital
12/18/2020        BioTelemetry        Provides monitoring services and digital population        Philips (AMS:        $2,842.7       6.64x
                  (BEAT)              health management for healthcare providers, medical        PHIA)
                                      device manufacturing, and centralized core laboratory
                                      services for clinical research
12/14/2020        MS Clinical         Offers clinical trials with specialization in oncology,    Ergomed (LON:          $25.0        0.80x
                  Services            neurology and rare diseases that support biopharma-        ERGO)
                                      ceutical clients who conduct complex clinical trials
                                      in the most challenging disease states and patient
12/10/2020        Bioclinica          Provider of technology-enabled services to contract        Ares Capital         $5,900.0        NA
                                      research organizations and pharmaceutical compa-           (ARCC); Astorg;
                                      nies, supporting the development of new medical            eResearch Tech-
                                      therapies globally                                         nology; Nordic
                                                                                                 Capital; Novo
12/10/2020        Synteract           Offers a complete range of clinical development and        Syneos Health         $400.0        8.07x
                                      consulting services in clinical operations, safety sur-    (NAS: SYNH)
                                      veillance, bio-statistics, data management, medical
                                      monitoring and medical writing
12/7/2020         Everest Clinical    Services include biostatistics and statistical program-    Arlington Capital   Undisclosed      NA
                  Research            ming, clinical data management, medical coding, trial      Partners
                                      subject randomization using interactive web-based
                                      response system, trial drug dispensing and inventory
                                      management, enabling clients to achieve drug and
                                      medical device development goals and maintain a high
                                      level of ethical and professional standards
12/3/2020         Trifecta Clinical   Provider of a fully integrated training, safety and com-   Annox; Arsenal; Undisclosed          NA
                                      munication platform for pharmaceutical, biotech and        Leonard Green
                                      clinical research organizations                            & Partners; MSD
                                                                                                 Capital; Novo;
12/1/2020         PCI Pharma          Provider of integrated pharmaceutical development          Kohlberg & Com- Undisclosed          NA
                  Services            services to healthcare companies                           pany; Mubadala
                                                                                                 Development Co.
12/1/2020         PDCI Market         Provides assistance to its clients regarding price reg-    McKesson Can-   Undisclosed          NA
                  Access              ulations, public and private reimbursement strategies      ada
                                      and submission as well as pharmaceutical policy and
                                      economic research projects
11/23/2020        Longboat            Clinical trial software platform spanning patient recruit- Advarra             Undisclosed      NA
                                      ment through to study closeout. It serves investigators,
                                      site staff, patient, caregivers, and CRAs.
11/12/2020        Two Labs            Provider of consultancy services for the pharmaceuti-       Envision Pharma;     $280.0         NA
                                      cal and biotechnology sectors                               GHO Capital;
                                                                                                  Mubadala Invest-
                                                                                                  ment Company
11/11/2020        eStudySite          Provider of outsourced clinical research services           NaviMed Capital;   Undisclosed      NA
                                      intended to improve the process for bringing new med- Velocity Clinical
                                      icines to the global community                              Research
10/27/2020        Digital biomark-    Wearable medical sensors                                    Medidata Solu-     Undisclosed      NA
                  er biz of MC10                                                                  tions
10/13/2020        Agnitio             Digital sales tools intended to empower the life science BigTinCan (ASX:          $3.6         2.23x
                                      sales force                                                 BTH)
10/2/2020         snapIoT             Self-service clinical science platform designed to de-      Covance            Undisclosed      NA
                                      centralize clinical trials
10/1/2020         ProPharma           Provider of medical information, pharmacovigilance          Odyssey Invest-    Undisclosed      NA
                  Group               and compliance consulting services                          ment Partners
                                                                                                                        Average      4.43x
                                                                                                                         Median      4.43x

Source:           Capital IQ, First Analysis.

December 23, 2020                                                      9                                                        First Analysis
Q4 pharma IT private placements continue
                                               trend downward
                                               With 15 pharma IT private placements in the                        clinical trials, replacing siloed systems with
                                               fourth quarter through Dec. 20, the quarterly                      integrated digital tools, data and interfaces to
                                               pace of transactions in the sector appears                         accelerate trial execution. In connection with
                                               on track to hit a two-year low. Private place-                     the transaction, David Hartwig from Sapphire
                                               ment activity has trended downward since                           Ventures has joined the company’s board of
                                               the two-year high of 39 transactions in the                        directors.
                                               second quarter. We highlight two noteworthy
                                               fourth-quarter transactions involving technol-                     In December, Elligo Health Research re-
                                               ogies useful in ensuring clinical trial partici-                   ceived an undisclosed amount of Series D
                                               pant diversity.                                                    funding led by new investor Cerner (CERN).
                                                                                                                  Elligo uses electronic health records and
                                               Medable raised $91 million in a Series C                           patient-physician relationships to help ensure
                                               round in mid-November led by new investor                          patients have access to clinical research as a
                                               Sapphire Ventures and including existing                           care option, engaging physicians and pa-
                                               investors GSR Ventures, PPD (PPD) and                              tients who otherwise would not participate in
                                               Streamlined Ventures. Medable’s digital                            clinical research and helping accelerate ther-
                                               platform streamlines design, recruitment,                          apeutic and diagnostic product development.
                                               retention and data quality for decentralized

       237             230
                                               Pharma services private placements 1Q19 - 4Q201
205          206 202               198         ($ in millions)
                             182                                                                                            $95.0
                                         151       # of transactions
                                                                                                                             39        39
   $18.0                                           Avg. transaction size                                            37
                   $15.9        $15.8
         $13.3         $14.1$13.7
$9.6         $10.0

                                                                                                           24                                    25
                                                                               23         23

                                                                              $17.1      $14.7                     $15.4


                                                                             1Q19       2Q19           3Q19        4Q19     1Q20      2Q20      3Q20       4Q20
                                                   Total transaction size    $273       $265               $76     $432     $2,659    $789      $408        $743
                                               Source:       Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.
                                               Notes:        (1) Average and total deal size only consider those deals with reported enterprise values. 4Q20 includes
                                                             reported deals through Dec. 20.

               December 23, 2020                                                                      10                                                First Analysis
Select recent private placements (sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                         Total
                                                                                                                            Amount    amount
Date              Company            Business description                         Investors                   Raise type     raised    raised
12/18/2020        Pear               Software-based digital therapeutics          5AM Ventures; Arbo-         Later Stage    $112.0    $251.0
                  Therapeutics       platform designed to treat disease and       retum; CrimsoNox;               VC
                                     enhance the efficacy via prescription        EDBI; Forth Manage-
                                     digital therapeutics                         ment; JAZZ Venture;
12/10/2020        Tempus Labs        Health care data analytics platform          Baillie Gifford; Franklin   Later Stage   $450.0    $1,070.0
                                     designed to improve patient outcomes         Templeton; GV; Novo;            VC
                                                                                  T. Rowe Price
12/8/2020         Elligo Health      Clinical research platform designed to       Cerner (CERN)               Later Stage   Undis-     $41.0
                  Research           revolutionize research by eliminating                                        VC        closed
                                     the barriers that contribute to study
                                     delays and budget overruns
12/4/2020         Circuit Clinical   Integrated research organization that        KMG Capital; Launch         Later Stage     $4.7     $12.9
                                     optimizes the clinical research experi-      NY; Western New                 VC
                                     ence                                         York Venture Associ-
12/3/2020         Clinical Ink       eSource technology designed to revo-         McKesson Ventures           PE Growth/    Undis-     $17.5
                                     lutionize clinical research by eliminat-                                 Expansion     closed
                                     ing paper source documents
12/2/2020         Kayentis           Electronic clinical outcome assess-          Bpifrance; Extens;          Later Stage    $8.3      $25.8
                                     ment (eCOA) technology designed to           LBO France                      VC
                                     offer new perspectives to speed up
                                     clinical trials
11/20/2020        Precision          Clinical research organization special-      Berkshire Partners;         PE Growth/    Undis-    $350.0
                  Medicine Group     ized in the field of precision medicine      Oak HC/FT; The              Expansion     closed
                                                                                  Blackstone Group;
                                                                                  TPG Growth; Vida
11/19/2020        Medable            Decentralized trial platform designed        GSR Ventures; Phar-         Later Stage    $91.0     $142.6
                                     to get effective therapies to patients       maceutical Product              VC
                                     faster                                       Development (PPD);
                                                                                  Sapphire Ventures;
                                                                                  Streamlined Ventures
11/10/2020        COTA               Healthcare informatics and precision         Baptist Health South        PE Growth/     $44.0     $115.7
                                     analytics software designed to improve       Florida; Boston Mil-        Expansion
                                     the lives of cancer patients                 lennia Partners; EW
                                                                                  Healthcare Partners;
                                                                                  Horizon Blue Cross
                                                                                  Blue Shield of New
                                                                                  Jersey; ONC Capital
11/6/2020         ArborMetrix        Provides clinical performance analytics      Invest Detroit Ven-         Later Stage    $12.8     $30.3
                                     tools designed to improve the delivery       tures                           VC
                                     of healthcare outcomes through data
11/5/2020         Unlearn            Platform designed to accelerate clinical     8VC; Alumni Ven-            Early Stage    $15.0     $20.0
                                     trials with artificial intelligence          tures Group; Data               VC
                                                                                  Collective; DCVC Bio;
                                                                                  Eisai Ventures; EPIC
                                                                                  Ventures; Mubadala
10/26/2020 MD Biosciences            Provider of preclinical, translational and   Great Point Partners;        Buyout/      Undis-    Undis-
                                     clinical-phase contract research ser-        MLM Medical Labs              LBO         closed    closed
                                     vices for the development of pharma-
                                     ceutical and diagnostic assets
10/23/2020 Subjectwell               Patient recruitment platform designed        Geekdom Fund                Later Stage     $1.8     $17.5
                                     to deliver highly qualified referrals for                                    VC
                                     clinical trials
10/22/2020 Jeeva                     Biotechnology platform intended to           Center for Innovative       Seed Round      $0.2      $0.4
           Informatics               transform thinking about research, de-       Technology
                                     velopment, and commercialization

December 23, 2020                                                       11                                                       First Analysis
Select recent private placements (sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                Total
                                                                                                                   Amount    amount
Date              Company            Business description                        Investors           Raise type     raised    raised
10/13/2020        rMark Bio          Business intelligence software de-          CerraCap Ventures   Early Stage     $2.8      $4.5
                                     signed to accelerate innovation, collab-                            VC
                                     oration and scientific discovery for life
Source:           Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.

December 23, 2020                                                      12                                               First Analysis
December 23, 2020
                    eClinical/commercialization public comparables appendix*
                    ($ in millions)                                                               Revenue growth                                 Enterprise value /
                                                                                                                      LTM      LTM
                                                                                                                                            Revenue              EBITDA1
                                                          Market      Enterprise      LTM         2019A-    2020E    gross    EBITDA
                    Company                                cap          value       revenue       2020E     -2021E   margin   margin    2020E     2021E      2020E    2021E

                    Clarivate (CCC)                       $18,615.0    $20,049.0     $1,053.5     30.8%     41.7%    67.0%    31.2%     15.73x    11.10x      41.1x   24.8x
                    Informa (INF)                         $10,798.1    $13,686.8    $3,099.6      (42.5%)   25.7%    38.9%    24.9%     6.10x     4.86x      29.5x    16.1x
                    Model N (MODN)                        $1,284.9      $1,202.4      $161.1      13.0%     8.1%     59.3%    (0.7%)    7.36x     6.81x      NMF      NMF
                    OptimizeRx Corp. (OPRX)                $440.0       $428.4        $34.3       54.4%     27.7%    58.3%    (6.7%)    11.28x    8.83x      NMF      NMF
                    PaySign (PAYS)                         $255.6       $252.5        $26.6       (30.1%)   78.7%    40.0%    (14.3%)   10.41x    5.83x      NMF      29.5x
                    Phreesia (PHR)                        $2,413.9      $2,192.4      $139.7       17.4%    23.3%    65.1%    (8.9%)    14.96x    12.14x     NMF      NMF
                    UDG Healthcare (UDG)                   $2,707.1    $2,846.2      $1,279.2     (2.4%)    2.8%     31.1%    14.5%     2.21x     2.15x      13.5x    12.3x
                    Veeva Systems (VEEV)                  $41,760.6    $40,229.2     $1,379.8     31.2%     18.6%    71.8%    26.9%     27.77x    23.41x     NMF      NMF
                    Wolters Kluwer (WKL)                 $22,334.4     $25,090.9    $5,750.3       0.8%     1.5%     70.5%    29.6%     4.41x     4.35x      15.0x    14.6x
                                             Average      $11,178.8    $11,775.3    $1,436.0       8.1%     25.3%    55.8%    10.7%     11.14x    8.83x      24.8x    19.5x
                                              Median      $2,707.1     $2,846.2     $1,053.5      13.0%     23.3%    59.3%    14.5%     10.41x    6.81x      22.2x    16.1x
                    Certara (CERT)                        $5,582.8      $5,977.9     $232.7        0.0%     0.0%     62.3%    31.7%     0.00x     0.00x      NMF      0.0x
                    Cogstate (CGS)                         $148.9        $143.1       $23.7        0.0%     0.0%     42.6%    (4.4%)    0.00x     0.00x      NMF      0.0x

                    Dassault Systèmes (DSY)              $51,623.5     $54,232.0    $5,400.6      10.8%      9.1%    82.8%    22.6%     9.96x     9.13x      30.9x    27.4x
                    ICON (ICLR)                          $10,248.4      $9,975.4    $2,762.5      (0.5%)    12.6%    30.4%     17.0%    3.57x     3.18x      21.2x    18.0x
                    IQVIA Holdings (IQV)                 $34,585.4     $46,363.4     10,956.0      1.0%     11.7%    34.0%    16.2%     4.14x     3.71x      19.8x    16.8x
                    PPD (PPD)                            $12,346.3     $16,163.4     $4,364.1     13.8%     10.6%    63.5%    16.7%     3.52x     3.19x      18.6x    16.5x
                    PRA Health Sciences (PRAH)            $7,860.9      $9,007.0     $3,110.1      2.3%     11.3%    48.6%    13.4%     2.87x     2.58x      18.5x    15.2x
                    Schrödinger (SDGR)                    $5,549.2     $4,962.5       $100.9      31.4%     55.7%    59.5%    (48.2%)   44.18x   28.37x      NMF      NMF
                    Simulations Plus (SLP)                $1,314.6      $1,199.5      $41.6       19.6%     21.0%    74.4%    34.7%     28.01x    23.16x     NMF      NMF
                    Syneos Health (SYNH)                   $7,175.7     $9,772.8    $4,488.7      (5.2%)    15.8%    22.5%    12.6%     2.20x     1.90x      15.6x    13.1x
                                             Average     $13,643.6     $15,779.7     $3,148.1      7.3%     14.8%    52.1%     11.2%    9.85x     7.52x      20.7x    13.4x
                                              Median      $7,518.3     $9,389.9     $2,936.3       1.7%     11.5%    54.1%    16.5%     3.55x     3.18x      19.2x    15.9x
                    Source: Capital IQ.
                    Notes: * Public comparable company data shown above is as of Dec. 20, 2020.
                          (1) EBITDA multiples less than 0 and greater than 50 labeled “NMF”.
First Analysis
                    This document is provided by First Analysis for informational purposes
                    only. This document is an overview and analysis of trends and is not
                    intended to provide investment recommendations or investment analy-
                    sis on any specific industry or company. Neither the information nor any
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                    sale of any securities. This is not a complete analysis of every material
                    fact regarding any company or industry. The opinions expressed herein
                    reflect our judgment at this date and are subject to change. The infor-
                    mation has been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable, but
                    we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Past performance and any projec-
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                    calling (312) 258-1400 or by writing to: First Analysis, One South Wacker
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                    Copyright 2020 First Analysis Securities Corp.

December 23, 2020                          14                                      First Analysis
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