Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE

Page created by Clifton Garcia
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
Winter 2019

Plymouth Rock Quarterly
                                  PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all!         to consider.

2019 looks to be a fun year for the Plymouth Rock          A reminder to all Directors, get your meets assigned
Fanciers Club. There are a lot of meets being placed       soon. The sooner we know where they’ll be will help
and John has done a fine job getting all the reports       us have show birds ready. Disrict and State meets are
calculated and posted. Tim Gladhill, our Election          a good way to boost the number of Rocks at a show.
Chairman, reports that the 2019 Plymouth Rock
National Meet will be in Sedalia, Missouri with the        We are in need of a replacement Director for District
Missouri State Poultry Breeders on October 26th,           6 to replace David Swaim. District 6 covers the
2019. So get those brood pens crankin’ out some            following states; MT, ND, SD, WY, MN and IA.
dandies for this show. Any donations for Specials          We currently have 5 members in this District, so
should be sent directly to John Beauchamp with             hopefully someone will step up and give them a hand
instructions for what it’s for. Henry set a goal for 200   getting some meets assigned and help promote our
Rocks for this National and that’s what I’m talking        breed. Anyone willing to fill in for David, please
about!!! I know 5 of us from Ohio are going and            email me at
anyone that wants to meet up and travel with us
will be welcome.                                           Check out our new website at www.plymouthrock-
                                                  We have a section set up for you to
With winter on hand here now, keep plenty of               advertise on as Classifieds, and you can set up a page
moisture available for your birds. Here’s a good place     any way you would like for $25 a year!!! That’s some
to use some soaked oats. The birds relish them and         kinda bargain. You must be a member and provide
the added water sure helps keep them hydrated. Fill        the copy along with payment to John Beauchamp. List
a 5 gallon bucket with whole oats, cover with water,       your birds for sale, change as you like, and put your
and let it set a few days. They’ll eat the whole thing,    birds in front of a lot of people interested in Rocks!
so I feed them free choice. You better have another
bucket soaking to be ready.                                Get your brood pens set up and get ready for Sedalia
I want to set up the committee for the Hall of Fame
soon. If anyone is interested in serving, please           Keep those Rocks Rollin,
contact me. We have some very deserving members            Kraig Shafer

                                   TREASURER’S REPORT
Previous Balance:                         $4,078.52        Currrent Balance:                          $3,820.68
                                                           (as of December 7, 2018; does not include life memberships)
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
    Plymouth Rock Fancier’s Club of America National Meet
                                  October 26, 2019
                                       Sedalia, Missouri
                           Hosted by the Missouri State Poultry Association

                                      DISTRICT 1 REPORT

Greetings from the New England,                       Bantams, Ian Merrow had BB and Reserve SCCL with
                                                      a Columbian cockerel and RB with his Barred pullet.
Our members were down at most all fall shows.
Birds moulting, late hatches, and of course medical   At Union Fair all Junior Large Fowl honors went to
problems, what have you. We pray for a healthy new    James Davis receiving BB and Best American with his
year.                                                 Barred cockerel and RB and Reserve American with
                                                      his Barred pullet. In Bantams, Savannah Dube got BB
Here are a couple show results from Maine: Central    and Best SCCL with her Silver Penciled hen.
Maine show was well represented. In Large Fowl,
Matt Martin had BB and Best American with a White     Looking forward to seeing you all at the Congress.
cockerel and RB and Reserve American his Barred       Hopefully we all have some good travelling weather.
pullet. In Bantams, the honors went to Bob Hawes BB
and Reserve SCCL with his Columbian pullet. Matt      Kindest regards,
Martin got RB with a White cockerel. For Juniors in   Dean Clark

                                    DISTRICT 4 REPORT
Greetings from Illinois!                              Below are some upcoming shows this winter and
                                                      spring. Let me know if your club would like to have
Happy new year! Recently we had about 11 inches       a meet. Looking forward to seeing you in the Rock
of snow. Real cold temperatures are coming this       aisles at future shows!
                                                      Good luck with your hatches! God bless you and our
Catches seem to be going well this winter. Looking    great country!
forward to seeing how the birds mature!               Dianne Weer

DATE                          HOST                                                      MEET TYPE
March 16                      Camp Creek Poultry Show (OH)                              Special
March 30                      Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association               Special
April 13                      White River Poultry Club Spring Show (IN)                 Special
April 20                      Green River Poultry Club Spring Show (KY)                 Special
April 27-28                   Dayton Fancy Feather (OH)                                 Special
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from District 5,         Shows needing a meet for 2019 please contact me as
                                                            possible so we can get you on calender.
Hope everyone is ready for Christmas by now — if not,
it’s coming anyway.                                         Also, I want to thank John Beauchamp and Russ
                                                            Crevoiserat for selling me some birds to help out with
Members voted to have our National Meet for 2019            our breeding program.
at the Missouri State Poultry Association Show in
Sedalia, MO October 26, 2019. This show is a double         Congratulations to Elwood Canfield on his win at the
show and the national will be judged in the first one.      Oklahoma State Poultry Federation show on December
There is usually good competion here with both              8, 2018. He had BB on White Rock cockerel and RB
Standards and Bantams. The show will be held at the         on White Rock pullet. Also winning at this show was
state fairgrounds and there’s plenty of parking. Health     Rock Hill Poultry (Janice Hall) with BV Barred on a
requirements as of now are just NPIP or 90 PT —             hen and RV on pullet. In standards M and J Farms
hopefully does’t change by fall.                            (Mike and Jan Geis) had best on White Rock pullet
                                                            and RB was a nice Barred hen by Jasmine Gates. Best
I think we already have $250 in cash donated and my         Junior Rock Bantam was a barred pullet by Braiden
goal is to have $750-1000 total by show time. Also, we      Wade and RB went to a White pullet by Carson Hobbs
would really like to see 200+ rocks at this show. We’ll     who used the bird for showmanship also.
just have to set more eggs and groom more birds for
this show.                                                  Thanks also to Janice Hall and Elwood Canfield for
                                                            show information! (See photos in the Photo Gallery.)
Anyone have any prefences for Judge? Let me know
and I’ll work with the show officals to see if we can get   See you at the shows
them.                                                       Henry D. Kestner

                                       DISTRICT 7 REPORT
Season’s Greetings from Washington State!                   from three fall shows:

While it has been cold and frosty here the last few days    Stevenson Fall Classic, Columbia River Poultry
at least we haven’t had any snow… yet. I’d like to give a   Exhibitors, Stevenson WA, October 6, 2018, District
shout out to our new members who have joined since          meet: Best Bantam Rock was a White pullet shown by
our last newsletter: Thurman and Elizabeth Main and         Thurman and Elizabeth Main, this bird went on to be
a group of junior members who joined at our Western         Champion in the SCCL Class and Reserve Champion
Regional Show hosted by the Pacific Northwest Poultry       Bantam. Best Large Fowl Rock was a White pullet
Association on Dec. 1 (see report below)-Gavin              shown by Jim Volk, this bird went on to be Champion
Besteman, Logan Ackerman, and Ashlynn Williams.             American, Champion Large Fowl, Reserve Champion
                                                            Land Fowl and Reserve Champion of the show. Best
I am still working on learning about feed and did           Bantam Rock Trio was a Barred young trio shown by
finally get a chance to read Kraig’s article on the value   Pam Watson, they were also the Grand Champion
of feeding oats. If you haven’t read it, you should check   Trio of the show.
it out on the new and updated Plymouth Rock Fanciers
website at        Winter Brisk (Show #1), Washington Feather
value-of-oats-in-poultry-diets/                             Fanciers, Chehalis, WA, November 3, 2018, WA State
                                                            Meet: Best Large Rock a White cockerel shown by Jim
I am placing meets for the coming year so if you            Volk that also went on to be Champion American and
would like one at your upcoming show please contact         Champion Large Fowl. Reserve Large Rock another
me. Show reports (see photos in the Photo Gallery)          White cockerel shown by Jim Volk. Best Bantam Rock
                                                                                            Continued on following page
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
District 7 Report, continued
a White pullet shown by Thurman and Elizabeth Main/        Poultry. Res. Bantam Rock a Barred pullet shown by Pam
ETC Poultry. Reserve Bantam Rock a Barred pullet           Watson Fallen Moon Livestock and Dahlias. Best Youth
shown by Pam Watson. Best Bantam Rock display,             Bantam Rock a White cock shown by Logan Ackerman
Barred, shown by Pam Watson. Egg Show: Reserve             that went on to be the Youth Reserve SCCL. Res. Youth
Champion Over-all Eggs and Champion Adult Eggs on          Bantam Rock a Silver Penciled hen shown by Ashlynn
Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam eggs to Pam Watson.            Williams. Best Bantam Rock display, Barred, shown by
                                                           Pam Watson. Rev. Bantam Rock display, Columbian,
Winter Brisk Surprise (Show #2), Washington Feather        shown by Dale Anderson/Dart Browning Poultry.
Fanciers, Chehalis, WA, November 3, 2018, Special
Meet: Best Large Rock a White pullet shown by Jim          Winter Classic (Show 2-Blue Card Show), Pacific
Volk that also went on to be Champion American             Northwest Poultry Association, special meet: Best
and Reserve Large Fowl. Reserve Large Rock a White         Large Rock a White pullet shown by Jim Volk that went
cockerel also shown by Jim Volk. Best Bantam Rock a        on to be Best American. Reserve Large Rock a second
Barred hen shown by Pam Watson that went on to be          White pullet also shown by Jim Volk that went on to be
Best SCCL. Reserve Bantam Rock a White pullet shown        Reserve American. Best Bantam Rock a White pullet
by Thurman and Elizabeth Main/ ETC Poultry that            shown by Thurman and Elizabeth Main/ETC Poultry.
went on to be Reserve SCCL. Best Bantam Rock display,      Res. Bantam Rock a Columbian pullet shown by Dale
Barred, shown by Pam Watson.                               Anderson/Dart Browning Poultry. Best Youth Bantam
                                                           Rock a White cock shown by Logan Ackerman that
Winter Classic (Show 1-White Card Show), Pacific           went on to be the Youth Reserve SCCL. Res. Youth
Northwest Poultry Association, Plymouth Rock               Bantam Rock a Silver Penciled hen shown by Ashlynn
Fancier’s Club Western Regional meet: Best Large Rock      Williams. Best Bantam Rock display, Barred, shown by
a White pullet shown by Jim Volk that went on to be Best   Pam Watson. Rev. Bantam Rock display, Columbian,
American. Reserve Large Rock a second White pullet         shown by Dale Anderson/Dart Browning Poultry.
also shown by Jim Volk. Best Bantam Rock a White
pullet shown by Thurman and Elizabeth Main/ETC             Pam Watson

                                           IN THE KITCHEN

CROCK POT CANDY                                            cook for 1-2 hours. Leave your crock pot on low or it
(AKA CHRISTMAS CRACK!)                                     will burn your chocolate and nobody wants that!
Recipe submitted and concocted by Pam Watson
                                                           Then, because it is me, I added a cup of shredded
‘Tis the season to make and share chocolate goodies        coconut, a few shakes of cinnamon, and stirred it in
with friends. This recipe has nothing to do with           and let it cook another 15 minutes.
chickens but makes a lot so you can share it with your
chicken partners in crime. I mixed up a few recipes I      While that was cooking I mashed up pretzels, 2 cups
had and some from Pinterest.                               worth, some bits were little and some were about
                                                           an inch long still. I mixed that in until I thought
I started with about a brick and a half of chocolate       it looked right (everything mostly covered with
almond bark (it might have been two but it was left        chocolate goo), I used both cups. Most recipes just
over dipping chocolate so not quite sure).                 call for 4 cups of peanuts but I like lots of goodies and
                                                           MORE SALT!
Then I added one cup of butterscotch candy bits and
put them on low in my crock pot.                           Take out and drop by heaping teaspoons onto
                                                           parchment paper on cookie sheets and let them set
When they were all melty I added a cup of peanut           up. One batch makes a ton, for sharing! They last
butter and waited for that so soften and stirred it in.    pretty well in snack or sandwich ziplock bags but
Then I added 16 oz. of salted peanuts. I let this cook     sometimes the pretzels get stale. Don’t worry, they
on low for about 45 min., most recipes say to let it       don’t last long.
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
    DECEMBER 8, 2018

                             Elwood Canfield’s BB Bantam       M and J Farms (Mike and Jan
                             White cockerel.He also took       Geis) had BB with a Standard
                             RB with a White Rock pullet.      White pullet.

Reserve Junior Rock Bantam
and Junior Showman Carson                                      Standard Barred pullet by
Hobbs.                       Barred cockerel by Amy Collins.   Linda Sparlin.

Tom Roebuck judging open     Columbian Bantam pullet by        Bantam Silver Penciled
Bantam Rocks.                Lyndon Irwin.                     cockerel by Jodi Forhan.

    DECEMBER 1, 2018

                             Best Large Rock White pullet      Best Bantam Rock White
                             and Best American shown by        pullet shown by Thurman and
                             Jim Volk.                         Elizabeth Main/ETC Poultry.
                                                                         Continued on following page
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
Photo Gallery, continued
                                                                                              MEMBER DUES
                                                                                              Unless you are a
                                                                                         life member, yearly club
                                                                                        fees are due January 1st.

                                                                                       Please send your dues to:
                                                                                          John Beauchamp
                                                                                             P.O. Box 387
                                                                                          Federalsburg, MD

                                                                                               If you have a
                                                                                           change of address,
                                                                                            please notify John
Best Youth Bantam Rock and               Res. Bantam Rock Columbian                         at (410)310 5242
Youth Reserve SCCL White                 pullet shown by Dale                             or johnsfourseasons@
cockerel shown by Logan                  Anderson/Dart Browning                       
Ackerman.                                Poultry.

                                                   FUN FACT:
                   The record for most egg yolks in one egg is nine yolks.

Merry Christmas from all of us at the Hungry Go                you are indeed some brave souls based on my past track
Naked Farm. I hope you and your families have a                record getting to this show unscathed.
wonderful holiday season and a very special New Year.
                                                               Here at the HGNF poultry extravaganza we are setting
I have survived another trip to Columbus. No tow               up large fowl breeding pens. I feel as if I am running
trucks involved this year. I was not overly pleased            late but I am putting some extra time and effort into
with the conditions of the sale area, where I spend            this year’s breeder selections and mating’s. I am only
a lot of time at this particular show. The dirt floor,         setting up two pens this year, I’m hatching half ass
poor ventilation and six inches of horse manure at the         many as last year with hopes of a better male to female
entrance for set up were not in my opinion welcoming           ratio. Last years was a joke with 4:1 males to females. I
to sales area holders. Columbus charges $75 for a 10 x         culled or sold all but two, last year’s finest. We shall see,
10 space for those that desire to share their stock with       check back in eleven months.
others. You must bring your own cages and provide your
own shavings. In the future I will likely pack a respirator    Already planning for this year’s Bantam pens, looks
and goggles or check with the show secretary regarding         like an interesting year for the Bantam Whites as I have
the sales area location prior to sending in my entry. It’s a   some decent males to head up the pens. Still focusing
moving target out there, sometimes it is in the show hall,     on type and size I intend to mix it up a little this year
other times in various buildings adjacent to the main          with some birds I crossed to Richard’s stock last year.
show building. Traffic in the sales area is generally good     I miss my friend very much at the shows, particularly
and I have made some great friends talking with annual         in the Rock aisles and the meals. As I will also this
visitors to the sales area. It always makes me feel good       breeding season as he was always a resource, patient
when I hear them tell stories of doing well at their local     and supportive answering my many questions. I pray
shows and fairs with our stock. Thanks to John and Bob         the Hickman family has a Merry Christmas this year.
for accompanying me on this year’s trip to Columbus,
                                                                                                  Continued on following page
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
Ramblings, continued
Plymouth Rocks and those that breed, raise and exhibit         other responsibilities associated with this great hobby
them are a huge part of my hobby and are what give             so that I can spend time with folks like you three or
me the drive to continue this journey. I find myself           four times a year and talk chicken.
busier than ever with work and family commitments,
as well as those to my community and friends. But              May you experience the Joy of the Christmas Season,
I always seem to find the time for the mating’s, the           God’s blessings for the coming New Year and the fun
incubator, toe punching, the vaccinations, , record            and excitement of this fantastic hobby and our beloved
keeping, brooding, the banding, the separating,                Plymouth Rock Breed. Merry Christmas PRFCA!
sexing and moving, pen cleaning, watering, feeding,
equipment and building maintenance, and all of the             Brian Lewis

                                             EDITOR’S LETTER
Hello from snowy New York!                visit:
                                          eggcyclopedia/f/freezing-eggs/. The
I wasn’t thinking ahead last summer       girls will start laying again soon, and
and neglected to preserve some eggs       you bet I’ll be preserving the extras
for use in the winter months. It’s so     for next Christmas.
dissapointing to have to buy eggs
for holiday baking. My favorite way       As always, we hope you’ve enjoyed this
to store eggs long term is to freeze      issue of the Plymouth Rock Quarterly.
them. Eggs should not be frozen in        If you have any items you’d like to
their shells. To freeze whole eggs,       share in the next newsletter, please
beat yolks and whites together.           feel free to contact me. My email is
Using an ice cube tray to freeze them
individually makes using them in
recipes easy — no need to measure!        Happy New Year,
For more on freezing eggs safely,         Jill Burks

                                             PRFCA OFFICERS
  Kraig Shafer                 Jim Volk                        John Beauchamp               Tim Gladhill
  1995 Hillville Road          1151 Middle Fork Road           P.O. Box 387                 3045 Hoopers Delight Road
  Elida, OH 45807              Onalaska WA 98570               Federalsburg, MD 21632       New Windsor, MD 21776          (360) 978-6414        

                                     DISTRICT DIRECTORS
  DISTRICT 1 (ME, NH, VT,      DISTRICT 3 (AK, LA, NC,         DISTRICT 5 (CO, KS, NM,      DISTRICT 7 (WA, OR, CA,
  RI, CT, MA)                  SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TN)         OK, TX, ME, MO)              NV, UT, AZ, ID, HI)
  Dean Clark                   David Johnston                  Henry D. Kestner             Pam Watson
  (603) 787-7070               (706) 295-2915        
  DISTRICT 2 (NY, PA, NJ,      DISTRICT 4 (MI, WI, OH,                                      DISTRICT 8 (AK & Canada)
  DE, MD, DC, WV, VA)          IL, KY, IN)                     DISTRICT 6 (MT, ND, SD,      Frank Goodfellow
  Greg English                 Dianne Weer                     WY, MN, IA)                    Vacant
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
Membership Information
             Adult: $20.00 per year
             Junior: $5.00 per year

                Please mail to:
               John Beauchamp
                 P. O. Box 387
            Federalsburg, MD 21632

Please include: Name, address, telephone number,
         breeds raised, and email address.
Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Plymouth Rock QuarterlyWinter 2019 - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
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