PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield

Police Crime Bulletin
                 Crime Prevention Bureau
 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500
              February 8, 2021 – February 14, 2021

                      Chief of Police
                      Elvin Barren
                                                             Prepared by
                                                             Mark Malott
                                                             Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Commercial Burglaries:
    Date/Time       Address (block range)    Method of Entry               Description/Suspect Information
From: 02/11/2021   24000 W Twelve Mile Rd East side Roll Up     Officers were dispatched to the 24000 Block of 12 Mile
1:00am To:         (Pre-Owned Car Dealership) Bay Door window   Rd. (Pre-Owned Car Dealership) reference alarm and
02/11/2021                                    was broken out.   two subjects that were observed hopping the fence on
1:13am                                                          the east side of the Business and who were then
                                                                observed driving a Black Dodge SUV, and Silver Dodge
                                                                Charger out of the lot. These 2 vehicles were last seen
                                                                being driven east on W Twelve Mile Rd. After Officers
                                                                arrived on scene it was learned that the incident was
                                                                most likely 30 minutes old and the alarm company
                                                                advised that the suspects were first observed inside
                                                                the business. Officers discovered good B&E.
                                                                Suspects found the key box where the keys for
                                                                vehicles are located. Two customer vehicles that were
                                                                in for repair were stolen from the parking lot.
                                                                Surveillance Video shows on 02/11/2021 at 1:12am:
                                                                One of the suspects was a black male, wearing a blue
                                                                surgical mask, a black hoodie, blue sweatpants with a
                                                                white stripe down the middle, white shoes, and blue
                                                                latex gloves.
                                                                The second suspect is described as a black male
                                                                wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and brown boots,
                                                                possibly Timberland boots.
                                                                The suspects are seen going through a small opening
                                                                through the fence of the dealership. The suspects are
                                                                also seen sneaking around in the office of the
                                                                dealership. Most likely when they located the keys for
                                                                the vehicles that were stolen. The video then shows
                                                                the Jeep and Durango flee the scene at a high rate of
speed and go over a snow bank to exit the parking lot.

02/13/2021                    29000 Telegraph Rd.                 Exterior door glass         On 02/13/2021, Officers responded to a B&E alarm at
1:56am                        (Commercial- Fast Food)             was pried allowing          the Fast Food Business in the 29000 Block of Telegraph
                                                                  access to inner             Rd. Upon arrival, Officers observed a smashed front
                                                                  deadbolt.                   door. They checked the location and determined that
                                                                  Secondary door              it was a good B&E and the suspects were gone. 2- cash
                                                                  glass was broken            registers containing cash were taken. Unable to gain
                                                                  out entirely.               access to surveillance at the time of report for suspect
                                                                  S - Stolen
                                                                  2- cash drawers
                                                                  containing cash were

   ❖ Do not display valuable items in windows when closed for business
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free security inspection (248) 796-5409
Home Invasion:
    Date/Time     Address (block range)          Method of Entry              Description/Suspect Information
02/08/2021       24000 Lathrup Blvd.            Entered through    On 02/08/2021, at approx. 8:31pm, Officers were
8:00pm           (Assisted Living Apartments)   unlocked door.     dispatched to the 24000 Block of Lathrup St. (Senior
                                                                   Living Apartments) for report of a Home Invasion in
                                                                   progress. Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the
                                                                   caller. R/P states she was lying in bed when and
                                                                   unknown male entered her room from an unlocked
                                                                   door to the outside. The male stated he didn’t want to
                                                                   hurt anyone, he just wanted to come in from the cold.
                                                                   He immediately left R/P’s room and went out into the
                                                                   common area of the facility.
                                                                   Officers arrived on scene and located the suspect
                                                                   hiding in the laundry room. He was taken into custody
                                                                   for Home Invasion.
02/13/2021                   19000 Midway Rd.                     Opened unlocked On 02/13/2021 at 2:08am Officers were dispatched to
2:08am                                                            bedroom window. the 19000 Block of Midway reference an Attempted
                                                                                  Home Invasion.
                                                                                  Officers arrived on scene and met with the
                                                                                  homeowner. The homeowner advised he was sleeping
                                                                                  when he heard a loud noise coming from his bedroom
                                                                                  window. When he looked out he could see his ex-
                                                                                  girlfriend opening his bedroom window and
                                                                                  attempting to enter the residence. R/P struggle with
                                                                                  his ex-girlfriend but he was eventually able to keep his
                                                                                  girlfriend out and he closed the window. R/P and his
                                                                                  new girlfriend who was present both stated that the
                                                                                  ex-girlfriend had her arm inside the residence and was
                                                                                  attempting to gain entry. The ex-girlfriend fled the
                                                                                  area in her vehicle. No description.
                                                                                  Note: This is the second incident involving the same
                                                                                  suspect. On an earlier incident, the same suspect
                                                                                  MDOP’d victim’s vehicles.
                                                                                  Suspect has been identified and incident is under

   ❖ Let trusted neighbors know if you are not going to be at home
   ❖ Be cautious about who you let in your home for service and repairs
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free home security inspection (248) 796-5409
Automobile Thefts:
      Date/Time       Address (block range)   Year, Make, Model                            Details
From: 02/08/2021   16000 W Nine Mile Rd.      S - Stolen             R/P states his Black 2017 Dodge Durango was
9:30pm             (Apartments)               Manufacturer
                                                                     stolen from the parking lot at his Apartment
To: 02/09/2021                                Model                  Complex. He stated he parked his vehicle on the
9:00am                                        Color                  west side of the complex, next to the green fence
                                              BLK - Black
                                              Vehicle Year           that boarders the Fox 2 News Station. He parked
                                              2017 MI
                                                                     his vehicle at approx. 9:30pm on 02/08/2021,
                                              Black Dodge Durango    and noticed it missing at approx. 9:00am the
                                                                     following morning. No suspect information.

From: 02/09/2021   25000 W Twelve Mile Rd.    SR - Both Stolen and   Victim states he parked his 2007 Chrysler 300 in
1:30pm             (Apartments)               Recovered              the parking lot at his Apartment Complex on
To: 02/10/2021                                CHRYSLER               02/09/2021 @ 1:30pm.
9:30am                                        CHRYSLER 300           He returned to the area where he parked his
                                              BLK - Black
                                                                     vehicle the following day at 9:30am and
                                              Vehicle Year           discovered his vehicle wasn’t there anymore.
                                              Body Style State       Victim looked around the complex and he found
                                              License Year           his vehicle parked in the rear of the complex.
                                              BLACK 2007 CHRYSLER    The ignition and dash were damaged.
                                              300                    No suspect information.
                                              Recovered Date/Time
                                              02/10/2021 11:30am
                                              25000 Block of W 12
                                              MILE RD
02/12/2021   W Nine Mile Rd. &   R - Recovered Stolen   On 02/12/2021, Officers were at 9 Mile and
12:27am      Southfield Rd.      Property               Southfield Rd. when they heard tires squealing
                                 JEEP                   and an engine revving up. They drove to that
                                 GRAND CHEROK           area and observed a Dark Color Jeep Grand
                                 BLK - Black
                                                        Cherokee that was disabled with fresh accident
                                 Description            damage. Officers checked for occupants in the
                                 BLACK JEEP GRAND
                                 CHEROKEE               vehicle and found it to be empty There were
                                 Recovered Date/Time
                                                        numerous airbags deployed.
                                 02/12/2021 12:27am     A witness advised Officers that the vehicle was
                                 9 Mile Rd. &           doing doughnuts in the intersection, lost control
                                 Southfield Rd.         and struck a cement barrier. The witness asked
                                                        the occupants if they were alright and they all
                                                        took off running on foot.
                                                        The witness described the subjects in the vehicle
                                                        as: (3) males, 20-30 years old, of possible
                                                        Puerto-Rican or mixed decent, all ranging from
                                                        5'9" to 5'11", and they were all wearing winter
                                                        jackets and sweat pants.
                                                        The plate on the vehicle was clear but the vin
                                                        came back as a stolen vehicle out of Plymouth
                                                        Officers located the three subjects described by
                                                        the witness at Lee Baker Rd. and Mapleridge.
                                                        Officers secured the three suspects and
                                                        continued their investigation. Officers ultimately
                                                        arrested all three subjects for Receiving and
                                                        Concealing a Stolen Motor Vehicle and Failing to
                                                        Stop and Identify after a vehicle collision. Officers
                                                        recovered a Jeep vehicle key fob from one of the
                                                        subjects. Due to damage on the vehicle it was
                                                        unknown if the key fob was for the stolen
vehicle. All three suspects were taken into
                                                                custody and transported to the Southfield Jail.

   ❖ Never leave your vehicle running unattended
   ❖ Park in areas where your vehicle is viewable if possible
   ❖ Use commercially available security devices

    Date/Time      Address (block range)                 Item Taken                              Details

From: 02/08/2021   25000 W Twelve Mile     Vehicle was ransacked but Victim states sometime between 02/08/2021
7:00pm             (Apartments)            nothing was taken.        7:00pm- 02/09/2021 1:00pm someone broke
To: 02/09/2021                                                       rear driver’s side window out on his 2019 Dodge
1:00pm                                                               Durango and ran-sacked the vehicle.
                                                                     Nothing was taken. No suspect information.

From: 02/08/2021   25000 Shiawassee Rd.    S - Stolen                        R/P states on 02/08/2021 at approx. 5:45pm he
5:45pm             (Apartments)            Description
                                                                             had 2 packages delivered by USPS. He went to
                                           2- Packages, One Had
To: 02/08/2021                             Medication, The Other Clothing.   retrieve the packages at approx. 9:54pm and
9:54pm                                                                       they were not at his mailbox.
                                                                             The items delivered were medication and
                                                                             clothing. No suspect Information.

From: 02/08/2021   16000 W Nine Mile Rd.   S - Stolen                        Victim states she parked her 2005 Honda CRV in
14:45pm            (Hospital)              Description
                                                                             the parking lot in the 16000 Block of W. Nine
                                           Catalytic Converter and Oz
To: 02/08/2021                             Sensors was taken from 2005       Mile Rd. on 02/08/2021 at 2:45pm. When she
4:10pm                                     Honda CRV                         returned to her vehicle at 4:10pm she discovered
                                                                             that someone had taken her catalytic converter
                                                                             and Oz sensors. No suspect information.
From: 02/10/2021   22000 W Twelve Mile   S - Stolen                         Victim states she parked her vehicle at her
10:00pm            (Apartments)          Description
                                         Catalytic Converter, 2- Laptops,
                                                                            apartment complex on 2/10/2021 at 10:00pm
To: 02/11/2021                           Clothing, Sun Glasses & a Purse    and secured it. When she came back out to the
3:00pm                                   were all taken from 2007 Honda     vehicle at 3:00pm and started the vehicle, she
                                                                            immediately realized something was wrong due
                                                                            to the noise it was making. She took it to a shop
                                                                            and learned her catalytic converter was stolen.
                                                                            No suspect information.

From: 02/11/2021   22000 W Twelve Mile   S - Stolen                         Victim had Catalytic Converter stolen from her
6:00am             (Apartments)          Description
                                         Catalytic Converter was taken
                                                                            2007 Honda Accord the other day so she decided
To: 02/12/2021                           from 1998 Ford Econoline Van.      to check her other vehicle, 1998 Ford Econoline
4:30pm                                                                      Van. She discovered that the Catalytic Converter
                                                                            was stolen from that vehicle as well.
                                                                            No suspect Information.
02/12/2021   26000 Telegraph Rd.   S - Stolen                     Officers were dispatched to the 26000 Block of
2:40am       (Hotel)               Manufacturer
                                                                  Telegraph Rd (Hotel) for a report of a Larceny.
                                   US Currency
                                   Notes                          R/P advises she received a call from subject who
                                   Cash was Taken from Register
                                   and Lock Box.                  identified himself as the manager of the
                                                                  business. The manager asked R/P to go
                                                                  downstairs to lock the basement doors leading to
                                                                  the laundry area. He was looking at the
                                                                  surveillance cameras and observed the doors to
                                                                  be open. The manager also asked if a certain
                                                                  employee was working.
                                                                  R/P, thinking it was her manager secured the
                                                                  office area and went to check on the doors in the
                                                                  basement. R/P was gone approx. 5 minutes and
                                                                  returned to find that someone had stolen money
                                                                  from the hotel cash register and a cash deposit
                                                                  R/P called the manager on his cell phone and he
                                                                  stated he never called her and he was home
                                                                  sleeping. R/P advises there should be surveillance
                                                                  video of incident but it wasn’t available at time of
02/13/2021   16000 W Nine Mile Rd.   S - Stolen                       Officers were dispatched to an unknown problem
9:25am       (Apartments)            Description
                                                                      at Apartment Complex in the 16000 Block of Nine
                                     Sony Hard Drive for PS4 & Visa
                                     Credit Card.                     Mile Rd. The R/P was crying on the phone and
                                                                      stated she needed the police.
                                                                      Officers arrived and met R/P in the lobby of
                                                                      apartment building.
                                                                      R/P stated that her ex-boyfriend who she broke
                                                                      up with in December 2020 showed up at her
                                                                      apartment last night. R/P asked him to leave and
                                                                      when she grabbed her cell phone and pretended
                                                                      to call the police he punched her in the back of
                                                                      the head, took her cell phone and threw it across
                                                                      the room. R/P gathered her clothes for work, left
                                                                      the apartment and called the police. The ex-
                                                                      boyfriend was still in her apartment when she
                                                                      left. Officers went to R/P’s apartment and the
                                                                      suspect was G.O.A.
                                                                      While Officers were investigating the suspect
                                                                      texted R/P threatening her because she called
                                                                      the police.
                                                                      Note: Before suspect left the apartment, it
                                                                      appeared he flipped R/P’s air mattress upside
                                                                      down, threw her wig outside on the balcony, and
                                                                      messed up her bedroom by throwing her
                                                                      personal belongings around the room. The
                                                                      suspect had also taken R/P’s PS4 hard drive and
                                                                      her Visa credit card.
                                                                      Suspect has been identified and incident is under
02/13/2021                   27000 Marshall St              S - Stolen           Victim states on 02/12/2021 she and her
6:28pm                                                      Color
                                                            BLK - Black
                                                                                 boyfriend had a physical altercation at a
                                                            Description          residence in Detroit. The boyfriend left the
                                                            Handgun was taken.
                                                                                 building and R/P was later advised by her sister
                                                                                 that her boyfriend was at her residence in
                                                                                 Southfield. Victim called Southfield PD who
                                                                                 responded and checked the residence but
                                                                                 suspect was no longer on scene.
                                                                                 R/P came home and discovered her handgun had
                                                                                 been stolen.
                                                                                 Note: R/P states her boyfriend has taken her
                                                                                 guns during a previous incident. Her boyfriend
                                                                                 also knows where she kept the handgun.
                                                                                 Suspect has been identified and incident is under

    ❖ Ensure your vehicle is locked always and valuables are out of sight.
    ❖ Thieves wait for the right time and will move quickly
    ❖ Even if playing sports at a park ensure your vehicle is locked
Armed Robbery:
    Date/Time    Address (block range)                 Item Taken                             Details
02/10/2021      25000 Evergreen Rd.      S - Stolen                      On 02/10/2021 at approx. 4:45pm, Officers
4:41pm                                   Description
                                         Cash and an iPhone was Taken.
                                                                         were dispatched to Gas Station in the 25000
                                                                         block of Evergreen Rd. for an Armed Robbery
                                                                         that occurred 30 minutes prior.
                                                                         Officers arrived on scene and interviewed the
                                                                         victim. He states that some person that he
                                                                         doesn’t know struck up a conversation with him
                                                                         while he was pumping his gas. The suspect knew
                                                                         who he was and where he worked and asked him
                                                                         for a business card. As victim reached into his
                                                                         vehicle to get a business card the suspect pointed
                                                                         a handgun at him and said, “Give me everything”.
                                                                         Victim stated he gave the suspect his cash and
                                                                         his Grey iPhone.
                                                                         Officers investigation revealed several inequities
                                                                         with R/P’s statement of what happened.
                                                                         Surveillance video wasn’t available at time of
                                                                         Suspect Description:
                                                                         Last Name
                                                                         First Name
                                                                         DOB (Age)
                                                                         Full Beard and
Teeth Height
6' 0" - 5' 10"
B/M around 30 years old, about 6'-0”, medium build, dark
complexion, wearing all black & had a hoodie on.
02/12/2021                  27000 Northwestern              Nothing was taken.                  On 02/12/2021, Officers were dispatched to the
10:07pm                     (Hotel)                                                             27000 Block of Northwestern Hwy (Hotel) on a
(Attempt Only)                                                                                  report of an Attempted Armed Robbery.
                                                                                                Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the victim.
                                                                                                The victim stated she approached individuals in
                                                                                                the rear parking lot of the Hotel and asked where
                                                            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 she could buy marijuana. The subjects provided
                                                            Citizens that conduct this          her with a phone number. R/P called the number
                                                            type of business with               and later met with an unknown black male in the
                                                            complete strangers                  rear parking lot at the Hotel. The suspect was
                                                            always run the risk that            sitting in a Silver 4-dr. Ford, with tinted windows.
                                                            something like this is              R/P and the male were having a casual
                                                            going to happen!                    conversation, when he produced a handgun and
                                                            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 told her to "give me my money". R/P then
                                                                                                proceeded to back up away from the vehicle.
                                                                                                The suspect then left the parking lot and drove
                                                                                                away/ Nothing was taken from R/P?
                                                                                                Suspect & Suspect Vehicle Info:
                                                                                                Suspect: Dark skinned b/m, medium build, black
                                                                                                hoddie, with red writing and black face mask.
                                                                                                Suspect Vehicle: Silver 4-dr, Ford Sedan, with
                                                                                                tinted windows.

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police.
   ❖ If something doesn’t appear right or someone looks like they are up to no good, call the police immediately
   ❖ Trust your intuition

Unarmed Robbery:
None Reported:
   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police
Be on the Look Out Highlights:                           Arrests by SPD Officers:
Special Attention: Kidnapping/ Abduction                 Domestic F/A-          1- Arrest
02/12/2021 12:41pm                                       02/10/2021 12:36am
30000 Block of Southfield Rd.                            Telegraph Rd. & Swanson Rd.
(Car Wash)                                               Officers were dispatched to Telegraph Rd. and Swanson for a report of
Victim states while vacuuming her vehicle at Car         car vs pedestrian crash. Dispatch stated a female was ran over after an
Wash at 13 mile & Southfield Rd. her ex-boyfriend,       altercation. Female was laying in the middle of Swanson Rd.
opened the passenger door to her car and got into        Officer arrived on scene and observed two vehicles leaving the area.
her vehicle. Victim asked her ex-boyfriend what he       A White Mercedes and a Jeep was heading E/B on Swanson toward
was doing and he stated he was upset with her.           Telegraph. Officer positioned his vehicle so the two vehicles couldn’t
Victim denied this and went around to the passenger      leave the scene.
side of her vehicle to tell subject to get out of her    Investigation revealed there was an injured female on the side of the
car. When she did this he slipped over into the          road holding her leg. She was yelling at Officers to let her go?
driver’s seat. Victim got into the passenger seat and    Officers were attempting to determine the extent of the female’s
grabbed her key fob for the car and shut the car off.    injuries. She wasn’t forthcoming about what happened.
Her ex-boyfriend ripped her chain off that was           After numerous questions, Officers determined that the woman in the
around her neck causing injury. He then pushed the       Jeep was victim’s girlfriend. They were coming back from a friend’s
button to start the vehicle. Victim shut the car off     home and were on the way to victim’s apartment. They were on
again. This exchange continued back and forth until      Swanson near Franklin and victim got out of the Jeep. Her girlfriend got
the ex-boyfriend drove away from Car Wash with           out also and the two began fighting in the street. The victim was asked
victim still in the passenger seat. The victim           numerous times if she was run over and she never responded. She did
screamed out the window for someone to call the          state that she didn’t want to press charges. Southfield FD responded to
police. Victim was talking to her current boyfriend      treat victim. She was transported by Life 2 to Providence Hospital.
and telling him what happened when he was cut off        An eyewitness stated he observed the two females get out of their
from the conversation. He pinged her phone and it        vehicle. The one female (suspect) knocked victim to the ground and
was pinging in area of 10 Mile & Southwood. The          punched her numerous times. The suspect then got into her vehicle
current boyfriend reported that he felt his girlfriend   and deliberately struck victim while she was standing in the roadway
had been abducted by her ex-boyfriend. Officers          The suspect was taken into custody for Domestic F/A.
responded to the area of 10 Mile & Southwood and
didn’t locate the suspect or victim. A family member
of victim later found victims phone in the snow in       Domestic F/A-            1- Arrest
area of 10 Mile & Southwood.                             02/11/2021 11:53pm
The victim was later released in Detroit on 7 Mile Rd.   23000 Block of Lake Ravines Dr.
The suspect had called someone to meet him there.        On 02/12/2021 Officers were dispatched to the 23000 Block of Lake
He got out of victim’s vehicle and he was picked up      Ravines Dr. on a report of an Domestic Assault. The victim (Legal
by unknown male.                                         Guardian) for 14- year old foster child at the home pulled a knife on
The suspect has not been located and has not             her and threatened her.
responded back to Detectives for questioning &           Upon arrival, Officers contacted the R/P. She stated the following:
interview. This incident has been submitted to OCPO      After being told to go to bed for the night, suspect became
for Complaint & Warrant.                                 argumentative. Suspect grabbed a knife from under her pillow in her
                                                         bedroom and threatened her with it. Another foster child at the home
                                                         held back the suspect. The knife was recovered by victim and the
                                                         police were called. The victim felt threatened by suspect and there was
                                                         a witness that confirmed that the suspect grabbed a knife and
                                                         threatened victim. Officers contacted Children’s Village and they
                                                         agreed to take custody of juvenile until petition is completed and there
                                                         is a hearing. Detectives petitioned the Juvenile Court and the petition
                                                         was authorized for F/A.
Special Attention: Fleeing & Eluding                       Domestic F/A-           1- Arrest
02/10/2021 11:27pm                                         02/14/2021 1:38pm
W Twelve Mile Rd. & Northwestern Hwy.                      20000 Block of Greenview Rd.
Officers were requested to assist other units &            On 02/14/2021 Officers were dispatched to the 20000 Block of
jurisdictions stopping a known LFA vehicle that shot       Greenview Rd. for a Domestic Incident.
at a victim the previous night.                            Officers were advised that the female R/P stated she just had a fight
They requested a stop on the vehicle as it was             with her wife and that the wife fired a gun at her.
leaving Apartment Complex on 12 Mile Rd. in                Officers arrived on scene and were let into the residence by the R/P.
Southfield. As officers began making the location the      Officers announced their presence and gave verbal commands to
vehicle fled and it was reported that the vehicle          anyone in the house to make themselves present. Shortly after this
struck an undercover vehicle. Officers observed the        command the female suspect walked into the kitchen and sat down at
vehicle turn s/b on Northwestern from e/b 12 Mile          the kitchen table. This female was secured and Officers began their
Rd. Officers pursued vehicle until they lost sight of it   investigation.
near 6 Mile & Grand River.                                 Officers completed their investigation and the suspect was taken into
The suspect vehicle is a Black Dodge Ram PU. No            custody for F/A Domestic. The handgun was recovered in the suspects
plate. The suspect is an Unknown Male.                     bedroom closet.

                                                           Domestic F/A-         1- Arrest
                                                           02/13/2021 10:24pm
                                                           28000 Block of Franklin River Dr.
                                                           Officers responded to the 28000 Block of Franklin River Dr. on report
                                                           of an unknown medical emergency. The male R/P stated he was
                                                           arguing with the female half when she suddenly went into the
                                                           bathroom and was having an unknown medical problem.
                                                           Officers arrived on scene and located female in the bathroom. She was
                                                           lying in the bathtub and was unresponsive to Officers.
                                                           The male subject was now becoming combative with Officers and he
                                                           was calmed down and secured. Officers continued to render aid to the
                                                           female until Life Support Unit arrived on scene.
Life Unit treated the female and transported her to area Hospital.
Officers went to the hospital to speak with female to determine what
had occurred prior to 911 being called earlier in the evening.
As Officers were in route to hospital dispatch advised that Providence
Security was calling to inform that the male R/P was in the ER lobby
causing problems and the females father had also been there.
When Officers arrived at hospital both persons were not present.
ER Security stated that the male R/P was irate when he had come into
the lobby, and that he had been turned away.
Officers spoke with the female that had been transported to hospital
for treatment and determined that her medical emergency was at least
partially caused by a Physical Domestic Assault & Battery with
Strangulation by the male R/P. Additionally, Officers were advised that
he had threatened her life and that she had a recording of this. A short
time later the male R/P returned to Providence ER and he was taken
into custody for Aggravated Domestic, and Threats and Intimidation.
Detective Wojciechowski presented case to OCPO. Warrant issued for
Assault GBH and Aggravated DV.
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