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 Predicted dominance of variant Delta of SARS-CoV-2
 before Tokyo Olympic Games, Japan, July 2021
Kimihito Ito¹, Chayada Piantham², Hiroshi Nishiura³
1. International Institute for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
2. Graduate School of Infectious Diseases, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
3. Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Correspondence: Kimihito Ito (

Citation style for this article:
Ito Kimihito, Piantham Chayada, Nishiura Hiroshi. Predicted dominance of variant Delta of SARS-CoV-2 before Tokyo Olympic Games, Japan, July 2021. Euro
Surveill. 2021;26(27):pii=2100570.

                                                                             Article submitted on 15 Jun 2021 / accepted on 08 Jul 2021 / published on 08 Jul 2021

Using numbers of SARS-CoV-2 variants detected in                                    on 25 April in 10 of the 47 prefectures in Japan. During
Japan as at 13 June 2021, relative instantaneous repro-                             the fourth wave in Japan, public health and social
duction numbers (RRI) of the R.1, Alpha, and Delta vari-                            measures against COVID-19 included the closure of
ants with respect to other strains circulating in Japan                             restaurants, cancellation of mass gathering events and
were estimated at 1.25, 1.44, and 1.95. Depending on                                requests to ‘stay home’. New cases decreased in early
the assumed serial interval distributions, RRI varies                               May and the emergency state in Tokyo was lifted on 20
from 1.20–1.32 for R.1, 1.34–1.58 for Alpha, and 1.70–                              June, but new cases in Tokyo started increasing again
2.30 for Delta. The frequency of Delta is expected to                               hereafter [3]. As at 20 June, the R.1 variant, Alpha and
take over Alpha in Japan before 23 July 2021.                                       Delta VOC are circulating in Japan in addition.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2                                     Modelling advantageous selection among
(SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of coronavirus dis-                               multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants
ease (COVID-19), has undergone adaptive evolution                                   Using the numbers of SARS-CoV-2 variants found in
since its emergence in the human population in 2019.                                the GISAID database [4] and those detected by PCR in
On 31 May 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO)                                 Tokyo, we estimate the relative instantaneous repro-
has designated four variants of SARS-CoV-2 as variants                              duction numbers (RRI ) of the R.1 variant and the Alpha
of concern (VOC)— Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta cor-                                and Delta VOC with respect to other strains circulating
responding to the Phylogenetic Assignment of Named                                  in Japan before the introduction of the Alpha and Delta
Global Outbreak (Pango) lineage designation B.1.1.7,                                VOC and R.1. We also show the expected temporal
B.1.351, P.1 and B.1.617.2, respectively [1].                                       changes in variant relative frequencies of SARS-CoV-2
                                                                                    in Japan until early August 2021.
Multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants are circulating in Japan
and because of the high transmissibility of the VOC,                                Suppose that we have a large population of viruses
the replacement of locally circulating strains by Alpha                             consisting of lineages a, A 1, …, An , of which fre-
and Delta VOC poses a serious public health threat in                               quencies in the viral population at a calendar
Japan. Here we used a renewal-equation-based model                                  time t are qa (t), qA 1(t), …, qAn (t), respectively. Suppose
to describe the adaptive evolution among multiple vari-                             also that a is a baseline lineage that was circulating
ants, i.e., R.1, Alpha and Delta variants in addition to                            at the beginning of the target period of analysis and
ordinary variant, in the country to inform risk-assess-                             that A 1, …, An are lineages introduced to the population
ment ahead of the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo                                     at times t 1, …, tn , respectively.
starting on 23 July 2021.
                                                                                    We assume that viruses of lineages A 1, …, An gener-
Epidemiological situation in Japan in June/                                         ate 1+s 1, …, 1+sn times as many secondary transmis-
July 2021                                                                           sions as those of the baseline lineage a, respectively.
In Japan, in the middle of March 2021, COVID-19 case                                The instantaneous reproduction number is defined as
numbers increased and a fourth wave began when the                                  the average number of people an infected individual at
SARS-CoV-2 Alpha VOC and the lineage R.1 appeared.                                  time t could be expected to infect given that conditions
R.1 (Pangolin designation) is a local mutant possess-                               remain unchanged [5]. Let I(t) be the total number of
ing an E484K mutation on its spike protein [2]. The                                 new infections by viruses of any lineages of a or A 1,
Japanese government declared a state of emergency                                   …, An at calendar time t and g( j) be the probability                                                                                                                                        1
Table 1                                                             Figure 1
Estimated selective advantages and initial frequencies              Estimated temporal changes in SARS-CoV-2 variant
for SARS-CoV-2 R1 variant and Alpha and Delta VOC                   relative frequencies of R.1, Alpha and Delta VOC and
compared with other circulating variants, Japan, July 2021          other strains circulating, Japan, 1 December 2020 to 11
                                                                    September 2021
Parameter         Estimated values        95% confidence interval
    R.1                  0.25                    0.25–0.25                               1.0   R.1
    Alpha                0.44                    0.44–0.44                                     Alpha
    Delta                0.95                    0.90–0.99                               0.8

                                                                    Relative frequency
    R.1                0.0043                 0.0041–0.0046
    Alpha               0.0011                 0.0010–0.0012                             0.6
    Delta              0.0029                 0.0023–0.0033
s: selective advantage; q: initial relative frequencies.



                                                                                               Dec 01
                                                                                                Dec 11
                                                                                               Dec 21
                                                                                               Dec 31
                                                                                                 Jan 10
                                                                                                Jan 20
                                                                                                Jan 30
                                                                                               Feb 09
                                                                                               Feb 19
                                                                                               Mar 01
                                                                                               Mar 11
                                                                                               Mar 21
                                                                                               Mar 31
                                                                                                Apr 10
                                                                                               Apr 20
                                                                                               Apr 30
                                                                                               May 10
                                                                                               May 20
                                                                                               May 30
                                                                                               Jun 09
                                                                                                Jun 19
                                                                                                Jun 29
                                                                                                 Jul 09
                                                                                                  Jul 19
                                                                                                  Jul 29
                                                                                               Aug 08
                                                                                               Aug 18
                                                                                               Aug 28
                                                                                               Sep 07
mass function of the serial interval. Suppose that g( j)
is small enough to be neglected for jl. The instan-
taneous reproduction numbers of lineage a and A 1,                  CI: confidence interval; SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory
                                                                       syndrome coronavirus 2; VOC: variants of concern.
…, An at calendar time t are represented as follows:
                                                                    The circles, triangles, pluses, and crosses respectively indicate
                                                                      frequencies of SARS-CoV-2 sequences of R.1 variant, Alpha and
                                                                      Delta VOC, and others collected in Japan from 1 December 2020.
                                                                      Daily frequencies are shown until 25 April 2021 and weekly
                                                                      frequencies from 26 April. The solid lines indicate the maximum
                                                                      likelihood estimates of relative frequencies of the variants using
                                                                      collected data. The dashed lines represent the predicted variant
                                                                      frequencies after 13 June. Dotted lines indicate lower and upper
                                                                      bounds of 95% CI of estimated variant frequencies.

                                                                    part of the renewal equation and allows us to cancel it
                                                                    out. The frequency of lineage Ai in the viral population
Since a virus of lineage Ai generates 1+si times as many            at calendar time t, qAi (t), is now modelled as
secondary transmissions as those of lineage a, the fol-
lowing equation holds

for each calendar time t ≥ ti . We call the value of
1+si the RRI of Ai with respect to a.

To allow an explicit statistical estimation of the RRI ,
here we impose an assumption, i.e. within a single                  Numbers of SARS-CoV-2 variants detected
generation of transmission from calendar time t–l to                in Japan
t–1, the incidence (i.e. the number of new infections)              We downloaded metadata of sequences of SARS-CoV-2
did not greatly vary and they can be approximated to                submitted from Japan since 1 December 2020 from
be equal such as                                                    the GISAID EpiCoV database [4] on 16 June 2021. The
                                                                    sequencing rate in Japan in December 2020 was 0.06
                                                                    sequences per case (4,826 sequences / 83,544 cases).
                                                                    After removing sequence records of viruses detected
                                                                    at the airport quarantine stations in Japan, Pango line-
                                                                    age labels [2] assigned to these sequences were col-
The approximation in Formula (4) does not necessar-                 lected (Supplementary Table 1). Numbers of sequences
ily mean that the reproduction number was a constant                assigned to the R.1 variant as well as to Alpha (B.1.1.7)
over calendar time. Rather, the assumption of ‘close                or Delta (B.1.617.2) VOC were counted and those of
incidence’ allows us to take I(t) from the summation                other lineages were summed up to ‘other’ lineages.

Figure 2                                                                     let d 1, …, dk be calendar times such that N(dj ) > 0 for
Temporal changes in the population average of the relative                   1 ≤ j ≤ k. Suppose that we have NAi (dj ) sequences of
instantaneous reproduction numbers with respect to                           lineage Ai at calendar time dj for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ k .
SARS-CoV-2 strains other than the R.1 variant or Alpha
or Delta VOC, Japan, 1 December 2020 to 11 September                         Since lineage Ai emerged at time ti , qAi (dj )=0 for dj  0. Parameters s R.1, s Alph
  before the R.1 variant and Alpha VOC. Open circles represent                 , s Delta, q R.1(t R.1), q Alpha(t Alpha), and q Delta(t Delta) were esti-
  those in Fukuoka, Miyagi, Okinawa, Hokkaido, Saitama, Chiba,
  Osaka, Kanagawa, Hyogo, Aichi, Kyoto prefectures from the                  mated by maximising the likelihood defined in Formula
  top. It should be noted that the relative reproduction number              (6). The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of these param-
  compares the relative change in the instantaneous reproduction             eters were estimated by profile likelihood [7]. The opti-
  number compared with the baseline on 1 December 2020.
                                                                             misation of likelihood function and calculation of 95%
                                                                             CIs were performed using the nloptr package in R [8,9].

Weekly numbers of the R.1 and the Alpha and Delta                            The selective advantages s R.1, s Alpha and s Delta, with
VOC detected by PCR in Tokyo were obtained from the                          respect to other strains circulating in Japan were esti-
report on COVID-19 monitoring submitted by the Tokyo                         mated to be 0.25 (95% CI: 0.25–0.25), 0.44 (95%
Metropolitan Government on 17 June 2021 [6].                                 CI: 0.43–0.44) and 0.95 (95% CI: 0.90–0.99) (Table
                                                                             1). The initial frequencies, q R.1(t R.1), q Alpha(t Alpha),
The PCR detection counts until 25 April and the GISAID                       and q Delta(t Delta), were estimated as shown in Table 1.
variant counts from 26 April 2021 were excluded from                         The RRI of the Delta VOC in Japan was compatible with
the analysis to avoid double counting. Finally, daily                        the estimate of 1.97 (95%CI: 1.76–2.17), which was
variant frequencies of a total of 28,211 sequences—                          obtained using global data by Campbell et al. [10].
consisting of 5,186 R.1, 8,205 Alpha, 2 Delta, and                           However, the RRI of the Alpha VOC in Japan was not
14,818 other SARS-CoV-2 viruses—and weekly vari-                             within the 95%CI from the estimate of 1.29 (95%CI:
ant frequencies of 784 viruses—consisting of 88 R.1,                         1.24–1.33) from the same study. The discrepancy
664 Alpha, and 32 Delta variants were obtained and                           of RRI among countries has been observed in the same
used in the rest of analyses (Supplementary Table 2;                         study, and we suspect that it may be attributed to
Supplementary Table 3).                                                      the difference in the transmissibility of the baseline
                                                                             viruses, with which RRI is calculated.
Relative instantaneous reproduction numbers
Let N(t) be the total number of sequences of line-                           Figure 1 shows temporal changes in frequencies of the
ages A 1, …, An or a observed at calendar time t, and                        R.1 variant, Alpha and Delta VOC and other lineages                                                                                                                               3
circulating in Japan estimated by our model. The Alpha
VOC became dominant (frequency > 50%) in Japan at the           Our results show that the replacement is likely to hap-
end of May 2021. The Delta VOC is predicted to become           pen mostly before the start of the Tokyo Olympic Games
dominant over Alpha on 12 July 2021 (95% CI: 5 July to          on 23 July 2021. In terms of possible public health
22 July).                                                       impact with respect to this event, the risk assessment
                                                                should account for the fact that a substantial num-
Population average of relative instantaneous                    ber of international visitors during the Games might
reproduction numbers                                            be exposed to the Delta VOC, and increased mobility
The population average of RRI , 1+s, with respect to            could help further spread COVID-19 caused by this vari-
strains labelled as others at calendar time t was               ant with an elevated transmissibility around the world.
estimated by 1+s R.1 q R.1(t R.1) +s Alpha q Alpha(t Alpha)+s
      q Delta(t Delta). Since the maximum likelihood esti-      During the fourth wave in Japan, interventions had
mates of s R.1, s Alpha, and s Delta can be affected by the     to be strengthened with the emergence of the Alpha
log mean and log standard deviation of the lognormal            VOC. Up until the third wave, the focused interven-
serial interval distribution, sensitivity analyses of           tions on food service and drinking establishments
parameters s R.1, s Alpha, and s Delta were performed by        without an explicit request to ‘stay home’ have been
using the combinations of μ and σ sampled along the             highly effective [15] prior to the introduction of the
boundary of the 95% confidence area of the likelihood           Alpha variant, even though vaccines were unavail-
surface of the serial interval distribution [11,12]. As a       able. However, because of elevated transmissibility
result, we estimated the ranges of the maximum likeli-          with new variants, this strategy may not be effective
hood estimates of s R.1, s Alpha, and s Delta to be 19–32%,     to substantially reduce the reproduction number below
34–58%, and 70%–130%, respectively.                             the value of one. The two-dose vaccination coverage in
                                                                Japan, which is 10.4% as at 6 July 2021 [16], should be
Figure 2 shows temporal changes in the population               increased rapidly.
average of RRI with respect to strains other than the R.1
variant, and the Alpha or Delta VOC circulating in Japan.
The population average of RRI stayed around one until           Acknowledgements
the end of January 2021 since strains other than the R.1        We gratefully acknowledge the laboratories responsible for
variant, or Alpha or Delta VOC, were dominant around            obtaining the specimens and the laboratories where genetic
that time. From the beginning of February 2021, the             sequence data were generated and shared via the GISAID
population average of the RRI has been elevated due to          Initiative, on which this research is based. The informa-
                                                                tion on originating laboratories, submitting laboratories,
the increase of frequencies of the Alpha VOC (Figure 1).        and authors of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data can be found in
The population average of the RRI values reached 1.20           Supplementary Table 1.
(Serial interval sensitive range (SISR): 1.16–1.27) on 9
March 2021. The population average of relative trans-
missibility in May 2021 was consistent with the relative        Funding statement: This work was supported by the Japan
reproduction number of the Alpha VOC when compared              Agency for Medical Research and Development (grant num-
                                                                bers JP20fk0108535). K.I. received funding JSPS KAKENHI
with other variants circulating before Alpha, as esti-          (21H03490). C.P. was supported by the World-leading
mated in Japan on 12 May 2021 [13], using the method            Innovative and Smart Education Program (1801) from
proposed by Volz et al. [14]. From around the middle            the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
of June 2021, the population average of RRI became              Technology, Japan. H.N. received funding from Health and
elevated because the Alpha VOC started to decrease in           Labor Sciences Research Grants (20CA2024 and 20HA2007);
                                                                the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
frequency and was replaced by the Delta VOC (Figure             (JP20fk0108140); JSPS KAKENHI (21H03198) and the Japan
1). The increase of the population average of the RRI will      Science and Technology Agency (JST) SICORP (e-ASIA) pro-
continue until the Alpha VOC is completely replaced by          gram (JPMJSC20U3). The funders had no role in the study
the Delta VOC by the middle of August 2021 (Figure 2).          design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
                                                                preparation of the manuscript.
Discussion and conclusions
We have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 Delta VOC pos-
                                                                Conflict of interest
sesses greater transmissibility than the R.1 and the
Alpha VOC. The RRI of the R.1 and the Alpha and Delta           None declared.
VOC with respect to other strains circulating in Japan
were estimated at 1.25 (SISR: 1.16–1.27), 1.44 (SISR:
1.34–1.58), and 1.95 (SISR: 1.70–2.30), respectively.           Authors’ contributions
This means that the Delta VOC possesses almost 1.6              KI and CP developed the model and conducted estimation.
and 1.4 times higher transmissibility than the R.1 and          HN addressed public health implications. KI, CP, HN wrote
the Alpha VOC, respectively. While the Alpha VOC has            the paper.
replaced other SARS-CoV-2 variants in Japan just over
the last 5 months, it is very likely that it is just a mat-
ter of time for the Delta VOC to replace other variants,        References
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