President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

Page created by Jonathan Larson
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...
Vol. - XXXII                                 January - March 2020                              No. - 02

  Dr. Mukul Tiwari                           Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele                       Dr. R.K. Pathak

                                  President's Message
                     Dear Friends and Great Corona Soldiers,
                     Since my last message to you, the world has changed significantly. The pandemic
                     has swept everybody off the feet and we are finding it hard to stay and practice
                     safely and happily. Psychological problems are also increasing .The plight of
   labour class and lower middle class is especially unnerving. Many have walked or travelled
   hundreds of kilometres to reach their hometown. Jobs are getting scarce. Despite the hardship on our
   practice, some of us are well established in practice. My request to them – these are unprecedented
   times; please do not go by laws of commerce, but follow your heart. Give and donate generously to
   the needy and poor. Take good care of your employees also.
   Some branches have done lots of relief work in Covid. I am highly appreciative of them. They
   deserve our highest regards. All Presidents and Secretaries of the branches are requested to keep
   sending reports of their Corona philanthropic activities to the IMA MP State Office. Although true
   noble works are not dependent on awards still we have to acknowledge. So this year we are planning
   to give Corona Philanthropic Activity Awards. My wish is that, to deal with Corona, in every city,
   every city branch should start an IMA Hospital which should cater to the public at subsidized
   charges as well as a section should be reserved for doctors members of IMA and their families. Even
   after Corona, this hospital should continue. Not only hospital, IMA branches in different cities can
   start Blood Bank, Pathology etc. The benefits to the organisation and the public will be immense.
   I am happy to inform you that the Chief Minister office has appointed me, in the capacity of the State
   President, a member of the 13 member state advisory committee. In our first meeting the honourable
   Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Ji, was very appreciative of the role of IMA MP State in Corona
   and listened to my suggestion to increase psychological support to the public in Corona.
    Since the beginning of Corona pandemic, we have constantly been in touch with the IMA National
   President Dr Rajan Sharma and Hony. Secretary General Dr R V Asokan. I and Hony. State
   Secretary Dr Pushpraj Bhatele, have attended several online national meetings conducted by
   national IMA, on Corona strategies.
   That’s all for now, I hope soon I will communicate with you again in a more favourable atmosphere.
   Best wishes to you all, stay fit and happy.

                                                                                        Dr. Mukul Tiwari
                                                                                         State President
                                                                                       IMA MP State Branch
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...
Photo Gallery - Branch Activities

Chhatarpur    Chhatarpur     Chhatarpur

  Dabra         Datia          Datia

  Dewas         Dewas          Guna

  Guna          Indore         Indore

  Indore        Indore         Itarsi

  Itarsi       Jabalpur       Jabalpur
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

        Statement about ownership and other
             particulars about newspaper
Respected Members of I.M.A. M.P. Branch                               Respected Members,
         Wishing you allMP NEWS)
                        & your                             Greetings from I.M.A.
                               family members Happy Deepawali.
                     FORM IV
         Medical profession should be declared as aMadhya
                                                               industry and not a
                                                                            Due to unexpected
commercial industry. On the lines of I.A.S. Indian Medical Service should be
 1. Place of publication           : I.M.A. House,                condition in country caused by
introduced these are the issuesWright  apartTown,
                                             from violence against   doctors, which
                                                                  COVID-19,       IMAareMPthe  focus
                                                                                             News    point
                                                                                                   could   forbeI.M.A.
                                                                                                         not      published in
                                     Jabalpur-482002   (M.P.)
          I.M.A. is trying to convince the GovernmentAuthorities             to do forwe
                                                                  time. This    time      areissues.
                                                                                              publishing E-News Letter. As
          In recent     times in majority                         all of you know COVID-19 is Pandemic and is a new
 2. Periodicity of its publication : Quarterlydistricts of M.P. there are lot of patients of viral fever like Dengue,
                                                                  virus of SARS family. Research is going on for its
Chicken guinea, as a physician we have to take it as a challenge and treat patient according to guide lines.
 3. Printer's Name                 : Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele         Life Cycle, epidemiology and treatment. As it is
          “To succeed in your:mission,
    Nationality                      Indian you must have single     minded
                                                                  highly        devotion
                                                                           infectious      to your
                                                                                        disease allGoal”
                                                                                                   of youwith
                                                                                                          mustthis   maxim
                                                                                                                  follow      I
    Addressof I.M.A. M.P. assures
on behalf                          : 92, Nehru
                                          all ofNagar,            guide
                                                 you that I.M.A. M.P.  is lines
                                                                          workingin your
                                                                                     hardOPD,   Indoor
                                                                                           to make yourPatients,
                                                                                                        voice more Diagnostic
                                     Opp. Medical College,        Centres and O.T.s to protect yourself and patients,
at I.M.A. HQ.                        Jabalpur (M.P.)
                                                                  particularly ENT Surgeon, who deal with Nose and
                                                     ^^eqlhcr ls er ?kcjkvks
 4. Publisher's Name               : Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele         Throat.
   Nationality              : Indian     D;ksafd flrkjs va/ksjs esa pedrs gS**
                                                                       Many doctors of State have also succumbed
   Address                  : 92, Nehru Nagar,
        vkids lq[kn LokLF; o lq[kn Hkfo"; dh dkeuk ds lkFkto   A this disease. We pay our sincere Condolences on
                              Opp. Medical College,
                              Jabalpur (M.P.)                 behalf of I.M.A. M.P.
                                                                              Auto immunity of body has been very
5. Editor's Name                : Dr. R.K. Pathak                     important factor for fighting against Corona.
   Nationality                  : Indian
                                                                      Developing effective ways to manage stress and
   Address                      : 162, Sanjivani Nagar,
                                  Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.)              learning to relax can help to your moral and
                                                                      immunity. So be happy, do physical activity, take
6. Names and addresses of       : Indian Medical Association
                                  Madhya Pradesh State Branch         balance diet and be alert and safe but not to panic in
   who own the newspaper
   and partners or share-         I.M.A. House                        this Corona Pandemic.
                                  Wright Town,
   holders holding More                                                                 Sincerely yours
                                  Jabalpur-482002 (M.P.)
   than one percent of the
                                                                                         Jai I.M.A. M.P.
   total capital.

                                                                                                           Dr. R.K. Pathak
   I, Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele, hereby declare that the particulars                                                      Editor
given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.                                                IMA MP News

                                                                        y{; gekjk Vh-ch- dks ns'k ls Hkxkuk A
                                      Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele
                                                                        vkbZ-,e-,- dk ukjk] Vh-ch- ls NqVdkjk AA
 Date: 01 March 2020                  Signature of Publisher

President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

                                           ECG QUIZ
Dear Colleagues,

This time during eventful COVID era – a dangerous ECG diagnosis for you:-

Answer – ECG shows PVC followed by recurrent Ventricular fibrillation – PVC is malignant with
short coupling interval. In addition acute anteroseptal myocardial infract (ST elevation V1 – V4 with Q
waves) is seen. Needed Catheter ablation of triggering ectopy which cured the arrhythmia. Automatic
implantable defibrillator was also implanted to prevent sudden death.

                                                                                       Prof. Dr. R. S. Sharma
                                                                                                 MD, Medicine,
                                                                                        DM, Cardiology (AIIMS)
                                                                                         Consultant Cardiologist

 vYi                 [kkst                               dkWeu lsUl
 y?kq esa]           tUe ls e`R;q rd]                    lkekU; cqf¼]
 le>kukA             cgl djrs tkrsA                      de gh feyrk
 de us]              thou ds lR; rd]                     O;ogkfjdrk]
 gS tkukA            igqap gh ugha ikrsA                 de gks f[kyrkA
          vk/kqfud                    vfu;¡f=r                            rtqckZ
          dbZ&dbZ xkus]               dbZ Qksu ij]                        vuqHko]
          le> ugha vkrsA              ?kaVksa cfr;krsA                    vktekb,A
          tkus dSls yksx]             jkUx u¡cj Hkh]                      lQyrk]          MkW- ujsUnz ukFk ykgk
          flj fgykrs tkrsA            NksM+ ugha ikrsA                    dks ikbZ,A       dulYVsUV fQt+hf'k;u
                                                                                             Xokfy;j (e-iz-)
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

        Special Invitee Dr. Arvind Jain, Past                          The inaugural function started with the
National Vice President and Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande,             Presidential Address by Dr. Rajan Sharma National
Chairman IMAAMS MP State Branch attended the                   President IMA Headquarters followed by
“National Conclave on Bioethics” at Annai Resorts              observations from Dr. R. V. Asokan – Honorary
                               th                 st
& Spa Kanya Kumari on 29 February and 01                       Secretary General IMA Headquarters. The Keynote
March 2020. Dr. R. S. Pande was officialy deputed              Address on “Bioethics Leadership” was delivered
by Honorary State Secretary Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele to            by Prof. Dr. Ved Prakash Misra, National Head of
represent Madhya Pradesh and received the writ                 the Academic Programme of UNESCO Bioethics
appointment of Dr. Mukul Tiwari IMA State                      Haifa. The highlight of the evening was the special
President Madhya Pradesh as “IMA Unesco                        address on “Road Ahead” by Prof. Russel Francis
Bioethics State Chair - Madhya Pradesh” at the                 D'Souza - Head and Chair Asia Pacific Division,
Investiture Ceremony from Dr. Rajan Sharma,                    UNESCO Bioethics Haifa . The function concluded
National President IMAHeadquarters.                            with Felicitations and Investiture Ceremony
        Among the issues discussed at the National             appointing State Presidents to the IMA UNESCO
Conclave on Bioethics were Perspective and Vision              Bioethics State Chair of the Indian Programme of
Ahead; Revisit on the Government Policies on Bio               the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. Lastly, The
ethics; Bioethics in Academics and its Challenges;             organizing Chairman Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar and
Ethical Dilemma and way out: Medical Code of                   Organising Secretary Dr. Jaya Lal along with his
Ethics – Redefined; Bioethics in Practice - Ethical            dedicated team deserve special mention for the
issues and challenges received maximum                         wonderful hospitality and successful organization
participation from both the Speakers/ panelists and            of this memorable National Conclave on Bioethics
the audience alike which comprised of eminent                  at Kanya Kumari.
personalities from India and abroad.

      Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande receiving the IMA UNESCO Bioethics State Chair Madhya Pradesh on behalf of
      President IMA MP State Branch Dr. Mukul Tiwari from Dr. Rajan Sharma, National President IMA
      Headquarters at the closing session of the National Conclave on Bioethics at Kanya Kumari on 1st March 2020.

President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

                                STRESS MANAGEMENT
                 This time of crisis is generating           one through recovery and are willing to share their
                 stress in the population. These             experience.
                 mental health considerations were           6. Honor caretakers and healthcare workers
                 developed by the Mental Health              supporting people affected with COVID-19 in your
Department of WHO as support for mental and                  community. Acknowledge the role they play to save
psychological well-being during COVID-19                     lives and keep your loved ones safe. Health care
outbreak.                                                    workers
General population                                           7. For health workers, feeling stressed is an
1. COVID-19 has and is likely to affect people from          experience that you and many of your health worker
many countries, in many geographical locations.              colleagues are likely going through; in fact, it is
Don’t attach it to any ethnicity or nationality. Be          quite normal to be feeling this way in the current
empathetic to those who got affected, in and from            situation. Stress and the feelings associated with it
any country, those with the disease have not done            are by no means a reflection that you cannot do your
anything wrong.                                              job or that you are weak. Managing your stress and
2. Don’t - refer to people with the disease as               psychosocial wellbeing during this time is as
“COVID-19 cases”, “victims” “COVID-19                        important as managing your physical health
families” or the “diseased”. They are “people who            8. Take care of your basic needs and employ helpful
have COVID-19”, “people who are being treated                coping strategies- ensure rest and respite during
for COVID-19”, “people who are recovering from               work or between shifts, eat sufficient and healthy
COVID-19” and after recovering from COVID19                  food, engage in physical activity, and stay in contact
their life will go on with their jobs, families and          with family and friends. Avoid using unhelpful
loved ones.                                                  coping strategies such as tobacco, alcohol or other
3. Avoid watching, reading or listening to news that         drugs. In the long term, these can worsen your
cause you to feel anxious or distressed; seek                mental and physical wellbeing. This is a unique and
information mainly to take practical steps to prepare        unprecedent scenario for many workers,
your plans and protect yourself and loved ones.              particularly if they have not been involved in similar
Seek information updates at specific times during            responses. Even so, using the strategies that you
the day once or twice. The sudden and near-constant          have used in the past to manage times of stress can
stream of news reports about an outbreak can cause           benefit you now. The strategies to benefit feelings of
anyone to feel worried. Get the facts. Gather                stress are the same, even if the scenario is different.
information at regular intervals, from WHO website           9. Some workers may unfortunately experience
and local health authorities platforms, in order to          avoidance by their family or community due to
help you distinguish facts from rumors.                      stigma or fear. This can make an already challenging
4. Protect yourself and be supportive to others.             situation far more difficult. If possible, staying
Assisting others in their time of need can benefit the       connected with your loved ones including through
person receiving support as well as the helper.              digital methods is one way to maintain contact. Turn
5. Find opportunities to amplify the voices, positive        to your colleagues, your manager or other trusted
stories and positive images of local people who              persons for social support- your colleagues may be
have experienced the new coronavirus (COVID-19)              having similar experiences to you.
and have recovered or who have supported a loved             10. Use understandable ways to share messages

President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

with people with intellectual, cognitive and                  Children feel relieved if they can express and
psychosocial disabilities. Forms of communication             communicate their disturbing feelings in a safe and
that do not rely solely on written information should         supportive environment.
be utilized If you are a team leader or manager in a          16. Keep children close to their parents and family,
health facility.                                              if considered safe for the child, and avoid separating
11. Keeping all staff protected from chronic stress           children and their caregivers as much as possible. If
and poor mental health during this response means             a child needs to be separated from his/her primary
that they will have a better capacity to fulfil their         caregiver, ensure that appropriate alternative care is
roles.                                                        and that a social worker, or equivalent, will
12. Ensure good quality communication and                     regularly follow up on the child. Further, ensure that
accurate information updates are provided to all              during periods of separation, regular contact with
staff. Rotate workers from high-stress to lower-              parents and caregivers is maintained, such as twice-
stress functions. Partner inexperienced workers               daily scheduled phone or video calls or other age-
with their more experiences colleagues. The buddy             appropriate communication (e.g., social media
system helps to provide support, monitor stress and           depending on the age of the child).
reinforce safety procedures. Ensure that outreach             17. Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much
personnel enter the community in pairs. Initiate,             as possible, especially if children are confined to
encourage and monitor work breaks. Implement                  home. Provide engaging age appropriate activities
flexible schedules for workers who are directly               for children. As much as possible, encourage
impacted or have a family member impacted by a                children to continue to play and socialize with
stressful event.                                              others, even if only within the family when advised
13. If you are a team leader or manager in a health           to restrict social contract.
facility, facilitate access to, and ensure staff are          18. During times of stress and crisis, it is common
aware of where they can access mental health and              for children to seek more attachment and be more
psychosocial support services. Managers and team              demanding on parents Discuss the COVID-19 with
leads are also facing similar stressors as their staff,       your Children in honest and age appropriate
and potentially additional pressure in the level of           information. If your children have concerns,
responsibility of their role. It is important that the        addressing those together may ease their anxiety.
above provisions and strategies are in place for both         Children will observe adults’ behaviors and
workers and managers, and that managers are able              emotions for cues on how to manage their own
to role-model self-care strategies to mitigate stress.        emotions during difficult times. For caretakers of
14. Orient responders, including nurses, ambulance            older adults
drivers, volunteers, case identifiers, teachers and           19. Older adults, especially in isolation and those
community leaders and workers in quarantine sites,            with cognitive decline/dementia, may become more
on how to provide basic emotional and practical               anxious, angry, stressed, agitated, and withdrawn
support to affected people using psychological first          during the outbreak/while in quarantine. Provide
aid. For caretakers of children                               practical and emotional support through informal
15. Help children find positive ways to express               networks (families) and health professionals.
disturbing feelings such as fear and sadness. Every           20. Share simple facts about what is going on and
child has his/her own way to express emotions.                give clear information about how to reduce risk of
Sometimes engaging in a creative activity, such as            infection in words older people with/without
playing, and drawing can facilitate this process.             cognitive impairment can understand. Repeat the
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

information whenever necessary. Instructions need          limiting your physical social contact to contain the
to be communicated in a clear, concise, respectful         outbreak, you can stay connected via e-mail, social
and patient way. and it may also be helpful for            media, video conference and telephone.
information to be displayed in writing or pictures.        23. During times of stress, pay attention to your own
Engage their family and other support networks in          needs and feelings. Engage in healthy activities that
providing information and helping them practice            you enjoy and find relaxing. Exercise regularly,
prevention measures (e.g. handwashing etc.)                keep regular sleep routines and eat healthy food.
21. Encourage older adults with expertise,                 Keep things in perspective. Public health agencies
experiences and strengths to volunteer in                  and experts in all countries are working on the
community efforts to respond to the COVID-19               outbreak to ensure the availability of the best care to
outbreak (for example the well/healthy retired older       those affected.
population can provide peer support, neighbor              24. A near-constant stream of news reports about an
checking, and childcare for medical personnel              outbreak can cause anyone to feel anxious or
restricted in hospitals fighting against COVID-19.)        distressed. Seek information updates and practical
People in isolation                                        guidance at specific times during the day from
22. Stay connected and maintain your social                health professionals and WHO website and avoid
networks. Even in situations of isolations, try as         listening to or following rumors that make you feel
much as possible to keep your personal daily               uncomfortable.
routines. If health authorities have recommended
                 (Source of Article - Indian Medical Association Head Quarters, New Delhi.

         ^^dksjksuk dk dgj**                                       ^^çd`fr lax thou**
foKku vkSj rduhd Hkjiwj                                    ueLrs ls dj vfHkoknu]
ekuo vius en esa pwj]                                      gkFk tksM+ dj gks ueu A
çd`fr ls x;k dkslksa nwj                                   gkFkksa dh lQkbZ fur dj]
;wt ,.M Fkzks dk py iM+k nLrwjA                            dhVk.kq dk u cu tk, ?kjA
                                                           'kkd] Qy vkSj 'kq¼ ty
dksjksuk us ns nh rc nLrd                                  chekjh lc djs foQy A
euq"; dks u Fkh dksbZ Hkud                                 çd`fr dk 'kks"k.k u dj]
fgy xbZ ekuo çtkfr                                         thou ft;ks LoLFk jg dj A
Lej.k gks vkbZ ek¡ çd`frA

fo"kk.kq u tkus /keZ vkSj ns'k ]
D;k ekuo le>k ;g lans'k \                                                      MkW T;ksfr fÁ;nf'kZuh JhokLro ^'kf'k*
vkvks pysa iqu% çd`fr ds lax]                                                  lg Ák/;kid (iSFkksykWth)
                                                                               xtjk jktk esfMdy dkWyst]
QSys pgq¡ vksj LoLFk çlax AA                                                   Xokfy;j

President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

                                      BRANCH ACTIVITIES
Chhatarpur Branch                                                    30.01.2020 - A Workshop was organized on the
04.02.2020 - On the occasion of World Cancer Day                     occasion of "World Leprosy Day."
an awareness camp was organized.                                     04-02-2020 & fo'o dSalj fnol ds miy{k esa ykM+ks jru Hkou ds
                                                                     lHkkxkj esa dSalj tkx:drk VkWd&'kks o gLrk{kj vfHk;ku dk
15.02.2020 - A mega free Health Camp was
                                                                     vk;kstu fd;k x;kA vfHk;ku ds varxZr çeq[k :i ls MkW- jkts'k xqIrk
organized at Ragoli. About 500 patients were                         foHkkxk/;{k cky jksx] esMhdy dkWyst] MkW- vferk 'kekZ lgk;d
registered and treated.                                              çk/;kid L=h jksx fo'ks"kK] MkW- lh-ih- voLFkh dSalj fo'ks"kK esMhdy
05.03.2020 - A Eye check up Camp was organized                       dkWyst] lgk;d çk/;kid MkW- gseUr tSu lgk;d çk/;kid esMhdy
3rd to 5th March in which 14 cataract surgeries were                 dkWyst] lg çk/;kid MkW- y{e.k flag nUrjksx foHkkx esMhdy
done and 378 OPD patients were seen.                                 dkWyst] MkW- fot; pkS/kjh lgk;d çk/;kid iSFkksykWth foHkkx esMhdy
                                                                     dkWyst] MkW- eqds'k flag jktiwr lgk;d çk/;kid o us= jksx fo'ks"kK
7.3.2020 -ACME on Osteoarthritis was organized.                      us vius vius fopkj O;ä fd,A
Dabra Branch                                                         07.02.2020 & uksosy dksjksuk okbjl 2019 vkSj Hkkjrh; ifjn`'; ds
01.03.2020 - A CME was organized, Speaker - Dr.                      Åij ,d ls'ku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa dE;wfuVh esfMflu
Kusum Singhal.                                                       foHkkx ds foHkkxk/;{k çksQslj MkW- çnhi 'kqDyk ds }kjk O;k[;ku
                                                                     fn;k x;k A
Datia Branch
                                                                     09.02.2020 - fu%'kqYd L=h] e/kqesg] mPp jäpki ,oa FkkbZjkbZM
15.01.2020 - vkbZ ,e , nfr;k dh ubZ dk; loZlEefr             tk¡p f'kfoj lEiUu gqvk A ftlesa ofj"B L=h jksx fo'ks"kK MkW- lhek
ls xfBr dh xbZ                                                       fu"kkn vkSj MkW- 'kSysaæ ea>okj }kjk e/kqesg] mPp jäpki ,oa FkkbZjkbZM
v/;{k & MkW- gsear xkSre                                             ds djhc 110 ejhtksa dk ijh{k.k fd;k x;k ,oa mfpr tk¡p ,oa ijke'kZ
                                                                     fn;k x;k A
mik/;{k & MkW- vferk 'kekZ vkSj MkW igkjke vf/kdkjh
                                                                     Dewas Branch -
lfpo & MkW- gsear dqekj tSu
                                                                     11.01.2020 - A CME was organized on topic1
la;qä lfpo & MkW- fuf/k 'kekZ vkSj MkW ch ds oekZ]                   "Approach to Cardiac Patients undergoing Non
dks"kk/;{k & MkW- ds lh jkBksj                                       Cardiac Surgery", Speaker - Dr. Shirish Agrawal.
dk;Zdkjh lfefr lnL; & MkW eatwyrk 'kkd~;k] MkW jTtq frokjh]          Tpoic2 "Towards Safe Surgical Practices in High
MkW çoh.k Vsxksj] MkW fot; pkS/kjhA                                  Bleeding Risk Patients", Speaker - Dr. K. Roshan
                                                                     Rao. GBM was also held and the following Office
22.01.2020 - gksVsy eksVsy esa ,d lkb;afVfQd çksxzke                 Bearers were elected for the Year 2019-20:-
vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa eq[; oäk çksQslj ckY;jksx foHkkx
                                                                     President                     Dr. Yogesh Valimbe
MkW- jkts'k xqIrk ,oa lgoäk lgk;d çk/;kid MkW- euh"k
vtesfj;k us ikbZajsfDl;k vkWQ vuuksu vksfjftu ,oa LØc                Vice President                Dr. S. K. Saral
VkbQl ds Åij vius O;k[;ku ik¡lh jksM esa eq[;vfrfFk ds :i esa MkW- gsear dqekj
                                                                     Executive Body                Dr. R. C. Sharma,
tSu] lfpo }kjk >aMk oanu fd;k x;k A
President's Message - IMA MP STATE | Indian ...

                      Dr. W. R. Gajdhar                    Dr Shekhar D Rao & Secretary Dr Brajbala Tiwari
                      Dr. S. S. Dagaonkar,                 followed by Fancy dress and patriotic songs singing
                    Dr. Shivendra Mishra
                    Dr. Devendra Rathore,                  03.02.2020 - In lieu of the World Cancer Day Dr
                                                           Dilip Kumar Acharya, National Chairman-IMA
                    Dr. L. N. Ghangoriya
                                                           Cancer & Tobacco Control Committee delivered a
                    Dr. Hemant Gupta,                      lecture on "Prevention & Early Detection of Cancer"
                    Dr. R. C. Verma                        to the faculty and students of Choithram Nursing
                    Dr. Girish Malviya,                    College, Indore with Special focus on Ca Breast, Ca
                    Dr. Poonam Bhatia                      Cervix & Oral Cancer and Tobacco Control.
                    Dr. Sulbha Rani                        04.02.2020 - On the occasion of "World Cancer
01.02.2020 - A CME was organized. Topic - The              Day" Pamphlets on Cancer Awareness for public
Basic Concepts & Recent Advance in Radiation               made by Dr Dilip Kumar Acharya, National
Therapy, Speaker - Dr Ariana Shukla, MD Radio              Chairman-IMA Cancer & Tobacco Control
Oncology. Topic2 - Head and Neck Cancer                    Committee was released by Honourable Chief
Management & Latest Advance, Speaker~Dr                    Minister Shri Kamalnathji at CM Office. President
Nayan Gupta MS MCh (Cancer Surgeon)                        Dr Shekhar D Rao, Dr Sumit Shukla, Secretary
                                                           Dr Brajbala Tiwari and Senior Member Dr Dev
Guna Branch                                                Patodi were present.
08.02.2020 - A CME was organized on "Chronic               08.02.2020 - A Public awareness program on
Hepatitis", Speaker was Dr V. S. Chowdhary, DM             Menopause &Andropause in the form of Drama and
Gastro.                                                    Kawwali was organized at Anand Mohan Mathur
Indore Branch                                              Sabha Grah.
03.01.2020 - A Clinical Meeting was organized on           15.02.2020 - A CME was organised on "Non-
"Approach to Dyspneic patient", Speaker -                  surgical Aortic Valve Replacement & ECG
Professor Dr Ravi Doshi.                                   Interpretation" at Hotel Marriot. Speaker-
14.01.2020 - Valedictory function of computer              DrAkhilesh Jain, Cardiologist.
training was organized and Course Certificates were        16.02.2020 - A family picnic was organized at
issued to IMAmembers who took training.                    Touch Wood Resort.
24.01.2020 - A CME on "Diagnosis and                       20.02.2020 - An Anti Tobacco pamphlet with bullet
Management of Patient with Cough" was organised            points giving health hazards of Tobacco was
at Hotel Crown palace. Speaker - Dr Anil Agrawal,          released by Shri Akash Tripathi, Commissioner
Chest Physician spoke elaborately on Cough                 Indore.
Management.                                                22.02.2020 - A CME was organized on Cancer. Dr
25.01.2020 - A CME on "Oncological Emergency"              Sandip Jain spoke on Childhood Cancer and Dr
was organised at Brilliant Convention Center.              MuditAgrwal spoke elaborately on Thyroid Cancer.
Speaker - Dr Taha Sethjiwala, Consultant Medical           01.03.2020 - vkbZ ,e , lnL; MkWDVlZ ds fy, fofHkUu [ksy
Oncologist.                                                çfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu vkbZ ,e , vksfyafi;kM 'kh"kZd ls
26.01.2020 - 71st Republic Day was celebrated at           ;'koar Dyc esa fd;k x;kA yxHkx 100 ls vf/kd MkWDVlZ us Vscy
IMA Campus by Flag Hoisting by President                   Vsful] ykWu Vsful] fte] fLofeax] cSMfeaVu] fczt

çfr;ksfxrkvksa esa Hkkx fy;kA                              between Doctors and Women Population i.e. the
13.03.2020 - A CME on "Rhinoplasty" was                    AshaAnganwadi workers.
organized, Speaker - Dr Brajendra Baser.                   Khandwa Branch
Itarsi Branch -                                            26.01.2020 - Republic Day was celebrated followed
26.01.2020 - The following office bearers were             by IMAfamily get together & cricket match.
installed for the year 2019-20-                            08.03.2020 - A CME was organized on "Stroke
President                       Dr. R. Dayal               Awareness & Advanced Intervention Management",
                                                           Speaker - Dr Nilesh Kinge, MD, DM, FINS
Vice Presidents                 Dr. N. L. Heda             (Intervention Neurologist) and celebrated
                                Dr.Anil Singh              International Women"s Day by honouring lady
                                                           Doctors of branch.
Secretary                       Dr. Goutam Banerjee
                                                           Mandsaur Branch
Treasurer                       Dr. Ravi Gupta
                                                           12.03.2020 - A CME was organized on "Medical
09.02.2020 - Inter Branch Cricket match was
                                                           Oncology, Radiotherapy and Renal Transplant".
                                                           Morena Branch
Jabalpur Branch
                                                           19.01.2020 - Pulse Polio programme 2020 was
03.01.2020 - A workshop on CPR was organized in
Wright Town Stadium. Dr Pushpraj Patel,
Cardiologist and his team gave the CPR                     01.02.2020 - A CME on "Role of PET CT in Clinical
demonstration.                                             Practice" was organized at Dharam Inn, Speaker -
                                                           Dr.Abhishek Gupta.
12.01.2020 - URJITA - a Funfair was organized at
IMAHouse by IMAWomen Doctors Wing.                         Neemuch Branch
19.01.2020 - A Pulse Polio Booth was established at        09.02.2020 - Four Doctors of Neemuch branch did
IMABuilding.                                               cycle rally from Neemuch to Udiapur to save
                                                           environment and prevent pollution.
26.01.2020 - Republic Day was celebrated by
unfurling the Indian Tricolor at IMABuilding.              Pipariya Branch
30.01.2020 - On the occasion of "World Leprosy             08.03.2020 - A CME was organized on "Recent
Day", a public and health care awareness                   Advance in Investigation in GI", Speaker - Dr S
programme was organized at Victoria Hospital               Mukewar.
Jabalpur. An Oath was taken by one and all present         Ratlam Branch
to promote every (medical and social) measure to
eradicate leprosy from the country.                        15.02.2020 - A CME was organised at IMA
                                                           Hall Ratlam on topic - "Diagnosis and Management
04.02.2020 - Cancer Awareness talk was given by            of Critical Cardiovascular Illnesses", Speaker -
Dr Preeti Jain on World Cancer Day.                        Dr.Arvind Sharma, MD, DNB Cardiology.
05.03.2020 - On International Women's Day IMA              Rewa Branch
Jabalpur and IMA Women Doctors Wing felicitated
around 300 Anganwadi workers of Jabalpur                   23-01-2020 - LFkkuh; ekWMy lkbal dkWyst esa fe'ku fiad
District. The idea was to connect to the Women of          gsYFk ds varxZr Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk la?k dh efgyk 'kk[kk }kjk
our Society through the Actual and Ideal Link              dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe esa fe'ku fiad gsYFk

v/;{k MkW- T;ksfr flag] mik/;{k MkW- 'kf'k tSu] MkW- 'khry                mentally retarded people at Gharonda Ashram.
iVsy] MkWDVj nhfidk ukenso }kjk Nk=&Nk=kvksa dks ,uhfe;k]                 Hemoglobin test and Eye check was done for 59
baVjusV ,fMD'ku rFkk esaLVªwvy gkbthu ds fo"k; esa tkudkjh                persons.
çnku dh xbZ A dk;ZØe esa mifLFkr Nk=kvksa dh tkap esa 25                  04.02.2020 - On the occasion of "World Cancer
Nk=kvksa dks [kwu dh deh ikbZ xbZ] ftuds jä ds lSaiy ,df=r                Day", a Cancer awareness and cervical cancer
djds tkap dh tk,xh A 23 Nk=kvksa dks foVkfeu B12 dh deh ds                detection camp (Visual Inspection under Acetic
y{k.k ik, x,A bu lHkh Nk=kvksa dks vko';d mipkj miyC/k                    Acid) was organized at District Hospital. A small
djk;k tk,xk vkSj 3 eghus ckn budh fQj ls tkap dh tk,xh A                  booklet on Breast cancer and Pamphlets on various
26.01.2020 - Republic Day was celebrated.                                 cancers were distributed.
03.02.2020 -ACME was organized.                                           06.02.2020 - A Medical health check up camp was
08.03.2020 - On the Occasion of "Vishwa Mahila                            organized at Kudari village. Where girls were also
Diwash" Womens Doctors were felicitated and A                             educated about UTI, Anaemia and Menstrual
CME on Cardiology was also organized, Speaker -                           problems.
Dr Irshad Pathan.                                                         09.02.2020 - A CME was organized on "Corona
Sagar Branch -                                                            Virus Update", Speaker - Dr Talha Saad, Associate
                                                                          Professor and HOD Pulmonary Medicine, BMC
05.01.2020 - A CME was organized on                                       Sagar.
"Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy and Placental
Vascular Insufficiency", Speakers - Dr Nidhi Jain                         21.02.2020 - A Medical checkup camp was
and Dr Sonal Richaria from Jabalpur.                                      organized at Bhiteshwar Mandir.

06.01.2020 - A Pulse Polio Booth was established at                       22.02.2020 - A NSS Camp was conducted at Kanera
Shri Ganesh Memorial Hospital.                                            Dev Village. Adolescent girls were taught about
                                                                          hygiene and menstrual problem.
09.01.2020 - An Educational Camp on UTI and
Adolescent girls problem was conducted at MLB                             24.02.2020 - Hb test for anaemia detection in
School.                                                                   women was organized.

17.01.2020 - Awareness Pamphlets on Polio were                            26.02.2020 - A seminar was organized in Medical
distributed to all Nursing Homes and Clinics.                             College. The following topis were discussed:-

25.01.2020 - jk"Vªh; ckfydk fnol ds miy{; esa ckfydk                      1. (A) Role of surgery in TB Abdomen patients. (B)
lHkk dk vk;kstu 'kkldh; Lo'kklh dU;k LukrdksÙkj mRd`"Vrk                  Different surgical procedures including VATS
egkfo|ky; esa fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe dh eq[; vfrfFk ftyk                        (Video Assisted Ghoracoscopic Surgery), Speaker -
dysDVj çhfr eSfFky FkhA mUgksaus dkWyst dh Nk=kvksa]                      Dr Sunil Saxena, Associate Professor, Department
fpfdRldksa] f'k{kdksa ,oa mifLFkr yksxksa dks csVh cpkvks dh 'kiFk        of Surgery.
fnyk;h] Nk=kvksa }kjk ekuo Ja[kyk cukbZ x;h ,oa uqDdM+ ukVd               2. (A) Role of different clinical imaging in
dh çLrqfr dh x;h A                                                        Diagnosing Abdominal TB patients (B) USG being
                                                                          the most important and descriptive investigation
26.01.2020 - On the Occasion of Republic Day IMA
                                                                          with least intervention in diagnosis, Speaker -
President and Secretary has done Flag Hoisting at
                                                                          Dr Punya Pratap, Associate professor, Department
Saraswati Shishumandir as Chief Guest. President
                                                                          of Radiology.
Dr Sadhna Mishra gave lecture and some health tips
and nutritional advice to children.                                       3. (A) Recent guidelines and changes in National
                                                                          Tuberculosis Elimination Program (B) Starting of
26.01.2020 - A Medical camp was organized for

two new drugs Bed aquiline and Delanamid in Drug         Mishra and the District Health Officer.
Resistant TB treatment, Speaker - Dr Talha Saad,         08.03.2020 - On the occasion of "International
HOD and Associate Professor, Department of TB            Women's Day", Breast and Cervical Cancer
and Chest Disease.                                       Screening Camp was organized for police
01.03.2020 - A CME was organized on Topic1               personnel's and their families at Police Line Sagar.
"Laparoscopy in Urology - Rising Trends", Speaker        Tikamgarh Branch
- Dr. Ankit Fusakele, M.S., D.N.B (Urology &
Kidney Transplant). Topic2 - "Prevention and             09.01.2020 -APulse Polio booth was established.
Management of Urinary Tract injuries in                  Vidisha Branch
Gynecological Surgeries", Speaker: Dr. Ankit
                                                         15.02.2020 -ACME was organized.
Fusakele. Topic3 - "Oncology - Vision 2020",
Speaker - Dr. Prashant Jain, M.S., M. Ch. (Onco).        19.02.2020 - A CME on "Corona Virus" was
                                                         organized at Medical College.
07.03.2020 - An Awareness Rally, a day prior to
International Women's Day was organized. The             22.02.2020 - A CME was organized, Speaker - Dr
participants of rally were addressed by Zonal            Neena Gedeon (MS Gyn.).
Chairman, Dr Neena Gideon, President Dr Sadhana

                      Commandments for Students...
 Ask yourself what you wish in life,                     Good or Bad people, come and Go,
 Take the first step quite wisely.                       You only responsible, So act wisely.
 You will taste failure and sorrow,                      Read a book every week, to nourish,
 Let that not stop you, Promise wisely.                  Mind is a servant, master it wisely.
 Dream may be far, deal with zeal,                       Learn to Bow, yet let the Spine be straight,
 Have good friends & March wisely.                       Respect friend or foe, but wisely.
 If Heart & Mind go differently,                         Value addition or Coin collection,
 Law of Natural Justice, follow wisely.                  Choice is yours, Choose wisely.
 Relations and near-dear change,
 True ones are rare, choose wisely.
                                                         Dr Anil Kumar Bhadoria
 Be Blissful, never suffer for nothing,
 Its just heaven or hell, Know wisely.

     "The views and opinion expressed in various article in this issue are the authors
 own views. The authenticity of the article is obtained from the author. The Indian
 Medical Association does not support or endorse their views/opinion in anyway."


                   Honorary State Secretary's Corner

Dear Friends,

As you are aware that our country is currently battling COVID-19 and the violence
has perpetuated on us both in life and death. The collective conscience of the nation
led to the breaking of a deadlock and violence against healthcare professionals was
included as an amendment in the Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance
2020. As you are aware that the Monsoon Session of the Parliament might happen
in the near future, this is the time to be utilized to sensitize our State Governments
and Hon’ble Members of Parliament to convert these amendments in the Epidemic Diseases
(Amendment) Ordinance 2020 into reality by seeking to get the Act passed by the Parliament. As you
all know that Ordinance needs to be ratified by both the House of Parliament to make it into an Act,
hence you are advised to approach all the Hon’ble Members of Parliament cutting across the Party
lines to include these amendments into the Act. This will go a long way in addressing our deep
concerns of this deadly menace of violence on us.

The IMA MP State Office is considering to form a single social media group where all members of the
State Branch will be requested to join. Considering the limitation of WhatsApp where no more than
250 members can join there are few other options where membership is effectively unlimited. We have
shortlisted a very good social media App, the Telegram for this purpose. We are planning to give
administrator powers to all presidents and city branch Secretaries to this group and in that case you
shall be able to include other members of IMA of your city to this group. But to make this possible all
the members must have the Telegram App installed on their mobile devices. I request all the members
to down load the App from Google play store or ios store so that we can move ahead with this plan.
This will assist us to disseminate the information to all members very promptly and the state office
will be able to work with more efficiency. Your assistance in this endeavour is earnestly requested.

It is observed that some of the IMA local branches have not informed the Election Result of Office
Bearers for the year 2019-20 to State Office till date (Association year is from 1st October to 30th
September next year). Elections are to be conducted every year. In present scenario, it is very
important to have updated list of office bearers for faster communication of important informations
and government orders. It is there for requested that please send the names with contact details
including E-mail & WhatsApp Number of new Office Bearers to the State Office at the earliest. The
State Office has started functioning at new IMA Building at the following address:-

                       I.M.A. House, Wright Town, Jabalpur - 482 002 (M.P.)
                        Phone: 0761 2404940, Mo. & WhatsApp: 7970042786

                                                                               Dr. Pushpraj Bhatele
                                                                               Hony. State Secretary
Photo Gallery - Branch Activities

Jabalpur      Jabalpur       Jabalpur

Jabalpur      Khandwa        Khandwa

Morena        Neemuch        Pipariya

 Rewa          Rewa           Rewa

 Sagar         Sagar          Sagar

 Sagar         Sagar          Sagar
Registered with the Registrar of News Papers for India. Registration No. MPBIL/2011/45664

                                Photo Gallery

                     Sagar                                          Sagar

                   Tikamgarh                                       Vidisha

                    Vidisha                       National Conclave on Bioethics-Kanya Kumari

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