Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus

Page created by Daryl Adkins
Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus

Contract Year 12
April 2020 to March 2021
Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
    3    Executive Summary

    Updates From Last Year
    4 Using data analytics to inform seasonal resurfacing
    5 Social Value Baseline
    6 Nurturing nature – includes:
    		     • Surrey Iron Railway Earthwork
    		     • Greater Thames Marshes (Dartford Depot
    		       Ecological Improvement Scheme)
    		     • Oak Processonary Moth (OPM) – Innovation Vacuum
    		     • Biodiversity Net gain
    7 Lean working
    7 State-of-the-art thin surface course trials on the strategic
       road network, containing 50% reclaimed asphalt

         This Year’s Case Studies
    10   Working through a pandemic
    16   Healthier Highways
    20   Road space improvements
    22   Network intelligence – Binder and surfacing dashboards
    24   Network intelligence – Deterioration of asphaltic plug joints
    26   Retrofitting emergency areas
    30   Sustainability roadmap
    34   Carbon strategy and designer carbon tool
    38   Biodiversity net gain
    42   Mutual aid for area 4
    44   Developing our digital twin

         Looking Ahead
    46   Trialling new materials on the M25 network
    47   Safe to dig
    47   Using augmented reality on the M25
    47   Climate vulnerability assessment
    48   Next generation concrete surfacing
    48   Road space – future direction
    49   Self-healing asphalt
    49   MLS machine
    49   E-learning

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Connect Plus PMR 2021

Executive Summary

For the second consecutive year we have decided to produce
this supplementary PMR brochure, in order to highlight the
case studies that we are submitting to the PMR panel for
this qualifying year (CY12 April 2020 – March 2021).

As it did last year, the brochure also   the transportation of vital goods
includes a progress update on some       and services across the SRN.
of the case study submissions from
CY11, and a snapshot of some of          Collectively we have achieved so
the work and innovations that we’re      much of which we are incredibly proud.
currently undertaking, and may
consider for submission in the future.   We’ve successfully delivered a wide
                                         range of projects and work activities,
Each year we are required under          from improvement schemes and
the Contract to submit Proactive         inspections to incident support and
Management Review evidence for           attendance, network maintenance,
the PMR Panel to review and score.       environmental improvements and
It is one element of the Payment         innovations. The amazing work to
Mechanism that aims to encourage         complete ten emergency area bays
and reward our commitment to             within the year was an outstanding
managing and improving the               achievement and rightly recognised
M25 network, through the adoption        as such by Highways England, and
of best practice, innovation and         the launch of the M25 digital map
new technologies.                        really does move us onto the next
                                         level of innovation.
The past year has been incredibly
challenging for everyone, however,       We believe that this brochure
throughout this unprecedented            showcases some of the outstanding
time, we have ensured that the M25       work our teams have produced
network remains open to enable           over the past year.

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Updates from last year
                                       Using data analytics to inform
    In this section of the             seasonal resurfacing
    brochure, we take a look           Last year, our research statistically demonstrated that
    back at some of the case           materials laid in adverse conditions, such as low air
                                       temperature and wind chill, are unlikely to provide the
    studies we submitted               same serviceability and durability as those laid in ideal
    in CY11 and provide                conditions. As such, the delivery programme of pavement
                                       schemes was slightly adjusted this year to embrace those
    an update on how they              climate-aware findings and minimise winter thin surfacing
    are progressing.                   works (see graph below).

                                       Last year, only 8.80% of thin surfacing works were conducted
                                       during the cool season (November to March), against an historic
                                       contract average of 24% per year (third-party schemes excluded).
    1 Using data analytics to          Surfaces laid in mild to warm periods are believed to have longer
      inform seasonal resurfacing      serviceable lives, up to 2 years longer. Thus, at this stage, we
                                       estimated that our streamlined programme last year is likely
    2 Social value baseline            to save us ~£200k in long-term lifecycle investments.

    3 Nurturing nature                 Thanks to these findings, any change to our network can be better
    4 Lean working                     assessed in terms of expected durability and performance of the
                                       pavement asset on the long term.
    5 State-of-the-art thin surface
      course trials on the strategic
      road network, containing
      50% reclaimed asphalt

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Connect Plus PMR 2021

Social Value Baseline

We have continued to measure our
social value and have collected data
up to the end of 2020, to ensure we
have a full understanding of our baseline.

The first Social Value Forum was held in
March 2021. With each discipline sharing
the measures they will prioritise for 2021,
and how this will be done. Below are some
examples of what will be prioritised:

Human Resources:

• Training opportunities created or sustained
  (NVQs, BTEC, City & Guilds, HNC)
• Diversity training
• People with disabilities
• Increase in female employees
  with site operational roles


• Number of hours volunteering time
  undertaken, provided to support local
  community projects
• Local school and college visits
• Number of hours dedicated
  to support young people into work


• Car miles saved on the project
• Number of low or no emission
  vehicle miles on the project

These forums are due to continue into
2021 and there are three more scheduled
for the calendar year. At each one the
intention is for each department to
update on their progress for improving
the measures are prioritising.

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Updates from last year
                                       Nurturing nature
    1 Using data analytics to
      inform season resurfacing        Greater Thames Marshes
                                       This year we have undertaken some additional
    2 Social value baseline            ditch maintenance. On the below image, the top
    3 Nurturing nature                 photo shows the area immediately after the work,
                                       with the one underneath showing how the land
    4 Lean working                     has now developed and has become
                                       a home for local flora and fauna.
    5 State-of-the-art thin surface
      course trials on the strategic   Surrey Iron Railway Earthwork
                                       This site has been added to our 5 yearly AMFP
      road network, containing         inspection regime. Any need for vegetation
                                       clearance will be identified and programmed
      50% reclaimed asphalt
                                       in, at that time. The interpretation sign will
                                       also be inspected as part of this.

                                       Oak Processonary Moth (OPM)
                                       – Innovation Vacuum
                                       We are hoping to carry on using this technique
                                       this year, however, as we are still in the process of
                                       procuring new soft estate contractors, we’re not
                                       yet in a position to know if they will be able to offer
                                       the same capability. If they don’t, we will definitely
                                       seek to develop it in collaboration with them.

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Connect Plus PMR 2021

Lean working                                      State-of-the-art thin surface
                                                  course trials on the strategic
As an organisation, we are fully                  road network, containing 50%
committed to Lean. This is something              reclaimed asphalt
which is demonstrated in the integration
of Lean into the Business Strategy,               The 50% reclaimed asphalt trial is
where we are committed to maximising              ongoing and continues to show
efficiency by driving down waste through          encouraging results.
increased productivity and reducing on
site activity. We aim to generate a culture
                                                  The Griptester skid resistance measurements
of innovation making it “safe to fail”,
aiming for the submission of over 300             throughout the first year indicated that the
business improvement ideas by 2025,               inclusion of reclaimed asphalt has had no
each with a conversion rate of 40%.               detrimental impact upon on the early life
                                                  skid resistance. The average Griptester
To improve the quality and quantity of the        results over three runs for the 14mm
submissions, we are working collaboratively       SurePhalt, incorporating 50% reclaimed
with our innovation and digital teams to trial    asphalt, are directly comparable and
a new reporting tool. We’re encouraging the       significantly higher than the investigatory
business to report their ideas through the        level of 0.35.
tool together with email and Yammer.
                                                  ‘Cradle to Gate’ carbon footprint analysis
The conversion rate of ideas submitted to         has been conducted utilising asPECT and
ideas approved, has increased from 20%            the associated protocol. The analysis has
last period to 27% in this period. This equates
                                                  demonstrated a 7.69kg CO2e/T saving for
to 50 ideas approved for implementation.
                                                  the 50% reclaimed asphalt mixture, compared
As the business matures, we are starting
to see a number of projects that are being        to the control. This represents a 16% saving.
self-delivered. Fifteen of the ideas that
have been approved, were delivered by             In addition to these fantastic results, the
the teams as ‘Just Do It” ideas.                  project was the winner of the CIHT Climate
                                                  Change Award in 2020 and was highly
                                                  commended in the ‘Environmental Sustainability
In October 2021 we were awarded
                                                  in the Highways Sector’ category, of the
an industry leading HELMA score
                                                  Highways Awards during the same period.
of 3.4, scoring the maximin of 4
in two areas – Lean in business
strategy and Lean leadership.
This achievement is something of
which we are immensely proud.

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
The following case studies highlight some of the
    many innovations, industry best practices and new
    products that we are implementing and trialling
    across the network.

    From dealing with the challenges we have faced
    over the past year, to pushing the boundaries in
    protecting the health of our workforce, these
    case studies provide an example of the range
    of work we’re undertaking.

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
–		   Working through a pandemic
–		   Healthier Highways
–		   Road space improvements
–		   Network intelligence – Binder and surfacing dashboards
–		   Network intelligence – Deterioration of asphaltic plug joints
–     Retrofitting emergency areas
–		   Sustainability roadmap
–		   Carbon strategy and designer carbon tool
–		   Biodiversity net gain
–     Mutual aid for area 4
–     Developing our digital twin

Proactive Management Review - Contract Year 12 April 2020 to March 2021 - Connect Plus
Working through a pandemic

     As custodians of Europe’s busiest motorway, it was
     essential that we overcame the COVID-19 challenge
     to keep the M25 open and safe for the transportation
     of essential medical supplies, key workers and groceries.
     This put additional pressure on all our      in a complex and uncertain (VUCA)          relationships we have with our frame-
     teams to maintain a business-as-usual        environment were crucial to keep a         work community, we were able to issue
     working environment. It was crucial that     steady hand on the tiller.                 our annual call off contracts, worth
     we put safe operating procedures in                                                     £36.6m, one week after we went into
     place to allow our teams to work safely      Every business, regardless of their        a national lockdown. This was followed
     and effectively to continue providing the    size, needs a workable Business            up with a further £10.1m of work
     best possible service for our customers.     Continuity Plan (BCP), and the arrival     resulting in £46.7m of work delivered
                                                  of the pandemic illustrated that more      through our Framework.
     The completion of our Business               than ever. We realised that we needed
     Continuity Plan (BCP) was timed              a plan that was adaptable in order to     We were able to do this, confident that
     perfectly to provide the business with       manage this huge impact, as well          we could manage the risks associated
     the response needed to do this. The          as managing more ‘normal’ trigger         with COVID, including additional costs,
     plan itself incorporated new methods         incidents such as fire, flooding etc.     by giving our Framework full flexibility in
     of working and communicating, as well                                                  how they dealt with the pandemic. This
     as demonstrating how office-based staff      The health and wellbeing of our staff     allowed us to offer security to our supply
     and those working on the network could       became crucial throughout this time,      chain with a pipeline of work for the year.
     continue to do so in a safe environment.     and we needed to ensure support was The special relationship we have built,
                                                  available to help everyone deal with this has enabled us to work through, and
     The need                                     new and unknown working environment. adapt to, what was a constantly
                                                  From the teams working on the network changing situation.
     Long before lockdown, our COVID-19           who continued to support the delivery
     resilience teams were planning for a         of schemes and maintenance works          During 2020/21 we recorded a 6%
     range of scenarios to ensure we would        under very trying conditions, to those    increase in initial Call-Off Contracts,
     be in the best possible position for what    working from home and dealing             compared to the previous year, this was
     was to come. Keeping the network in a        with the exponential increase in          an 18% increase compared to 2018/19.
     safe and serviceable condition had never     online meetings while trying to
     been more important than during this         accommodate home schooling                Whilst the planned Pavement
     time due to the national need for            and other caring responsibilities.        program was slightly reduced from
     the strategic road network.                                                            the previous year, the structures
                                                  These were challenging times which        program was significantly increased.
     When the pandemic hit and our world          for some offered a period of reflection   We procured and delivered a 14%
     changed, we were able to leverage the        to reconsider aspects of their life       increase in Structures work (by year-end)
     skills of our workforce and the innovative   including their priorities and work-life  compared to the previous year.
     contracts we hold with our framework         balance, yet for others, they were full
     community, to manage the changing            of stress, anxiety, sometimes fear and    By the 31st of March 2021 we had
     situation.                                   feelings of being overwhelmed.            delivered our second biggest year of
                                                                                            delivery at £66.6m, and our biggest ever
     Never has the environment we have                                                      structures program at £25.8m. By the
     created and the relationships and            Deliverables and benefits                 end of October 2020, we had delivered
     culture we have established been more                                                  90% of our planned pavement surfacing
     important than during the pandemic.          Working together to keep                  program, which is our best performance
     The leadership skills and training that      the network moving                        ever. During this period value was gener-
     members of the community have                Whilst other clients were stopping        ated and recorded of up to £7.5m, and
     acquired, really came to the fore during     all work; because of our innovative       performance improved by 10%.
     these unprecedented times, and the           contracts, built on a strong culture      In addition to this, we delivered £45m
     additional skills they developed to work     of collaborative working and the          of improvement projects for Highways

Connect Plus PMR 2021

England, including keeping some large      Our frameworks are set up to deliver a          skills and awareness required to work in
and complex static sites operational       sustainable, supportive and innovative          a complex and uncertain environment.
including: Gade Valley viaduct with an     community vision, that creates an envi-         When the pandemic hit and our world
average workforce of 120 and a large       ronment - both contractually and cultur-        changed, we were able to leverage
Christmas railway possession, the Emer-    ally - for everyone to work in joint interest   these skills, our culture and our contracts
gency Areas project and also opening       to deliver works on the M25. These              to manage this difficult situation.
a key junction improvement project at      principals, tools and systems were thor-
junction 13.                               oughly tested during the pandemic.

All this was delivered with a decreasing   That we were able to do this, was in
AAFR and RIDDOR rate that, for our         part due to the leadership training we
framework contractors, reached zero        have in place. This training supports
in March 2021.                             leaders across the community from
                                           board level to project managers. It has
                                           been, and continues to be, delivered to
                                           over 80 people across all organisations,
                                           focussing on the personal attitudes,

Business as unusual
    At the start of the first lockdown we        We also found that we were able to
    delivered a series of blogs to support       engage larger numbers of people more
    the lead coach community and act as a        easily with online webinars, seminars,
    reminder of what they had learned and        forums and our lessons learnt dialogue.
    to engage with them on their skills and
    thinking in this unprecedented time.         Delivering a robust and adaptable
                                                 business continuity plan
    The intention was to remind everyone         Our original Business Continuity Plan
    that now, more than ever, was the time       was further developed in light of the
    to activate their lead coach training        pandemic. We undertook a number of
    and reflect upon their capabilities and      business impact assessments to under-
    lead coach practices. Each blog in the       stand the processes in place if key team
    series took on a lead coach theme, and       members, or even entire teams, were
    explored different areas, linked to the      unable to work. We spoke to business
    national picture at the time.                leaders as it was essential for each team
                                                 to take ownership and identify what was
    The face-to-face collaboration and           required to facilitate an undisrupted ser-
    leadership skills training we had planned    vice and what the business needed to
    for the year was inevitably cancelled        do to support them. We looked at how
    due to the pandemic and the restrictions     they would continue to operate, for ex-
    that were put in place. We realised it       ample, who was their appointed deputy
    was business critical to continue to         and were they aware of critical informa-
    train new community members and              tion such as passwords and document
    develop others. As it became evident the     storage for example. We then created a
    pandemic was here to stay, we took the       framework for each team to follow.
    decision to redesign our programmes
    and move all our cultural training online,   The BCP now incorporates new levels of
    together with our forums, and balanced       process that have enabled us to contin-
    scorecard dialogues.                         ue both office and on-road operational
                                                 effectiveness, by having a linked com-
    We were found that by re-working the         munications plan, IT input and health
    plan so that training was delivered in       and safety protocols, together with op-
    modules over a longer period, it had a       erational delivery, whether working from
    much bigger impact on those taking           home, in the office or on the network.
    part, as well as being more effective.

    We all faced new and sometimes
    difficult challenges during lock-
    down, however, it also provided
    an opportunity for us to minimise
    disruption to our customers.

Connect Plus PMR 2021

As lessons were learnt, the plan evolved      implemented to facilitate the effective
and was updated as required. Early in         operation of the business during
2021, each part of the business under-        this time.
took a further business impact assess-
ment to assess if any additional changes      Resetting the working window
were needed or if they would do things        We all faced new and sometimes difficult
differently.                                  challenges during lockdown, however,
                                              it also provided an opportunity for us to
As a result of the BCP, the business was      minimise disruption to our customers.
in a position to continue to deliver, oper-   Using big data analytics, we produced
ate and, importantly, adapt, during the       detailed analysis to visualise the im-
lockdown. Because of the systems that         pact that lockdown was having on the
were put in place, our teams were able        volume of traffic using the network.
to go above and beyond business as            Working with Highways England, we
usual, keeping the network running to:        were able to make the most of these
                                              reduced levels to reset and extend the
                                              current working window, allowing us
• Allow for the transportation of
                                              to use this time to offset the impacts of
  essential goods such as medical
                                              COVID (additional resources required
                                              such as vans and people). The earlier
• Enable key workers to travel without        start times and lower traffic levels expe-
  having to rely on public transport          rienced during the Pandemic allowed us
• Help keep the economy moving                to offset the initial anxiety experienced
  during this difficult time                  by the workforce in managing Covid as
                                              well as health and safety and improved
In addition to the BCP, there were a          the certainty in planning our work and
number of examples of best practice,          getting Traffic management out on the
opportunities and initiatives that were       network.

Regular communications                      The Temporal Consulting team                   In addition, there was a growing sense of
     It was essential that during this time we   worked with the framework community            them and us between the site operatives
     continued to communicate with the           leadership team to develop and trial           and those working from home together
     business and our framework community,       a cultural intervention programme              with a ‘big brother’ feeling of needing
     not only on COVID specific matters, but     aimed at:                                      to be seen to be online.
     also to ensure we didn’t lose momentum
     on business campaigns and national          • Creating a community conversation            The conclusion was that it simply
     awareness days. We issued a huge              in support of wellbeing                      wasn’t enough to undertake a digital
     number of timely communications to t        • Improving personal awareness                 transformation, and to be operationally
     he whole business which included:             of wellbeing                                 set up for the ‘new’ normal. Our way
                                                 • Supporting leadership in tracking            of working – our policies and culture –-
     • COVID specific communications               the cultural climate of wellbeing and        needed to be carefully adjusted
       with information such as working            identifying policies to strengthen it        with compassion to support the
       safely on the network and working                                                        lifestyle change.
       from home                                 The leadership group invited up to 100
     • Health and wellbeing advice               community members to attend voluntary          Meditation sessions
                                                 weekly mindfulness sessions and to             Nicola Temporal also ran a four-week
     • Campaigns and national
                                                 complete a short survey concerning their       ‘introduction to meditation’ course which
       awareness days
                                                 wellbeing after each session, for a total      was offered to the whole business and
     • Increased engagement opportunities        of seven weeks.                                had the purpose of providing the
       for those feeling isolated such as                                                       support needed to start and maintain a
       Monday morning meditation                 The cultural calculator (a TC product)         meditation practice. This was found to
       and ‘Friday Fun’ sessions                 monitored three aspects of wellbeing:          be incredibly helpful during this time,
                                                                                                given the challenging environment that
     In addition, we also took our quarterly     • The personal felt experience – happy,        some of our teams were working in.
     in-person roadshows online, and with          work-life balance, healthy, optimistic       Those who took part benefitted from:
     great success. The turnout was much         • How people are looking after their
     higher than usual with really positive        wellbeing – rest and energy levels,          • Achieving a greater sense
     feedback and strong engagement.               stress management, nutrition,                  of wellbeing
     The briefing content was tailored for         physical care                                • Learning how to manage
     network-based teams and recorded as         • How people are experiencing their              levels of stress
     a video so the briefing could reach as        environment – ways of working,               • Growing of self-awareness
     many people as possible, despite the          community and connection, leader               and self-confidence
     much smaller shift bubbles.                   ship listening, extra hours, resources
                                                   and equipment.                               Highways England have reviewed the
     Wheel of wellbeing                                                                         Business Continuity Plan and it has been
     As well as the communications around        The leadership group were given                put forward as ‘best practise’ for use
     wellbeing, we also worked with Temporal     opportunities to tailor interventions during   by other Areas on the strategic road
     Consulting – the company who brought        the programme with their teams using           network. In addition, it has been
     to life the concept of the Wheel of         the data to inform each intervention.          successfully audited by external
     Wellbeing. It became apparent wellbeing     The findings from the programme were:          auditors and also used by Balfour
     was going to be important during the                                                       Beatty in relevant areas of their business.
     pandemic, as people were exposed to         • Despite having more meetings an
     the pressures of work and homelife and        experience of disconnection                  Highways England are aware. A COVID
     the constant expectation of being             remained                                     specific edition of the Motion newsletter
     available for online meetings.              • Despite having more freedom                  was also created to share positive
                                                   to work from home a lack of                  developments on the network with
                                                   work life balance remained                   Highways England during this
                                                 • Despite having less of a need to             challenging time.
                                                   travel to work common themes
                                                   were low rest, low energy and
                                                   working additional hours

We delivered £45m of
improvement projects for
Highways England, including
keeping some large and
complex static sites operational.

Healthier Highways

     Connect Plus recognises the need to improve
     worker health protection in line with our
     strategic themes of ‘Promoting Health’
     and ‘Leading in Safety’.
     Through a collaborative partnership with Steve Perkins Associates (SPA), experts in risk-based
     health leadership and culture transformation, we have started to develop a strategic health
     leadership framework to improve the protection of health for all those who work on the
     M25 network.

     The need

     Safety is both an imperative and a value for             Highways construction and maintenance involves
     Highway’s England. There is rightly a strong focus       a wide range of health exposure hazards including;
     on work-related accident prevention across the SRN,      respirable crystalline silica, other respirable dusts
     but much more could be done on work-related              and particulates, noise, vibration, welding fumes,
     ill-health prevention. The Health and Safety Executive   isocyanates, VOCs, manual handling, diesel
     estimates that each year 4000 construction workers       exhaust emissions and solar radiation. Unfortunately,
     die from occupational lung disease; there are 5500       awareness of these hazards and their associated
     new cases of occupational cancer; and at any             health risks is generally poor across the industry.
     one time there are nearly 81,000 construction            We recognise this situation needs to be addressed
     workers with work related ill-health ranging from        and embarked on work to begin the journey to
     musculoskeletal disorders to lung disease,               ‘treat health like safety’ across the M25 network.
     and noise-induced hearing loss to stress.

Connect Plus PMR 2021


The collaborative leadership team, established for this project and including volunteers from
across the M25 community, as well as Highways England and experts from Steve Perkins
Associates (SPA), has undertaken a wide range of activities throughout the year, including:

     • Embedding a communications approach                  • Designing ‘Good Health Conversations’
       for Healthier Highways messages using                  playing cards to stimulate health
       regular community e-newsletters, health                protection engagement on site
       and safety forums, and a dedicated                     and in online meetings.
       Microsoft Teams channel for downloading              • A new Supervisors’ dust awareness
       resources available to the whole community.            modular training course delivered live
     • Creating bespoke toolbox talk videos                   online. It incorporates practical training
       on dust and noise awareness                            using the dust toolbox talk video,
       contextualised for the M25, which                      together with a short test.
       have had very positive feedback.                     • Introduced a new Health ‘Don’t Walk By’
     • Production of task-based fact sheets                   quarterly award for the best health
       on the health hazards and controls                     protection submission/observation.
       for road planing and paving, targeted                  First awarded in Q2 2020.
       at supervisors and works managers.

We’re particularly proud of
the work undertaken by the
collaborative surfacing supply
chain working group on dust
control in asphalt planing, which
includes framework contractors
and supply chains, the
planer manufacturer and
SPA specialists. Exposure
assessments revealed low
levels of RCS, but high levels
of respirable dust requiring
control improvement. Working
together the group discovered
existing planer water spray
controls were not being fully        In addition, we discovered that the planer vacuum extraction
used due to misunderstandings        system isn’t regularly maintained and checked, thus reducing
on their use and function.           dust extraction efficiency. A case study on M25 planing dust
Further measurements                 control has been published on our website.
conclusively demonstrated
that full water spray halves         The team also planned and have now began to trial a new
dust exposure.                       active noise control protection and measurement system by
                                     Eave. This is being rolled out across the framework community.

                                     We also conducted a coached gap analysis project for
                                     health protection policies, systems and practices across
                                     the framework community. This highlighted a number of
                                     community-wide areas for improvement with each company
                                     agreeing to develop their own specific improvement plans.

                            There is now wider access across
                            the Community to Healthier Highways
                            resources through our communications
                            programme resulting in increased
                            awareness. A survey of attendees
                            at the 2021 M25 stand down event
                            showed that 70% of delegates were
                            now either very/somewhat aware
                            of the campaign and its messages.

                            Trials of the supervisors dust
                            awareness training course yielded
                            very positive feedback with 94% highly
                            met rating for our objectives and 100%
                            rating for recommending the course to
                            colleagues. A noise awareness course
                            is now in development.

                            Community trials of the Good Health
                            Playing cards showed very positive

     We’re starting to      feedback with unanimous agreement
                            from participants that the cards helped
                            to start health conversations and
     realise fantastic      provided new ideas for discussions.
                            As a result of this success a wider

     benefits following
                            roll-out is now planned.

                            With regard to the dust control in

     the development        asphalt planing work, follow-up and
                            further exposure testing on planing
                            dust revealed that water sprinkling
     of our Healthier       controls were not used to full effect
                            (usually at about 50%). Rectifying this

     Highways initiative.
                            results in a halving of respirable dust
                            levels taking them to a safe level.

                            As we delved deeper, it turned out
                            there was a belief in the planing sector
                            that saving sprinkling water was the
                            right thing to do for several apparently
                            legitimate reasons. We disproved
                            all of them as far as M25 planing
                            is concerned. They were:

                            • A belief that tailings from
                              planing needed to be dry to
                              facilitate reheating at the
                              asphalt recycling plants.
                              Directors of those plants
                              confirmed that was not true
                              as they put no specification on
                              the water content of tailings
                              and in-fact store them outside
                              in all weathers prior to recycling.

Connect Plus PMR 2021

• As water usage is measured         These findings are relevant across     All of the work undertaken as part
  as an environmental resource,      the road planing industry and          of the Healthier Highways initiative
  everyone felt a pressure to        are now being communicated             has been shared with Highways
  conserve it.                       more widely through webinars,          England and we would hope that
                                     conferences and articles in industry   there is scope for it to be adopted
• People were concerned that
                                     publications.                          more widely in the future.
  there would be a need to refill
  the planer’s water tank during
                                     During 2020, following the             • Highways England teams
  a shift which would delay the
                                     introduction of our Health DWB           in the South East region under
  job and incur extra cost.
                                     prize, health protection submissions     Nicola Bell were included
  However, calculations showed
                                     more than doubled and we saw a           in the M25 strategic Health
  that for the short planing
                                     four-fold increase in numbers which      and Safety Forums in
  windows on the M25 a full
                                     involved solutions further up the        December 2020 and June
  tank of water was more than
                                     hierarchy of controls than just PPE.     2021, where Healthier
  enough to complete every
                                                                              Highways outcomes
  job with the sprinkling system
                                     Our messages and resources have          were reported.
  running at 100%.
                                     received wider attention across
• Finally, there was a concern
                                     the industry through our               • We presented Healthier
  that spraying more water
                                     communication efforts with Safer         Highways to the HE Highways
  would make the carriageway
                                     Highways and Highways UK.                Safety Hub in February 2021
  excessively wet for the cleaning
                                                                              and the HE Supply Chain
  sweepers preparing the planed
                                                                              Safety Leadership Group in
  surface for the next part of the
                                                                              March 2021. The latter
  process. However, planing is
                                                                              included Mark Byard,
  conducted in all weathers –
  wet or dry – and the cleaners                                               HE Health, Safety and
  will also be spraying water                                                 Wellbeing Director.
  during their work.

Through honest and open
conversations within our supply
chain working group we were
able to work through each of
these reasons and collectively
agree that none of them applied
to M25 planing work, and
therefore there were no
operational or commercial
reasons why the water spray
should be turned off on the
conveyor belts.

Our conclusions have provided
significant improvements to health
protection for our workforce,
without incurring additional cost.

Road space improvements                               The need

                                                           In order to align with Highways England’s strategic
                                                           imperative of customer service, road space booking

     Road space planning                                   accuracy needs to be strong to provide reliable
                                                           information to customers and other stakeholders.

     accuracy is a critical                                Performance across England is currently well below
                                                           the 90% strategic target and in Area 5, we have
                                                           historically been significantly below, averaging c30%,
     enabler for informing                                 and during the winter, much less than this.

     customers moving                                      Deliverables and benefits

     smoothly through                                      A detailed analysis of the reasons for not achieving
                                                           the current target has been completed. This has
                                                           revealed a wide range of issues including process,
     our network.                                          systems and organisation, all of them impacting on
                                                           performance. So far, the following have been put
                                                           in place to start to address performance:

                                                           Cone time reporting
     In recognition of this, Highways England
                                                           A daily report has been developed to allow the
     has set a target to achieve 90% accuracy of
                                                           road space team to follow up with contractors and
     carriageway closures booked at least seven
                                                           Service Delivery when cone times are not recorded
     days in advance. This means that seven
                                                           on a booking. Without this information, bookings are
     days’ notice should be able to be provided
                                                           classified as ‘not used’. This improvement has led
     to customers and stakeholders for at least
                                                           to a 5% improvement in performance compared to
     90% of bookings.
                                                           2020, by ensuring that accurate records are kept of
                                                           when cones are placed and removed.
     Historically, the performance in Area 5 (up to
     January 2021) was approximately 30% on this
                                                           Cone Time App
     measure, one of the worst performing areas in
                                                           A cone time app has also been developed to allow
     England. It is therefore essential that we improve.
                                                           Connect Plus Services (CPS) and traffic management
                                                           contractors to log cone times directly through their
     Road space planning is complex, involving many
                                                           tablets or mobile phones. The app is in use within
     stakeholders and there are many reasons why
                                                           the CPS Service Delivery team and with some of the
     the 90% target is not being achieved. However,
                                                           traffic management community who use Google-based
     through the analysis of the data, we have been
                                                           devices. Currently, approximately 10% of cone times are
     able to identify targeted areas for improvement,
                                                           being logged through this method. Additional training and
     some of which are already in place. Further
                                                           familiarisation are ongoing to increase this figure. The app
     improvements, including a drive for true integrated
                                                           is also in the process of being published on the Apple
     planning across the M25 community, will take
                                                           store and we’re confident that adoption will increase
     longer, but will ultimately provide a platform to
                                                           once this has been finalised. The benefit of the app
     deliver long term sustainable improvement.
                                                           is that notification of cone times can be logged more
                                                           accurately against road space booking numbers,
     As a result of improvements already delivered
                                                           without using an automated phone service which
     since February 2021, 7-day road space
                                                           is liable to human error in the entry of information.
     accuracy is now approximately 60% per
     month on a regular basis and Area 5 is
                                                           Process review of our approach
     no longer the worst performer in the country.
                                                           Through a process review of our approach to road
                                                           space booking, and by benchmarking our practices
                                                           with other Areas within the strategic road network,
                                                           we identified that the our process

for booking road space was subtly             to facilitate this, a suite of Power     programme planning approach.
different to all others, in respect of when   BI reports have been developed,          This includes introducing an
bookings are confirmed. Within Area 5,        showing a range of road space            integrated planning approach to
bookings previously were typically not        metrics and enabling benchmarking of     look further ahead at all road space
confirmed to Highways England until all       performance across the M25. These        bookings, and integrate works
diversions were approved. Often, local        reports will be published to the         with each other much earlier in the
highway authorities or TfL do not confirm     community in the second half of 2021.    process. The aim is to avoid late
their agreement to diversions until very                                               clashes of works, late cancellations
late in the process. This means that          New format co-ordination meeting         and enable more sharing of road
bookings were being confirmed late and        An important change that has been        space. This activity will be led from
then failing the 7-day accuracy measure.      implemented following the review         the CPS PMO team but will involve
                                              of the road space booking process        multiple stakeholders from across
We have now adjusted the process              is to implement a new format             the M25 community. Through the
to align with the rest of the country,        co-ordination meeting. These             development of this approach,
so confirming bookings ahead of               meetings are now weekly, involving       we aim to achieve the 90%
receiving confirmation and agreement          all road space applicants, and review    strategic target by 2025.
of diversions. On rare occasions              the status of road space bookings
diversions may not approved                   up to 8 weeks out from the works         We are actively involved in regional
resulting in a cancellation, but this         date. The meetings provide a final       and national forums on road space
happens in only a minority of cases           opportunity for works co-ordination      management and have been sharing
and has so far proved to be very              and also act as a reminder for           our good practices with these groups.
low. Road space bookings are                  applicants to cancel bookings that are
now confirmed 7-10 days ahead                 no longer required – well ahead of the   We have also had early
of works, giving Highways England             works date and therefore positively      discussions with Highways
and stakeholders greater visibility of        impacting the 7-day accuracy             England regarding our programme
events. This process change has               measure. These meetings are well         optimisation approach. They
had the most significant impact               attended and are an enabler to           recognise that integrating road
on performance, and is responsible            sustaining performance above 60%         space planning into strategic
for at least a 20% improvement                on the 7-day accuracy measure.           programme planning will help to
in performance on the 7-day                                                            unlock higher levels of accuracy.
accuracy measure.                             Over the coming months, we will be       We will be keeping Highways
                                              introducing further improvements to      England updated on the progress
Road space booking good                       make the booking process more            we are making.
practice guide                                integrated with the overall
To support changes that have been
implemented, we have also published
a road space booking “Good Practice
Guide”. This document outlines the
processes to be followed by applicants
and describes the best practices for
each step. Lunch and Learn webinars
have been held across the M25
Community to share this information
and the document is available online
to all road space applicants through
the Network Occupancy Management
System (NOMS).

Power BI reports
An important enabler to improved
Road Space performance is to
allow applicants to see their own
performance and how that compares
to the rest of the community. In order

Network intelligence - Binder and surfacing dashboards

     In this case study we explain the latest
     developments undertaken to enhance
     network intelligence on Paved Areas.
     To this end, multiple dashboards                    A set of filters including, but not limited to,
     using HAPMS Construction                            Date Laid, Lane Code, Material Type, Road
     Datasets were constructed to                        Number and Direction (e.g., Clockwise
     map networkwide binder and                          versus Anti-Clockwise) – which all provide
     surface courses, that will deliver                  meaningful insights – are directly usable, and
     a number of actionable insights.                    metrics including average age of courses,
                                                         given a prespecified set of filters are
     The need                                            also presented.

     Our pavement strategy on fully flexible             Two screenshots are presented on
     (FF) pavement stipulates that binder course         the opposite page.
     failures and deterioration should be avoided
     by increasing surface course replacement,           Benefits
     especially on Lane1. As such, it is deemed
     important to recognise and scrutinise               The dashboard will be initially used to
     high-risk locations where binder courses            strategically select representative samples
     are particularly aged and vulnerable, and           of binder course to be investigated (i.e.,
     where the failure risk could be exacerbated         sampling on site, core logging and further
     without prompt preventative maintenance.            asphalt testing). The aim would be to build
     Investigations including coring and testing         up a comprehensive database of binder
     can be carried out to determine the                 course types and ages to determine where
     condition of the binder courses, and on this        the risks are for future schemes, meriting
     basis, further actions can be taken to either       additional testing to assess the binder
     protect or fully replace it. It was for instance,   course prior to any inlay works and
     found that networkwide, binder courses on           minimise the occurrence of early failures.
     Lane 1 are on average 29 years old, against
     9 years old for thin surface courses.               It is also aimed to be widely used by
                                                         asset engineers and designers when
     Deliverables                                        planning annual Asset Management Forward
                                                         Plan (AMFP) programmes. Combined
     A comprehensive dashboard, mapping                  with other data sets such as defect
     the type and age of both binder and                 occurrences (CAT1 hotspots), inspection
     surface courses throughout the network,             data (i.e., TRAffic-speed Condition Surveys),
     was assembled. Specifically, the dashboards         and other available visual information, this
     were constructed by using modern data               could enhance network knowledge and
     scripting methods to ingest, cleanse, and           understanding of pavement modes of failure.
     process HAPMS construction datasets.                Further analysis will be undertaken over the
     The processed dataset was then visualised           course of 2021/22 to consolidate the results.
     through Power BI, and shared within the
     M25 community.                                      The information will be included in the AMFP
                                                         and shared with Highways England.

Connect Plus PMR 2021

Network intelligence – Deterioration of asphaltic plug joints

     A detailed review of asphaltic plug joint service
     life has been undertaken to evaluate the use of
     longer life high modulus materials.

      The replacement of these joint types             The need
      represents a very significant part of the
      planned structures investment portfolio          Bridge expansion joints are one of the structural
      and innovation, and greater understanding        inventory components that require the most
      of service life has a direct benefit in          frequent intervention. These joints allow structures
      both investment requirements but also            to articulate and provide a running surface for traffic.
      minimises expected network disruption            As such, they are subject to a large amount of
      and long-term risk reduction.                    localised and high loading, traditionally causing
                                                       deformation and failure over time.
      Analysis of high modulus expansion
      joint performance has been undertaken            Deliverables
      using asset data to identify and evaluate
      performance trends. This has reinforced          The installation of high modulus asphaltic plug
      the fact that these joint types are performing   joints has been adopted for a number of years.
      above the previous deterioration model,          However, this year, a detailed review of deterioration
      with a forecast 50% improvement in               trends has been undertaken and compared with
      service life. The Decision Support Tool used     the traditional deterioration model used previously
      for future asset intervention identification     for these joint types. This review has demonstrated
      and investment forecasting has been              a substantial reduction in the rate of deterioration,
      updated with the revised service life.           providing confidence in the adoption of a revised
                                                       deterioration curve in the Decision Support Tool.


The installed high modulus                  Utilising an expansion joint system      generated through longer-lasting APJ
asphaltic plug expansion joints are         that has greater resistance to           life expectancies. Different scenarios,
demonstrating improved performance          deterioration directly reduces the       including differentiated assumption for
characteristics when compared with          frequency that replacement is            A and M-roads, were considered, as
standard joints of this kind.               required. As a result, fewer road        shown in the second graph below.
                                            closure will be required – every 12
Comparison of inspection data               years as opposed to every 8 –            High modulus expansion joints have
review for a number of structures           meaning less disruption to the           been adopted within other Highways
has demonstrated this improved              travelling public and less exposure      England areas however, it is believed
performance and a comparison of             to a live traffic environment for our    this study is the first of its kind to
initial deterioration patterns suggests     workforce. In addition, by using         holistically review their performance
these joints take approximately 50%         longer-lasting materials, we reduce      and utilise the results to refine future
longer to reach a severity condition        the risk of premature failures, thus     condition modelling.
three. The first graph below depicts the    reducing the likelihood of serious
APJ refined deterioration in comparison     joint-induced road accidents.            Highways England are not currently
with the traditional deterioration model.                                            aware of the study but this shall be
                                            This improvement in deterioration        reflected through the AMFP.
It is anticipated this trend                forecasting offers greater network
will continue for greater severity          availability and supports journey time
levels, and additional reviews will be      reliability.
undertaken to confirm this, and to
verify further improvement to future        We adopted a probabilistic approach
condition modelling.                        to quantify savings that could be

Retrofitting emergency areas

     Connect Plus were asked by Highways England
     to retrofit ten emergency areas on the smart
     motorway sections on the M25, and to do
     this within 12 months.
     Working collaboratively with               Deliverables and benefits                   By running the design and
     our framework community, we                                                            construction phases simultaneously,
     were able to successfully deliver          An innovative community culture             the team were able to find the
     this project, causing minimum              This project was delivered under            quickest route to construction,
     disruption to the travelling               our innovative COFA framework –             cutting out the ‘dead’ time which
     public while having to deal                six organisations working closely           is usually found in conventional
     with the challenges caused                 together with a community culture           project programming.
     by a global pandemic.                      at its heart, to deliver renewal and
                                                improvements works around                   There were 17 possible locations
     The need                                   the network.                                for the 10 areas. In January 2020,
                                                                                            representatives from all parties including
     Highways England introduced new            At the start of the project we              Highways England visited each one
     standards for Smart Motorways which        involved all six contractors, plus          during daylight, to make assessments.
     required emergency areas to be spaced      the designers, in an open discussion,       This helped identify the most suitable
     between three quarters and one mile        using their collective vast experience      locations, ensuring both design and
     apart, so that in the event of a break-    to assess the potential challenges          operational constraints were identified
     down, a vehicle travelling at 60mph will   to delivery, particularly in light of the   and solved collaboratively at the
     reach the next emergency area within       tight timescales. Based on a range          earliest opportunity.
     45 seconds. Previously, the spacing        of criteria including the urgency of
     requirement was 1.5 miles. This change     the project, we came to a mutual            Using a conveyor-belt approach, the
     aimed to make customers feel safer         decision about who was best placed          team used selection criteria to identify
     and improve confidence when driving        to deliver the scheme and opted to          quick wins on design, which allowed
     on all lanes running (ALR) sections of     use two contractors. This would help        construction to begin almost immedi-
     the M25.                                   to build resilience into the delivery       ately, whilst design of the more complex
                                                and ensure the deadline was met.            bays was undertaken afterwards. This
     We were asked by Highways                                                              resulted in the project being delivered
     England to construct ten                   The approach we undertook for this          in three phases – as illustrated on the
     emergency areas on the smart               scheme was made possible by the             next page.
     motorway sections of the M25               M25 community-wide commitment
     within 12 months, this was the first       to collaborative working, and the           Managing risk
     time that extra emergency areas            formal collaboration training               Risk can always be a factor in these
     had been retrofitted to a completed        programme which aims to ensure              scenarios, however, by assembling
     section of the motorway. These             that everyone buys in to the cultural       the entire project team at the outset,
     extremely tight timescales were                                                        we were able to assign the risk
                                                ambitions of the M25 Community.
     driven by the Department for                                                           management to the person best
                                                                                            placed to manage it. This way, if
     Transport’s action plan to improve         Working unconventionally                    there were any design issues, we
     smart motorway safety, which               Delivering this project in the              were able to provide the mitigation in
     was announced by the Transport             conventional way – design, tender           real time. While adopting this method
     Secretary in January 2020.                 and then construction - would               incurred more costs upfront, overall,
     Construction began in the same             have taken approximately three              the project came in on budget, be-
     month, and the extra emergency             years, which would have been                cause costs associated with poorly
     areas had to be delivered                  unacceptable given the context              managed risk had already
     by December 2020.                          of the scheme.
Connect Plus PMR 2021

 Phase 1
 EA Bay 2
 EA Bay 3
 EA Bay 4
 EA Bay 5
                                                                                                  Phase 3
                                                                                                  EA Bay 8a
 Phase 2                                                                                          EA Bay 9a
 EA Bay 1                                                                                         EA Bay 12
 EA Bay 6                                                                                         EA Bay 15

been ironed out, making construction          which allowed them to design out         It was an immense challenge to
almost frictionless.                          the need for narrow lanes in phase       deliver all bays by the end of 2020,
                                              three of the construction process.       but the whole team were galvanised
The programme and its associated              This dramatically improved the driving   by that. Each challenge that the team
risks were managed in several ways,           experience for our customers.            encountered was tackled with a
including:                                                                             one team approach - where the
                                              Biodiversity net gain                    team owned the issue not the
• Project board meetings, which               During 2020 we recruited a               individual or organisation.
  helped to maintain focus and                biodiversity advisor, and this project
  remove blockers                             was the first scheme to consider         With all parties focussed and pulling
• Collaborative planning sessions,            biodiversity net gain from the outset.   in the same direction – we proved
  where the teams met for a full                                                       that it could be done.
  day on a weekly basis                       The construction of the emergency
                                              areas necessitated the removal of        The project team have already shared
Overall, this approach gave far more          areas of the soft estate, therefore,     learning back to Highways England,
predictability and certainty of delivery      replanting was a required to replace     and are playing an ongoing role as
against the challenging timescales.           and enhance adjacent land. The           they move forward with the rest of
                                              sites were assessed to calculate         their Smart Motorways Programme.
Minimising disruption to the travelling       the biodiversity unit value and a
public is an essential part of our            replanting scheme was designed           Furthermore, the team now
project planning. The team did a              to achieve biodiversity net gain.        has a design catalogue of
fantastic job of phasing the work                                                      emergency areas, covering a
and refining construction methods             For the first time, biodegradable        wide range of design constraints
and traffic management designs as             cardboard tree guards were               and site conditions (e.g. sheet-piled
the project progressed, to ensure             specified, reducing the greenhouse       retaining wall constructions, precast
continuous improvement.                       effect that traditional plastic tree     concrete units, L-shaped retaining
                                              guards can have on the plants.           walls etc) which is already being
For example, we were able to phase            Using this product should also           used to inform the design of other
four separate emergency areas into two        mean that, unlike the plastic            emergency areas on Highways
pairs, constructing them simultaneously.      guards, we won’t need to                 England’s network.
As a result, this required only two traffic   remove them, saving manpower
management layouts. On the M25,               and traffic management costs.            The project is well known and
traffic management forms a large part of                                               highly regarded throughout Highways
the project cost, so planning in this way     Collaboration at its best                England. Nicola Bell took the time to
allowed the team to save £400,000 per         This project was truly a collaborative   write to everyone who worked on
layout, while minimising disruption to        effort, something that was brought       the project, thanking them for the part
our customers.                                to light even more during the global     they played in what was a fantastic
                                              pandemic. The teams had to change        achievement.
In addition, during phase two of              and adapt to this new way of working.
the construction process, the team            Extra reporting was also put in place    In addition, the tree guards
conducted a range of surveys                  to ensure COVID was effectively          were shown at the Highways
including topographical, ground               managed at site level, together with     England showcase by the
penetrating radar (GPR), drainage,            extra welfare and other arrangements.    communications team.
electrical, communications, ground
investigations and pavement cores

Sustainability roadmap

     The Sustainability Roadmap        The need                                        Deliverables
     sets out the sustainability
     objectives for the M25            Sustainability is becoming the focus of         We have delivered a number of
     network. This roadmap             many companies’ agendas as we learn             sustainability-led projects during
     is the key to ensuring all        the importance of our environmental and         project year 12, as part of the
     parties involved in the           social responsibilities beyond business         sustainability roadmap.
     contract are working to           as usual. A good sustainability plan
     the same plan and ensuring        is structured to represent the UN               The first Green Travel Plan.
     environmental and social          sustainable development goals, which            We submitted the first iteration of
     responsibility, whilst            ensure that every aspect of our work            the Green Travel Plan which included
     maintaining a healthy             can be analysed and improved upon.              information regarding the distances
     business.                                                                         our staff commute from home to
                                       Safety is represented in development            their place of work, and the relevant
     The Roadmap is reviewed each      goal 3, good health and wellbeing. This         carbon savings that could be made
     year, however the overarching     translates to a business that nurtures the      by implementing video conferencing
     design of this Roadmap and        staff’s mental wellbeing, putting huge          systems in offices, eliminating the
     the strategy that supports it     importance on promotion of good mental          need to travel to meetings. We also
     was re-written in contract year   health for everybody working on the M25.        factored in the amount claimed
     11 to ensure it is relevant to                                                    against business mileage, and where
     the business, the industry        Our customer remains the focus of               our supply chain are located around
     and all parties contributing      multiple goals and actions, including           the network.
     to the M25 network.               reducing the number of environmental
                                       incidents and designing new ways for            Funding for energy improvements.
                                       scheme designers to reduce the carbon           Following the success in the
                                       that their projects produce.                    reduction of network lighting that
                                                                                       has led to considerable energy
                                       During this contract year we continue           savings, funds have been allocated
                                       to measure social value to ensure that          to improve energy consumption
                                       our customers across the network are            across all our depots. Initial ideas
                                       at the forefront of our activities, resulting   include electric vehicle charging
                                       in higher community engagement in the           points and solar powered car ports.
                                       geographical areas that need it the most.
                                                                                       Adding additional skills to the team
                                                                                       In March 2021 we recruited a
                                                                                       Sustainability Analyst with the remit
                                                                                       of managing the increasing amount of
                                                                                       data the environment and sustainability
                                                                                       team is negotiating. This will include
                                                                                       building environmental and sustainability
                                                                                       dashboards using Power BI.

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