Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...

Page created by Ronnie Stanley
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
Summer Camp

Program Guide
Kids 9 – 13 yrs
2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON

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Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
Summer Camp 2020
                                            Program Guide: Kids 9 - 13 yrs

        Camp Hours:       9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

        Location:         2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON

        Cost:             $380 + HST per week (4-Day Camps are $304 + HST)
                          Sibling Discount of 10%

        Extended Care option available for $50 per week extending drop-off to 8 am
        and pick-up to 5 pm. Students are required to bring their own morning and
        afternoon break. Lunch option available for $6.00 per day. 4-Day Camps are
        prorated amounts.


        9:00 – 9:30 AM         Morning Stations, Drawing activity, Previous Day
                               Review, Goals and Plan for the Day
        9:30 – 10:45 AM        STEM Activity Part 1

        10:45 – 11:00 AM       Break

        11:00 – 12:00 PM       STEM Activity Part 2

        12:00 – 12:30 PM       Lunch (Outdoors & Weather Dependent)

        12:30 – 1:00 PM        Bishops Park Playground & Soccer (Outdoors &
                               Weather Dependent)

        1:00 – 2:15 PM         STEM Activity Part 3

        2:15 – 2:45 PM         Break

        2:45 – 3:45 PM         Group Activity & Games
        3:45 – 4:00 PM         Wind down/Wrap-up

                              No Experience Required
                                    Join Any Week
                     New Programs for 2020 Summer Camp

Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                2
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
Kids: 9 - 13 yrs.                                DATES & THEMES
Summer Camps….Amped!
We’ve raised the bar yet again on what a summer camp should be! Enroll today for an incredible
experience for your child!

    Kicking off the summer is our Mashup Camp geared towards private school kids that are off early! We’ll select
    the best-of-the-best programs and the kids will work on these over the week!

    Week 1:     June 22 – 26th

    Budding Genius Camps
    Our Budding Genius camps are designed to introduce students to new technologies. This summer we selected
    Adafruit Microcontrollers and the ever popular Roblox Studio for video-game design.

    Week 2a: World of Microcontrollers Week 2b: Gameplay with Roblox Studio
             June 29 – 30th (2-Day)             July 2 – 3rd (2-Day)

    Week 10: World of Microcontrollers and Gameplay with Roblox Studio
             August 24 – 28th

    BattleBot Camps
    This high-energy camp starts with kids building their “battlebots” using our competition-level VEQ IQ platform or
    the Lego Mindstorms EV3 platform. With their robots assembled, kids put pen-to-paper and draw their battle
    components. Once their designs have been approved, they recreate them using 3D design software and print
    them using a 3D printer. Friendly competition takes place throughout the week with parents and family invited to
    the Friday 3 pm tournament. We have new robot designs for 2020 if your child attended 2019.

    Week 3:     BattleFront VEX                    Week 5:      CombatZone EV3
                July 6 – 10th                                   July 20 – 20th

    Week 11: BattleFront VEX                       Week 8:      CombatZone EV3
             August 31st – Sept 4th                             August 10 – 14th

    Fusion Camps
    Our Fusion Camps combine robotics, coding, 3D design and 3D printing technology into an integrated program.
    Kids learn about engineering concepts and get hands-on fabricating their own Lego Technic components for
    their Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots. RatRod Fusion and Outpost Collaboration are being offered this summer.

    Week 4:      RatRod Fusion                     Week 6:      Outpost Collaboration
                 July 13 - 17th                                 July 27 – 31st

    This summer we’re excited to introduce EnvisionAir! If you child has an interest in aviation and drones this is
    definitely the camp for them. These camps combine aviation concepts and drones with 3D design and 3D
    printing to truly create a unique learning experience.
    Week 7:      Fantasy of Flight                 Week 9:      30 Minutes or Less
                 August 4 – 7th (4-Day)                         August 17 – 21st

                 Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                            3
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
Camp FAQs

Pick-Up and Drop-Off
   We welcome campers at 8:45 am with pick-up beginning at 3:45 pm. Extended Care is available for $50
   per week extending the morning drop-off to 8 am and pick-up to 5 pm. If your child will be arriving late or
   picked up early please send us prior notification via email to or call 647-502-
   Breaks are held at 10:30 am and 2:15 pm. Campers should bring their own nut-free snacks and a
   refillable water-bottle. Refillable water-bottles are required.
   Students are welcome to bring a lunch and store in our refrigerator. A lunch option is available and we
   will be serving Pizzaville with choice of pepperoni or cheese with 3 square slices each.

           • Option 1: Pizza on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for $6/day ($18 plus HST)
           • Option 2: Pizza for the week, $30 + HST

           • 4 Day Camps: Pizza for the week, $24+ HST
Outdoor Play
   We spend about 90 minutes outdoors getting fresh air and exercise to nourish our hard-working brains!
   Safety is my number one concern when we are outdoors and students are supervised at all times.
   What do I do if my child is sick? If you child is ill the morning of camp please keep them home for their
   safety and the safety of other campers. Please let us know. If your child becomes ill during camp hours
   the parent/guardian will be notified by staff.
No Experience Required
   No prior experience required in any of our camps. Kids may attend any week during the summer.

Will My Child Be Doing the Same Activities as Last Summer?
   We created new programs and activities for 2020 including new robot designs for the summer. There is
   always much more to learn at Envision Robotics!

               Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                             4
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
                                                                         Weeks 2a, 2b,
                                                                               and 10
World of Microcontrollers
                Monday: Intro to Microcontrollers
                Monday kicks off with bang as kids get hands-on exploring and coding our
                Adafruit Playground Express and BBC: Microbit microcontrollers. Kids learn to
                code accelerometers, light sensors, tilt sensors, microphones, and more.

                Tuesday: Microcontroller Project
                Armed with a foundation of how microcontrollers work - kids select a project
                that incorporates a microcontroller, craft materials, and other electronics
                including servos, LED strips, and more.

Gameplay with Roblox Studio
                Wednesday: Roblox Studio Foundations
                Most kids have played Roblox but very few have designed their own game
                using Roblox Studio, the design software for creating your very own Roblox
                Game! On Wednesday kids learn the ins-and-outs of creating a video game
                using Roblox Studio. No prior experience with Roblox is required.

                Thursday: Game Planning and Design
                Creativity gets cranked-up as kids plan and organize their game design and
                play including objective of the game, obstacles, challenges, features, and
                more. Construction of their game with Roblox Studio begins.

                Friday: Game Construction
                Work continues on Friday with kids continuing to build and expand their video

          Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                 5
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
                                                                               Weeks 3, 5, 8
                                                                                    and 11
Two Versions of BattleBot Camps will be offered this year. BattleFront
with VEX IQ and Combat Zone with Lego Mindstorms EV3. New base robot
designs for 2020.
                   Monday: Build BattleBot
                   Monday begins with kids building their BattleBot base robot using either the
                   VEX IQ or Lego Mindstorms EV3 robot platform, depending on the week.
                   Each platform offers a unique experience and are battle capable!

                   Tuesday: Design Battle Components
                   Creativity and imagination abound as kids put pen to paper and sketch their
                   battle component ideas. Once approved, they transform their 2D drawings
                   into 3D design masterpieces! Emphasis is placed on functionality, aesthetics,
                   strength and durability, economy of materials, and imagination.

                   Wednesday: 3D Print Battle Components
                   Kids get hands-on working the 3D printers as they turn their digital design files
                   into actual 3D printed works of art! Kids are taught the nuances of printing in
                   3D and learn how to optimize their prints for performance in the battle ring.
                   Kids keep their pieces at the end of camp.

                   Thursday: Skirmish
                   With a good rest the night before, Wednesday starts of with some finger
                   stretches and deep meditation as the kids prepare for a series of skirmishes
                   throughout the day. Continuous matches and re-matches keep the
                   excitement level high. Kids contribute ideas to make BattleBot Friday special
                   including selecting music, agreeing on “sportsmanship” values and more.

                   Friday: BattleBot Finals
                   After a day of reflection, rest, and keen to take the controls once again….kids
                   engage in a series of final BattleBot challenges. Kids take the BattleBot
                   components they design and created home as a souvenir of their experience!
                   Top 3 students receive an award.

             Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                     6
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...

                                                                                            Week 4

Our Fusion camps bring together robotics and 3D Printing into a unique
experience. Advanced 3D Printing techniques are covered in this camp.
RatRod fusion explores the world of RatRods with kids constructing a RatRod with Lego
components designed and printed by them. The week ends with some friendly racing.

                     Monday: The World of RatRods
                     Kids explore the exciting world of RatRods and begin to formulate their ideas
                     for their very own RatRod robot. Mechanical concepts are discussed, and
                     kids begin designing the parts to be fabricated with 3D Printing technology.

                     Tuesday: Finalize 3D Designs and 3D Prints
                     Students complete their 3D designs and once approved they begin the
                     process of printing their rims, rubber wheels, gears, and beams. The
                     fundamentals of 3D Printing are covered as well as printing with advanced
                     materials such as rubber and ABS.

                     Wednesday: 3D Printing & Stress Testing
                     3D Printing continues and students stress test the effectiveness of their parts
                     to ensure performance under different conditions. Parts may break which is
                     part of the learning process. Reprinting may be required.

                     Thursday: Assembly & Programming
                     Their RatRods come to life as they assemble their robot. The fundamentals
                     of programming EV3 robots is covered and students develop code to control
                     their robots for Raceday!

                     Friday: Raceday!
                     With their RatRods complete, kids continue to code their robots using different
                     sensors including the Colour and Ultrasonic. Mid-afternoon, kids measure the
                     speed of their RatRods and engage in a little friendly competion with an
                     awards presented for the fastest robots and 3D printed components.

               Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                   7
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...

                                                                                                Week 6

Outpost Collaboration is designed to bring kids together to solve a set of
problems in a fun and immersive experience.
Stranded at the furthest edge of space, kids must work together to save humanity from near
disaster. Each child builds a different robot, creates 3D Printed parts, and codes their robot to
perform an important task in this collaborative camp.

                        Monday: Welcome to the Outpost
                        Excitement abounds as kids “blind-pick” a hero character on the team. Each
                        character has an associated robot and task to perform. Students also need to
                        3D Design and 3D Print a payload for their robot to carry. Kids work together
                        to plan out the week and task that must be completed.

                        Tuesday: Design Tuesday
                        With a plan in hand, kids begin sketching out the 3D printed parts needed for
                        their robot. Once approved kids begin the 3D Design and 3D Printing
                        process. Regular status meetings keep the team on-track towards fulfilling
                        their mission.

                        Wednesday: Fabrication Wednesday
                        Printers hum today as kids print their 3D printed parts for their robots. Fitting
                        takes place and modifications are made. Lots of learning this day as students
                        learn the fundamentals and advanced techniques of 3D Printing.

                        Thursday: Mission Practice
                        Success is the culmination of planning and practice. Students band together
                        to test their robots and practice working together to carry out their assigned
                        task. Remember – the future of humanity is in their hands.

                        Friday: Gameday!
                        Well rested, kids refine any remaining kinks in their assigned tasks. Parents
                        are invited at the end of the day to cheer on the kids as they save the world.

                  Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                     8
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
            Fantasy of Flight
                                                                                             Weeks 7

Fantasy of Flight
 Did you know Orville and Wilbur Wright practiced gliding in order to master the art of control before
 attempting motor-driven flight? Fantasy of Flight explores the world of aviation with kids building
 different glider designs fitted with 3D printed parts created by them. With this camp, kids will spend
 more time each day in the adjacent park testing and flying their gliders.

                        Monday: Aviation Explored
                        Kids learn the principals and mechanics behind flying and begin to craft their
                        glider design based on best practices.

                        Tuesday: First Flight
                        Kids construct and decorate their gliders. To enhance their glider
                        performance, kids 3D Design and 3D Print several components. Kids spend
                        significant time outdoors testing and refining their gliders.

                        Wednesday: Second Flight
                        Armed with more experience, kids construct a second glider designed to stay
                        aloft longer and glide further. Decoration continues as does 3D Design and
                        3D Printing to create performance parts.

                        Thursday: Stretch It Out!
                        Kids investigate how elastic powered launchers can be used to propel their
                        gliders to new heights. Design work continues with kids 3D Designing and 3D
                        Printing their elastic-powered launchers.

                        Friday: Flight of Passage
                        Friday is a day of fun and games as kids engage in friendly competition to test
                        out their glider designs. Kids will also get some hand-on time flying one of the
                        studio drones in the adjacent park.

                  Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                    9
Program Guide Kids 9 - 13 yrs 2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON 647-502-6319 - Envision ...
           30 Minutes or Less
                                                                                             Weeks 9

30 Minutes or Less
 Will drones be the future for small package delivery? Companies like Amazon, FedEx, UPS,
 Dominos’s Pizza think so and are investing heavily to test and commercialize this new technology.

 Our 30 Minutes or Less Camp explores the challenge of delivery with drones with kids creating a
 delivery mechanism, payload, and programming their drone to deliver. How cool is that?

                       Monday: Drones and the Delivery Challenge
                       On day 1 kids learn about the fundamentals of drones and the delivery
                       challenges companies face. Students get hands-on practice controlling their
                       drone. We use only DJI drones, the recognized leader in drone technology.

                       Tuesday: Delivery Mechanism
                       Kids explore the challenge of designing a suitable delivery mechanism for
                       their DJI drones. Designs are sketched out, and once approved, kids start
                       recreating in a 3D Design program. 3D Printing of the delivery mechanism
                       starts in the afternoon.

                       Wednesday: Payload
                       Kids sketch out their payload. Once complete, they recreate using a 3D
                       Design program.. 3D printing of their payload starts in the afternoon.

                       Thursday: Testing
                       Kids explore and test the capabilities of their drones, delivery mechanism and
                       payload design, and code their drones to take flight. Coding challenges are
                       provided to simulate delivery of their payload from take-off points to a delivery

                       Friday: Flight of Passage
                       With testing complete, students are given a final set of challenges to
                       complete. This camp is fun, challenging, and practical. Will your child be the
                       one that designs the next leading-edge delivery drone system?

                 Register: Contact: 647-502-6319                     10
Our Location

                  Our Studio
                    2300 John Street, Unit #20, Thornhill, ON L3T 6G7

                                              Follow Us!

Register: Contact: 647-502-6319   11
See You Soon!

   Register: Contact: 647-502-6319   12
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