Page created by Elmer Harrison


          Operational Protocol for Tourist Land
          Transport Service during the Cantonal Lightning

Action     Name/Position                   Institution                     Signature and
                  Andrea Cevallos          Association of Municipalities
                     DTTSV                          of Ecuador

Prepared                                                                   22/5/2020
by:            Gabriela Rojas Garcés           Ministry of Tourism
            Director of Tourism Welfare

                 Mónica Villagrán                                          22/5/2020
               Commercial Transport          National Transit Agency
                                Santiago Tarapues
            Leader of the National EOC Technical Working Group N.2

                               Francisco Guzmán
                    National EOC Working Group Leader N. 2

                                 Felipe Altamirano
            Leader of the National EOC Technical Working Group N. 6

                   Esteban Calero            National Transit Agency
                    Juan Burneo                                            22/5/2020
            Director of Land Transport,      Ministry of Transport and
              Traffic and Road Safety             Public Works

                  Carla Arellano                                           22/5/2020
            Undersecretary of Land and       Ministry of Transport and
             Railway Transport                    Public Works

                  Patricio Cargua              Ministry of Tourism
            Undersecretary of Regulation
                 and Control

                    Juan Pazos               National Transit Agency
                 Executive Director

Approved                                                                   22/5/2020
by:             Ricardo Zambrano               Ministry of Tourism
            Deputy Minister of Tourism

               José Gabriel Martínez         Ministry of Transport and
             Ministry of Transport and            Public Works
                Public Works

Version   Description of Change                                Date of Update
0.1       Initial Emission                                     22/04/2020
0.2       Issuance of comments from the technical committees   04/05/2020
           that make up the EOC
0.3       Submission for second review                         05/05/2020
0.4       Observations of technical tables that form the COE   11/05/2020
1.0       Final Emission                                       22/05/2020
Protocol for the Reactivation and Operation            1.0 Version
          2020                   of Tourism Land Transport Services During
                                 Cantonal Lighting
                                                                                       Page 4 of 11


The tourist terrestrial transport service is a modality of commercial transport, whose scope of operation is
national of competition and management of the National Agency of Transit. The transport in this modality of
tourism includes approximately a total of 1.430 vehicles at national level distributed in 246 operators in 23
provinces of Ecuador.

 It responds to the mobilization of people who have the condition of tourists or hikers, in vehicles of
 authorized compartments, to go to establishments or sites of tourist interest, through the payment freely
 agreed by the parties.

 The Ecuadorian government began to implement, from April 13, 2020, a "cantonal traffic light" on the
 restrictions imposed by COVID-19 in order to gradually reactivate the economy and consolidate a
 monitoring system of infected by location.

 The impact of this measure, as well as the suspension of various productive sectors, has direct repercussions
 on the aforementioned mode of transport; therefore, it is necessary to propose guidelines and directives that
 allow the reactivation of the service and, above all, to adapt it to the traffic light categories that will be
 executed by the National Government.

Determine the general guidelines at the national level regarding the operation of the commercial transport
service, in the tourist transport mode, within the framework of the Health Emergency and the traffic lights by
canton, observing biosafety parameters.


The application of this protocol is mandatory for all tourist land transport operators, service users, control
bodies and other institutions related to the operation and control of the one operating at national level, during
the health emergency.

Legal Framework
    •   Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador
       Organic Law on Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety
       Regulations for the Application of the Organic Law on Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety
       Organic Code of Penalties
       Organic Code of Public Security and Public Order Entities
       Organic Health Law
       Organic Law of National Defense
       Regulation of Safety and Health of Workers and Improvement of the Working Environment published in
        Decree 2393.
       Guide of Prevention of Integral Action against Sars-COV-2 (Covid-19) in the Labour field, issued by the
       Executive Decree 1017 Declaring a state of exception
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          2020                of Tourism Land Transport Services During
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          National EOC Resolutions
          Resolutions of the Provincial EOC
          Resolutions of the National Transit Agency

    EOC: Emergency Operations Committee
    WHO: World Health Organization
  ■ PAHO: Pan-American Health Organization
  ■ COVID-19: As defined by the WHO, "it is the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus that has
  been discovered recently. Both the new virus and the disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan,
  China, in December 2019”.
  ■ Disinfection: It refers to the use of chemicals, such as disinfectants, to kill viruses and bacteria on
  surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces, but by combating viruses and bacteria that
  have adhered to surfaces after cleaning, the risk of spreading infection can be reduced.
   Biosafety: Biosafety is the application of knowledge, techniques and equipment to prevent people,
      laboratories, hospital areas and the environment from exposure to potentially infectious agents or
      agents considered to be of biological risk.
  ■ Suspicious case:
   Person with acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease e.g.
      cough, shortness of breath), and no other aetiology that fully explains the clinical presentation and a
      history of travel or residence in a country/area or territory that reports local transmission of COVID-19
      disease during the 14 days prior to onset of symptoms
   A person with an acute respiratory illness who, for 14 days before the onset of the illness,
      had contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 infection, or works or
      attended a health care facility where patients confirmed or probable to be infected with
      COVID-19 were treated.
   Person with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) with no other aetiology that fully
      explains the clinical presentation and who has required hospitalization.

     Probable case: A suspected case for which the test for COVID-19 is inconclusive or positive using a
      pan-coronavirus assay and no laboratory evidence of other respiratory pathogens.
     Confirmed case: Person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, regardless
      of clinical signs and symptoms.
     PPE: Abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment. It constitutes implements that
      protect a person from danger. It includes, but is not limited to: gloves, mask, goggles,
      apron, helmet, etc. The use of these implements depends on the risks evaluated in each
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                                                    Cantonal Lighting


     On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic due to the wave of
     COVID- 19 infections.
     On March 12, 2020, Agreement No. 00126-2020 was published, by which the Ministry of Public Health "(...)
     declares a state of health emergency in all establishments of the national health system, in laboratory services,
     epidemiological and control units, air ambulances, medical and paramedical services, hospitalization and
     outpatient care because of the imminent possibility of the effect caused by the coronavirus COVID-19, and to
     prevent a possible massive contagion in the population".

     By Executive Decree 1017 of March 16, 2020, the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, declared a state
     of emergency due to public disaster throughout the national territory, due to confirmed cases of coronavirus
     and the declaration of a COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization, restricting, among other
     rights, the exercise of free transit and establishing a national curfew.
     Through Ministerial Agreement No. 015-2020-MTOP, in its article 1, agrees to "ratify the prohibition of
     circulation of vehicles of interprovincial public transport service and commercial transport service vehicles in
     the school and tourism modalities, until the State of Exception ordered by the President of the Republic
     through Executive Decree No. 1017 is no longer in force or according to the resolutions of the Committee of
     National Emergency Operations".

     According to the guide and general plan for the progressive return to work, which raises the need to ensure
     the mobility of people, it is essential to take into account the reactivation of the various transport services,
     ensuring the mobilization of people safely and under the strictest biosafety standards.

     This means of transport has been affected by the economic recession that the country is going through, added
     to the restriction of mobility caused by the COVID-19: which is causing the imminent, temporary or
     definitive closure of the Tourist Transport Operators since the activities have been paralyzed by the lack of
     internal and external tourists. As a result of this situation, the tourist transport operators will not be able to
     grow during this year and most probably in 2021.


 Ministry of Transport and Public Works

 As the governing body of the National Multimodal Transport System, it formulates, implements and evaluates
 policies, regulations, plans, programs and projects that guarantee a safe and competitive transport network,
 minimizing environmental impact and contributing to the social and economic development of the country.

 National Traffic Agency
Protocol for the Reactivation and Operation Version 1.0
               2020                  of Tourism Land Transport Services During
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 Entity in charge of the regulation, planning and control of the TTTSV in the national territory,
 within the scope of its competencies, subject to the policies issued by the Governing Ministry.

 Control Entities

 The control agents of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments, the Ecuadorian Traffic Commission and the
 National Police, in accordance with the scope of their competencies, will be responsible for strict compliance with
 this Protocol.



     Legally constituted and registered tourist land transport operators, operating within the framework of the
     health emergency and in accordance with this Protocol, must protect the health of their drivers,
     administrative personnel, and users, by applying policies and actions, in accordance with the guidelines
     issued by the National Health Authority; therefore, the following shall be considered:

        a) Tourist land transport operators must implement minimum protocols of biosafety and
        operability to ensure the welfare of drivers with priority to prevent the spread of COVID-19, must
        observe the "Guide and General Plan for the progressive return to work activities”.

        b) They will provide their drivers and administrative staff with all the necessary supplies to guarantee an adequate
        respiratory and hand hygiene, i.e. masks, alcohol or antibacterial gel with a 70% alcohol concentration, as well as
        adequate cleaning supplies such as soap and antibacterial, paper towels, disinfectant and other supplies for the
        regular cleaning of the offices and vehicles.

        c) Protocols and symptom monitoring mechanisms should be established for drivers.

            - At the beginning of its activities, the operator, through its occupational physicians or
            personnel, should contact the drivers and ask if they have any sign or symptom of the disease, as
            determined by the competent authority, if a symptom is determined, it should be referred to a
            primary health care facility for diagnosis.
            - Immediately inform a medical department and your immediate supervisor if you have a
            positive diagnosis, to proceed with mandatory preventive isolation.

        d) Transport operators will determine a procedure to follow when there are users, with possible symptoms of
        COVID-19 in tourist land transport, for which it will train its staff, regarding the actions to be carried out in these
        possible cases.

        e) Operators will keep an updated record of driver information, which should at least have:
        card number, home address, own contact and emergency contact.
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       2020                  of Tourism Land Transport Services During
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 f) Necessary health guidelines and training should be provided to enable workers know and apply
 the official protocols that safeguard your health.

 g) Take appropriate measures to inform, encourage, promote and disseminate information issued by
 the National EOC, Provincial EOC and Cantonal EOC

 h) Operators should analyse the suitability of drivers. They will not be able to provide the ir
 service as a driver and assistant, people belonging to priority groups, older adults, pregnant
 women, people with disabilities (physical, hearing, visual, intellectual language,
 psychosocial), chronic non-communicable diseases). For this vulnerable group of people, if
 possible, the transport operator will define complementary activities in the administrative part,
 through teleworking.

 i) The transport operators will determine a procedure to follow when there are users and drivers
 with possible symptoms of COVID-19 in public transport, for which they will train their staff on
 the actions to be taken in these possible cases.

 j) They will maintain an occupational medicine service of their own or by a third party expert,
 through which the health status of its employees will be monitored.

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        2020                  of Tourism Land Transport Services During
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     b) Passengers, as the main responsible for their health care, should use facemasks during the
     whole journey.

     c) Before entering the unit to start the trip and in intermediate stops that the vehicle makes
     for tourist purposes, users and the driver must disinfect the hands using alcohol or
     antibacterial gel (70% alcohol concentration).
     d) Passengers may travel with a maximum of 1 item of hand luggage, and must put the rest of the
     luggage in the trunks.

     e) In vehicles that are equipped with windows that are easy to open for the user, it is
     suggested to keep them open to allow air to circulate inside the unit.

     f) The air conditioner should not be turned on during service.

     g) The consumption of food within the unit is prohibited. When eating is required, stops should
     be made, in places that have the necessary health and biosecurity measures.

     h) If during the trip the user presents symptoms associated with COVID-19, he should
     immediately report them to the driver, who will comply with the procedure for which he
     was trained

     i) Only those who travel with minors, as a companion of a person with a disability, or
     belong to the same family group; will be able to travel together. Only if the capacity
     established for the units is not affected.

The units of land transport of passengers, to provide their services, should be subject to the
following considerations:
 • Clean and disinfect the service unit at the beginning and end of each trip, in accordance with the
 Protocol for Cleaning and Disinfection of Public Transport Units approved by the National EOC.
 •     Keep a logbook inside the unit with details of cleaning and disinfection both external as intern.

 •     It is necessary to maintain adequate ventilation when using chemicals for disinfection.
 • On vehicle units to which it applies, the driver's cab may be isolated from the rest of the unit, using an insulated
 barrier to prevent contact with the passengers or, failing that, the first row of seats closest to the driver will not be
      Alcohol or antibacterial gel (70% alcohol concentration) will be maintained inside each of the
       service units.
 • The services’ maximum capacity of passengers will depend on the type of vehicle and traffic
 lights of the canton. In the case of vehicles that provide tourist services such as buses, minibuses
 and minibuses, a sign with the maximum number of passengers must be placed in a visible place
 for users.
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       •   Stickers or signs will identify the seats that may or may not be used by the users.

       • Place closed pedal-operated garbage cans for garbage collection, which should be disposed
       of daily.

       •   Users must at all times respect the defined social distance of 1.5 metres.

     Cantonal lightning process
     The tourist commercial transport, will be qualified according to the color of the traffic light in
     which they are, according to the following detail:

     1. In red light

The provision of tourist land transport service is prohibited. Exceptions to this provision are vehicles
transporting people who have completed their compulsory preventive isolation and have a certificate of
compliance with the compulsory preventive isolation by the Ministry of Public Health, and vehicles
transporting foreigners who are moving with the respective authorizations to the airports duly
authorized, who will return to their countries of residence on humanitarian flights. It should be
considered that:

   • For jeep or utility vehicles (5 seats), up to 3 passengers can be moved, not including the
   driver, complying obligatorily with the guidelines for passengers in this regulation.
   • For VANS, MICROBUSES AND BUSES the maximum capacity allowed per unit
   should not exceed 50%, the vehicles must comply with the mobility restriction by number
   of plate established by the National COE.
   • To have at all times the documents that authorizes the operation and the
   mobilization of users. As well as the cleaning and disinfection log of the unit, which
   will be available to the control bodies for verification of compliance.
   • The driver must have the ROUTE SHEET where the destination and stops to be made are
   • The passengers are responsible for carrying the personal documents that enable their

     2. In yellow light

Tourist transport service may be provided between provinces and between cantons that have yellow or
green traffic lights, within the curfew hours and the maximum time allowed by the National COE. The
vehicle restriction will be defined according to the last digit of the plate: even - Monday, Wednesday and
Friday and odd - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
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               2020                  of Tourism Land Transport Services During
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 Note: For vehicles, the same operational considerations of red light applies

        3. In green light

 The service of tourist land transport will be able to operate in a regular way, for which it will
 have to observe the measures of prevention established by the National EOC, Cantonal and
 those of the present protocol as for the guidelines of operator, users and drivers in the frame of
 the sanitary emergency.

It should be considered that

     o The maximum capacity of passengers to be transported per unit will be maintained at 50% of
     the capacity established by the manufacturer.

     o The personal and automotive documents that authorize the operation and the mobilization of
     the personnel being transferred must be at hand at all times. As well as the cleaning and
     disinfection log of the unit, which will be available to the control bodies for verification of

 The control agents of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments, the Traffic Commission of Ecuador and the
 National Police, according to the scope of their competencies, will be in charge of the strict compliance with this
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