Page created by Mike Patterson
WVOC 2018 programma 06/03/18 15:17 Pagina 1

                                                              5th WORLD VETERINARY
                                                              CONGRESS ESVOT-VOS
                                                               19th ESVOT CONGRESS
                                                               BARCELLONA (SPAIN)
                                                             September 12th -15th, 2018

                                                                     Jointly organized by


                                              PROVISIONAL PROGRAM
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                                          Pre-Congress Courses - Wednesday, September 12 th, 2018

                                                    TO BE ANNOUNCED
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                                   Pre-Congress Seminar - Thursday Morning - September 13 th, 2018

                                                                                                       Small Room 3                                     Large Room 3
                         Large Room 1                  Large Room 2                                                                                                                        Small Room 4
       Timing                                                                                   ESVOT MEETS THE VETERINARY                          SPORTS MEDICINE AND
                  SPANISH GEVO PRECONGRESS      ARTHROSCOPY WORKING GROUP                                                                                                                IEWG - MEETING
                                                                                                WOUND HEALING ASSOCIATION                          REHABILITATION - MEETING

       09:00                                  State of the art of small animal arthroscopy   The bad and the ugly: the who is who            Surface Electromyography to characterize
                                              Bernadette van Ryssen (B)                      of surgical site infections - Mirja Nolff (D)   gait in dogs with applications for
                                                                                                                                             orthopedic/sports medicine and physical
                                                                                                                                             rehabilitation research
                                                                                                                                             Steve Martinez (USA)
       09:20                                  Case Presentation - SHOULDER                   Biofilms - detection and effect on wound        Muscles and their role in CCL disease:
                                              Brian Beale (USA)                              healing - Elin Jørgensen (DK)                   any implications for rehab?
                                                                                                                                             Barbara Bockstahler (A)
       09:40                                  This is how arthroscopy helped me -            Sampling techniques and news in bacterial       Patellar tendinopathy after TPLO -
                                              SHOULDER                                       swabbing - Elin Jørgensen (DK)                  implications for rehabilitation
                                              Mike Kowaleski (USA)                                                                           Philipp Winkels (D)
       10:00                                  This is how arthroscopy helped me -            Culture results: targeting treatment and        Kinetics and kinematics in cruciate dogs
                                              Jose Rial (E)                                  avoiding pitfalls - Mirja Nolff (D)             Steve Budsberg (USA)
       10:20                                  This is how arthroscopy helped me -            Prevention and treatment of implant             Characterization of orthopedic injuries
                                              STIFLE                                         associated infections in humans                 in avalanche rescue dogs in North America
                                              Jose Altonaga (E)                              Burkhard Lehner (D)                             Steve Martinez (USA)
       10:40                                  Case Presentation - Ludo Stegen (D)            NPWT - Effects and indications in veterinary Most common sporting injuries in racing
                                                                                             patients - Mirja Nolff (D)                   and coursing Whippets
                                                                                                                                          Alessandro Piras (I)
       11:00                                                                                         COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION
       11:30                                  Efficient/effective stifle arthroscopy         Negative Pressure Wound Therapy                 The art and the science of shockwave
                                              Kurt Schulz                                    for outpatients - Andreas Gutbrodt (D)          therapy - Kirsten Häusler (D)
       11:50                                  Case Presentation - ELBOW                      Free skin grafting: how to improve graft take Resistance bands and rehabilitation
                                              Philipp Winkels (D)                            Claude Carozzo (F)                            Wanda Gordon-Evans (USA)
       12:10                                  Case Presentation - ELBOW                      Microvascular free tissue transfer              ECVSMR - An update
                                              Bernadette van Ryssen (B)                      Otto Lanz (USA)                                 Barbara Bockstahler (A)
       12:30                                  Case Presentation - Ingrid Gielen (B),         Phalangeal Filet Technique for                  ECVSMR - An update
                                              Evelien de Bakker (B), Yves Samoy (B)          Paw Reconstruction - Nicole Ehrhart (USA)       Barbara Bockstahler (A)
       12:50                                  Discussion                                     Discussion                                      Discussion
                                                                                                     LUNCH BREAK AND EXHIBITION
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                                                   Main Congress - Thursday Afternoon - September 13 th, 2018
                                                                                                 OPENING CEREMONY - STATE OF THE ART LECTURE
                                                                                                  LIGAMENT - JOINT INJURIES IN SPORT ATHLETES
                                                                                                Joan C. Monilau - Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona

                                             Large Room 1                                                     Large Room 2                                                                Large Room 3
                                          FELINE POLYTRAUMA                                     REGENERATIVE MEDICINE / TISSUE ENGINEERING                              SOFT TISSUE TRAUMA / WOUND / LIGAMENTS / TENDONS

       15:10    Imaging of the (poly)trauma cat - Kerstin von Pückler (D)              Review of the use of stem cells and/or PRP in small animal tendon            Skin flap techniques for orthopedic trauma reconstruction
                                                                                       and joint disease - Eva Schnabel-Feichter (A)                                Laurent Findji (UK)
       15:30    Analgesia for the (poly)trauma cat - Wanda Gordon-Evans (USA)          Characteristics and potential advantages of different PRP preparations       Wound management in the distal extremities - degloving injuries
                                                                                       Brian Saunders (USA)                                                         Uli Reif (D)
       15:50    Management of the cat with head trauma - Franck Forterre (CH)          Regenerative medicine: is there a role for L-PRF to augment bone and         Calcaneal tendon allografts for use of calcaneal tendon repairs in dogs
                                                                                       soft tissue healing in small animal practice? - Katja Voss (CH)              Steve Martinez (USA)
       16:10    Decision-making, tips and pitfalls in feline spinal                    Stem cells for bone healing: reality? - Nicole Ehrhart (USA)                 A new technique for temporary arthrodesis of the tarsus for treatment of
                fracture/luxation treatment - Sebastian Knell (CH)                                                                                                  Achille’s tendon rupture - Uli Reif (D)
       16:30                                                                                                   COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION
       17:00    Surgical and non-surgical management of mandibular and                 Use of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) for tough non-union fractures        Supraspinatus tendinopathy: “imaginable” or myth?
                maxillary trauma - Peter Böttcher (D)                                  Amy Kapatkin (USA)                                                           Kerstin von Pückler (D)
       17:20    Bilateral sacroiliac luxation in the cat - Sorrel Langley-Hobbs (UK)   Ceramic biomaterial: a potential aid in bone reconstruction                  Supraspinatus impingement: does it exist? - Antonio Pozzi (CH)
                                                                                       Jordi Franch (E)
       17:40    Free communication                                                     Free communication                                                           Effect on patella tendon load following tibial osteotomies:
                                                                                                                                                                    should we be concerned? - Mark Glyde (AUS)
       18:20    Stretcher fixation for severe foot injuries - Rico Vannini (CH)        Regenerative medicine: tissue engineering                                    Use of PRP, P4HB and fiber loop in the repair of Achille’s tendon injuries
                                                                                       (bone or cartilage tissue engineering) from pre-clinical to animal studies   Kurt Schulz (USA)
                                                                                       with future to patients - Brian Saunders (USA)
       18:40    Discussion                                                             Discussion                                                                   Discussion
                                                                                                      WELCOME RECEPTION & POSTER SESSION
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                                                            Main Congress - Friday Morning - September 14th, 2018
                                                                                                                                                           Large Room 4                              Small Room 5            Small Room 6
                           Large Room 1                                Large Room 2                               Large Room 3
       Timing                                                                                                                                      RESEARCH: EX-VIVO EVALUATION                   IN-DEPTH COMPANY   CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                          ONCOSURGERY                                     NEURO                                INFECTION / HYGIENE
                                                                                                                                                        OF STIFLE FUNCTION                            INTRAUMA        LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS
        09:00   Limb salvage: the good, the bad,            Update on surgical treatment of              State of the art today of patient         Matching hypothesis and ex-vivo                                   Lameness investigation
                the latest - Nicole Ehrhart (USA)           atlantoaxial instability                     preparation for surgery                   stifle testing protocolc                                          Chairperson: TDB
                                                            Franck Forterre (CH)                         Denis Verwilghen (DK)                     Mike Kowalewski (USA)                                             09:00
        09:20   Progress in static and dynamic limb         Ex-vivo biomechanics of                      Biosecurity in my surgical practice       Limitations and potential improvements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          STATE OF THE ART LECTURE
                prosthesis - Noel Fitzpatrik (UK)           multiple consecutive unilateral              Denis Verwilghen (DK)                     of current ex-vivo stifle testing protocolls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WHAT LAME HORSES
                                                            hemilaminectomies and pediculectomies                                                  Marc Balligand (B)
                                                            Cassio Ferrigno (BRA)                                                                                                                                          HAVE TAUGHT ME IN THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LAST 30 YEARS
        09:40   Managing infections after limb spare        Clinical results and consequences with       Antibiotic use in orthopedic surgery:     How I (would) build an ex-vivo model
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Michael Ross
                surgeries: current concepts in human        the C-Lox system                             prophylaxis and beyond?                   of physiological stifle function
                medicine - Burkhard Lehner (D)              Franck Forterre (CH)                         Steve Budsberg (USA)                      Mike Conzemius (USA)
        10:00   Free communication                          Canine lumbosacral degenerative              My Swedish experience of                  Implication of surface electromyography                           10:00 Lameness investigation in the sport
                                                            stenosis - cause of lameness and             antibiotic-free surgery                   data for ex-vivo stifle testing                                         horse: ridden or in hand
                                                            rationale for fusion                         Hugo Schmökel (S)                         Steve Martinez (USA)                                                    assessment? - Monika Gangl
                                                            Noel Fitzpatrick (UK)
        10:20   Hemipelvectomies, with and without          Biomechanics of L-S-Fusion                   Free communication                        How did fluoroscopic gait analysis
                body wall resection                         Matthew Allen (UK)                                                                     affects my view on ex-vivo stifle testing
                Laurent Findji (UK)                                                                                                                Antonio Pozzi (CH)                                                10:30 Objective evaluation of lameness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with inertial sensors, soon a
        10:40   Peripheral nerve sheath tumours of the      Lateral approach to L-S space                Antibiotic resistance today in            Is there a valid in-vitro model for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           routine? - Antonio Cruz
                brachial and lumbar plexuses                Hugo Schmökel (S)                            veterinary surgery - Mirja Nolff (D)      TTA testing? - Slobodan Tepic (CH)
                Laurent Findji (UK)
        11:00                                                                                                                         COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Small Room 5            Small Room 6
                          Large Room 1                                 Large Room 2                                 Large Room 3                                Large Room 4
       Timing                                                                                                                                                                                     IN-DEPTH COMPANY   CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                          FELINE / JOINT                                  NEURO                                        ELBOW                                     RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ARTHREX        LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS
        11:30   Imaging of the feline orthopeadic patient   TBA                                          Elbow joint distraction for canine        Did decades of kinematic and kinetic                              Back pain
                Kerstin von Pückler (D)                                                                  elbow disease                             in-vivo gait analysis improve ex-vivo                             Chairperson: TBD
                                                                                                         Mike Conzemius (USA)                      stifle testing? - Steve Budsberg (USA)                            11:30 Imaging of the Equine back -
        11:50                                               Surgical treatment of kyphosis in dogs       Medial coronoid disease in small          Indication and limitation of robotic stifle                              When are findings significant?
                                                            Claude Carozzo (F)                           breed dogs                                function assessment                                                      Valeria Busoni
                                                                                                         Bernadette van Ryssen (B)                 Matthew Allen (UK)                                                12:00 Surgery for kissing spines:
        12:10   Free communication                          Surgery of the cervical spine:               The role of limb alignment in diagnosis   Use of a limb press model in cats to                                    traditional or minimally invasive?
                                                            disk replacement vs fusion                   and management of elbow dysplasia         evaluate stifle surgeries                                               Does it work? - Giorgio Ricardi
                                                            Noel Fitzpatrick (UK)                        Brian Saunders (USA)                      Eva Schnabel-Feichter (AU)
        12:30   TBA                                         Surgical treatment of sciatic nerve lesion   Locking elbow syndrome                    Free communication                                                12.30 Free communications
                                                            Claude Carozzo (F)                           Ignacio Calvo (UK)
        12.50   Discussion                                  Discussion                                   Discussion                                Discussion
                                                                                                                                      LUNCH BREAK AND EXHIBITION
        13:00                                                                                                                 ESVOT GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION
        13:30                                                                                                                       Including snacks and drinks
WVOC 2018 programma 06/03/18 13:52 Pagina 6

                                                           Main Congress - Friday Afternoon - September 14th, 2018
                                                                                                                             STATE OF THE ART LECTURE
                                                                                                                                 CANINE LOCOMOTION
                                                                                                                 Martin Fisher - Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (D)

                                                                                                                                                     Small Room 4                            Small Room 5                        Small Room 6
                          Large Room 1                                Large Room 2                             Large Room 3
       Timing                                                                                                                                     CLINICAL STUDIES                        IN-DEPTH COMPANY               CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                          FELINE / JOINT                               FRACTURE                                 SHOULDER
                                                                                                                                                AND CLINICAL OUTCOME                            KYON                      LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS

       15:00    Fractures of the feline hip:               MIO: cool for surgeons as well           Shoulder kinematics                     Early screening and prevention          (fifteen minutes per lecture)        Proximal suspensory ligament disease
                to fix or not to fix? - Ulrike Matis (D)   as patients? - Laurent Guiot (USA)       Peter Böttcher (D)                      strategies for shoulder                 My ex vivo and in vivo insights on   Chairperson: TBD
                                                                                                                                            osteochondrosis in Border Collies       PAUL - Brian Saunders                14:30 Diagnostic analgesia for
                                                                                                                                            and Aus. Sheep Dogs                                                                 proximal suspensory, what is
                                                                                                                                                                                    Short and long-term outcomes
                                                                                                                                            Alessandro Piras (I)                                                                best? - Michael Ross
                                                                                                                                                                                    of PAUL - Ingo Pfeil
       15:20    Feline hip joint Mini-TR for feline hip    Indirect reduction techniques for        Medial shoulder instability             Improvement in surgical training        When Patellar Groove Replacement     15:00 Ultrasonographic exam of the
                luxation: technique and clinical study     MIPO applications                        Antonio Pozzi (CH)                      for THR - Bill Liska (USA)              can solve the problem                      proximal suspensory ligament.
                Sebastian Knell (CH)                       Dan Lewis (USA)                                                                                                          Luca Vezzoni                               What should we look for?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Valeria Busoni
       15:40    My approach on cruciate ligament           Minimally invasive sacroiliac lag        Free communication                      Free communication                      New generation of Kyon THR
                rupture in cats - Uli Reif (D)             screw fixation using a dedicated                                                                                         to address prosthesis longevity      15:30      COFFEE BREAK
                                                           novel instrument system-apparatus                                                                                        Aldo Vezzoni                                    AND EXHIBITION
                                                           and technique description                                                                                                What sutures and anchors can do      16:00 MRI and radiography for
                                                           Loic Dejardin (USA)                                                                                                      today - Steve Bresina                      proximal suspensory ligament
       16:10    Outcome of elbow fractures in cats         MIPO without fluoroscopy                 Management of scapular luxations        OATS in talus OCD                       Evolution of ALPS I to ALPS II             disease? - Valeria Busoni
                Julien Cabassu (F)                         Julien Cabassu (F)                       Dan Lewis (USA)                         Peter Boettcher (D)                     Slobodan Tepic
       16:30                                                                                             COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION                                                                                     16:30 Treatment options for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ‘high suspensory’
                                                                                                                                                     Small Room 4                                                              (should we denerve horses?)
                          Large Room 1                                Large Room 2                             Large Room 3                                                                  Small Room 5
       Timing                                                                                                                                     CLINICAL STUDIES                                                             Michael Ross
                          FELINE / JOINT                               FRACTURE                                     HIP                                                                   IN-DEPTH COMPANY
                                                                                                                                                AND CLINICAL OUTCOME

       17:00    Patellar luxation in the cat               Benefits of interlocking nails angular   How to avoid complications in DPO       Outcome after DFO for patellar                                               17:00 ADJOURN
                Sorrel Langley-Hobbs (UK)                  stability in the treatment of complex    Luca Vezzoni (I)                        luxation - Mike Kowaleski (USA)
                                                           epi-metaphyseal fractures
                                                           Loic Dejardin (USA)
       17:20    Novel approach to tarsal joint instability My i-Loc learning experience             Off-lable DPO                           Second look arthroscopy after release
                in cats - Andreas Gutbrodt (D)             Brian Saunders (USA)                     Massimo Petazzoni (I)                   Brian Beale (USA)
       17:40    Long-term outcomes following               Revision of failed plate osteosynthesis THR in immature dogs with severe HD Clinical outcome measures
                traumatic elbow luxation in cats           using angle stable interlocking nails   Luca Vezzoni (I)                    John Innes (UK)
                Ignacio Calvo (UK)                         Loic Dejardin (USA)
       18:00    Discussion                                 Discussion                               Discussion                              Discussion
       18:10                                                                                                        ADJURN
WVOC 2018 programma 06/03/18 13:53 Pagina 7

                                                         Main Congress - Saturday Morning - September 15 th, 2018
                                                                                                                                                           Small Room 4                                                  Small Room 6
                           Large Room 1                               Large Room 2                                Large Room 3                                                                   Small Room 5
       Timing                                                                                                                                           CLINICAL STUDIES                                         CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                          FELINE / NEURO                               FRACTURE                                 LIMB ALIGNMENT                                                                IN-DEPTH COMPANY
                                                                                                                                                      AND CLINICAL OUTCOME                                        LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS
        09:00   Spinal imaging in cats                    Fracture repair using hybrid fixations        My three rules in the CORA method         Tip on designing clinical trials                               Foot lameness
                Kerstin von Pückler (D)                   Dan Lewis (USA)                               Dror Paley (USA)                          in orthopedics: good study design                              Chairperson: TBD
                                                                                                                                                  provides good clinical data                                    09:00 Diagnostic analgesia of the foot,
                                                                                                                                                  Steve Budsberg (USA)                                                  how not to get lost
        09:20   TBA                                       VetKiss, a miniaturized locking               Bone lengthening in human patients:       Identifying and avoiding bias in                                      Michael Ross
                                                          plate system - Katja Voss (CH)                potential application to vet patients     clinical studies
                                                                                                        Dror Paley (USA)                          Wanda Gordon-Evans (USA)                                       09:30 Should we still X-ray horses’ feet?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Valeria Busoni
        09:40   Free communication                        Free communication                            Free communication                        Why should a surgeon do surgery and
                                                                                                                                                  leave stats to statisticians?
                                                                                                                                                  Mike Conzemius (USA)
        10:00   Partial lateral corpectomy in cats        Fracture fixation using bi-axial plates       Management of distal radial physical      The components and measurements                                10:00 Ultrasonographic examination of
                Peter Böttcher (D)                        Toby Gemmill (UK)                             closure using circular constructs         of orthopedic pain - Rich Evans (USA)                                the foot, worth the effort?
                                                                                                        Dan Lewis (USA)                                                                                                Valeria Busoni
        10:20   Surgical treatment of DLSS in cats        Fractures treatment in toy and                Computer simulations and 3D printed       Outcome measures for the private
                Claude Carozzo (F)                        cup dogs with 1.1 micro implants              models: how to incorporate these into     practitioners
                                                          Alessandro Piras (I)                          pre-surgical planning                     Wanda Gordon-Evans (USA)                                       10:30 Foot MRI. Can we live without it?
                                                                                                        Matthew Allen (UK)                                                                                             Valeria Busoni
        10:40   TBA                                       Managing open fractures: is it time to        Limb deformities and revision surgeries   Cranial cruciate repair:
                                                          move beyond external fixators and open        using 3D for surgical execution           outcome measurement results
                                                          wound management?                             Laurent Guiot (USA)                       Steve Budsberg (USA)
                                                          Mark Glyde (AUS)
        11:00                                                                                                                       COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION

                                                                                                                                                           Large Room 4                          Small Room 5            Small Room 6
                          Large Room 1                                Large Room 2                                Large Room 3
       Timing                                                                                                                                           CLINICAL STUDIES                      IN-DEPTH COMPANY   CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                        CARPUS / TARSUS                                  STIFLE                                 LIMB ALIGNMENT
                                                                                                                                                      AND CLINICAL OUTCOME                        BIOMEDTRIX      LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS
        11:30   Antebrachio-metacarpal arthrodesis        Use of external braces for stifle injuries/   A new jig for limb alignment: DDR         How to design a clinical trial for canine                      11:30 Is there real evidence for
                Dan Lewis (USA)                           surgeries: what do we really know?            Bruno Peirone (I)                         osteoarthritis in your practice                                      orthopedic shoes?
                                                          Steve Budsberg (USA)                                                                    Felix Duerr (USA)                                                    Monika Gangl
        11:50   Carpal instability decision making:       Free communication                            How to set up a 3d printer capability     Use of radiographic OA scoring systems
                should I fuse it? - Antonio Pozzi (CH)                                                  in your clinic - Cassio Ferrigno (BRA)    in dogs - Eva Schnabel-Feichter (A)                            12:00 Should we perform neurectomies?
        12:10   Partial carpal arthrodesis:               Outcome comparison of TPLO vs CBLO            Planning and surgical tips for distal     The potential of accelerometers and                                  Should neurectomies be
                palmar plating vs dorsal plating          Brian Beale (USA)                             femoral corrective osteotomy              gyroscopes as an outcome measure                                     clearly banned from regulated
                Aldo Vezzoni (I)                                                                        Ken Bruecker (USA)                        Rich Evans (USA)                                                     competitions?
        12:30   Medial plating for partial carpal         Why do we need aiming devices for             A novel surgical technique for distal     Gait Analysis in cats                                                (ROUND TABLE)
                arthrodesis in cats - Katja Voss (CH)     extra- and intra-articular prosthetic         femoral corrective osteotomy              Eva Schnabel-Feichter (A)
                                                          CCL repair? - Philipp Winkels (D)             Kirk Wendelburg (USA)
        12:50   Discussion                                Discussion                                    Discussion                                Discussion
                                                                                                                                     LUNCH BREAK AND EXHIBITION
WVOC 2018 programma 06/03/18 13:53 Pagina 8

                                                       Main Congress - Saturday Afternoon - September 15 th, 2018
                                                                                                                             STATE OF THE ART LECTURE
                                                                                                                           LIMB DEFORMITY CORRECTION
                                                                                                                Dror Paley - Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute (USA)

                                                                                                               Large Room 3                              Small Room 4                        Small Room 5            Small Room 6
                        Large Room 1                                 Large Room 2
       Timing                                                                                                SPORTS MEDICINE                          CLINICAL STUDIES                    IN-DEPTH COMPANY   CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN EQUINE
                   TOTAL JOINT PROSTHESIS                               STIFLE
                                                                                                                AND REHAB                           AND CLINICAL OUTCOME                       ELANCO         LAMENESS AND ORTHOPAEDICS

        15:00   Ankle joint replacement                   Intra-articular CCL reconstruction         Canine athletic injuries (excl. muscles)   Evidence base medicine in juvenile                           Regenerative medicine
                Randy Acker (USA)                         using allografts and the femoral           Felix Duerr (USA)                          hip dysplasia - Kurt Schulz (USA)                            Chairperson: TBD
                                                          transfixation technique                                                                                                                            14:30 Stem cells, is the game over?
                                                          Mike Conzemius (USA)                                                                                                                                      Antonio Cruz
        15:20   THR pre-planning: the difference          Prosthetic CCL replacement                 Muscle injuries in sporting dogs           Radiation Therapy: what is the evidence                      15:00 IRAP, PRP and others is the
                between success and failure               Randy Acker (USA)                          Rico Vannini (CH)                          for use to treat OA in dogs?                                        game over? - Antonio Cruz
                Bill Liska (USA)                                                                                                                Amy Kapatkin (USA)
        15:40   Free communication                        Free communication                         The principles of injury prevention        Long term outcome of juvenile                                15:30       COFFEE BREAK
                                                                                                     in sporting dogs                           hip dysplasia, with and without                                          AND EXHIBITION
                                                                                                     Wanda Gordon-Evans (USA)                   early surgery (JPS-DPO)
                                                                                                                                                A. Vezzoni (I)
        16:00                                                                                              COFFEE BREAK AND EXHIBITION                                                                       16.00 Lameness panel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Interactive discussion of clinical
        16:30   Success and failure with elbow and        Cruciate ligament injuries in small        Caudal cruciate ligament rupture in        The use and abuse of biologics such                                case presentations
                stifle arthroplasty (total and hemi)      breed dogs - Toby Gemmill (UK)             sporting dogs - Rico Vannini (CH)          as PRP/ACS in management of OA                                     Chairperson: TBD
                Noel Fitzpatrick (UK)                                                                                                           Brian Saunders (USA)                                               Speakers: Valeria Busoni,
        16:50   Clinical outcome of the Kyon cupless      Comparison of wedge and block              Pre-habilitation: something to             Stem Cell Therapy: what is the evidence                            Antonio Cruz, Monika Gangl,
                hip system                                recession in dogs with patellar luxation   consider in dogs requiring selected        for use in orthopedic diseases in dogs?                            Michael Ross
                Otto Lanz (USA)                           Eva Schnabel-Feichter (A)                  orthopedic surgery?                        Mike Conzemius (USA)
                                                                                                     Steve Martinez Steve (USA)                                                                              17.00 END OF THE CONGRESS
        17:10   Kyon Unicompartmental elbow               Free communication                         Free communication                         Free communication
                replacement - Initial case series
                Kirk Wendelburg (USA)
        17:30   Update on TATE total canine elbow         Femoral trochlear resurfacing              Low-level laser therapy: what is the       Distal radius and ulna fracture healing
                replacement - Randy Acker (USA)           techniques for patellar luxation           evidence for use in treating post-TPLO     in toy dogs: load sharing, area moment
                                                          Mike Conzemius (USA)                       in dogs - Steve Martinez (USA)             of inertia and stress protection
                                                                                                                                                Massimo Petazzoni (I)
        17:50   Intra- and postoperative complication     Reverse CBLO in steep tibial slope         Should we rehab after CCL surgery?         Free communication
                of the CUE system - Philipp Winkels (D)   Ken Bruecker (USA)                         Antonio Pozzi (CH)
        18:10   Discussion                                Discussion                                 Discussion                                 Discussion
                                                                                                      CLOSING CEREMONY AND AWARDS
                                                                                                                                        CLOSING PARTY
                                                                                                                                     DINNER AND DANCING
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