Page created by Betty Burke


        02. 24. 2021.

                               Prepared by:

                        Mara Marin, Director
Public Library District (“UPL”) was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. On
motion duly made by Trustees Mangum, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to open the Virtual Regular
Meeting at 7:05 pm. Present were President Mabry, Trustee Mangum, Trustee
Nicks, Trustee Sweet and Trustee Urban. Also present were Director Marin,
Treasurer Wright and Attorney DeWitt. President Mabry called the meeting to
order. Secretary Nolan was absent with excuse.

       ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA:         On motion duly made by Trustee Urban,
seconded by Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved to accept the November 18, 2020 Agenda as written.

       MINUTES:    On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee
Mangum and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved that the Virtual
Regular Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, October 21, 2020 be approved.

       TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Wright read the Treasurer’s Monthly Reports
for the General Fund Account and the Capital Fund Account covering the
period October 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020. On motion duly made by Trustee
Sweet, seconded by Trustee Mangum and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
was resolved to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as read subject to audit.
       There were $227,070.98 disbursements for the Operating Fund Account for
the period covering October 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020. There were $0
disbursements for the Capital Fund Account for the period covering October 1,
2020 through October 31, 2020.

presented the Payroll Warrant to the Trustees for review and approval covering
the period October 2020, Warrant for October 29, 2020, Warrant for an
electronic payment for the NYS and Local Retirement System for November 3,
2020 and a Warrant for November 13, 2020. On motion duly made by Trustee
Nicks, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved to approve the Payroll Warrants covering the period October 2020,
Warrant for October 29, 2020, Warrant for an electronic payment for the NYS
and Local Retirement System for November 3, 2020 and a Warrant for
November 13, 2020.
       PRESIDENT’S REPORT:    President Mabry reported that UPL continues to
provide on-site and curbside service to patrons and additional services by way
of allowing a limited number of patrons to enter the building for a designated
amount of time. This allows access to copy and fax machines, media, including
computer use and browsing of new books by reservation. President Mabry
reported UPL is doing everything possible to keep the UPL Staff and the
community safe. She further stated, the numbers are rising for COVID-19. UPL has
received inquiries as to why more people are not allowed inside the building for
longer periods of time. The Board of Trustees will continue to watch and listen to
County Executive Laura Curran and Governor Cuomo’s updates and proceed
with an abundance of caution for the protection of UPL’s Staff and community
at large. For the time being, UPL will continue with its goal to locate a viable new
location for UPL. UPL’s ongoing projects will be discussed later in UPL’s Director’s
Report. The Board must maintain UPL while here and will continue to do so until
new space is identified. In addition, President Mabry stated the majority of UPL’s
open positions have been filled with very nice and energetic people. UPL’s staff
continues to work diligently and the community is taking full advantage of the
many online programs offered. Under these conditions, UPL is making the best of
difficult circumstances. President Mabry thanked Director Marin and the UPL
staff for continuing to keep things moving and providing the community with the
promised services.

       DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Marin presented the following report:
Organizational Growth
    Long Range Plans and Accomplishments

          o Maker Space: no update as UPL is awaiting approval of permit
            application from the Town of Hempstead.

      Short Range Plans and Accomplishments

          o Roof: UPL is in the process of getting a number of quotes regarding
            the roof repairs.

Nassau Library System
   On 10/21/20 she attended Member Library Director’s meeting

      On 10/28/20 she attended the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
       (FFCRA) presentation, where sick leave and related issues were discussed
       and questions answered.

UPL Services
    On-site Services
         o UPL continues to provide Contactless Services, on-site browsing, use
             of copy/fax machines and limited computer use.
          o Service hours are modified, on-site visits are limited to 30 min. per
            patron with no more than 10 patrons in the building per 60 min.
            Appointments are strongly encouraged.

          o All patrons entering the building are required to wear masks and
            maintain appropriate physical distance.

      Virtual Services

          o UPL continues to provide virtual reference services, access to digital
            content and numerous on-line programs aimed at different age

    Professional Development

          o UPL staff is actively attending various virtual workshops, meetings
            and conferences.

          o On 10/28/20 she attended Microaggressions and Cultural Humility
            virtual workshop where different types of microaggressions and
            unconscious stereotypes were discussed. This type of behavior,
            frequently aimed at members of marginalized groups, often leads
            to toxic work conditions. Various response strategies that would help
            in addressing these issues were discussed.

      Meetings

          o UPL continues to hold virtual weekly all-staff meetings on Tuesdays,
            bi-weekly Department Head meetings and monthly Safety
            Committee meetings

      Staff

         o UPL is pleased to welcome new employees: Lisa Costello and
           Chantal Gratia at Circulation Services, Christina Hirsch, new Head of
           Children’s and Kristine Dugan, new Head of Adult Reference
    Incidents

          o As UPL has been experiencing an increased number of incidents
            where staff and security personnel were challenged on various
            issues, two suspensions of the library privileges were issued to two
            different patrons last week. Attorney DeWitt stated the letters
            offered an opportunity to appeal suspensions to UPL’s Board of
            Trustees. Discussion ensued regarding Trustee Mangum’s concerns
            with the recent incidents. Director Marin stated the patrons have
            been coming to UPL for a long time and there were always issues
            but recently the issues escalated.

      Important Upcoming Dates

      The annual election for the Board of Trustees of Uniondale Public Library
       will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 3 p.m. – 9 p.m. in UPL’s Café
       on the list floor. One seat is up for election for a five (5) year term
       beginning January 1, 2021.

      Personally, and on behalf of UPL staff, Director Marin wished the Board of
       Trustees and patrons a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

      PUBLIC EXPRESSIONS:       The virtual regular meeting was opened to the
public for comments. The Trustees acknowledged such comments and
      Uniondale patron, Angela Perry, requested Director Marin to read her
note at the upcoming UPL Board meeting. The note stated: Ms. Perry had visited
UPL twice upon UPL’s partial reopening to the public. Ms. Perry stated at each
visit, she was able to use a computer; browse UPL’s inventory; all were wearing
masks and social distancing; in addition, UPL’s staff were helpful and welcoming.
The Board expressed appreciation to Ms. Perry for her support of UPL’s services.


      a. Motion to Approve the closing of UPL at 1:00 pm on New Year’s Eve,
         December 31, 2020. On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded
         by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved
         to approve the closing of UPL at 1:00 pm on New Year’s Eve,
         December 31, 2020.

       a. Motion to approve Nassau Library System’s request for Member Library
             Support for calendar year 2021 in the amount of $23,607.00. On motion
             duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mangum and
             unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve Nassau
             Library System’s request for Member Library Support for calendar year
             2021 in the amount of $23,607.00.
       b. Motion to approve Integrated Library System’s and Associated
             Services Budget and Participating Libraries Schedule of Fees for
             calendar year 2021 in the amount of $29,468.83. On motion duly
             made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mangum and
             unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve
             Integrated Library System’s and Associated Services Budget and
             Participating Libraries Schedule of Fees for calendar year 2021 in the
             amount of $29,468.83.
       c. Motion to approve Fire, Burglar and Security Camera Monitoring
             Service contract for the period January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.
             Three quotes were solicited and received from the following
             monitoring services: Johnson Controls (fee: $14,510.15 for 5-yr
             contract), Commercial Fire & Security (fee: $5,700.00), Briscoe
             Protective. (fee: $12,090.00). On motion duly made by Trustee Urban,
          seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
          was resolved to table approval of the Fire, Burglar and Security
          Camera Monitoring Service contract for the period January 1, 2021 –
          December 31, 2021 for a later time.
       d. Motion to purchase 20 book trucks of various sizes for Adult,
          Children’s, Circulation, Technical Processing, and YA Services under
          NY State Contract No. PC67553, at a price not to exceed $6,604.81 to
          include S&H amount to be determined. On motion duly made by
          Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by
          all Trustees, it was resolved to approve the purchase of 20 book trucks
          of various sizes for Adult, Children’s, Circulation, Technical Processing,
          and YA Services under NY State Contract No. PC67553, at a price not
          to exceed $6,604.81 to include S&H amount to be determined.
       e. Motion to approve the granting of permission to UPL’s attorneys, Bee
          Ready Fishbein Hatter & Donovan, LLP, to commence the process of
          changing the date of the Annual Board of Trustees’ election from the
          First Tuesday of December to the Third Tuesday of October with local
          elected officials, in addition to, setting forth a new extended timeline
          for publication and nomination of candidates. On motion duly made
          by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mangum and unanimously
          carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve the granting of
          permission to UPL’s attorneys, Bee Ready Fishbein Hatter & Donovan,
          LLP, to commence the process of changing the date of the Annual
          Board of Trustees’ election from the First Tuesday of December to the
          Third Tuesday of October with local elected officials, in addition to,
          setting forth a new extended timeline for publication and nomination
          of candidates. Discussion ensued. President Mabry explained the
          reasoning for UPL’s request to change the annual election date and
          the process for changing such legislature created in the 1960’s.

       Trustee Mangum thanked Director Marin and UPL’s staff for their hard work
and superb ethics during these challenging times.
       Trustee Urban also commended Director Marin and UPL’s staff for keeping
UPL’s atmosphere calm and pleasant during these uncertain times. She reported
meeting the new staff who seems happy to be at UPL. Trustee Urban further
stated she loves seeing all the smiling eyes at UPL and mentioned it is fantastic
that UPL looks clean and organized at all times.
      Trustee Nicks wished all a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
      Trustee Sweet stated he is grateful UPL is providing museum passes, which
represents some form of normalcy. He further stated with the vaccines now
being administered, he hopes all will be better by next Spring. He offered kudos
to Director Marin and UPL’s staff for keeping their eyes smiling during these times.
      President Mabry wished everyone a happy and safe holiday. She thanked
the staff again and hopes in six (6) months things will be looking better. She
reminded everyone to come out to vote on December 1, 2020.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Mangum, seconded by Trustee Nicks
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move into Executive
Session to discuss personnel matters involving individuals at 8:25 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Mangum, seconded by Trustee Sweet
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move out of Executive
Session at 9:35 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to return to the Public Session
at 9:36 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve to retain the
services of Robert Kronenberg, Esq. of 1355 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, NY
11744, as UPL’s Hearing Officer, for any Section 75 hearings held in the year 2020,
when directed by UPL’s Director, at the rate of $225.00/hour.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve to place
employee, James Carter, on a paid suspension for the week of November 5,
2020 through November 11, 2020, pending a disciplinary investigation.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve the October 21,
2020 amendment from H2M regarding the HVAC work contracted that was
issued based on a subsequent discovery that there would be a conflict in work
between H2M and whoever is going to do the construction in the Maker Space.
The amendment is not to exceed $6,990.00.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve the following
increase in the salary of two (2) clerk typist:
       Mariana Erickson, from $37,151.92 to $43,000.00, to be effective on
October 30, 2020; and
       Patricia Fredrick, from $38,998.96 to $43,000.00, to be effective on October
30, 2020.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adjourn the November 18,
2020 Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District’s VIRTUAL REGULAR
MEETING at 9:40 p.m.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,
                                                  Mara Marin

Public Library District (“UPL”) was held on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. On
motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Urban and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to open the Virtual Special
Meeting at 5:03 p.m. Present were President Mabry, Trustee Mangum, Trustee
Nicks, Trustee Sweet and Trustee Urban. Also present were Director Marin and
Attorney DeWitt. President Mabry called the meeting to order. Director Marin
stated all were present.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move into Executive
Session to discuss personnel matters involving individuals at 5:04 p.m.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move out of Executive
Session at 5:26 p.m.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to return to the Public Session
at 5:27 p.m.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Mangum, seconded by Trustee Nicks
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adopt the following
resolution regarding a Memorandum of Agreement between UPL and UPL Staff

                        MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT

        WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library, upon the
report of Counsel, has been advised that the Library has successfully negotiated
a Memorandum of Agreement for a voluntary separation incentive with the
Uniondale Public Library Staff Association. A copy of the agreement is attached
to this resolution;

       NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Uniondale
Public Library, that the terms of the agreement are hereby approved by this
resolution and the Director is hereby authorized to execute said agreement.

                              MICROCLUSTER PROTOCOLS

      On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Urban and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adopt the Microcluster
protocols, attached to this resolution, in case the Uniondale Public Library has to
go into partial or complete closure due to the second wave of the COVID-19

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adjourn the December 2,
2020 Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District’s VIRTUAL SPECIAL
MEETING at 5:50 p.m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                             Mara Marin
Public Library District (“UPL”) was held on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. On
motion duly made by Trustees Nicks, seconded by Trustee Urban and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to open the Virtual Regular
Meeting at 7:00 pm. Present were President Mabry, Trustee Mangum, Trustee
Nicks, Trustee Sweet and Trustee Urban. Also present were Director Marin,
Treasurer Wright and Attorney DeWitt. President Mabry called the meeting to
order. Secretary Nolan was absent with excuse.

         ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA:         On motion duly made by Trustee Urban,
seconded by Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved to accept the December 16, 2020 Agenda as written.

         MINUTES:    On motion duly made by Trustee Mangum, seconded by
Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to table the
approval of the Virtual Regular Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, November 18,
2020 and the Virtual Special Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2020 at a later

         TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Wright read the Treasurer’s Monthly Reports
for the General Fund Account and the Capital Fund Account covering the
period November 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020.          On motion duly made by
Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as read subject to
         There were $452,210.95 disbursements for the Operating Fund Account for
the period covering November 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. There were
$0 disbursements for the Capital Fund Account for the period covering
November 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020.

presented the Payroll Warrant to the Trustees for review and approval covering
the period November 2020, Warrant for November 30, 2020, Warrant for an
electronic payment for the NYS and Local Retirement System for December 9,
2020 and a Warrant for December 15, 2020. On motion duly made by Trustee
Nicks, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved to approve the Payroll Warrant covering the period November 2020,
Warrant for November 30, 2020, Warrant for an electronic payment for the NYS
and Local Retirement System for December 9, 2020 and a Warrant for
December 15, 2020.
       Trustee Sweet had a question on the Warrants, which was satisfactorily
answered by UPL’s Business Manager, Mrs. Leimbach.

       PRESIDENT’S   REPORT:        President   Mabry   reported   UPL   has   been
experiencing ups and downs in staffing for the last couple of weeks. She is very
thankful to Director Marin and UPL’s staff for keeping UPL running smoothly.
President Mabry reported because of the upswing in the COVID-19 numbers in
the Uniondale community and surrounding areas, UPL has returned to
contactless services.       President Mabry again expressed her appreciation to
Director Marin and UPL’s staff for their diligence and hard work under these
conditions. She wished everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday and hopes things
will be better next year.

       DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Marin presented the following report:
Organizational Growth
   • Long Range Plans and Accomplishments

          o Maker Space: UPL is looking into the purchase of a 3D printer and
            3D scanner

Nassau Library System
  • On 12/09/20 she attended the Member Library Director’s meeting

UPL Services
   • Back to Contactless Services

          o On Monday, 12/7 UPL returned to Contactless Services only until
            further notice. Due to various COVID-related issues the library had to
            suspend on-site browsing and in -person use of copy/fax machines
            as well as computer use.

          o Contactless Service hours are M-F 9:30am-12:30pm and 2:30-
            5:30pm; Tuesday 10:15-12:30 and 2:30-5:30pm; Saturday 10:00am-
            1:30pm; the Library closes 1-2pm for cleaning and disinfecting

   •   Virtual Services

          o The library continues to provide virtual reference services, access to
            digital content and numerous on-line programs aimed at different
            age groups.

   •   Newsletter

          o Winter Edition Newsletter for January, February and March will be
            reaching Uniondale residents in the last week of 2020. UPL has many
            exciting programs and events in store to make the winter months
            brighter for our patrons.


•    Professional Development

           o Director Marin thanked the staff for maintaining their performance
             during this especially challenging month and equally challenging
             year. She stated the staff’s dedication, commitment and hard work
             makes UPL a better place for everyone.

           o UPL staff has been actively attending various virtual workshops,
             meetings and conferences.

           o Microaggressions and Cultural Humility workshop provided by NLS
             was brought to the UPL staff in two virtual sessions: 11/24 and 12/1.
             The UPL employees had an opportunity to learn about different
             types of microaggressions, unconscious stereotypes and bias and
             how to address these issues at the workplace.

           o On 12/2 she attended an Anti-Bias Library workshop organized by
             LILRC. The workshop was about identifying and addressing implicit
             bias and biased library systems and the pursuit of building an anti-
             racist library that actively works to dismantle racism and promote

   •    Meetings

           o UPL continues to hold virtual weekly all-staff meetings on Tuesdays,
             bi-weekly Department Head meetings and monthly Safety
             Committee meetings.

   • The annual election for the Board of Trustees of Uniondale Public Library,
      was held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 3 p.m. – 9 p.m., at the library.
      Ms. Mabry ran unopposed with 39 votes and was elected to serve a 5-
      year term commencing January 1, 2021 Congratulations to Ms. Mabry!

   •    Personally, and on behalf of UPL staff, she wished the Board of Trustees
        and patrons a very happy, safe and healthy New Year! She thanked
        everyone for their continuous support and requested all to continue to use
        UPL’s services in 2021.

        PUBLIC EXPRESSIONS:     The virtual regular meeting was opened to the
public for comments. The Trustees acknowledged such comments and

        a. Motion to adopt the final Budget for 2021 in the amount of
           $4,398,428.00. On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by
           Trustee Mangum and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
           resolved to adopt the final Budget for 2021 in the amount of

       b. Motion to accept the December 1, 2020 Board of Trustees election
          results. Trustee Deborah Mabry ran unopposed and had a total of 39
votes. On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee
          Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to
          accept the December 1, 2020 Board of Trustees election results.
       c. Motion to approve Fire, Burglar and Security Camera Monitoring Service
          contract for the period January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021. Three
          quotes were solicited and received from the following monitoring
          services: Johnson Controls (fee: $10,138.40 for 5-yr contract, additional
          1st year charge $5,756.45); Commercial Fire & Security (fee: $5,700.00),
          Briscoe Protective (fee: $6,290.00, additional 1st year charge $6,130.00).
          On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Urban
          and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to award the
          contract to Commercial Fire & Security, for the period January 1, 2021 –
          December 31, 2021.
       d. Motion to approve an upgrade of UPL’s current Zoom Pro Library
          account to the Business account in an amount not to exceed $200.00.
          On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Nicks
          and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve the
          motion to approve an upgrade of UPL’s current Zoom Pro Library
          account to the Business account in an amount not to exceed $200.00.
       e. Motion to approve the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York
          Local Government Records (LGS-1), issued pursuant to Article 57-A of
          the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law. On motion duly made by Trustee
          Nicks, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all
          Trustees, it was resolved to approve the Retention and Disposition
          Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), issued
          pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law.
        f. Update on Proposed Amendment to Library Charter.                Discussion
           ensued regarding legislation to change UPL’s annual election date.

       Trustee Sweet stated this has been one heck of a year, and in spite of
COVID-19, good takeaways exist. He suggested everyone take what has been
learned during the pandemic and capitalize on the knowledge. Trustee Sweet
further stated Director Marin and UPL’s staff cannot be commended enough for
their sacrifices and hard work during this challenging time.

       Trustee Mangum echoed Trustee Sweet’s sentiments by thanking Director
Marin and UPL’s staff for their outstanding service. He wished everyone a Happy
Hannukah, Merry Christmas and a Happy Kwanzaa.
Trustee Nicks wished everyone a Happy Holiday. Trustee Nicks also
thanked the staff for their hard work and for maintaining a positive attitude.
      Trustee Urban agreed with her fellow Trustees that Director Marin and
UPL’s staff has been very pleasant and helpful. She hopes the New Year will be

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move into Executive
Session to discuss personnel matters involving individuals at 8:00 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move out of Executive
Session at 8:40 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to return to the Public Session
at 8:41 pm.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Mangum
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve to move
$500,000.00 from Fund Balance line #909 into Fund Balance line #909.4 for
Building Repair.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to approve to shorten UPL’s
Director, Mara Marin’s probationary period from six (6) months to end effectively
on December 16, 2020 and she be appointed as full-time, with any benefits that
would have been provided through the full probationary period of six (6)
months, be moved forward to be effective on December 16, 2020.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adjourn the December 16,
2020 Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District’s VIRTUAL REGULAR
MEETING at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mara Marin
TRUSTEES of the Uniondale Public Library District was held on Wednesday,
January 20, 2020. Present were Trustee Mangum, Trustee Nicks, Trustee Sweet,
Trustee Urban, and Trustee Mabry. Also present were Secretary Nolan, Treasurer
Wright and Attorney DeWitt. Trustee Mabry called the meeting to order at 7:03
       On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to open the Reorganization

MEETING: On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Sweet
to appoint Attorney DeWitt as Temporary Chairperson of the Uniondale Public
Library District’s 2021 Reorganization Meeting and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved that Attorney DeWitt would serve as Temporary
Chairperson of the Uniondale Public Library District’s 2021 Reorganization

assumed the Chair and called for nominations for the Office of President of the
Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District. Trustee Urban
nominated Trustee Claude Mangum as President for 2021.          There being no
further nominations and with Trustee Claude Mangum’s acceptance of the
position of President, on motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by
Trustee Mabry that nominations for the Office of President be closed. Thereafter,
on motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee NIcks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved that Trustee Claude Mangum
be elected as President of the Board of Trustees through the period ending
December 31, 2021.

Chairman DeWitt called for nominations for the Office of Vice President of the
Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District.       Trustee Urban
nominated Trustee Olena Nicks as Vice President for 2021.       There being no
further nominations and with Trustee Olena Nicks’ acceptance of the position of
Vice President, on motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee
Mabry that nominations for the Office of the Vice President be closed.
Thereafter, on motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Sweet
and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved that Trustee Olena Nicks
be elected as Vice President of the Board of Trustees through the period ending
December 31, 2021.

by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Mabry and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved to approve the adoption of the New Library Bylaws and

duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously
carried by all Trustees, it was resolved that Bee Ready Fishbein Hatter &
Donovan LLP of 170 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 be appointed
as the General Legal and Labor Counsel for the Uniondale Public Library and
Board of Trustees through the period ending December 31, 2021.

       APPOINTMENT OF LIBRARY AUDITOR: On motion duly made by Trustee
Urban, seconded by Trustee Mabry and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
was resolved that Baldessari & Coster, LLP of 84 Covert Avenue, Stewart Manor,
New York 11530, be appointed as the Auditor for the Uniondale Public Library
District through the period ending December 31, 2021.

       APPOINTMENT OF BOARD TREASURER: On motion duly made by Trustee
Mabry, seconded by Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
was resolved that Coreen Wright of Uniondale, New York, be appointed as the
Treasurer for the Uniondale Public Library District through the period ending
December 31, 2021.

       APPOINTMENT OF BOARD SECRETARY: On motion duly made by Trustee
Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved that Joyce L. Nolan of Uniondale, New York, be appointed as the
Board Secretary for the Uniondale Public Library District through the period
ending December 31, 2021.

       DESIGNATION OF BANK DEPOSITORIES: On motion duly made by Trustee
Mabry, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
was resolved to designate Sterling National Bank as UPL’s depository for the
General Fund Accounts and the Capital Fund Accounts and further that all
checks or other instruments of withdrawal and transfers from the General Fund
Accounts or the Capital Fund Accounts must be approved by signature or
online by two persons: The President or the Vice President or the Secretary or the
Treasurer. Checks or other transactions in connection with the Payroll Account
must be signed by either the Treasurer or the Secretary or the President of the
Board of Trustees; only one signature is required.

       DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS: On motion duly made by Trustee
Sweet, seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved that the Uniondale Beacon and Newsday continue to be designated
as the primary and official Newspapers for the Uniondale Public Library District
through the period ending December 31, 2021.

by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved to adopt the 2021 IRS standard mileage rate of $0.56
per mile through the period ending December 31, 2021.

       DESIGNATION OF INSURANCE AGENCIES: On motion duly made by Trustee
Mabry, seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it
was resolved to designate Salerno Brokerage Corp. for UPL’s general umbrella
policy, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. for the Bond on the Board Treasurer, Standard
Security Insurance for disability insurance and PERMA for workers compensation
insurance through the period ending December 31, 2021.

duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously
carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to appoint the President of the Board of
Trustees as Certifier of the Payroll for Civil Service through the period ending
December 31, 2021.

       ADOPTION OF THE 2021 ANNUAL SALARY SCHEDULE: On motion duly made
by Trustee Nicks, seconded by Trustee Mabry and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved to adopt the 2021 Annual Salary Schedule.
CARDS AND LEASES:      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by
Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to
approve the payment of payroll and associated benefits, utilities, insurance
expenses, credit cards and leases between Board meetings in order to meet
due date requirements and avoid interest charges.

by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Sweet and unanimously carried by all
Trustees, it was resolved to approve a petty cash fund in the amount of $500.00
through the period ending December 31, 2021.

LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES:         On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry,
seconded by Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved after review of the 2021 meeting dates, the February meeting is to take
place on the fourth Wednesday of February and the regular meetings of the
Board of Trustees are to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00
p.m., unless otherwise specified by the Board of Trustees.

      Attorney DeWitt congratulated Trustee Mangum and Trustee Nicks as the
2021 President and Vice President of UPL. He also congratulated Trustee Mabry
on doing a wonderful job as President of the Board of Trustees in 2020.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mabry and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adjourn the Board of
Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District’s 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL
REORGANIZATION MEETING held on January 20, 2021 at 7:14 p.m.

the Uniondale Public Library District commenced on Wednesday, January 20,
2021. On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to open the VIRTUAL
District at 7:15 pm. Present were President Mangum, Vice President Nicks, Trustee
Sweet, Trustee Urban and Trustee Mabry. Also present were Secretary Nolan,
Treasurer Wright and Attorney DeWitt. President Mangum called the meeting to
order at 7:15 p.m. Secretary Nolan stated all were present.

       ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA:         On motion duly made by Trustee Urban,
seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
resolved to accept the Agenda of January 20, 2021 as written.

       MINUTES:   On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee
Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to table the
approval of the Minutes of the Virtual Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2020,
Special Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2020 and the Meeting Minutes of
December 16, 2020 for approval at the next Board meeting.

       TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Wright presented a brief overview of the
Treasurer’s Monthly Reports for the General Fund Account and the Capital Fund
Account covering the period December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Mabry and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to accept the Treasurer’s
Report as read subject to audit.
       There were $251,992.10 disbursements for the General Fund Account for
the period covering December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. There were
$2,790.36 disbursements for the Capital Fund Account covering the period
December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

       APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANT and WARRANTS: Director Marin had sent
the Payroll Warrant and Warrants to the Trustees for their review and sign off for
the General Fund Account and the Capital Fund Account for the period
covering December 2020, a Warrant for December 30, 2020, a Warrant for an
electronic payment for the NYS Retirement System for January 6, 2021 and a
Warrant for January 15, 2021. On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded
by Trustee Mabry and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved that
the Payroll Warrant for the General Fund Account and the Capital Fund
Account for the period covering December 2020, a Warrant for December 30,
2020, a Warrant for an electronic payment for the NYS Retirement System for
January 6, 2021 and a Warrant for January 15, 2021.
       PRESIDENT’S REPORT:   President Mangum welcomed the following new
staff to UPL: Ms. Christine Hirsch, Head of Children’s Department, Ms. Kristine
Dugan, Head of Adult Services and the Circulation Clerks: Ms. Lisa Costello and
Ms. Chantal Gratia. He also extended his best wishes on the retirement of full-
time cleaner, Mr. James Carter. He also mentioned he enjoyed participating in
UPL’s Black History virtual program held on January 16, 2021 as part of the Black
Experience in History and Memory. The program’s focus was on the Harlem
Renaissance. President Mangum reported in UPL’s search for a new location, the
Board has made contact with the Director of the Nassau Library System (“NLS”)
regarding the property behind NLS. In addition, the Board will explore the
property (parking Lot) across the street from UPL, which is owned by the Town of
Hempstead. He further stated, the Board has been in touch with Senator Kevin
Thomas and Assemblywoman Taylor Darling to discuss the need to change state
laws in regards to UPL’s Trustee annual election date. UPL was informed by
Senator Thomas and Assemblywoman Darling they would get back to the Board
on this issue possibly by way of a Zoom meeting.

ASST. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Marin reported the following:
Organizational Growth
• Long Range Plans and Accomplishments

         o Maker Space: The Maker Space room must have additional
           ventilation to accommodate 3D printers. A separate exhaust duct
           needs to be installed so the particles and fumes that 3D printers
           emit can be exhausted directly out and not returned back into the
           HVAC system. This will require penetration of the roof and first floor
           with ductwork and installation of an exhaust fan. Before this work
           can start the roof and floor needs to be tested for asbestos as
           legally required. UPL will be soliciting quotes.

         o A new strategic plan of service: UPL needs to develop a new
           strategic plan to effectively meet the NYS newly expanded
           minimum standards. Director Marin met with Nicole Shearer, NLS
           Assistant Director on 12/29/20 for an initial discussion and assistance
           as UPL embarks on this new development. The process is lengthy
           and will stretch over a number of months with various stakeholders

Nassau Library System
  • On 01/06/21 she attended Member Library Director’s meeting.

   •   On 01/12/21 she attended Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting.

UPL Services
   • Contactless Services

         o UPL continues to provide Contactless Service until further notice.

   •   Virtual Services

          o UPL continues to provide virtual reference services, access to digital
            content and various on-line programs aimed at different age

          o Special Library Event: Celebration of Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin
            Luther King Jr.

            To honor of the life and legacy of Dr. King, the library is offering two
            very special virtual programs: Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s -
            Learning from Black Lives Matter on Thursday, January 14, at 7 p.m.
            and Pull Together: musical performance Saturday, January 16, 2021
            3 p.m. Children’s and Teens departments will be offering special
            programs as well.
          o Looking forward to presenting many exciting virtual programs such
            as the Virtual Author’s Visit (Children’s), Lift Every Voice series of
            programs (Teens), and exciting programs and lectures celebrating
            the Black History Month (Adults).

   • Professional Development

          o On 01/14/21 along with a number of UPL staff, she attended virtual
            NYS Annual Report workshop organized by NLS.

          o UPL’s staff continues to attend and participate in numerous virtual
            meetings and workshops.

   •   Meetings

          o UPL’s staff continues to hold virtual Tuesday meetings: bi-weekly all-
            staff meeting, monthly departmental meetings, monthly
            Department Head meetings, and monthly Safety Committee

        Personally, and on behalf of the UPL staff, Director Marin thanked the
Board for recognizing the importance of health and safety of library staff and
patrons during these challenging times. By allowing flexibility in scheduling and
services offered, we were able to move forward or scale backwards
accordingly or depending on the situation. We have been able to avoid closing
the library all together or closing it repeatedly for thorough cleaning and
sanitizing by staying vigilant and proactive. Thank you to our patrons as well for
their patience and continuous support.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to accept the Director
Marin’s Report.

       PUBLIC EXPRESSION: The virtual regular meeting was opened to the public
for comments. The Trustees acknowledged such comments and questions.
     a. Motion to extend the FFCRA benefits for COVID-19 related incidents to
        all employees expiring on March 31, 2021. On motion duly made by
        Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Nicks and unanimously carried by
        all Trustees, it was resolved to extend the FFCRA benefits for COVID-19
        related incidents to all employees expiring on March 31, 2021.
     b. Personnel Actions:
        (i)     Motion to approve a salary increase for Donald Moore, Full-time
                cleaner to $42,000.00, as of January 1, 2021 per union approval.
                On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee
                Mabry and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to
                approve a salary increase for Donald Moore, Full-time Cleaner to
                $42,000.00 as of January 1, 2021 per union approval.
        (ii)    In December 2020, the Board approved an agreement between
                the Library and the Uniondale Public Library Staff Association by
                which   qualifying   Library   employees   were   incentivized   to
                voluntarily separate from employment. In order to get the
                incentive an employee would need to submit an irrevocable
                letter of resignation indicating the last date of employment
                would be December 31, 2020 and execute a general release
                waiving claims against the Library. In exchange for separating
                from employment, the Library would allow the employee to
                immediately commence using leave entitlements, receive a
                payment on or before February 1, 2021 equal to the monetary
                value of the employee’s 2021 vacation allotment paid at the
                value of his/her rate of pay in effect on December 31, 2020, as
                well as any other benefits available pursuant to the collective
                bargaining agreement. This incentive expired on December 15,
                2020. James Carter took advantage of the incentive and has
                provided the executed resignation letter and general release.
        (iii)   Motion to accept resignation due to the retirement of James
                Carter, Full-time Cleaner, as of December 31, 2020. On motion
                duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee Urban and
                unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to accept the
                resignation due to the retirement of James Carter, Full-time
                Cleaner, as of December 31, 2020.
        (iv)    Motion to approve the payment of $6,402.98 to James Carter in
                accordance with the provisions of UPL’s voluntary separation
                incentive. On motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by
                Trustee Urban and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was
                resolved to approve the payment of $6,402.98 to James Carter in
                accordance with the provisions of UPL’s voluntary separation

       Trustee Mabry thanked everyone for their support during her year as
President of the Board of Trustees. She further stated it was a difficult time for
everyone due to COVID-19. She thanked Director Marin for her leadership and
UPL’s staff for their hard work. She also commended UPL’s staff for the plentiful
and interesting online programming. She further thanked the Board members
and Attorney DeWitt for their support.
       President Mangum welcomed Trustee Mabry back for another 5 years. He
thanked Trustee Mabry for her guidance, leadership and hard work.
       Trustee Sweet also thanked Trustee Mabry for her leadership during these
perilous times and congratulated her on being elected to serve another 5-year
term. He thanked Director Marin and UPL’s staff for stepping up to the plate. He
stated he is looking forward to finding new ways to serve the public this year. He
also congratulated President Mangum and Vice President Nicks.
       Trustee Urban thanked Director Marin and UPL’s staff for doing an
excellent job and Trustee Mabry for good leadership. Trustee Urban also
thanked the public for their cooperation.
       Trustee Nicks offered congratulations to President Mangum.

       Thereafter, on motion duly made by Trustee Sweet, seconded by Trustee
Mabry and unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to enter into
EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose to discuss personnel matters involving
individuals at 7:45 p.m.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to move out of EXECUTIVE
SESSION at 8:45 p.m.

       On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Urban and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to re-enter the REGULAR
MEETING at 8:46 p.m.
      On motion duly made by Trustee Urban, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to give wage increases of
3.5% to non-union UPL employees James Gryzbowski, Travis Williams and Aisha
Cooper, as of January 1, 2021.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Nicks and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to give wage increases of 5%
to Joyce L. Nolan, Gerilyn Niebler, Margaret Leimbach and Mara Marin as of
January 1, 2021.

      On motion duly made by Trustee Mabry, seconded by Trustee Sweet and
unanimously carried by all Trustees, it was resolved to adjourn the January 20,
2021 Board of Trustees of the Uniondale Public Library District’s VIRTUAL REGULAR
MEETING at 8:50 p.m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,
                                            Joyce L. Nolan
Director’s Report
February 2021

Organizational Growth
   • Long Range Plans and Accomplishments
          o Maker Space project has encountered a number of obstacles. After consulting with the BBS
             engineer Tim Lieber I was informed that the deadline set for 6/30/21 will not be met. Various,
             unforeseeable construction-related issues as well as the COVID-19 pandemic which put the
             New York area in a long lockdown significantly contributed to this delay. On 2/17 I met with a
             representative of the NYS Department of Education to discuss future steps and will keep the
             Board apprised of the situation.

Government, Civic and Community Outreach
  • On 1/28 I attended a meeting with Assemblywoman Darling, and on 2/5 I attended a meeting with
      Senator Thomas. Both meetings were organized by the UPL Board of Trustees.
  • On 2/10 I attended a news conference outside the Levittown Public Library. The TOH official and a
      number of library directors gathered to mark allocation of approximately $340, 000 in funds from the
      Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) act to aid local libraries. The allocation was
      made possible by funding through the federal CARES Act, which was secured by U.S. Sen. Charles
      Schumer last year.
      The purpose of this money is to make in-person library use safer for our patrons and our staff, and to
      expand digital and virtual access to library materials.
      The Uniondale Public Library is one of seventeen libraries that received the grant money. A rough
      estimate of the funds is $23, 490.00 We are grateful for the TOH for their support.
  • On 2/20 I attended the Great Uniondale Area Action Coalition virtual meeting.
Nassau Library System
   • On 01/17/21 I attended the Member Library Director’s meeting.

UPL Services
  • Contactless Services
         o The Library continues to provide Contactless Service until further notice.
         o At the library’s Safety Committee meeting scheduled for 2/23, the expansion of the library
             services to include in-person visits with limited time and capacity, will be discussed.
  • Virtual Services
         o The library continues to provide virtual reference services, access to digital content and various
             on-line programs aimed at different age groups.
  • Departmental Highlights / Special Library Events
         o This month in honor and celebration of the Black History Month a number of exciting programs
             and lectures were held.
         o Virtual author visit with Jerry Craft, a popular children’s book author and illustrator. His graphic
             novel New Kid was awarded the Newbery Medal, becoming the first graphic novel to receive
             this honor. New Kid also won the Coretta Scott King Author Award, and the Kirkus Prize. He has
             worked on numerous picture books, graphic novels, and middle grade novels. Jerry is the
             creator of Mama’s Boyz, an award-winning syndicated comic strip. He has won five African
             American Literary Awards, and he is a cofounder of the Schomburg Center’s Annual Black
             Comic Book Festival.
             Close to 100 children and adults attended this program. It was delightful to see Mr. Craft talk
             about his art while drawing on the screen at the same time. This program was brought to our
             patrons by librarians in the Children’s Department in collaboration with the Teens department.
             Thank you all for an outstanding program and a very special evening!
         o Adult Book Discussion Becoming by Michelle Obama with our librarian Bob Weiss as discussion
             leader was attended by 12 attendees.
         o Adult Book discussion The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett with Dr. Terry Mangum as discussion
             leader was attended by 26 attendees.
   • Professional Development
          o This month I attended the following workshops: Recent Development in Labor & Employment
            Law, 02/05 The Development of Race and Racism, 2/10 I attended Developing The Next
            Generation of Library Leaders, 2/18 I attended We Are All Technology Librarians Now
          o The library staff continues to attend and participate in numerous virtual meetings and
   • Meetings
          o Our virtual Tuesday meetings are going on as scheduled.

   • Important Upcoming Dates
          o Library Advocacy Day will be held virtually this year on Friday, February 26. There will be
            meetings throughout the day with Nassau's assembly members and senators via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Mara Marin
Adult Services Report
February 2021

Collection Development/Monthly Focus
   • Our mystery section updates and weeding has been completed.
   • My monthly focus continues to be on updating and weeding our general fiction collection
       with an emphasis on anti-racism titles.
   • Collaborative Department Programming
   • The careers and college section is completely updated. We have added many new
       useful career and civil service books.

   •   English Conversation Virtual program: 15
   •   Job Now: 8
   • 6
   •   Total Databases users: 264
   •   Reference Questions Answered: 1,308
   •   Tidio Chat: 11
   •   Total: 1,612

   • 6 Homebound Visits. We have added 2 more homebound patrons to our delivery list.
   • February 9, 2021: Reference Department Meeting

Professional Development
   •   LILRIC Program Attended: Developing the Next Generation of Library Leaders, Book Buzz, (KD)
   •   Strengthen Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Through Self-Paced Learning (DS)
        Be Your Best Self in 2021: Reads to Help You Find Peace, Comfort and Inspiration (DS)
   •   Technology Roundtable (TW)

Reader’s Services Highlights:
   • Travis Williams has created a, "YouTube Video Request Form.” January 2021, we had
       260 views on our YouTube channel. This is an increase of 95% from December!
   •   We have reorganized and updated our magazine subscriptions. Our collection is now
       very diverse and current.
   •   A section for New DVDs has been added to our Website. This is of great value to patrons
       and staff.
   •   We have instituted a new slip for patron’s printouts. This will help organize patron
       emails and prints for each month.
   •   I am excited to report the library had 988 Overdrive checkouts for January! We also
       added 17 new patrons to Overdrive.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristine Dugan
Adult Programming Report
February, 2021

Adult Programming (Virtual)
          • 21 online programs scheduled
          • 266 participants
          • Ongoing programs: Zumba, Yoga and Holistic Yoga

NEW or SPECIAL programs – A seminar Civil Rights Movement by Paul Lauter and a musical
performance Pull Together by Glenn and Susan Manion. In addition, a new technology class Intro to Zoom was

Family Programs
  • - Pull Together, a musical performance

Professional Development
   • Attended UPL staff meetings
   • On, January 13, Attended a virtual workshop on Tax Preparation Programs and Volunteer Income
       Tax Assistance program offered by Long Island Library Resources Council
   • Attended Booklist Webinar: Authors and ARCs Part 1

Adult Programs Highlights
Two virtual programs scheduled for MLK Day celebration: a seminar Civil Rights Movement by Paul
Lauter, the author of "Our Sixties", and a musical performance Pull Together by Glenn and Susan Manion.
Since our patrons have been using virtual platforms, particularly Zoom, to attend all our programs, the Library
offered a technology class Intro to Zoom to give the updates and instructions about using Zoom. In addition, a
workshop on Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Management during the Pandemic was offered by Norwell Health.

Image from December virtual programs:

Civil Rights Movement      Healthy Eating                “Pull Together” performance     Quilting Workshop

Respectfully submitted,
Ilgar Guo
Children’s Report
February 2021

Monthly focus: Anti-racist collection development, Author visit, Departmental programming
collaboration project.

   ● Special Zoom School Visit: Storytime for Martin Luther King Day. California Avenue School.
      Martin’s Big Words read live in virtual assembly by Tamelee Young. Total attended: All classes.
   ● Special Zoom Author Visit: Sophie Escabasse. Graphic novel book discussion, live drawing
      and book giveaway. Hosted by James Grzybowski. Total attended: 28
   ● Reoccurring Live Zoom programs: Amount:7 Total registered: 61 Total attended: 27

   ●   Link Youtube programs: Amount:10. Well attended listed below.
   -   Paper Plate Snowman: 23 views (Lisa Paulo)
   -   Babytime 27 views (Lisa Paulo)
   -   Snowy Owl: 22 views (Tamelee Young)
   -   Author Craft: 39 views (James Grzybowski)
   -   Cake pops 19 views (James Grzybowski)
   -   Sewing Kits 20 views (James Grzybowski)
   -   Paint Party Northern Lights 35 views (James)
   -   Family Moments Game 35 views (Chrissy Hirsch)

   ●   Take & Makes non-registry: Total kits made 192 Total kits used 192
   ●   Take & Makes with registry: Total Registered 110 Total kits used 140
   ● Children’s Department Head Meetings:
          - Collection Development: Anti-racist collection and booklists.
          - Collaborative programming: Gathered four family program ideas to present at our
            Director’s Programming meeting.

Professional Development:
   ● Tamelee Young has attended the following:
          - Mock Newbery, Virtual Create List Training NLS, Baker & Taylor: New Interface
   ● James Grzybowski has attended the following:
          - LILPA LGBT Network's Top 25 LGBTQ-Affirming Children's Books, Mock Newbery
             Presenter, Mock Printz introducing Hoops, CSD meeting as chair, Pop Culture
             Committee meeting.
   ● I’ve attended the following:
          - The Work of Long Island Coalition for the Homeless, Virtual Create List Training NLS,
             State Report NLS, Children’s Dep’t Head meeting NLS, Cradle of Aviation Grant
             meeting, Baker & Taylor: New Interface.

Children’s Highlights:
Tamelee read Martin’s Big Words, at California Avenue School virtual assembly; Image below is from
their Social Media page. Thank you Syntychia for the connection. Thank you Tamelee for a wonderful

Author Sophie Escabasse thanked Uniondale Library in her social media account and posted a drawing
she received from the audience.

Lisa Paulo’s Mitten and Snowperson craft is adorable and parents sent in pictures.

Children are dedicated to James Grzybowski’s Paint Party video series.

Respectfully submitted,
Chrissy Hirsch
You can also read